To: All Concerned and All Recipients of FINAL NOTICE - February 3, 2014 Final Judgment and Civil Orders Updated: October 14, 2014 - 2 An example of the deception: When you applied for a “marriage license” a private, for-profit franchise of the UNITED NATIONS doing business as the STATE OF____________ claimed a custodial ownership interest in your marital relationship and the products resulting from it. On the basis of your own signature, this entity secretively claimed to own you, your wife, and your children as chattel. According to them, when you apply for a marriage license, the nature of the marriage contract changes and becomes a "civil contract". 1 "Marriage is a civil contract to which there are three parties - the husband, the 2 wife and the state." Van Koten v. Van Koten. 154 N.E. 146. 3 Did you ever intend to give a foreign privately owned corporation merely calling 4 itself the STATE OF_____________permission to distribute your assets in a 5 divorce, force you to pay alimony and child support, and to seize custody of your 6 minor children under armed force? 7 Were these results of signing a “marriage license” ever disclosed to you by the 8 STATE? Did the STATE disclose its identity and nature, as a franchise of a 9 foreign, for-profit, privately owned corporation? 10 You were never required to have a marriage license to be lawfully married----but 11 was that fact ever fully disclosed to you by the STATE? 12 You have the absolute right to rescind your signature from any contract that 13 was not fully disclosed to you. Such a contract is null and void, as if it never 14 existed at all, and all payments and other asset distributions exercised under it are 15 subject to return to the lawful owner(s), plus reasonable interest. 16 You are not obligated by any contract obtained under conditions of fraud, 17 deceit, or non-disclosure. The STATE is culpable for its failure to disclose. 18 Any demand that you produce a “marriage license” as a prerequisite to access 19 services and benefits to which you are otherwise entitled---such as medical 20 insurance coverage for your spouse --- are illegal monopoly inducements. 21 This is just the tip of the iceberg. Continue... VIEW All MARRIAGE LAWS LAWFUL VS. LEGAL Posts
Lawful: That which is created by the People under Common Law, to uphold “right and wrong” and “justice”, and containing the precepts of Common Law: To live honourably, to hurt nobody, to render to everyone his/her due. Case Law. Trial by Jury. De jure. The Law of the Land. Legal: That which is created by government Legislation for the purpose of governing Legal Persons of every artificial kind. The rules and regulations of Statutory Acts, forming contracts by consent. Having the “colour of law”. Commercial. De facto. The Law of the Sea. The following explanatory is by Judge Anna Von Reitz: The Law of the Land in the Western World is based on the Mosaic Law of the Bible, which is common to Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. The Ten Commandments are the basis of the Law of the Land, which in this country is American Common Law. The Constitution is also formed under Common Law and is called the “Law of the Land” by the Federal Government to distinguish it as the “law” that they must obey when dealing with us, the people of the United States, and our unincorporated states on the land known as the States of America. Justices, popularly called “judges” in our Common Law Courts are NOT members of any Bar Association, do not hold any titles of nobility, and serve as either Magistrates (as when a Justice of the Peace performs a marriage) or Members of the Court (as when they pronounce the sentence required by the Trial Jury). Common Law Justices aka “Judges” do not instruct juries in the sense of telling them what to do or in the sense of interpreting the Law — that is the job of the juries — justices serve as a resource if juries have questions about court procedures and that sort of thing, but they do not interfere with or direct or seek to influence the juries in their determinations. Common Law Justices take their instructions from juries, both Grand Juries and Trial Juries. The Law of the Sea is international in nature and is based on the Law Merchant derived from the Code of Hammurabi (Maritime “Commercial” Law) and the Law of the Sea (Admiralty) which derived from the Satanic Law of Sumeria and the Phoenicians — the source of the word “phony”. This is the “legal” system of the sea jurisdiction as opposed to the “lawful” system of the land. As you might expect, the Law of the Sea is based on deceit, as it derives from the worship of the Father of All Lies. The judges in these courts are either business administrators or acting as priests of the Crown Temple. They are required to be Bar Association attorneys by the rules of their Jural Societies called Bar Associations and have taken Oaths of Nullification, known as the Kol Nidre, which according to the underlying religion of the Sea allows them to void any agreement they make, break their word with impunity and act deceitfully (commit fraud) without consequence. These characters “simulate” judicial proceedings so as to — in their own words in the Federal Code of Civil Procedure — give an “appearance” of justice. These judges use juries as props in a play, and basically bully and “direct” juries to deliver whatever outcome the judge wants. Law of the Land = Our Father, Law of the Sea = Lucifer. There is also the Law of the Air, which is global in jurisdiction, and ecumenical. It has only three laws: keep the peace, do no harm, treat others as you would like to be treated yourself. If you obey these Laws of the Air, you automatically fulfill all other laws and stand above any other form of law. Source Also See: |
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