Step 1a. Understanding Cestui Que Vie Act 1666 – Existence of Life
Introduction to Understanding
To understand how this all came to be and how to proceed, read the following books below.
To understand how this all came to be and how to proceed, read the following books below.
A Valuable History Lesson — For the Brits and Everyone Else
by Justice Anna von Reitz
.A Valuable History Lesson — For the Brits and Everyone Else
To begin with — you have to know what a “commonwealth” is and the roots of the institution —- essentially, the King gave to the Church grants of “commonwealth land” — typically wasteland, swamps, gravel pits, “sour ground”, peat bogs, etc., that the Roman Catholic Church then developed into any useful and gainful purpose to provide benefit to the community and provide support for the poor and the sick.
Thus a partnership between the Monarch and the Church developed — the Monarch was relieved of the burden of both the wasteland and the poor, the Church was enriched by the potential resource and the labor of the Paupers.
This basic relationship between the Monarch and the Church was inverted under King John. He was called “Lacklands” because his Father basically disinherited him in England and didn’t give him any land of his own. The Church stepped in to help him overcome this by offering him control of the Church’s Commonwealth lands. In this way, the Monarch became the servant of the Church, but he also regained control and “ownership” of title in trust to land. This is the relationship that has endured all these centuries, with the Church being the Donor of the Commonwealth Trust and the King being the Trustee and the Poor and Sick being the Beneficiaries.
In the British system, then, you are enrolled as a pauper since you are a member of the Commonwealth estate, and your assets both public and private are considered to belong to the Pope’s Trustee, to be held and used “for the common good” of the “community being served” — that is, for the common good of the paupers who form the body of this Public Charitable Trust.
This is a form of “Christian Communism” and it used to affect only the dregs of society, — those properly identified as Paupers who are dependent on actual payments or stipends or food, housing, and hospitalization of and by the Church. It was under this system that the Church working with the Monarch developed Poor Houses, Orphanages, Work Homes, Public Works, Hospitals, Public Schools, and many other institutions with which we are now all familiar. The Commonwealth was the first “Public-Private Partnership”.
While retaining the basic quid pro quo, the mechanisms of The Commonwealth changed in the 1600s after The Great Fire of London, during which a new and very lucrative scam was developed, albeit “with the best of intentions”.
In the wake of The Great Fire, chaos reigned and nobody knew what happened to the former owners of surviving property, nor did they return promptly after the inferno. Many simply removed to the countryside or joined relatives in other places. Some property was permanently vacated and had to be razed and cleaned up and cleared using funds from the King, by which he obtained an interest in the “grounds”. The Cestui Que Vie Act of 1666 created a form of False Registry in which everyone not present was presumed dead — this was done as a means of moving forward and always with the admission that the owner might in fact show up and reclaim his property. This mechanism allowed the King to claim private property and redevelop it as he and his silent partner, the Church saw fit, and reinvest the profit from this — also as he saw fit.
In this way, vast amounts of property in the City of London were reclaimed from private ownership and used to enrich the Monarchy, which then hired the British Crown to manage and develop the property “for the public good”. The modern Municipal Government was born. The Church remained the Donor (with actual control of all the assets), the King remained the Trustee, and the Poor, Sick, and Indigent remained the Beneficiaries. If the Church found the King doing anything it didn’t like, it could simply revoke the “donation” of the trust assets in question, but otherwise, the Monarch remained their willing ranch hand and the public budget of the government burgeoned as the British Crown got more and more actively involved in procuring revenue under this arrangement.
This initial circumstance proved so very profitable, that soon it was being used to seize upon the estates of any “missing person” and to confiscate private property of foreigners and various other targeted individuals — bankrupts, tax cheats, and so on, with the British Crown providing the Revenue Agents and Warrant Officers, being overseen by the Inquisition (to keep them honest–ha, ha, ha) and the King being enriched by all the titles to property and his Government receiving its due portion of the lucre generated by this activity.
In this way, gradually, over time, the King re-established a claim to the land even if it was not true Possession — only “ownership” –that is, a proprietary interest in the land as Trustee, and was then able to re-introduce “Property Taxes” on the British People that would not have been possible under the original Land Grant to Freeholders established under the Norman Patents.
King James 1 wrote a book about this scheme called “The Bounty Book” and he noted that it all begins with a system of False Registration — in this case, registering property as belonging to unknown or missing persons or people merely “presumed to be” wards of the state.
This system was shut down by our ancestors, but regained a foothold in modern times under the auspices of Queen Victoria, who put a twist on it, and found a way to glom on to the value of the British People’s labor, as well as to continue to convert their land holdings into taxable trust property. This process was called “enfranchisement” and it pretended to offer people the benefit of being able to “vote” without explaining that this resulted in losing the ability to “elect” public officials. By registering to vote (yes, another False Registration process) the victims unwittingly incorporated themselves as shareholders in bankrupt public corporations, which then seized upon their assets including their labor as objects to tax. The “enfranchised voters” were enfranchised in exactly the same way as the McDonald’s Corporation offers franchises to operate hamburger shops— all without full disclosure, of course.
In this way the Queen was enabled to impose “income taxes” on living people, under the False Presumption that they had knowingly, willingly, and for their own benefit invested in bankrupt corporations chartered by the Queen, and were obligating themselves to pay for the debts of those failed corporations with a tax upon the profits of their “individual corporate franchises”.
Thus, the British Voters were imposed upon to pay for public bankruptcies of the Queen’s corporations, and their land and labor were mortgaged to do so.
Thus there were now two False Registry systems in play — one to seize upon land holdings and put them into the Commonwealth Trust, and one to seize upon the value of an individual’s labor and impose taxes on that private property, also.
This has resulted in a system of what I call “Corporate Feudalism” in which the People are being bilked and enslaved by their own government, and the government is sharing the profits of this activity with the Pope, who, together with his organization, is benefiting from the unjust enrichment along with the Queen and the British Crown.
We now know what has been practiced against us all, and it is only a matter of what we are going to do about it.
Rule of Grammar for the use of CAPITAL LETTERS used in a NAME: when CAPITAL letters are used anywhere in a NAME this always refers to a LEGAL ENTITY/FICTION, COMPANY or CORPORATION no exceptions.
C’EST TUI QUE TRUST: (pronounced set–a–kay) common term in NEW ZEALAND and AUSTRALIA or STRAWMAN common term in USA or CANADA is a LEGAL ENTITY/FICTION created and owned by the GOVERNMENT whom created it.
“Legally, we are considered to be a FICTION, a concept or idea expressed as a NAME, a symbol. That LEGAL PERSON has no consciousness; it is a juristic PERSON, EN LEGIS, a NAME/word written on a piece of paper” – Jason Whitney, Presenter & Researcher: The Occult World of Commerce.
When you are born, (your Mothers’ WATER broke) your Parents Name you, for example John or Jane DOE. The Nurse or Doctor along with your Parents sign your Record of Live Birth (Title of Deed to Real Property) so your BIRTH CERTIFICATE could be created (a “certificate is a negotiable instrument; see Certi & fi-duc(e) iary & fi-cat(e) iary) for the purpose of “creating the LEGAL ENTITY/FICTION (this LEGAL ENTITY/FICTION is regulated and works in commerce as GOVERNMENT can only regulate that which it creates and it didn’t create the living breathing Man or Woman – God did). The LEGAL ENTITY/FICTION is registered by the Department of Commerce, under the ADMIRALTY MARITIME LAW/JURISDICTION (LAW of the WATER) – JURISDICTION of Commerce and War.
You (the baby) are what is called a “C’est tui Que (pronounced “Set–a–kay”) Trust, the STRAWMAN, or rather the COLLATERAL or the CORPUS (body) of the Trust. Your LABOUR is the energy you generate as a Living Being. However, as a baby, you are deemed “Invalid (in–valid/dis–abled) and Incompetent, and even though your Mother Birthed you, she agrees to be the TRUSTEE of the Trust (by her SIGNATURE) which was SETTLED (created–Settlor) by the Federal Government, so you (your body) are ENTRUSTED to her for safe keeping until the age of eighteen.
Under Biblical Law: WOMEN are incapable of entering into binding agreements/contracts, their Husband or Father must be present when making agreements or the contract is void. In most cases both parties are present during birth or manifestation of a MARITIME product. Unless prior written consent and approval by the male representative exists, the Mother who would not DREAM of “giving” her newborn baby to the Government, does so unknowingly, by the undisclosed conditions of the signed Contract” Submission of an Application for Registration for a BIRTH CERTIFICATE e.g.
You’re Parents “agree/consent” to be the Trustee and sign your BIRTH CERTIFICATE. (BIRTH CERTIFICATES were only for “slaves” prior to women becoming “equal” to men). Usually the Mother is the ONLY one required to sign, because she is deemed to be the direct blood more so than the Father. She has the higher “claim” to the living baby.
Once the negotiable instrument (BIRTH CERTIFICATE) is transferred to the Dept of Commerce, they “pledge” your “Labour for your Lifetime” as its “secured” asset, and proceeds to “assure” (different from insure) YOUR Labour against it’s (the government’s) DEBT, and it subsequently gets an “underwriter” to insure your Labour.
The underwriter determines a lowball figure from your Labour to be valued at $1 Million dollars, and it takes out a “Bond” which is held at the Bank, the numbers on your BIRTH CERTIFICATE are the tracking numbers for your LEGAL ENTITY/FICTIONS Bond. $1 million FEDERAL RESERVE notes are then issued with that same number and put into circulation.
On the LEGAL ENTITY/FICTIONS BIRTH CERTIFICATE, the one with your name in ALL CAPS (which represents an ENTITY/FICTION, CORPORATION) there is a “Bond” tracking number. That number has 7–9 digits with a “letter” in front of it.
Get a 1 dollar bill and compare that “serial” number with the number on it. You will see the similarity. On the face of the dollar bill, is a letter inside a symbol with the words “FEDERAL RESERVE Bank of (State Name)” That is the letter designation of the State Bank which holds that Bond. example “E” is the Bank of Virginia. The letter of the number on the BIRTH CERTIFICATE is the Bank that is holding a Bond which represents your “labour” for your lifetime. Your “labour” has been “insured” and “assured”, and money has been borrowed against it. This is HOW people have been turned into collateral for the FEDERAL RESERVE Bank(s).
Legal Definitions
Person: A human being is not a person because he is a human being, but because rights and duties have been ascribed to him
The ‘person’ is the legal subject or substance of which rights and duties are attributes Black’s Law Dictionary Not a human being, but the human being invisible coat
Application: Means to ‘beg, plead, petition, implore, entreat or request
Must: Legally can be synonymous with ‘may’. Has two senses; Imperative or a directive. One creates obligations, the other defines conditions. Always a ‘directive’ when used with ‘apply’
Submit: To agree to another’s will or to leave to another’s discretion. Form of surrender. Always voluntary. Implies lawful right to fight.
To sign over all chattel content for safe keeping. always voluntary. Abandons complete ownership for partial.
Capitis Diminutio (meaning the diminishing of status through the use of capitalization) – In Roman law. A diminishing or abridgment of personality; a loss or curtailment of a man’s status or aggregate of legal attributes and qualifications.
Capitis Diminutio Minima (meaning a minimum loss of status through the use of capitalization, e.g. John Doe) – The lowest or least comprehensive degree of loss of status. This occurred where a man’s family relations alone were changed. It happened upon the arrogation [pride] of a person who had been his own master, (sui juris,) [of his own right, not under any legal disability] or upon the emancipation of one who had been under the patria potestas. [Parental authority] It left the rights of liberty and citizenship unaltered. See Inst. 1, 16, pr.; 1, 2, 3; Dig. 4, 5, 11; Mackeld. Rom.Law, 144.
Capitis Diminutio Media (meaning a medium loss of status through the use of capitalization, e.g. John DOE) – A lessor or medium loss of status. This occurred where a man loses his rights of citizenship, but without losing his liberty.
It carried away also the family rights.
Capitis Diminutio Maxima (meaning a maximum loss of status through the use of capitalization, e.g. JOHN DOE or DOE JOHN) – The highest or most comprehensive loss of status. This occurred when a man’s condition was changed from one of freedom to one of bondage, when he became a slave. It swept away with it all rights of citizenship and all family rights.
C’EST TUI QUE TRUST: (pronounced set–a–kay) common term in NEW ZEALAND and AUSTRALIA or STRAWMAN common term in USA or CANADA is a LEGAL ENTITY/FICTION created and owned by the GOVERNMENT whom created it.
“Legally, we are considered to be a FICTION, a concept or idea expressed as a NAME, a symbol. That LEGAL PERSON has no consciousness; it is a juristic PERSON, EN LEGIS, a NAME/word written on a piece of paper” – Jason Whitney, Presenter & Researcher: The Occult World of Commerce.
When you are born, (your Mothers’ WATER broke) your Parents Name you, for example John or Jane DOE. The Nurse or Doctor along with your Parents sign your Record of Live Birth (Title of Deed to Real Property) so your BIRTH CERTIFICATE could be created (a “certificate is a negotiable instrument; see Certi & fi-duc(e) iary & fi-cat(e) iary) for the purpose of “creating the LEGAL ENTITY/FICTION (this LEGAL ENTITY/FICTION is regulated and works in commerce as GOVERNMENT can only regulate that which it creates and it didn’t create the living breathing Man or Woman – God did). The LEGAL ENTITY/FICTION is registered by the Department of Commerce, under the ADMIRALTY MARITIME LAW/JURISDICTION (LAW of the WATER) – JURISDICTION of Commerce and War.
You (the baby) are what is called a “C’est tui Que (pronounced “Set–a–kay”) Trust, the STRAWMAN, or rather the COLLATERAL or the CORPUS (body) of the Trust. Your LABOUR is the energy you generate as a Living Being. However, as a baby, you are deemed “Invalid (in–valid/dis–abled) and Incompetent, and even though your Mother Birthed you, she agrees to be the TRUSTEE of the Trust (by her SIGNATURE) which was SETTLED (created–Settlor) by the Federal Government, so you (your body) are ENTRUSTED to her for safe keeping until the age of eighteen.
Under Biblical Law: WOMEN are incapable of entering into binding agreements/contracts, their Husband or Father must be present when making agreements or the contract is void. In most cases both parties are present during birth or manifestation of a MARITIME product. Unless prior written consent and approval by the male representative exists, the Mother who would not DREAM of “giving” her newborn baby to the Government, does so unknowingly, by the undisclosed conditions of the signed Contract” Submission of an Application for Registration for a BIRTH CERTIFICATE e.g.
You’re Parents “agree/consent” to be the Trustee and sign your BIRTH CERTIFICATE. (BIRTH CERTIFICATES were only for “slaves” prior to women becoming “equal” to men). Usually the Mother is the ONLY one required to sign, because she is deemed to be the direct blood more so than the Father. She has the higher “claim” to the living baby.
Once the negotiable instrument (BIRTH CERTIFICATE) is transferred to the Dept of Commerce, they “pledge” your “Labour for your Lifetime” as its “secured” asset, and proceeds to “assure” (different from insure) YOUR Labour against it’s (the government’s) DEBT, and it subsequently gets an “underwriter” to insure your Labour.
The underwriter determines a lowball figure from your Labour to be valued at $1 Million dollars, and it takes out a “Bond” which is held at the Bank, the numbers on your BIRTH CERTIFICATE are the tracking numbers for your LEGAL ENTITY/FICTIONS Bond. $1 million FEDERAL RESERVE notes are then issued with that same number and put into circulation.
On the LEGAL ENTITY/FICTIONS BIRTH CERTIFICATE, the one with your name in ALL CAPS (which represents an ENTITY/FICTION, CORPORATION) there is a “Bond” tracking number. That number has 7–9 digits with a “letter” in front of it.
Get a 1 dollar bill and compare that “serial” number with the number on it. You will see the similarity. On the face of the dollar bill, is a letter inside a symbol with the words “FEDERAL RESERVE Bank of (State Name)” That is the letter designation of the State Bank which holds that Bond. example “E” is the Bank of Virginia. The letter of the number on the BIRTH CERTIFICATE is the Bank that is holding a Bond which represents your “labour” for your lifetime. Your “labour” has been “insured” and “assured”, and money has been borrowed against it. This is HOW people have been turned into collateral for the FEDERAL RESERVE Bank(s).
Legal Definitions
Person: A human being is not a person because he is a human being, but because rights and duties have been ascribed to him
The ‘person’ is the legal subject or substance of which rights and duties are attributes Black’s Law Dictionary Not a human being, but the human being invisible coat
Application: Means to ‘beg, plead, petition, implore, entreat or request
Must: Legally can be synonymous with ‘may’. Has two senses; Imperative or a directive. One creates obligations, the other defines conditions. Always a ‘directive’ when used with ‘apply’
Submit: To agree to another’s will or to leave to another’s discretion. Form of surrender. Always voluntary. Implies lawful right to fight.
To sign over all chattel content for safe keeping. always voluntary. Abandons complete ownership for partial.
Capitis Diminutio (meaning the diminishing of status through the use of capitalization) – In Roman law. A diminishing or abridgment of personality; a loss or curtailment of a man’s status or aggregate of legal attributes and qualifications.
Capitis Diminutio Minima (meaning a minimum loss of status through the use of capitalization, e.g. John Doe) – The lowest or least comprehensive degree of loss of status. This occurred where a man’s family relations alone were changed. It happened upon the arrogation [pride] of a person who had been his own master, (sui juris,) [of his own right, not under any legal disability] or upon the emancipation of one who had been under the patria potestas. [Parental authority] It left the rights of liberty and citizenship unaltered. See Inst. 1, 16, pr.; 1, 2, 3; Dig. 4, 5, 11; Mackeld. Rom.Law, 144.
Capitis Diminutio Media (meaning a medium loss of status through the use of capitalization, e.g. John DOE) – A lessor or medium loss of status. This occurred where a man loses his rights of citizenship, but without losing his liberty.
It carried away also the family rights.
Capitis Diminutio Maxima (meaning a maximum loss of status through the use of capitalization, e.g. JOHN DOE or DOE JOHN) – The highest or most comprehensive loss of status. This occurred when a man’s condition was changed from one of freedom to one of bondage, when he became a slave. It swept away with it all rights of citizenship and all family rights.
Person or One of the People?
Know Who Your Are!
By Anna Von Reitz
In America you may commonly encounter two kinds of "Legal Persons", rarely encounter one kind of "Lawful Person", and American State Nationals who are people who owe no public service obligations beyond keeping the peace and harming nobody.
Unfortunately, mis-administration of our affairs by two Foreign Subcontractors acting in Breach of Trust has led to millions of Americans being "impersonated" --- that is, unlawfully converted into "persons" instead of being recognized as part of our American populace and people.
In 1860, one-third of our intended Federal Government, the American Subcontractor hired to provide services to our States, became inoperable.
From our perspective this situation was and is similar to what would happen if the young man we hired to mow our law broke his leg.
We can simply hire someone else or do the job ourselves ---- if we know what happened and are enabled to take appropriate action.
But our two remaining European Subcontractors acted in Breach of Trust, did not provide assistance or disclosure, and instead usurped upon the actual people and government of this country.
They pretended that because we did not Reconstruct the missing third of the Federal Government, that our entire government was "absent" --- and used this as an excuse for fraud and usurpation.
The British Territorial United States seized upon our good names and assets as "presumed salvage" to be claimed and accidentally-on-purpose misidentified millions of American babies as British United States Citizens--- all of whom are Legal Persons.
The Roman Municipal Government similarly sought to enrich itself and made counterclaim that, no, we were "citizens of the United States" instead -- and they moved to probate our estates.
All this bunko, all this theft and abuse of their employers --- made possible because we didn't hire someone new to mow our lawn.
I am going to share a simple video by Canadians who suffered a similar fate, which explains more of the process by which we have been mis-characterized and mis-identified--- with one caveat.
There is a quote by Karen Hudes and Karen doesn't know our history. She says at one point that in 1933 "this country went bankrupt." This is not true.
This country is a sovereign entity. It's not eligible for bankruptcy, nor in need of it, because it is not an incorporated entity. No, what happened is that Delaware Corporation owned and operated by the Roman Catholic Church and doing business as "the" United States of America, Incorporated, went bankrupt.
That was no more this country than I am my own shoe.
She went on to try to explain away the criminal securitization of the American People as part of paying back the debts of this foreign corporation, but that isn't true, either.
What happened is that FDR "pledged" the Federal Civil Service Municipal Employees as assets backing this bankruptcy during his First Inaugural Address, and the Conference of [British Territorial State of State] Governors similarly pledged U.S. Military personnel and their Dependents via a similar action, March 6, 1933.
None of that had anything to do with us, and the only way that FDR and the "Governors" were able to get away with it was as a condition of employment and private contract.
This abuse of our Federal Employees encouraged those benefiting by it to secretively extend these outrageous claims against rank and file Americans who are not functioning as Legal Persons and not subject to any such demands.
So as you watch this little video bear in mind that it was made in Canada and that the people speaking don't know our history.
And if you are someone born in these fifty States of the Union, I hope you will make haste and go to: and begin the process of declaring your birthright political status. We need as many Americans as possible to "come home" and help correct 160 years of virulent fraud.
See this article and over 2200 others on Anna's website here:
Man v. Human
By Anna Von Reitz
"People are not Persons. Men are not "hue-mans" --- aka, "humans". Hue-man means "color of man" in the same sense as "color of law". It has nothing to do with physical color or race. It's a legal trap. It's more bullshit. This whole mantra of "human rights" is more entrapment, more getting the victims to dig their own graves, unwittingly admit to slave status----instead of claiming their true status as free men and women. This is something Mr. Trump and a whole lot of people need to know. You're not a human. You're a man. " ---quote me, Grandma.
People who dig into my history and the public records concerning my name will see that I did something quite odd and extraordinary back in 2011. I woke up one day and saw a UCC filing by a man in California (thank you) and I took his filing and expanded it in a way that protected myself --- and every other living man and woman.
In that filing you will see reference to beings with "hands and feet" as opposed to "persons" --- corporations that have no such appendages.
Seems odd and sophomoric now, but at the time, it was all we could come up with to make the distinction clear. We wanted it on the record who the ultimate owners and beneficiaries of the Earth are --- and its not any kind of corporation dreamed up by the Roman Curia. Not any kind of "hue-man".
The beneficiaries of the True God are the living, not the dead. The actual, not the conceptual. Living people not "persons".
Please, stop a moment. Think. Be aware.
Your name is not you.
Many games have been played with your name, ugly games, games intended to misidentify you as someone, and even as some "thing" else, other than who and what you naturally are.
Those playing these games are evil men, intent on stealing your identity and your rights and your assets. They seek to alienate you from your identity as a free man or woman, and yes---- also to separate you from your Constitutional guarantees and your other material assets.
They want you to take the bait and ignorantly agree that you are a "human" ---a term which has undisclosed, undesirable legal meanings. If you accept being called a "human" and claim to have "human rights" --- this reduces you to the level of an "admitted" pauper and a slave.
They've been working this scheme in secret for over a hundred years, against all of the people on Earth.
They call you "humans" and offer you "human rights" in order to deprive you of your far greater standing as who and what you already are: free-born men and women, the natural and qualified heirs of all your countries and nations.
Remember how these fraud artists conned all the churches into incorporating? By offering to give them tax free status that the churches already had? And then claiming regulatory powers over the churches and seizing upon all the property assets the churches owned as collateral backing their commercial corporations?
The "human" label is basically the same schtick applied to people.
By touting "human rights" they are offering to give what you are already owed as free men and women----only with strings attached, and noisome labels and "legal admissions" and undisclosed claims to own you and your assets as chattel backing their commercial enterprises.
We are owed the Rights of Mankind, which come from Nature and Nature's God, not "Human Rights" granted as privileges to slaves and corporations.
See this article and over 2600 others on Anna's website here: