Essential Knowledge for Every American to Know from Judge Anna Every time you incorporate anything you take off the land and out from under the Law of the Land --including the Constitution-- and place it in the international jurisdiction of the sea and under the Law of the Sea. The perpetrators responsible for the mess this country is in incorporated the federal governmental services corporation doing business as The United States of America (Inc.) in 1868 and began using it as a false front for racketeering. By 1965 all the unincorporated State governments had been seduced by bribery and promises of “federal revenue sharing” --- that is, kickbacks from federal corporate racketeering---to incorporate as federal municipal franchises. The counties then followed suit to get their share of the loot. This is why when you are “presumed” to “reside” in these counties and States you can’t access the Law of the Land, can’t access the protections and guarantees of the Constitution, and can’t access the Common Law. This is also why Common Law disappeared from the courts and the reason that the Constitution and the other Organic Laws are not being enforced. Once the main governmental services corporation was set up and all their “State” and “County” franchises were established, everyone whose job it was to enforce the Organic and Public Laws of this country were “re-tasked” like flipping a switch to enforce the private statutory law and Public Policies of the corporations responsible for this travesty instead. This doesn’t mean that our Organic Law including our Constitution disappeared, nor our Public Law embodied by the United States Statutes-at-Large, either--- it just means that all the people you hired and paid and relied upon to uphold and enforce the actual law of this country were instead commandeered to do the petty bidding of corporate managers and kept busy enforcing private corporate statutes and codes and regulations instead. Instead of representing you and your best interests, all the people you elected for that purpose were tasked to benefit and act in the best interests of the governmental services corporation and all its “State” and “County” franchises instead. This is why government has just continued to get richer and more powerful and more out of control while you have been harassed and defrauded and this entire country has been run as a den of thieves for a hundred years. This change of government from national to international status changes your “presumed” political status from that of one of the “free, sovereign and independent people” to that of a “person”--- an incorporated entity and vessel in commerce. FDR created millions of Foreign Situs Trusts merely named after living Americans and named these incorporated “persons” as sureties for the debts of the bankrupt United States of America, Inc.. Your name was thus “enfranchised” – like a Dairy Queen franchise – presumed to belong as an asset to a bankrupt parent corporation and also presumed to be standing good for its debts. This “public trust” was named after you using the same name you were taught to use in school and which appears on all your various records, so that there was no way to distinguish between the “public trust person” and the “private natural person”. It was then easy for the criminals to address bills actually owed by the “public trust” they named after you-- to you, and force you to pay those bills “as if” they were your bills. It’s an odd combination of identity theft, credit fraud, mail fraud, and constructive fraud practiced on an unimaginably large and institutionalized scale. After that, the International Monetary Fund took over the governmental services contract and began operating the UNITED STATES (INC.) and its STATE OF WYOMING and similar municipal franchises. They, too, set up “individual franchises” named after you. These were set up as Cestui Que Vie Trusts operated under your given name styled in ALL CAPS like this: SUSAN MARIE JEFFORDS. All these trusts were “born” on the land, but then “removed” to Puerto Rico--- as if you were a snowbird who moved there for fun. This brought this “PUBLIC TRUST” under the foreign Territorial Law of Puerto Rico. The monsters were thus enabled to send bills to “Susan Marie Jeffords” and to “SUSAN MARIE JEFFORDS” and poor old Sue back home kept paying them, faithfully, or she got thrown into court and harassed and fined and sentenced to jail time for failure to do so. They were also able to invoke administrative law by pretending that the victim was one of their franchise owners, or Territorial Law by pretending that the victim was living in Puerto Rico. Just this past March the UNITED STATES (INC.) went insolvent, and right on time, Barack Hussein Obama announced that a whole new tribe of public franchises named after living Americans was to be created. This time, they named Puerto Rican public transmitting utilities after you, resulting in names that are still styled in ALL CAPS, but only using middle initials, like this: SUSAN M. JEFFORDS. This is what is known as a “non-specific name”--- because nobody knows what the “M” stands for and therefore, nobody can know for sure who is being addressed. Is it Susan Marie Jeffords? Susan Marylynn Jeffords? Susan Margaret Jeffords? Meanwhile the innocent victim of all this corporate legal chicanery labors on, paying every bill that comes in the mail. And the vicious racketeers responsible for this keep churning out more “laws” for her to obey and racking up more and more debt against her credit and her assets. Now that you all have a bird’s-eye view of how this has been accomplished and you are rightfully ready to take action in your own behalf, there are a number of things you can do. (1.) First and foremost you can share this information with all the people responsible for this circumstance---- the members of “Congress”, the “State” legislators, the “County” and “Borough” officials, the local “City Council” and “Assembly” members, the members of the Bar Associations, the local and state and federal police, the FBI, the DHS, and military--- everyone who is at fault for letting this happen in the first place and for continuing to perpetuate it. This is NOT the government you are OWED and which you PAID for. Now that you know what happened, how it was done, and who is at fault, it is up to you and your friends and neighbors---including every honest man or woman involved at any level of the present “government”--- to correct it. Let’s all note that once this circumstance is fully understood by enough Americans, nobody will want to be associated in any way with the criminality and ugliness of the past and its swindles. It will no longer be fashionable in the Beltway to refer to us as “livestock”. (2.) So, second, your next task is to reorganize things for your benefit. Send the U.S. Secretary of State and the U.S. Secretary of the Treasury a Registered Letter autographed and thumb-printed by you informing both of them that you are expatriating to your birthright political status and require them to discharge any liens, mortgages, titles held under color of law, or other outstanding debts being held or accrued under your given name. Also ask them to unblock your accounts, deliver an account statement, correct their records, and provide an appropriate and truthful international passport for your use. (3.) Third, get busy reorganizing your local county government as an unincorporated Body Politic on the land. Your first step is to call public meetings, explain the problem, hold elections, fill the vacant public offices, and begin enforcing the Organic and Public Laws of this country again. At a minimum you will want to elect a county land recorder, public notaries, justices of the peace, judges at Common Law, court clerk, bailiff, coroner, and most important, the County Sheriff on the Land. Once elected and properly installed in his rightful Public Office, the Sheriff is enabled to deputize as many able-bodied men as needed to ensure enforcement. Just as you can’t force the rats to immediately dissolve their incorporated “States” and “Counties”, they can’t deny or impede your right to exercise the jurisdiction of the land and the Public Offices you are owed. The County Sheriffs operating the land jurisdiction can now begin enforcement of the actual Law and the County Courts can inform the U.S. District Courts that American Common Law Courts are up and running in the Federal Postal Districts and their “services” are no longer needed per Milligan Ex Parte. (4.) Fourth, now that you have declared your proper political status and have your county governments back up and running as unincorporated associations of free people, you are in position to gather the counties and sponsor state elections and fill the vacant state offices, too. (5.) Fifth, you are now in a position to select trustworthy Deputies (accountable Fiduciary Officers, not “Representatives”) to represent your unincorporated States of America at a true Continental Congress (not a “United States Congress” which is supposed to deal only with international affairs related to providing nineteen enumerated services) and take care of long overdue business—such as officially recognizing and enrolling the western states of the Union and settling their land assets in their possession. This hasn’t been done because although they are owed the state compacts and are treated “as” states, no actual Congress having the power to enroll these new states has been seated since 1860. Their land assets have remained in limbo, as public trust property controlled by the UNITED STATES and federal STATES. All this may seem overwhelming at first, but consider this--- you are the heirs of the Republic. It has come down to you the same way you might inherit a house. It’s yours now. You are the ones responsible for fixing it up, remodeling it, defining it, building it, and making it fit to live in again. You don’t have to worry about violating archaic laws or agonize over what is passed and gone. Spend your energy now on creating a new vision for an America that is at peace, prosperous, and free of British meddling at last. --------------------------------------- See this article and over 100 others on Anna's website here: The CAll to Action By Anna Von Reitz First, I want to very much thank everyone who has dug into their own "Cookie Jar" money and those who continue to do so, to help fund the operations of The Living Law Firm and make possible the progress of The American States and Nations Bank. Both efforts are crucial and both are still in desperate need of funds, because our fake government has made such a mess of things that our assets have been falsely involved in their corporate bankruptcies. I am still the Paymaster---- Paypal is: [email protected] and mailing address is: Anna Maria Riezinger, c/o Box 520994, Big Lake, Alaska 99652. The work load is unbelievable, so I very rarely get a chance to send written thank you notes, but I always FEEL the gratitude to each and every one of you and often send my silent wishes and blessings across the miles. The first important "Call to Action" is for everyone to reclaim their original birthright political status and get their Good Names solidly back on the land and soil jurisdiction of their State of the Union. The second is to gather together and "populate" your County and State via the lawful assembly process. Go to or contact [email protected]. The third is my personal plea to all of you to take the time to check all the disinformation about me that is flooding the internet, thanks to my exposure of the banks and the Satanists and all the other crappola. Please note: 1. I do not recommend that normal average Americans set up Treasury Direct Accounts (TDA's) which are meant for Federal employees and dependents and those who --- for reasons known only to God --- wish to buy Treasury Bonds. 2. I am not a Bar Attorney. You can't be a Bar Attorney and serve in any capacity related to the land and soil jurisdiction of this country. Thus I am not a "Judge" in their system. Please note that there is a difference between the "Alaska State" and the "State of Alaska". You have to be sharp enough to pick up on these differences or you will be misled and fed all sorts of poppycock. 3. There is a difference also between the word "person" and the word "people" as I have recently pointed out yet again. A "person" -- like a US citizen -- has no rights guaranteed by any Federal Constitution. Only "people" have such guarantees. So if you want the protections of the Constitutions you are heir to, run-don't-walk back to the land and soil of your birth and teach others to do the same. 4. The UN Corporation is an evil thing, an uber-militaristic mercenary operation not to be confused with the United Nations organization. 5. We haven't had an actual United States Treasury in this country since 1924. The IMF has served as the treasury since 1946. All mailings from entities pretending to be or to represent any US Treasury are fraudulent and need to be attacked under the provisions against mail fraud. 6. This morning I was awakened by this blurb from Paul under the heading, "This one will get you going...." and this link: Obviously, whoever wrote this is in La-La-Land and "wiki" needs a wake up call. But I don't have time to do it. Please, my readers, feel free to join in the real battle for planet Earth--- which is a battle of truth against lies and love against hate? Correct this "wiki" posting for me? Let loose on "Virgotriad" and "Manna Trust" and all these other agents of disinformation? Just squash them flat. I have given you all more than enough information to defend yourselves, and also enough to defend me, too. ---------------------------- See this article and over 1000 others on Anna's website here: To support this work look for the PayPal button on this website. Why Every Non-Federal American Needs to Declare Their Actual Political StatusBy Anna Von Reitz Make no mistake -- there are "Federal Citizens" and people acting in that capacity among us. We see and work with them every day. The Postal Clerks at the local post office, the Territorial State of State Police, the doctors at our local hospitals who have been improperly licensed and conscripted, the Bar Attorneys occupying our court buildings, and the list goes on. But if you were born here in one of the States or to American parents claiming their birthright on the land of one of the States and are not a "federal" employee or dependent, you need to come home to the land and soil jurisdiction you are heir to. As I pointed out just yesterday--- Territorial and Municipal citizens (what they have you classified as thanks to deliberate falsification of the public records) have no constitutional rights, no rights of redress, and no protection owed to them in international jurisdiction. For your safety and the safety of your family, you must take action to reclaim your "Natural Person" status and re-convey your "title" to your "land assets" as instructed in Article 928 on my website: Here is the link: It is only when you "return" to the land and soil of your birth and reclaim your proper political status that you can access your constitutional guarantees and exercise your exemptions from FEDERAL taxation and obtain redress from theft of your property and other assets. It's only when you stand on the land that you have the power to direct your employees to do your bidding. It's only when you know who you are and are able to prove it -- by having recorded your political status -- that you are protected from attack in these courts. This morning I was told that Destry Payne neglected to record his own claim to his Good Name, so no wonder they have seized upon the opportunity to arrest him and railroad him under their usual false pretenses. Let this be a lesson to everyone concerned: if you don't claim your rights, you have none. If you don't exercise your exemptions, you have none. And if you don't claim and re-convey your Trade Name to the land and soil of your birth and expatriate from all other presumed obligations, you will still be "subject to" the Queen. ---------------------------- See this article and over 1100 others on Anna's website here: To support this work look for the PayPal button on this website. By Anna Von Reitz First, I want to very much thank everyone who has dug into their own "Cookie Jar" money and those who continue to do so, to help fund the operations of The Living Law Firm and make possible the progress of The American States and Nations Bank. Both efforts are crucial and both are still in desperate need of funds, because our fake government has made such a mess of things that our assets have been falsely involved in their corporate bankruptcies. I am still the Paymaster---- Paypal is: [email protected] and mailing address is: Anna Maria Riezinger, c/o Box 520994, Big Lake, Alaska 99652. The work load is unbelievable, so I very rarely get a chance to send written thank you notes, but I always FEEL the gratitude to each and every one of you and often send my silent wishes and blessings across the miles. The first important "Call to Action" is for everyone to reclaim their original birthright political status and get their Good Names solidly back on the land and soil jurisdiction of their State of the Union. The second is to gather together and "populate" your County and State via the lawful assembly process. Go to or contact [email protected]. The third is my personal plea to all of you to take the time to check all the disinformation about me that is flooding the internet, thanks to my exposure of the banks and the Satanists and all the other crappola. Please note: 1. I do not recommend that normal average Americans set up Treasury Direct Accounts (TDA's) which are meant for Federal employees and dependents and those who --- for reasons known only to God --- wish to buy Treasury Bonds. 2. I am not a Bar Attorney. You can't be a Bar Attorney and serve in any capacity related to the land and soil jurisdiction of this country. Thus I am not a "Judge" in their system. Please note that there is a difference between the "Alaska State" and the "State of Alaska". You have to be sharp enough to pick up on these differences or you will be misled and fed all sorts of poppycock. 3. There is a difference also between the word "person" and the word "people" as I have recently pointed out yet again. A "person" -- like a US citizen -- has no rights guaranteed by any Federal Constitution. Only "people" have such guarantees. So if you want the protections of the Constitutions you are heir to, run-don't-walk back to the land and soil of your birth and teach others to do the same. 4. The UN Corporation is an evil thing, an uber-militaristic mercenary operation not to be confused with the United Nations organization. 5. We haven't had an actual United States Treasury in this country since 1924. The IMF has served as the treasury since 1946. All mailings from entities pretending to be or to represent any US Treasury are fraudulent and need to be attacked under the provisions against mail fraud. 6. This morning I was awakened by this blurb from Paul under the heading, "This one will get you going...." and this link: Obviously, whoever wrote this is in La-La-Land and "wiki" needs a wake up call. But I don't have time to do it. Please, my readers, feel free to join in the real battle for planet Earth--- which is a battle of truth against lies and love against hate? Correct this "wiki" posting for me? Let loose on "Virgotriad" and "Manna Trust" and all these other agents of disinformation? Just squash them flat. I have given you all more than enough information to defend yourselves, and also enough to defend me, too. ---------------------------- See this article and over 1000 others on Anna's website here: To support this work look for the PayPal button on this website. |
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Study Course Correct Your Political Status American Debit Relief - You are Eligible for Credit Owed to You TDA Accounts Not for Americans