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by David E Robinson
Stop foreclosure with a question. The Magic Question that will debunk any foreclosure is this: Ask this questions in court. "Should the one who funded the loan be the one who is repaid the money debt?" It the answer is Yes or No, the bank must zero our the false debt on their fraudulently created none-existent loan. There was no lawful loan made by the bank to the so-called borrower. All bankers, politicians, and judges know this truth, and they fear the wrath of the public should their dirty secret ever become known my a critical mass of the people that they have for decades been defrauding. The so-called borrower. Bankers will not answer this question in any courtroom in the world because they know that the borrower is the one who actually funded the loan. They also know that the evidence of this fact can easily be found in the bookkeeping loan entries of the bank. According to GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles). ORDER
Stop foreclosure with a question. The Magic Question that will debunk any foreclosure is this: Ask this questions in court. "Should the one who funded the loan be the one who is repaid the money debt?" It the answer is Yes or No, the bank must zero our the false debt on their fraudulently created none-existent loan. There was no lawful loan made by the bank to the so-called borrower. All bankers, politicians, and judges know this truth, and they fear the wrath of the public should their dirty secret ever become known my a critical mass of the people that they have for decades been defrauding. The so-called borrower. Bankers will not answer this question in any courtroom in the world because they know that the borrower is the one who actually funded the loan. They also know that the evidence of this fact can easily be found in the bookkeeping loan entries of the bank. According to GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles). ORDER
** Remedy For US Citizen**
Exit Babylon
Protect Your Assets With A Natural Law Trust
**Remedy For Those That Have Changed/Corrected Your Political Status**
If you are an American State Citizen or American State National, you were always owed exemption from paying mortgages, federal taxes, loans of credit (because you were the source of all that credit, unbeknownst to you), utility bills, college tuition, etc., etc., etc.
Continue Below...
If you are an American State Citizen or American State National, you were always owed exemption from paying mortgages, federal taxes, loans of credit (because you were the source of all that credit, unbeknownst to you), utility bills, college tuition, etc., etc., etc.
Continue Below...
The American States Assemblies
Differences between being American and being a U.S. Citizen
How to Correct Your Political Status and Why
The One Page DeclarationGet started on your way to becoming an American State National or American State Citizen!
[Once You Have Corrected Your Political Status]
Pay Attention! -- If You Want to Save Your Butts!
Private Indemnity Bond

By Anna Von Reitz
Apparently a lot of people didn't notice or didn't pay attention or didn't know what it meant when I told everyone that I had established a Private Indemnity Bond at the U.S. Treasury covering every state of the Union---- but that is critical information to have branded on your foreheads in the days to come. The UNITED STATES, INC. is in liquidation. The Bankruptcy Trustees are going to try to liquidate, sell, tax, or otherwise raise funds off of all the franchises of the UNITED STATES, INC. This includes the STATE OF MINNESOTA and CRAWFORD COUNTY, MINNESOTA, and JOHN MICHAEL DOE, too.
When your land deeds and car titles and mortgages are all in the NAME OF a UNITED STATES franchise, what do you think is going to happen? You are going to be "assumed to be a surety" and "collateral" for the debts of all these fictitious entities, and the secondary creditors---- banks and foreign investors--- are going to be howling for your blood and for the auctioning off of your assets to pay the bills of the UNITED STATES.
Get it?
This is a repeat of what FDR did back in the 1930's only worse. This time the rotten bastards want it all. They want the copyright to your name, they want your DNA, they want your body, your house, your business, your land---- anything that is "assumed" to belong to the JOHN MICHAEL DOE version of your NAME. See "Power to Sell -- The Latest Land Grab". If you are like most people, you had no idea that any such secretive claim against you or your assets existed and unless you have been reading the news posted here, this is going to catch you blind-sided. You are not going to know what to do and you are not going to have anything in place to defend yourself--- UNLESS--- you remember that you and your property are indemnified against loss. How, why, by whom?
By me and by my team because we were awake and got things in place for you. Just as neighbors, we did all the work so that at this crucial moment in history, you could remember in which state you were born and write the following: "Held under Private Indemnity Bond AMRI00001 RA393427640US Montana" ----or the same numbers and whatever your birth state is, on your land deeds, vehicle titles, or any other property assets they come after and try to seize. AMRI00001 RA393427640US Alaska AMRI00001 RA393427640US Alabama AMRI00001 RA393427640US Arkansas..... This is your "Home Free" Card, your indemnity policy, your means to rebut all and any claims that come addressed against actual assets held in the ALL CAPITAL LETTERS NAMES.
Please do all that you can to help and inform your friends and neighbors and countrymen.
I have given specific instructions for those facing sudden huge "tax" bills, and "Notices of Power to Sell" and similar demands being made against their homes and land holdings in the article called: "Power to Sell" -- The Latest Land Grab.
P.S. --- Use the Private Indemnity Bond to Protect Your Bank Accounts and IRA's and 401K's, too.
Inform the banks and IRA / 401K managers via Registered Mail that your accounts are private accounts and are held under Private Registered Indemnity Bond AMRI00001 RA393427640US - Your Home State. -----------------------------
See this article and over 600 others on Anna's website here:
To support this work look for the PayPal button on this website.
I have given specific instructions for those facing sudden huge "tax" bills, and "Notices of Power to Sell" and similar demands being made against their homes and land holdings in the article called: "Power to Sell" -- The Latest Land Grab.
P.S. --- Use the Private Indemnity Bond to Protect Your Bank Accounts and IRA's and 401K's, too.
Inform the banks and IRA / 401K managers via Registered Mail that your accounts are private accounts and are held under Private Registered Indemnity Bond AMRI00001 RA393427640US - Your Home State. -----------------------------
See this article and over 600 others on Anna's website here:
To support this work look for the PayPal button on this website.
The Situation, the Ledger, and You

By Anna Von Reitz
If you are an American State Citizen or American State National, you were always owed exemption from paying mortgages, federal taxes, loans of credit (because you were the source of all that credit, unbeknownst to you), utility bills, college tuition, etc., etc., etc.
What was supposed to happen was that when these bills were presented to you, you were supposed to receive a "Mutual Offset Credit Exchange". They were supposed to credit your account against debts they already owed you.
Jim owes you ten, you owe him five, so you agree to write off five of what he owes you and that cancels your debt to him entirely.
That's what was supposed to happen.
Instead, the politicians dreamed up this identity theft fraud scheme in which your credits were blocked using the excuse that you were "presumed dead" and converted into a "United States Citizen" or a "Citizen of the United States" and therefore not owed exemption.
The criminals then forced you to pay full boat for everything plus interest.
Your actual work and goods were exchanged under monopoly inducement for pieces of paper underwritten by your own credit, and at the end of the day, the Perps declared bankruptcy and skated away, leaving you to hold the bag. Twice. They did this in 1907 and 1933 and each time, the American States and People took it in the shorts.
Now the actual billing has been discovered and the web of deceits and Bad Faith underlying it, too.
The Department of Defense has "discovered" $21 trillion in credit that is owed to you --- credit that you and your ancestors are owed that you never received. That amount almost exactly equals their "National Debt".
Guess why?
Now the same Bad Actors are trying to force you to convert to an asset-backed system in order to snuff their own debt. "Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!"
Instead, what needs to happen is for all that credit to be applied and the bookkeeping done, while at the same time allowing us to translate credit as needed into asset-backed currencies.
Some of you have asked about Peter of England's Debt Eradication Vouchers -- these would transfer credit from the DOD stockpile to offset debts owed by American State Nationals and American State Citizens. Every credit thus transferred would reduce the US National Debt by the same amount.
It is basically all bookkeeping that was conveniently left undone and remedy that was fraudulently withheld from the American People for the better part of a hundred years, so that the perpetrators could afford to wage wars and have vast slush funds which they used to buy politicians and controlling interest in the stock market and to set up the Exchange Stabilization Fund to rig the world currency markets and to do all sorts of other nefarious things.
So the Debt Eradication Vouchers would take care of one part of the need and provide a means of settling all mortgages and college loans and that sort of thing. A special Credit Card could be issued to pay ongoing medical expenses and utility bills. All of that would be a tremendous relief.
But above and beyond that, there needs to be a means set up to translate credit into asset-backed currencies, so that we can participate in the world economy on our own terms. Certainly, we don't need or want to convert 100% of the credit owed to us into asset-backed currencies, but we do want to be able to do that, too.
So this is why the concept of the International Trade Bank makes so much sense. You can have a shadowbank (aka Private Commercial Bank) on one side of the institution cancelling debt using the Vouchers and issuing credit to pay off ongoing bills, and an asset-backed system bank on the other side of the institution --- all under one roof, but not commingling --- with a "Sister Account" that receives lawfully converted credit as asset-backed money.
This allows both systems to function and to repay credit in real time and to convert credit to asset-based money in real time---both as needed. This, then, allows for a much smoother and easier transition process for everyone as it spreads worldwide.
However, to reclaim your credit(s) and vouchers and set up such a system requires that you participate and reclaim your American State National/American State Citizen status.
Every American who completes the paperwork to return their Good Name to the land and soil of an American State is "eligible" for repayment credit. All members of our actual State Assemblies will-- by definition-- be eligible.
This doesn't mean that others who are currently working for the Federal Government and/or acting as US Citizens of some kind will be permanently shut out --- but they will have to go by a different pathway or will probably have to wait until they separate from Federal Employment.
We are in the process of setting up a computerized system to allow you to "log in" to confirm your eligibility and your interest in setting up a credit/asset account with our international trade bank as described above.
The American States Assemblies
See this article and over 1600 others on Anna's website here:
Mortgage Fraud / Land Grab Remedies
Mortgage Fraud, Political Status and Law, Or, Stop Being Stupid Part 15
American National Mortgage Foreclosure Moratorium
For America and the Middle Eastern Countries
Dear Lucretia --- Mortgage Relief -- and The Rest of the Story
The Bilateral Banking System

By Anna Von Reitz
Just as we lost a third of our intended governmental structure in the wake of the Civil War, we lost half of our banking structure, too.
Imagine that. Most of the International Trade Banks which had dominated the banking world for centuries, shut down, and quietly, over the ensuing decades, more and more of them closed their doors.
The rapid initial strike against the Trade Banks and then, the gradual demise of the remainder, was caused by a dirty military and political alliance that realized that commercial banks, once "set free" of the "moral conscience" of the Public Law, would be able to do things --- mostly coercive and dishonest --- but highly profitable, that the International Trade Banks could never do.
Commercial banks which function under global commercial law predating the Christian Era can get away with whatever they can get away with, even things that are patently illegal, unlawful, immoral and reprehensible --- like the "securitization" of living flesh, and palming off private debts of public vendors as "mortgages", and impersonating living people as corporations --- PERSONS.
Just to name a few.
Public bankruptcy fraud schemes, "Special Purpose Vehicle" bonds, you name it. If the commercial banks are allowed to get away with it, they will.
Beginning in 1865 in America, the commercial banks had a smorgasbord of incredible opportunities that were only expedited by the innocence, gullibility, and honesty of their American victims. First, they had the Public Lands and Negro Citizenship scams culminating in the first great public bankruptcy scam in 1906-07. Next, they hit the jackpot with FDR, and his "consecration" of the Municipal citizenry as slaves, securitized as PERSONS, and bought and sold via clearinghouse certificates. This was followed by an even more lucrative public bankruptcy scam in 1933-34 --- and the Second World War, which the same Americans were tapped to pay for, under the Marshall Plan.
Americans never really learned to deal with the commercial banks, because they still believed that they were dealing with international trade banks, which are obligated to function under the Public Law.
The game, the rules, the identities, the forms of law, everything was changed, but nobody bothered to tell the American people ---- which left them helpless, confused, and tattooed with a target on their backs.
All this fraud, all this criminality, all the illegal and unlawful confiscation of earnings and property assets, all the graft, all the political corruption was fueled and funneled and whipped into a frenzy by the commercial banks --- and they were allowed to do this, because the original bilateral banking system was largely destroyed 160 years ago by the Bank of England, the Bank of Scotland,
and their sister banks in France, together with their Insurance Company allies, all serving to co-opt the American Military and politicians of the Belle Epoch Era.
The men who did this to us are all long dead. The sins of the Forefathers have indeed stretched to the third and fourth generation.
We are left with the wreckage of a world economy devastated by the ravages of commercial banks and with genocide perpetuated by these same banks and insurance companies against their Priority Creditors --- the Brits and the hapless, clueless, innocent Americans. It was the Jews and Germans last time. Before that, the French and Spanish.
The most succinct explanation was offered by a cartoon made in 1930 describing the current situation, quote: "The people who own your banks own your hospitals, too."
We might add that, thanks to bilking you for six generations, they own all the big tech and big media corporations, too.
So, what to do while we are dying?
Obviously, warn the Chinese that they are next.
And, revive the bilateral bank system, that our Forefathers mandated, and which could have saved us all from the miseries of World War I, World War II, and the purposeful genocide now in progress in America and Britain and throughout the former Commonwealth.
And, dream of a world completely free of these evils forevermore.
See this article and over 3200 others on Anna's website here:
To support this work look for the PayPal buttons on this website.
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The Big Fraud in Very Simple Terms

By Anna Von Reitz
There are still a lot of people "not getting it".
So, I am going to use a very simple example that most people are familiar with.
Please bear in mind, that this is just one example and the same basic principles apply in many other situations.
You are a young man with a growing family. You have been living in an apartment. You have a good steady job and so does your wife. You decide to "apply for a home loan" ---- right? Typical story.
You assume, naturally, that when you go to the bank, they are going to loan you money to buy a home, just as banks and credit unions used to do it prior to 1934.
But in 1934, something changed and nobody told you.
Since 1934, instead of loaning you money to buy a home which you then have to pay back, something entirely different has been going on.
Since 1934, the banks have had no money to lend. They can only lend credit.
So what happens?
Instead of loaning you money, they developed a system to loan you your own credit.
They are soliciting for you to loan them your home as an asset that they can borrow against and use as collateral.
Thanks to the "Federal Reserve" scheme, the banks can loan 7 to 10 times more credit than your home is worth on the current market.
So say that your home is worth $200,000. They create $1.4 to 2 million in credit based on your asset.
What is supposed to happen is that you are supposed to receive your home free and clear, plus monthly payments made to an escrow account as your reward for loaning them your asset.
That's right. They are supposed to be paying you, not you paying them.
All those "mortgage payments" is what the bank owes you, not what you owe them.
And this is the way it was supposed to be, since 1934.
But, by not telling you this, and letting us all continue to assume a "normal course of business" the banks saw an opportunity to defraud the innocent, so they did.
They pretended that you were all Municipal CITIZENS of the United States-- and that allowed them to charge you for a mortgage under false pretenses. The mortgage was actually war reparations owed by the Municipal United States Government and their STATE OF STATE franchises ever since the Civil War.
So the rats rooked you into paying the debts of the foreign subcontractors running the Municipal United States Government and they took a security interest in your home on top of everything else.
That's how you wound up paying for someone else's debts, including the interest, without any "equitable exchange" or other consideration. You were presumed to be a corporate "franchise" of the Municipal Government --like a Dairy Queen franchise, and treated as such.
Of course, some people did know what was going on here and some people did object to it. New banking rules were adopted to protect the Private Property that was being leveraged in this system --- the so-called Regulation Z, which is an international banking and securities regulation that was adopted (under force) by the Federal Reserve Board of Governors, and which resulted in the Consumer Protection Acts including the Truth in Lending Act.
Private Property is supposed to be protected by attaching "Z tags" to it. The clueless bill collectors and revenue agents patrolling our streets are supposed to recognize the tags if they recognize nothing else, and are supposed to be told to leave cars, homes, land, etc., displaying the proper "Z tags" alone.
In this country, because we have two foreign subcontractors at odds with each other, we need two kinds of "Z tags" to accomplish this same function.
We need a white "Z" with a black background to waive off Municipal bill collectors, and a black "Z" with a white background to waive off Territorial bill collectors.
The idea was that it was outrageous enough that they were using your assets to profit themselves and forcing you to pay the Municipal Government's debts under False Pretenses---- without also endangering your actual property and making it subject to seizure for failure to pay THEIR debts.
Like all the other remedy that was supposed to be yours, none of this was ever explained. To this day, the bill collectors and revenue agents remain largely ignorant about what a "Z" tag means. In some states like Alaska, highway patrolmen know enough to leave cars carrying a "Z" tag alone.
The banks got so brazen that they even neglected to pay the Federal Gift and Estate Taxes they owed on all the escrow money they collected from you to pay off the Municipal Government's debts. Like all the "Federal Income Tax" you have been forced to pay, but never actually owed, these monthly mortgage payments were all considered to be "voluntary" and to be "gifts" so they are all supposed to be processed as Gift and Estate Taxes.
Beginning in the 1960's, the banks just accidentally on purpose ceased forming actual REMIC pools, bypassed all that paperwork, and didn't pay the Federal Taxes on our monthly "gifts". No doubt this was a quid pro quo with the Municipal Government --- a sort of unstated fee reversal, where the bank didn't pay the tax or create the REMICs, because they were doing the service of collecting the war reparations payments for the government and kicking back to the government.
Anyway, to make a long story short--- you aren't a Federal Territorial U.S. Citizen and you aren't a Municipal "citizen of the United States" dba CITIZEN, either. You've just been a victim in a cross-fire of greedy corporate crime syndicates operating on our shores.
You never owed a mortgage. You were owed your home free and clear, plus the credit payment representing the principal of the "loan", plus monthly escrow payments back from the bank as your reward for loaning them your assets and credit.
The Municipal United States Government was the Party that owed money for war reparations, but you were conveniently "mistaken" for a Municipal Franchisee, and charged war reparations as a mortgage--- a mortgage that the Municipal Government and its STATE OF STATE franchises owed.
All the money that the banks were supposed to pay you as your profit for loaning them your credit, and letting them hold your asset -- your home-- in trust, was instead "interpreted" as a voluntary gift and obligation of yours, being donated every month to pay back the war reparations owed by the foreign United States Municipal Government.
The banks got out of paying you the principal and the monthly payments you were owed. The Municipal Government got you to "donate" all that you thought you were paying on a home loan toward paying off their war reparations debts and whatever else they wanted to tack on.
The banks sat in the middle with nothing at risk and bilked everyone silly.
And to top it off, they never explained Regulation Z to you, so the one remedy that remained, the thing that was supposed to be a Fail Safe to protect your Private Property from being stolen under False Pretenses, was never actually made available to you, either.
Start plastering "Z" signs, white on black and black on white on your homes and automobiles, and everything else you don't want stolen. Start explaining the situation to your family and friends. Pigeon-hole the ignorant corporate "Sheriffs" and "Judges" and "Court Clerks" and Highway Patrolmen. Give them a copy of this article so they all get a nose-full and can't wishy-washy around and pretend that you ever knowingly, willingly agreed to any of this Bushwah.
Probably a billion Americans have been abused in this way by the banks and the Municipal United States Government acting in collusion.
And now it needs to stop. The banks need to start paying back all that they actually owe us, and the Municipal Government needs to be drawn up by the proverbial short hairs.
Most of the members of the "US" Congress are just irresponsible glad-handing fools who have mortgages on their own homes and are just as clueless as everyone else, but there are others who have grotesquely profited themselves working this hidden system to their benefit and everyone else's harm.
So, first order of business --- convert all that illegal debt the American People have been carrying into lawful credit.
Kick rump and clean house on the banks and DC.
As I have always said, this is not about politics. It doesn't have a thing to do with Democrat or Republican. There are rats on both sides of the aisle.
No, my dears, this isn't about politics, not about rich or poor, not about black or white. All have been made to suffer.
This is about crime. Pure old garden variety bunko and institutionalized constructive fraud carried out against an entire population of innocent people who are in fact owed "good faith service".
This is about Breach of Trust by the banks and the governmental services corporations, and their Agency subcontractors, the Queen, and the Pope, the members of Congress, the members of the "US" Supreme Court, and others.
Did you know that the standard Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae loan applications create a trust? Did you know that you as the "Donor/Borrower" purportedly create that trust and give your home away to the bank, to "dispose" of as they see fit? Did you realize that you need to extinguish that trust or your home stays in that bank trust even after you pay off the phony mortgage?
Come on, everyone. Time to wake up and smell the manure pile.
See this article and over 2000 others on Anna's website here:
mortgage foreclosure Solutions
sign in America
Debit Relief
American National Assembly
Correct Your Political Status
Contact Your State Coordinator
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You know something is wrong when...An American Affidavit of Probable Cause
Update on Living Law Firm Progress

By Anna Von Reitz
We expect that by the end of this week we will have the actual structure and
mechanism of the foreclosure fraud detailed out, step by step, in a way that average
non-accountants can follow along and grasp. That step by step will give the citations
to the patents and trademarks and other public records that are all admissible
evidence in any court. We are going to release this to the general public, for free,
and let you have at it in your individual cases--- at the same time that we pursue
remedy in behalf of all Americans. (Flag donations to this effort as: "End Foreclosure
Non-Citizen Status:
We have determined that we, living, breathing Americans are called "United States
Nationals" in Federal-eze when it comes to international affairs and are called
"American State Nationals" or simply "Nationals" when it comes to business here at
home. "National" refers to the land jurisdiction of this country.
So if you are talking to the Passport agencies, tell them you are a "United States
National, not a United States Citizen" (unless, of course, you are actually employed
by, dependent on, or voluntarily chartered as a corporation by the federal
government) and if, for example, you are talking to the Governor of the State of New
Mexico, tell him that you are a Texan (not a Resident) who has established residency
(which is different) in New Mexico---and you'd like to know what is being done about
illegal immigration?
We hope to have routed through the correct process for American State Nationals to
obtain correct passports very soon and will publish that info as soon as we are sure
we've nailed it down and have resource contacts for you. (Flag donations to this
project as: "Correct Passports")
Name Change:
All research and all feedback received to date demonstrates the necessity of claiming
back your Trade Name and re-conveying it to the land jurisdiction of the United
States--- and recording the deed to your own Name. Otherwise, technically, you are
a "disregarded entity" and these foreign corporations claim to own YOU --- and use
the ACCOUNT NAME as a convenient handle to lay false claims against your assets.
Once you have your own Trade Name back in your control and operating in proper
jurisdiction you can use it to reclaim everything else. Several people have written
and been distressed over more complex or expensive name-change processes in
their states. Though I recommend getting a formal name change decree -- which
puts the court on record as agreeing to your action---if at all possible, you can also
try a simple Deed of Re-conveyance, laying claim to your Trade Name and removing
it to the land jurisdiction of your actual state---- Arkansas State not State of
Arkansas--- for example. Record it, and if necessary give a land description-- "land
assets and moveable fixtures generally located at:________________________".
(435 St. Mary's Street, Hoboken, New Jersey, for example).
Federal Marshals Education:
There are "Federal Marshals" tasked with peacekeeping on the land jurisdiction and
there are "United States Marshals" tasked with law enforcement in the foreign,
international jurisdiction of the sea. One executes the Public Law and the other
executes private international corporate Statutes. Educating these men and women
(and also their parallels in state and local government positions) is essential. Even
our locally elected Sheriffs are in desperate need of education on these topics. We've
launched an effort to write a quick-and-easy handbook for those responsible for
protecting our communities. We are looking for people who have experience with e-
publishing to help expedite this process and also for donations toward printing hard
copies for free distribution of these materials. (Flag donations to this project: Law
Education Fund.)
American States and Nations Bank:
We have a core group of banking experts working on three different but related
tasks--- (1) creating a safe depository for American assets, especially those being
returned from overseas; (2) creating secure international banks competent to work
with both IEX and FOREX transactions and currency exchanges; (3) beginning to
build actual State National Banks again, which are run by local bank associations.
Along with this goes a lot of technical and security work---and we are doing the best
we can to move it forward with limited start-up resources. This project also involves
negotiations to receive long-stalled treaty funding owed to the actual States and
Nations and recoupment of other property interests that have been held in
abeyance----in some cases since before the Civil War. There are an estimated
45,000 accounts at the national level that have to be secured and audited---which
does not begin to deal with the same job that needs to be done at the county and
state levels. (Flag donations to this effort: ASAN)
Jural Assemblies:
Building knowledgeable and effective Jural Assemblies is the key to building
competent and honest county governments to operate the land jurisdiction of this
country. If you have a Jural Assembly already started in your county, join and
support it. If not, contact the Michigan General Jural Assembly, and use their proven
methods to start one. Bear in mind that members must make a decision and declare
that they are not "United States Citizens" but are instead "American State Nationals"
before they can regain their lawful status and act as American Common Law Jurors.
(Donate time and money locally.)
****Please Note**** when you act as a juror you are for the time you serve
considered an "American State Citizen" because you are occupying an office of the
actual State. The same is true for the judges, clerks, bailiffs, sheriffs, and others you
elect to serve in your County. The word "citizen" always implies an obligation to
serve the government. In this case, you are offering to serve as a Juror.
So, a member of a County Jural Assembly must be an American State Citizen during
the time they serve as Jurors and when the people come together to serve on a
"Citizens Common Law Grand Jury" this is the kind of jury referenced as the Fourth
Branch of Government in Justice Antonin Scalia's famous ruling. This is American
Common Law--- the Law of the Land--- in operation.
This is different from a Jural Society---which is what lawyers and "United States
Citizens" belong to and use to operate the incorporated Counties in the international
jurisdiction of the sea. When these people come together they also form what can be
called a "Citizen's Common Law Jury" --- but they are operating under Martial
Common Law, not the Law of the Land, and have no business pretending to be the
Fourth Branch which was created to be a safeguard against usurpation and
mismanagement by federal officials and employees, not just another fox to guard
our hen house.
Jural Assembly = land jurisdiction (national) unincorporated
American State National = a man without obligation to government.
American State Citizen = man serving the government of his actual state on the
land, for example Wisconsin State, Pennsylvania Commonwealth, etc., as a Juror,
Clerk, Sheriff, etc.
Jural Society = sea jurisdiction (international) incorporated
United States Citizen = federal employee, dependent, or corporation serving that
government, includes those operating the federated "State of" and "County of"
Always pay attention to the exact words being used. There is a world of difference
between a "United States National" and a "United States Citizen" and an equally
huge difference between a "Jural Assembly" and a "Jural Society".
You must educate yourselves to avoid being misidentified, victimized, or entrapped
by all this duplicitous wordplay. You must also do this to be able to properly and
lawfully run the powerful people-based government you are owed.
International Outreach:
I call it this, because with the exception of our Native American representatives in
the United Nations there are no competent people able and willing to speak for
America and the American States at this time who have been lawfully elected or
otherwise granted ambassadorial capacities --except that as sovereigns of the land
jurisdiction we have and individually retain the ability to speak for our states on the
land and for the Union of these States of America formed by The Articles of
Confederation--- under Article X.
This is the capacity in which I and my husband have been able to act as Judges and
Ambassadors and Fiduciary Deputies for our States of America, and while---in theory
at least---any living American can do this, not many of us have the education and
capacity to do so at this time.
We find ourselves triple-tasked to: (1) find competent people in each state to enter
into this work; (2) bring them up to speed and give them the information and tools
they need; (3) get the current work done.
We have published many pieces of correspondence, both official correspondence
when acting as Judges or Fiduciary Deputies, and private correspondences written to
foreign leaders, so you have cause to know how important and time-consuming this
effort to communicate with the rest of the world is.
Before we can solve problems we have to recognize what they are.
We have been able to detail where in history the train went off the track---- in
England, during the reign of Queen Victoria, acting under the influence of Benjamin
D'Israeli, leading to the subjugation of the English people by deceit and the
subjugation of India by force.
This situation would be a Major Faux Pas if it were just the United States involved,
but fortunately or unfortunately, most of the known world is involved in this mess.
The American People have to weigh in now to save their own bacon because they are
being defrauded and mischaracterized and suffering extortion and racketeering at
the hands of international banks and other commercial institutions. In raising our
objections we must inform all the other people of the world who are similarly being
run-ragged by gangs of officially sanctioned pirates and thieves.
And we must also "fully inform" those responsible. This means Congress. This means
the United Nations. This means the IMF. This means the British Parliament. This
means Queen Elizabeth. This means the Federal Reserve Board of Governors. And
many, many, many, many more officials and corporate officers. This means, most
especially, Pope Francis in his role as Roman Pontiff. Why? Because he can pull the
charter on any incorporated entity that violates its charter and functions in a criminal
manner----and he has the obligation to do so.
This is why members of the Catholic Church and Catholic Clergy have a crucial role
to play in correcting this horrific situation, both in terms of manpower and outcry,
and in terms of enforcement against the offending corporations. These corporations
are only allowed to exist by consent. They have no natural basis for their being.
When they get out of control, living men must be responsible for (a) correcting their
administrators; (b) imposing fines and penalties for bad behavior; (c) liquidating
By very long standing international convention and agreement, the responsibility for
that oversight has always been with the Roman Curia and the Pope functioning as
the Pontiff of Rome. That's where it remains to this day.
My husband, I, and a dedicated group of others scattered across the United States
and around the globe have spent incalculable hours engaged in this kind of forthright
communication with "the entire world" for years at a time in order to raise the alarm,
report the crime, and shine the light on the subversion of our treaties and
Now, maybe you feel overawed by the prospect of writing a letter to the President or
the Pope or Queen Elizabeth or the Congress or Chief Justice Roberts or the Joint
Chiefs of Staff---- but unless you do, who is going to? Just me and the chickens back
Everyone----absolutely everyone on this planet needs to know the Truth.
Everyone needs to take up their oar and open their mouth and run their printing presses. I
don't advise any blanket accusations or blaming. Just stick to the facts, which have
been abundantly shared.
Along with all the written and verbal communication there is need for actual
meetings with people--- and international travel. We have had to send researchers
and for lack of a better word, agents, abroad, both to meet with members of foreign
corporations and governments and banks and so on and on.
Not all the non-Bar attorneys are involved in this part of the effort, but the Senior
Team Members are and we have funded the whole thing ourselves out of pocket.
So--- you can see my private letter to Pope Francis and UN Secretary Ban Ki-Moon to
get a taste of what is going on with all that and if you want to help fund these
efforts, please flag donations as "Foreign Outreach".
Finally, thank you, all of you, who are waking up and waking others. Thank you for
your efforts and your researches and your prayers and your donations. Please
understand that this is all coming to a boil and I am now over my head in work.
For those who are just getting oriented and all those who want citations and references,
start with the eleven pages of citations in my book "Disclosure 101" and then all the
citations in "You Know Something Is Wrong When....An American Affidavit of
Probable Cause"----both available on Amazon.
And if you are still stumped, refer to
my "Timeline"
God bless America this Sunday, and all our States of America, and all our dearly
beloved People.
See this article and over 300 others on Anna's website:
To support this work look for the PayPal button on this website.
American National Mortgage Foreclosure Moratorium
American National Mortgage Foreclosure Moratorium By Anna ... been generating invalid mortgages in this country ... an American National Mortgage Foreclosure Moratorium. Out of
Dear Lucretia --- Mortgage Relief -- and The Rest of the Story
Street address, however it appears in the mortgage and foreclosure paperwork. You can ... is whenever the foreclosure started, the balance ... to discharge a mortgage on your principle
Living Law Firm Update -- November 2016
The work runs a wide spectrum---from international banking to individual foreclosures, from ... casework. With foreclosures we have ... need of mortgage-foreclosure-land patent
What ISN'T There 2.0
trading certificates, stocks, bonds, mortgages and other "tokens" ... our research into Foreclosures has yielded, the ... that's just the mortgage-foreclosure scam. It gets worse:
To Give You All a Cat-Bird's Seat
At a less obvious level, this is also what is behind all the mortgage foreclosures. There isn't ... owes a single mortgage in this entire ... been paying off mortgages owed by the...
Anna in Wonderland
Order ending all mortgage foreclosures in this country? That would ... criminal nonsense. President Trump---start with a mortgage foreclosure moratorium. Failing to do so only increases...
House Joint Resolution 192 and Congressional "Intent"
voluntarily, and paying off their mortgages taken against our property voluntarily, ... commercial entities. When you walk into a mortgage foreclosure case (for example), and lay down...
A foreclosure by a summary judgment (non-jury) without ... misrepresentation, when the I.R.S. issues fraudulent mortgage foreclosure liens against living inhabitants of the Land,
Release of the Interest of the Holy See
6) relief of the mortgage foreclosures; (7) establishment of new international trade banks; and final settlement. Your assistance in the matter of the Divine Province would be
Why You Don't Hear About All These Bankruptcies
Early on, I informed the FBI about the reverse trust scam being operated by the banks in mortgage foreclosure cases. I contacted them with complete information multiple times.
Progress and Flaming #@$
the perpetrators of this whole mortgage foreclosure scam. We are talking about the entire bank-owned court system being complicit and deliberately being run as a money laundering
Rogue Sabre --- Truth and Lies, Land and Sea
Someone competent to sign a mortgage contract.? Poof! There went the whole mortgage and foreclosure machine right out the window ... there isn’t a competent mortgage signatory on planet Earth
For the State Assemblies and New Readers -- 30 November 2019
Foreign mortgages and foreclosures, funny money banking, securitization of ... to operate properly? You want a foreclosure moratorium in your State?
A Note about Money and Foreclosures---- Pun Intended
This is what is going on when a "new mortgage servicing company" ... converted your "mortgage application" and the mortgage contract into ... DEFENDANT in foreclosure cases. And
The Mindless Pursuit
Where is our protection against interstate bank fraud and mortgage and foreclosure and tax fraud? Where is our protection against securities fraud? I want to know what these
The Trading Companies, Or, Stop Being Stupid Part 13
National Debt. No mortgages. No valid foreclosures. No Marriage Licenses. No Driver Licenses. No "State" Statutes published under any private copyright. No Federal Code since 1860
What We See
Bogus mortgages and foreclosures and the collection of income taxes we never owed and property taxes on our own land that we never owed, either.
About "Foreclosure" -- a Simple Plan to Get the Upper Hand
About "Foreclosure" --a Simple Plan to ... fears that they might be in foreclosure soon or might be facing bankruptcy ... an Arbitration Clause in the mortgage
American National Mortgage Foreclosure Moratorium By Anna ... been generating invalid mortgages in this country ... an American National Mortgage Foreclosure Moratorium. Out of
Dear Lucretia --- Mortgage Relief -- and The Rest of the Story
Street address, however it appears in the mortgage and foreclosure paperwork. You can ... is whenever the foreclosure started, the balance ... to discharge a mortgage on your principle
Living Law Firm Update -- November 2016
The work runs a wide spectrum---from international banking to individual foreclosures, from ... casework. With foreclosures we have ... need of mortgage-foreclosure-land patent
What ISN'T There 2.0
trading certificates, stocks, bonds, mortgages and other "tokens" ... our research into Foreclosures has yielded, the ... that's just the mortgage-foreclosure scam. It gets worse:
To Give You All a Cat-Bird's Seat
At a less obvious level, this is also what is behind all the mortgage foreclosures. There isn't ... owes a single mortgage in this entire ... been paying off mortgages owed by the...
Anna in Wonderland
Order ending all mortgage foreclosures in this country? That would ... criminal nonsense. President Trump---start with a mortgage foreclosure moratorium. Failing to do so only increases...
House Joint Resolution 192 and Congressional "Intent"
voluntarily, and paying off their mortgages taken against our property voluntarily, ... commercial entities. When you walk into a mortgage foreclosure case (for example), and lay down...
A foreclosure by a summary judgment (non-jury) without ... misrepresentation, when the I.R.S. issues fraudulent mortgage foreclosure liens against living inhabitants of the Land,
Release of the Interest of the Holy See
6) relief of the mortgage foreclosures; (7) establishment of new international trade banks; and final settlement. Your assistance in the matter of the Divine Province would be
Why You Don't Hear About All These Bankruptcies
Early on, I informed the FBI about the reverse trust scam being operated by the banks in mortgage foreclosure cases. I contacted them with complete information multiple times.
Progress and Flaming #@$
the perpetrators of this whole mortgage foreclosure scam. We are talking about the entire bank-owned court system being complicit and deliberately being run as a money laundering
Rogue Sabre --- Truth and Lies, Land and Sea
Someone competent to sign a mortgage contract.? Poof! There went the whole mortgage and foreclosure machine right out the window ... there isn’t a competent mortgage signatory on planet Earth
For the State Assemblies and New Readers -- 30 November 2019
Foreign mortgages and foreclosures, funny money banking, securitization of ... to operate properly? You want a foreclosure moratorium in your State?
A Note about Money and Foreclosures---- Pun Intended
This is what is going on when a "new mortgage servicing company" ... converted your "mortgage application" and the mortgage contract into ... DEFENDANT in foreclosure cases. And
The Mindless Pursuit
Where is our protection against interstate bank fraud and mortgage and foreclosure and tax fraud? Where is our protection against securities fraud? I want to know what these
The Trading Companies, Or, Stop Being Stupid Part 13
National Debt. No mortgages. No valid foreclosures. No Marriage Licenses. No Driver Licenses. No "State" Statutes published under any private copyright. No Federal Code since 1860
What We See
Bogus mortgages and foreclosures and the collection of income taxes we never owed and property taxes on our own land that we never owed, either.
About "Foreclosure" -- a Simple Plan to Get the Upper Hand
About "Foreclosure" --a Simple Plan to ... fears that they might be in foreclosure soon or might be facing bankruptcy ... an Arbitration Clause in the mortgage
The Land Grab
Your property that was being held "in trust" by the UNITED STATES, INC. is being caught up in their bankruptcy and considered chattel backing their debts, simply because you have not stepped forward as the "Powerholder" over the ESTATE and claimed it and properly directed what is to be done with it...
Your property that was being held "in trust" by the UNITED STATES, INC. is being caught up in their bankruptcy and considered chattel backing their debts, simply because you have not stepped forward as the "Powerholder" over the ESTATE and claimed it and properly directed what is to be done with it...
"Power to Sell" -- The Latest Land Grab
All over the country alarmed homeowners and landowners are getting unexpected demands to pay large amounts of taxes that they never heard about. These bills appear out of the blue, usually with a "Notice of Power to Sell"...
All over the country alarmed homeowners and landowners are getting unexpected demands to pay large amounts of taxes that they never heard about. These bills appear out of the blue, usually with a "Notice of Power to Sell"...
Pay Attention! -- If You Want to Save Your Butts!
Apparently a lot of people didn't notice or didn't pay attention or didn't know what it meant when I told everyone that I had established a Private Indemnity Bond at the U.S. Treasury covering every state of the Union---- but that is critical information to have branded on your foreheads in the days to come.The UNITED STATES, INC. is in liquidation. The Bankruptcy Trustees are going to try to liquidate, sell, tax, or otherwise raise funds off of all the franchises of the UNITED STATES, INC. This includes the STATE OF MINNESOTA and CRAWFORD COUNTY, MINNESOTA, and JOHN MICHAEL DOE, too.
Apparently a lot of people didn't notice or didn't pay attention or didn't know what it meant when I told everyone that I had established a Private Indemnity Bond at the U.S. Treasury covering every state of the Union---- but that is critical information to have branded on your foreheads in the days to come.The UNITED STATES, INC. is in liquidation. The Bankruptcy Trustees are going to try to liquidate, sell, tax, or otherwise raise funds off of all the franchises of the UNITED STATES, INC. This includes the STATE OF MINNESOTA and CRAWFORD COUNTY, MINNESOTA, and JOHN MICHAEL DOE, too.
Now What?
As for the rest of us, it's time to get off our duffs, declare our birthright political status, form our State Assemblies, and fully empower the civilian government of this country so that there is no longer the least little bit of an excuse for any of them to be here acting "for" us in our "absence"...
As for the rest of us, it's time to get off our duffs, declare our birthright political status, form our State Assemblies, and fully empower the civilian government of this country so that there is no longer the least little bit of an excuse for any of them to be here acting "for" us in our "absence"...
They’re kidnapping us and our land assets into the international jurisdiction of the sea, which is a crime known as press-ganging...
We have all had our identities stolen and have all been removed from our natural birth-right jurisdiction on the land to the foreign international jurisdiction of the sea. Our estates have been held in “abeyance” under international law...
We have all had our identities stolen and have all been removed from our natural birth-right jurisdiction on the land to the foreign international jurisdiction of the sea. Our estates have been held in “abeyance” under international law...
Trading Upon, Selling, and Giving Away What Isn't Theirs
People are assuming that this means that the Federal Government owns all that land as the actual landlord, but instead, the Federal corporations, including their State of State corporate franchises, are acting as custodians of land that belongs to the actual State and the People...
People are assuming that this means that the Federal Government owns all that land as the actual landlord, but instead, the Federal corporations, including their State of State corporate franchises, are acting as custodians of land that belongs to the actual State and the People...