A Timely Reminder — Nuremberg 2.0 is in Session
By Anna Von Reitz
To quote a timely report: “During the Nuremberg trials, the media were also prosecuted and members were killed for lying to the public, along with many of the doctors and Nazis found guilty of crimes against humanity.”Perhaps we should remind FB and Twitter and all the Mainstream Media Talking Heads? Media, too. And “Uniformed Officers” — medical doctors —mindlessly assisting in these experimental medical procedures using living people as lab rats. It wasn’t just the monsters of Auchwitz being paid back at Nuremberg— oh, no. The Media Mouthpieces and the doctors who betrayed their profession and their oath were hauled up, too; however, in 1946, hanging was the world-standard form of capital punishment. So they all hung. Today, it’s death by lethal injection. God created irony for a reason. Those who don’t believe in God and don’t respect karma should be provided with a grainy black and white photo of all those dangling corpses and asked to reflect upon the meaning of what went on there, at Nuremberg, a little over seventy years ago. Those who don’t remember the past really are condemned to relive it. Literally. http://annavonreitz.com/nuremberghangings.pdf It’s Not a Vaccine, People
What have we learned about the Liars Club? Their entire modus operandi is to deceive, deceive, deceive. First, last, and always, their mouths are twisted. Their thoughts are twisted. Everything about these Devotees to the Father of All Lies —- is twisted. They are at fault, so what do they do? They blame the victims of their evil. They did something awful, so what do they do? They accuse innocent Third Parties or the victims of their evil of doing the same thing. The Truth and the Law is against them, so what do they do?
They rename and relabel things to have different meanings. And this is a case in point. They have changed the definition of “vaccine” and presented something that isn’t a vaccine as a “vaccine” under this new definition of the word. Okay? A lie by any other name is still a lie. So it is not a vaccine, and it’s not even a virus. The issue is that foreign mRNA is being injected into your body, just like foreign mRNA is injected into a corn plant to create a genetically modified organism (GMO). And just as genetically modified corn produces its own pesticides, you are being altered to produce foreign proteins that attack the lining of your arteries and veins. Is this illegal? Yes. Is this immoral? Yes. Is this unlawful? Yes. Should everyone involved be prosecuted? Yes. Are they being prosecuted? Yes. And if anyone attempts to coerce you into taking this “vaccine” are you entitled to sue them? Yes. If anyone offers to vaccinate you by force, are you enabled to respond with deadly force? Yes. If anyone tells you that you have to be vaccinated as a condition of employment are you enabled to invoked Federal Law, including 18 USC 1091? Yes. If anyone fires you from a job or discriminates against you in the workplace on the basis of whether or not you have been vaccinated, can you file a complaint against that employer with the State Labor Board? Yes. If any business refuses to serve you based on whether or not you have been “vaccinated” or not, do you have the right to sue them for violation of Federal Law? Yes. If anyone tells you that you have to shut down your business now or ever as a result of “public health concerns” to you have the right to tell them to leave your premises and not return? Yes, you have that absolute right. The only contracts that Americans have with either one of these foreign commercial corporations are very explicit and easy to read.The Constitution of the United States is your only contract with the US CORP in any form. The Constitution of the United States of America is your only contract with the USA, INC. in any form. Neither one say a single word about health concerns. Your health and public health alike are private concerns of the American People, and are not left to the discretion or interference of our employees or their dependents. Be not like dumb driven cattle. Look, listen, learn, and defend yourselves from these monsters in suits. —————————- See this article and over 3100 others on Anna’s website here: www.annavonreitz.com To support this work look for the PayPal buttons on this website. How do we use your donations? Find out here. The American States Assembly The [DS] is in trouble, the patriots have been investigating the leakers since 2017 and now the information was released to the public, the NYT spun the story using the keyword seize but this was by the book investigation following the rule of law. Coincidence that the information was released now, no, the storm is forming. The patriots are hitting the [DS] from all sides, this is the worlds largest sting operation, they are trapped and their is now way out. Panic is setting in over the audits, AG Garland will make sure the post election audits did not violate any laws. Zero day is coming. Video: https://rumble.com/vietyh-ep.-2501b-trap-set-these-people-are-stupid-do-you-see-the-storm-formingpani.html Connecting the Dots- |
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