the American States Assemblies
Your Government is supposed to be staffed by you. It's decisions are supposed to be made by you. It's primary responsibility is to protect you and your property assets at all costs and against all comers. That's why governments exist.
And that is the only reason for any government to exist, EVER.
And that is the only reason for any government to exist, EVER.
Restore Lawful Government
Govern Yourself or someone else will
the truth Revealed
Reader Supported truth
How You Can Offer Your Support
A Information and Resource Hub for
Freedom Solutions, Actions, Remedies
Self-government is not possible unless the citizens are educated
sufficiently to enable them to exercise oversight.
Get the knowledge you need to protect yourself, your family and your property in the crisis coming to America.
sufficiently to enable them to exercise oversight.
Get the knowledge you need to protect yourself, your family and your property in the crisis coming to America.
Educate Yourself - Empower Yourself - Powerful Solutions
Yes, People, those of you who are just waking up. Our disloyal employees have been staging a mercenary cold war conflict on our shores for a hundred and fifty years, and they have been conscripting you into this illegal perpetual mercenary "war" without your knowledge or consent.
They have falsified the public records concerning your political status, nationality, and other facts, so as to continue and promote this circumstance, while leaving you no means to object. You can't object or defend yourself, because you have been left ignorant and uninformed ---deliberately. Most Americans don't have a clue. Learn More...
Yes, People, those of you who are just waking up. Our disloyal employees have been staging a mercenary cold war conflict on our shores for a hundred and fifty years, and they have been conscripting you into this illegal perpetual mercenary "war" without your knowledge or consent.
They have falsified the public records concerning your political status, nationality, and other facts, so as to continue and promote this circumstance, while leaving you no means to object. You can't object or defend yourself, because you have been left ignorant and uninformed ---deliberately. Most Americans don't have a clue. Learn More...
Freedom From Servitude
If You Are Not Willing To Learn, No One Can Help You.
If You Are Determined To Learn, No One Can Stop You.
Connecting The Dots
Freedom Research and Education - Solutions - Remedies - Actions
Freedom Research and Education - Solutions - Remedies - Actions
The Deep State Is COMMunist
F-E-A-R has two meanings:
Forget Everything And Run - or - Face Everything And Rise;
The Choice is Ours!
New Human New Earth Communities
RISE Up - Remember who you are...

“It’s no longer enough to be a decent person. It’s no longer enough to shake our heads and make concerned grimaces at the news. True enlightened activism is the only thing that can save humanity from itself.” John Whedon
As spiritual activist Julian Rose writes: “It is my belief that we will succeed in this great quest once we have securely tethered our inner awakening to the manifestation of its true outward expression.
Thus the road to enlightenment becomes synonymous with taking actions to ameliorate and heal the social, cultural, economic and environmental scars that cover our wounded planet.
A process which unifies otherwise disparate endeavors and reveals disengaged, inward looking and passive spiritual practices – that shun active participation in service of the planet – to be ultimately fraudulent and a mechanism for escapism … Our highest spiritual calling is to come out in defense of life.”
Connecting the Awakened, Offering Powerful Empowering Resources.
As spiritual activist Julian Rose writes: “It is my belief that we will succeed in this great quest once we have securely tethered our inner awakening to the manifestation of its true outward expression.
Thus the road to enlightenment becomes synonymous with taking actions to ameliorate and heal the social, cultural, economic and environmental scars that cover our wounded planet.
A process which unifies otherwise disparate endeavors and reveals disengaged, inward looking and passive spiritual practices – that shun active participation in service of the planet – to be ultimately fraudulent and a mechanism for escapism … Our highest spiritual calling is to come out in defense of life.”
Connecting the Awakened, Offering Powerful Empowering Resources.