Sign In America - National Debt Relief
You are Eligible for Credit Owed to You
restoring lawful government
Born in America
Were you born in America,
in one of the States of the Union, on the land and soil of a State?
If so, you are eligible to receive back credit that has been owed to you, your parents, and your grandparents for the better part of a century.
This credit can be applied to erase debts like home mortgages, college loans, car loans, medical bills and more.
Your Identity was Stolen.
You need to know that your identity as an American has been stolen.
You have been misidentified as a "United States Citizen" (Territorial Citizen) and then redefined as a "Citizen of the United States" (Municipal CITIZEN).
And neither one of those 'PERSONS" are eligible to receive back credit which is owed to you as an American State National or American State Citizen.
Obviously, you need to come home to the land and soil of your country and declare your true status.
For the past several years, members of The Living Law Firm have been hard at work trying to simplify and streamline a way for you to do exactly that.
Correct Your Political Status
You need to establish for the Public Record: (1) the return your Good Name to the land and soil of your birth State; (2) the expatriation of your Good Name from any foreign Territorial or Municipal status; (3) the cancellation of all previous Powers of Attorney that have left you vulnerable to attacks; (4) and the seizure of control of your ESTATE and other assets by claiming and relocating your Assumed Names back to the land and soil you are heir to.
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Were you born in America,
in one of the States of the Union, on the land and soil of a State?
If so, you are eligible to receive back credit that has been owed to you, your parents, and your grandparents for the better part of a century.
This credit can be applied to erase debts like home mortgages, college loans, car loans, medical bills and more.
Your Identity was Stolen.
You need to know that your identity as an American has been stolen.
You have been misidentified as a "United States Citizen" (Territorial Citizen) and then redefined as a "Citizen of the United States" (Municipal CITIZEN).
And neither one of those 'PERSONS" are eligible to receive back credit which is owed to you as an American State National or American State Citizen.
Obviously, you need to come home to the land and soil of your country and declare your true status.
For the past several years, members of The Living Law Firm have been hard at work trying to simplify and streamline a way for you to do exactly that.
Correct Your Political Status
You need to establish for the Public Record: (1) the return your Good Name to the land and soil of your birth State; (2) the expatriation of your Good Name from any foreign Territorial or Municipal status; (3) the cancellation of all previous Powers of Attorney that have left you vulnerable to attacks; (4) and the seizure of control of your ESTATE and other assets by claiming and relocating your Assumed Names back to the land and soil you are heir to.
Learn More
2019 August Progress Report
Debt Relief Coming Your Way
The Sign In America Debt Relief Program is now wrapping up Round 1 of our Debt Relief Program.
As we complete the final stages of Round 1, all of the Sign In America Coordinators are excited and getting ready to begin
Round 2!
For those people who were not in Round 1, you will need to prepare your package to send to your Sign In America Coordinator. Your package should include the following:
1) All of your recorded documents from The American States Assemblies
2) Your single most critical, urgent debt that needs to be addressed. It is preferable that the statement includes a payment voucher, but if the statement doesn’t have one, we may still be able to process it. It would also be helpful for you to include a self-addressed envelope with postage already provided for the Coordinator to return the receipt to you.
We will notify you via this newsletter when Round 2 begins. You will then receive an email from your Sign In America Coordinator with instructions on where to send your package.
Round 1 clients have been assigned a In America Study Course Coordinator and should have already provided paperwork. If you are still in process, we need you to complete the process prior to Round 2 starting.
As a reminder, the types of debt we are able to help with are in the form of: mortgages, property tax, personal tax, credit cards, loans such as car loans and student loans.
As a reminder, please note that this is a program that allows you to make purchases. It also does not handle monthly bills such as power, water, phone, internet, fuel, etc. Those types of bills will be handled by a future program that Anna Von Reitz and her team are working on.
For both Round 1 and Round 2 Sign In America Clients, our Team is looking forward to working with you!
As we move forward, your Coordinator will continue to work with you to have additional debt discharged, but it will be in cycles, due to the fact that we have to adhere to a strict schedule to ensure that the system continues to function and doesn’t get overloaded, which will not help anyone.
Please keep in mind that this is a slow process. It takes 2-6 months for the check that is made out to the DEBTOR CORPORATION to arrive from the United States Treasury. Once you submit your statement, you will receive a receipt and a cover letter from Sign In America. If you are facing a foreclosure, a court case or some other legal proceeding, by law, the legal process should cease once they receive the receipt.
Many of you have sent emails requesting the Training Program. The Training Program is still in development, and rest assured that you will be notified when it is ready for your use.
Please help build our common law communities and State Assemblies.
Help educate a friend, neighbor, a veteran, or family member about
The American States Assemblies - Political Correction Process and Sign In America Study Course
Give thanks to Anna and her team by sending a donation to continue the important work they are doing.
Paypal address is: [email protected]. Snail mail donations should be sent to: Anna Maria Riezinger, c/o Box 520994, Big Lake, Alaska 99652
Kindest Regards,
Sign In America Team
As we complete the final stages of Round 1, all of the Sign In America Coordinators are excited and getting ready to begin
Round 2!
For those people who were not in Round 1, you will need to prepare your package to send to your Sign In America Coordinator. Your package should include the following:
1) All of your recorded documents from The American States Assemblies
2) Your single most critical, urgent debt that needs to be addressed. It is preferable that the statement includes a payment voucher, but if the statement doesn’t have one, we may still be able to process it. It would also be helpful for you to include a self-addressed envelope with postage already provided for the Coordinator to return the receipt to you.
We will notify you via this newsletter when Round 2 begins. You will then receive an email from your Sign In America Coordinator with instructions on where to send your package.
Round 1 clients have been assigned a In America Study Course Coordinator and should have already provided paperwork. If you are still in process, we need you to complete the process prior to Round 2 starting.
As a reminder, the types of debt we are able to help with are in the form of: mortgages, property tax, personal tax, credit cards, loans such as car loans and student loans.
As a reminder, please note that this is a program that allows you to make purchases. It also does not handle monthly bills such as power, water, phone, internet, fuel, etc. Those types of bills will be handled by a future program that Anna Von Reitz and her team are working on.
For both Round 1 and Round 2 Sign In America Clients, our Team is looking forward to working with you!
As we move forward, your Coordinator will continue to work with you to have additional debt discharged, but it will be in cycles, due to the fact that we have to adhere to a strict schedule to ensure that the system continues to function and doesn’t get overloaded, which will not help anyone.
Please keep in mind that this is a slow process. It takes 2-6 months for the check that is made out to the DEBTOR CORPORATION to arrive from the United States Treasury. Once you submit your statement, you will receive a receipt and a cover letter from Sign In America. If you are facing a foreclosure, a court case or some other legal proceeding, by law, the legal process should cease once they receive the receipt.
Many of you have sent emails requesting the Training Program. The Training Program is still in development, and rest assured that you will be notified when it is ready for your use.
Please help build our common law communities and State Assemblies.
Help educate a friend, neighbor, a veteran, or family member about
The American States Assemblies - Political Correction Process and Sign In America Study Course
Give thanks to Anna and her team by sending a donation to continue the important work they are doing.
Paypal address is: [email protected]. Snail mail donations should be sent to: Anna Maria Riezinger, c/o Box 520994, Big Lake, Alaska 99652
Kindest Regards,
Sign In America Team