aliens among us
Alien Intrusion - Alien Interference
Alien souls inhabiting human bodies on Earth ![]() The question is are all people on earth the same beneath are exterior human bodies which are really just body suit's if we do indeed have a separate consciousness or soul. How would any normal human being know if all other humans or just some have the same type of consciousness or soul. The answer is they would NOT KNOW. There may be some humans who are very much ahead or more advanced in terms of consciousness that are from different universes visiting here for an disclosed agenda. It however does not seem too good if they are keeping their true identities . All human appearing beings on earth and elsewhere are not necessarily of the same origin if even if they do both possess human bodies with the same core biological functions and processes. If there is an underlying consciousness it is not necessarily the same type of consciousness(soul) in all human appearing beings. There is a real possibility that an alien form of consciousness can exist in human bodies alongside other *normal humans* without them realizing it. This is what a practical alien race would do if they were to come to a different universe for some sort of dimensional conquest. In fact any advanced alien intelligence will realize that if they are going to infiltrate a universe outside their own with beings already occupying it they are going to have to assume the dominant form. In other words appear human. They would not even attempt anything as preposterous as coming as themselves and hiding in underground bases as has been alleged by many disinformation agents that are operating websites on the internet about grey aliens that look so much different than humans. They would assume a human form through manipulation of the physics that allows certain types of souls or conscious entities to occupy a human type body and mesh with other human groups in order to evade detection. There may be many different types of human species throughout our universe with possibly different types of consciousness or souls. Different types of human beings with different soul structures and an alien consciousness that originally came from a different universe may have come to earth sometime in the past from a different part of our universe. An advanced alien race from another universe could infiltrate one very small portion of the universe and overwhelm it's inhabitants and use their biological materials to create a hybrid or new race that carries the alien consciousness and allows the alien souls to exist in the universe they are invading in larger and larger numbers. This new race would look like a human if this was the form that they manipulated at the onset of their entry into this universe. They would then have a cover to go out and infiltrate the remainder of the universe in question. If the human form has always the dominant form of intelligence for this universe then an initial conquest and containment of a small isolated part of the universe would give them the materials and resources needed to further infiltrate the rest of the universe. By creating a race of counterfeit humans that could be used to cloak their real identities they could then set out to continue their conquest and destruction of the universes original inhabitants. As I will state in some the following paragraphs use of advanced technology could be used to limit the consciousness of the group of beings they are infiltrating as long as they possess sufficient knowledge of the physics involved in their consciousness and how technology could alter consciousness without detection. Also it should be recognized that the human body may merely be a suit that can be worn by different conscious beings who can understand and manipulate the physics involved. There is no way that anyone would be able to know whether we are all the same unless they have awareness of their own consciousness(soul). Some people on earth who could be alien souls might have awareness of their own spiritual consciousness while others who may not have awareness and full function of their consciousness may not due to suppression via advanced technology. This suppression of consciousness could be achieved possibly by an anomalous electromagnetic signal that is produced by this alien races(alien souls). This anonymous electromagnetic activity could inhibit awareness simply by causing a polarization effect on the electromagnetic activity in the frequency spectrum by which the consciousness of the other race operates on. It would be undetectable by that race and the alien race would not be affected because their consciousness would in all likelihood be based on other physics and other frequency spectrum or range. Also an alien race who is aware of their soul-consciousness will probably be mentally much more sophisticated and will probably function as one interconnected mind(via some type of radio link but maybe at different frequencies that the ones used in telecommunications) between many different individual alien entities. Now it is possible also that an alien race did come to the earth in the past and created a hybrid that looks nearly human but has the capacity for an alien soul to dwell within it. This counterfeit type human although similar appearing may be much more advanced than normal and humans. It is possible ironically that this pseudo human(alien soul) could be somehow reptilian in nature and there may even be subtle differences between this entities and other humans that could be evident through facial patterns, vague undertones and features, bone structure, although it would be very hard for a normal human being who does not even have access to his/her full consciousness to accurately discern. Some counterfeit human beings may have more prominence than others and some real human beings may have characteristics that might suggest something anomalous when it is not the case. There may also just be many different types of humans beings or biological species that are here and for different reasons. Maybe no life on earth know was originally from here??? There are probably different types of intelligence's, hence beings with different consciousness right here on earth manipulating the rest of the population in any numbers of ways through undetectable means. Therefore it appears that they are not here and everything is calm and serene but they are they just and we are in a sense in an alien reality and the rest of the unassuming population cannot perceive this horrendous deception. Anyone asking these questions needs to realize that an alien race who is doing these things(posing as humans through super advanced technology) is not going to admit it, obviously. They will try to do everything they can to confuse and befuddle those that they are deceiving. Things like issuing forth all kinds of contradicting theories and ideas. False theories such as those in religion. The use of social institutions such as politics, religion, and even mainstream academia. An advanced race of conscious beings are probably going to be at many different places at a given time. They are probably going to be from a different universe. The reason why we have not heard anything about intelligent life elsewhere is because the information is being suppressed. The institutions are that were created by them in the first place control how information is released and what information is withheld. This same thing could very well be going on in many different places in the universe, perhaps even on planets somewhere in this solar system or nearby star systems. There may even be an ongoing holocaust or extermination campaign of this universes original occupants. Not just a physical holocaust but one of consciousness (souls). In regards to other universes I have reprinted this from another article of mine. For those who do not think that an adversarial alien race is here doing some of these things look at the present condition of the earth. Mankind supposedly is torn in conflict which is explained away by illogical concepts disseminated from arbitrary social institutions. If the social institutions or more correctly anti-social(anti-human) institutions alone(and their arbitrary power) were done away with the real human souls on this earth would benefit IMMENSELY It would also be nice if the earth could be returned to the people. There is enough land and resources for everyone including the counterfeit humans but they only want to oppress the earth as a whole. The earth should freely belong to all of it's inhabitants. If we all had the kind of access that is right for us to have there would not be any of the disparaging situations or conditions that exist today on this earth. It should not be held away from the people whom it belongs to. Unfortunately because the vast majority of real humans (souls) have been duped into passivity with phony political, social, religious, and educational agendas by their alien (counterfeit human) counterparts that look amazingly like them the earth is really a spiritual concentration camp. This scenario as unbelievable as you think it may sound is more believable than any of the prevailing religions. Even more important if you give it some time and serious consideration what I am saying is a possibility if not a very high probability. It may even be possible that the history books that are being force fed to school children each and every year is full of events that never happened. Something entirely different may have been going on at these times. An advanced race of conscious beings are probably going to be at many different places at a given time. They are probably going to be from a different universe. The reason why we have not heard anything about intelligent life elsewhere is because the information is being suppressed. The institutions are that were created by them in the first place control how information is released and what information is withheld. This same thing could very well be going on in many different places in the universe, perhaps even on planets somewhere in this solar system or nearby star systems. There may even be an ongoing holocaust or extermination campaign of this universes original occupants. Not just a physical holocaust but one of consciousness (souls). In regards to other universes I have reprinted this from another article of mine. Getting back to this UNIVERSE--I further postulate that in addition to having a basic STRUCTURE this basic energy substrate(of our universe--as well as the one for many others) should have a basic operating frequency--its wavelength based on its size. This frequency aspect is important because I believe that a possibility exists that a dimensional spectrum may exist that is based on frequency domains. I would ideally think of this spectrum as being perpendicularly oriented to 3-dimensional space as we Currently know it. This offers the possibility of many universes existing in the same 3-D spatial dimension but separated by an ENERGY DIMENSION that runs perpendicular to it. These different universes may be in the same 3 dimensions but their ENERGY/FREQUENCY dimension or domain would be different, just like in a STACKED deck of cards where the cards share 2 dimensions but are separated by a third dimension. These different universes share a 3 dimensional space which is separated by this additional ENERGY/FREQUENCY DOMAIN. Another way of thinking about what I have just said is to think of 3-D cylinder projecting infinitely in both directions. These two infinitely projecting directions of the cylinder may be thought of as the ENERGY/FREQUENCY spectrum that I just theorized. Each universe exists in a frequency domain which can be thought of as a thin slice(cross section) or a single plane in this infinitely projecting cylinder. Each plane or cross section would represent a 3-d spatial universe that could be infinitely projecting at right angles to this infinitely projecting frequency(of ENERGY) or hyper spatial dimension. Second I want to point out that this energy/frequency dimension may in itself be multidimensional. I also want to note that there may be many more dimensions--spatial, as well as energy(maybe space is actually composed of modules of energy) and that alternatively our 3 dimensional space may also be a finite space or a super dimension (3 spatial planes fused together since there has never been any evidence to indicate any dimensions less than three although there may be alien dimensions that could have less)-- this dimension may be nested within a larger dimension and this larger dimension may be part of a still even greater spatial dimensions. A hierarchy could exist consisting of a nested set of spatial dimensions within spatial dimensions just as their may also be nested set of energy structures within energy structures. Our 3d space could be represented as 3 spheres in a larger sphere and this larger sphere could be one of 3 spheres in a still larger sphere(and so on). There may be also universes that are so alien to us that they may never be accessed because the structure of their matter and energy and the phenomena that composes it are so fundamentally different. There may be universes that are even so bizarre and exotic in relation to our own that the fundamental material and structure that underlies their composition cannot even be defined as energy, at least not as we know it. If there is frequency (hyper spatial) dimension that exists orthogonal TO the 3Dspatial dimension(that is known) then perhaps a technology of frequency shifting matter to a higher frequency domain where you could traverse the same distance in space in
much LESS TIME--due to the possibility of less friction, a higher energy state, and therefore greater speed in this higher domain could possibly be developed. Maybe this has already been done. An advanced race from another universe should be able able to phase/frequency shift between dimensional spectrums to go from one universe to the other. It is highly probable that this already been done. Just because the general public's been told otherwise and is force fed false ideas and theories such as religion and god and from a handful of people at the (arbitrary) social institutions that are holding the real humans back does not mean it is so. They are merely trying to hold the human race at bay intellectual speaking through self-limiting ideas and so far have done an exceedingly excellent job at that. Unfortunately. Charles Noonan Vind Return to Charles Vind's homepage:
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