Forced? Can They Make You Get the Covid Injection? Get The Facts!

Your Public Duty
By Anna Von Reitz
Your Public Duty is to uphold the Public Law. All Americans and everyone putting their flat feet on our soil are required to uphold the Public Law, and nobody has any right to complain because you are doing your Public Duty --- nor do they have any excuse for not doing theirs.
So what is included in the Public Law?
All Four Organic Laws --- The Declaration of Independence, The Articles of Confederation (when we reboot it), The Federal Constitutions (all three, depending on which is applicable), and the Northwest Ordinance.
Beyond that, we honor The Mayflower Compact as the genesis of our form of Law, the Geneva Bible as our authority for that Law, the Ten Commandments as the form of Law governing relations between living people, and the process of Law is American Common Law.
Additionally, should we have cause to venture into actual Federal Territory, we are obliged to follow the United States Statutes-at-Large, which are the equivalent of Federal Public Law.
The United States Statutes-at-Large and some Territorial Codes that apply to Americans are published on the Federal Record.
Everything else, the vast bulk of Territorial and Municipal "law" is published on the Federal Register and pertains only to actual Federal Employees and their Dependents. These are "private" laws within the Municipal and Territorial corporations and they have nothing to do with us.
Over the years, many of our employees have gotten sloppy and started assuming that because they have to obey a particular mandate, that we have to obey it, too.
This is not correct and it's up to us to tell them otherwise.
The lies are always complex, but the truth is always simple.
America didn't disappear. It's not bankrupt.
Some dishonest Federal Employees shanghaied you and trafficked you offshore.
One day you are in a crib in Dayton, Ohio, and the next day, you are out at sea, illegally press-ganged on a British ship, and soon after that, you are sold into slavery in the extremely foreign oligarchy of the Municipality of Washington, DC.
Go to: and get started on rectifying this situation today. Our Public Law doesn't allow this crap.
BTW, you may have heard that AMMON BUNDY was arrested and convicted of not wearing a mask. And subsequently thrown out of the courthouse and not allowed to attend the appeal hearing.
Ammon Bundy has done nothing whatsoever to declare his birthright political status and record it, so the rats can still freely "presume" that he is a Municipal citizen of the United States, and based on that, they can force him to comply with whatever "Public Policy" the US, INC. adopts.
Apart from that, as an American, he's not a Municipal citizen and they don't have the right to address him. Not one word.
He was also physically entering a Federal Courthouse, which means he was in Federal Territory, and supposed to operate under their Public Law --- which for the Municipal Government is whatever Public Policy they adopt.
They can adopt a Public Policy requiring their Employees and Dependents to strip naked and sing Kum-Ba-Yah, as a condition of employment or dependency. Wearing masks is just the tip of that iceberg.
But they can't say a word to an American.
Now, I haven't seen anything published in the Federal Record about any mask mandates supposedly applying to the General Public, and I don't expect to, because there isn't a single word in any Constitution about our health, public or otherwise.
But in order to hold their feet to the fire about the mask issue and their many trespasses against him, Ammon would have to correct his own political status records and join his State Assembly, and build his State Assembly Court System, hire his own Justices of the Peace, invoke Ex Parte Milligan, and enforce the Public Law.
Don't get mad. Get more than even. The remedy is in our own hands.
Go to:
See this article and over 3000 others on Anna's website here:
By Anna Von Reitz
Your Public Duty is to uphold the Public Law. All Americans and everyone putting their flat feet on our soil are required to uphold the Public Law, and nobody has any right to complain because you are doing your Public Duty --- nor do they have any excuse for not doing theirs.
So what is included in the Public Law?
All Four Organic Laws --- The Declaration of Independence, The Articles of Confederation (when we reboot it), The Federal Constitutions (all three, depending on which is applicable), and the Northwest Ordinance.
Beyond that, we honor The Mayflower Compact as the genesis of our form of Law, the Geneva Bible as our authority for that Law, the Ten Commandments as the form of Law governing relations between living people, and the process of Law is American Common Law.
Additionally, should we have cause to venture into actual Federal Territory, we are obliged to follow the United States Statutes-at-Large, which are the equivalent of Federal Public Law.
The United States Statutes-at-Large and some Territorial Codes that apply to Americans are published on the Federal Record.
Everything else, the vast bulk of Territorial and Municipal "law" is published on the Federal Register and pertains only to actual Federal Employees and their Dependents. These are "private" laws within the Municipal and Territorial corporations and they have nothing to do with us.
Over the years, many of our employees have gotten sloppy and started assuming that because they have to obey a particular mandate, that we have to obey it, too.
This is not correct and it's up to us to tell them otherwise.
The lies are always complex, but the truth is always simple.
America didn't disappear. It's not bankrupt.
Some dishonest Federal Employees shanghaied you and trafficked you offshore.
One day you are in a crib in Dayton, Ohio, and the next day, you are out at sea, illegally press-ganged on a British ship, and soon after that, you are sold into slavery in the extremely foreign oligarchy of the Municipality of Washington, DC.
Go to: and get started on rectifying this situation today. Our Public Law doesn't allow this crap.
BTW, you may have heard that AMMON BUNDY was arrested and convicted of not wearing a mask. And subsequently thrown out of the courthouse and not allowed to attend the appeal hearing.
Ammon Bundy has done nothing whatsoever to declare his birthright political status and record it, so the rats can still freely "presume" that he is a Municipal citizen of the United States, and based on that, they can force him to comply with whatever "Public Policy" the US, INC. adopts.
Apart from that, as an American, he's not a Municipal citizen and they don't have the right to address him. Not one word.
He was also physically entering a Federal Courthouse, which means he was in Federal Territory, and supposed to operate under their Public Law --- which for the Municipal Government is whatever Public Policy they adopt.
They can adopt a Public Policy requiring their Employees and Dependents to strip naked and sing Kum-Ba-Yah, as a condition of employment or dependency. Wearing masks is just the tip of that iceberg.
But they can't say a word to an American.
Now, I haven't seen anything published in the Federal Record about any mask mandates supposedly applying to the General Public, and I don't expect to, because there isn't a single word in any Constitution about our health, public or otherwise.
But in order to hold their feet to the fire about the mask issue and their many trespasses against him, Ammon would have to correct his own political status records and join his State Assembly, and build his State Assembly Court System, hire his own Justices of the Peace, invoke Ex Parte Milligan, and enforce the Public Law.
Don't get mad. Get more than even. The remedy is in our own hands.
Go to:
See this article and over 3000 others on Anna's website here:

Employer Pants
By Anna Von Reitz
Almost every week I get correspondence from disgruntled people who are having some problem or other with "the government" ---- meaning the governmental services corporations ---- and they want to blame me for this.
Some of these people are confused and think that our lawful American Government caused their problems, and some assume that we can just wave our hands and do a dance and provide them with instant relief.
We are expected to not only provide instructions as to how to deal with the federal Subcontractors and their State-of-State Franchises, but to hand-hold each and every one of the millions of Americans who are suffering everything from illegal mortgages and foreclosures to kidnapping of children by "Child Protection Services" and garnishment of earnings by the IRS, business closures, and "public health mandates".
When we are talking about someone's home or child or livelihood being seized upon and stolen, it's easy to see why emotions run high and people want a savior, without realizing that they are their own saviors.
Yes, you read that correctly. At least in this venue, you are all your own saviors.
It is as simple as knowing who you are, being able to prove who you are, and standing---steadfastly--- in your proper jurisdiction. Just stick there like a rock.
We already have the lawful standing to enforce our Public Law and now all we need are the sheer numbers and organization to do so.
While it is true that in this particular Cause, one man is an army -- it helps to be part of an "army" of people who are similarly fed up and standing together.
It is by awakening a lot of people and repopulating our States of the Union and by serving as Jurors and Justices in our own American Courts, that we can set millions of Americans free from the harassment and predation of our erstwhile public servants and prevent the illegal and unlawful subjugation of Americans under foreign systems of law.
Did you know that it is both illegal and unlawful to subjugate Americans under any foreign law whatsoever? That includes Statutes, Codes, and Regulations. We are not subject to those forms of law, but they are constantly being misapplied to us.
Why? Because we have been misidentified --- accidentally on purpose --- as "US Citizens" and as Municipal "citizens of the United States".
We are each standing around with a bull's eye on our backs and the same people who are preying upon us and subjecting us to their foreign forms of law, put that bull's eye on our backs. On purpose. With malice aforethought. For the purpose of controlling us and seizing upon our assets under color of law.
Did you know that you, as an American, cannot be subjected to Municipal Laws requiring business closures? Mask mandates? Forced vaccinations? Environmental Emissions Standards? Etc., etc., etc.....?
All these problems and issues that people are so worried about can be brushed away like so many cobwebs by their own hands. It can be done safely, peacefully, and with lawful authority ---- and all it really requires is for you to wake up, join together, and enforce the Public Law. Law that already exists.
In other words, simply by doing our own parts, our "Public Duty" ---and accepting the responsibilities of self-governance, we can do away with not just one or two of the aforementioned evils and not just for a limited number of people---- we can do away with all of these evils for everyone.
No more IRS harassment.
No more CPS abductions.
No more "Public Health" tyranny.
No more mortgages to pay foreign public debts.
No more forced conscription via drafts.
No more bullying by the alphabet soup agencies.
None of it. Not for anyone. Not ever again.
And this blessed freedom isn't just for you. It's for everyone. It's not just regarding one issue --- "your" mortgage, or, your right to travel, or, custody of your grandchild, or, being forced to "register" your property, or, being "required" to wear a mask.
It's about all these issues and far more. And you already hold the solution in your own hands.
Leave Babylon.
Take your own horse sense and your own initiative to operate your own long-lost American Government, and join together with other like-minded souls to do the same.
The pathway home to America has been cleared for you. All you have to do is fill out some simple paperwork, support your State Assembly, and thumb your nose. Together. It's safe, it's peaceful, and it's your absolute right to do ---and all you have to do, is stop whining and do it.
We've been in a situation where criminals have been able to pick us off one by one, to make examples of us on a one by one basis, to terrorize and extort and racketeer against helpless widows and little children and small businesses.
And this has been happening right here in America, right under our complacent noses, because we couldn't be bothered to do anything about it, until it was our house or farm being foreclosed upon, or our business being shut down, or our child being abducted.
Then when we, individually, are on the receiving end, we want to be the center of attention and we want all the help in the world, and we think that somebody owes it to us, don't we?
Wake up, people. An offense against one of us is an offense against all of us. And we all need to see it that way and take effective action -- but "effective action" isn't a group of four or five neighbors standing there in support of us as a bulldozer collapses our house.
Effective action is the repopulation of your State of the Union and the operation of your actual State and Federation Government.
If you are sick of this abuse by corporations that owe their existence to you, and tired of being terrified of your own public employees, who are taxing and bullying you into oblivion and taking their paychecks out of your pockets, then it is time to get up and out of your recliner and put on your Employer Pants.
Yes, you heard me. Employer Pants. You are their employer. So start acting like it. Stop behaving and thinking like a little mewling baby being pinched by Big Brother. Stand on your own two feet and shove.
The lawful, peaceful, and safe means to do this have already been provided for you. Go to:
Stand together, remember that you are the Employers, and shove.
And make a donation to the ongoing work of The Federation, your American Government operating in international and global jurisdictions to uphold your rights and your property interests.
PayPal at: [email protected]
Snail mail at: Anna Maria Riezinger
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652
See this article and over 2900 others on Anna's website here:
By Anna Von Reitz
Almost every week I get correspondence from disgruntled people who are having some problem or other with "the government" ---- meaning the governmental services corporations ---- and they want to blame me for this.
Some of these people are confused and think that our lawful American Government caused their problems, and some assume that we can just wave our hands and do a dance and provide them with instant relief.
We are expected to not only provide instructions as to how to deal with the federal Subcontractors and their State-of-State Franchises, but to hand-hold each and every one of the millions of Americans who are suffering everything from illegal mortgages and foreclosures to kidnapping of children by "Child Protection Services" and garnishment of earnings by the IRS, business closures, and "public health mandates".
When we are talking about someone's home or child or livelihood being seized upon and stolen, it's easy to see why emotions run high and people want a savior, without realizing that they are their own saviors.
Yes, you read that correctly. At least in this venue, you are all your own saviors.
It is as simple as knowing who you are, being able to prove who you are, and standing---steadfastly--- in your proper jurisdiction. Just stick there like a rock.
We already have the lawful standing to enforce our Public Law and now all we need are the sheer numbers and organization to do so.
While it is true that in this particular Cause, one man is an army -- it helps to be part of an "army" of people who are similarly fed up and standing together.
It is by awakening a lot of people and repopulating our States of the Union and by serving as Jurors and Justices in our own American Courts, that we can set millions of Americans free from the harassment and predation of our erstwhile public servants and prevent the illegal and unlawful subjugation of Americans under foreign systems of law.
Did you know that it is both illegal and unlawful to subjugate Americans under any foreign law whatsoever? That includes Statutes, Codes, and Regulations. We are not subject to those forms of law, but they are constantly being misapplied to us.
Why? Because we have been misidentified --- accidentally on purpose --- as "US Citizens" and as Municipal "citizens of the United States".
We are each standing around with a bull's eye on our backs and the same people who are preying upon us and subjecting us to their foreign forms of law, put that bull's eye on our backs. On purpose. With malice aforethought. For the purpose of controlling us and seizing upon our assets under color of law.
Did you know that you, as an American, cannot be subjected to Municipal Laws requiring business closures? Mask mandates? Forced vaccinations? Environmental Emissions Standards? Etc., etc., etc.....?
All these problems and issues that people are so worried about can be brushed away like so many cobwebs by their own hands. It can be done safely, peacefully, and with lawful authority ---- and all it really requires is for you to wake up, join together, and enforce the Public Law. Law that already exists.
In other words, simply by doing our own parts, our "Public Duty" ---and accepting the responsibilities of self-governance, we can do away with not just one or two of the aforementioned evils and not just for a limited number of people---- we can do away with all of these evils for everyone.
No more IRS harassment.
No more CPS abductions.
No more "Public Health" tyranny.
No more mortgages to pay foreign public debts.
No more forced conscription via drafts.
No more bullying by the alphabet soup agencies.
None of it. Not for anyone. Not ever again.
And this blessed freedom isn't just for you. It's for everyone. It's not just regarding one issue --- "your" mortgage, or, your right to travel, or, custody of your grandchild, or, being forced to "register" your property, or, being "required" to wear a mask.
It's about all these issues and far more. And you already hold the solution in your own hands.
Leave Babylon.
Take your own horse sense and your own initiative to operate your own long-lost American Government, and join together with other like-minded souls to do the same.
The pathway home to America has been cleared for you. All you have to do is fill out some simple paperwork, support your State Assembly, and thumb your nose. Together. It's safe, it's peaceful, and it's your absolute right to do ---and all you have to do, is stop whining and do it.
We've been in a situation where criminals have been able to pick us off one by one, to make examples of us on a one by one basis, to terrorize and extort and racketeer against helpless widows and little children and small businesses.
And this has been happening right here in America, right under our complacent noses, because we couldn't be bothered to do anything about it, until it was our house or farm being foreclosed upon, or our business being shut down, or our child being abducted.
Then when we, individually, are on the receiving end, we want to be the center of attention and we want all the help in the world, and we think that somebody owes it to us, don't we?
Wake up, people. An offense against one of us is an offense against all of us. And we all need to see it that way and take effective action -- but "effective action" isn't a group of four or five neighbors standing there in support of us as a bulldozer collapses our house.
Effective action is the repopulation of your State of the Union and the operation of your actual State and Federation Government.
If you are sick of this abuse by corporations that owe their existence to you, and tired of being terrified of your own public employees, who are taxing and bullying you into oblivion and taking their paychecks out of your pockets, then it is time to get up and out of your recliner and put on your Employer Pants.
Yes, you heard me. Employer Pants. You are their employer. So start acting like it. Stop behaving and thinking like a little mewling baby being pinched by Big Brother. Stand on your own two feet and shove.
The lawful, peaceful, and safe means to do this have already been provided for you. Go to:
Stand together, remember that you are the Employers, and shove.
And make a donation to the ongoing work of The Federation, your American Government operating in international and global jurisdictions to uphold your rights and your property interests.
PayPal at: [email protected]
Snail mail at: Anna Maria Riezinger
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652
See this article and over 2900 others on Anna's website here:

The Brits Again -- Monotonous, Isn't It?
By Anna Von Reitz
There are over 200 known and separate strains of coronavirus, which is associated with influenza, otherwise known as a common cold.
The specific variety from which the still-unidentifiable and un-isolated Covid-19 virus purportedly derives is patented by the British Pirbright Institute and funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
Oh, go figure. Again.
Meantime, many Americans are just now waking up to the following facts:
1. The CDC and NIH are not government institutions. Both are private entities that are in the business of producing and profiting from vaccines. Both compete for government contracts to carry out research and do statistical analysis, but they are not part of the government.
2. There is no provision in any Federal or State-of-State Constitution authorizing any government official to mandate anything at all about our health or medical options. Their only power is over their own employees and dependents as a condition of employment or of receiving benefits.
3. Forced vaccination is banned under the Nuremberg Code, Article 6, Sections 1 and 3, and anyone involved in a forced vaccination program is liable.
4. There is nobody responsible for harm caused by a vaccine. The pharmaceutical companies have been off the hook since the 1980's and the governmental services corporations that accepted the liability for them are bankrupt. There remains an industry-funded "Vaccine Court" but it has a reputation for protecting the industry.
5. Pushing any form of mask mandate or forced vaccination program on the General Public under color of law is a crime of constructive fraud.
6. Any publicly organized corporation (holding a charter or articles of incorporation from the United States Government or from any State-of-State franchise) is obligated to obey the Public Law, including the Constitutions, and cannot assume rights or authorities depriving any member of the General Public of any right guaranteed by the Constitutions or Public Laws -- including the right of privacy, religious freedom, and self-determination.
7. "My body, my choice." applies to more than just abortions.
8. If someone doesn't have the right to make you brush your teeth, they don't have the right to make you stay home and wear a mask. Contrary to what some people and corporations have been assuming, we don't live in a Nanny State.
See this article and over 2800 others on Anna's website here:
By Anna Von Reitz
There are over 200 known and separate strains of coronavirus, which is associated with influenza, otherwise known as a common cold.
The specific variety from which the still-unidentifiable and un-isolated Covid-19 virus purportedly derives is patented by the British Pirbright Institute and funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
Oh, go figure. Again.
Meantime, many Americans are just now waking up to the following facts:
1. The CDC and NIH are not government institutions. Both are private entities that are in the business of producing and profiting from vaccines. Both compete for government contracts to carry out research and do statistical analysis, but they are not part of the government.
2. There is no provision in any Federal or State-of-State Constitution authorizing any government official to mandate anything at all about our health or medical options. Their only power is over their own employees and dependents as a condition of employment or of receiving benefits.
3. Forced vaccination is banned under the Nuremberg Code, Article 6, Sections 1 and 3, and anyone involved in a forced vaccination program is liable.
4. There is nobody responsible for harm caused by a vaccine. The pharmaceutical companies have been off the hook since the 1980's and the governmental services corporations that accepted the liability for them are bankrupt. There remains an industry-funded "Vaccine Court" but it has a reputation for protecting the industry.
5. Pushing any form of mask mandate or forced vaccination program on the General Public under color of law is a crime of constructive fraud.
6. Any publicly organized corporation (holding a charter or articles of incorporation from the United States Government or from any State-of-State franchise) is obligated to obey the Public Law, including the Constitutions, and cannot assume rights or authorities depriving any member of the General Public of any right guaranteed by the Constitutions or Public Laws -- including the right of privacy, religious freedom, and self-determination.
7. "My body, my choice." applies to more than just abortions.
8. If someone doesn't have the right to make you brush your teeth, they don't have the right to make you stay home and wear a mask. Contrary to what some people and corporations have been assuming, we don't live in a Nanny State.
See this article and over 2800 others on Anna's website here:
Commonly Asked Questions
“Can my boss make me get the covid vaccine?”
“Can my employer force me to get the jab?!”
“Can the government make me take the vaccine?
Many people are asking these questions and don’t know the facts.
Below are great resources you can look into that share more information, documents and ways you can protect yourself lawfully.
Defending The Republic
The Healthy American
Constitutional Law Group
Thank you for researching, knowing the facts so you can fight back legally and intelligently in this irregular warfare!
And thank you for sharing these resources with others, so they can become more aware and empowered with the truth.
“Can my boss make me get the covid vaccine?”
“Can my employer force me to get the jab?!”
“Can the government make me take the vaccine?
Many people are asking these questions and don’t know the facts.
Below are great resources you can look into that share more information, documents and ways you can protect yourself lawfully.
Defending The Republic
The Healthy American
Constitutional Law Group
Thank you for researching, knowing the facts so you can fight back legally and intelligently in this irregular warfare!
And thank you for sharing these resources with others, so they can become more aware and empowered with the truth.
No One Can Mandate Medicine7/30/2021
The Healthy American - Peggy Hall
Click here for information
The Healthy American - Peggy Hall
Click here for information
Commonly Asked Questions
“Can my boss make me get the covid vaccine?”
“Can my employer force me to get the jab?!”
“Can the government make me take the vaccine?
Many people are asking these questions and don’t know the facts.
Below are great resources you can look into that share more information, documents and ways you can protect yourself lawfully.
Defending The Republic
The Healthy American
Constitutional Law Group
Thank you for researching, knowing the facts so you can fight back legally and intelligently in this irregular warfare!
And thank you for sharing these resources with others, so they can become more aware and empowered with the truth.