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October was a tough month for those of us that work with the interdimensional Guardian teams helping to provide support for various fieldwork projects in space-time. To clarify, there has been a window of opportunity given that is related to the rebirthing of the Solar Logos Consciousness in our local Universe, the Cosmic Christ Consciousness architecture that is now available to us from this density. Thus a major victory has been achieved in terms of multiple timeline access and field access into previously quarantined areas that have accommodated working and slave trading colonies that contain “humans in space”. Over the last weeks, evidence, names and details have been collected from a central hub that holds an important infrastructure in the Solar System that makes up the main organizing body of the galactic human slave trade, cooperatives with human and non-human interests on the planetoid Ceres and multiple bases in the Kuiper Belt have been identified and undergoing investigation. It is confirmed that the Interdimensional Free World Councils have been given overwhelming evidence and testimony of the mass covert organization behind the galactic human slave trade being perpetuated by the German Breakaway groups and Negative Alien groups, those that have collaborated with the technology trade to harvest earth humans from out of the Milab and Secret Space Programs using soul capture, blank slating and mind wiping technology. Thus, we enter a phase for a new opportunity for a Full Disclosure Event, the timeline that is made possible when enough earth humans reach a critical mass and are willing to wake up and see the truth behind the nature of reality on planet earth. As is predictable, many desperate attempts are being made by the Controllers in order to maintain control over the 3D narrative, to control perception via technological manipulation of brain waves and psychological operations. Propaganda is rolled out in order to distract the masses into extremely polarizing behaviors by keeping them focused on insignificant information that keeps them spun out in fear, divided and conquered. Right on cue to take opportunity of this very important window of time, the documentary movie detailing disclosure topics, “Above Majestic”, was released to the public during the most prolific time of the year for satanic ritual and human sacrifice, the week leading up to Halloween. Satanic ritual is the key method used to maintain the black magic conjuring used to control perception of the mainstream narrative and the status quo, to feed the hungry imposters and Controllers to keep them at the top of the pyramid of power that continues to influence and define the dominant culture into accepting mass human slavery. Releasing Above Majestic during this time is an override that ripples the truth of disclosure out to the collective consciousness field that plants an important seed of awakening into the minds of all of the inhabitants on earth. My husband and I watched the documentary movie, and beyond the sound and editing issues of ominous music drowning out the details of important dialogues, we both enjoyed how well done the movie was. It is relieving and comforting for me to see a documentary discuss topics that I have been aware of for so many years, and have been persecuted for speaking about them, and to finally witness others courageously talking about these unapproved topics in a verbatim chronology and language. Because of my personal style of direct experiencing, which has been made through my own research and discovery through session gridwork and ET Contact which is not considered credible to most, I have been an easy target for character assassination that comes from those minds that do not experience remote viewing, cellular telepathy, and other forms of HSP. People that do not experience consciousness transport and remote session work, will never understand that higher consciousness experience from the vantage point of 3D mind control. Watching Above Majestic had us cheering them on, we were both so glad to see these difficult topics being discussed intelligently, competently and with respect, noting that overall all the main presenters, Laura, Corey, David and Jordan did a very good job addressing the extremely hard topics like Milabs and SRA. So many of these disclosure and ascension documentaries are a hatchet job, poorly done, lacking a coherent presentation. Thus, it is exciting to see that some competence and clarity was involved in the making of this movie, that appears to not be scrubbed and suppressed through its financial sponsors or distributors. It is verifying for me to have others in the disclosure community give testimony to the direct experience of being involved and seeing firsthand accounts of events and alien mechanisms that I have witnessed in remote viewing, or sonic imaging experiences over the years during my work with the Guardian teams. Many times I see schematics and timelines that involve intelligent information that is being read in the fieldwork, and this is not understood by most people at this time. So these types of firsthand accounts also verify my schematics and Guardian sources, that which I have interpreted from the field, and thus this documentary is very affirming, as well as deeply comforting. Finally to have others on the earth admit that they see components of the same NAA set up! This is very positive news for all of us that deeply desire the truth and to liberate humanity from consciousness slavery and the galactic slave trade, as well as cutting through the illusions that are based upon the many lies we have been told. Above Majestic Trailer. This week Tomás shares his fundamental thoughts on the process of Disclosure, If You Want It, shared below. We hope it provokes deeper reflection and thought about the practical reality of handling the difficult topics that are inherent in disclosure, and that this may be helpful to you. Disclosure, If You Want It At this time there’s lots of talk about when is disclosure going to happen and when will the debate of “Do aliens exist?” be finally put to rest so we can move on. What does “disclosure” mean? Disclosure means disclosing the Negative Alien Agenda. Making public the knowledge that our lives are being controlled through lies and that our society’s structure is a sham. The top controlling group is hidden and hence those purported to be in power don’t really have the final say on what happens in our world, but rather are implementing a hidden agenda. This hidden higher group of controllers is not only alien, but they are a specific lineage of aliens. However, we must note that if it is a “hidden” agenda, why are there so many of us aware of it? Over the last couple of years there seems to have been a quickening in the growth of those of us realizing that this is happening. Has disclosure already happened and most of us didn’t get the memo? Whose job is it? In your estimation, who should be the person or persons to come forward and lay it all out? The first thought would be that the government is the entity responsible, or rather has the right credentials to disclose the alien agenda, but who would be its mouthpiece in this case? Should one individual, high ranking in the government, come out and disclose this in a press conference, what would happen then? What if that person was the spokesperson for the Air Force, or the head of the CIA? What if a dozen UFOs would fly over Washington DC so that all could see and record? What if several highly respected astronauts, scientists, doctors and other known figures came forward with this information in a public manner? Would this be enough for disclosure for you? At this point, for the majority of the population it doesn’t seem be the case, since all these things have already happened and nothing much has changed. What would happen if President Trump were to disclose the NAA? I don’t think there ever was a president in the US that was harassed by the media as intensely as Trump has been. The “Fake News” moniker has proliferated deep in the daily discourse and is now becoming an effective tool for censorship. Everything Trump says is mostly ridiculed in the controlled main stream media. Truths are twisted into lies, and lies are revered as truths. Purported media outlets (i.e. Fox News, CNN) only engage in subjects that escalate the arguments into circular debates, creating a polarized community and never arriving at the truth. The media is owned by a handful of individuals, who behind the curtains filter what is talked about, hence reporters learn very quickly what to say if they want to be in front of the cameras. It is my firm belief that if Trump would come out today and state that aliens are running the world, it would be met with a big and quick outburst of ridicule, outraged discussion, and then promptly move on to vain topics, while behind the scenes there will be an escalation of censorship and harassment. It is also clear that presidents –no matter who: Clinton, Bush, Obama or Trump– don’t have the top clearance needed to view all the alien information. Who then, is our top authority? Our authority is given, it isn’t necessarily earned or taken. An army can invade a country, but that doesn’t mean that the conquered population will do as the new leader demands. We give our authority and consent at our discretion. The hard part is that we live in a web of lies which makes it very difficult to discern even when we are giving up our authority. We are constantly being lied to and many times we give our authority away without even knowing it. We don’t even know that we’ve been “conquered”, making us more pliable. We are sovereign and free, yet we’re on a prison planet. Seems like an oxymoron. If we give our authority to God, how do we know we are giving it to God and not an impostor like Thoth, Yahweh, or Vishnu? For me, if there isn’t love, it’s not my God. If there’s anger, it’s not my God. If there’s hate or cruelty, it’s not my God. We give our authority through actions. By staying still and neutrally observing through a wave of anger, I refrain from giving my authority to it. By helping someone in need, I give my authority to charity. Having compassion instead of hate is my intent, but though sometimes easier, it may be very difficult in some situations. However, just staying still rather than lashing out is a much easier alternative and goes a very long way. I choose not to participate in the political system, hence I don’t give my authority to it. It doesn’t mean that I’m immune to its impositions and shenanigans, but there’s one less person in their ranks fostering and creating space for anger and division. Sure, were it not for the nefarious infiltration, there could be a communal effort where our choices could be productive towards peace and true growth. However, that’s not the case on Earth at this time. Money is not my God I do not give my authority to money or the financial system either. The monetary system is so satanic and intrenched, that it is impossible, here and now, to be completely detached from it. I try to have the smallest footprint in it and that is not as hard as it may seem. We’re taught from the moment we are born to chase money, that money is the end all, but the moment we say no to chasing the rich life, the shiny trinkets, the glamour and find what makes truly happy, that’s when we step off the hamster wheel. It’s then and there that a myriad of possibilities –and knowledge– shows up for us. By seeing the traps of the money lenders and learning to evade them while acting with integrity amidst deception and treachery, frees us from many of its trappings. We have the choice of what we do and what we engage with. We are responsible for our actions, but we are not responsible for the actions of others. Good decision making is very hard when we don’t know the truth, so until we learn the whole truth, all I can do is measure my actions in terms of love, empathy and compassion. Actions speak louder than words We control our actions, but we do not, and must not, control others. We lead with our actions and hope others have an example for reaching inner peace, and hence we all get closer to the truth. Darkness dissolves in the light. One person at a time, and as we cross the threshold we join with patience. When I was angry, I left a pothole; when I was kind and helped someone, I planted a flower; when I was bamboozled, I left a skid mark in the road that is my life. I want to look back and see rows of flowers in my life’s road. One step at a time makes a daunting task become possible. Do we want to live among potholes or in flowering fields? This sounds all very nice, but how can we achieve this if the NAA does not want us waking up and any effort towards ascension will be met with stern opposition? That is why we must be very careful on where we place our energy. So many times, our good intentions end up in a very different place than we intended, and we’re left exhausted on top of it. Where is it productive to invest my time and energy? In order to use our energy wisely, we need to know what are we really up against and the state of the spiritual war that’s raging on. In other words, we need to know the truth. How can we know the truth when all we hear are lies? “Listen to your heart” can be effective for some, but for others like me, we have had our internal compass messed with since a very young age and that internal intuition is confused and not reliable (thankfully it can be fixed). The truth is out there as they say, and it’s out in the open, it is up to us to recognize it. The founding fathers of the United States knew very well the perils of lies and propaganda and they sustained that the truth will always float to the surface. Seeing the state of the media in today’s world I see the truth in that concept and at the same time I see that the more “fake news” is being dumped on the truth, the longer it will take for it to rise. Still, the answer is simple: stop, be still and observe. Only when we do this can we start to see the forces and influences that bear upon us. Anything that is directed at us has to be exposed even if it’s in disguise. So, to truly and accurately assess those forces we must find a point of stillness and neutrality from where to make proper assessments. In my experience the more I stay still and observe the deeper I go down the rabbit hole. I don’t need to convince a judge of my findings, nor do I need to convince my mother, brother or anybody else. I need to ascertain for myself, no one else. Once I’ve seen these hidden nefarious forces, I step out of the way simply and quietly. That action alone requires little energy from me and makes the energy of that force go to waste. As more of us start to see those forces at work, more of that nefarious energy will go to waste, while we will only need a smile and a pair of dancing shoes. The perils of disobeying society’s rules While I refuse to foster satanic control, I still need to engage with the monetary system in this planet. This of course is a conundrum and while we’re trying to oppose subjugation, we must be mindful of our limitations and more importantly, what we are up against. As an example, being vocal about opposing vaccines can bring on a wave of harassment and psychic attack. Most of our tax dollars in the US goes to fund the military and secret operations. While we want to stand up for what’s right, it is not in my best interest to, at this stage, refuse to pay my taxes –which would only give those in control ammunition to come after me and put me in jail. However, if everybody stops paying their taxes, then the government, and the NAA, have a serious problem because they can’t incarcerate everyone. The same would be for 50% of the population. So where is that number, how many individuals have to agree, in thoughts and actions, that the narrative is a lie to force a dismantling of the control system? Consensus Consensus is a word used to credit or discredit any piece of information, just as is the term “Conspiracy Theory”. Phrases like: “There’s no consensus in the scientific community that vaccinations lead to autism” or “The consensus is that there’s no life on Mars” are commonly used in “educated” circles. These phrases aim to control the narrative, despite evidence to the contrary, to produce an action or non-action from the population in order to allow the controllers to continue with their agenda. There are humans making statements that are aimed, and in most cases are successful, at shutting down dissent. It is clear that those humans helping to promote the NAA, are greatly rewarded (mostly monetarily), while those insisting in dissenting and questioning the narrative are greatly punished, with some even ending in murder. However, true consensus is a very powerful thing. Critical Mass Critical mass is the minimum size or amount of something required to start or maintain a venture. We see this in all areas: in physics, with human endeavors and even in bacteria. It takes only reaching a number to achieve a chain reaction. Joining marches and protests can help recruit individuals, however, there’s a steep price to pay, sometimes too steep. We must be very mindful of our own limitations in this realm. While we would probably be, especially Starseeds, much more powerful and effective in other worlds, the truth is that we’re on a planet heavily controlled and that alone has limited us tremendously. Here, at this time, we have a limited amount of time and energy and we must use it wisely. Getting jailed for not paying taxes or for protesting a political action is an ineffective way of spending our energy, especially when we know that it’s a number, that tipping point, that “hair that broke the camel’s back” that will make the difference. The common question of “why doesn’t God put a quick end to all of this?” is a subjective one, because since God gave us free will, then if God imposes His/Her will, even selectively, then He/She is taking it away, and a conditional free will is not free will. That being said, there are limits to the playground we’re in and the dark cannot exist in the light. Our universe is turning and new frequencies are upon us. If we don’t adapt, we’ll be reclaimed. To exist in the new “Sunshine” we must be in harmony with it. Here’s where and when we choose what we want to be consubstantial with. Discerning the Truth In order to discern the truth, it is imperative to let go of the outcome. If we have any prejudgments, we can easily be swayed into believing a lie or dismissing the truth. We can easily obtain validation for any concept or thought, because there is information out there supporting and discrediting any argument you can come up with. Sharpening our discernment is key, so finding our still point and being neutral on the outcome remains extremely important. Another key piece of information is that a lie won’t stick if it isn’t rooted in at least a partial truth, so it’s not as simple as saying this is a lie, this is true; we must also find the parts that are true within the lie. In a prison planet, engaging in political discourse, though erudite as it may sound, is nothing more than being entwined in a no-win situation. Entering a debate sets us up for polarization, where we’re entangled in a battle that takes our authority and leaves us being no more than pawns of a much bigger orchestration. When we start to see the forces at play, just by seeing them, we become a stick in the mud in the controller’s game, rather than their dutiful pawn. What’s stopping us? If we all want love, peace and happiness, what is stopping us as a human race? Do the majority of us want war, death and destruction? Why is a small group of us imposing a living hell (most humans on earth live in slave type conditions) on the great majority of the loving and caring population? Clearly, as discussed, they have help and very sophisticated help, which makes them nothing more than sellouts of the human race. This small group of ruthless humans seem to believe their deceit is worth the reward, but they have to be missing a big piece of the puzzle which most of us Starseeds know. Darkness isn’t the strongest force, since darkness can’t exist in the light. While we’re in darkness, or ignorance, then those nefarious forces can reign, but when we shine the light of knowledge, all its efforts cease to be. Like a door slowly opening to a dark room, a ray of light slowly widens to reveal what’s in the room and as more and more light floods in, it bounces off the walls and illuminates all areas of the room. To avoid more people waking up to the truth, the dark forces or controllers will do everything in their power to stop it, very well aware that when it reaches a critical mass, they are doomed. Controlling the discourse is key and hence they control the media as much as they can, broadcasting through TV, radio, phones and in other ways the narrative for all of us to follow. Shutting down dissent and setting up polarization to distract, engage and trap people has been very effective and they are ramping it up in every area they can as doubts begin to emerge through the cracks of their doublespeak. This leads from misinformation, which we unknowingly have propagated, to mind control where we start to enforce our own servitude. Misinformation and Mind Control When we think of “Mind Control” images come to mind of a comic book alien with a fishbowl topped spacesuit and a laser ray-gun shooting an unsuspecting human who’s electrically zapped with swirling hypnotic eyes. This caricature is in no way innocuous. What it does, is take the concept to an extreme (or perceived extreme) where we laugh and dismiss it as fiction, while hiding in plain sight the truth of mind control. While the topic of mind control is extremely deep and complex, the important aspects to understand are that misinformation is the seed of mind control; that it is not perfect, so the statement “if you were being mind controlled you wouldn’t know it” isn’t true; and like pulling a thread from a sweater, if we pull with care and patience it will unravel. The key to that unravelling is stillness and observation. Stillness, because we can’t truly observe neutrally if we’re moving and participating in the action. Observing not only other people’s reaction to events around us, but also how we are triggered by them; what are our own impulses and do they steer us into participating in activities and actions that are not in our best interest? It’s always better to err in the side of caution and stillness than to go out and participate in an action or cause that may seem to be a noble cause, but in reality is a set up. Politics is one of those traps, however honest and noble our intentions may be, the system has been rigged to take all that energy and use it for our enslavement. Not participating in it, withdraws your energy from that system and gives you the freedom to use it in more productive ways. How do I avoid manipulations and mind control? To avoid being mind controlled either by aliens or your mother-in-law it’s essential to know our triggers and how to control them, rather than have others control us through them. One big tool for mind control, among others, is the manipulation of our compassion. How many times are we guilted into doing something under false pretenses? This is a favorite of these forces and it shows how misinformation leads to controlling us. When we realized we were manipulated, that further triggers anger and that anger leaves us primed for deeper control and possession. Now, it’s not about forgoing our compassion, but rather seeing the hooks as they are cast our way, observing them and never engaging with them. Once I started mastering this skill, not only could I see the extent of the manipulations, but I could see the schemes unravelling when I didn’t engage. This takes us to the next level, where we see those around us being controlled in an unnatural way, where we see them set off by certain phrases, or by being confronted with certain facts. That’s when we start understanding this mind control that affects us when we broach certain subjects. Just as cattle enclosed in a field with an electrified fence, they get zapped only when they venture to the fence, otherwise all would seem natural. It is imperative to recognize those triggers of mind control, in others and in ourselves, in order to dismantle them. Reacting in anger, or having that knee jerk reaction, or when we “lose it”, are all signs that we are being controlled through our emotions. Clearly, if something external is controlling us, we are giving our authority –and energy– away, which must be towards the top of our list of things to avoid. Identifying the sources of mind control can go a very long way towards disengaging from them. TV programs containing subliminal messages have proliferated, news programs carry a low frequency inciting anger, phones are taking over as the top tool for mind control. While it would be very hard to live without a phone these days, we can make sure that we use it only to communicate lovingly and avoid as much as possible any the frequencies emitted by these nefarious devices. Disclosure: What does it all boil down to? It seems I have digressed somewhat on the topic at hand, but in order to understand the complexity of the subject we must understand what is at play. There’s no “disclosure” should the president say “aliens landed in Roswell 70 years ago” and we just unemotionally swipe to stare at the latest half-naked Instagram celebrity. We should talk about disclosure openly and this should help people start to see the reality in their lives. We have to be conscientious though, about when and where to make a stand as the backlash might not be worthwhile for that particular instance. The crux of the matter however, is that we must act with sovereignty, we must not give in to manipulations and anger, because when a critical mass of people –and only when the critical mass is reached– is that the malicious schemes will crumble and disclosure will be a reality. Only when enough of us disengage from the 3D narrative and understand that the political and monetary systems are not there for our benefit, that the media is not free or independent, only then we are free from the control of the propaganda and mind control, rendering their schemes ineffective and starting the chain reaction that will dismantle the façade. These are incredible times of transformation and change that impact all we have ever known. Please only take what is useful for your spiritual growth and discard all the rest. Thank you for your courage and bravery to be a truth seeker. Until next, stay in the luminosity of your Avatar Christos Sophia heart path. Please be kind to yourself and each other. GSF! With a Loving heart, Lisa and Tomás
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