This is my Declaration of Non-Consent Published as a Public Notice on
August 13 , 2015
Section 1
I DO NOT CONSENT to having any human being, living being, machine, entity, person, corporation, secret group, or their representatives, their bosses, their off world allies, anyone working for or with any of the above: to spy, to look into, to watch, or in any way invade my PRIVACY for any reason.
Privacy is defined as: my own unique personal life experience.
Each experience, had by my being, is for my personal growth and development. They are NOT for corporations to seek profit from. They are not to be controlled by any one/person/entity/corporation/government/religion/machine/being, except MYSELF.
These experiences, which are part of my unique life experience, CAN NOT be used by any other being/human/entity/corporation/group - and any other example of someone or something that is not MY SELF- in any way that creates money for profit, while demeaning, degrading, or negatively affecting my living being.
The Monetization and Collateralization of my Personal Energy, and Personal Being, MYSELF, for the purpose of buying and selling, or owning is forbidden under any and every term/terminology/language/contract that is being and has been used to control and manipulate my personal Energy and Being.
The Monetization and Collateralization of my Personal Human Body which houses my unique DNA that is MY PRIVATE DOMAIN, for the purpose of buying, selling, owning, or controlling is Forbidden and Banned.
The buying, selling, owning, and trading of MY Soul Energy, or MY unique human body on or by any Stock Exchange/financial institution/corporation/government/religious organization in this world or any other world, is expressly Forbidden and Banned.
The buying, selling, and owning of MY UNIQUE and Personal DNA/Energy/physical body/Consciousness anywhere in any Universe, Dimension, astral level or world is Forbidden and Banned.
The “harvesting” of my energy by any group/organization/corporation/government/religious sect/astral entity/"galactic" being, or ANYONE who is not MYSELF, is Forbidden and Banned. Whatever the form it takes, my energy is my own creation, and I DO NOT CONSENT to having it harvested for others to use, or to profit from.
This buying, selling, and controlling, amounts to SLAVERY, and is forbidden by me under my own FREEWILL.
I DO NOT CONSENT to the use of nanite technology, parasites, or any other type of infectious diseases or infectious technology, whatsoever, whensoever, or wheresoever, now, in the past, or in the future, to be used upon my human physical body, or mind, consciousness or soul, while I am living here on Earth!
I DO NOT CONSENT TO ANY TYPE OF MIND CONTROL, OR THE USE OF INTELLIGENT TECHNOLOGY IMPLANTS (physical, etherical, or astral), living or non living, to be used on my living being, my physical body, my ethereal body, my electro-magnetic body, my astral body, my consciousness or my Soul Body, which could possibly have any affect upon my physical body, mind, consciousness or soul in ANY way, without a current (up to date), fully disclosed and transparently negotiated contract (nothing hidden), and signed by me with a wet ink signature.
I do not consent to the external creation of dreams when I am asleep. I do not consent to any other human being/corporation/government/religion/entity/machine/dimensional being/entity entering my consciousness on any level, at any time. EVER.
I DO NOT CONSENT to any type of frequency waves currently being used, or historically used, to target my private and clearly designated unique* human physical, etheric, or astral bodies, my DNA, my cells, or my mind, my consciousness or my soul in any way that is negative or dark. This includes any type of exotic, secret, or covert, Earth based, and off world based technology, (which includes locations on the moon, asteroids, or other undisclosed places being used) that projects pulses, beams, or waves, of any known frequency which has been seen to be detrimental to the human body, mind, consciousness, or soul.
* My physical body is unique due to my private ownership of my own DNA.
I DO NOT CONSENT to using fluoride in the drinking water, nor to genetically modifying the food grown and sold for human use. I DO NOT CONSENT to aerosol sprays being placed into the air I breath, nor to programming being inserted into music that I listen to. I DO NOT CONSENT to programming placed into the television and video images I watch without a separate signed contract for each item listed above. I DO NOT CONSENT to the negative manipulation of the weather, nor to the poisoning of the Earth, because I know that these acts are harmful and unhealthy to ME.
I DO NOT CONSENT to the use of psychics, black occult magicians, archons, demons and dark spirits, or any entities, using mental energies or any other forms of frequency attack against my living being or bodies.
I DO NOT CONSENT to exotic, machine like, robotic technology either physically or ethereally, or astrally implanted, used in any way to track, alter, torment, attack, abuse, infect, or harm my body, my mind, my astral body, my consciousness or my soul at any time, at any place, for any reason.
I DO NOT CONSENT to any deception being used on my living being at any time, any where, which creates ANY negative outcomes concerning the health and welfare of my own personal body, mind and soul (also known as my own personal living being), or to my Free Will, my prosperity, my wealth, or my happiness, (also described as my life).
I AM using my free will, to DECLARE AND ORDER THAT NO ONE has the right to deceive me personally in a way that affects me negatively. NO TREATY made with any human being/corporation/government/religion/entity/machine, whether on or off this planet, IS VALID, if that Contract or Treaty in any way affects my life, or my body, mind, consciousness or soul in a measurably negative and dark way
NO TREATY made by anyone, anywhere is valid, if it collaterally affects my living and breathing being, my life, my happiness, or my prosperity in a dark, or negative way without my full and comprehensive and transparent consent to said or stated Treaty, even if I personally am not party to such a treaty. This includes all corporate treaties and contracts as well as any treaties or contracts considered to be OFF WORLD and/or Interdimensional.
I remove all CONSENT to deception, harm, enslavement, or control of my living being, my physical body, my ethereal body, my electro-magnetic body, my astral body, my consciousness or my Soul Body, period.
Any previous Contracts or perceived Consents- through any form of tacit or assumed Consent- is completely void and null, Forbidden and Banned.
Any Pre-birth incarnation, by any description, contracts are all, here and NOW, made permanently NULL and VOID as a result of gross deception, gross violation, trickery, mind-control, and black magic occult practices being used without my consent.
NO CONTRACT, I have signed or agreed to, either in writing or as an assumed or tacit agreement, as concerns incarnations, in any way, shape or form, upon the Earth is Valid, regardless of any perceived amount of time or space, physical, dimensional or other wise, has transpired since that original contract or agreement was begun.
NO previous consent or contract given, if done under duress, and as a result of deception, and without fully being informed of the possible outcomes, is considered valid.
Any person/being/corporation/government/religion/entity/machine/consciousness that wishes to have a contract with ME, my living being, my physical body, my ethereal body, my electro-magnetic body, my astral body, my consciousness or my Soul Body, MUST Do so in complete transparency, with every single piece of that contract/consent explained in full detail, with absolutely no missing information or obligations left unstated or unexplained, and MUST be written out in full, with my fully conscious approval and wet ink signature.
If any such things as listed above are being done, or ever were done, then those acts occurred without my consent, and will be considered deception, and are VOID and NULL. All “tacit” or presumed consent by me, for any act of doing, done by another person, entity, being, etc…, that affects ME in any way that I perceive as negative, harming or controlling my FREE WILL, what so ever is hereby now permanently removed, and challenged, and denied. It is denied to any and all beings or entities UNLESS a CURRENT CONTRACT or TREATY has been negotiated with me personally.
Notice to agent is notice to principal. Notice to principal is notice to agent.
No further NOTICE is necessary, and this is NOW both WRITTEN and RECORDED on This Planet Earth/Gaia and in all off world/dimensional/Universal records.
If any Human/Being/Entity/Government/Religion/Corporation/Group, from this planet Earth/Gaia, any dimension, any universe, any perceived "other" level of existence, wishes to form any contracts or agreements or treaties with ME, they must Do so face to face, in this physicality that my human body resides in on this planet, in full acknowledgement and agreement of my FREE WILL to Choose to do so, only under the agreements written in this declaration.
I have the Right of FREE WILL to change, update or modify this Declaration at any time.
This is my Declaration of Non-Consent Published as a Public Notice on
August 13 , 2015
Section 1
I DO NOT CONSENT to having any human being, living being, machine, entity, person, corporation, secret group, or their representatives, their bosses, their off world allies, anyone working for or with any of the above: to spy, to look into, to watch, or in any way invade my PRIVACY for any reason.
Privacy is defined as: my own unique personal life experience.
Each experience, had by my being, is for my personal growth and development. They are NOT for corporations to seek profit from. They are not to be controlled by any one/person/entity/corporation/government/religion/machine/being, except MYSELF.
These experiences, which are part of my unique life experience, CAN NOT be used by any other being/human/entity/corporation/group - and any other example of someone or something that is not MY SELF- in any way that creates money for profit, while demeaning, degrading, or negatively affecting my living being.
The Monetization and Collateralization of my Personal Energy, and Personal Being, MYSELF, for the purpose of buying and selling, or owning is forbidden under any and every term/terminology/language/contract that is being and has been used to control and manipulate my personal Energy and Being.
The Monetization and Collateralization of my Personal Human Body which houses my unique DNA that is MY PRIVATE DOMAIN, for the purpose of buying, selling, owning, or controlling is Forbidden and Banned.
The buying, selling, owning, and trading of MY Soul Energy, or MY unique human body on or by any Stock Exchange/financial institution/corporation/government/religious organization in this world or any other world, is expressly Forbidden and Banned.
The buying, selling, and owning of MY UNIQUE and Personal DNA/Energy/physical body/Consciousness anywhere in any Universe, Dimension, astral level or world is Forbidden and Banned.
The “harvesting” of my energy by any group/organization/corporation/government/religious sect/astral entity/"galactic" being, or ANYONE who is not MYSELF, is Forbidden and Banned. Whatever the form it takes, my energy is my own creation, and I DO NOT CONSENT to having it harvested for others to use, or to profit from.
This buying, selling, and controlling, amounts to SLAVERY, and is forbidden by me under my own FREEWILL.
I DO NOT CONSENT to the use of nanite technology, parasites, or any other type of infectious diseases or infectious technology, whatsoever, whensoever, or wheresoever, now, in the past, or in the future, to be used upon my human physical body, or mind, consciousness or soul, while I am living here on Earth!
I DO NOT CONSENT TO ANY TYPE OF MIND CONTROL, OR THE USE OF INTELLIGENT TECHNOLOGY IMPLANTS (physical, etherical, or astral), living or non living, to be used on my living being, my physical body, my ethereal body, my electro-magnetic body, my astral body, my consciousness or my Soul Body, which could possibly have any affect upon my physical body, mind, consciousness or soul in ANY way, without a current (up to date), fully disclosed and transparently negotiated contract (nothing hidden), and signed by me with a wet ink signature.
I do not consent to the external creation of dreams when I am asleep. I do not consent to any other human being/corporation/government/religion/entity/machine/dimensional being/entity entering my consciousness on any level, at any time. EVER.
I DO NOT CONSENT to any type of frequency waves currently being used, or historically used, to target my private and clearly designated unique* human physical, etheric, or astral bodies, my DNA, my cells, or my mind, my consciousness or my soul in any way that is negative or dark. This includes any type of exotic, secret, or covert, Earth based, and off world based technology, (which includes locations on the moon, asteroids, or other undisclosed places being used) that projects pulses, beams, or waves, of any known frequency which has been seen to be detrimental to the human body, mind, consciousness, or soul.
* My physical body is unique due to my private ownership of my own DNA.
I DO NOT CONSENT to using fluoride in the drinking water, nor to genetically modifying the food grown and sold for human use. I DO NOT CONSENT to aerosol sprays being placed into the air I breath, nor to programming being inserted into music that I listen to. I DO NOT CONSENT to programming placed into the television and video images I watch without a separate signed contract for each item listed above. I DO NOT CONSENT to the negative manipulation of the weather, nor to the poisoning of the Earth, because I know that these acts are harmful and unhealthy to ME.
I DO NOT CONSENT to the use of psychics, black occult magicians, archons, demons and dark spirits, or any entities, using mental energies or any other forms of frequency attack against my living being or bodies.
I DO NOT CONSENT to exotic, machine like, robotic technology either physically or ethereally, or astrally implanted, used in any way to track, alter, torment, attack, abuse, infect, or harm my body, my mind, my astral body, my consciousness or my soul at any time, at any place, for any reason.
I DO NOT CONSENT to any deception being used on my living being at any time, any where, which creates ANY negative outcomes concerning the health and welfare of my own personal body, mind and soul (also known as my own personal living being), or to my Free Will, my prosperity, my wealth, or my happiness, (also described as my life).
I AM using my free will, to DECLARE AND ORDER THAT NO ONE has the right to deceive me personally in a way that affects me negatively. NO TREATY made with any human being/corporation/government/religion/entity/machine, whether on or off this planet, IS VALID, if that Contract or Treaty in any way affects my life, or my body, mind, consciousness or soul in a measurably negative and dark way
NO TREATY made by anyone, anywhere is valid, if it collaterally affects my living and breathing being, my life, my happiness, or my prosperity in a dark, or negative way without my full and comprehensive and transparent consent to said or stated Treaty, even if I personally am not party to such a treaty. This includes all corporate treaties and contracts as well as any treaties or contracts considered to be OFF WORLD and/or Interdimensional.
I remove all CONSENT to deception, harm, enslavement, or control of my living being, my physical body, my ethereal body, my electro-magnetic body, my astral body, my consciousness or my Soul Body, period.
Any previous Contracts or perceived Consents- through any form of tacit or assumed Consent- is completely void and null, Forbidden and Banned.
Any Pre-birth incarnation, by any description, contracts are all, here and NOW, made permanently NULL and VOID as a result of gross deception, gross violation, trickery, mind-control, and black magic occult practices being used without my consent.
NO CONTRACT, I have signed or agreed to, either in writing or as an assumed or tacit agreement, as concerns incarnations, in any way, shape or form, upon the Earth is Valid, regardless of any perceived amount of time or space, physical, dimensional or other wise, has transpired since that original contract or agreement was begun.
NO previous consent or contract given, if done under duress, and as a result of deception, and without fully being informed of the possible outcomes, is considered valid.
Any person/being/corporation/government/religion/entity/machine/consciousness that wishes to have a contract with ME, my living being, my physical body, my ethereal body, my electro-magnetic body, my astral body, my consciousness or my Soul Body, MUST Do so in complete transparency, with every single piece of that contract/consent explained in full detail, with absolutely no missing information or obligations left unstated or unexplained, and MUST be written out in full, with my fully conscious approval and wet ink signature.
If any such things as listed above are being done, or ever were done, then those acts occurred without my consent, and will be considered deception, and are VOID and NULL. All “tacit” or presumed consent by me, for any act of doing, done by another person, entity, being, etc…, that affects ME in any way that I perceive as negative, harming or controlling my FREE WILL, what so ever is hereby now permanently removed, and challenged, and denied. It is denied to any and all beings or entities UNLESS a CURRENT CONTRACT or TREATY has been negotiated with me personally.
Notice to agent is notice to principal. Notice to principal is notice to agent.
No further NOTICE is necessary, and this is NOW both WRITTEN and RECORDED on This Planet Earth/Gaia and in all off world/dimensional/Universal records.
If any Human/Being/Entity/Government/Religion/Corporation/Group, from this planet Earth/Gaia, any dimension, any universe, any perceived "other" level of existence, wishes to form any contracts or agreements or treaties with ME, they must Do so face to face, in this physicality that my human body resides in on this planet, in full acknowledgement and agreement of my FREE WILL to Choose to do so, only under the agreements written in this declaration.
I have the Right of FREE WILL to change, update or modify this Declaration at any time.
2) I AM ETERNAL, embodied at the moment inside of the human skin/body suit, and am “created” by the Infinite, Immortal Creator of ALL THAT IS.
I claim all rights as such, and FULLY RESERVE them for my living being, while having NO EARTH BOUND AUTHORITY standing between my living being and Prime Creator unless designated by my conscious and fully informed consent.
2.1) There is NO tacit consent anywhere present in my life, ever! Consent for everything must be asked for, the reason and situation explained to me completely, and terms negotiated which are fully current and up to date, before any consent can be assumed or presumed.
2.2) This Declaration is my own creation! I am the final arbiter and authority on what it means, and what I meant it to say! It can NOT used against me in any way shape or form, because it is my CREATION – and it was never created with the intent to harm it’s creator – therefore IT CAN NOT BE USED AGAINST ME.
2.3) When I say “I”, “ME”, “MY” – I am referring to my living being. When I say “my life”, I am referring to the experience that my living being is having on EARTH.
3) This computer or “electronic writing book”, is my personal property. It is assigned to me for my private use, and is purchased with tradable energy that I earned by my own fair labor. No outside authority is granted access to it whatsoever by any living being or technology.
To be very clear, so that you cannot say ‘you assumed’ . . . all of my emails are private, no matter what computer I use. My life is totally private, no matter what device I use. . ., my personal phones, a cell phone, Skype, snail mail, and so on. I do not consent to give you access to any of these types of communication which I reserve as PRIVATE!
3.1) Internet browsing is now PROTECTED under this contract as well! Any censorship and blocking of any information, news article, documents, images, video content, I choose to access…, for ANY REASON is expressly forbidden by this contract. To use machines and technology to “censor” or block my access to articles, video and information…, without a fully negotiated, face to face, contract, signed with a wet ink signature, is considered a breach of this Declaration and this Contract! The use of the STING-RAY device or ANY other type of device to intercept my private connection signal is a double breech of my privacy and will be charged under this contract as double.
Any living being operating such technology or intercepting or reading the results after using such technology are now under this contract.
4) I DO NOT CONSENT to having any human being, living being, machine, entity, person, corporation, secret group, or their representatives, their bosses, their off world allies, anyone working for or with the absolute psychopaths running Israel, and especially secret society groups: to spy, to look into, to watch, or in any way invade my PRIVACY for any reason.
4.1) I RESERVE the right to amend this Declaration of NON-CONSENT at ANY TIME, and for ANY REASON, if it is found that it something written here is either lacking in clarity, or has been mis-stated, and needs to be corrected OR deleted.
4.2) This non-consent to “privacy invasion” includes all means and forms of communication I currently use, whether in my personal life, in e-mails, phone conversations, computer usage, internet travel and access, or business writings.
4.3) Privacy is defined as: my own unique personal life experience.
Each experience, had by my being, is for my personal growth and development. They are NOT for corporations to seek profit from!
These experiences, which are part of my unique life experience, are specifically NOT allowed to be used by other beings in any way that creates money for profit, while demeaning, degrading, or negatively affecting my living being.
I DO NOT CONSENT TO tracking, counting, organizing, collating, sampling, polling, listening in on, or in any way watching or spying on my living being for the purpose of targeting, marketing, psycho-analyzing, or any other form of intrusion, these things are expressly FORBIDDEN, under my definition of Privacy!
Specifically, I do not consent to being tracked by my credit card/s or me debit card or any other form of payment that I may make (PayPal, for instance.)
4.4) PRIVACY also includes: where I go, and what I do with my physical body, mind, and soul, which is multi-dimensional.
4.5) The ONLY way this is allowed is to “ask” for my personal conscious consent, which can ONLY be given after a complete and total disclosure of every possible affect, or effect, upon my living being with nothing hidden.
It would then have to be placed into a formal contract, and signed by me with a wet ink signature to be valid.
5) There are also invasions of privacy so egregious, that they are considered special acts of invading my privacy. These “special invasions” of privacy Include:
5.1) The Monetization and Collateralization of my Personal Soul Energy, and Personal Soul Entity, for the purpose of buying and selling, or owning.
5.2) The Monetization and Collateralization of my Personal Human Body Suit/Skin Suit, which is laced with my unique DNA that is MY PRIVATE DOMAIN, for the purpose of buying, selling, or owning.
5.3) The buying, selling, owning, and trading of MY Soul Energy, or MY unique human body on the New York Stock Exchange, or any other Stock Exchange in this world or any other world, is expressly Forbidden!
5.4) The buying, selling, and owning of MY UNIQUE and Personal DNA is expressly forbidden anywhere in the Universe.
5.4.1) The “harvesting” of my energy is forbidden! Whatever the form it takes, my energy is my own creation, and I DO NOT CONSENT to having it harvested for others to use, or to profit from.
5.5) This buying, selling, and owning, amounts to SLAVERY, and is forbidden by me under my own FREEWILL. So is the harvesting of my personal energy! If such acts have occurred, or are occurring, then immediately see:
NOTICE OF CONTRACT (Item number 11), and the Effective Enforcement Dates located in Section 37 and 38…, (38.1 – 38.4)
5.6) If such acts as listed in section (5) have occurred or are occurring, then as stipulated in Section 59 and 59.1 called: SPECIAL ACTS, a payment of 100 quadrillion ounces of pure gold, (24 karat) is NOW DUE immediately. A separate payment is due for each individual ACT of buying, selling, “harvesting” and owning, as listed in Sections 5.1 – 5.5 above, and under the terms of Section 59 and 59.1, with the effective enforcement dates listed in Section 37 and 38 (38.1 – 38.4)
5.7) This payment is due NOW, and PAYABLE directly to me, from each living being who engaged in these acts, without a valid contract, signed by me personally
Payment to be arranged and delivered to me personally, and is ORDERED to take place at a place of my choosing.
(See AUTHORITY, Section 25, items 25.1 – 25.5)
6) I DO NOT CONSENT to the use of nanites, parasites, or any other type of infectious diseases or infectious technology, whatsoever, whensoever, or wheresoever, now, in the past, or in the future, to be used upon my human physical body, or mind, or soul, while I am living here on Earth!
7) I DO NOT CONSENT TO ANY TYPE OF MIND CONTROL, OR THE USE OF INTELLIGENT TECHNOLOGY IMPLANTS (physical, etherical, or astral), living or non living, to be used on my living being, my physical body, my ethereal body, my electro-magnetic body, my astral body, or my Soul Body, which could possibly have any affect upon my physical body, mind, or soul in ANY way, without a current (up to date), fully disclosed and transparently negotiated contract (nothing hidden), and signed by me with a wet ink signature.
I do not consent to any NEGATICE BEINGS creating dreams when I am asleep, or attacking me while I sleep!
8) I DO NOT CONSENT to any type of frequency waves currently being used, or historically used, to target my private and clearly designated unique* human physical, etheric, or astral bodies, my DNA, my cells, or my mind, or my soul in any way that is negative or dark. This includes any type of exotic, secret, or covert, Earth based, and off world based technology, (which includes locations on the moon, asteroids, or other undisclosed places being used) that projects pulses, beams, or waves, of any known frequency which has been seen to be detrimental to the human body, mind or soul.
* My physical body is unique due to my private ownership of my own DNA.
9) I DO NOT CONSENT to using fluoride in the drinking water, nor to genetically modifying the food grown and sold for human use. I DO NOT CONSENT to aerosol sprays being placed into the air I breath, nor to programming being inserted into music that I listen to. I DO NOT CONSENT to programming placed into the television and video images I watch without a separate signed contract for each item listed above. I DO NOT CONSENT to the negative manipulation of the weather, nor to the poisoning of the Earth, because I know that these acts are harmful and unhealthy.
10) I DO NOT CONSENT to the use of psychics, black occult magicians, archons, demons and dark spirits using mental energies or any other forms of frequency attack against my living being or bodies.
I DO NOT CONSENT to the use of Voodoo, or any manner of spells cast, which could then cause a negative affect on my body, mind or soul, without a signed contract with a wet ink signature. I DO NOT CONSENT to exotic, machine like, robotic technology either physically or ethereally, or astrally implanted, and then used in any way to track, alter, torment, attack, abuse, infect, or harm my body, my mind, my astral body, or my soul at any time, at any place, for any reason.
11) Under my authority, as my own representative of PRIME CREATOR, any being, entity, corporation, secret group, or person, human or non-human, of Earth, or not of Earth, engaged in ANY of the individually activities listed in Sections 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 above, or in section 14 below, (as specifically described in sections 15, and 16), and directing these actions at my incarnated and living being, AGREES by choosing to engage in all such actions as listed:
TO COMPENSATE MY LIVING BEING (whether incarnate or not) UNDER THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS of this CONTRACT in the full amount of:
12) ONE HUNDRED TRILLION TROY OUNCES of pure Gold (24 karat) for each separate act of “doing” as it applies to my living being personally, unless my specific FULLY INFORMED CONSENT is given for each individual act, in an openly transparent way where it is currently fully understood by me what is being done, or intending to be done by the do’er, or the being doing the act. Section 5 above is considered a SPECIAL ACT, the cost of which appears, and is listed in Section 59 and 59.1
13) Those beings doing ALL such acts ALSO AGREE to compensate me with an equal value of recognized compensation on the higher soul levels of life, if the ACT, done here on Earth, is only discovered, understood, or found out about, after leaving the physical portion of the body suit I currently inhabit. (At my discretion)
13.1) Death will not erase ANY debt once it is incurred by any being doing these actions if they affect my living being negatively. The debts will follow all souls, that have incurred them, both on or off of the Earth, until the FULL AMOUNT is paid. Do not ignore this DECLARATION, or fail to tell others about it.
Notice to principal is notice to agent. Notice to agent is notice to principal.
It is the duty of all those who read this PUBLIC NOTICE to inform everyone of this it’s content of DECLARATION, and NOTICE OF CONTRACT, or they will be ORDERED to pay everyone else’s share!
I DO NOT CONSENT to any deception being used on my living being at any time, any where, which creates ANY negative outcomes concerning the health and welfare of the PLANET EARTH, (also known as Gaia/Terra), or the health and welfare of my own personal body, mind and soul (also known as my own personal living being), or to my freedoms*, my prosperity, my wealth, or my happiness, (also described as my life).
14.1) These freedoms* are Gifts that I as an eternal being, first created by PRIME CREATOR, always hold in reserve, everywhere I travel, since at this moment, and in this UNIVERSE, we are ALL under the protection of his GIFT, of non revocable free will.
Since this Universe is admittedly a free will Universe, deception can be used by anyone, anywhere, as they choose, however…, that deception being used as per the free will of the user, MUST NOT AFFECT ME negatively, or specifically target my life intentionally, or be used to change my thinking, motivations, emotions, or happy life experience.
15.1) ANY contract negotiated by others with my living being, WILL be current and up to date, (not older than a few Earth years), and WILL have all of the possibilities and outcomes openly exposed for my review. Contracts made with my living being of any nature WILL have the option to verbally “opt out” of it at any time, if the spirit or understanding of the contract is breached in the least by those who originated the contract.
15.2) If deception is to be used by those who must deceive, then it is best to inform me of the truth of your lies in advance personally, so that any deception being used, will not cause any problems in my life for which you WILL be contractually obligated to COMPENSATE me for. This advance notice must come to me personally, and can not be hidden by the use of secret signs or obscure symbols. It can not be placed into movies, television, or radio programs and labeled as fiction. It must be open, obvious, and direct, or it is NOT VALID ADVANCE NOTICE.
15.3) Since I have the same free will, in this free will Universe, as those who choose to deceive, I AM using my free will, to DECLARE AND ORDER THAT NO ONE has the right to openly deceive me personally in a way that affects me negatively.
15.4) So in summary, you can lie to others, since they are not smart enough to withdraw their CONSENT, but you are FORBIDDEN to lie to me and cause any negative affect, or you will PAY IT for because I HAVE withdrawn ALL CONSENT.
15.5) YOU have the right to freely deceive, ONLY if I have the right to freely demand NOT to be deceived. All souls and created beings are equal in the eyes of Prime Creator, who first created them. Not one of these souls has more Rights than the next. Free Will is complicated to fully understand, but I assure you that the off worlders who gave the Earth the Ancient Law Of Contracts understood it very well.
They understood that THEY could do nothing here on Earth without first gaining the CONSENT of those living here. Whether done through trickery, mind control, or deception…, Consent is, and always has been, MANDATORY for any one individual soul to do an action which has an affect on another individual soul, without grave consequences from Prime Creator. IN MY CASE, I remove all consent to deception period.
15.6) Because Consent is “mandatory” in a FREEWILL zone, the off worlders who wanted to interact here, first gave the Earth the Ancient Law of Contracts. (Still in use today). A contract is a business-like, and very “un-enlightened”, way for two or more entities to freely and openly hand over consent for any act, thereby circumventing the punishment for depriving another living being of it’s free will. These same off worlders created the current and very un-enlightened religious and legal systems we still use today.
They then used these contractual systems disguised as Religion and Government, to trick the consent out of the people for everything they wanted to do to them with the aid of black occult magic and mind control, which were hovering around these “deceptive contracts”!
This was only allowed by the higher levels because humans were not being either brave, or smart enough to stand up to these beings and WITHDRAW CONSENT from them.
15.7) To all players, agents, and principals now reading this DECLARATION: You are NOT nearly as smart as those off worlders, who came here long ago. Get off your arrogant, high horse…, and realize that they used contracts for a reason. Once even one living being understands this and withdraws their CONSENT from a deceptive contract, the OFF WORLDERS understood the grave COSMIC consequences that would follow.
You dare to snub your nose at the Creator of all Souls by worshiping Lucifer, who is nothing more than another created soul! And YET…, you attack those who know more than you, and could help and guide you to safety because THEY DO understand the Cosmic Laws.
The height of your extreme arrogance is only surpassed by your complete Stupidity! Your Science does not know everything, and you can not defeat the designer of the Universe, and the creator of Souls! This Contract has HIS blessing…, do YOU have his blessing?
Notice to Agent is notice to principal, notice to principal is notice to agent.
Deception: To knowingly lie, to tell an untruth. To KNOWINGLY HIDE from view. To act in any way covertly. To keep important and vital information secret. To act from behind the scenes, while pretending that the act is coming from some place else, or not even happening.
To act in a way that negatively affects myself, or affects someone else, that in turn affects me. To hide, and try to remain anonymous while intending to cause harm, either physical, mental or emotional to my living and breathing being.
To withhold vital information that would give myself, or someone else that may in turn affect me, the opportunity to make a different choice.
To strike out, or act anonymously in ways that are negatively affecting myself, or other beings, while remaining behind the scenes so as to confuse, to confound, or to unreasonably construct an advantage over myself or those other living beings. These are all deception.
16.1) To deny my incarnate being, through trickery, deception, or false contract, my free will, without first getting my fully awakened, and aware consent, (nothing hidden) is to deny in practice that free will exists, and thus, those beings doing such acts have NO claim to free will for themselves, since their actions deny that it (free will) exists.
16.2) A single act of Deception…, such as using the news media to tell lies, whether in newsprint, magazines, radio, or television…, or on the internet by using bloggers with fake names, and fake sites, if the “intent” of those doing such acts is to KNOWINGLY deceive or to KNOWINGLY “program”, or to mind control living individuals so that the behavior of these beings, or groups of beings, is changed toward a negative or dark outcome, then each lie is considered as a single incident of deception.
16.3) All agents, principals and players are equally and individually charged and responsible for the part or parts, they play now, and have been playing in assisting in any such acts of deception, to overtly change the behavior, or control the minds and actions of either myself or my family, and will thus share in the total cost of PAYING for the privilege of using deception on myself, my family, and those who have had an affect on me, without having a signed CONTRACT, wherein I gave my current, up to date, fully informed, CONSENT.
Earthly Visitor: (Those not born on this planet), whether Human or Non-Human, from any other dimension, alternative or parallel, space and time.
17.1) The leaders and government officials living on the surface of Earth, or within, or above the Earth, AND the church officials operating at the VATICAN that you deal with currently, (all of whom are psycho-paths), DO NOT SPEAK for every human being living on this planet.
You should know that!
And, acting as if they do speak for every living being here is absurd considering your supposed intelligence level. Many of the beings they do NOT speak for, including myself, and countless beings who have taken a legitimate physical incarnation here, choose to speak on our own behalf.
To suggest we can’t speak for ourselves, or to actively engage in a formal Treaty with any of these beings, a treaty which leaves our voices unheard, is a cosmic CRIME ! You have now been given fair warning!
Correct your mistake by immediately negotiating with my living being, or come under the Authority of this VALID Notice of Contract!
Do not ignore the importance of this NOTICE.
17.2) YOU (as Earthly Visitors) are also being specifically NOTICED to both behave yourself while visiting this planet called EARTH, because this is my PLANETARY HOME by right of INCARNATION, and to make certain that before you personally interact with any Earth Human, each and every individual being has given its CONSCIOUS CONSENT in full transparency, if you choose to affect that being Negatively or in a dark way.
17.3) I specifically RESERVE all rights that are cosmically granted to my living being, by the Higher Galactic, and “Universal Councils” which are given to those living beings who are taking physical incarnation on the EARTH, (also know as Gaia, or Terra) and now make NULL AND VOID any and ALL claims made by other humans or non humans, as well as certain Earthly Visitors, that make claims that I may have inadvertently signed away any of my ETERNAL SOULS rights or consent unknowingly or unwittingly.
(Which would mean that I would have to have been tricked out of them as a result of deception.)
17.4) I specifically CHALLENGE, every assumption or presumption of having ever given away, or surrendered any RESERVED rights, or given VALID CONSENT, for any negative actions that are, or have been, adversely affecting me, which are caused as a result of the Treaties signed by Earthly Visitors and Earths psychopathic leaders.
17.5) I specifically CHALLENGE all assumptions/presumptions knowing that any such giving away of rights, consent, or freedoms, would have to have been gained through criminal deception, mind control, or trickery, and thus renders any assumed CONSENT, and any other thing gained in that way, TOTALLY INVALID.
17.6) Be aware that without a current, up to date, and signed CONTRACT or TREATY with me personally, “YOU HAVE NO AUTHORITY” to do anything here (on Earth) or off of Earth, that has or even MAY HAVE a measurable negative affect on my living body, mind, or soul, without incurring very heavy cosmic, and long lasting personal consequences.
17.7) NO TREATY made with any human being, or group of humans living on the EARTH, (or non-humans from off the Earth, if they claim ownership, IS VALID, if that Contract or Treaty in any way affects my life, or my body, mind, and soul in a measurably negative and dark way!
The only exception is to gain my fully informed, and current (not more than 3 years old) “signed consent” in a separate VALID CONTRACT or Treaty that has been negotiated with me personally, and face to face.
NO TREATY made by anyone, anywhere is valid, if it collaterally affects my living and breathing being, my life, my happiness, or my wealth in a dark, or negative way without my full and comprehensive and transparent consent to said or stated Treaty, even if I personally am not party to such a treaty. This includes all corporate treaties and contracts as well as OFF WORLD TREATIES.
17.7.1) A separate contract or treaty with my living and breathing being is necessary, to be negotiated in person, and signed by me, if any actions done here on Earth (by Earthly Visitors), which includes military technology transfers, may have the slightest detrimental affects on my life, and in the absence of such a treaty, I reserve the RIGHT TO CLAIM DAMAGES from these beings, entities, or Earthly Visitors, (not only in this life, but the next, and the next) until full payment is received!
17.7.2) While such a TREATY must be negotiated face to face, and signed, depending upon the nature of the signed treaty, daily updates may be required.
17.7.6) All treaties historically made, that are destined to affect me in a measurably negative way, must be negotiated with me as well, or will be considered under my ordained AUTHORITY, bestowed by PRIME CREATOR, to be null and void. (Even if made before I came here), and even if made over a million years ago!
17.7.7) These persons, beings, entities, corporations, secret groups, human or non-human, from Earth, or not from Earth, in making such treaties with Earthly Visitors, and once finding out about my NOTICE OF CONTRACT have the standard allowable amount of earth time (10 business days) to contact me personally and rectify the situation OR automatically fall under my contract, since that is how all standard Earth contracts are upheld and made lawful.
17.7.8) If this is not done, then I reserve the right to lay CLAIMS against any and all such agents or beings (as listed above) who made any treaty which had such collateral affects, that my personal life was substantially affected, and to use whatever lawful means are necessary to acquire what ever wealth they have, that I deem is a just reparation for such negative affects.
17.8) I claim the right to ANY AMOUNT of payment or reparation I feel is appropriate to compensate me for the hurt, suffering and pain I’ve experienced as a result of any such Contracts or Treaties, which had a negative affect on my life, body, mind or spirit (soul) that were made and done by other beings without my valid consent.
17.9) I claim this right, since with the creation of this NOTICE, and the posting of it where it can be electronically accessed (with permission), every Earthly Visitor, or off worlder, has now been given a fair chance to choose to Contract with me, or to enter into a Treaty with me personally, thus circumventing and negating the otherwise un-avoidable consequences of not doing so.
17.10) This electronic writing pad IS capable of reaching technology available to advanced Races, and thus, NO OTHER PUBLIC NOTICE IS NECESSARY! Permission is freely given to access this specific application of this pad without infringement of my rights, but ONLY for the purpose of reading Notices, Invoices, and this Contract. All else is private!
17.11) Also, leaving readable messages here (in English) is allowed if any intent toward deception is absent. If any deception is used, it is a violation of fair use and is prohibited.
17.12) Specifically excluded from speaking for me personally, whether in TREATY or CONTRACT are these beings or groups: The Roman Catholic Church and all who claim to hold office there.
ANY of the United States of America Corporation Presidents, especially:
George Bush Senior, George Bush Jr, Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, Ronald Reagan, Jimmy Carter, Gerald Ford, Richard Nixon, Lyndon Johnson, John F. Kennedy, Dwight Eisenhower, Franklin Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson, Theodore Roosevelt, Herbert Hoover, Calvin Coolidge, William Howard Taft, Warring G. Harding, or Harry Truman, which were all Presidents after or during the formation of the Criminal Federal Reserve. All of these are specifically excluded from speaking for me, or making any contracts for me that will have even the slightest affect upon my life.
17.13) Since these men, or self styled leaders do not speak for me personally, nor does the Catholic Church speak for me, they CAN NOT NEGOTIATE TREATIES or CONTRACTS that have any measurable affect upon my life, my body, my mind, or my soul.
17.14) This means that they (those attempting to speak for me in Treaty without my consent) can stand trial for such acts, on a much higher level, and be held accountable for any and all harm, damage, or disruption to my body, mind, heart and soul!
This can happen as a result of denying Me my free will! Because they are denying me my FREEWILL CHOICES, they are specifically claiming that free will does not exist, and therefore have no claim to Free Will for themselves.
SECTIONS 18, 19, and 20
18) If any such things as listed above are being done, or ever were done, then those acts occurred without my consent, and will be considered deception, and will formally and fully engage any entity, being, corporation, secret group, machine, or person…, human or non-human, from Earth, or not from Earth, into this openly transparent and historically PUBLICLY NOTICED contract by their own action of choosing to do these things, without first choosing to rectify their error by negotiating a lawfully Valid Treaty or Contract with my living being.
19) All “tacit” or presumed consent by me, for any act of doing, done by another person, entity, being, etc…, that affects me darkly and negatively what so ever is hereby now permanently removed, and challenged, and denied. It is denied to any and all beings or entities UNLESS a CURRENT CONTRACT or TREATY has been negotiated with me personally.
20) Consent for any and all acts which affect my living body, mind and soul in a negative way, must now be asked for, and acquired for EACH individual act which concerns my life, IF that act affects my life, freedom, wealth, happiness, or reserved rights in any way that is negative. IF NOT asked for each time, then I CLAIM the right to seek and secure damages for each individual act, in the most highly tradable form usable in the universe which is pure Gold, or an equivalent means of value that is also highly tradable.
21) ANY SECRET TREATY made between two or more entities, is both a GALACTIC AND UNIVERSAL CRIME and IMPROPRIETY, if it affects my living being, since I was NEVER told about it, or given any option whatsoever to either defend my living being from the fallout, or the outcomes of such a treaty. Thus, it is and has been unlawfully foisted upon my living incarnate being without first gaining my valid consent. YOU HAVE NOW BEEN WARNED.
21.1) 10 (ten) Earth days are given for a “valid response”* from ALL Earthly Visitors involved in ALL Treaties made with Earthly Leaders that currently affect my living being. If NO valid response is given or received, it will be considered to be an ADMISSION of the guilt of having created such Treaties, and also the total ACCEPTANCE OF THIS CONTRACT, and TOTAL AGREEMENT TO ALL PAYMENTS CLAIMED for any negative affects that such Treaties have had upon my being without my formal valid consent.
21.1.1) *Definition of a valid response: Direct Contact with my living being is the only acceptable valid response. Face to face negotiations are required.
21.2) Earthly Visitors who do ONLY POSITIVE ACTS and loving acts, and behave in ways which support the love of my LIVING BEING, the love of my bodies health, happiness or wealth, the love of the EARTH, and the love of HUMANS, and who do not give ANY technology to Earths leaders which can then be used against the innocent human populations, are exempt from contract or treaty since they are not affecting me negatively. However, if their activities involve any “exchange of information” with Earth’s psychopathic leaders, then I require that the same information be given to me personally, so that I remain on the same FREEWILL footing as those beings.
21.3) I respect all forms of life, AND do recognize their free will, acknowledging that free will exists, thus guaranteeing my right to free will in the higher levels.
SECTIONS 22, 23, and 24
22) For any printed consent form, presented for agreement, which allows me access to the internet. I am ONLY agreeing to give very limited consent in order to access the internet through a secondary party, but NOT CONSENTING or agreeing to give up ANY RESERVED rights or personal authority, which I always hold in reserve, and which REQUIRE a fully negotiated, face to face, CONTRACT OF CONSENT to be considered VALID. In the absence of such personal negotiations, such assumed consent will be considered INVALID, and gained through deception, or trickery, and will immediately bring the deceiver under this comprehensive Notice Of Contract.
22.1) For any and all access errors received while using the internet. I DO NOT CONSENT to any limitation of my personal freedom. 502 access errors and all other numbered access errors are forbidden under this contract…, whether caused by being, entity, or machine technology. Those living beings who do this without a valid contract with me must contact me in person, and get a contract, or immediately fall under the terms of this contract. No exceptions. (See Authority)
22.2) In addition, I DO NOT CONSENT to the modification of any equipment that I may have purchased what so ever, that prevents me from accessing the internet, or certain web pages and it’s video content (YouTube), nor do I consent to any changes made to the basic programming, or functioning, or the addition of certain “cookies” or other micro managing software tools, that then infect my device with secondary programming not originally intended for the smooth, and efficient running of the device, which may allow outside access or control of the device from some other location, for reasons No BEING has informed me about. (Remember, I own my free will. You are Not allowed to affect me without a contract.)
23) Finally this Notice of Contract may change without Notice.
24) Have a Nice Day!
25) My AUTHORITY, is derived directly from PRIME CREATOR! I am my own representative to HE who Created my Soul, and have a Special Agreement with that Being which is the SOURCE OF ALL things created. No other authority is needed, or can ever be placed before HIS AUTHORITY, where my Eternal Soul is concerned. However, I reserve the right to choose a very pure and loving being as an intermediary if needed. (This being will Not be living on Earth)
25.1) Since I AM my own representative of and to PRIME CREATOR, then NO OTHER spiritual or religious authority on Earth can supersede my own directly ordained AUTHORITY, with the true FATHER and CREATOR of all that is. This includes all those who are either appointed, or elected to hold office, whether on Earth, or off the Earth, where “powers” are granted, or authority is bestowed, either to regulate or to govern, because I AM already under a “private agreement” with THAT, which can only be defined as pure love.
25.2) I, here and now, in the past, and in the future, remove all presumed consent, tacit consent, and assumed compliance with all lessor Authorities that are EARTH based and merely human, as is my Right under my personal agreement with Prime Creator, the maker of all UNIVERSES, and CHOOSE to stay under HIS AUTHORITY ONLY with no other authorities standing between.
25.3) In ALL matters concerning my living being, or my living and breathing body, mind and spirit, which includes my Astral body, or other levels of my multi dimensional being…, my Special Agreement with PRIME CREATOR is FINAL, and supersedes every other Agreement or Authority, Convention, Statute, or Regulation that is either Earth based, or off world based, if it seeks to enslave my being, or limit my freedom in any way without first gaining my conscious, fully aware, and fully informed (nothing hidden) Consent.
25.4) Pre-birth incarnational contracts are all, here and NOW, made permanently NULL and VOID as a result of gross deception, gross violation, trickery, mind-control, and black magic occult practices being used without my consent.
25.4.1) Due to conditions of Contractual breech by the dark, NO CONTRACT, I have signed as concerns incarnations upon the Earth is Valid. Even if that contract was signed 26,000 years ago!
25.5) The gross deception being used by dark beings VOIDS all consent that may be in place with those beings using such deception.
SECTION 26 to 30
26) Any being, entity, corporation, secret group, or person, whether human, or non human, who willingly seeks to limit my freedoms, or deprive me of a perfectly healthy life and body, or happiness, or my personal wealth, which includes any monies I have personally earned with my efforts, or am entitled to by my physical appearance and incarnation on this planet, is now duly NOTICED:
27) By the action of doing any of these things, YOU are entering into a BINDING CONTRACT to compensate me for these acts in the amount that I have clearly noticed and designated above.
28) The COST of entering into my Contract…, IS AGREED TO BE PAID IN FULL once incurred through the act of doing any of the above mentioned things: LIMITING my freedom, DEPRIVING me of a healthy life and body, or happiness, or DEPRIVING me of any wealth I created and earned, through ANY means I would not have agreed to, including taxation. This is agreed to, no matter whether I as a being, am living on Earth, or have left the physical portion of my being/body, and moved on to somewhere else in the multiverse. This contract also applies to intelligent machine technology. If you are intelligent technology or machine, then your programmers or creators are equally responsible for your debt! You will inform them of this.
29) Death of my body or yours, will not cancel the debt unless and until it is paid. Denying the debt will not cancel it due to the fact you were duly noticed and then freely ignored every opportunity to negotiate with me.
30) It is preferred and demanded that any payments to be made, will be made immediately. If not, then as stated, death will not remove the debt, and it will be paid by the individual entities that have incurred it, in dozens if not hundreds of succeeding lives until the entire debt is paid!
SECTION 31 to 40
31) If any of the above mentioned acts, are being done in secrecy, and behind closed doors, so as to HIDE from me the fact that these acts are being done, or to hide them from my family, or my Human brothers and sisters, who are also by right of incarnation deserving of full disclosure, then consider yourself, and those you work for immediately INVOICED for these acts already done, and PAYMENT IS NOW DUE, unless within 10 calendar Earth days, from August 02, 2014, I am contacted and a time table for negotiations of Treaty or Contract is set up with all who do NOT wish to have to pay this fair compensation.
32) Non-payment will result in penalty fees being added daily. The penalty for non payment is $50,000 US Dollars per day, (measured in the value and buying power of a 1985 US dollar). Not paying Invoices will only move the debt into another life stream or a higher level…, death will not cancel the debt.
32.1) To use fictitious legal constructions known as a Birth Certificate, a Passport, an Identification Card, or a Drivers License, as substitutes for an open and transparent Contract for Consent for any act that affects me negatively, is expressly Forbidden, and will result in ejection from the game if used by any being interacting with my living being or body, as a replacement for a valid, fair, and openly negotiated, fully disclosed CONTRACT with nothing hidden, and signed on Earth by me with a wet ink signature.
33) By immediately leaving this computer/notebook/electronic writing device, after reading all NOTICES, and INVOICES, or leaving messages, this contract is not entered into. However, if any of the above mentioned acts have already been done by you or those you work for, in that case, you or they, must immediately CEASE AND DESIST all such acts, inform me of them, and apologize with sincere intent to seek forgiveness, and negotiate a valid contract or treaty for doing such things.
Contract will include compensation.
33.1) By refusing to CEASE and Desist, and thus continuing to DO any such acts, without a valid contact in place, you are AGREEING to THIS contract, and agreeing to pay the costs listed here by choosing to do these acts without my consent. By not informing your superiors, or those you work with, of this NOTICE, you are AGREEING to this contract on your own, and agreeing to pay all costs by yourself.
33.2) By immediately quitting your job, and honestly disclosing all the information you know publicly, that is being unjustly kept from human beings, and myself specifically, this contract is Not entered into. In addition, a bonus will be paid to you, whether you are living in your physical body or not, for your service, taken from accrued and remitted contract penalties, and paid Invoices.
34) In addition to what is listed above, Time Travel, whether done physically or by any other means of Quantum Access, is expressly forbidden if the goal of that Quantum Access is to bypass and subvert this Notice of Contract done by me, and to change either myself or the Timeline without my consent.
35) Time Travel is forbidden if it is used to pass on ANY information about me or my life to any agents, principals or players, human or non-human, from Earth, or not from Earth, since that information is claimed by me as my personal property, created by me as part of my life experience, and protected under my personal agreement with PRIME CREATOR, and this Contract under PRIVACY.
35.1) Modifier: If any being or entity who is working with the LOVE vibration, (limited to those not currently worshiping Satan or Lucifer, or involved with the New World Order), has the best interest of human beings living on Earth at heart and mind, then an agreement can be reached, (negotiated) for the transport (through time) of vital information, If done with my knowledge and consent.
36) Those who use Time Travel or use Quantum Access in any way that negatively affects me personally, agree to compensate me one thousand times more for each incident, than the quoted rate of One Hundred Trillion Troy Ounces of Pure Gold (24 karat)
37) Finally, this NOTICE is made retroactive due to the complexities involved in dealing with both Quantum Access and Time Travel.
38) The “EFFECTIVE DATE” of this NOTICE goes back primarily to the inception date of my current incarnation on this planet Earth for most things, however for “special circumstances” it goes back to the very first Treaty made by the Corporate US Government with any ET Race for any reason, and the very first Treaty made by the Catholic Church with any ET Race for any reason, and even possibly the Atlantean Council and any Treaty made with any ET race for any reason.
(Depending on my discretion)
38.1) Special Circumstances are acts that are dependent on Time Travel or Quantum Access, that involve ET’s and their advanced technology, and the specific Earth beings that signed them. (Because with the signing of a treaty comes CONSENT, and they (the ET’s) will certainly claim that consent for their acts were gained by the signing of any treaty)
38.2) THUS, this NOTICE is hereby made retroactive to a date and time before any of those treaties were signed to protect myself and my family from any anomalies.
38.3) This is due to the nature of what the treaty included, and will be decided on a case by case basis if any negative affects were incurred by me personally, however, it will be taken into consideration that those ET beings signing such treaties HAD BOTH the ability to time travel, and the use of quantum access tools with which to see “who” (if anyone) would stand in the way of their agenda.
38.4) Thus for them to specifically target that individual from a point in time BEFORE the being takes incarnation becomes a real possibility. For example: My parents, or grandparents may have been targeted, their wealth removed, their lives messed with, etc. (you get the picture), which then had a collateral negative affect on my life somewhere in the timelines.
39) The Amount of Energy or pure Gold charged for each incident or action against my life may change without notice.
40) Any change will be immediately retroactively applied to all acts
SECTION 41 to 50
41) All CONTRACTS entered into with me, (by the doing of these acts) CAN BE RESOLVED WITHOUT PAYMENT, but only on a case by case basis, as I see fit, depending upon circumstance and the intent with which each act occurred!
42) Negotiations for Resolution (other than payment) must be done with me personally, and be done with an honest and clear intent to seek forgiveness for each separate act. Reasonable compensation must be offered, but may not necessarily be accepted or demanded.
43) This Contract is Valid Everywhere in the Universe, and can Not BE MADE VOID, without out an open and honest discussion with me personally.
44) NO previous consent given, if done under duress, and as a result of deception, and without fully being informed of the possible outcomes, is considered valid. If conditions of validity are not present, no Treaty Exists, and the above Contract remains in full FORCE OF LAW.
45) I reserve All RIGHTS given to the SOUL by its CREATOR.
The Soul is my living, multi-dimensional being both here on EARTH, and in the higher levels of Consciousness and existence/awareness.
46) I do not consent to any law or statute, that purports to take away or limit ANY freedom given to the Soul by it’s Creator unless specifically and transparently consented to by me, with full ramifications of such consent openly revealed to me at the time such consent is given, and to be continually updated as to any and all changes in such ramifications with the opportunity to opt out easily! (Nothing hidden).
47) Anything hidden from me, automatically nullify’s and voids all contracts or consents made by me (my living being) immediately, and places the creator of such a deceptive contract under MY CONTRACT.
48) Any ramifications to acts done or intended to be done by others that are buried or hidden in a pile of legal paperwork (more than one single page measuring 8 inches by 11 inches, with standard size print) is to be considered deception and will immediately fall under the deception clause of my contract.
49) Any fine print, or added clauses to any treaty or contract made by me are specifically forbidden and are considered deception, and fall under the deception clause of my contract unless I am notified first, and then such items are renegotiated by me in full honesty and transparency.
50) Any attempt to subvert my rights through deception is to contract with me by the action of doing these things. ACTION EQUALS AGREEMENT. The only exception to this is mind control! Those living beings under mind control, either through implants, demon possession, or technologies are exempt because they are not in total possession of free will. However, those who put them under mind control, or ordered the mind control, will pay doubly for every act of those under mind control, as well as those who created the mind control technologies, taught the technologies, or trained others in the technologies will also pay doubly.
51) To any agents, players, or principals, on or off world, human or non, from Earth or not, who use time travel in a very positive way, and go back in time to protect my younger self, or my family, by giving myself younger self significant financial, or material support, as well as very honest information, will be granted forgiveness, as long as that aid is done without any intent toward deception.
SECTION 52 to 55
52) You will be held personally and individually accountable for ALL of your actions against me, done to me without first getting my valid consent. There will be NO blanket of Corporate Protection, for you personally, as you envision it in your CORPORATE LAW, since I am not under ANY obligation to those man-made regulations or statutes what-so-ever!
53) Those man made rules go only as far as the Vatican, and I’ve already clearly stated that The Vatican does NOT speak for me. The next step up in authority is the unlawful treaties made by the Vatican with off worlders, who ALSO do NOT in any way speak for me. And thus, any protection offered by those off worlders to you, is also null and void!
54) This will ALL occur after this life, on what is known as the higher level, non physical plane. No corruption, no cheating, no one watching your back.
This will not happen in any Earthly Court where the Judges are corrupt, and the laws are written by corporations.
55) A contract is a contract, and that is how (unfortunately) you are able to act here on Earth with impunity and get away with it.
55.1) The catch 22, for all of you players, agents and principals, (human or non, Earthly or non,) is that in order for you to get out of any punishment for EVERYTHING you’ve ever done to ALL of the other humans who are NOT me personally, (in this incarnation or embodiment) is the defense that is based on the law of Earthly Contracts, where you HAVE TO MAKE THE CLAIM that those other humans gave you either written or tacit consent, and therefore consented to your authority over them, or to your actions, while you were on EARTH, or managing the Earth in the case that you are off worlders.
55.2) IN MY individual situation, I’ve NOTICED you, and ORDERED you by my own AUTHORITY to cease and desist, and then, I’ve challenged and removed any consent you assume or presume to have over my living and breathing being, body, mind and soul, both verbally and in writing AND recorded it in the off world records. Then, I’ve laid out terms by which you could do these things ( you do have free will after all ), IF, and only IF, you agree to compensate me fairly for doing each individual one of them as a separate act of doing. These terms remain unchanged whether you ignore them or not, or like them or not.
55.3) Therefore, By choosing to do, or continue to do any of the listed actions within, you have thusly AGREED to my terms, and compensation is CONTRACTUALLY owed by every being either planning, ordering, or carrying out the doing of such acts. To all those beings, THIS IS YOUR INVOICE (invoice number is: 7773331).., PAYMENT IS NOW DUE! The price is One Hundred Trillion Ounces of Pure Gold for each act listed on this notice done by you (even if ordered by someone else) without first negotiating a valid contract to gain my fully aware consent.
55.4) Which means that if you’ve read this, or even heard about it, or any other being, Earthly or non Earthly, Human or non-human, who is a player, or is an agent, or principal, has read or heard about it, or has a SIGNED TREATY with you that affected me, then I’ve got all of you!!!
Notice to agent is notice to principal. Notice to principal is notice to agent.
55.5) No further NOTICE is necessary, and this is NOW both WRITTEN and RECORDED in the off world records.
55.6) This OFF WORLD RECORDING was and is necessary ONLY because no Earthly entity, or being, would or will willingly RECORD this NOTICE OF CONTRACT, due to the complete and total corruption of the system on Earth, where lowly city, and county clerks are trained and instructed to act as demonic gate keepers for the elites.
55.7) This corruption effectively nullifies and makes VOID (on a higher level) the necessity for this NOTICE OF CONTRACT to be RECORDED on Earth before it can become FACT IN LAW in the Solar System, the Galaxy and the Universe.
55.8) Since it is now RECORDED in the off world records, it has become UNIVERSALLY ACCEPTED LAW, and I now ORDER it into permanent effect under MY OWN AUTHORITY, and will refer to it in all higher UNIVERSAL Council proceedings.
SECTION 56, 57, and 58
56) Do you think you can ignore another beings free will WITHOUT the proper authority to do so? Do you think you are greater than the CREATOR who gave each of his creations free will? Since you do not know about the cosmic laws that you yourself operate under…, you are now in dire TROUBLE!
56.1) Your leaders work for OFF WORLDERS, and currently pay homage to the VATICAN, while some of them actively worship SATAN…., is it any wonder they don’t tell you everything? Is it any wonder they keep using National Security as a board to hit you over the head with? Wake up! Those in secret societies, who are incredibly wealthy, CREATE the wars that make you think we even need National Security. They use secrecy, deception and National Security as tools to keep their demonic agenda hidden from those who work for them. The Bankers are their ring leaders, and Corporate Federalized Police their hired thugs.
56.2) Just as the NSA records everything done on Earth, do you think that there are not higher beings than you, that are recording second by second everything you think, say and do all of your life?
56.3) There will not be any wiggle room in the higher universal court! Video of your life, your thoughts, and acts for every second you lived here are available…, and these beings DID have authority to watch and record you, since you gave it to them before you came here, before you were born.
57) Now, if you DENY THIS CONTRACT, then you have NO defense for everything ELSE you’ve EVER done in your life, because everything you’ve ever done to others is BASED on the ancient LAW OF CONTRACTS! Thus, you will convict your own self, by REMOVING YOUR BLANKET OF CORPORATE IMMUNITY for all of those acts, if you deny this one simple contract.
57.1) YOU can only wiggle out of those actions you’ve done by acknowledging the LAW OF CONTRACTS, but in so doing you, YOU FIRST have to acknowledge this simple contract as legitimate, and will end up paying me…everything this contract demands! As of now, I win either way!
58) The LAW OF CONTRACTS originally came from off world, and was given to those “elites” living in both Egypt and BABYLON, and to their Black OCCULT Priests, and subsequently was given next to the VATICAN, and to their Priests (Judges).
58.1) ALL Judges, who wear black robes, are secretly High Priests, and thus secretly derive their AUTHORITY from the VATICAN, (Jesuits) because all authority MUST come from somewhere to be considered legitimate by OTHERS in the Galaxy or the Universe, which is teeming with life.
58.2) The Vatican claims to get theirs from GOD, and thus places themselves between you and YOUR Creator. However, have ANY of you asked what GOD they claim authority from? (It’s Lucifer). Ask them! IF YOU CONSENT to the Vatican, then you consent to the entire Earthly Justice System, with all it’s secrets and all it’s corruption. If you consent to it, then it can do anything to you…, without asking any other permission from you…., know that.
58.3) However, Be aware that your consent was also tricked out of you, by false Contract through the creation of a fictitious ENTITY known as a Strawman, which is your name all CAPITALIZED, and substituted for your living being by them. Thus, they don’t need your personal consent for what they do, since your Strawman, (which they created and own) always consents for you automatically. Thus, they believe that you don’t need to be consulted. (They are incorrect once you withdraw consent)
58.4) By use of a Birth Certificate, Passport, or Drivers License, you have also consented to register your Strawman, as a “franchise” under the control of the Corporate Government, and thus freely legitimize their “assumed” control over your consent, (not your body, your consent), which they no longer need to ask you for. Thus, the “trick” has been that they don’t need to get control of you or your body..,
they need only to get control of your CONSENT. In this way, they made you a slave without having it look like you are one.
58.5) However, Prime Creator has truly given YOU free will…, and “they” can’t do ANYTHING to you without your consent if you REMOVE IT BY SAYING SO.
58.6) That’s how simple this is. Declare your Freedom, and remove your consent. By giving them power over your Consent, you gave away EVERYTHING.
58.7) “GET THAT” or be their slave by your own CONSENT forever.
58.8) The Government Corporation is secretly under the control of the Vatican by both CONTRACT and by TREATY, so it has to do what the Vatican says.
The Vatican is secretly under the control of off worlders by Contract and Treaty, so it has to do what the off worlders say.
58.9) Only You can choose to stop all of this madness by removing your personal consent. However, be clear that your consent is AUTOMATICALLY GIVEN in advance for everything the Corporate Government or the Vatican wants to do to the world, or to you, due to the franchise Contract you agreed to by using a Drivers License, etc.
58.9.1) You fell into a trap through your own unwillingness to TAKE personal responsibility for your life and gave it away to others who asked for it, because you trusted them. To get out of this, you have to grow up really fast, and completely be responsible for yourself. If not, you will be their slave.
59) NOTICE to any agent, player, or principal, being, entity, or individual, machine, technology, Earthly Visitor, or off worlder. These are considered Special Actions:
59.1) I DO NOT CONSENT to kidnapping, to stealing, or to enslaving my body, my spirit, my mind, or my soul, on any level and in any way, or to kill my body, to incarcerate my body or my mind, either in a prison or in any similarly constructed or designated facility, (even if run by FEMA), and regardless of what it is called, or to torture or torment either my body or my mind, or spirit, without a signed, valid and fully disclosed contract, (nothing hidden). To “DO” any of the above listed acts without a valid contact is now priced at: ONE HUNDRED QUADRILLION OUNCES of a Pure Gold, (24 karat), payable before any act is done.
59.1.1) To “Declare Any Form Of Martial Law” that restricts in any way, shape or form, MY freedom of movement, wealth, health or happiness is FORBIDDEN!
Martial Law is now also known as: Continuity of Government and will treated as the same term. Operation Lightning is also associated with Martial Law and will treated as the same term. Operation BOA is also associated with Martial Law and will treated as the same term.
To shut off or end electrical service without replacing it with another form of readily usable energy, to shut off or disrupt, water, sewer, internet or any other vital service…, Is FORBIDDEN if it affects me in any way, unless I agree to such acts through a fully, and openly negotiated, totally transparent Contract with nothing hidden. This contract would need to be signed by me with a wet ink signature.
59.1.2) DEFINITION OF MARTIAL LAW – CONTINUITY OF GOVERNMENT – AND ASSOCIATED TERMS – Including JADE HELM 15! To set unnecessary curfews which restrict either mine or other beings freedom of movement without extreme and grave circumstances necessitating these acts. To place Road Blocks or Check points which restrict freedom of movement. To “ration” vital goods and services without extreme circumstances. To round up or otherwise unlawfully arrest or detain any living being for undisclosed reasons or fabricated crimes. To treat truth tellers and whistle blowers as criminals or terrorists. To maintain a list where by those who are standing against unlawful acts of any kind become targets IS FORBIDDEN and will come directly under this contract as a special action! Any Operation known as JADE HELM 15, or any similar action that has an intent to create MARTIAL LAW (see definition) with an inception date of September of 1961, or other time either before, or there after, hereby falls directly under this contract if it affects my living being in the least way!
I do not consent to Any Negative acts that are directed at my life, or at my living being, and will hold each soul and living being personally accountable for any and all actions they may take that might bring harm my life in the tiniest way. Notice to agent is notice to principal. In order to be VALID, these extreme circumstances can NOT be in ANY WAY fabricated, planned, designed, pushed along, or micro-managed by any living being “hoping” for such circumstances and outcomes in the first place. ANY Being that works in government, or is affiliated with a secret society, or has taken oaths, or is in any way associated with the New World Order, the Illuminati, the 13 families claiming to run the planet, or working for the Department of Homeland Security, or any other ABC Agency, the Military, The Police, or other unknown agency that either directly or indirectly “foments” or works to create circumstances that necessitates MARTIAL LAW as a part of an agenda is hereby NOTICED: I DO NOT CONSENT.
If you choose to do these things that affect me without a Valid contract from me, then the Cost to do this is:
ONE HUNDRED QUADRILLION OUNCES of pure GOLD, (24 karat), from each living participant…., deliverable to me 120 days before any act is done or committed, where ever I hold residence at the time. If act is already committed, then INVOICE is now sent and recorded! This amount will be paid to me, whether now or in the future, even if other incarnations, lives and bodies (for you) are necessary to do it. As stated all through this Notice of Contract…, your physical death WILL NOT erase or void any debt to me once it is incurred. I will expect payment to the last ounce.
59.2) To kill my body in novel, and obscene ways, such as death by decapitation, or death by extreme torture…, the current cost to do so without a contract is:
ONE HUNDRED QUADRILLION OUNCES of pure GOLD, (24 karat) PAID and deliverable to me personally 120 days before act is done or committed, where ever I hold residence at the time.
59.3) Current prices may change without Notice.
59.4) Drone Attacks are expressly forbidden in any way shape or form, because only an absolute COWARD of the lowest form, unworthy of life itself, and DESTINED to be recycled in the GREAT CENTRAL SUN of this Galaxy, WOULD EVER use or order to be used, such a method of killing.
59.5) Know this However…., Death of my body will NOT release any being who is doing, ordering or even planning, these acts from payment, if these acts either target, or affect my living being personally, then payment will be made until the debt is paid off.
59.6) Any curses or Black Magic is specifically rebuked, not accepted, and sent back to who ever sends it.
SECTION 60 to 70
61) To the alphabet soup agencies: Screw you for ever trying to hurt me, or my family, while hiding like a coward in the bushes. Your day to “pay” me is very fast approaching. No one “gets away” with anything. No one is above the rules or the LAW, and no one gets to break COSMIC LAW without having shit thrown back in their face. Who do you think you are? Do You think I came to this planet with out emergency protection? Nothing you can think of will ever get you out of this trap, except an immediate plea to ME for forgiveness, and squealing like a stuck pig about everything you’ve done that has infected and hurt the general public, who I consider brothers and sisters! My body…, is nothing more than a suit…, I AM multidimensional, and your crimes against ME will not be forgotten after death. ONE and ALL have been duly NOTICED.
62) Heres who screwed ALL of you. This could have been resolved peacefully for the entire planet in the 1960’s if the NWO boys (New World Order) had disclosed the UFO, Time travel and advanced technology issues then. (Truth is always better than lies). But instead George Bush Senior…, a damn NAZI, who worships Lucifer, was placed into the CIA with his German NAZI “paper clip” buddies and got together with a group of NWO boys and had Kennedy killed. Hmmm, That’s Treason. After that, all issues went super secret, and guess where we are today? At my contract…, and you are all screwed. It would have been smarter to arrest every secret society member in the world (33rd Degree Freemasons, from P2 lodge) (Knights of Malta) etc, than to allow the secrecy to develop to where it is today.
Did you think Prime Creator had no operatives on the planet? Did you think tormenting me all my life would change my allegiance to HIM? You are all fighting Prime Creator!
63) Those who projected and used countless frequencies and unlawful and illegal implants to literally torment me, an innocent living being, ALL MY LIFE, (secret underground boys) are going directly to the Central Sun after they die. I WILL petition the higher Universal courts to destroy them, and those who gave the orders to them, count on that…., Unless they beg forgiveness from HE who sent me.
64) For those who doubt this document has power…, check back in time and see if some underground bases weren’t “portal’d” right out of existence. And, all personnel gone missing. Time only exists here…, so my contract is already functioning on the higher level, and the higher courts are already in session.
65) For the last and final time…, CEASE AND DESIST all negative action against my living being! I Order this on my OWN Authority.
66) Advice: QUIT your jobs and disobey your demonic, elitist, NWO masters, or some of you will find yourself experiencing the “second death”, which is the total destruction of everything you EVER were, by recycling your soul in the Central Sun.
67) In that death, every life you have ever lived, and every memory ever held is not only erased, but the spark of life you carry is “reformatted” so that Your Eternal soul starts completely over from scratch. It is basically a new soul with no knowledge, memory, or understanding, and may take billions of years to reach back to where it is now.
68) All souls start out as Dirt! Then rocks, then after a billion years get to be plants…, then animals, then finally human. Good luck with that!
69) This may be a “game”…, BUT, there are RULES, to follow that can NOT BE BROKEN. Even the darkest of the dark on this planet know that. Too bad they didn’t tell that to those who are doing their bidding.
70) Have a Nice Day!
2) I AM ETERNAL, embodied at the moment inside of the human skin/body suit, and am “created” by the Infinite, Immortal Creator of ALL THAT IS.
I claim all rights as such, and FULLY RESERVE them for my living being, while having NO EARTH BOUND AUTHORITY standing between my living being and Prime Creator unless designated by my conscious and fully informed consent.
2.1) There is NO tacit consent anywhere present in my life, ever! Consent for everything must be asked for, the reason and situation explained to me completely, and terms negotiated which are fully current and up to date, before any consent can be assumed or presumed.
2.2) This Declaration is my own creation! I am the final arbiter and authority on what it means, and what I meant it to say! It can NOT used against me in any way shape or form, because it is my CREATION – and it was never created with the intent to harm it’s creator – therefore IT CAN NOT BE USED AGAINST ME.
2.3) When I say “I”, “ME”, “MY” – I am referring to my living being. When I say “my life”, I am referring to the experience that my living being is having on EARTH.
3) This computer or “electronic writing book”, is my personal property. It is assigned to me for my private use, and is purchased with tradable energy that I earned by my own fair labor. No outside authority is granted access to it whatsoever by any living being or technology.
To be very clear, so that you cannot say ‘you assumed’ . . . all of my emails are private, no matter what computer I use. My life is totally private, no matter what device I use. . ., my personal phones, a cell phone, Skype, snail mail, and so on. I do not consent to give you access to any of these types of communication which I reserve as PRIVATE!
3.1) Internet browsing is now PROTECTED under this contract as well! Any censorship and blocking of any information, news article, documents, images, video content, I choose to access…, for ANY REASON is expressly forbidden by this contract. To use machines and technology to “censor” or block my access to articles, video and information…, without a fully negotiated, face to face, contract, signed with a wet ink signature, is considered a breach of this Declaration and this Contract! The use of the STING-RAY device or ANY other type of device to intercept my private connection signal is a double breech of my privacy and will be charged under this contract as double.
Any living being operating such technology or intercepting or reading the results after using such technology are now under this contract.
4) I DO NOT CONSENT to having any human being, living being, machine, entity, person, corporation, secret group, or their representatives, their bosses, their off world allies, anyone working for or with the absolute psychopaths running Israel, and especially secret society groups: to spy, to look into, to watch, or in any way invade my PRIVACY for any reason.
4.1) I RESERVE the right to amend this Declaration of NON-CONSENT at ANY TIME, and for ANY REASON, if it is found that it something written here is either lacking in clarity, or has been mis-stated, and needs to be corrected OR deleted.
4.2) This non-consent to “privacy invasion” includes all means and forms of communication I currently use, whether in my personal life, in e-mails, phone conversations, computer usage, internet travel and access, or business writings.
4.3) Privacy is defined as: my own unique personal life experience.
Each experience, had by my being, is for my personal growth and development. They are NOT for corporations to seek profit from!
These experiences, which are part of my unique life experience, are specifically NOT allowed to be used by other beings in any way that creates money for profit, while demeaning, degrading, or negatively affecting my living being.
I DO NOT CONSENT TO tracking, counting, organizing, collating, sampling, polling, listening in on, or in any way watching or spying on my living being for the purpose of targeting, marketing, psycho-analyzing, or any other form of intrusion, these things are expressly FORBIDDEN, under my definition of Privacy!
Specifically, I do not consent to being tracked by my credit card/s or me debit card or any other form of payment that I may make (PayPal, for instance.)
4.4) PRIVACY also includes: where I go, and what I do with my physical body, mind, and soul, which is multi-dimensional.
4.5) The ONLY way this is allowed is to “ask” for my personal conscious consent, which can ONLY be given after a complete and total disclosure of every possible affect, or effect, upon my living being with nothing hidden.
It would then have to be placed into a formal contract, and signed by me with a wet ink signature to be valid.
5) There are also invasions of privacy so egregious, that they are considered special acts of invading my privacy. These “special invasions” of privacy Include:
5.1) The Monetization and Collateralization of my Personal Soul Energy, and Personal Soul Entity, for the purpose of buying and selling, or owning.
5.2) The Monetization and Collateralization of my Personal Human Body Suit/Skin Suit, which is laced with my unique DNA that is MY PRIVATE DOMAIN, for the purpose of buying, selling, or owning.
5.3) The buying, selling, owning, and trading of MY Soul Energy, or MY unique human body on the New York Stock Exchange, or any other Stock Exchange in this world or any other world, is expressly Forbidden!
5.4) The buying, selling, and owning of MY UNIQUE and Personal DNA is expressly forbidden anywhere in the Universe.
5.4.1) The “harvesting” of my energy is forbidden! Whatever the form it takes, my energy is my own creation, and I DO NOT CONSENT to having it harvested for others to use, or to profit from.
5.5) This buying, selling, and owning, amounts to SLAVERY, and is forbidden by me under my own FREEWILL. So is the harvesting of my personal energy! If such acts have occurred, or are occurring, then immediately see:
NOTICE OF CONTRACT (Item number 11), and the Effective Enforcement Dates located in Section 37 and 38…, (38.1 – 38.4)
5.6) If such acts as listed in section (5) have occurred or are occurring, then as stipulated in Section 59 and 59.1 called: SPECIAL ACTS, a payment of 100 quadrillion ounces of pure gold, (24 karat) is NOW DUE immediately. A separate payment is due for each individual ACT of buying, selling, “harvesting” and owning, as listed in Sections 5.1 – 5.5 above, and under the terms of Section 59 and 59.1, with the effective enforcement dates listed in Section 37 and 38 (38.1 – 38.4)
5.7) This payment is due NOW, and PAYABLE directly to me, from each living being who engaged in these acts, without a valid contract, signed by me personally
Payment to be arranged and delivered to me personally, and is ORDERED to take place at a place of my choosing.
(See AUTHORITY, Section 25, items 25.1 – 25.5)
6) I DO NOT CONSENT to the use of nanites, parasites, or any other type of infectious diseases or infectious technology, whatsoever, whensoever, or wheresoever, now, in the past, or in the future, to be used upon my human physical body, or mind, or soul, while I am living here on Earth!
7) I DO NOT CONSENT TO ANY TYPE OF MIND CONTROL, OR THE USE OF INTELLIGENT TECHNOLOGY IMPLANTS (physical, etherical, or astral), living or non living, to be used on my living being, my physical body, my ethereal body, my electro-magnetic body, my astral body, or my Soul Body, which could possibly have any affect upon my physical body, mind, or soul in ANY way, without a current (up to date), fully disclosed and transparently negotiated contract (nothing hidden), and signed by me with a wet ink signature.
I do not consent to any NEGATICE BEINGS creating dreams when I am asleep, or attacking me while I sleep!
8) I DO NOT CONSENT to any type of frequency waves currently being used, or historically used, to target my private and clearly designated unique* human physical, etheric, or astral bodies, my DNA, my cells, or my mind, or my soul in any way that is negative or dark. This includes any type of exotic, secret, or covert, Earth based, and off world based technology, (which includes locations on the moon, asteroids, or other undisclosed places being used) that projects pulses, beams, or waves, of any known frequency which has been seen to be detrimental to the human body, mind or soul.
* My physical body is unique due to my private ownership of my own DNA.
9) I DO NOT CONSENT to using fluoride in the drinking water, nor to genetically modifying the food grown and sold for human use. I DO NOT CONSENT to aerosol sprays being placed into the air I breath, nor to programming being inserted into music that I listen to. I DO NOT CONSENT to programming placed into the television and video images I watch without a separate signed contract for each item listed above. I DO NOT CONSENT to the negative manipulation of the weather, nor to the poisoning of the Earth, because I know that these acts are harmful and unhealthy.
10) I DO NOT CONSENT to the use of psychics, black occult magicians, archons, demons and dark spirits using mental energies or any other forms of frequency attack against my living being or bodies.
I DO NOT CONSENT to the use of Voodoo, or any manner of spells cast, which could then cause a negative affect on my body, mind or soul, without a signed contract with a wet ink signature. I DO NOT CONSENT to exotic, machine like, robotic technology either physically or ethereally, or astrally implanted, and then used in any way to track, alter, torment, attack, abuse, infect, or harm my body, my mind, my astral body, or my soul at any time, at any place, for any reason.
11) Under my authority, as my own representative of PRIME CREATOR, any being, entity, corporation, secret group, or person, human or non-human, of Earth, or not of Earth, engaged in ANY of the individually activities listed in Sections 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 above, or in section 14 below, (as specifically described in sections 15, and 16), and directing these actions at my incarnated and living being, AGREES by choosing to engage in all such actions as listed:
TO COMPENSATE MY LIVING BEING (whether incarnate or not) UNDER THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS of this CONTRACT in the full amount of:
12) ONE HUNDRED TRILLION TROY OUNCES of pure Gold (24 karat) for each separate act of “doing” as it applies to my living being personally, unless my specific FULLY INFORMED CONSENT is given for each individual act, in an openly transparent way where it is currently fully understood by me what is being done, or intending to be done by the do’er, or the being doing the act. Section 5 above is considered a SPECIAL ACT, the cost of which appears, and is listed in Section 59 and 59.1
13) Those beings doing ALL such acts ALSO AGREE to compensate me with an equal value of recognized compensation on the higher soul levels of life, if the ACT, done here on Earth, is only discovered, understood, or found out about, after leaving the physical portion of the body suit I currently inhabit. (At my discretion)
13.1) Death will not erase ANY debt once it is incurred by any being doing these actions if they affect my living being negatively. The debts will follow all souls, that have incurred them, both on or off of the Earth, until the FULL AMOUNT is paid. Do not ignore this DECLARATION, or fail to tell others about it.
Notice to principal is notice to agent. Notice to agent is notice to principal.
It is the duty of all those who read this PUBLIC NOTICE to inform everyone of this it’s content of DECLARATION, and NOTICE OF CONTRACT, or they will be ORDERED to pay everyone else’s share!
I DO NOT CONSENT to any deception being used on my living being at any time, any where, which creates ANY negative outcomes concerning the health and welfare of the PLANET EARTH, (also known as Gaia/Terra), or the health and welfare of my own personal body, mind and soul (also known as my own personal living being), or to my freedoms*, my prosperity, my wealth, or my happiness, (also described as my life).
14.1) These freedoms* are Gifts that I as an eternal being, first created by PRIME CREATOR, always hold in reserve, everywhere I travel, since at this moment, and in this UNIVERSE, we are ALL under the protection of his GIFT, of non revocable free will.
Since this Universe is admittedly a free will Universe, deception can be used by anyone, anywhere, as they choose, however…, that deception being used as per the free will of the user, MUST NOT AFFECT ME negatively, or specifically target my life intentionally, or be used to change my thinking, motivations, emotions, or happy life experience.
15.1) ANY contract negotiated by others with my living being, WILL be current and up to date, (not older than a few Earth years), and WILL have all of the possibilities and outcomes openly exposed for my review. Contracts made with my living being of any nature WILL have the option to verbally “opt out” of it at any time, if the spirit or understanding of the contract is breached in the least by those who originated the contract.
15.2) If deception is to be used by those who must deceive, then it is best to inform me of the truth of your lies in advance personally, so that any deception being used, will not cause any problems in my life for which you WILL be contractually obligated to COMPENSATE me for. This advance notice must come to me personally, and can not be hidden by the use of secret signs or obscure symbols. It can not be placed into movies, television, or radio programs and labeled as fiction. It must be open, obvious, and direct, or it is NOT VALID ADVANCE NOTICE.
15.3) Since I have the same free will, in this free will Universe, as those who choose to deceive, I AM using my free will, to DECLARE AND ORDER THAT NO ONE has the right to openly deceive me personally in a way that affects me negatively.
15.4) So in summary, you can lie to others, since they are not smart enough to withdraw their CONSENT, but you are FORBIDDEN to lie to me and cause any negative affect, or you will PAY IT for because I HAVE withdrawn ALL CONSENT.
15.5) YOU have the right to freely deceive, ONLY if I have the right to freely demand NOT to be deceived. All souls and created beings are equal in the eyes of Prime Creator, who first created them. Not one of these souls has more Rights than the next. Free Will is complicated to fully understand, but I assure you that the off worlders who gave the Earth the Ancient Law Of Contracts understood it very well.
They understood that THEY could do nothing here on Earth without first gaining the CONSENT of those living here. Whether done through trickery, mind control, or deception…, Consent is, and always has been, MANDATORY for any one individual soul to do an action which has an affect on another individual soul, without grave consequences from Prime Creator. IN MY CASE, I remove all consent to deception period.
15.6) Because Consent is “mandatory” in a FREEWILL zone, the off worlders who wanted to interact here, first gave the Earth the Ancient Law of Contracts. (Still in use today). A contract is a business-like, and very “un-enlightened”, way for two or more entities to freely and openly hand over consent for any act, thereby circumventing the punishment for depriving another living being of it’s free will. These same off worlders created the current and very un-enlightened religious and legal systems we still use today.
They then used these contractual systems disguised as Religion and Government, to trick the consent out of the people for everything they wanted to do to them with the aid of black occult magic and mind control, which were hovering around these “deceptive contracts”!
This was only allowed by the higher levels because humans were not being either brave, or smart enough to stand up to these beings and WITHDRAW CONSENT from them.
15.7) To all players, agents, and principals now reading this DECLARATION: You are NOT nearly as smart as those off worlders, who came here long ago. Get off your arrogant, high horse…, and realize that they used contracts for a reason. Once even one living being understands this and withdraws their CONSENT from a deceptive contract, the OFF WORLDERS understood the grave COSMIC consequences that would follow.
You dare to snub your nose at the Creator of all Souls by worshiping Lucifer, who is nothing more than another created soul! And YET…, you attack those who know more than you, and could help and guide you to safety because THEY DO understand the Cosmic Laws.
The height of your extreme arrogance is only surpassed by your complete Stupidity! Your Science does not know everything, and you can not defeat the designer of the Universe, and the creator of Souls! This Contract has HIS blessing…, do YOU have his blessing?
Notice to Agent is notice to principal, notice to principal is notice to agent.
Deception: To knowingly lie, to tell an untruth. To KNOWINGLY HIDE from view. To act in any way covertly. To keep important and vital information secret. To act from behind the scenes, while pretending that the act is coming from some place else, or not even happening.
To act in a way that negatively affects myself, or affects someone else, that in turn affects me. To hide, and try to remain anonymous while intending to cause harm, either physical, mental or emotional to my living and breathing being.
To withhold vital information that would give myself, or someone else that may in turn affect me, the opportunity to make a different choice.
To strike out, or act anonymously in ways that are negatively affecting myself, or other beings, while remaining behind the scenes so as to confuse, to confound, or to unreasonably construct an advantage over myself or those other living beings. These are all deception.
16.1) To deny my incarnate being, through trickery, deception, or false contract, my free will, without first getting my fully awakened, and aware consent, (nothing hidden) is to deny in practice that free will exists, and thus, those beings doing such acts have NO claim to free will for themselves, since their actions deny that it (free will) exists.
16.2) A single act of Deception…, such as using the news media to tell lies, whether in newsprint, magazines, radio, or television…, or on the internet by using bloggers with fake names, and fake sites, if the “intent” of those doing such acts is to KNOWINGLY deceive or to KNOWINGLY “program”, or to mind control living individuals so that the behavior of these beings, or groups of beings, is changed toward a negative or dark outcome, then each lie is considered as a single incident of deception.
16.3) All agents, principals and players are equally and individually charged and responsible for the part or parts, they play now, and have been playing in assisting in any such acts of deception, to overtly change the behavior, or control the minds and actions of either myself or my family, and will thus share in the total cost of PAYING for the privilege of using deception on myself, my family, and those who have had an affect on me, without having a signed CONTRACT, wherein I gave my current, up to date, fully informed, CONSENT.
Earthly Visitor: (Those not born on this planet), whether Human or Non-Human, from any other dimension, alternative or parallel, space and time.
17.1) The leaders and government officials living on the surface of Earth, or within, or above the Earth, AND the church officials operating at the VATICAN that you deal with currently, (all of whom are psycho-paths), DO NOT SPEAK for every human being living on this planet.
You should know that!
And, acting as if they do speak for every living being here is absurd considering your supposed intelligence level. Many of the beings they do NOT speak for, including myself, and countless beings who have taken a legitimate physical incarnation here, choose to speak on our own behalf.
To suggest we can’t speak for ourselves, or to actively engage in a formal Treaty with any of these beings, a treaty which leaves our voices unheard, is a cosmic CRIME ! You have now been given fair warning!
Correct your mistake by immediately negotiating with my living being, or come under the Authority of this VALID Notice of Contract!
Do not ignore the importance of this NOTICE.
17.2) YOU (as Earthly Visitors) are also being specifically NOTICED to both behave yourself while visiting this planet called EARTH, because this is my PLANETARY HOME by right of INCARNATION, and to make certain that before you personally interact with any Earth Human, each and every individual being has given its CONSCIOUS CONSENT in full transparency, if you choose to affect that being Negatively or in a dark way.
17.3) I specifically RESERVE all rights that are cosmically granted to my living being, by the Higher Galactic, and “Universal Councils” which are given to those living beings who are taking physical incarnation on the EARTH, (also know as Gaia, or Terra) and now make NULL AND VOID any and ALL claims made by other humans or non humans, as well as certain Earthly Visitors, that make claims that I may have inadvertently signed away any of my ETERNAL SOULS rights or consent unknowingly or unwittingly.
(Which would mean that I would have to have been tricked out of them as a result of deception.)
17.4) I specifically CHALLENGE, every assumption or presumption of having ever given away, or surrendered any RESERVED rights, or given VALID CONSENT, for any negative actions that are, or have been, adversely affecting me, which are caused as a result of the Treaties signed by Earthly Visitors and Earths psychopathic leaders.
17.5) I specifically CHALLENGE all assumptions/presumptions knowing that any such giving away of rights, consent, or freedoms, would have to have been gained through criminal deception, mind control, or trickery, and thus renders any assumed CONSENT, and any other thing gained in that way, TOTALLY INVALID.
17.6) Be aware that without a current, up to date, and signed CONTRACT or TREATY with me personally, “YOU HAVE NO AUTHORITY” to do anything here (on Earth) or off of Earth, that has or even MAY HAVE a measurable negative affect on my living body, mind, or soul, without incurring very heavy cosmic, and long lasting personal consequences.
17.7) NO TREATY made with any human being, or group of humans living on the EARTH, (or non-humans from off the Earth, if they claim ownership, IS VALID, if that Contract or Treaty in any way affects my life, or my body, mind, and soul in a measurably negative and dark way!
The only exception is to gain my fully informed, and current (not more than 3 years old) “signed consent” in a separate VALID CONTRACT or Treaty that has been negotiated with me personally, and face to face.
NO TREATY made by anyone, anywhere is valid, if it collaterally affects my living and breathing being, my life, my happiness, or my wealth in a dark, or negative way without my full and comprehensive and transparent consent to said or stated Treaty, even if I personally am not party to such a treaty. This includes all corporate treaties and contracts as well as OFF WORLD TREATIES.
17.7.1) A separate contract or treaty with my living and breathing being is necessary, to be negotiated in person, and signed by me, if any actions done here on Earth (by Earthly Visitors), which includes military technology transfers, may have the slightest detrimental affects on my life, and in the absence of such a treaty, I reserve the RIGHT TO CLAIM DAMAGES from these beings, entities, or Earthly Visitors, (not only in this life, but the next, and the next) until full payment is received!
17.7.2) While such a TREATY must be negotiated face to face, and signed, depending upon the nature of the signed treaty, daily updates may be required.
17.7.6) All treaties historically made, that are destined to affect me in a measurably negative way, must be negotiated with me as well, or will be considered under my ordained AUTHORITY, bestowed by PRIME CREATOR, to be null and void. (Even if made before I came here), and even if made over a million years ago!
17.7.7) These persons, beings, entities, corporations, secret groups, human or non-human, from Earth, or not from Earth, in making such treaties with Earthly Visitors, and once finding out about my NOTICE OF CONTRACT have the standard allowable amount of earth time (10 business days) to contact me personally and rectify the situation OR automatically fall under my contract, since that is how all standard Earth contracts are upheld and made lawful.
17.7.8) If this is not done, then I reserve the right to lay CLAIMS against any and all such agents or beings (as listed above) who made any treaty which had such collateral affects, that my personal life was substantially affected, and to use whatever lawful means are necessary to acquire what ever wealth they have, that I deem is a just reparation for such negative affects.
17.8) I claim the right to ANY AMOUNT of payment or reparation I feel is appropriate to compensate me for the hurt, suffering and pain I’ve experienced as a result of any such Contracts or Treaties, which had a negative affect on my life, body, mind or spirit (soul) that were made and done by other beings without my valid consent.
17.9) I claim this right, since with the creation of this NOTICE, and the posting of it where it can be electronically accessed (with permission), every Earthly Visitor, or off worlder, has now been given a fair chance to choose to Contract with me, or to enter into a Treaty with me personally, thus circumventing and negating the otherwise un-avoidable consequences of not doing so.
17.10) This electronic writing pad IS capable of reaching technology available to advanced Races, and thus, NO OTHER PUBLIC NOTICE IS NECESSARY! Permission is freely given to access this specific application of this pad without infringement of my rights, but ONLY for the purpose of reading Notices, Invoices, and this Contract. All else is private!
17.11) Also, leaving readable messages here (in English) is allowed if any intent toward deception is absent. If any deception is used, it is a violation of fair use and is prohibited.
17.12) Specifically excluded from speaking for me personally, whether in TREATY or CONTRACT are these beings or groups: The Roman Catholic Church and all who claim to hold office there.
ANY of the United States of America Corporation Presidents, especially:
George Bush Senior, George Bush Jr, Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, Ronald Reagan, Jimmy Carter, Gerald Ford, Richard Nixon, Lyndon Johnson, John F. Kennedy, Dwight Eisenhower, Franklin Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson, Theodore Roosevelt, Herbert Hoover, Calvin Coolidge, William Howard Taft, Warring G. Harding, or Harry Truman, which were all Presidents after or during the formation of the Criminal Federal Reserve. All of these are specifically excluded from speaking for me, or making any contracts for me that will have even the slightest affect upon my life.
17.13) Since these men, or self styled leaders do not speak for me personally, nor does the Catholic Church speak for me, they CAN NOT NEGOTIATE TREATIES or CONTRACTS that have any measurable affect upon my life, my body, my mind, or my soul.
17.14) This means that they (those attempting to speak for me in Treaty without my consent) can stand trial for such acts, on a much higher level, and be held accountable for any and all harm, damage, or disruption to my body, mind, heart and soul!
This can happen as a result of denying Me my free will! Because they are denying me my FREEWILL CHOICES, they are specifically claiming that free will does not exist, and therefore have no claim to Free Will for themselves.
SECTIONS 18, 19, and 20
18) If any such things as listed above are being done, or ever were done, then those acts occurred without my consent, and will be considered deception, and will formally and fully engage any entity, being, corporation, secret group, machine, or person…, human or non-human, from Earth, or not from Earth, into this openly transparent and historically PUBLICLY NOTICED contract by their own action of choosing to do these things, without first choosing to rectify their error by negotiating a lawfully Valid Treaty or Contract with my living being.
19) All “tacit” or presumed consent by me, for any act of doing, done by another person, entity, being, etc…, that affects me darkly and negatively what so ever is hereby now permanently removed, and challenged, and denied. It is denied to any and all beings or entities UNLESS a CURRENT CONTRACT or TREATY has been negotiated with me personally.
20) Consent for any and all acts which affect my living body, mind and soul in a negative way, must now be asked for, and acquired for EACH individual act which concerns my life, IF that act affects my life, freedom, wealth, happiness, or reserved rights in any way that is negative. IF NOT asked for each time, then I CLAIM the right to seek and secure damages for each individual act, in the most highly tradable form usable in the universe which is pure Gold, or an equivalent means of value that is also highly tradable.
21) ANY SECRET TREATY made between two or more entities, is both a GALACTIC AND UNIVERSAL CRIME and IMPROPRIETY, if it affects my living being, since I was NEVER told about it, or given any option whatsoever to either defend my living being from the fallout, or the outcomes of such a treaty. Thus, it is and has been unlawfully foisted upon my living incarnate being without first gaining my valid consent. YOU HAVE NOW BEEN WARNED.
21.1) 10 (ten) Earth days are given for a “valid response”* from ALL Earthly Visitors involved in ALL Treaties made with Earthly Leaders that currently affect my living being. If NO valid response is given or received, it will be considered to be an ADMISSION of the guilt of having created such Treaties, and also the total ACCEPTANCE OF THIS CONTRACT, and TOTAL AGREEMENT TO ALL PAYMENTS CLAIMED for any negative affects that such Treaties have had upon my being without my formal valid consent.
21.1.1) *Definition of a valid response: Direct Contact with my living being is the only acceptable valid response. Face to face negotiations are required.
21.2) Earthly Visitors who do ONLY POSITIVE ACTS and loving acts, and behave in ways which support the love of my LIVING BEING, the love of my bodies health, happiness or wealth, the love of the EARTH, and the love of HUMANS, and who do not give ANY technology to Earths leaders which can then be used against the innocent human populations, are exempt from contract or treaty since they are not affecting me negatively. However, if their activities involve any “exchange of information” with Earth’s psychopathic leaders, then I require that the same information be given to me personally, so that I remain on the same FREEWILL footing as those beings.
21.3) I respect all forms of life, AND do recognize their free will, acknowledging that free will exists, thus guaranteeing my right to free will in the higher levels.
SECTIONS 22, 23, and 24
22) For any printed consent form, presented for agreement, which allows me access to the internet. I am ONLY agreeing to give very limited consent in order to access the internet through a secondary party, but NOT CONSENTING or agreeing to give up ANY RESERVED rights or personal authority, which I always hold in reserve, and which REQUIRE a fully negotiated, face to face, CONTRACT OF CONSENT to be considered VALID. In the absence of such personal negotiations, such assumed consent will be considered INVALID, and gained through deception, or trickery, and will immediately bring the deceiver under this comprehensive Notice Of Contract.
22.1) For any and all access errors received while using the internet. I DO NOT CONSENT to any limitation of my personal freedom. 502 access errors and all other numbered access errors are forbidden under this contract…, whether caused by being, entity, or machine technology. Those living beings who do this without a valid contract with me must contact me in person, and get a contract, or immediately fall under the terms of this contract. No exceptions. (See Authority)
22.2) In addition, I DO NOT CONSENT to the modification of any equipment that I may have purchased what so ever, that prevents me from accessing the internet, or certain web pages and it’s video content (YouTube), nor do I consent to any changes made to the basic programming, or functioning, or the addition of certain “cookies” or other micro managing software tools, that then infect my device with secondary programming not originally intended for the smooth, and efficient running of the device, which may allow outside access or control of the device from some other location, for reasons No BEING has informed me about. (Remember, I own my free will. You are Not allowed to affect me without a contract.)
23) Finally this Notice of Contract may change without Notice.
24) Have a Nice Day!
25) My AUTHORITY, is derived directly from PRIME CREATOR! I am my own representative to HE who Created my Soul, and have a Special Agreement with that Being which is the SOURCE OF ALL things created. No other authority is needed, or can ever be placed before HIS AUTHORITY, where my Eternal Soul is concerned. However, I reserve the right to choose a very pure and loving being as an intermediary if needed. (This being will Not be living on Earth)
25.1) Since I AM my own representative of and to PRIME CREATOR, then NO OTHER spiritual or religious authority on Earth can supersede my own directly ordained AUTHORITY, with the true FATHER and CREATOR of all that is. This includes all those who are either appointed, or elected to hold office, whether on Earth, or off the Earth, where “powers” are granted, or authority is bestowed, either to regulate or to govern, because I AM already under a “private agreement” with THAT, which can only be defined as pure love.
25.2) I, here and now, in the past, and in the future, remove all presumed consent, tacit consent, and assumed compliance with all lessor Authorities that are EARTH based and merely human, as is my Right under my personal agreement with Prime Creator, the maker of all UNIVERSES, and CHOOSE to stay under HIS AUTHORITY ONLY with no other authorities standing between.
25.3) In ALL matters concerning my living being, or my living and breathing body, mind and spirit, which includes my Astral body, or other levels of my multi dimensional being…, my Special Agreement with PRIME CREATOR is FINAL, and supersedes every other Agreement or Authority, Convention, Statute, or Regulation that is either Earth based, or off world based, if it seeks to enslave my being, or limit my freedom in any way without first gaining my conscious, fully aware, and fully informed (nothing hidden) Consent.
25.4) Pre-birth incarnational contracts are all, here and NOW, made permanently NULL and VOID as a result of gross deception, gross violation, trickery, mind-control, and black magic occult practices being used without my consent.
25.4.1) Due to conditions of Contractual breech by the dark, NO CONTRACT, I have signed as concerns incarnations upon the Earth is Valid. Even if that contract was signed 26,000 years ago!
25.5) The gross deception being used by dark beings VOIDS all consent that may be in place with those beings using such deception.
SECTION 26 to 30
26) Any being, entity, corporation, secret group, or person, whether human, or non human, who willingly seeks to limit my freedoms, or deprive me of a perfectly healthy life and body, or happiness, or my personal wealth, which includes any monies I have personally earned with my efforts, or am entitled to by my physical appearance and incarnation on this planet, is now duly NOTICED:
27) By the action of doing any of these things, YOU are entering into a BINDING CONTRACT to compensate me for these acts in the amount that I have clearly noticed and designated above.
28) The COST of entering into my Contract…, IS AGREED TO BE PAID IN FULL once incurred through the act of doing any of the above mentioned things: LIMITING my freedom, DEPRIVING me of a healthy life and body, or happiness, or DEPRIVING me of any wealth I created and earned, through ANY means I would not have agreed to, including taxation. This is agreed to, no matter whether I as a being, am living on Earth, or have left the physical portion of my being/body, and moved on to somewhere else in the multiverse. This contract also applies to intelligent machine technology. If you are intelligent technology or machine, then your programmers or creators are equally responsible for your debt! You will inform them of this.
29) Death of my body or yours, will not cancel the debt unless and until it is paid. Denying the debt will not cancel it due to the fact you were duly noticed and then freely ignored every opportunity to negotiate with me.
30) It is preferred and demanded that any payments to be made, will be made immediately. If not, then as stated, death will not remove the debt, and it will be paid by the individual entities that have incurred it, in dozens if not hundreds of succeeding lives until the entire debt is paid!
SECTION 31 to 40
31) If any of the above mentioned acts, are being done in secrecy, and behind closed doors, so as to HIDE from me the fact that these acts are being done, or to hide them from my family, or my Human brothers and sisters, who are also by right of incarnation deserving of full disclosure, then consider yourself, and those you work for immediately INVOICED for these acts already done, and PAYMENT IS NOW DUE, unless within 10 calendar Earth days, from August 02, 2014, I am contacted and a time table for negotiations of Treaty or Contract is set up with all who do NOT wish to have to pay this fair compensation.
32) Non-payment will result in penalty fees being added daily. The penalty for non payment is $50,000 US Dollars per day, (measured in the value and buying power of a 1985 US dollar). Not paying Invoices will only move the debt into another life stream or a higher level…, death will not cancel the debt.
32.1) To use fictitious legal constructions known as a Birth Certificate, a Passport, an Identification Card, or a Drivers License, as substitutes for an open and transparent Contract for Consent for any act that affects me negatively, is expressly Forbidden, and will result in ejection from the game if used by any being interacting with my living being or body, as a replacement for a valid, fair, and openly negotiated, fully disclosed CONTRACT with nothing hidden, and signed on Earth by me with a wet ink signature.
33) By immediately leaving this computer/notebook/electronic writing device, after reading all NOTICES, and INVOICES, or leaving messages, this contract is not entered into. However, if any of the above mentioned acts have already been done by you or those you work for, in that case, you or they, must immediately CEASE AND DESIST all such acts, inform me of them, and apologize with sincere intent to seek forgiveness, and negotiate a valid contract or treaty for doing such things.
Contract will include compensation.
33.1) By refusing to CEASE and Desist, and thus continuing to DO any such acts, without a valid contact in place, you are AGREEING to THIS contract, and agreeing to pay the costs listed here by choosing to do these acts without my consent. By not informing your superiors, or those you work with, of this NOTICE, you are AGREEING to this contract on your own, and agreeing to pay all costs by yourself.
33.2) By immediately quitting your job, and honestly disclosing all the information you know publicly, that is being unjustly kept from human beings, and myself specifically, this contract is Not entered into. In addition, a bonus will be paid to you, whether you are living in your physical body or not, for your service, taken from accrued and remitted contract penalties, and paid Invoices.
34) In addition to what is listed above, Time Travel, whether done physically or by any other means of Quantum Access, is expressly forbidden if the goal of that Quantum Access is to bypass and subvert this Notice of Contract done by me, and to change either myself or the Timeline without my consent.
35) Time Travel is forbidden if it is used to pass on ANY information about me or my life to any agents, principals or players, human or non-human, from Earth, or not from Earth, since that information is claimed by me as my personal property, created by me as part of my life experience, and protected under my personal agreement with PRIME CREATOR, and this Contract under PRIVACY.
35.1) Modifier: If any being or entity who is working with the LOVE vibration, (limited to those not currently worshiping Satan or Lucifer, or involved with the New World Order), has the best interest of human beings living on Earth at heart and mind, then an agreement can be reached, (negotiated) for the transport (through time) of vital information, If done with my knowledge and consent.
36) Those who use Time Travel or use Quantum Access in any way that negatively affects me personally, agree to compensate me one thousand times more for each incident, than the quoted rate of One Hundred Trillion Troy Ounces of Pure Gold (24 karat)
37) Finally, this NOTICE is made retroactive due to the complexities involved in dealing with both Quantum Access and Time Travel.
38) The “EFFECTIVE DATE” of this NOTICE goes back primarily to the inception date of my current incarnation on this planet Earth for most things, however for “special circumstances” it goes back to the very first Treaty made by the Corporate US Government with any ET Race for any reason, and the very first Treaty made by the Catholic Church with any ET Race for any reason, and even possibly the Atlantean Council and any Treaty made with any ET race for any reason.
(Depending on my discretion)
38.1) Special Circumstances are acts that are dependent on Time Travel or Quantum Access, that involve ET’s and their advanced technology, and the specific Earth beings that signed them. (Because with the signing of a treaty comes CONSENT, and they (the ET’s) will certainly claim that consent for their acts were gained by the signing of any treaty)
38.2) THUS, this NOTICE is hereby made retroactive to a date and time before any of those treaties were signed to protect myself and my family from any anomalies.
38.3) This is due to the nature of what the treaty included, and will be decided on a case by case basis if any negative affects were incurred by me personally, however, it will be taken into consideration that those ET beings signing such treaties HAD BOTH the ability to time travel, and the use of quantum access tools with which to see “who” (if anyone) would stand in the way of their agenda.
38.4) Thus for them to specifically target that individual from a point in time BEFORE the being takes incarnation becomes a real possibility. For example: My parents, or grandparents may have been targeted, their wealth removed, their lives messed with, etc. (you get the picture), which then had a collateral negative affect on my life somewhere in the timelines.
39) The Amount of Energy or pure Gold charged for each incident or action against my life may change without notice.
40) Any change will be immediately retroactively applied to all acts
SECTION 41 to 50
41) All CONTRACTS entered into with me, (by the doing of these acts) CAN BE RESOLVED WITHOUT PAYMENT, but only on a case by case basis, as I see fit, depending upon circumstance and the intent with which each act occurred!
42) Negotiations for Resolution (other than payment) must be done with me personally, and be done with an honest and clear intent to seek forgiveness for each separate act. Reasonable compensation must be offered, but may not necessarily be accepted or demanded.
43) This Contract is Valid Everywhere in the Universe, and can Not BE MADE VOID, without out an open and honest discussion with me personally.
44) NO previous consent given, if done under duress, and as a result of deception, and without fully being informed of the possible outcomes, is considered valid. If conditions of validity are not present, no Treaty Exists, and the above Contract remains in full FORCE OF LAW.
45) I reserve All RIGHTS given to the SOUL by its CREATOR.
The Soul is my living, multi-dimensional being both here on EARTH, and in the higher levels of Consciousness and existence/awareness.
46) I do not consent to any law or statute, that purports to take away or limit ANY freedom given to the Soul by it’s Creator unless specifically and transparently consented to by me, with full ramifications of such consent openly revealed to me at the time such consent is given, and to be continually updated as to any and all changes in such ramifications with the opportunity to opt out easily! (Nothing hidden).
47) Anything hidden from me, automatically nullify’s and voids all contracts or consents made by me (my living being) immediately, and places the creator of such a deceptive contract under MY CONTRACT.
48) Any ramifications to acts done or intended to be done by others that are buried or hidden in a pile of legal paperwork (more than one single page measuring 8 inches by 11 inches, with standard size print) is to be considered deception and will immediately fall under the deception clause of my contract.
49) Any fine print, or added clauses to any treaty or contract made by me are specifically forbidden and are considered deception, and fall under the deception clause of my contract unless I am notified first, and then such items are renegotiated by me in full honesty and transparency.
50) Any attempt to subvert my rights through deception is to contract with me by the action of doing these things. ACTION EQUALS AGREEMENT. The only exception to this is mind control! Those living beings under mind control, either through implants, demon possession, or technologies are exempt because they are not in total possession of free will. However, those who put them under mind control, or ordered the mind control, will pay doubly for every act of those under mind control, as well as those who created the mind control technologies, taught the technologies, or trained others in the technologies will also pay doubly.
51) To any agents, players, or principals, on or off world, human or non, from Earth or not, who use time travel in a very positive way, and go back in time to protect my younger self, or my family, by giving myself younger self significant financial, or material support, as well as very honest information, will be granted forgiveness, as long as that aid is done without any intent toward deception.
SECTION 52 to 55
52) You will be held personally and individually accountable for ALL of your actions against me, done to me without first getting my valid consent. There will be NO blanket of Corporate Protection, for you personally, as you envision it in your CORPORATE LAW, since I am not under ANY obligation to those man-made regulations or statutes what-so-ever!
53) Those man made rules go only as far as the Vatican, and I’ve already clearly stated that The Vatican does NOT speak for me. The next step up in authority is the unlawful treaties made by the Vatican with off worlders, who ALSO do NOT in any way speak for me. And thus, any protection offered by those off worlders to you, is also null and void!
54) This will ALL occur after this life, on what is known as the higher level, non physical plane. No corruption, no cheating, no one watching your back.
This will not happen in any Earthly Court where the Judges are corrupt, and the laws are written by corporations.
55) A contract is a contract, and that is how (unfortunately) you are able to act here on Earth with impunity and get away with it.
55.1) The catch 22, for all of you players, agents and principals, (human or non, Earthly or non,) is that in order for you to get out of any punishment for EVERYTHING you’ve ever done to ALL of the other humans who are NOT me personally, (in this incarnation or embodiment) is the defense that is based on the law of Earthly Contracts, where you HAVE TO MAKE THE CLAIM that those other humans gave you either written or tacit consent, and therefore consented to your authority over them, or to your actions, while you were on EARTH, or managing the Earth in the case that you are off worlders.
55.2) IN MY individual situation, I’ve NOTICED you, and ORDERED you by my own AUTHORITY to cease and desist, and then, I’ve challenged and removed any consent you assume or presume to have over my living and breathing being, body, mind and soul, both verbally and in writing AND recorded it in the off world records. Then, I’ve laid out terms by which you could do these things ( you do have free will after all ), IF, and only IF, you agree to compensate me fairly for doing each individual one of them as a separate act of doing. These terms remain unchanged whether you ignore them or not, or like them or not.
55.3) Therefore, By choosing to do, or continue to do any of the listed actions within, you have thusly AGREED to my terms, and compensation is CONTRACTUALLY owed by every being either planning, ordering, or carrying out the doing of such acts. To all those beings, THIS IS YOUR INVOICE (invoice number is: 7773331).., PAYMENT IS NOW DUE! The price is One Hundred Trillion Ounces of Pure Gold for each act listed on this notice done by you (even if ordered by someone else) without first negotiating a valid contract to gain my fully aware consent.
55.4) Which means that if you’ve read this, or even heard about it, or any other being, Earthly or non Earthly, Human or non-human, who is a player, or is an agent, or principal, has read or heard about it, or has a SIGNED TREATY with you that affected me, then I’ve got all of you!!!
Notice to agent is notice to principal. Notice to principal is notice to agent.
55.5) No further NOTICE is necessary, and this is NOW both WRITTEN and RECORDED in the off world records.
55.6) This OFF WORLD RECORDING was and is necessary ONLY because no Earthly entity, or being, would or will willingly RECORD this NOTICE OF CONTRACT, due to the complete and total corruption of the system on Earth, where lowly city, and county clerks are trained and instructed to act as demonic gate keepers for the elites.
55.7) This corruption effectively nullifies and makes VOID (on a higher level) the necessity for this NOTICE OF CONTRACT to be RECORDED on Earth before it can become FACT IN LAW in the Solar System, the Galaxy and the Universe.
55.8) Since it is now RECORDED in the off world records, it has become UNIVERSALLY ACCEPTED LAW, and I now ORDER it into permanent effect under MY OWN AUTHORITY, and will refer to it in all higher UNIVERSAL Council proceedings.
SECTION 56, 57, and 58
56) Do you think you can ignore another beings free will WITHOUT the proper authority to do so? Do you think you are greater than the CREATOR who gave each of his creations free will? Since you do not know about the cosmic laws that you yourself operate under…, you are now in dire TROUBLE!
56.1) Your leaders work for OFF WORLDERS, and currently pay homage to the VATICAN, while some of them actively worship SATAN…., is it any wonder they don’t tell you everything? Is it any wonder they keep using National Security as a board to hit you over the head with? Wake up! Those in secret societies, who are incredibly wealthy, CREATE the wars that make you think we even need National Security. They use secrecy, deception and National Security as tools to keep their demonic agenda hidden from those who work for them. The Bankers are their ring leaders, and Corporate Federalized Police their hired thugs.
56.2) Just as the NSA records everything done on Earth, do you think that there are not higher beings than you, that are recording second by second everything you think, say and do all of your life?
56.3) There will not be any wiggle room in the higher universal court! Video of your life, your thoughts, and acts for every second you lived here are available…, and these beings DID have authority to watch and record you, since you gave it to them before you came here, before you were born.
57) Now, if you DENY THIS CONTRACT, then you have NO defense for everything ELSE you’ve EVER done in your life, because everything you’ve ever done to others is BASED on the ancient LAW OF CONTRACTS! Thus, you will convict your own self, by REMOVING YOUR BLANKET OF CORPORATE IMMUNITY for all of those acts, if you deny this one simple contract.
57.1) YOU can only wiggle out of those actions you’ve done by acknowledging the LAW OF CONTRACTS, but in so doing you, YOU FIRST have to acknowledge this simple contract as legitimate, and will end up paying me…everything this contract demands! As of now, I win either way!
58) The LAW OF CONTRACTS originally came from off world, and was given to those “elites” living in both Egypt and BABYLON, and to their Black OCCULT Priests, and subsequently was given next to the VATICAN, and to their Priests (Judges).
58.1) ALL Judges, who wear black robes, are secretly High Priests, and thus secretly derive their AUTHORITY from the VATICAN, (Jesuits) because all authority MUST come from somewhere to be considered legitimate by OTHERS in the Galaxy or the Universe, which is teeming with life.
58.2) The Vatican claims to get theirs from GOD, and thus places themselves between you and YOUR Creator. However, have ANY of you asked what GOD they claim authority from? (It’s Lucifer). Ask them! IF YOU CONSENT to the Vatican, then you consent to the entire Earthly Justice System, with all it’s secrets and all it’s corruption. If you consent to it, then it can do anything to you…, without asking any other permission from you…., know that.
58.3) However, Be aware that your consent was also tricked out of you, by false Contract through the creation of a fictitious ENTITY known as a Strawman, which is your name all CAPITALIZED, and substituted for your living being by them. Thus, they don’t need your personal consent for what they do, since your Strawman, (which they created and own) always consents for you automatically. Thus, they believe that you don’t need to be consulted. (They are incorrect once you withdraw consent)
58.4) By use of a Birth Certificate, Passport, or Drivers License, you have also consented to register your Strawman, as a “franchise” under the control of the Corporate Government, and thus freely legitimize their “assumed” control over your consent, (not your body, your consent), which they no longer need to ask you for. Thus, the “trick” has been that they don’t need to get control of you or your body..,
they need only to get control of your CONSENT. In this way, they made you a slave without having it look like you are one.
58.5) However, Prime Creator has truly given YOU free will…, and “they” can’t do ANYTHING to you without your consent if you REMOVE IT BY SAYING SO.
58.6) That’s how simple this is. Declare your Freedom, and remove your consent. By giving them power over your Consent, you gave away EVERYTHING.
58.7) “GET THAT” or be their slave by your own CONSENT forever.
58.8) The Government Corporation is secretly under the control of the Vatican by both CONTRACT and by TREATY, so it has to do what the Vatican says.
The Vatican is secretly under the control of off worlders by Contract and Treaty, so it has to do what the off worlders say.
58.9) Only You can choose to stop all of this madness by removing your personal consent. However, be clear that your consent is AUTOMATICALLY GIVEN in advance for everything the Corporate Government or the Vatican wants to do to the world, or to you, due to the franchise Contract you agreed to by using a Drivers License, etc.
58.9.1) You fell into a trap through your own unwillingness to TAKE personal responsibility for your life and gave it away to others who asked for it, because you trusted them. To get out of this, you have to grow up really fast, and completely be responsible for yourself. If not, you will be their slave.
59) NOTICE to any agent, player, or principal, being, entity, or individual, machine, technology, Earthly Visitor, or off worlder. These are considered Special Actions:
59.1) I DO NOT CONSENT to kidnapping, to stealing, or to enslaving my body, my spirit, my mind, or my soul, on any level and in any way, or to kill my body, to incarcerate my body or my mind, either in a prison or in any similarly constructed or designated facility, (even if run by FEMA), and regardless of what it is called, or to torture or torment either my body or my mind, or spirit, without a signed, valid and fully disclosed contract, (nothing hidden). To “DO” any of the above listed acts without a valid contact is now priced at: ONE HUNDRED QUADRILLION OUNCES of a Pure Gold, (24 karat), payable before any act is done.
59.1.1) To “Declare Any Form Of Martial Law” that restricts in any way, shape or form, MY freedom of movement, wealth, health or happiness is FORBIDDEN!
Martial Law is now also known as: Continuity of Government and will treated as the same term. Operation Lightning is also associated with Martial Law and will treated as the same term. Operation BOA is also associated with Martial Law and will treated as the same term.
To shut off or end electrical service without replacing it with another form of readily usable energy, to shut off or disrupt, water, sewer, internet or any other vital service…, Is FORBIDDEN if it affects me in any way, unless I agree to such acts through a fully, and openly negotiated, totally transparent Contract with nothing hidden. This contract would need to be signed by me with a wet ink signature.
59.1.2) DEFINITION OF MARTIAL LAW – CONTINUITY OF GOVERNMENT – AND ASSOCIATED TERMS – Including JADE HELM 15! To set unnecessary curfews which restrict either mine or other beings freedom of movement without extreme and grave circumstances necessitating these acts. To place Road Blocks or Check points which restrict freedom of movement. To “ration” vital goods and services without extreme circumstances. To round up or otherwise unlawfully arrest or detain any living being for undisclosed reasons or fabricated crimes. To treat truth tellers and whistle blowers as criminals or terrorists. To maintain a list where by those who are standing against unlawful acts of any kind become targets IS FORBIDDEN and will come directly under this contract as a special action! Any Operation known as JADE HELM 15, or any similar action that has an intent to create MARTIAL LAW (see definition) with an inception date of September of 1961, or other time either before, or there after, hereby falls directly under this contract if it affects my living being in the least way!
I do not consent to Any Negative acts that are directed at my life, or at my living being, and will hold each soul and living being personally accountable for any and all actions they may take that might bring harm my life in the tiniest way. Notice to agent is notice to principal. In order to be VALID, these extreme circumstances can NOT be in ANY WAY fabricated, planned, designed, pushed along, or micro-managed by any living being “hoping” for such circumstances and outcomes in the first place. ANY Being that works in government, or is affiliated with a secret society, or has taken oaths, or is in any way associated with the New World Order, the Illuminati, the 13 families claiming to run the planet, or working for the Department of Homeland Security, or any other ABC Agency, the Military, The Police, or other unknown agency that either directly or indirectly “foments” or works to create circumstances that necessitates MARTIAL LAW as a part of an agenda is hereby NOTICED: I DO NOT CONSENT.
If you choose to do these things that affect me without a Valid contract from me, then the Cost to do this is:
ONE HUNDRED QUADRILLION OUNCES of pure GOLD, (24 karat), from each living participant…., deliverable to me 120 days before any act is done or committed, where ever I hold residence at the time. If act is already committed, then INVOICE is now sent and recorded! This amount will be paid to me, whether now or in the future, even if other incarnations, lives and bodies (for you) are necessary to do it. As stated all through this Notice of Contract…, your physical death WILL NOT erase or void any debt to me once it is incurred. I will expect payment to the last ounce.
59.2) To kill my body in novel, and obscene ways, such as death by decapitation, or death by extreme torture…, the current cost to do so without a contract is:
ONE HUNDRED QUADRILLION OUNCES of pure GOLD, (24 karat) PAID and deliverable to me personally 120 days before act is done or committed, where ever I hold residence at the time.
59.3) Current prices may change without Notice.
59.4) Drone Attacks are expressly forbidden in any way shape or form, because only an absolute COWARD of the lowest form, unworthy of life itself, and DESTINED to be recycled in the GREAT CENTRAL SUN of this Galaxy, WOULD EVER use or order to be used, such a method of killing.
59.5) Know this However…., Death of my body will NOT release any being who is doing, ordering or even planning, these acts from payment, if these acts either target, or affect my living being personally, then payment will be made until the debt is paid off.
59.6) Any curses or Black Magic is specifically rebuked, not accepted, and sent back to who ever sends it.
SECTION 60 to 70
61) To the alphabet soup agencies: Screw you for ever trying to hurt me, or my family, while hiding like a coward in the bushes. Your day to “pay” me is very fast approaching. No one “gets away” with anything. No one is above the rules or the LAW, and no one gets to break COSMIC LAW without having shit thrown back in their face. Who do you think you are? Do You think I came to this planet with out emergency protection? Nothing you can think of will ever get you out of this trap, except an immediate plea to ME for forgiveness, and squealing like a stuck pig about everything you’ve done that has infected and hurt the general public, who I consider brothers and sisters! My body…, is nothing more than a suit…, I AM multidimensional, and your crimes against ME will not be forgotten after death. ONE and ALL have been duly NOTICED.
62) Heres who screwed ALL of you. This could have been resolved peacefully for the entire planet in the 1960’s if the NWO boys (New World Order) had disclosed the UFO, Time travel and advanced technology issues then. (Truth is always better than lies). But instead George Bush Senior…, a damn NAZI, who worships Lucifer, was placed into the CIA with his German NAZI “paper clip” buddies and got together with a group of NWO boys and had Kennedy killed. Hmmm, That’s Treason. After that, all issues went super secret, and guess where we are today? At my contract…, and you are all screwed. It would have been smarter to arrest every secret society member in the world (33rd Degree Freemasons, from P2 lodge) (Knights of Malta) etc, than to allow the secrecy to develop to where it is today.
Did you think Prime Creator had no operatives on the planet? Did you think tormenting me all my life would change my allegiance to HIM? You are all fighting Prime Creator!
63) Those who projected and used countless frequencies and unlawful and illegal implants to literally torment me, an innocent living being, ALL MY LIFE, (secret underground boys) are going directly to the Central Sun after they die. I WILL petition the higher Universal courts to destroy them, and those who gave the orders to them, count on that…., Unless they beg forgiveness from HE who sent me.
64) For those who doubt this document has power…, check back in time and see if some underground bases weren’t “portal’d” right out of existence. And, all personnel gone missing. Time only exists here…, so my contract is already functioning on the higher level, and the higher courts are already in session.
65) For the last and final time…, CEASE AND DESIST all negative action against my living being! I Order this on my OWN Authority.
66) Advice: QUIT your jobs and disobey your demonic, elitist, NWO masters, or some of you will find yourself experiencing the “second death”, which is the total destruction of everything you EVER were, by recycling your soul in the Central Sun.
67) In that death, every life you have ever lived, and every memory ever held is not only erased, but the spark of life you carry is “reformatted” so that Your Eternal soul starts completely over from scratch. It is basically a new soul with no knowledge, memory, or understanding, and may take billions of years to reach back to where it is now.
68) All souls start out as Dirt! Then rocks, then after a billion years get to be plants…, then animals, then finally human. Good luck with that!
69) This may be a “game”…, BUT, there are RULES, to follow that can NOT BE BROKEN. Even the darkest of the dark on this planet know that. Too bad they didn’t tell that to those who are doing their bidding.
70) Have a Nice Day!
Educate Yourself - Empower Yourself
Yes, People, those of you who are just waking up. Our disloyal employees have been staging a mercenary cold war conflict on our shores for a hundred and fifty years, and they have been conscripting you into this illegal perpetual mercenary "war" without your knowledge or consent.
They have falsified the public records concerning your political status, nationality, and other facts, so as to continue and promote this circumstance, while leaving you no means to object. You can't object or defend yourself, because you have been left ignorant and uninformed ---deliberately. Most Americans don't have a clue. Learn More...
They have falsified the public records concerning your political status, nationality, and other facts, so as to continue and promote this circumstance, while leaving you no means to object. You can't object or defend yourself, because you have been left ignorant and uninformed ---deliberately. Most Americans don't have a clue. Learn More...