We are Supported By Readers like You!
Readers That Seek to Educate and Empower Themselves.
***Educate Yourself or Be Enslaved***
knowledge IS Your Power - Take It Up And Use It!
This is Not Your Typical Blog,
We do not send out News Letters or parrot whatever is trending.
What You Will Find Here is
Solid Powerful Truth and Information that will require self motivated Continued study to learn how to Reclaim Your Freedom, Reclaim Your Estate and
Restore Lawful Government.
You will also find various other topics and hidden information
Now Coming to light.
What You Will Learn Here Is Nothing Short of Life Changing.
This is a Powerful self Study Platform.
Help Us Keep This Information Free and Accessible to all
Thank You for Your Support and GOD BLESS PATIROITS!
self Empowerment - Educate Yourself
Solutions - Actions - Remedies
Our Focus is to bring forward not just the problems,
but more importantly the Solutions!
Self-government is not possible unless the citizens are educated
sufficiently to enable them to exercise oversight.
sufficiently to enable them to exercise oversight.
- real Freedom has never been free -
If you cannot or will not Govern yourself - Some one else will!
Educate Yourself and Secure Your Freedoms
Becoming a Subscribed Member provides support so we may continue to provide
solid freedom knowledge and skill sets with several like minded individuals who are on the cutting edge of research, education and development providing educational opportunities for freeing humanity.
Many areas are covered and will continue to expand and develop as frontiers open and demands dictate in the process of humanity's awakening.
If you are reading this, you are likely already aware that
The global landscape is changing and morphing at lighting speeds.
We must get up to speed and become proficient in order to meet the challenge and actively determine and direct the course of our desired reality.
The very best thing you can do in this moment is to educate yourself now!
*** it's time to Ask yourself in all honestly ***
are you up to speed with the unfolding events of today?
do you understanding what's taking place and why?
Do you have a clear point of understanding of the current events and actions to take going forward?
Do you have a viable plan in place going forward?
do you have the necessary skills to successfully rebutt and distance yourself from the intrusions of the
illegal De Facto Government / Globalist Agendas?
If you have answered ( no ) to any of these questions, then
becoming a Subscribed Member will be to your great advantage in the way of receiving live Q&A and guidance.
Email your questions to us via the Member's Q&A Support Portal found below.
Ask us questions pertaining to your personal needs and desired direction/s.
There is an enormous amount of information available on this website, with that, additional information is added regularly.
Think of this website as a library and we are the librarians.
The purpose and goal is to provide an online venue
where the dots can be more readily connected and reviewed
as a larger picture for enhanced clarity and understanding of ongoing events and
currently available solutions, actions and remedies.
The knowledge and solutions provided here are necessary to move away from Servitude and into sovereign freedom lawfully, skillfully, lovingly and peacefully.
Future Project
Our long term goal is to move forward with an online community project providing real time Q&A, Study Groups, Webinars,
Live Chat and More.
Unfortunately due to Censorship issues and COVID-19 issues our time table on the launch is temporarily delayed.
When the Economy Opens Again We Will Restart Our Efforts.
You will Connect with Multiple Trail Blazers Cutting the Paths Forward Offering
Real Solution- Actions - Remedies.
About Newsletters / Follow Our Blogs Using Our RSS Feeds.
Due to censorship issues, we don't offer an email list as of yet on www.NewHumanNewEarthCommunities.com.
Instead use our RSS Feeds to get the latest updates as they are posted.
You'll find them at the top of all blogs, just click the RSS Feed Icon and signup up to receive the latest posts.
In addition we recommend following us on WordPress https://newhumannewearthcommunities.wordpress.com/ as well, for additional news and fast moving updates.
We encourage you to become a subscribed member at whatever level you are comfortable with to assist us in continuing to keep this information / sites available to all. It is greatly predicated.
It is helpful to know that NewHumanNewEarthCommunities.com is primarily a source for freedom education and study, as well as a source of increased awareness on multiple topics.
Our WordPress site is focused on daily news and events you will want to be aware of.
We recommend Book Marking both sites and checking in frequently.
We also suggest using ProtonMail.com, at least signup for a free account as alternative to MSM email services.
All MSM email services are tracked and often censored.
Becoming a Subscribed Member provides support so we may continue to provide
solid freedom knowledge and skill sets with several like minded individuals who are on the cutting edge of research, education and development providing educational opportunities for freeing humanity.
Many areas are covered and will continue to expand and develop as frontiers open and demands dictate in the process of humanity's awakening.
If you are reading this, you are likely already aware that
The global landscape is changing and morphing at lighting speeds.
We must get up to speed and become proficient in order to meet the challenge and actively determine and direct the course of our desired reality.
The very best thing you can do in this moment is to educate yourself now!
*** it's time to Ask yourself in all honestly ***
are you up to speed with the unfolding events of today?
do you understanding what's taking place and why?
Do you have a clear point of understanding of the current events and actions to take going forward?
Do you have a viable plan in place going forward?
do you have the necessary skills to successfully rebutt and distance yourself from the intrusions of the
illegal De Facto Government / Globalist Agendas?
If you have answered ( no ) to any of these questions, then
becoming a Subscribed Member will be to your great advantage in the way of receiving live Q&A and guidance.
Email your questions to us via the Member's Q&A Support Portal found below.
Ask us questions pertaining to your personal needs and desired direction/s.
There is an enormous amount of information available on this website, with that, additional information is added regularly.
Think of this website as a library and we are the librarians.
The purpose and goal is to provide an online venue
where the dots can be more readily connected and reviewed
as a larger picture for enhanced clarity and understanding of ongoing events and
currently available solutions, actions and remedies.
The knowledge and solutions provided here are necessary to move away from Servitude and into sovereign freedom lawfully, skillfully, lovingly and peacefully.
Future Project
Our long term goal is to move forward with an online community project providing real time Q&A, Study Groups, Webinars,
Live Chat and More.
Unfortunately due to Censorship issues and COVID-19 issues our time table on the launch is temporarily delayed.
When the Economy Opens Again We Will Restart Our Efforts.
You will Connect with Multiple Trail Blazers Cutting the Paths Forward Offering
Real Solution- Actions - Remedies.
About Newsletters / Follow Our Blogs Using Our RSS Feeds.
Due to censorship issues, we don't offer an email list as of yet on www.NewHumanNewEarthCommunities.com.
Instead use our RSS Feeds to get the latest updates as they are posted.
You'll find them at the top of all blogs, just click the RSS Feed Icon and signup up to receive the latest posts.
In addition we recommend following us on WordPress https://newhumannewearthcommunities.wordpress.com/ as well, for additional news and fast moving updates.
We encourage you to become a subscribed member at whatever level you are comfortable with to assist us in continuing to keep this information / sites available to all. It is greatly predicated.
It is helpful to know that NewHumanNewEarthCommunities.com is primarily a source for freedom education and study, as well as a source of increased awareness on multiple topics.
Our WordPress site is focused on daily news and events you will want to be aware of.
We recommend Book Marking both sites and checking in frequently.
We also suggest using ProtonMail.com, at least signup for a free account as alternative to MSM email services.
All MSM email services are tracked and often censored.
Q&A Feature for Subscribed Members
We greatly appreciate any donations to support our efforts.
Even a small contribution can make a big difference.
Even a small contribution can make a big difference.
Q&A Feature for Subscribed Members
We will continue to connect the dots and bring the findings forward to you.
We look forward to receiving your questions and pointing you to the information and resources you desire.
Tip: If you know what you are looking for, use the search bar to locate the resource/s.
Search bars are provided on each blog and on the Main Page.
We have cut through the clutter, confusion and propaganda to bring you the most relevant information,
Solutions, Actions and Remedies.
Help Us Keep This Information Hub Accessible To All
Select from the subscription options below.
Thank You for your support!
Be Part of the Information Access Community
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We will continue to connect the dots and bring the findings forward to you.
We look forward to receiving your questions and pointing you to the information and resources you desire.
Tip: If you know what you are looking for, use the search bar to locate the resource/s.
Search bars are provided on each blog and on the Main Page.
We have cut through the clutter, confusion and propaganda to bring you the most relevant information,
Solutions, Actions and Remedies.
Help Us Keep This Information Hub Accessible To All
Select from the subscription options below.
Thank You for your support!
Be Part of the Information Access Community
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At this time we do not provide regular / daily email reports. We will on occasion send out periodic alerts.
To get updates follow the RSS Feeds.
To get updates follow the RSS Feeds.