ICD (Insurance Diagnostic Codes) for Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity EHS Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity If there’s an insurance billing code for a condition…IT’S REAL and should be responded to as the environmental WARNING MESSAGE that it carries! Yes, from the World Health Organization ICD-10 medical code W90.0 and W90.8 ICD-10 Medical Codes for Cause & Effect: EMF / RF Poisoning – World Health Organization [but not limited to – often includes injuries below and one or more of the following: nausea vomiting, seizures, body parts have sensation of burning and/or tingling; tinitus]: https://www.electrosensitivesociety.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/ICD-10-Electromagnetic-Hypersensitivity-1.pdf 1Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity (EHS) and World Health Organization (WHO) 1PART 1: International Classification of Disease and Functioning A. International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10) B. International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) A. International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10): Classification of electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS) requires two or more codes. (The WHO does not use the term “Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity.” Rather they call it, “idiopathic environmental intolerance (IEI) attributed to electromagnetic fields (EMF).” EHS or IEI should be classified under: (1) Cause – Two codes are available for illness/injury resulting from exposure: • W90.0 for exposure to radiofrequency radiation (RFR). Note this includes intermediate frequencies (IF) that flow along wires, microwave radiation (MWR) as well as millimeter waves (mmW). • W90.8 for exposure to other non-ionizing radiation, for example extremely low frequency (ELF) electric and magnetic fields (EMF) and ground current. http://apps.who.int/classifications/icd10/browse/2010/en#/W90 (2) Effects – various classifications are available for the illnesses/injuries caused by the exposure to EMF radiation, for example …[but not limited to – often includes below and one or more of the following: nausea vomiting, seizures, body parts have sensation of burning and/or tingling; tinitus] • ICD-10 G43 for migraine: http://apps.who.int/classifications/icd10/browse/2010/en#/G43 • ICD-10 R42 for dizziness and giddiness: http://apps.who.int/classifications/icd10/browse/2010/en#/R42 • ICD-10 H93.1 for tinnitus: http://apps.who.int/classifications/icd10/browse/2010/en#/H93.1 B. International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF): ICF Checklist – Version 2.1a, Clinician Form for disability benefits, ill-health pensions etc. http://www.who.int/classifications/icf/icfchecklist.pdf?ua=1 You must state your disability in the presence of EMF radiation, e.g.: • “my vision is so badly affected that it would be unsafe for me to take charge of a group of 8 year olds while on a school trip in a busy city”, • “my thoughts become so jammed in the presence of EMF Wi-Fi in the hospital that it would be unsafe for me to administer drugs to my patients in hospital” 1 Based on information provided by ESUK Further details: PART 2: Activity Limitations & Participation Restrictions • Activity is the execution of a task or action by an individual. Participation is involvement in a life situation. • Activity limitations are difficulties an individual may have in executing activities. • Participation restrictions are problems an individual may have in involvement in life situations. • The Performance qualifier indicates the extent of Participation restriction by describing the person’s actual performance of a task or action in his or her current environment. Because the current environment brings in the societal context, performance can also be understood as “involvement in a life situation” or “the lived experience” of people in the actual context in which they live. This context includes the environmental factors – all aspects of the physical, social and attitudinal world that can be coded using the Environmental. • The Performance qualifier measures the difficulty the respondent experiences in doing things, assuming that they want to do them. • The Capacity qualifier indicates the extent of Activity limitation by describing the person’s ability to execute a task or an action. The Capacity qualifier focuses on limitations that are inherent or intrinsic features of the person themselves. These limitations should be direct manifestations of the respondent’s health state, without the assistance. By assistance we mean the help of another person, or assistance provided by an adapted or specially designed tool or vehicle, or any form of environmental modification to a room, home, workplace etc. The level of capacity should be judged relative to that normally expected of the person, or the person’s capacity before they acquired their health condition. PART 3: Environmental Factors • Environmental factors make up the physical, social and attitudinal environment in which people live and conduct their lives. • Qualifier in environment, Barriers or facilitator: 0 No barriers 0 No facilitator 1 Mild barriers +1 Mild facilitator 2 Moderate barriers +2 Moderate facilitator 3 Severe barriers +3 Substantial facilitator 4 Complete barriers +4 Complete facilitator ——END For more information: Free Print: https://free-printable-signs.com/no-cell-phone-sign/ Disability: ICD-10 Medical Codes for Cause & Effect: EMF / RF Poisoning – World Health Organization https://ehtrust.org/international-actions-to-halt-and-delay-5g/ https://ehtrust.org/usa-city-ordinances-to-limit-and-control-wireless-facilities-small-cells-in-rights-of-ways/ https://smombiegate.org/list-of-cities-towns-councils-and-countries-that-have-banned-5g/ https://micstagesuk.com/list-of-cities-towns-councils-and-countries-that-have-banned-5g/ https://ehtrust.org/usa-city-ordinances-to-limit-and-control-wireless-facilities-small-cells-in-rights-of-ways/ https://itchronicles.com/mobile/where-is-5g-available/ https://ndnr.com/neurology/emf-exposure-neuropsychiatric-effects/ *Dr. Magda Havas, PhD Professor Emerita https://magdahavas.com/5g-and-mm-waves/global-emf-monitoring-network-progress-report/ Havas – Discussing the 5G Experiment, November 2019 https://youtu.be/Vh8DNKmDGk0 *Collaborate With: Dr. Pamela Costello, M.D. https://drpamelacostello.com/ Book: Auditory Effects of Microwave Radiation Dr. James C. Lin Book: EMF*D: 5G, Wi-Fi & Cell Phones: Hidden Harms and How to Protect Yourself Dr. Joseph Mercola, M.D. Book: Electromagnetic Radiation Survival Guide Step-by-Step Solutions Dr. Jonathan Halpern, Ph.D. Book: EMF Practical Guide: The Simple Science of Protecting Yourself, Healing Chronic Inflammation, and Living a Naturally Healthy Life in our Toxic Electromagnetic World Lloyd Burrell Book: EMF Freedom: Solutions for the 21st CenturyPollution – 3rd Edition Dr. Elizabeth Plourde Ph.D., Dr. Marcus Plourde, Ph.D. Book: Radiation Nation: Fallout of Modern Technology – Your Complete Guide to EMF Protection & Safety: The Proven HealthRisks of Electromagnetic Radiation (EMF) & What to Do ProtectYourself & Family Daniel and Ryan Debaun Book: Quick & Easy EMF Guide: 99 Tips to Lower Exposure to Harmful Electromagnetic Radiation – Includes Dangers of 5G & Smart Devices Lois Cadwallader, MA with Bill Cadwallader, MBA, EMRS Book: Dirty Electricity: Electrification and the Diseases of Civilization Dr. Samuel Milham, M.D. Book: Riding the Waves: Diagnosing, Treating and Living with Emf Sensitivity Dr. Elizabeth Maxim, Ph.D. Book: The Non-Tinfoil Guide to EMFs: How to Fix Our Stupid Use of Technology Nicolas Pineault Book: All EMF*d Up Anne & Eric Mills Scientific Video: Dr. Gaétan Chevalier, Ph.D. – Biophysicist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q6HnWWTkVPg Earthing Institute – Research Dr. Gaétan Chevalier, Ph.D. – Biophysicist: https://earthinginstitute.net/research/ Video: The Ultimate Performance Enhancer: https://youtu.be/DaLURNiOFOk Edu Lecture: Dr. Devra Davis @ Univ of Melbourn School of Engineering https://ehtrust.org – Dr. Devra Davis, Scientist – ’07 Nobel Peace Prize https://mdsafetech.org/ https://scientists4wiredtech.com/ http://phiremedical.org/ https://newyorkers4wiredtech.com/5g/ https://newyorkers4wiredtech.com/smart-meter-basics/ https://www.emfscientist.org/ https://www.emfsa.co.za/ https://www.saferemr.com/ https://betweenrockandhardplace.wordpress.com/ https://microwavenews.com/ https://www.orsaa.org/ https://www.powerwatch.org.uk/ https://newyorkers4wiredtech.com/smart-electrical-meters/ 911 Firefighters Fight Against Cell Tower: https://mdsafetech.org/2019/09/28/firefighters-fighting-fires-and-now-cell-towers/ International EMF Scientist Appeal for Greater Protection On EMF Exposure: https://emfscientist.org/ ElectricSense Research & ElectricSense My Story of Pain: https://www.electricsense.com/about/ BioInitiative Report Info & 2012 BioInitiative Report on ELF & RF Dangers 2050+ Astronomers’ Appeal: https://astronomersappeal.wordpress.com/ Astronomers’ Appeal Safeguarding from 5G Satellites: https://www.iau.org/science/scientific_bodies/centres/CPS/ Protection from 5G Satellite Constellation Interference: https://ehtrust.org/switzerland-physicians-for-environmental-protection-call-for-public-participation-in-revision-of-the-ordinance-on-protection-against-non-ionizing-radiation/ Switzerland: Physicians for Environmental Protection Against Ionizing Radiation Original Source for Above Information: https://www.diseasemaps.org/electromagnetic-hypersensitivity/top-questions/icd10-icd9-code/ BE PRESENT - THERE IS ONLY ONE CHANCE TO SAVE AMERICA
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Before getting to the video description, this could be ANY county, ANY State in the USA...
Your county, your family's county, the county next to you... This video happens to be produced by District One in Arkansas The county doesn't matter, what matters is that every needs to know, needs to learn is a principle taught in the Civics classes that were removed by the Liberal education system. That principle is this - the collective action of local actions ALWAYS has a national impact. Given most counties are in the same boat, have had the same controlling, divisive, and freedom-limiting actions placed upon them at ALL levels of government, knowing others not only have experienced the same but are having success in their push backs is critical to making that national impact - then you can see that local actions can have a national impact. Many do not know where to start - this is 1 of 2 videos to give you a direction. Becoming involved in your school board meetings is another direction - one of which is have a MAJOR impact not only locally and State-wide but nationally as well. Doing something is better than doing nothing - everything will come to you as you push back, as you learn, as others arrive to back you. Stop looking for excuses why you can't and start seeking reasons why you should... Only one previous generation has been through this before and the Liberal education system is doing as much as they can to make sure you know as little about them as they can permit and what they do permit you to know is so full of lies you become confused - that generation is that of our Founding Fathers. They learned that one can put a 1000 to flight and 2 can put 10,000 to flight, they also learned that 3 or more can form an unbreakable cord... The video description for the second video follows... 2nd video can be seen here: https://www.bitchute.com/video/ZfSIBIqHjRTA/ From the video description We the People First Congressional District Republican Party of Arkansas DistrictOneAR.com It's clear our country is at a tipping point due to pervasive outside influences in our media and politics. This has a direct effect on our legislative, legal, education, financial, election and healthcare systems. If you, like millions of patriots across this country are ready to defend our constitution and moral principles for generations to come, then through our faith in God, it's time to pick a lane and take a stand. This site shows you how to get involved on a local and state level by joining your county committee and also by attending county and district meetings and events. We present simple, yet effective steps on how to run for office and how you can support your fellow constitutionalists in office to make the change we all want to see in the world. Courageous patriots from all four districts in Arkansas and across America have made this a national movement. We are the Party of We the People. In the coming days we will show you steps on how to get involved in your county. To stay connected and receive updates, please join us through this simple contact form. Thank you and God bless you, and God bless America. Mirrored from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JScOP8VFUFQ | District One AR All rights belong to District One AR #BePresent #BeInvolved #TakeAction Comments are open so you can provide - if you know - details as to such services being available in your county and/or State/// See our post How to Make A National Impact at Your Local and State Level for more information... https://decisiveliberty.news/how-to-make-a-national-impact-at-your-local-and-state-level/
Published peer reviewed science already indicates that the current wireless technologies of 2G, 3G and 4G – in use today with our cell phones, computers and wearable tech – creates (create) radio frequency exposures which poses (pose) a serious health risk to humans, animals and the environment. Scientists are cautioning that before rolling out 5G, research on human health effects urgently needs to be done first to ensure the public and environment are protected. CONTINUE... Taking back our immediate environment in a positive and life-centric way is a significant step. --- >>Click here to gain IMMEDIATE ACCESS to the 19-page, 7 Essential Ways to Make Your Home Safe from 5G and EMF Radiation eBook now! When you unlock this gift, you'll also save a seat for the free, online 5G Crisis: Awareness & Accountability Summit taking place on June 1-7, 2020 -- over 40+ experts teaching you more about EMF and 5G dangers and how to implement better solutions in your community! You can truly get started on better health today! [closing salutation] P.S. Don't miss out on Josh del Sol's powerful, 19-page eBook, 7 Essential Ways to Make Your Home Safe from 5G and EMF Radiation grab it now! GET 5G EMF PROTECTION WITH SHUNGITEReports & White Papers of Insurance Industry on Electromagnetic Radiation Health Risks and Liability3/12/2020 Truth Bomb
![]() By Anna Von Reitz This covers two very different topics --- one is a quick referral to all the Doubters out there about the potentially serious consequences of constant exposure to EM radiation. The other is a quick commentary on the Rod Class Case. I like actual factual science and so I am always cruising around looking for it, and amid all the for-pay garbage, it is still quite easy to find on YouTube. Dr. Devra Davis does a bang 'em up job with her presentation made four years ago at the University of Melbourne in Australia, and nothing has changed in four years, except to get worse and more worrisome with the proliferation of 5G. Spend an hour and have all the information you need to shove under the noses of those who think that you are being a Luddite for viewing EM radiation as a potential threat to human health: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BwyDCHf5iCY "The truth about mobile phone and wireless radiation" -- Dr Devra Davis And now on to Rod Class.... Brief background. Rod went to Washington, DC, with a couple of his duly registered guns in a lock box in his registered "motor vehicle" and he was arrested in Washington, DC, for violating their Municipal Code, which forbids bringing "firearms" into the capitol, which is an independent international city-state, authorized under Article I, Section 8, Clause 17. This clause of The Constitution of the United States (that is, the Municipal Constitution) tells us very clearly that this separate and foreign government is a "plenary oligarchy" run by the members of Congress. Period. So, he basically identified himself as a Territorial U.S. Citizen via all his "registrations" which converted his guns into "firearms" and his private car into a "motor vehicle" belonging to the Territorial United States Government, and then he entered the foreign Municipality, which has been at "war" with the Territorial Government since 1861--- and he was amazed when he was arrested under Municipal Law for disturbing the peace. How many of you have seen the Clint Eastwood film, "Unforgiven"? Remember when the town passed the ordinance against bringing guns into town and the Sheriff was responsible for collecting and keeping everyone's guns while they were in town? This is an apt demonstration of Local Law versus Constitutional guarantees. The two things really don't have anything to do with each other if you are talking about independent sovereignty. That little town had the sovereign right of self-government and self-determination, so if the people didn't want to put up with gunfighters whooping it up on Main Street, they had every right to require visitors to deposit their guns with the Sheriff or at some drop-off point outside the city limits. If you don't want to abide by the rule, Mister, keep riding. The only responsibility the town had was to clearly post the requirement, which in the movie, they did by posting a big sign on the only road into and out of town. I don't know what Washington, DC, has done to provide Public Notice of its restrictions on guns, or whether Rod had prior knowledge of those restrictions. What I do know is that Washington, DC, is an independent, international city-state, and the Municipal Congress has plenary authority to establish whatever laws they want to establish for the Municipality of Washington, DC. If they want to outlaw bubble gum, they can. What I also know is that the Municipal Government has been at mostly tongue-in-cheek "war" with the Territorial United States Government since the 1860's, when the Territorial Government adopted the infamous 14th Amendment (or should I say, more properly, 14th By-Law) and declared all Municipal "citizens of the United States" to be criminals, and therefore, slaves, and began waging a campaign to collect war reparations from the Municipal citizenry. Now you can see why the Municipal Police would be up in arms about a Territorial U.S. Citizen coming into Washington, DC, with firearms registered as part of the arsenal of the Territorial Government. Heck, he might be there to take revenge for Bull Run. Ridiculous as this is, this is the imaginary situation these folks are playing with, and here's Rod Class, Joe American, without a clue that this is going on, relying on his constitutional guarantees, totally unaware that he is entering foreign territory, unaware of the Municipal Law, unaware that he is himself not being recognized as an American State Citizen thanks to all the Territorial registrations attached to him, unaware that U.S. Citizens are "the Enemy" in a long-vanished war, unaware that his guns are classed as "firearms" and that he is engaged in transporting them across state lines (a city-state is a form of state), unaware that so far as the Municipal Police are concerned, he is a dangerous hombre and probably intent on shooting up Main Street. So, then, Rod, still clueless as to what he is messing with, spends what? Five years messing around with the Municipal COURTS arguing about his constitutional rights (which so far as they are concerned, don't exist because he appears to be registered as a U.S. Citizen, and his car is registered and his guns are registered, too) and trying his best to get down to brass tacks and find out what kind of COURT this is? And under what law it operates? He and over 2,000 court observers discover that the Municipal COURT is prosecuting him as an Enemy at war, under Title 50, 3 (23), and are determinedly throwing the book at him. Well, why not? Have I not told everyone within ear-shot of a foghorn and the FM grid that the only part of Federal Code ever adopted by the Municipal Government was Title 50? Have I not told everyone that the exemption for American State Nationals and American State Citizens is at Section 7 (c) and (e) of the 2012 iteration of 50 USC? And have I not told everyone that you have to declare and record your political status as an American State National/State Citizen, otherwise, you are being mis-identified as a U.S. Citizen (by the Municipal Government) or as a Municipal "citizen of the United States" (by the Territorial Government)? See how they set this cozy little "war" between themselves up, so that they could both prey upon us? Anyway, so Rod and his Court Observers finally delve down to "discover" these facts and see for themselves that he is being ruthlessly prosecuted under the Common Law of War, which is basically no law at all, when in fact, as an American State National, he should be afforded The Law of Peace. The problem is that he has not identified himself as an American and he has no admissible evidence established on the public record of his political status as an American, and he has not claimed The Law of Peace and he has not claimed his exemption, so of course, they are proceeding against him as the dirty, lily-livered Yankee sneak they "presume" he is..... intent on entering the Municipality and single-handedly ransacking it with a deer rifle.... It's easy for me to laugh, the whole prospect is so preposterous, but, nonetheless, that's what they are doing, and, moreover, that is what they have published that they are doing. Rod and Company have gone so far as to deduce that they are being prosecuted under the Trading With the Enemy Act as Amended by the Emergency Banking Acts of 1933/34. And they have loudly proclaimed that "we" are being attacked as the Enemy under the War Powers Act, without taking into account who "we" are. Or who they are being mistaken for, either. American State Nationals and American State Citizens are exempt from all this grim silliness, but until you declare your political status as an American, you are "presumed" to be some species of Federal "US" Citizen, still fighting the Civil War. What adds an extra cherry on the top effect of all this, is that this "war" between Territorial United States Citizens and Municipal "citizens of the United States" is completely cynical and actually one-sided. The Territorial United States is ruled by Queen, acting as the Overseer of the Commonwealth for the Pope---- so the Pope, through the Queen, owns and operates the Territorial United States indirectly. And the Pope also charters the Municipal United States directly, so he owns and operates that, too. So we have the spectacle of both sides being played against the unsuspecting "Middle" -- that's us, the clueless Third Parties --- by two sides that are both actually owned and operated by the Pope. The Territorial Government purposefully misidentifies us and attacks us as Municipal citizens. And the Municipal Government purposefully misidentifies us and attacks us as Territorial Citizens. And they make out like bandits --- literal bandits--- promoting this fraud, simply because great men like Rod Class can't imagine that their history teachers left out "mission critical, need-to-know information". So the Vermin threw their books at Rod Class, and he is looking at ten (10) years and $250,000.00 fine, plus all the court costs. The information he has brought forward and proven has been purchased at an unimaginably dear price, and could have been had for the cost of reading my blog articles. Now his worried friends are facing the prospect of a Supreme Court challenge, which will be useless and unlikely to be heard. After all, the Municipal Government is a plenary oligarchy under the Constitutions, no matter which Constitution you read. And I am his friend, and I am worried, too,--- that he will spend more of his life and his money and everything else, fighting this out to the bitter end (and it will be bitter, if he keeps going at it as he is). So, if I were Rod Class, here is what I would do: I would investigate, in depth, the ways and means that the Municipality has used or failed to use to publicize its "no guns" policy. Mostly likely, they have not done a good job of that, and Rod would have basis to claim that he simply wasn't told that it was against the rules to bring a gun into Washington, DC. Then, I would go to "my" state-of-state Congressional Delegation and lay out the facts, including the fact that I didn't actually cause any harm or brandish any firearms, and ask for "Congressional Clemency" and forgiveness for my unintentional and uninformed lapse. They have the ability, as Oligarchs, to call up the judge in the case and say, "Hey, Jimmy, one of my Rubes, a guy named Rod Class, came in from the hinterlands and got arrested for having a deer rifle in a lock box in the back of his truck. Slap his hands and let him go with a warning, and oh, a $300 fine. That will be good enough." And that's what will happen, because as Oligarchs, they have the power to do that within the Municipality of Washington, DC. No questions asked. But beyond this bunch of flying factoids--- don't forget. It's the Pope and the Queen pulling the strings of this Punch and Judy Show, and though the members of the Territorial Congress may play Punch and the members of the Municipal Congress may play Judy, they are all just puppets in the hands of the Pope, who at the end of the day is the "Person" on Earth responsible for all this crime and mis-administration. The Pope could turn to the Queen and say, "Hey, Lizzie, let's give it up and make amends. Stop the phony war against the Americans. Let them issue some kind of Peace Treaty ending the Civil War over there and play it straight from now on." And the Queen would agree, because, after all, when it comes to administration of Commonwealth properties, she takes her orders from the Pope. These facts and many more need to be brought to the Pope's attention and to the attention of the members of the United Nations Organizations and to the people of the Earth, so they get the message along with all the still-half-asleep and clueless Americans. Good people. Brave people. Stubborn people like Rod Class. The American People don't deserve to be abused in any way, by any Pope or any British Queen. They both already owe us debts that can never be repaid, but as they stand accused before the entire world for this pitiless and ridiculous racketeering, they can pull in their horns and start trying. ---------------------------- See this article and over 2300 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com ![]() By Anna Von Reitz I am rushing to get this done and out on a very busy day because I want it to go viral and I want all of you to know this VERY IMPORTANT conclusion of our research --- there is a cause of every disease and illness, and perhaps even death. The superficial cause is toxemia -- the build up of toxins in our blood. The actual cause, however, is lack of oxygen and things that screw up our ability to use oxygen at a cellular level. Period. Read that again. There is a single underlying cause of all disease and that actual cause is: lack of oxygen and things that screw up our ability to use oxygen at the cellular level. The resulting toxemia kills us, but it is the lack of oxygen that allows and promotes the toxemia. How do I know this and know it for certain? It's a combination of research studies and clinical results, epidemiology, a long, long trail of things that should be present and aren't, relationships between the causes and effects and the timing of causes and effects over time, research I was party to forty years ago------ and the present virus scare that made me go back and revisit all the above. Don't be afraid of the corona virus. We know how to beat the virus. Be afraid of the vaccine. The South Koreans have already beaten the corona virus with simple oxygen therapy --- and that, too, is part and parcel of the story. That said, let's review the recently accumulated, re-accumulated, and re-integrated facts: 1. Electromagnetic fields are known to adversely affect porphyrins, which are pigment enzymes (special proteins that enable chemical reactions) which means that these proteins are light sensitive. They can "perceive" EM energy, so that is why are impacted by EM fields. 2.The effect of EM fields on these special proteins hobbles their ability to produce "Heme" -- the vital part of hemoglobin that allows it to attach to and carry oxygen throughout the body. A portion of our hemoglobin is disabled outright and a portion is normal and a portion is crippled, but still functioning to a degree. 3. So raw "un-modulated" EM fields, which are what we are bathed in 24/7, inhibit the ability of our blood to carry oxygen to our tissues and cells, which then interferes with everything else. 4. The more we are exposed to high intensity EM, the more severely our blood and its oxygen-carrying capacity is impacted. There is the real danger of 5G and the reason it kills whether it is overtly weaponized or not. 5. This is why chronic diseases are the great scourges of industrialized societies worldwide --- cancer, diabetes, and coronary disease --- were virtually unknown a hundred years ago --- and only became common in tandem with the expansion of the electrical grid. There's your cause and your effect. 6. Cancer is known to shrivel up and die in the presence of oxygen, and if you look a bit deeper into the disease mechanisms of diabetes and coronary and arterial diseases, you will see that lack of oxygen and lack of complete oxidation--- resulting in the build up of toxic waste products--- is central to both those diseases as well. 7. At the same time that EM exposure is wreaking silent havoc with our blood and blood's ability to carry oxygen, oxygen levels in the atmosphere are being depleted at a frightening rapid rate, having lost 5% of the total atmosphere in the past sixty years. This is a double whammy. 8. Not only is our ability to capture and use oxygen being harmed, but there is less oxygen available as a result of deforestation and pollution of the oceans and large fresh water lakes. 9. The fact that South Korea has been able to cure corona virus via the use of simple oxygen therapy simply adds the icing to the cake of conclusions we've drawn here. 10. This also explains why Keshe water (GANS) kills the corona virus and "resets" the EM balance. Go to YouTube now and watch Keshe's DIY called "One Cup, One Life". Our body's metabolism and immune functions are both crippled by lack of oxygen. Certain idiot factions have promoted and profited from this circumstance, have obscured and suppressed this information for their own enrichment, and those same elements, including B.Gates, know how to modulate the EM radiation to gain health benefits from it, instead of being harmed by it. But they are sitting mum as stumps and planning to profit from the death and misery of millions of people. This can only be considered a form of criminal psychopathy. Especially because EM fields can be modulated at little cost to promote health instead of disease --- if health was the goal of these monsters. There is an even darker and more sinister reality involved here and it is the research I was involved in at the University of Wisconsin forty years ago that prompts this insight. At that time, we had the ability to reverse 36 out of 38 basic parameters of aging in rats. We could and did take very elderly rodents, shoot them up with a chemical cocktail, and have them back, zipping around their cages and mazes like youngsters - and that was forty years ago, but two factors eluded us. The rats all eventually succumbed to toxemia of one kind or another. Their blood went bad. Two factors explain why ---- (1) unnatural exposure to un-modulated EM fields in the controlled laboratory conditions, lack of oxygen, leading to incomplete oxidation, and build up of waste products, and (2) lack of biotin, one of the then-barely known or noted B Vitamins. Biotin cleans up the most dreadfully polluted water --or blood-- and does so in no time, if there is access to oxygen. What are the odds that B. Gates and their ilk have discovered the secret of "eternal life" short of being throttled by the rest of us? With access to sufficient oxygen, they avoid all the diseases and problems that plague the rest of the world, and with access to biotin, they have the means to clean up any toxemia that did develop. Then, indeed, the world would face an overpopulation problem, but not because of natural population expansion. The overpopulation would be driven by these selfish, profit-driven, more-than-half-insane criminally psychopathic creatures not dying at their appointed time. And they and their kind would eventually proliferate at the expense of the compassionate and sane. ---------------------------- See this article and over 2300 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com also see: Raw unmodulated electromagnetic radiation impacts your red blood cells - Get the Picture -- Make It Viral - ![]() By Anna Von Reitz Confucius says a picture is worth a thousand words. So look--- Raw unmodulated electromagnetic radiation impacts your red blood cells in numerous ways, but principally by interfering with porphyrins that form hemoglobin, with cell connectivity, and with cell metabolism. These changes make it harder for cells to use oxygen, which is already depleted in our atmosphere. Take a look at these photos from the gr8Solutions.com website: https://gr8solutions.com/categories/EMF-Protection/ I am asking Paul to post a "poster" with this information on my website, and hope that everyone who has a website will follow suit. Put simply, the raw electromagnetic radiation from our power plants and electrical grid and radio transmitters and now, microwave towers, have known health consequences that first appeared more than a century ago. Now you can literally see the problem. Vastly increased incidence of coronary disease, diabetes, and cancer arrived in tandem with the deployment of the electrical grid. This was documented at the time, but Big Business --- the Utilities, Big Pharma, and AMA --- shoved the facts aside. Their cash cows were at stake. So are your lives. EM radiation can be modified and modulated to have beneficial effects instead of the harmful ones being produced today, but little or no effort is being made to provide systemic correction. There’s no profit incentive to the utility companies to protect their customers ---and both Big Pharma and the AMA make a large percentage of their profits off these EM-induced diseases. Go figure. It will take mammoth public awareness and outcry to change this picture. http://annavonreitz.com/bloodpicture.pdf Also see: EMF -5G Connection - All Roads Lead to Oxygen
5G Danger: 13 Reasons 5G Wireless Technology Will Be a Catastrophe for Humanity EMF -5G Connection - All Roads Lead to Oxygen Rod Class and The Truth About EM Exposure also see: Raw unmodulated electromagnetic radiation impacts your red blood cells - Get the Picture -- Make It Viral - What the insurance underwriters’ documents say Although I’ll leave you to read the comments thread (on the link given above) for yourself, I reproduce this contribution that I left (one of three): Forget the science. Don’t worry who the scientists are. Let’s just look at the COMMERCIAL aspect and read Lloyds of London’s clause that refuses to underwrite any health claims against the telecom industry: From the Lloyd’s of London policy: “Exclusions (starting on Page 6 of policy, Page 7 of pdf): We will not a) make any payment on your behalf for any claim, or b) incur any costs and expenses, or c) reimburse you for any loss, damage, legal expenses, fees or costs sustained by you, or d) pay any medical expenses: … 32. Electromagnetic fields (General Insurance Exclusions –Page 7 of policy): directly or indirectly arising out of, resulting from or contributed to by electromagnetic fields, electromagnetic radiation, electromagnetism, radio waves or noise.” Lloyd’s of London excludes any liability coverage for claims; “Directly or indirectly arising out of, resulting from or contributed to by electromagnetic fields, electromagnetic radiation, electromagnetism, radio waves or noise.” (Exclusion 32) This information is from CFC Underwriting Limited, which is a Lloyd’s of London underwriter (page 12-13 of policy document, page 13-14 of pdf), and was posted by Citizens for Safe Technology: [This] is a recent renewal policy which, as of Feb. 7, 2015, excludes any coverage associated with exposure to non-ionizing radiation. In response to clarification, this response was received on Feb. 18, 2015 from CFC Underwriting LTD, London, UK agent for Lloyd’s: “‘The Electromagnetic Fields Exclusion (Exclusion 32) is a General Insurance Exclusion and is applied across the market as standard. The purpose of the exclusion is to exclude cover for illnesses caused by continuous long-term non-ionising radiation exposure i.e. through mobile phone usage.” http://www.citizensforsafetechnology.org/Lloyds-of-London-excludes-coverage-for-RFEMR-claims,2,4168 The policy document is here Source: https://digitalsurvivor.uk/2019/04/10/is-it-true-that-insurers-wont-touch-5g/ Stop 5G resources Important links to Government |
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