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Yes, People, those of you who are just waking up. Our disloyal employees have been staging a mercenary cold war conflict on our shores for a hundred and fifty years, and they have been conscripting you into this illegal perpetual mercenary "war" without your knowledge or consent.
They have falsified the public records concerning your political status, nationality, and other facts, so as to continue and promote this circumstance, while leaving you no means to object. You can't object or defend yourself, because you have been left ignorant and uninformed ---deliberately.
Most Americans don't have a clue. Learn More...There Are Solutions - Actions - Remedies
Are you new to this information? Get up to speed fast!
Order "You Know Something is Wrong When...An American Affidavit of Probable Cause"
and Disclosure 101
Order "You Know Something is Wrong When...An American Affidavit of Probable Cause"
and Disclosure 101
Knowledge is power, and the ultimate civil power resides in every individual in America. By studying the following links in the order presented, you will know more about freedom and what the creator expected from us and endowed us with Through His Divine Son, and you will know your responsibility in that regard.
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What’s The Truth? – You Decide!
Discussion Regarding Kim “Possible” and The Trust
Update June 25, 2020
by Justice Anna von Reitz
Discussion Regarding Kim “Possible” and The Trust
There is no valid trust involved in any of this entire business, a fact that Herr XXXX knows and which Kim, obviously, does not.
So he wisely keeps his mouth shut and let’s those who will be deceived, be deceived—-under the tenets of Roman Civil Law—- where all this BS began and where it also must end.
It may interest everyone to know that the Latin root word for “trust” means “to murder, to slaughter”.
Have they not seized upon the assets in this “trust” as thieves, without the purported “donors” knowledge or permission? Have they not then proceeded to murder the victims on paper so as to disable their Persons and block them from accessing their own assets?
Yes and yes.
There can be no “possible” good to come out of this by allowing the perpetrators or anyone they assigned to keep control of the assets they thus purloined.
The assets belong to the victim-donors and to them must the assets return, by simple Operation of Law.
They constructed this trust under Roman Civil Law and it is bound by the law under which it is formed. As a thing is bound, so it is unbound.
Under Roman Civil Law it is acceptable to lie and cheat and steal so long as you can get away with it—- but once discovered, fraud vitiates everything. Once discovered, in this case, the trust in question must be liquidated— not handed off to an Assign chosen by the Perpetrators of these crimes.
Kim may be an innocent Third Party, a Good Woman or not; the point is that the Perpetrators of this outrageous crime have no right to further control the liquidation of this phony “trust” directly or indirectly.
It all belongs to the purported Donors and it is up to us to bring forward a plan to return the trust to the victims of this unholy scheme.
We have done so — The New Earth Union, globally, and the restoration of the American Government in the United States.
This is a firm good plan that guarantees the individual rights and property assets of every living man or woman on Earth.
Nothing that any “Trustee” or Assign like Kim can offer stands against the simple fact that the assets belong to the Donors and must go back to them and be under their control.
No doubt Kim has been a “donor” too and should have her part like everyone else, but any idea that liquidating the trust means creating a One Woman mega fortune to do with as she pleases needs to be recognized as an offer to participate in yet another stupendous fraud made by the Perpetrators of this entire circumstance.
To which we return an offer to follow the ancient law of Rome which applies to this “trust” and which mandates its liquidation and the return of the assets to the control of the donors and donor-beneficiaries.
The former Presumed Donors must come up with a plan, and we have done so.
That Plan is The New Earth Union, globally, and the restoration of the American Government in the United States.
All other national governments have the similar opportunity to responsibly rearrange their business affairs and remember the actual purpose of government, which is not to make money.
The actual purpose of a government is to protect the people and their assets with the least interference in their affairs. You may judge for yourselves the failure of the Corporatist Model.
The essence of this trust liquidation requires several separate functions: (1) to return the purloined property assets free and clear of debt or encumbrance, so that people are not further harmed; (2) provide for the government and public functions from the remainder, including infrastructure improvements; (3) provide for long-term relief from taxation of all kinds; (4) provide ongoing relief and institutional support for health and education; (5) establishment of competent and well-regulated means of trade, including lawful securities, free trade markets, and merchant banks; (6) establish pre-paid credit accounts for individual discharge of municipal debt; (7) establish basic income stipends to begin paying back profits directly to individuals and families to enhance their quality of life; (8) establish individual investment accounts to be blocked and managed by the individual people as a nest-egg payable upon their retirement. The accomplishment of these goals, and a good many more, may easily be met by disbursement and/or redeployment of principal and remainder-man trust assets.
Such a solution invites everyone to participate, and not just an elite group of insiders divvying things up in a backroom —- again. And it provides direct and substantial remedy and relief to the victims of this scheme, which is or should be, the primary aim.
I have been accused of wanting to be Queen, when in fact my opposition to Kim or anyone else acting in such a capacity, is well-documented and recorded. A Fiduciary is not a Queen. A Fiduciary is a responsible business manager. That is all I have ever claimed to be.
What I wish to see is the return of the purloined trust assets and the benefit thereof returned to those who have been harmed by this monstrous long-term fraud. Beyond that, I wish for the Earth to be restored and Mankind as a whole to be empowered by Reason and Goodwill. I see no reason why all these simple requirements should not be fulfilled.
As a final note — Lawful Assets can only be possessed by Lawful Persons.
Actual and factual assets and certificated securities do not belong to the commercial banks and brokerages and other commercial corporations that have benefited from the Special Deposits left in their custodial care, and it is self-interested to claim otherwise.
Whatever concerns the banks have about the Depositors causing havoc need to be assuaged by the realization that the Depositors are not fools and stand to gain nothing by causing such a disruption.
Everyone concerned needs to additionally realize that continued obstruction by the banks and the commercial courts can only result in these institutions facing liquidation for unlawful activity.
Zum Ende. Working together to deliver relief and remedy to the victims and to amicably resolve a sensible and fair-minded international response to the management of the Remainder assets going forward is an absolute necessity.
In the last five years, nobody but my Team has come forward with anything approaching that.
The assets and the control of the assets must return to the Donors, by Public Law, by Public Policy, and most particularly, by the Roman Civil Law controlling the formation and character of the so-called Trust.
The Inheritors can only be Lawful Persons, and must stand on the International Jurisdiction of the Land. The United States of America [Unincorporated] is such a Lawful Person and my Fiduciary Office is a Lawful Office of The United States of America.
I have retained and reclaimed my own Lawful Person and assisted thousands of other people in America and around the world to do the same. More people wake up and join us every day.
The Great Fraud of Today, Part Three: Redemption
The Great Fraud of Today, Part Three: Redemption
The good news for the Americans and for all people worldwide, is that the fraud was caught and the objections have been made by the unincorporated government --- the actual government -- of the United States.
We're still here, still on guard, and at this point we have our fangs sunk deep into the buttocks of the perpetrators of this gigantic HOAX.
On June 29, 2017, in the eleventh hour of the Eleventh Hour, we posted the following "Judicial Notice of Claim" via email to Judge Thomas Hogan and Judge Royce Lamberth and The United States District Court for the District of Columbia:
"The American states and people that are the Paramount Security Interest Holders in all assets and collateral both registered and unregistered belonging to or claimed by or overseen by the District of Columbia Municipal Corporation, its heirs, franchises, or assigns including but not limited to the UNITED STATES, the USA, E PLURIBUS UNUM THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, the various STATE OF STATE franchises and Territorial State of State franchises-- have been found, alive and well, and right where they ought to be.
It has come to our attention that our claims to our own land and assets have not been brought forward by our employees and so we have come to present ourselves to the court and to claim back our property which has been mis-represented as belonging to Cestui Que Vie Estate Trusts.
We are of a completely different jurisdiction and character and political status as peaceful American "vessels" engaged in International Trade, permanently domiciled on the land and soil of the organic states, and we require that our assets be returned to us and held harmless from any claim of debt related to the District of Columbia Municipal Corporation, its franchises, heirs, or assigns.The Titles held against these bankrupt municipal corporate entities dba via ACCOUNTS designated by what appear to be names in the form: JOHN MICHAEL DOE and the corresponding territorial Foreign Situs Trusts dba John Michael Doe are hereby redeemed and reclaimed, re-conveyed and re-venued by the lawful owners to their natural jurisdiction on the land and soil of the organic states of the Union.
All titles held under color of law and subjected to both probate and bankruptcy proceedings under false pretenses must be returned to the lawful owners of record no later than July 4, 2017 by action releasing them from any further presumption of municipal or territorial citizenship absent actual proof of:
(1) a properly executed Death Certificate with a plainly stated title of "Death Certificate" stating the time, place, and manner of death signed off on by a competent coroner;
(2) proof of actual paid employment by the municipal or territorial government, including position, supervisor, hours worked, job assignments, place of employment, departmental affiliation, and other details establishing actual, true employment by a federal municipal or territorial entity;
(3) proof of voluntary "personhood" together with stated proof of intent and full disclosure as required by Public Law;
(4) proof of colored person status established by DNA analysis accompanied by a voluntary waiver of equal civil rights provisions;
(5) proof of political asylum or voluntary seeking of federal benefits under conditions of full disclosure. The United States District Court for the District of Columbia, by and through Judge Thomas Hogan has been given prior Notice of the living status of the American states dba Alabama State, Alaska State, et alia, and of the American people who have returned en masse to the land and soil of their birth.
Copies of the Notice given have been and are being again presented to the Office of the Prosecutor at the World Court, along with a written and signed copy of this Judicial Notice of Claim, and will also be presented to the Pope, Queen Elizabeth II, and published for the world at large."This claim was issued and sealed under the lawful court seal of the Third Postal District of Alaska and recorded in Recording District 311, Palmer, Alaska, also on June 29th, as recording number 2017-012486-0. What this basically tells the Judges and the Court responsible for the bankruptcy liquidation of the UNITED STATES, INC. and the Chapter 11 reorganization of the USA, INC. is that the Priority Creditors who were "missing, presumed dead" have been found and are alive and well and "returned" to their natural and permanent domicile on the land of the actual states.
We have reclaimed, redeemed, re-venued,and re-conveyed our Names/NAMES out of the bankruptcy Slush Piles.
What does this mean? It means that the actual lawful government of the United States is still in place, still operating, and still competent to represent your interests. You are not "stateless". It means that instead of all those Secondary Creditors swarming in and feasting on you and your assets, they will have to give ground to the actual Priority Creditors and will not be able to make any noxious claim on abandonment.
Also See: Formal Notice to Congress Regarding Fraud -- 22 April 2016
It also means that if they continue to make any claims at all on Americans, they will have to prove those claims are valid with hard evidence. Now, what about the rest of the world?
The clock is ticking. ANGELA MERKEL can't help you. PRIME MINISTER MAY can't help you.
Even VLADIMIR PUTIN can't help you, and neither could DONALD TRUMP.
They are all DEBTORS occupying corporate offices that prevent them from taking action in your behalf.
You are going to have to turn off the Boob Tube, alert your neighbors, assemble your traditional "people governments" and serve your own claims. Otherwise, everything will get scooped up and rolled over into the OPPT---- a universal trust and de facto "one world government" owned and operated by the Secondary Creditors.
It should be observed that the Latin root-word giving rise to the word "trust" is "trucido" which is a verb meaning to slaughter, to kill wantonly, to murder. And that is in effect what those responsible for this Mess have attempted to do to billions of people--- to reduce them down to mere "things"---and dispose of them and their assets however the perpetrators of this vast criminal scheme might see fit.
Also See: Words and Terms, Or, Stop Being Stupid Part 19
They have committed a paper genocide affecting billions of us, and they have tried to consolidate the paperwork and pull off the theft of the entire world via fake probate claims and equally fake bankruptcy claims to be followed by claims on abandonment. They test drove this scheme in the 1930's and now, they were caught red-handed, trying an updated and even worse version of the Great Fraud.
Then, they merely stole your money and placed false titles on your land. Now, they meant to finish the job----and you----and take it all. Time to return the favor. The Americans have been redeemed and the Americans are the Paramount Security Interest Holders in the UNITED STATES, which means that we are also the Paramount Security Interest Holders in all the franchises of the UNITED STATES and the USA and E PLURIBUS UNUM, too.
See this article and over 600 others on Anna's website here:
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Manna vs. Why I Am Here
By Anna Von Reitz
I was sent to straighten this mess out. Literally.
It happened just as I stated.
I was minding my own business, just counting all my blessings one afternoon and realized how truly blessed I have been.
Looking back on it all I realized that there must have been a reason for it all, so in gratitude, I just said, okay, Lord, here I am. Whatever it is you want me to do, I will do.
Three days later all this began and has been ongoing ever since.
To date, I am the only living being on record to sue the Holy See to turn over Satan's kingdom (international jurisdiction of the sea) and present the Bill of Lading for it. You think that action was because I am arrogant and conceited? Or because my Master is OWED Satan's kingdom along with everything else?
Looks to me like you are you looking in your own mirror and judging others by yourself.
Satan still hasn't paid up for the bet he lost at Golgotha and his followers thought that nobody would catch on to that fact, but yes, we, The Kingdom of Heaven, have come to collect from The Kingdom of God.
I also gave them instructions how to convert the debt system to a credit system in three days without hurting anyone-- even the bankers. But they would not listen, just like they would not listen to my Master.
Instead, this is what you are supporting and involved in:
The bankers stole all the Special Deposits --huge private asset accounts of actual gold, silver, etc., falsely claimed that all these assets were "abandoned", set up a separate accounting system for all this, dubbed it "Manna World Holdings Trust" and handed the keys to Kim Goguen.
It was all premeditated fraud, theft, and crime aimed at the banks washing their hands by handing the loot over to an innocent Third Party and paying off their debts to society using someone else's money.
So Trump is in a bind and Kim goes to him and offers to help and he takes the bait.
There is just one little problem with all this-- it's primarily stolen money she is distributing.
Notice-- banks steal from depositors.
Banks try to launder their theft by handing the loot to a Third Party-- "Manna World Holding Trust".
Kim starts giving away money and causes a stir, taking heat off the banks--- which is what they want.
Trump accepts money from Kim and thereby becomes an accessory to the crime-- which is also what they want.
And at the end of the day, people (like you) think--oh, boy, this is great! Free money!
But it's not free money. It was not "abandoned" either. It belongs to Depositors who were robbed and cheated by the same white collar thieves who have been running this crime scene for generations.
Now, all you former government employees think I should just fall in line behind your Commander in Chief and give the green light to all this finagling and you attack me because I won't approve of it.
So let's look at why?
Theft like fraud taints everything it touches.
And it does not actually change the ownership of anything.
The only way that Trump can now wash his hands is by going to the actual Depositors and Trustees who are owed those Special Deposit Accounts, and asking for them to agree to help by paying off government debts and funding his operations.
They would do that so long as his heart is in the right place for the American People.
I know quite a number of these actual Depositors, and they would help Trump--- but just taking without asking because you have the naked power to do so, is theft.
And the rather childish attempt to launder theft through Kim Goguen won't work.
Nice kettle of fish you experts --all you former high ranking government officials and subcontractors and priests at the Vatican and World Bank officials have gotten us into, just because you are so arrogant and such know-it-alls that even now you won't listen.
It's not going to wash.
Just study those words.
Laundering it through "Manna" isn't working now and it won't work later. The banks stole the Depositors money-- actual gold, silver, etc. -- and that theft doesn't end just because it passes hands.
And as for "fairy-tales" who is going to believe that this nice lady who never had a pot for herself just showed up out of nowhere with all this "endless" supply of money to shower on everyone?
Right? Hello? This is just an American version of the old "Wolfgang Struck, Philanthropist" scam and if you had been wrestling with these issues as long as I have, you would have no trouble seeing that fact.
Finally, your suggestion that I did all this out of some selfish motive or for purposes of self-aggrandizement is a Flat Tire, too.
Powers far beyond this Earth sent me and I agreed to go out of love for the Earth and for the people on it, and out of personal gratitude to the One who created it all.
That may not be something that motivates you and your Buddies, but it is the only reason I am here.
See this article and over 1500 others on Anna's website here:
American State Assembly
Correct Your Political Status
Mia Culpa
Justice for All
Lions, and Tigers, and Bears....and oh, my! World Trusts!
More Smoke and Mirrors from Manna World Holdings Trust
Why I Oppose Manna World Holding Trust, Etc.
By Anna Von Reitz
Dear Mr. Trump: November 29, 2018.
By exactly what variation of madness is Kim Goguen being allowed to assert control over our assets?
We, the American States and People, doing business as The United States of America [Unincorporated] are owed over $190 Trillion Dollars by the IMF. We own the Philippines land mass. And that is just the beginning of what we are owed. We are sick and tired of the tail attempting to wag the dog.
If you wish to honor your contract with the American People you will know that this debt and all Special Deposit Assets which belong to us and which have been wrongly conveyed into the "U.S. Trust" and/or otherwise claimed by Ms. Goguen and Ms. Hudes are due and payable to the actual States of the Union and their Federation, The United States of America.
We are presenting ourselves and asserting our interest in the Trust Assets and the Special Deposit Assets, whereupon those assets must be disgorged and returned to the rightful owners and trustees.
Trading Upon, Selling, and Giving Away What Isn't Theirs
Saturday, November 10, 2018
Manna World Holdings Trust --- More of the Same
By Anna Von Reitz
First, the crime of fraud has no statute of limitations. If I discover a fraud that happened in 1860 (and I have) and I report it and take exception to it today, the crime and all the subsequent history tainted by it, is still very much alive, still actionable, and still deserving remedy, cure, and divine service.
As a result, when something begins in error and fraud, it ends in the same status. No progress toward any actual and honest solution is made until the fraud comes to an end.
As long as FDR's "Bank Holiday" continues, the fraud continues. As long as the "State of Emergency" continues, the fraud continues. As long as the "United States" continues to run amok, so does the rest of the world. And there is no way to fix this or end this condition absent the end of the fraud itself.
Second, the crime of piracy also has no statute of limitations. If my great-grandfather's gold was stolen by pirates (thieves of any sort acting in international jurisdiction) he is still the lawful owner and I, as his heir, am still owed the return of that gold from Interpol or any other international law enforcement agency that obtains custody of the stolen property.
Now those who are responsible for this ongoing Mess have sought to make things easy on themselves and difficult for the rest of us by trying to seize all private assets and to dump our private assets into trusts, which are then combined and commingled into larger trusts----all controlled by them.
While they try to justify this as the act of valid Trustees, the actual owners and purported donors never elected them to the job and this is in fact just more piracy, more unlawful seizure of our assets in international jurisdiction, more false claims of rights and interests that do not exist.
The fact that the theft is more sophisticated and accomplished by paper transactions and keyboard strokes instead of cutlasses or broad axes, does not change the nature of the theft itself. Nor its affects on actual people.
In the case of actual private assets (gold, silver, jewels, etc., ) that were deposited in Good Faith as Special Deposits in the banks, Manna World Holdings Trust is trying to claim control of those accounts and those assets with no valid authority at all. It's simply more piracy, more commandeering of assets, rights, and responsibilities that belong to others.
Those assets belong to the people and/or organizations that deposited them.
Is that concept somehow suddenly difficult for everyone to understand?
And most especially, is it difficult for the bankers to understand?
Because if our deposits are not secure, what do we need banks for?
As holding tanks serving to make consolidated theft easier on the criminals?
Counter-Offer to Manna World Holdings Trust, November 11, 2018
Trustees, My Rump, and the Price of a Cup of Coffee
By Anna Von Reitz
There is a difference between a bank trustee and an actual private trustee chosen by the Donor of a trust.
Banks turn accounts over to trustees for management of the assets in behalf of specific private trusts. This happens routinely for purposes within the bank, to make sure that Special Deposits don't go astray or suffer losses or mis-administration that could be "embarrassing" or even "actionable in court".
It also happens when the original private trustees designated by the Trust Donors are incompetent physically or mentally or when Private Trustees die intestate without naming new trustees.
So that's basically the function and realm of bank trustees, both from the perspective of internal bank functions (trustee covers the bank's rump) and from the perspective of some private trusts that have been "left in the care of" the bank.
And this is where the pedal hits the metal in the current circumstance.
We've got Karen Hudes serving this Flak Jacket purpose at the so-called Global Debt Facility and now we've got Kim Goguen doing the same with all the "Off-Ledger" Special Deposit Accounts.
The banks are claiming that over 6,500 such private Special Deposits were left in their care ---"trustees unknown"--- and this is nothing but a bald-faced lie and excuse for the guilty banks to name a bank trustee to oversee and manage the accounts "as if" there were no private and actual trustees.
So the guilty banks identified all these actual asset accounts and gave the account information to goons who set up a separate ledger for all these formerly "off-ledger" accounts, brought them "on ledger"---albeit, a separate ledger---and the banks gratuitously turned all this over to Kim Goguen and Pals.
Understand this: actual people having actual assets --- gold, silver, gems, etc. -- people like Henry Ford, have placed these assets in "Special Deposits" in all these guilty banks.
All those Special Deposits are now being commandeered and used without the permission of the donors, the actual trustees, or the beneficiaries, placed at risk, invested, and spent by a group of unidentified goons and hackers and bank insiders.
And they are trying to tell you this is a GOOD thing?
Let me tell you why it is not a good thing.
If it could happen to Henry Ford and his grandchildren, it could happen to you.
A lawless bank is even worse than a lawless government, and both are useless for all the purposes that men tolerate either one.
We now know for sure that putting gold in a bank is the same as handing it to a robber, so why have banks at all anymore?
And if the world governments will not take action against this and preserve the safety and sanctity of our persons and property, rich and poor alike, what good are they, either?
All these people are doing, and being allowed to do, is running a giant sting operation--- resulting in yet another giant and reprehensible theft---one in which the banks and the colluding governments get off the hook for all their crimes by stealing the assets of their wealthiest customers.
I suppose it beats murdering all their Priority Creditors, but it is still nothing but crime and fraud and leaves nothing for us to build a solid future on. Just more lies, deceit, and sand.
They think they are brilliant because they have stolen control of all these assets. They think that because they control the money, all the (formerly) rich people are now helpless and won't be able to do anything about it but cry in their beer.
They sadly underestimate the inner resources of those they have robbed and the sharp and sturdy beauty of the Truth.Make No Mistake
By Anna Von Reitz
Two days ago I released an article that exposes the criminality that has plagued the British Monarchy for the last 150 years.
Yesterday, I exposed the guilty banks that have appointed Kim Goguen as a "bank trustee", and given her control of private "Special Deposit" accounts ---also known as "Off-Ledger" accounts that contain actual assets.
This morning, my hometown, Big Lake, Alaska, was targeted by a Resonance Energy Weapon, more generally known as a Directed Energy Weapon. [ D.E.W ]
Big Lake sustained a direct hit and was the original epicenter of a 7.0 Earthquake.
We saw the "Green Beam" from Elmendorf Air Force Base just prior to the event.
Big Lake is not located on any natural fault line.
Let's make this perfectly clear:
Any member of the U.S. Military targeting our soil is a criminal and a traitor.
Anyone giving such an order or obeying such an order needs to be pre-empted with deadly force and removed from command, court-martialed and shot. Period.
The "Nuremberg Defense" --- "I was just following orders!" --- has already been tried and failed and will fail again.
Any member of the UN Military targeting Big Lake, Alaska, is committing a crime and violation of the United Nations ENMOD Treaty. They also need to be removed with deadly force, arrested, and remanded to their country of origin for prosecution.
Big Lake, Alaska, is not a "domestic target" and has never been incorporated as a franchise of any Territorial United States or Municipal United States corporation.
This craven and criminal attack on our civilian population as retaliation for my exposure of the bank's colossal theft of private assets now being offered as a bribe to the military leadership neatly demonstrates the corruption of elements within our military -- in particular elements of the US Navy, DOD, and Air Force.
As the lawful Fiduciary for The United States of America I am asking all military officers to honor their Oath to protect America against all enemies both foreign and domestic, and I am asking them to assist in the recovery of our assets and the return of these assets to our lawful civil control.
The banks have robbed us and defrauded us under the watchful eye of our own military forces, and this has been the long and short of it since the 1860's.
Officers---you can deal with crooks and middlemen and act as crooks yourselves, accomplices and promoters of crime, or you can arrest those responsible for the theft of our assets and return our assets to our control-- and thereby earn both honor and reward.
Most if not all that gold that Kim Goguen is showing the military leaders as a sop rightfully belongs to the American States and People, or to private trusts and foundations like the Ford Family Trust, the D'Avila Family Trust, the MacArthur Foundation, and others, that are also willing to support our military without being coerced.
So if the American military takes money freely given from our hands to protect our nation, they have honor and righteousness. But take that same money ---our money--- from the hands of thieves, and they are accomplices to crime, no better than any penny ante street thug from here to Thailand.
The money Kim is showing off is all commandeered, stolen by the banks who are trying to bribe American military leaders to take the bait ---and then also take the fall for the banks.
Men---some of your Superiors, who are criminals themselves, will try to justify this theft as a "National Security Issue", but in fact, that is just more B.S. to excuse more crime.
The U.S. Army has been playing fast and loose with our assets ever since the so-called Civil War and the U.S. Navy has been taking its orders from the Queen, who is guilty of gross Breach of Trust.
The cruelty, disloyalty, and dishonor of all these people, their abject and stubborn criminality, is now made manifest and exposed for all to see. You all know that it was no "Act of God" that just happened to pinpoint Big Lake, Alaska, as the epicenter for a 7.0 earthquake.
The entire command structure at Joint Base Elmendorf needs to be relieved of duty immediately. An investigation needs to be launched by the Inspector General responsible and by the Office of the Provost Marshal.
This part of the Mess also needs to be cleaned up --- because it is not "just" the banks responsible for and colluding to create all this rot, it's the rotten elements within the military playing along with the banks.
Without a criminal military, the criminal banks have no enforcement.
So it comes down the military having brains enough to know who they really work for and whose gold it really is.
General Dunford? General Mattis? General Kelly?
Commander-in-Chief Trump?
We are all still here, in Big Lake, Alaska, broken dishes, sink holes, cracked bridges, collapsed expressway ramps, broken gas lines, darkness, cold, terrified pets and all.
All hail the filthy corrupt banks, corrupt military leaders, corrupt political leaders----exposed for the world to see.
And if the American military doesn't clean some clocks for this, then we can add them to the "Worthless and Useless List" along with the banks that rob their customers and the governments that prey upon the people they are supposed to protect.
See this article and over 1300 others on Anna's website here:
Fiduciary Deputies v. "Representatives" Tuesday, March 26, 2019
The Truth About Manna World Trust 6/25/2018
Manna World Holding Trust: Pilate Attempts to Wash His Hands
By Anna Von Reitz
People need to think--- and I mean, really think-- about the information contained in my new book for Donald J. Trump.
This explains explicitly who the parties were that engaged in the so-called Civil War: the British- backed territorial service provider doing business as "the United States of America" and some members of the original "Confederation of States" formed under the Articles of Confederation, that up until 1861 was doing business as the "States of America".
The breakaway states booted up a new business called the "Confederate States of America".
So, none of these entities were our actual government at all.
Our actual government is unincorporated. These other entities were and are just governmental service providers in the business of providing government services per Article IV of all three federal constitutions.
After the so-called "war"--- which was never declared, never ended by peace treaty, and never fought by any sovereign government at all--- the perpetrators pulled off a variety of fraud schemes involving identity theft, substitution, unlawful conversion, and later on, bankruptcy fraud, making false and unjustifiable claims against the people and actual states of this country.
Fast forward to now--- the vermin contrived to "redefine" your Given Name as that of a "decedent" who willingly gave up your inheritance "for" you when you were just a baby in your cradle. They established bonds against your labor and other assets "for" you, and they set up a Puerto Rican ESTATE trust "for" you---for the express purpose of pillaging you and your country in Breach of Trust. That is actually, provably what has gone on here.
Remember that in this instance a "bond" is nothing but an I.O.U.-- a promise to pay, and in this case, your supposed promise to give them all your assets and claim to your labor in supposedly equitable exchange for "benefits" that you also pay for yourselves, so the entire purported contract is self- interested and invalid and inequitable from the get-go. It is, in fact, preposterous and nothing that anyone in their right mind would agree to--- which they then use as proof that you are mentally incompetent.
Beginning to get the drift of all this?
And now enters "Manna World Holdings Trust"--- yet another foul fantasy construction made out of thin air --- claiming that they were given title to you and your labor and they are now generously giving "you" and your assets back to the bankrupt federal corporation headed up by President Trump. Kim Goguen, the mastermind behind this maneuver was named "Trustee" by a Draco "Lord of the Admiralty" and is in fact just a glorified bank terminal operator given the codes and downloads into the DTC and Federal Reserve System --- which is also bankrupt and null and void.
What is the net effect? The guilty parties are trying to wash their hands and give themselves assets to feed upon in the same stroke. It's not a bad plan from their perspective, there's just one tiny flaw at the heart of it. It's all based on fraud.
The situation is somewhat akin to the old Florida Real Estate Scam.
The con artist offers you a Quit Claim Deed to property he doesn't own. It's the same schtick here. Manna World Holdings Trust has a false claim against your assets, which they are generously releasing.
The only actual effect is to allow them to presume that they ever had a valid claim against you and your good Name and your assets in the first place, and therefore allow Donald Trump to presume the same.
It's all bull shit by any other name and you would be crazy to allow any of it any credence
Repeat after me: ""No contract now, no contract then, no contract ever."
President Trump, just because Manna World Holdings Trust gives you their Quit Claim on property that was never theirs to begin with, doesn't mean that you suddenly have a valid claim to own, use, or abuse our property, either. Americans claim their Trade Names and ESTATES without exception and without reference to your bankrupt corporation.
The servants are not allowed to own the masters. There is no statute of limitations on fraud.
I don't care how many generations of people have believed this poop. The facts are the facts. We rebut all claims of interest and ownership made by Manna World Holdings Trust and all claims prior to theirs and all claims subsequent, too.
Our good names are our own. Our assets are ours. And nobody but nobody has a leg to stand on otherwise.
Pilate's hands are still just as dirty as they ever were.
Manna World Holdings Trust--- Again
Manna World Holdings Trust--- Again
By Anna Von Reitz
Let’s make it perfectly clear to everyone.
It doesn’t matter what you call it: Unum Sanctum Trust, Manna World Holdings Trust, or just The Trust. It’s what it is, that counts. It is the umbrella organization holding most if not quite all the other historic and heritage and asset-backed trusts.
You can call it Whoopee-Ding-Dong Company for all the difference that it makes.
The Trust is a holding company with over 4,500 trusts and accounts dumped into it, most of which belong to actual living people and groups of people and entire countries, and not to the Trust at all.
In fact, the argument can be made (and I make it) that all the holdings in The Trust are stolen
goods, stolen from the dead and stolen from the living, too.
The beings responsible for the existence of The Trust steal what isn’t theirs the same way a goat eats turnips. It is their nature. They steal for gain, they steal for pleasure, they even steal to give it away again, so that even when they are pretending to be philanthropists, they are actually just giving away what isn’t theirs and making themselves whatever advantage they can make of it.
It would be rather begging the question to say that they aren’t nice people.
They lie the same way that they steal. It’s part of their nature. They lie for fun.
They lie to see how much they can get away with.
They lie because their tongues would swell up if they told the truth.
They lie for profit. Lying is a way of life for them. If they even know the truth, it’s only in order to
prevaricate it.
Again, it’s not really appropriate to say that they aren’t nice people, because “nice” isn’t in them any more than the truth is.
Like snakes and buzzards, they just are what they are.
The Historic Trusts and Accounts fall broadly into four different categories: (1) National trusts which include vast bullion holdings; (2) Treaty trusts that were never paid out and just sat around accruing value; (3) Family and Group trusts that as the name suggests, belong to specific families and organizations, some of which include vast bullion and jewel and land assets; (4) asset-backed currencies and bonds that may or may not still have value.
These so-called “Off Ledger Accounts” form the stockpile of assets providing the collateral for all the banks of the world.
Reason would dictate that the owners of these assets would share in the wealth
generated when the banks make loans and trades based on these assets, but in fact, in many cases, the banks haven’t even paid interest and have done their best to steal title to the assets, mostly by claiming that the actual owners are unknown or dead or in some way “abandoned” the assets left as special deposits in their care.
All this really proves is that the bankers are the worst crooks among us, despite their nice suits.
Now I am getting cards and letters and emails all excited about the newest rendition of Big Pay Out Mania--- following the likes of Wolfgang Struck, the Dinar and Zim Exchanges, and now, Manna World Holdings Trust, aka, the Big One.
Please realize that this is just another rendition of what you have heard before.
We are all going to
be richer than Midas.
And it’s all for free.
And all you have to do is sign some dubious paperwork
that only a sharp lawyer would recognize for what it is and what it does to you and what it gives to them.
Please, everyone, understand that all that “wealth” is a problem for them. They are trying to off-load it because it’s stolen goods and relatively useless to them unless and until you all start using it as
money, at which point they own the casino and can get back in business again.
You see the situation now?
There is no such thing as a free lunch.....there is no such thing as a free lunch.....there is no such
thing as a free lunch.....there is no such thing as a free lunch..... Repeat as often as necessary.
You shall know them by their fruits. They stole all this wealth from other people and now they are giving it to you, so what does that make you?
An accomplice to their crime. A receiver of stolen goods.
We have been through multiple iterations and variations of two basic themes, either (a) big unknown philanthropist(s) who somehow (let’s not ask how) gained control of almost all the precious metals and jewels and art and land in the world are going to dump it all on us for free, or (b) by some magic, junk bonds and I.O.U.’s put out by insolvent governments are going to transform into securities worth billions or trillions of dollars.
But somehow, none of this ever actually happens. There is always
some delay, some technical difficulty....
I stopped believing in Santa Claus when I was six, and the only reason I didn’t stop believing
before that, was that my Mother encouraged the fantasy to teach me a lesson.
Did I want Santa Claus to be real?
You bet.
Is he? No. The reality is that a whole lot of people pretend that he’s real and get a kick out of pretending so they can give gifts in secret. The fact is that people who perform actual jobs and produce actual goods and services and who pay far too many taxes make sacrifices to cheer up their friends and family with gifts during the darkest days of winter.
At the end of the day, was I more impressed by fantasy fat elves in red suits, or by the self-sacrifice and thoughtfulness of millions of people trying to give good gifts to each other?
The truth was ever so much better than the lie!
Most of our top generals and key officers in the military services of the world have been promised big pay-offs on currency exchanges of Iraqi Dinar and Zim.
They believe(d) this and pumped it up and stood ready to enforce it, but guess what?
Blood does not come from turnips.
Same thing with all these philanthropists.
They are just front men trying to chisel whatever deals
they can make in exchange for giving everyone new casino chips.
It’s not the chips they are worried about, and it is certainly not being done for your benefit. It’s being done so the casino owners get a new round of the old game. Nothing more or less.
Kim Goguen and her pal, Thomas, are following in the same footsteps of Karen Hudes and Wolfgang Struck.
Same basic schtick.
They get sly undisclosed benefits from what they are proposing--- (1)
first and foremost, they put the casinos back in business; (2) they wash their hands of responsibility for the theft of all these trusts; (3) they get you to admit that what they stole from you was actually theirs, and when they give it all to Mr. Trump, that means that he owns you –your names and your assets---fair and square.
Here’s the Kicker: once they pull that one off, they can come back on
Trump, bill him for all the debts of his bankrupt government services corporation, and force him to ante up and give back all those “assets” which are now laundered and they can get free title to you and all that is rightfully yours. Pretty sweet deal in exchange for some pieces of metal that they want to get distributed anyway.
Wake up, dear children, Satan is slick, his children are slick, even his hand-maidens are slick as
greased eels. Now, all of that is bad news and nasty, I know. I can hear balloons popping and hopes deflating all over the world. But just like the hurt of no longer believing in Santa Claus, there is a silver lining to all of this.
For the first time in thousands of years, you have the opportunity to put things in perspective, to
actually know and see what money is, to make new choices and develop new ways of trading with each other, to value the truth which is that we live in a world of endless abundance and there is no reason for anyone to suffer poverty or go without anything they need to thrive ever again.
And isn’t that better than an old fat guy in a funny suit?
___________________________________________________________________________________________________________Now, I Am Mad. Officially.
By Anna Von Reitz
Saturday, February 17, 2018
Now, I Am Mad. Officially.
Finally, apparently some time after it was issued. I finally got a copy of Thomas of Manna Trust Fame's "Challenge". Why does it take days for this stuff to come across my desk? It's the same with Karen Hudes. My email address is all over the internet, posted on my website, etc., etc., etc., ----and yet, nobody bothers to send these dumb accusations directly to me. It's all rumors until someone has presence of mind (thank you, BTW) to copy and paste and actually bring the thing forward so that I CAN respond to it.
So here it is with my answers in brackets:
1. Show us the letters received back from the important people you say you are working or dealing with.
[How many thousands --nay, tens of thousands, of letters and phone calls and emails over how many decades would you like to see? I started this in 1998. And most of the time, as you no doubt know. the rats don't reply or don't reply directly, because the dead cannot speak to the living, however, also according to their rules, a non-reply is actually a reply, and proof of the mailing creates implied contract, so there you have it. Dead in the water on their part and only God knows how many communications on and off the public record there are bearing my name and my husband's name. You bring your archives and I will bring mine and I will bet hard money that what you've put your name to will look like a very, very small pile compared to mine, which fills several rooms full of filings and court cases and correspondences.]
2. Show people your internet income earnings, like we have done
[In the first place, I have no "income". Income is corporate profit accruals separated from capital, and I am not a corporation of any kind. In the second place, the few thousand dollars that people donate to the Living Law Firm every month is not "mine". Not only do I rarely take anything from those funds, but I wind up supplementing anything I take with later donations to the effort of my own, so far from having any "internet income" from donations or from my books, the sum total for me has been in the red, read that as "negative profit" for years and years and years. So do you want to know how many thousands or dollars and years of my UNPAID time has been dedicated to this? I have never totaled up my losses. Too depressing to think about, so I don't. But if I have Important People like you, who obviously haven't suffered the same as I have, talking about "profit", then good for you that you still have some profit to divulge. If pressed, I might make the effort to calculate my losses, but I prefer not to be pitied for sacrifices that I willingly made.]
3. Kim is a fraud but twice she asked to work with her, explain that.
[I didn't say that Kim was a fraud---I confirmed that she was appointed Trustee of Manna World Holdings to the best of my knowledge. And yes, I also confirmed that she has had trouble with scam reports, which is obvious and all over the internet. I think you have a somewhat biased impression of actual roles here. Kim is supposed to release the trust assets back to the people and the countries to which the assets actually belong. I am one of those who have led the charge to force the exposure and liquidation of The Trust, most particularly, by laying claim to all the American assets that are owed to the actual American states and people of this country and ending the phony "abeyance" of our government. As such, she and I have to work together and it is begging the question of who is "asking" to get this done and who is responsible for doing it. I have asked her on two occasions to get off the fence and do what she is supposed to do--- (1) Turn over the accounts that are owed directly to the actual American states and people so that we can restore the 3141 counties and 50 republican states to full function and (2) Rescue the hijacked Guadalupe Hidalgo Trust assets which were improperly traded instead of being disbursed to the actual Beneficiaries who had already WAITED for OVER 200 YEARS to receive any benefit at all. On both occasions, she "shined me on" and did nothing. So as far as I am concerned, none of this gets settled until she settles with the actual American Government and with the American Indian Nations. It should be her concern to get in contact with me and with Michael Young and do justice and work with us in that common cause.]
4. Kim and codes are bogus she says, yet her partner in the now appears rogue bank asked for the live codes from Kim, if both are bs why did they ask? explain that
[I didn't say the codes were "bogus"--- they are real enough, and they are part of an old, ugly, dishonest system of banking that needs to go away. So I guess there is a distinction to be made between whether they work in a practical sense, and whether or not they are honest and whether this whole situation should exist at all--- which are two very different topics. There are plenty of things that are actual and factual--- like bank codes and accounts--- which have nonetheless been instruments of fraud in the past and which because of that fraud, should actually be null and void, even though we all have to continue working through that matrix until a real settlement can be reached.]
5. If she knew Kim and MWHT was a fraud as she NOW alleges, ignoring points 3 and 4, why wait until now when things are done? explain that
[This entire business, the very EXISTENCE of The Trust is based on fraud, racketeering, identity theft, kidnapping, unlawful conversion, enslavement, inland piracy---loathsome crimes against mankind. There's no way to "dress that up" in a pretty dress and say that, oh, it's okay, it's all valid, somehow---just because there is a big pot of assets left over that the criminals have been astute enough to abandon. That does not mean that the assets aren't real. It doesn't mean that Manna Trust doesn't exist. The fraudulent nature of all that underlies it and the need to focus on NOW and doing whatever justice can be done with the assets, is the topic I addressed and which you either got the "wrong impression" of or simply made wrong assumptions about.]
6. Anna wanted the in ground resources via Hildago Treaty to her not the people, explain that.
[If you knew or studied the history of this country and its treaties as I have, you would know that the King of England retained the "in-ground" mineral resources as part of the negotiated peace at the end of the Revolutionary War and generation unto generation the pigs have taken their "tribute" in the form of our mineral wealth. So when it came time for severance for cause, the Queen attempted to sell off our minerals in the ground to the Chinese--- a deal that I put my big, fat foot down on and objected to. So, that was not just an objection affecting the Guadalupe Hidalgo Trust, that was an objection affecting ALL the in-ground mineral wealth controlled by The United States of America. I suppose that I and my husband have become unavoidably associated with The United States of America in the same way that any Head of State is, and perhaps you heard someone gossiping about the in-ground mineral claims in terms of "Anna wanted the in-ground mineral resources" of the Hidalgo Trust because I objected to their sale and demanded their ownership be returned to The United States of America as part of the entire demand that ALL our in-ground mineral resources be returned to our states and our people. Did you expect me to stand still and let sharpies sell off our mineral wealth using the excuse that it belonged to the Queen after we sacked her administration for cause and Breach of Trust? Or sit here and let other entities claim one centimeter of our soil? Please note--- the minerals are in soil. And whose soil is it? It belongs to the American states and people, dba, The United States of America (Unincorporated). So don't "personalize" it as if I were objecting for my own little private self or as if I stood to gain anything from objecting; quite the contrary, all I received for my efforts were some nasty death threats from disappointed criminals and bullshit assumptions from ignoramuses.]
7. Anna says the money belongs to the people, and every show we have said the money will go back to the people, is she hard of hearing?
[ I trust that if anyone has read my comments about "the money" they now have a somewhat more enlightened view of what "money" is and is not. Money, unlike commercial script, has to have asset value in-and-of itself. So it is not just digits in a ledger it is gold, silver, platinum, etc., etc., My rather jaundiced view is that whether we are talking about "money" or talking about commercial script or digits, we are still talking about "symbols of value" and the only difference is actual money has commodity value and script and digits do not. Either way, the thing people need to think about is what money is. Is it possible to symbolize "value"? To put a price on a man's time on Earth? On his life? On his culture? On his land? Really? I see the whole concept of money as idolatry and delusion and false values and simply changing from digits to paper to pieces of metal does not solve that problem. Mankind as a whole needs new answers, not just a reboot and redistribution of casino chips and false beliefs, but until we can all emerge on a new plane of thinking about "value" we will have to slog through a transition period and use these traditional baubles as a means of trade. And yes, all the people on this planet deserve to have all the baubles they need to thrive and survive until we all wake up from the Mass Delusion of Money once and for all.]
8. Anna never addressed any of the facts put forward last night in the show, about her, her cousin, her connections or affiliations, please explain that Ms. Ratzinger.
[Why, exactly, should I address things that don't exist--? Once again, you make all sorts of lame-brained assumptions. My family name is "Reitzenstein" it comes from the Tyrol, a formerly German province now part of northernmost Italy. Reitzenstein is a physical place and my name "von Reitzenstein" means my ancestors represented that place in the German government. The name "Riezinger" is a name my Great-Grandfather made up as a pen name and adopted via court action in Bavaria in 1851. It is, obviously, as a made-up name, unrelated to the common Westphalian name "Reisinger" and it is also unrelated to the middle German lower nobility family name of Pope Benedict--- "Ratzinger". Way, way, way, way far back these names might have had a common root, and the Reitzensteins of the Tyrol, the Reisingers of Westphalia, and the Ratzingers of Ulm might have come from the same Celtic clan circa 1000 A.D., but I trust that even you will grant that is a sufficiently removed association from the current families and people alive today and that if I am in fact a "cousin" of the Pope, it isn't in the sense of the word that people commonly think of. I might be such a "cousin" to half the people in Norway, too. And since I am not Roman Catholic and never was, I have nothing to say about any affiliation there, either. Ignorant people don't know that there is a difference between the "Universal Catholic Church" and the "Roman Catholic Church"--- but it is surely time that they woke to hell up and learned. If it takes a lightning bolt from heaven before they wake up and see even half of what is right in front of their faces, I wouldn't be surprised at this point.]
The gist is Anna is coming across as one of the ego headed people who think they are the one to save the world, and only them, it is all about the glory of them and not we.
[If you are not here to "save the world" and yet you are responsible for making settlement, you'd better get on board and get with the program---which is precisely my point above. Kim should be working with the unincorporated national governments "of, for, and by" the people, not toadying up to Presidents of governmental services corporations that are bankrupt and in Breach of Trust and commercial contract. Trump is eligible and we bonded the actual public office for him, but he hasn't accepted, so right now, he has no actual contract to represent the states and people of this country. So what is Kim doing trying to give our assets to the foreign governmental services providers that defrauded us and acted in Breach of Trust that landed our country in this mess in the first place? Duh?]
Neither Kim or I are seeking to be the one or the savior as laid out in several shows, that has become clear to all who have interacted with me and the show.
Whilst others talked, Kim delivered, all of them with their self appointed, self importance titles, be it a Judge, M1s, Chief Clan and Klan leaders, Chinese elders, Dragons, Archangels, Jesus, Mary, Zeus, Isis, Goddess this and Goddess that, what did they actually achieve? Their success rate is on a par with the RV crew - zero.
[What, exactly, has Kim "delivered": to anyone so far? Where is the money I asked for to fund the 3141 local county jural assemblies that have to be organized to restore our lawful government? Where is the money to fund the badly needed education program to teach people the actual history of this world and this country? Where is the money for The Living Law Firm, to bring an end to the Foreclosure Mills that are decimating the lives of millions of American families under conditions of open fraud? Where are the resources to launch an honest banking system? Kim has known of our valid needs for over a year and has done NOTHING to fund any of these urgent NEEDS and she has for goddamn sure known how many trillions of dollars the American states and people are OWED. She also has eyes in her head and can presumably hit a few search engines and figure out that I am not related to the Pope, not Catholic, and didn't ask for this unpaid and thankless "job" any more than she did. Again-- uh-duh.....!]
Anna as I have said has a lot to offer, but needs to drop the glory of Anna and her self importance, drop the white only group SS, get off her high horse, and come and actually be apart of the all, to fix things on this planet.
[Since my husband's family has been fighting this fight since 1868, and been on the run since Theodore Roosevelt threatened to kill them all in 1906, it strikes me that the Newcomers however talented they may be, need to get off of their "high horse" and come talk to those who have fought and bled and fled for their lives and picked shit with the chickens and lived like outlaws in their own country and devoted their lives to freeing it against all odds and reason, in the face of open death threats for six generations-----and come to our table to discuss and be part of the solution instead of assuming that money is all that matters on Earth or in Heaven. If money had anything to do with our devotion to this particular cause we would have given up a long, long time ago. So don't think we are going to come begging for what is ours. You are going to yield up what is owed to The United States of America, to the actual states and people. Or there will be no settlement.]
This is what this group is all about, no one more important than the next, creating leaders to lead, not rule over others.
So, what is it to be Anna, the new way of us and we, or the failed model continuation of me and I?
["New model" my ass! What is new about giving everyone casino chips made of gold, so they can play in your stacked gambling house? All this "caring and sharing"? It wouldn't be happening, except that some of us got our tails in a twist and exposed this whole gigantic fraud and demanded the liquidation of The Trust. And who do you think did that? Who do you think brought the Bills of Lading to do that? It was me and my husband! Wake to hell up! The records are clear and you have access to them. So either you are liars and cheats and thieves in sheep's clothing, like all the rest of the Pretenders so far, or you are being unaccountably obtuse about the facts that led to The Trust being turned over to Kim for liquidation in the first place.]
A world of caring and sharing, with compassion for all, and a love for all, a concept so simple and yet it bamboozles many, time for real change is now, as the old model never worked and has clearly failed.
Be the change.
[We have already been "the change". You are a result of that change. ]
See this article and over 800 others on Anna's website here:
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-_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Manna World Holdings Trust --- Fraud and Piracy Explained
By Anna Von Reitz
First, the crime of fraud has no statute of limitations. If I discover a fraud that happened in 1860 (and I have) and I report it and take exception to it today, the crime and all the subsequent history tainted by it, is still very much alive, still actionable, and still deserving remedy, cure, and divine service.
As a result, when something begins in error and fraud, it ends in the same status. No progress toward any actual and honest solution is made until the fraud comes to an end. As long as FDR's "Bank Holiday" continues, the fraud continues. As long as the "State of Emergency" continues, the fraud continues.
As long as the "United States" continues to run amok, so does the rest of the world. And there is no way to fix this or end this condition absent the end of the fraud itself. Second, the crime of piracy also has no statute of limitations. If my great-grandfather's gold was stolen by pirates (thieves of any sort acting in international jurisdiction) he is still the lawful owner and I, as his heir, am still owed the return of that gold from Interpol or any other international law enforcement agency that obtains custody of the stolen property.
Now those who are responsible for this ongoing Mess have sought to make things easy on themselves and difficult for the rest of us by trying to seize all private assets and to dump our private assets into trusts, which are then combined and commingled into larger trusts----all controlled by them. While they try to justify this as the act of valid Trustees, the actual owners and purported donors never elected them to the job and this is in fact just more piracy, more unlawful seizure of our assets in international jurisdiction, more false claims of rights and interests that do not exist.
The fact that the theft is more sophisticated and accomplished by paper transactions and keyboard strokes instead of cutlasses or broad axes, does not change the nature of the theft itself. Nor its affects on actual people. In the case of actual private assets (gold, silver, jewels, etc., ) that were deposited in Good Faith as Special Deposits in the banks, Manna World Holdings Trust is trying to claim control of those accounts and those assets with no valid authority at all. It's simply more piracy, more commandeering of assets, rights, and responsibilities that belong to others. Those assets belong to the people and/or organizations that deposited them. Is that concept somehow suddenly difficult for everyone to understand?
And most especially, is it difficult for the bankers to understand? Because if our deposits are not secure, what do we need banks for? As holding tanks serving to make consolidated theft easier on the criminals? ----------------------------
See this article and over 1300 others on Anna's website here:
Kim Goguen and the Manna World Holding Trust
Kimberly Ann Goguen Sovereign Trust, Sovereign ...Mar 11, 2015 ... Kimberly Ann Goguen Sovereign Trust, Sovereign Nation Sovereign Trust, Sovereign Nation,Sovereign Trust FMCA7778887778889999 Fraud sick person, seeking power and manipulation, to defraud people from their money/assets Tucson, Scottsdale, New York, Michigan, Mass.
Lewis E Taylor Kimberly Ann Goguen Complaint ...Apr 6, 2015 ... Kimberly Ann Goguen a psychopathic lair, propagating her image as a good doer, saving the World from Alien influence, and the Illuminati. Claiming to have Trillions of dollars, Foreign currencies, gold, and controls 85% of the global wealth, a dissident of royalty. Lives in poverty. Yet, deception is her ... Source
Maricopa County Justice Courts Nov 18, 2013 ... KIMBERLY ANN GOGUEN. CC2013-204223, 11/22/2013, 9:00:00 AM, Forcible Detainer Hearing - Attorney, ARCADIA ON 49TH. JOHN CRAIN. BRYANT RUSHING. CC2013-206691, 11/22/2013, 9:00:00 AM, Forcible Detainer Hearing - Attorney, RED MOUNTAIN VILLAS. ERIC WAYDA. CAROL WAYDA. Source
Lewis E Taylor Kimberly Ann Goguen Sovereign Trust, Sovereign Nation, Deceptive, Frauds, scammers Los Angeles, Tucson, New York, Arizona, California Nationwide
Kimberly Ann Goguen, Fraud leader, queen-pin, intentionally deceives individuals, and government officials, by offering them grants, free gifted money from Sovereign Trust Accounts FMCA7778887778889999 none existent!!!
Her accomplice is Terrance Cameron McDonald a self professed Priest, and Lewis E.Taylor a self professed Philanthropist with his own website. They have nothing. They are spreading fraudulent, fake computer manufactures documents to defraud people of their money promising them grants in the billions, free money for their help to help them ''download'' funds that is not theirs form government accounts, which they are not authorized to.
Beware, of Kimberly Ann Goguen a pathological lair and fraud, she is the leader of the fraudsters group, claiming she is a member of the United Nations, and has her badge and registration, yet cannot show. She claims to control 80% of the Gold and money wealth of the World, and that she is the sole signatory to i more then 4500 international bank accounts, off-ledger hidden, invisible accounts around the globe. The fact is she lives in poverty, in hiding and self imposed house arrest.
She is been around since 2007, and has orchestrated hundreds of scams where individuals lost hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars falling into her trap. She is associated with December Fifth company out of England, ran by a Pakistani fraudster. She has been an associate of MortgageMax a defunct mortgage firm out of Arizona.All scams.
She has helped other quasi-legitimate finance agencies defraud investors with promises to get them into large transactions of high yield investments, if they lease BG's[ Bank Guarantees for $300,000. each] where in fact they were all worthless scams, since she has neither banking nor finance connections anywhere on Earth.
She writes proposals to foreign government officials promising them Free Gold and Currency. When time comes to prove up her funds and position she disappears.
Reports vent out to US agencies, FBI, and others to be aware of her activities, and associations with rogue, terrorist organizations. She claims her mission is to SAVE THE UNITED STATES FROM ECONOMIC COLLAPSE. She claims to have made offers to finance the entire US budget for the next 10 years. Yet she is unknown in spite of all her alleged power and wealth.
She is a dangerous criminal, sick minded, manic depressive, bipolar, psychotic striving to attain power and influence.
This report was posted on Ripoff Report on 03/11/2015 04:35 PM
Kimberly Ann Goguen Sovereign Trust, Sovereign Nation Sovereign Trust, Sovereign Nation,Sovereign Trust FMCA7778887778889999 Fraud sick person, seeking power and manipulation, to defraud people from their money/assets Tucson, Scottsdale, New York, Michigan, Mass. Internet
Kimberly Ann Goguen, Fraud leader, queen-pin, intentionally deceives individuals, and government officials, by offering them grants, free gifted money from Sovereign Trust Accounts FMCA7778887778889999 none existent!!!
Her accomplice is Terrance Cameron McDonald a self professed Priest, and Lewis E.Taylor a self professed Philanthropist with his own website. They have nothing. They are spreading fraudulent, fake computer manufactures documents to defraud people of their money promising them grants in the billions, free money for their help to help them ''download'' funds that is not theirs form government accounts, which they are not authorized to.
Beware, of Kimberly Ann Goguen a pathological lair and fraud, she is the leader of the fraudsters group, claiming she is a member of the United Nations, and has her badge and registration, yet cannot show. She claims to control 80% of the Gold and money wealth of the World, and that she is the sole signatory to i more then 4500 international bank accounts, off-ledger hidden, invisible accounts around the globe. The fact is she lives in poverty, in hiding and self imposed house arrest.
She is been around since 2007, and has orchestrated hundreds of scams where individuals lost hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars falling into her trap. She is associated with December Fifth company out of England, ran by a Pakistani fraudster. She has been an associate of MortgageMax a defunct mortgage firm out of Arizona.All scams.
She has helped other quasi-legitimate finance agencies defraud investors with promises to get them into large transactions of high yield investments, if they lease BG's[ Bank Guarantees for $300,000. each] where in fact they were all worthless scams, since she has neither banking nor finance connections anywhere on Earth.
She writes proposals to foreign government officials promising them Free Gold and Currency. When time comes to prove up her funds and position she disappears.
Reports vent out to US agencies, FBI, and others to be aware of her activities, and associations with rogue, terrorist organizations. She claims her mission is to SAVE THE UNITED STATES FROM ECONOMIC COLLAPSE. She claims to have made offers to finance the entire US budget for the next 10 years. Yet she is unknown in spite of all her alleged power and wealth.
She is a dangerous criminal, sick minded, manic depressive, bipolar, psychotic striving to attain power and influence.
This report was posted on Ripoff Report on 03/11/2015
HamassFx , Serbs Borovic Terrance C McDonaldHormoz, Steinegger Kimberly Ann Goguen, a Fraud, Scammer, Deceitful Fraud KingPin Tucson, Scottsdale, New York, Michigan, Mass. Arizona, NY, Ma
Kimberly Ann Goguen, an psychopathic lair, bipolar sick mega-lo maniac, deceives people by drawing them into her circle, claiming she is a signatory, member, of The Sovereign Trust, controls 80% of the Worlds Wealth, claiming she is ready and capable of giving away free money to help projects, individuals, and countries rebuild, by offering free money in the hundreds of billions of dollars, foreign currency, gold, all they have to do is just ask, and she will give. Well, the fact is that the internet is full of these victims, individuals, project owners, representative countries, that have been solicited by her and drawn into this non-sense of lies, only to find out many months later that she is a fraud, a lair, and a sick women. Over the years everyone involved with her in the past has lost large amounts of money. She has made written offers to the Serbian Government, offering them free money gold, for infrastructures, projects, yet she cannot even prove she has a bank account anywhere, nor a pot to piss in. [continued below]....
..... She lives in hiding, in the Sonora Desert in Arizona, dodging and hiding from those she victimized. Stay away from her, her name, her associates, whom all claim to want to rebuild the USA, and Europe, and Africa but are living in abject poverty, in hiding. They have spread documents with fake names, signatures and claims that they are the only legitimate trustees of a Sovereign Trust that don't exist. She claims she hid the assets into 4500 accounts globally in different currencies, and gold, that is invisible, off Ledger, and now she is looking for individuals who would be willing to help her find Government bank screens to help her download the funds into usable account, offering 25 to 50 billion dollars for the service. All is known that these things don't exist, if any money the may have excess to might be stolen Bank Screen Codes, Accounts that belong to some Governments, not them. She sends her accomplices to solicit millions as a loan, until they are able to move the money they claim is theirs, under sovereign trust. Waist of money, time and all else your good name and reputation.
Kimberly Ann Goguen, Fraud leader, queen-pin, intentionally deceives individuals, and government officials, by offering them grants, free gifted money from Sovereign Trust Accounts FMCA7778887778889999 none existent!!!
SEC file charges against WCM777 & Ming XuThe civil lawsuit, filed in a Californian District Court, lists World Capital Market Inc., WCM777 Inc., WCM777 LTD. dba WCM777 Enterprises Inc., Ming Xu aka Phil Ming Xu, Kingdom Capital Market LLC, Manna Holdings Group LLC, Manna Source International INC., WCM Resources INC., Aeon Operating INC. and PMX Jewels LTD as defendants, with the SEC alleging XuThe civil lawsuit, filed in a Californian District Court, lists World Capital Market Inc., WCM777 Inc., WCM777 LTD. dba WCM777 Enterprises Inc., Ming Xu aka Phil Ming Xu, Kingdom Capital Market LLC, Manna Holdings Group LLC, Manna Source International INC., WCM Resources INC., Aeon Operating INC. and PMX Jewels LTD as defendants, with the SEC alleging Xu
Saturday, November 10, 2018
Manna World Holdings Trust --- More of the Same
By Anna Von Reitz
First, the crime of fraud has no statute of limitations. If I discover a fraud that happened in 1860 (and I have) and I report it and take exception to it today, the crime and all the subsequent history tainted by it, is still very much alive, still actionable, and still deserving remedy, cure, and divine service.
As a result, when something begins in error and fraud, it ends in the same status. No progress toward any actual and honest solution is made until the fraud comes to an end.
As long as FDR's "Bank Holiday" continues, the fraud continues. As long as the "State of Emergency" continues, the fraud continues. As long as the "United States" continues to run amok, so does the rest of the world. And there is no way to fix this or end this condition absent the end of the fraud itself.
Second, the crime of piracy also has no statute of limitations. If my great-grandfather's gold was stolen by pirates (thieves of any sort acting in international jurisdiction) he is still the lawful owner and I, as his heir, am still owed the return of that gold from Interpol or any other international law enforcement agency that obtains custody of the stolen property.
Now those who are responsible for this ongoing Mess have sought to make things easy on themselves and difficult for the rest of us by trying to seize all private assets and to dump our private assets into trusts, which are then combined and commingled into larger trusts----all controlled by them.
While they try to justify this as the act of valid Trustees, the actual owners and purported donors never elected them to the job and this is in fact just more piracy, more unlawful seizure of our assets in international jurisdiction, more false claims of rights and interests that do not exist.
The fact that the theft is more sophisticated and accomplished by paper transactions and keyboard strokes instead of cutlasses or broad axes, does not change the nature of the theft itself. Nor its affects on actual people.
In the case of actual private assets (gold, silver, jewels, etc., ) that were deposited in Good Faith as Special Deposits in the banks, Manna World Holdings Trust is trying to claim control of those accounts and those assets with no valid authority at all. It's simply more piracy, more commandeering of assets, rights, and responsibilities that belong to others.
Those assets belong to the people and/or organizations that deposited them.
Is that concept somehow suddenly difficult for everyone to understand?
And most especially, is it difficult for the bankers to understand?
Because if our deposits are not secure, what do we need banks for?
As holding tanks serving to make consolidated theft easier on the criminals?
More Useful Idiots
By Anna Von Reitz
So now we have Thomas Williams running around saying, "Anna von Reitz knows about this stuff because she is one of them."
Once again, we see their modus operandi at work ---- always -- accuse your opponent of being what you are yourself.
Ask yourself, if Kim Goguen, Thomas's pet, has all the secret account codes to the actual asset accounts ---- how did she get them?
The deposit account records were stolen by the Central Banks and the accounts of the New Asset Ledgers were set up by the U.S. Military and its subcontractors at M.I.T.
So how did she get them? A little birdie just sat on her shoulder one day and whispered in her ear? Hey, Babe, here's the goods we want you to manage for us.... put on a nice public show of philanthropy, but actually give the stuff only to those we control....
I educated myself for over forty years and my parents weren't stupid.
My parents went to every Town Hall Meeting and dragged me along.
My Mother worked on the Farm Union Claims that resulted in the original NESARA effort.
I worked on the American Indian Movement Claims that have been the spearhead to restore Native Americans to their proper standing.
We aren't your average working class family, no, we are not.
But it's not because the Plotters responsible for this situation informed us about what they were doing.
We come from ---- many generations ago --- the actual German and French and Russian Royals who were murdered and replaced just as the actual States of States were murdered and replaced via secretive substitution.
We're not the "Wind-surs", not the Payseurs---- not the Banker's Pursers, we are the actual Royals: so I suppose we have a natural knack for seeing these mechanisms of government at work, but we are not the people that THEY confide in.
Our relationship with THEM is that of Mongoose and Snake, Protector and Thief, Shepherd and Wolf. We are the ones who paved the way for people to self-govern.
It was our ancestors that created and enforced the Magna Carta. It was our ancestors who declared every American born on the soil of this country to be a sovereign in their own right. We are not elitists. We don't believe that men are supposed to rule over other men.
We think that men have enough trouble just learning how to govern themselves.
Unfortunately, learning to self-govern doesn't come easily or overnight.
It unnerves THEM because we seemingly know everything. We see through them. We know their history. We know their mechanisms. We know who is responsible and accountable. And they can't figure out how we know this stuff.
We've had no less than five "missions" come to our homes and plant bugs and listening devices all over, even in the bathrooms. They are trying to monitor our communications and find out who is feeding us all this information. We know the bugs are there, but we do nothing to remove them. We don't care if they listen in, 24/7.
They can chase their tails and phantoms and be bored silly until the cows come home and meet them in the back pasture.
All that they plot in secret is brought to light. Every lie they tell is detected.
But then, I have given them warning, which they don't want to believe, that absolutely everything they do and think and say and feel ---- is already a known quantity.
I have told them flatly that there is no use in trying to lie about anything: the judgement of God, the True God, is infallible; and that is because His knowledge is precise.
I know these things, because I am part of the One True God. I can walk the time grid. I can pass between the worlds. I know my true identity. I am a child of the True God.
And that scares them more than anything, the confirmation that there is a True God who sees their idolatry and doesn't like it, and who will take the actions he has promised, if they don't repent and turn aside from their evil.
These Jews --- and they are all Jews by blood --- regardless of their religion, know that they have been here before, but they are having a tough time recalling the details. I have no such problem.
Once again, they are being given the choice of Jeremiah, Chapter 31, or, Jeremiah, Chapter 51. Joy or destruction. Life or death. Sovereignty under the True King, or Death under a False Idol.
The True God, our Creator --- or Mammon.
Some of the Central Bankers, many of them, in fact, are scared. They know they have gone too far. They know that the misery they have caused has been lifted up to the highest heaven. They can feel the ground shifting under they feet, getting ready to swallow them. They can sense their carnival sideshow magic fading and the True Magic entering in.
And then you have men like Mark Carney, who are already dead, who have no fear of the Living God, who think that nobody knows what they have done and nobody notices the self-interested evil they propose.
Yes, they meet in secret, in a downstairs room, without windows, with locked doors and they face the East and they stupidly imagine that the True God does not see and hear absolutely everything. Uh-duh.
They think that there is nothing to stop them, that they hold all the cards. They can almost taste all the power they will have if they can just bamboozle the rest of the world one more time.
Just a little longer, they think, and there will be "endless credit" that costs them nothing at all, and they will parcel it out like misers, and use it to pay off their cronies, and pay off the military leaders, and nobody will see through the fraud and nobody will call them on it.
So they think, but..... the beginning of wisdom is the love of the True God. For one brings peace and light and life, and the other brings nothing but misery and death and destruction.
Ahem.... so if you wonder how I know these things, think back on what I am telling you and trace it all through for yourself. Just use your own horse sense and if you get stuck, "Ask, and it will be given to you." --including what to believe about me.
See this article and over 1900 others on Anna's website here:
My Ten Billion Dollar Request to the Vatican Bank
By Anna Von Reitz
The ten billion request I made to the Vatican Bank is only a tiny start on what The United States of America is owed.
It is/was intended to be seed money to fund the reorganization and restructure of the bankrupt corporate "county" government organizations to put them back on the land and soil and allow us to get on with the business of assembling the States and finishing the "Reconstruction" of the Federal States of States.
It is/was also supposed to fund the operations of the Office of the Fiduciary, which is responsible for recouping the assets of The United States of America which have been scattered all over the world, conducting audits on the assets and accounts owed to The United States and The United States of America, and establishing local offices where Americans can come claim back their private property assets.
The purpose for the money was fully explained as part of the instruction I gave THEM.
As I am the Fiduciary not only for The United States of America, but the entire world--- because all the rest of it was organized based on the fraud against us and we wound up as the Title Holder--- this is/was an utterly reasonable purpose and amount for the work to be done.
Kim is trying to take over my job and making up a lot of ugly stories to benefit herself and those who are managing her. It won't help her in the end, because the truth is known and the truth will win.
Kim's failure to fund this worthy work and her failure to fund many other things is just another indication that: (1) she is not who or what she claims to be; and (2) that she is indulging in what THEY always do ---- accusing other people of being what they are themselves, and of doing the wrongs that they themselves perform.
The Vatican Bank owes us trillions of dollars because of their mismanagement of our assets and the Gross Breach of Trust that the Holy See has committed against The United States and The United States of America, both.
If they had the sense of Beagles, they would do what I requested them to do, set aside $10 billion to fund our service and assessment activities, and work hard to correct The Mess that they and the British Monarch have created not only for The United States of America, but the rest of the world as well.
You see the results. These Debtors welch on their debts, and then blame us for asking for a small, almost trivial amount of what they owe us as an initial return, so that we can resume our normal course of business, take care of long overdue accounting functions, and provide needed services to the people of this country.
Instead, we are stuck having to bootstrap our counties and everything else on volunteer efforts and donations.
It's just another indication of how irresponsible and criminal these people really are. They can't even come up with a small amount toward their debt, while they continue to live in palaces.
They poor-mouth and try to excuse levying more taxes on the backs of the people they are supposed to serve, even creating the whole Global Warming Fraud as an excuse for more taxation--- while they sit on and use trillions upon trillions of dollars worth of our combined assets and return virtually nothing to the actual owners.
This entire situation has to end.
As I have explained, Kim and various other people --- Karen Hudes, Wolfgang Struck, etc., have been presented as "Third Party Philanthropists" -- as a means of returning the assets while keeping control of the assets and also, avoiding blame for having purloined our assets in the first place.
This is unacceptable for a number of reasons, first and foremost, that it is dishonest.
We can't build a future on fairytales.
People have to have a solid foundation to build a new world economy. They have to have honesty about this from the get-go, or there is no basis for any public trust whatsoever.
What the True God builds, stands. What men build out of their lies, fails.
I have already told them (the Vatican) and Kim and all of you, that there is no purpose in lying about anything at all, because the truth is known in great detail.
So, that being so, my suggestion to the Vatican and to Kim is to just stop trying to avoid what is true, and get on with the business of correction.
Set aside the money I requested for the purposes outlined, and let us get on with straightening out the situation in this country, because this country has been used as the staging platform for all the other skullduggery and needs to be the one that takes the lead to straighten this Mess out.
Obviously, the Vatican/Holy See structure failed to do its duty by the people of this country and the rest of the world. Obviously, too. the British Monarch has failed their duty.
As a result, the purported Donors of the Public Trust have presented themselves and pulled the plug.
It is really that simple.
Kim's failure on all counts is self-evident and the inappropriateness of any Third Party Philanthropist Scheme is also.
Once the all the county governments are fully funded and operating in their proper jurisdiction, and the accounting is done, the people of this country are more than capable of reconstructing some Federal corporations and taking care of their own business.
We propose that a return to self-governance of the people, by the people, and for the people is the solution to this ongoing Mess, not only for America, but for all the other countries of the world. We take care of our own farms and fig trees. Period.
If the governmental services corporations want to stay in business, they quit the lying, stealing, cheating, and other foul activities they have been engaged in.
Otherwise, they don't have a contract.
And that, too, is simple enough to grasp.
They may not like it, but, tough. That's the way it is. That's the truth of the matter and even the Pope would have a hard time disagreeing, much less a lackey like Kim Goguen.
See this article and over 1900 others on Anna's website here:
Counter-Offer to Manna World Holdings Trust, November 11, 2018
By Anna Von Reitz
1. Perhaps you could explain how Marduk had any legitimate right of control or ownership of the assets he transferred to you? Because to my certain knowledge, you are claiming control of assets that weren't his and aren't yours to meddle with. The law is: possession by pirates does not change ownership. He could not give you authority or legitimacy he didn't have himself. So let's see Marduk's chain of provenance and bona fides establishing his interest and role in assets like the V.K. Durham Trust and the D'Avila Trust .... all approximately 5,000 of the private trusts that have been swept up in a big bag and handed to you to dispose of.
2. Renaming a trust or group of trusts to create a new legal person, e.g., changing the name of Alpha and Omega Trust to Manna World Holdings Trust doesn't give you any new authority or grant any new authority to the trust you made up out of thin air. Remember that these trusts contain actual assets, not digits, and fall under the Law of the Land, not legal and statutory provisions.
3. I didn't credit or accuse you of creating the QFS--- simply using it with Marduk's help--- to purloin control of approximately 5,000 Special Deposit Accounts, the actual donors of which never elected you (or him) as trustees. This is a sticking point. Actual assets deposited by people and organizations in Good Faith in a bank should not be seized upon by anyone but the lawful depositors. Interference with these assets and normal bank protocols is a threat to all private property rights and also whatever public confidence people can still have in the banks.
4. You are not the only good person out there. I have met plenty of good solid people who are legitimate private trustees with proof of trusteeship over accounts you are now controlling as an Executor de Son Tort. You blame them for not deploying assets to help Mankind sooner --- but surely you know or have cause to know that these same Trustees have been blocked from having access to their accounts for decades? The Committee of 300, the Trilateral Commission, the Bilderburgers, the Roman Cartel, and the guilty banks were all too busy using these private assets to make money for themselves. The actual trustees AND beneficiaries went hungry to bed ---- some, like the intended beneficiaries of the Guadalupe Hidalgo Treaty Trust have been kept waiting for relief for literally hundreds of years and anyone who stepped forward as a Fiduciary to deploy the funding has been refused access, too. So it isn't like you can sit there and blame the people I am talking about. They have been victims as much as anyone else. Their Good Will should not be impugned for not doing something that they couldn't do through no fault of their own.
5. Generally speaking, the assets in the trusts you are seizing upon belong to private people, not "the People". Special Deposits belong to the Depositors, unless you can prove that the funds are the fruit of money laundering or other serious crimes---- and unless you have a receipt that says, "The People" on it, "The People" don't have anything to say. There are some trusts like those belonging to The United States of America [Unincorporated] and our member States that actually do belong to The People, but these are dedicated trusts in the National Interest.
In our case the plan is simply to transfer the assets to our International Trade Bank and from there disperse into fifty State accounts on a per capita basis. Each State Account will be assigned a competent Fiduciary CFO and from there, "The People" will be fully informed about their inheritance and enabled to make choices individually and via plebiscite. Each State Fiduciary issues a yearly online report and an abstract report. In this way each State is responsible for maintaining accountability to "The People" and reflecting the actual Will of the People in that State.
(6) Trust beneficiaries are not and cannot be "required" to appoint agents with plenary control over their assets, especially when the Donors didn't mandate any such condition. Rather, it's your job to liquidate or rollover the public trusts to the actual states and actual people and to return the private property trusts to their own trustees. If you want to help, you would be welcome by our Trust Association Members to do so. Everyone understands the need for disciplined and organized deployment of relief efforts and infrastructure development funding, so you might logically start with people who: (1) have valid claims and clear, public aims; (2) have already agreed to work cooperatively for the common good of all. I will point out that expecting one woman to act as Trustee of 5,000 trust accounts is sheer lunacy. The private trust trustees can help you as much as you can help them.
(7) As for getting four countries to release control of their trusts "back to their former trustees" --- there are no such valid trustees that I know of, because any valid Public Trusteeships have been usurped (in most cases) for over a hundred years. So why make such a reference to a system that was of the pirates, by the pirates and for for the pirates? It isn't like countries can go back to anything like a valid Public Trusteeship, and you know that. In virtually all cases, the purported trustees of the incorporated governments weren't even functioning in a fiduciary capacity--- and you presumably know that, too.
In the world I live in, rights go hand-in-hand with responsibilities. Anyone who doesn't take responsibility under The Prudent Man Standard has no right to act as a Public Trustee. By that standard virtually none of the incorporated governments on Earth even have Fiduciary Trustees---- the "United States" certainly hasn't bothered to have Fiduciary Trustees for decades--- and when you are talking about actual National Trust assets, Fiduciary Trustees are required. The United States of America [Unincorporated] does have Fiduciary Trustees in place, so we have our horses in front of our cart.
(8) As for the Indian Nations, most of them did sign deals with the Devil, but it is also true that most of those deals (similar to the U.S. Attorney General's claim to own all of us via donation) are fraudulent, void for non-disclosure, etc. We call such nations "dependent sovereignties" because some entity has to hold the responsibility in order to exercise the rights of the landlord, but many nations can co-habit the same geographical space.
We, The United States of America [Unincorporated], are the recognized landlords of this country since 1776. In 2015, we opened up the land jurisdiction to put an end to second class citizenship in this country. Those Native Americans who elect State Citizenship instead of U.S. citizenship have been free to come home to the land jurisdiction of this country since November 6, 2016, and once separated from the international jurisdiction of the sea, they own their own bodies, so also own soil.
Michael Stephen Young exercised this option in 2015, thus securing standing as an American and as a Tribal Chief in America. He waived his rights as a beneficiary of the Guadalupe Hidalgo Treaty Trust, formed a plan, established it as his Irrevocable Will on the Public Record, and has stood ready to begin implementation with our full support and approval for three years.
And here we are, looking at another bitter winter, still fuss-farting around and trading insults about this situation. A lot of good, worthy --- and needy --- people have been waiting over 200 years to see any benefit from that trust, and they are still waiting. One must ask if the trustees have any concern for the intended beneficiaries --- Native Americans, Hispanics and Cowboys and Traders in seven western states --- or sense of "reasonable urgency" in the performance of their duties at all. I certainly consider promptness an element of Fiduciary Duty and am bewildered how a Treaty Trust with us could remain in limbo, gathering interest and dust for over 200 years. And still isn't deployed.
(9) Since we are discussing actual, factual assets the legal/lawful requirements are a bit different than you suppose. For example, we don't need to be in good "legal standing". We need to be in good "lawful standing".
Actual assets exist in the realm of sovereignty, not the realm of legal fictions. We are the ones that give corporations licenses -- that is, corporations are licensed by us, not the other way around.
(10) It appears that you have your heart in the right place but are confused about various points of law and nobody is blaming you for that. It is confusing. You have also come out of ---and cut your teeth inside of--- a criminally malfunctioning system, so it's not like you have any experience or knowledge of what a correctly functioning world economy looks like or how it is SUPPOSED to function. Perhaps, just maybe, if we got together face to face we could iron it all out enough to MAKE A START.
See this article and over 1300 others on Anna's website here:
Manna World Holding Trust: Pilate Attempts to Wash His Hands
By Anna Von Reitz
People need to think--- and I mean, really think-- about the information contained in my new book for Donald J. Trump.
This explains explicitly who the parties were that engaged in the so-called Civil War: the British- backed territorial service provider doing business as "the United States of America" and some members of the original "Confederation of States" formed under the Articles of Confederation, that up until 1861 was doing business as the "States of America".
The breakaway states booted up a new business called the "Confederate States of America".
So, none of these entities were our actual government at all.
Our actual government is unincorporated. These other entities were and are just governmental service providers in the business of providing government services per Article IV of all three federal constitutions.
After the so-called "war"--- which was never declared, never ended by peace treaty, and never fought by any sovereign government at all--- the perpetrators pulled off a variety of fraud schemes involving identity theft, substitution, unlawful conversion, and later on, bankruptcy fraud, making false and unjustifiable claims against the people and actual states of this country.
Fast forward to now--- the vermin contrived to "redefine" your Given Name as that of a "decedent" who willingly gave up your inheritance "for" you when you were just a baby in your cradle. They established bonds against your labor and other assets "for" you, and they set up a Puerto Rican ESTATE trust "for" you---for the express purpose of pillaging you and your country in Breach of Trust. That is actually, provably what has gone on here.
Remember that in this instance a "bond" is nothing but an I.O.U.-- a promise to pay, and in this case, your supposed promise to give them all your assets and claim to your labor in supposedly equitable exchange for "benefits" that you also pay for yourselves, so the entire purported contract is self- interested and invalid and inequitable from the get-go. It is, in fact, preposterous and nothing that anyone in their right mind would agree to--- which they then use as proof that you are mentally incompetent.
Beginning to get the drift of all this?
And now enters "Manna World Holdings Trust"--- yet another foul fantasy construction made out of thin air --- claiming that they were given title to you and your labor and they are now generously giving "you" and your assets back to the bankrupt federal corporation headed up by President Trump. Kim Goguen, the mastermind behind this maneuver was named "Trustee" by a Draco "Lord of the Admiralty" and is in fact just a glorified bank terminal operator given the codes and downloads into the DTC and Federal Reserve System --- which is also bankrupt and null and void.
What is the net effect? The guilty parties are trying to wash their hands and give themselves assets to feed upon in the same stroke. It's not a bad plan from their perspective, there's just one tiny flaw at the heart of it. It's all based on fraud.
The situation is somewhat akin to the old Florida Real Estate Scam.
The con artist offers you a Quit Claim Deed to property he doesn't own. It's the same schtick here. Manna World Holdings Trust has a false claim against your assets, which they are generously releasing.
The only actual effect is to allow them to presume that they ever had a valid claim against you and your good Name and your assets in the first place, and therefore allow Donald Trump to presume the same.
It's all bull shit by any other name and you would be crazy to allow any of it any credence
Repeat after me: ""No contract now, no contract then, no contract ever."
President Trump, just because Manna World Holdings Trust gives you their Quit Claim on property that was never theirs to begin with, doesn't mean that you suddenly have a valid claim to own, use, or abuse our property, either. Americans claim their Trade Names and ESTATES without exception and without reference to your bankrupt corporation.
The servants are not allowed to own the masters. There is no statute of limitations on fraud.
I don't care how many generations of people have believed this poop. The facts are the facts. We rebut all claims of interest and ownership made by Manna World Holdings Trust and all claims prior to theirs and all claims subsequent, too.
Our good names are our own. Our assets are ours. And nobody but nobody has a leg to stand on otherwise.
Pilate's hands are still just as dirty as they ever were.
Manna World Holding Trust: Pilate Attempts to Wash His Hands
By Anna Von Reitz
People need to think--- and I mean, really think-- about the information contained in my new book for Donald J. Trump.
This explains explicitly who the parties were that engaged in the so-called Civil War: the British- backed territorial service provider doing business as "the United States of America" and some members of the original "Confederation of States" formed under the Articles of Confederation, that up until 1861 was doing business as the "States of America".
The breakaway states booted up a new business called the "Confederate States of America".
So, none of these entities were our actual government at all.
Our actual government is unincorporated. These other entities were and are just governmental service providers in the business of providing government services per Article IV of all three federal constitutions.
After the so-called "war"--- which was never declared, never ended by peace treaty, and never fought by any sovereign government at all--- the perpetrators pulled off a variety of fraud schemes involving identity theft, substitution, unlawful conversion, and later on, bankruptcy fraud, making false and unjustifiable claims against the people and actual states of this country.
Fast forward to now--- the vermin contrived to "redefine" your Given Name as that of a "decedent" who willingly gave up your inheritance "for" you when you were just a baby in your cradle. They established bonds against your labor and other assets "for" you, and they set up a Puerto Rican ESTATE trust "for" you---for the express purpose of pillaging you and your country in Breach of Trust. That is actually, provably what has gone on here.
Remember that in this instance a "bond" is nothing but an I.O.U.-- a promise to pay, and in this case, your supposed promise to give them all your assets and claim to your labor in supposedly equitable exchange for "benefits" that you also pay for yourselves, so the entire purported contract is self- interested and invalid and inequitable from the get-go. It is, in fact, preposterous and nothing that anyone in their right mind would agree to--- which they then use as proof that you are mentally incompetent.
Beginning to get the drift of all this?
And now enters "Manna World Holdings Trust"--- yet another foul fantasy construction made out of thin air --- claiming that they were given title to you and your labor and they are now generously giving "you" and your assets back to the bankrupt federal corporation headed up by President Trump. Kim Goguen, the mastermind behind this maneuver was named "Trustee" by a Draco "Lord of the Admiralty" and is in fact just a glorified bank terminal operator given the codes and downloads into the DTC and Federal Reserve System --- which is also bankrupt and null and void.
What is the net effect? The guilty parties are trying to wash their hands and give themselves assets to feed upon in the same stroke. It's not a bad plan from their perspective, there's just one tiny flaw at the heart of it. It's all based on fraud.
The situation is somewhat akin to the old Florida Real Estate Scam.
The con artist offers you a Quit Claim Deed to property he doesn't own. It's the same schtick here. Manna World Holdings Trust has a false claim against your assets, which they are generously releasing.
The only actual effect is to allow them to presume that they ever had a valid claim against you and your good Name and your assets in the first place, and therefore allow Donald Trump to presume the same.
It's all bull shit by any other name and you would be crazy to allow any of it any credence
Repeat after me: ""No contract now, no contract then, no contract ever."
President Trump, just because Manna World Holdings Trust gives you their Quit Claim on property that was never theirs to begin with, doesn't mean that you suddenly have a valid claim to own, use, or abuse our property, either. Americans claim their Trade Names and ESTATES without exception and without reference to your bankrupt corporation.
The servants are not allowed to own the masters. There is no statute of limitations on fraud.
I don't care how many generations of people have believed this poop. The facts are the facts. We rebut all claims of interest and ownership made by Manna World Holdings Trust and all claims prior to theirs and all claims subsequent, too.
Our good names are our own. Our assets are ours. And nobody but nobody has a leg to stand on otherwise.
Pilate's hands are still just as dirty as they ever were.
Manna World Trust, AI, Quantum, and More
By Anna Von Reitz
There are very foolish and uninformed rumors on the internet about these topics.
I will share the facts as I know them.
Kim Goguen aka Kim Possible aka Virgo Triad is the purported Trustee of Manna World Trust.
She is a Romanov from the same family as the former Czar of Russia murdered and deposed by the Vermin who selected Kim to be a lab rat in one of their genetic engineering experiments.
She doesn't know what happened to her, why she "isn't the same" as she once was, why she can't feel certain emotions--like love-- any more, why she is in some respects compulsively driven to work 24/7 with immense focus, and at the same time is confused, her mind as unsettled as her jumbled, broken emotions.
But I know what THEY did to her and why.
They get their rocks off on "converting" survivors of families they have murdered to their religion ---and using and abusing them to do their own dirty work. In this way, their "victory" is complete and their enemies are not only dead and dishonored, but even their shirt-tail relatives are employed doing things and believing things that the Romanovs despised.
This is a religious "war" and a spiritual conflict, in which the Father of All Lies contests with every means of guile against the Father of All Truth.
And those who murdered her family have converted Kim into their literal living breathing tool.
You might assume that "those who murdered her family" refers to the Russian Communists, because that is another lie we were told all our lives.
But in fact the Romanovs were killed by the Rothschild network as revenge for Russian intervention in our Civil War and the Romanov's refusal to turn over control of their national economy to the tender mercies of a Central Bank.
So, what could be more pleasing to the twisted minds among us than to take Kim at an early age, and raise her to be their tool against her own homeland and people?
And when I say "tool" I mean it literally. That is the nasty part of "A1" technology. The victims gain some amazing powers at the cost of losing control over their own minds and souls.
So Kim can act as a human monitor over more than 4500 accounts all over the world--- but that is what she is: a computer terminal ensconced in living flesh.
She was chosen for her role by Marduk, and we should all know this moniker as the name of a vicious "God" worshipped in Canaan in the Temple of Baalbek.
He was the original creator of the Artificial Intelligence technology that converted Kim into a living computer terminal.
As for AI and "Quantum" both were developed by rogue elements of our own intelligence agencies and hackers at MIT.
Both are already obsolete.
From a moral and ethical standpoint, AI should never have been developed and used for any such purpose.
Kim's mind, emotions, and life are destroyed for no good reason, and she is being used as a machine --- a weaponized living computer terminal -- to mislead, entrap, and control other living people.
I know this for sure because I have the patents to the AI and Quantum technology sitting on my desk. I can read for myself what the intentions of these monsters really are. And it isn't pretty. I've also talked to Kim Goguen and heard her life story. And now you know the rest of it.
She wasn't a bad woman. On the contrary, she was a very good woman with a kind heart and a brilliant mind. The problem is that thanks to what these criminals have done to her, she isn't herself anymore. She isn't even truly human anymore.
How these and other patents like them have been allowed by the US Patent Office is another story---a story about allowing a British conglomerate, Serco, to use and abuse our Patent Office ---- leaving us apparently responsible for patenting horrific inventions and business models blatantly advertised for criminal, even genocidal uses.
That shame belongs to the United Kingdom Government, for gross mis-administration, immorality, and Breach of Trust.
And to Marduk, former head of the Brotherhood of the Rose Cross, whose lust for blood and ancient technologies led him to destruction and caused the destruction of many others.
Kim Goguen and the Manna world holding trust
The Truth About Manna World Trust Manna World Trust
False Claims by World Bank and IMF
These documents are NOT secret! They ARE a matter of Public Record.
Hopefully Final Comment on the Manna World Holdings Trust
These documents are NOT secret! They ARE a matter of Public Record.
Hopefully Final Comment on the Manna World Holdings Trust
Notice of Royal Monarch of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna
Notice of Sovereign Kingdom of Manna & Appointment of the Royal Monarch, The King’s Supreme Commander and Grand Master Knight
This is official notice that on the 24th day of October 2016, His Excellency Jesper Ellermann accepted his appointment as Royal Monarch of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna.
His Excellency Jesper Ellermann baring the official title of The King’s Supreme Commander and Grand Master Knight of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna was crowned and recognised officially in the eyes of God, by the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna and globally on Earth.
Recognised and united under the commands and jurisdiction of Sovereign Country Code FMCA7778887778889999.
On the same day being the 24th October 2016, His Excellency Jesper Ellermann accepted his appointment perform the duties assigned to him under the current reigning Sovereign Kingdom of Manna and its Constitution within the boundaries of Natural Law. This Notice has been recorded into the Royal Register within the Office of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna.
This is official notice that on the 24th day of October 2016, His Excellency Jesper Ellermann accepted his appointment as Royal Monarch of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna.
His Excellency Jesper Ellermann baring the official title of The King’s Supreme Commander and Grand Master Knight of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna was crowned and recognised officially in the eyes of God, by the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna and globally on Earth.
Recognised and united under the commands and jurisdiction of Sovereign Country Code FMCA7778887778889999.
On the same day being the 24th October 2016, His Excellency Jesper Ellermann accepted his appointment perform the duties assigned to him under the current reigning Sovereign Kingdom of Manna and its Constitution within the boundaries of Natural Law. This Notice has been recorded into the Royal Register within the Office of the Sovereign Kingdom of Manna.
Research Notes: No additional information on can be found on His Excellency Jesper Ellermann. as of 08/31/2019
In addition, no listing exists for Sovereign Kingdom of Manna: See List of all Sovereign Nations and their Capital Cities.
Inquiry has been sent to One World Nations Online, awaiting reply.
Should any of our readers have additional verifiable information regarding this topic, please feel to send using the form provided below.
In addition, no listing exists for Sovereign Kingdom of Manna: See List of all Sovereign Nations and their Capital Cities.
Inquiry has been sent to One World Nations Online, awaiting reply.
Should any of our readers have additional verifiable information regarding this topic, please feel to send using the form provided below.
Finance Minister ‘Gives’ Country’s Swift Code to Fraudster; Liberia Almost Duped over US$32 Million
Wolokolie, according to information gathered got alarmed, suspecting him of being a member of Kimberly Ann Goguen gang, thereby prompting him to get the National Security Agency, the Liberia Anti-Corruption Agency and the Financial Intelligence Unit involved which led to his arrest.
Kimberly Ann Goguen is a fraud leader, queen-pin, who intentionally deceives individuals, and government officials, by offering them grants, free gifted money from Sovereign Trust Accounts FMCA7778887778889999 which is non-existent.
When contacted by Front Page Africa to get clarity or comments on his reported involvement with the alleged fraudster, Minister Wolokollie said, “Don’t bring your foolishness to me about you and Rodney, that is my response to you. The first thing your boss is supposed to do if there’s a news story is he’s supposed to talk to me before he does anything. So, if Rodney wants to discuss the issue, tell him I want to discuss with him face-to-face on radio; tell him that and don’t come and play devil’s advocate like you trying to seek my side and my response is don’t bring your nonsense to me you and Rodney.”
The Ministry of Finance is yet to comment on the matter since the arrest of alleged impersonator.
However, this paper gathered that the first attempt was unsuccessful because the United States Federal Reserve (FED) raised the red flag. The Central Bank of Liberia (CBL) does its international payments through the FED. When this illegal transaction took place, the Central Bank was informed by the FED and also put stop payment on other Government of Liberia’s international payments until an investigation to find out how this transaction took place or whether it was an error on the part of Central Bank. The FED was informed by the Central Bank of Liberia that the transaction did not originate from CBL and the bank was not aware of such payment.
According to reports, Suspect Korboi was arrested from the office of Min. Tweah by the Liberia National Police.
He had presented himself as an executive of Maga Strategic Partners Limited, a construction company, to senior staffs of both ministries. He had lured them into believing that he had come to the country with an unspecified amount of money to help support President George Weah’s Pro-poor Agenda, especially in the areas of road construction and other development initiatives.
The Ministry of Justice says the company is non is non-existent. Read Full Article
Kimberly Ann Goguen is a fraud leader, queen-pin, who intentionally deceives individuals, and government officials, by offering them grants, free gifted money from Sovereign Trust Accounts FMCA7778887778889999 which is non-existent.
When contacted by Front Page Africa to get clarity or comments on his reported involvement with the alleged fraudster, Minister Wolokollie said, “Don’t bring your foolishness to me about you and Rodney, that is my response to you. The first thing your boss is supposed to do if there’s a news story is he’s supposed to talk to me before he does anything. So, if Rodney wants to discuss the issue, tell him I want to discuss with him face-to-face on radio; tell him that and don’t come and play devil’s advocate like you trying to seek my side and my response is don’t bring your nonsense to me you and Rodney.”
The Ministry of Finance is yet to comment on the matter since the arrest of alleged impersonator.
However, this paper gathered that the first attempt was unsuccessful because the United States Federal Reserve (FED) raised the red flag. The Central Bank of Liberia (CBL) does its international payments through the FED. When this illegal transaction took place, the Central Bank was informed by the FED and also put stop payment on other Government of Liberia’s international payments until an investigation to find out how this transaction took place or whether it was an error on the part of Central Bank. The FED was informed by the Central Bank of Liberia that the transaction did not originate from CBL and the bank was not aware of such payment.
According to reports, Suspect Korboi was arrested from the office of Min. Tweah by the Liberia National Police.
He had presented himself as an executive of Maga Strategic Partners Limited, a construction company, to senior staffs of both ministries. He had lured them into believing that he had come to the country with an unspecified amount of money to help support President George Weah’s Pro-poor Agenda, especially in the areas of road construction and other development initiatives.
The Ministry of Justice says the company is non is non-existent. Read Full Article