How to win in court
Winning Is Easy
Legal Remedies Fast
You don't need a lawyer to win in court!
Lawyers work with many different legal matters.
You only have one case to deal with.
You only have one set of facts.
You only have one set of laws that apply.
You don't need a law degree.
You don't need a lawyer!
Winning is easy!
State the facts you must prove.
Use discovery to prove your facts.
Move the court for judgment.
It's really that simple.
This course shows how!
(With Forms and Examples)
Legal Tips and Tactics - Preparing for Hearings or Trial
Whether you're training for the Olympics or trying to win a case in court, winners know they must exercise, prepare themselves, and be ready for competition.
Most court cases can be won before trial.
Our course will show you:
Proper pleadings.
Evidence discovery tools.
Motions and memoranda.
Courtroom objections.
Pleadings frame the case and tell the court what the fight is about.
Evidence proves the facts alleged.
Motions "move" the court to act.
Courtroom objections put the judge on notice he will be appealed if he rules against you!
Learn How To Win!
Learn How to Protect Yourself In Court
Court Procedure Made Easy!
- Win Any Kind of Case
- Civil v Criminal Elements
- Learn Only What You Need to Know
- Rules of Procedure
- Rules of Evidence
- How to Move the Court
- Making Your Record
- Getting a Favorable Judgment
- Nothing to Lose
Works with Computers, Tablets, and Smartphones.
Money Back Guarantee
We've been on the web since 1997 helping people win in court.
Our reputation for making court procedure easy is #1.
We believe everyone has a right to know how to win in court!
Attorney Graves has 33 years of case-winning experience.
His common-sense, case-winning approach is easy to learn.
This course is your competitive edge!
Our reputation for making court procedure easy is #1.
We believe everyone has a right to know how to win in court!
Attorney Graves has 33 years of case-winning experience.
His common-sense, case-winning approach is easy to learn.
This course is your competitive edge!
Our Hope for You
You should be allowed to enjoy your only life in peace, because you have only this one life here on Earth. You should be allowed liberty to express your creative self. Indeed, all of us should be allowed to enjoy a bountiful life free from conflict and want.
However, prosperity and joy are too often stolen by fraudulent abuses of law.
Too often the law is neither fair nor sane.
Too often the law is a handmaid to those who place themselves as rulers over us, proclaiming by legislation and court decisions what's best for us and our children.
Too often the law is polluted by crooked lawyers and corrupt judges whose only moral code is self-interest or their blind, child-like subservience to a hidden cartel of powerful men and women who seek a secular world by any means, including lying and murder!
Too often the law favors the goals of a special few and, in the process, becomes a whore or coddles political favor of the current majority and becomes a fool.
Too often the law is a tool by which elitists seek to re-make civilization according to their private view of what's best for everyone ... so long as it doesn't cost them anything.
And, too often the average people who populate this giant ball we call home do nothing to resist or redirect the political forces that seek to steal from us our heritage of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
Therefore, this course will empower you to use the courts to change your world and restore honor to the law ... one case at-a-time.
In Addition - One-on-One Tutoring By Request with Dr. Frederick David Graves!
Get Help When You Need It. My 33 years of case-winning experience and knowledge will be yours.
I will work with you one-on-one, carefully explaining what you must know to win.
I will meet with you one-on-one for multiple tutoring sessions
However, prosperity and joy are too often stolen by fraudulent abuses of law.
Too often the law is neither fair nor sane.
Too often the law is a handmaid to those who place themselves as rulers over us, proclaiming by legislation and court decisions what's best for us and our children.
Too often the law is polluted by crooked lawyers and corrupt judges whose only moral code is self-interest or their blind, child-like subservience to a hidden cartel of powerful men and women who seek a secular world by any means, including lying and murder!
Too often the law favors the goals of a special few and, in the process, becomes a whore or coddles political favor of the current majority and becomes a fool.
Too often the law is a tool by which elitists seek to re-make civilization according to their private view of what's best for everyone ... so long as it doesn't cost them anything.
And, too often the average people who populate this giant ball we call home do nothing to resist or redirect the political forces that seek to steal from us our heritage of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
Therefore, this course will empower you to use the courts to change your world and restore honor to the law ... one case at-a-time.
In Addition - One-on-One Tutoring By Request with Dr. Frederick David Graves!
Get Help When You Need It. My 33 years of case-winning experience and knowledge will be yours.
I will work with you one-on-one, carefully explaining what you must know to win.
I will meet with you one-on-one for multiple tutoring sessions
Court Procedure Made Easy!
This is the only legal self-help course of its kind!
I've been a case-winning attorney 33 years. This course has shown tens of thousands how to win without a lawyer since 1997 when it was first presented to the public.
Are you representing yourself in court?
Know how to do it right in just 24 hours!
Get the justice you deserve!
You won't be treated as a pro se (representing yourself in court without a lawyer) because you will know how to do things the right way, instead of stumbling with nonsense you learned from amateurs on the internet, nonsense that does not work!
Everything is based on the official rules of procedure and evidence you will use to defeat your opponents ... rules all judges are required to enforce!
State the facts you must prove.
Use discovery to prove your facts.
Move the court for judgment.
Winning really is this simple!
This course makes it easy!
(Includes Forms & Examples)
Control judges!
Defeat crooked lawyers!
Case-winning know-how!
Quick and easy to learn!
No lawyer? No problem!
Represent yourself!
Why spend days in some dusty law library trying to figure it out on your own, or trusting amateurs who don't know mud from sand?
If you can't afford a lawyer, you must have this course!
This is the only course created by a veteran attorney who knows from experience how to overcome court corruption.
Good people should never lose in court!
Justice is your God-given right!
Do not go to court without taking this course.
Lawyers play dirty tricks. That's why there are so many "lawyer jokes". This course shows how to turn the tables so you win no matter how crooked your opponents are! The dirtier they play, the easier they are to defeat. It took me years to learn this. You will know how in just 24 hours!
Costs less than one hour of a lawyer's time.
If you're paying a lawyer, get what you're paying for!
All is explained step-by-step with sample forms and simplified explanations everyone can understand.
Includes all classes, forms, references, & self-help tools.
Get online access to complete course for a full year to do online legal research, use sample forms, review classes, re-take quizzes, memorize flowcharts, and master tactics.
Use my case-winning procedures with confidence.
Based on 33 years of winning for clients using the same legal forms, evidence tactics, case-winning procedures, and effective strategies explained here in "everyday language".
Instant access as soon as you order.
So easy anyone can learn in 24 hours!
That means YOU!
Know how to control lawyers and judges or you have absolutely NO chance of winning!
Force your opponent to turn over evidence or go to jail!
Force judges to sign the orders you need!
Force lawyers to obey the rules!
State or federal. Civil or criminal.
Knowledge other lawyers hide!
Protect yourself from lawyers!
Outwit your opponents.
Get justice with confidence!
Pass the final exam for an honorary law degree.
Knowledge power you must use if you want to win.
Know How To Win! Order Now!
This is the only legal self-help course of its kind!
I've been a case-winning attorney 33 years. This course has shown tens of thousands how to win without a lawyer since 1997 when it was first presented to the public.
Are you representing yourself in court?
Know how to do it right in just 24 hours!
Get the justice you deserve!
You won't be treated as a pro se (representing yourself in court without a lawyer) because you will know how to do things the right way, instead of stumbling with nonsense you learned from amateurs on the internet, nonsense that does not work!
Everything is based on the official rules of procedure and evidence you will use to defeat your opponents ... rules all judges are required to enforce!
State the facts you must prove.
Use discovery to prove your facts.
Move the court for judgment.
Winning really is this simple!
This course makes it easy!
(Includes Forms & Examples)
Control judges!
Defeat crooked lawyers!
Case-winning know-how!
Quick and easy to learn!
No lawyer? No problem!
Represent yourself!
Why spend days in some dusty law library trying to figure it out on your own, or trusting amateurs who don't know mud from sand?
If you can't afford a lawyer, you must have this course!
This is the only course created by a veteran attorney who knows from experience how to overcome court corruption.
Good people should never lose in court!
Justice is your God-given right!
Do not go to court without taking this course.
Lawyers play dirty tricks. That's why there are so many "lawyer jokes". This course shows how to turn the tables so you win no matter how crooked your opponents are! The dirtier they play, the easier they are to defeat. It took me years to learn this. You will know how in just 24 hours!
Costs less than one hour of a lawyer's time.
If you're paying a lawyer, get what you're paying for!
All is explained step-by-step with sample forms and simplified explanations everyone can understand.
Includes all classes, forms, references, & self-help tools.
Get online access to complete course for a full year to do online legal research, use sample forms, review classes, re-take quizzes, memorize flowcharts, and master tactics.
Use my case-winning procedures with confidence.
Based on 33 years of winning for clients using the same legal forms, evidence tactics, case-winning procedures, and effective strategies explained here in "everyday language".
Instant access as soon as you order.
So easy anyone can learn in 24 hours!
That means YOU!
Know how to control lawyers and judges or you have absolutely NO chance of winning!
Force your opponent to turn over evidence or go to jail!
Force judges to sign the orders you need!
Force lawyers to obey the rules!
State or federal. Civil or criminal.
Knowledge other lawyers hide!
Protect yourself from lawyers!
Outwit your opponents.
Get justice with confidence!
Pass the final exam for an honorary law degree.
Knowledge power you must use if you want to win.
Know How To Win! Order Now!