![]() What we have today is an increasingly sophisticated full-spectrum assault on the free will and the psychological well-being of all people. We are in a war over consciousness which necessitates that we pay attention and develop our own personal formulas for navigating the controlled chaos being generated in the public scape. There are some heavy agendas being rolled out, being served up on lies and deceptions in an effort to make them acceptable to the public over time. For this reason, we examine the nature of Propaganda and how psychological manipulation is commonly used to weaponize the 3D narrative to control the perception of others through deceptive, abusive and underhanded tactics, in order to advance the primary control agenda and the selfish interests of manipulators and sociopaths. To understand the many interconnected motives behind the war over consciousness, the war over free energy, as well as the major conflicts occurring in the factions that are resisting the full disclosure event, we must first recognize the critical importance of the current 3D narrative that enforces false beliefs and perceptions about reality. The false narrative has been staged through intentional psychological warfare methods directed towards humanity through scientifically engineered Propaganda directed through military based strategies of technological mind control that produce consensus reality bubbles used to self-enforce the mass programming. Once we can clearly see the engineering of the false narrative used to manipulate our consent, then we begin to see the larger power structure of control arranging itself into a complex form of obfuscation. This is achieved through the exploitation of what we don’t know, because we’ve been lied to, through compartmentalization and layers of hierarchy. Most organizations reveal themselves to be closely connected to the academia-science-intelligence communities and the militarization-based industries that directly support the war profiteers and the divide and conquer motivations of the NAA. To protect and insulate these compartments, they are presented to the public as many different industry storefronts, which are imbedded into the inverted system, hidden throughout the controller mechanisms working towards achieving full spectrum dominance. These agendas are hidden in plain sight, thus psychological manipulation, Propaganda and burying those that inquire in a maze of bureaucracy and ridicule, become necessary for its survival. The spreading of disinformation combined with the overwhelm and wear down tactics are used to ensure the continued existence of the Controller agenda at whatever cost, and generally to keep doling out the massive profits or payoffs that are handed over to a select few. Throughout this discussion, it is important to consider that these are the strategic psychological manipulation methods employed by both human and nonhuman interests, those that seek to gain advantage over others through exerting dominating control in the physical reality. Those at the top of the power and control game will do anything, say anything and lie about anything, in order to maintain control or advance their position. This is how it is. It is important to know that this is also the predictable profile of Satanic forces, an ideology that has infiltrated and infected the corporate workplace, as well as the Controller Pillars of Society. Psychological Manipulation Propaganda is used for the purpose of psychological manipulation, to generate mental fabrications and emotional reactions, that are intended for seizing control, power, benefits and advantages at the victim’s expense. Propaganda is essentially imbedded into many forms of public relations, marketing campaigns, advertisements and social media that are designed to seduce and persuade people by manipulating their unconscious mind, instinctual desires and impulses. Currently, the same propaganda tactics have advanced into the digital age, which serves as an even more effective medium for mind control tactics by spreading disinformation on a global scale. Distracting the masses with a whole new world of digital propaganda utilizing spam bots, algorithms and artificial intelligence. These can be intended for the weaponization of information that is used more specifically for psychological manipulation and to shape false narratives. People make decisions based on the information they have been given and have available to them in their environment. They may make assumptions or decisions based upon false information, and accumulatively the consistent exposure to false narratives shapes their personal reality and influences the popular culture. Those that seek to control or enslave others know that shaping narratives becomes absolutely crucial in controlling groups of people, in order to socially engineer behaviors and move them in the direction the controller wants them to go. Those that have the most knowledge, intelligence and conscious awareness of what is really happening in world events will have the most strategic advantage. Those that do not have access to accurate information, who have little awareness of larger events or truthful knowledge about the reality, are instead manipulated and deceived to believe in false impressions and illusions and will be at a greater disadvantage. Knowledge and awareness of the truth is personal power. Luciferians typically know the value and importance of accessing knowledge and therefore have decided to keep it to themselves, leaving the rest of the population in dark ignorance. Managing intelligence and controlling access to information includes supplying the perceived enemy or opponent with disinformation, in order to trick them into making the wrong decisions based upon that disinformation. In the current psychological warfare climate, diminishing easy access to open source knowledge and placing limits on the sharing of information freely within the global community, is an important concept to understand when intending to create power imbalances. An adult with an undeveloped and uninformed mental body, coupled with the stunted emotional body of a traumatized child, will be no match for an extremely mentally developed being who knows our thoughts create reality. False Narratives Create Power Imbalances Thus, those that are manipulators of false narratives providing disinformation or regularly spinning information towards certain agendas, are also people that fall within the controller archetypes. They can be power hungry individuals, profit motivated salespeople, governmental organizations, non-physical entities or those working in the Power Elite, heading the multinational web of corporations and their many storefronts interconnected with the Controller Pillars of Society. Controllers use propaganda for the purpose of psychological manipulation to deliberately create imbalances of power, in order to exploit their targeted audience and to gain the power needed to get others to enforce their agenda. We are being increasingly exposed to controller archetypes using propaganda messages and images to influence psychological and emotional manipulation tactics, that are sourcing from both human and nonhuman entities with dark agendas. However, all forms of psychological manipulation tactics are aggressively used by the same dark forces using manipulation methods that seek to control others, and that deceptive behavior is the hallmark of imposters. Imposters are people and entities that represent themselves to be something that they are not, using deception and illusions through propaganda messages in order to control perception, so they can gain powerful influence over others to get what they want. As a result of the dominating influence shaped by the NAA’s controller culture, many people are conditioned in society and in the workplace to also advance their own purposes and personal gain at virtually any cost to others. Generally, this comes with a desire to gain feelings of power and control over others, which lends to feeling more superior while raising perceptions of self-esteem. The Controller culture rewards people that use propaganda and psychological manipulation to get the advantage over others, which instills extremely negative behaviors, as well as a lack of empathy that spills over into their personal life and relationships. This has also been described as the intentional production of workplace psychopaths, with the corporate consumer environment rewarding extremely negative and harmful behavior and noting how that behavior influences popular culture. Propaganda is directly related to classical conditioning mind control tactics that are used to psychologically and emotionally manipulate people, in order to exert control over them and generally exploit their vulnerabilities. Propaganda is effectively used in a wide range of mass media, including digital media that conveys messages and images that are designed for mind control and shaping false narratives. Propaganda can be seen in the aggressive marketing promotions inserted with social engineering methods that are designed to influence the masses to further the anti-human agenda. Through the intentional exploitation of the subconscious impulses, western society’s values are being shaped by the predatory consumerism and moral nihilism that is used to promote and spread the death culture worldwide. When we can identify that system of predatorial behavior, which breeds the lowest vibrations of satanic forces that increase human misery, we can see it operating everywhere throughout the control structures and consumer systems in the global marketplace. Therefore, it is important to be aware of these manipulation methods and ask ourselves what we know about propaganda messages. How is propaganda being used and what can we do to shield ourselves to prevent its destructive effects in our psyche and unconscious impulses? We should be able to better discern the difference between gaining knowledge through being educated and informed in matters, versus information that is being intentionally manipulated to influence an audience to spread a specific agenda, by manipulating people’s behavior without them even realizing it. Not taking what we’ve been told at face value by doing our own research and due diligence, combined with critical thinking and common sense, helps us to become more responsible in where we invest our time and energy. The Propaganda Model The covert intelligence community or deep state cabals have been partnering with news media organizations for decades, and an entire series of books could be written on their intentional use of psychological manipulation for the purpose of social engineering and mass mind control. In order to manipulate the masses, the power elite covert organizations infiltrated mainstream media corporations and set up privately owned think tanks to spread disinformation and produce stories shared on most news channels, to gain full control over the media outlets. Much of the disinformation tactics are the byproduct of government intelligence experiments conducted in partnership with academic and scientific institutions worldwide, recognizing academia as the most fertile soil of assorted human mind control and behavioral experiments, such asMKUltra. In general, when committees or think tanks are formed by the experts to perform due diligence and research on controversial news topics surfacing in the mainstream, it is highly publicized for the purpose of neutralizing public dissent and to eradicate any further questioning by independent researchers. By appointing a committee of supposed experts handpicked by the intelligence community, that have reached inconclusive end results in their exploration of unapproved topics, the psychological manipulation tactic used is that the authority has told us that ‘there is nothing to look at here folks’. It is a method used to shut down discussion and incite silence in the opposition, much like the term ‘conspiracy theorist’ is used as slander, to discredit legitimate questions from being raised by researchers using critical thinking skills. Primarily, this controller strategy was designed to suppress information in order to protect corporate interests and covert agency storefronts, and advance the goals of the Controllers and NAA for full spectrum dominance. Operation mockingbird shows the origins of the Controllers mainstream use of propaganda messages through psychological manipulation and disinformation campaigns by supplying false and misleading information to the public, which was given to them by branches of government, and by those power elite in high positions of global corporate and financial power. Returning to the past, we must recognize that post World War II began the aggressive NAA infiltration into every day human society. The Black Sun influence exerted into the Controller Pillars was an alien virus injected into the academic-financial-medical-religious power structures, in order to shape the acceptance of the death culture revered by Satanism. The organization of black operations and covert intelligence agencies during the Eisenhower years, reveal the true motivations behind the shadow compartments of the military extraterrestrial industrial complex, which has acted as the façade for the NAA activities since day one. The controller comprehends that psychological manipulation used to incite people’s subconscious desires is not only how they can shape false narratives, but also get the masses to continually buy products and associate positive belief systems with those products. The subliminal association of positive belief systems being associated directly with products marketed with celebrity endorsements, glamourous images, and certain meme words to trigger impulsive reactions, started a hundred years ago and is at epidemic proportions today. In the digital age, it has been made virtually impossible to get away from being a captive audience for a string of commercials, being forced to watch several popup ads in order to get to the content one actually wants to read. As the result, advertising and marketing promotion revenue streams became the foundation of the 3D corporate consumer media culture, with an endless promotion of products and services that provide the majority of funding for all mass media, radio, television and online social media for all industries. The filter of news is packaged in corporate commercials through the paid advertising that is being delivered to their targeted audiences as a sales pitch. Advertisers are really corporate interests paying to shape the narrative of specific agendas that benefit them directly, and this information is packaged as daily news by the dominant media firms. The point is, we lost objective news and investigative journalism many years ago in favor of the corporate sell out using propaganda messages. Those that pay the most for advertising and yell the loudest get the undivided attention of the masses. Unfortunately, this propaganda model works well for those promoting spiritual consumerism, sponsoring advertisements for spiritual topics like ascension, consciousness and disclosure that are being marketed for profit as purely entertainment content. In the digital age a new phenomenon of generating reality bubbles based upon the filter of the computer coded algorithms that are being used in the powerful online media corporations is increasingly obvious. These algorithms are used in our news feeds and search options and then generally regurgitating back the same information that we already know, a type of confirmation bias to the reality we are most comfortable with. Reality bubbles are generated when online searches for news or information are constructing a specific reality bubble that is a small imprint of the larger whole. This is creating a myopic point of view where we only receive a very small section of news information that is tailored to our personal filters that conform into a reality bubble, that is the result of the artificial intelligence and algorithms that are used to track our preferences. In order to gain control over the information we have access to, these online media corporations find covert ways to harvest consumer data and then secretly redirect online traffic away from independent news websites carrying information about unapproved topics. Many alternative and independent journalists speaking about a range of unapproved topics like disclosure, ascension, Qanon or the agenda for the third world invasion of Europe, are using platforms like YouTube, and finding themselves subjected to sudden mysterious suspensions and limitations based upon violations of community guidelines. Yet, the means of suspension can remain dodgy without any clarity on exactly what content had been the source of the violation. Over the past few years we have been subjected to increasing censorship via algorithmic control that is based upon the collection of our personal data. Obviously, it is disturbing to know that the Controllers and the NAA want as much data and genetic profiling collected from all of us, as a type of energetic harvesting machine. As more intimate details are gathered about our connections and preferences, that information is harvested and can actually be used to censor or suppress certain levels of information from being available to us. Becoming aware of the use of artificial intelligence algorithms is critical in comprehending the psychological warfare also being directed to influence and manipulate behavior, and this is occurring by censoring or limiting the kind of information we can access. Additionally, fake online identities are used for the purposes of deception and psychological manipulation to spread disinformation and propaganda messages throughout various social networks and online communities. This is referred to as a ‘sock puppet’, a person pretending to be another person that assumes this false identity in order to infiltrate or manipulate others in an online community. A strawman sock puppet is used by covert agendas to troll online communities, to make a particular point of view appear crazy in order to discredit the discussions and generate as much chaos and disruption as possible in the group. Similar to an online troll, the sock puppet’s motivation is to spread fear, uncertainly and doubt within the group in order to divide and conquer. It is important to realize that sock puppets are considered a legitimate vocation, hackers are hired and paid well to perform this role. They get paid to intentionally deceive others online, write phony complaints or spread offensive language and ideas in order to kill off the business competition. Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt The intended spreading of fear, uncertainty and doubt or FUD is a disinformation strategy used in sales, marketing, public relations, politics, cults and propaganda. It is a strategy to control perception by disseminating negative, dubious or false information by an orchestration of tactics that appeal to fear. To exploit fear the troll uses a made-up fallacy or poses a false dilemma and then attempts to create support for that idea by increasing fear, uncertainty and doubt towards the alternative. Manipulators use veiled threats and uncertainties that attempt to illicit fear with the intention to place seeds of doubt that may lead to the person changing their mental position and going in another direction. To apply pressure, the manipulator offers a choice framing it as the only choice available. In which rejecting one item acts as a selection of the other choice, such as, you are either with me or against me. When instigating fear and pressure in others as a manipulation tactic, the person is distracted from the fact that many other alternative choices are available in that situation. The most basic form of fallacy is straight faced lying, where the speaker deliberately says something that is untrue, generally believing or hoping that the person will not notice. Fearmongering with ambiguous language filled with FUD tactics are the basic tricks used by any corrupted person trying to sell a narrative, sell an idea or sell a product, in order to gain popular support for that position. Mainstream news headlines are filled with FUD tactics. Corporate adverting is filled with FUD tactics. The sales pitch could be politicians trying to sell the public on the necessity to go to war and this narrative will include associations made to dangerous outcomes or criminals, with exaggerated statistics to highlight the peril of not doing something, even when there is no peril present. When gaining clarity about the Controller motivations to maintain and advance power and control in the global scape, to dominate world economies and further the master-slave narrative, the concept of carrying out covert military operations or false flag events to serve these agendas becomes increasingly evident. False flag operations are designed to create a false narrative designed to deceive the masses, while disguising the actual source of responsibility, in order to hide the real organization behind the attack or operation. In warfare, false flags are generally considered acceptable to deceive the enemy and to gain strategic advantage. False Flag attacks are a method of psychological warfare in which the public reaction is led to follow the bread crumb trail, to be much more likely to support their own government and military forces, especially if the operation is blamed on outsiders. Without full disclosure, however, most of the general public does not understand that a small band of power elite families coordinated a plan to declare war on the rest of the earth population many years ago, with the greater assistance of non-terrestrial entities exploiting their power and greed. Earth humans have been sold out by a small power elite group of psychopaths. Currently, our world governments are embroiled in a hidden war between these cabal factions, that include off planet and on planet groups. They are using every strategy of psychological manipulation and emotional exploitation against the public, and they are using every media forum, in order to gain full spectrum dominance over the timelines in the future. As we gain more understanding about the propaganda model and how it is used to manipulate and manufacture consent, we can avoid the pitfalls and open ourselves to promote open discussion and informed debate on many topics that are labeled as unapproved or conspiracy theory in the mainstream. Conspiracy is fact on planet earth, and there are many pieces of factual evidence that portray these conspiracies throughout history that are fully documented throughout governmental agencies in black and white. Many despot leaders and military strategists throughout history have acknowledged the use of false flags as a psychological weapon against their own country. The easiest way to gain control of a population is to carry out acts of terror, and the NAA use these tactics well. To understand what we are actually looking at, we first have to decode the methods used in psychological warfare to see how deep down the rabbit hole the psychological manipulation and exploitation of humanity goes, and the main reasons behind it. Social Media and Operant Conditioning Many people especially in the younger generations have become addicted to online social media platforms from being repeatedly exposed to types of operant conditioning, in which a positive reinforcement occurs from online activity and this induces changes in their brain chemistry. A neurochemical is released in the brain as a reward molecule, after certain behaviors occur in a social media or marketing environment that instigate a positive reinforcement. This is similar to getting a dopamine hit, in which the brain starts to associate dopamine pathways with certain online activity, people, products or propaganda. Operant conditioning is a process of learned behavior from either positive or negative reinforcement, where the person associates something online as being positive or negative, and that information changes their expectations or controls their behavior. There are massive content collection industries dedicated to capturing data and selling our attention through social media, using psychological manipulation in online marketing strategies to bait audiences and encourage large followings. To accumulate very large numbers in website hits, marketed sales or social media following, they commonly use tactics that exploit vulnerabilities in the human psyche and emotional state. The most common emotional exploitation is to trigger the desire that people have to belong somewhere, to feel accepted and acquire a social status within a desirable group. Teenagers are especially vulnerable to these manipulation tactics, not recognizing the complex deceptions that are involved. As a result, the greater the instinctual desire and need to belong, to feel accepted and be popular with a social status, the stronger the reaction the brain will have to positive conditioning where this particular belief system is being reinforced. Thus, excessive social network use can lead to addictive symptoms, using social media for changing moods and even suffering withdrawal effects. Some people can become obsessed with these positive reinforcement experiences and engage in compulsive behavior such as a need to keep playing an online game, or constantly checking email. This brings to surface our own personal responsibility to empower ourselves and our children through accessing the plethora of online educational information, but knowing moderation is needed, so we are not consumed or manipulated by the marketing tactics of unscrupulous people. Without some personal discipline and self-awareness, these manipulation methods can form positive associations in our brain to products or people that are marketing themselves to appear as something that they are not. We have been conditioned in this consumer society to respond to superficial facades, appearances and promises, that a product will give us a better or more glamourous life. But many times, this is actually an imposter’s sales pitch filled with psychological manipulations in order to get a following on social networks. Controlled Chaos Today too many good-hearted people in the world give their corrupted leaders and policy makers the benefit of the doubt, citing incompetence or pathological compassion when attempting to explain away the rapidly increasing destruction and decay of their western culture in major cities undergoing the agenda for controlled chaos. The systematic and methodical destruction of natural resources and civilized cultural settings, destroying or hiding beautiful masterpieces of art and literature, and the intended decimation of artifacts and antiquities highlighting previous ages of an enlightened human culture is not an accident. Controlled chaos is based on subjecting individuals to sophisticated methods of a global psychological manipulation designed to reform and suppress the mass consciousness, by shaping false narratives that destroy unity and empathy within humanity. Divide and rule strategies encourage divisions, conflicts and chaos among the opposing groups to prevent the formation of strong alliances and unification that could challenge the power of the Controller or Ruler. This extends to the negative entities, such as the Luciferian or Satanic groups, that exert further control over their human representatives that have been socially engineered to carry out their divide and conquer agenda against the human race. Comprehending the motivation of the controlling power elite means understanding their spiritual and ideological beliefs connected to using controlled chaos against their opposition, which essentially is to continually incite chaos and division in order to control the rest of earth’s inhabitants. Controlled chaos is understanding the role of chaos theory that is used in military based decision making, when planning divide and conquer tactics being targeted against any group, demographic or nation. Controlled chaos is used both as a spiritual warfare strategy on the metaphysical front by non-physical dark forces, and as a propaganda-based disinformation tool and weakening tactic aimed against the masses in the physical world. This is a global strategy for full spectrum domination of earth carried out by the NAA forces, who use human controllers on the ground that have been handed access to unlimited wealth and resources of the planet in order to manage the rest of us in a controlled chaos. By methodically destroying the cohesion and unity that exists within any targeted group, organization, state, or nation, the group is weakened by internal division and chaos, whereby outside organized forces that use controlled chaos tactics can intercept and easily impose control over the group’s resources. As a case study, the intended destruction of a powerful state could be potentially desired by multinational corporations, crime syndicates and institutions that intend to gain aggressive control over the global financial, military and information resources in that state. Strategies would include saturating the death culture propaganda into the population by reinforcing destructive behaviors; such as increasing destitution and homelessness, handing out free heroin needles, pushing sexual misery to reduce birth rates and increase death rates. When there is indifference to the suffering, misery and destitution of others, people become suicidal and lose their will to live. This acts as a general euthanasia mechanism for facilitating a eugenic strategy or kill off in the targeted culture. Instigating and seeding continuous chaos, particularly through natural disasters or emergency situations, overwhelms the capacity for supporting sustainable living and disrupts the stability and cohesion that is necessary to restore order to the disorder. Uprooting people from their homes, creating refugees and mass migrations are tools used for destabilization and psychological warfare, by gaining control of these areas through inciting chaos while destroying the local culture. When the natural environment and earth beauty is being destroyed, such as trees, plants and animals, this decimation produces a dehumanization and demoralization effect upon the people living there. Living in a barren, desolate wasteland as a result of abject poverty, war and cataclysmic events is not highly desirable to evolve consciousness and develop the local culture, it produces primitive values and barbarism. Through conditioning propaganda of continual controlled chaos as a way of life being seeded as the global death culture, it achieves the aims of the Controllers in various ways.
Satanic Ideology Satanism also intentionally panders to the atheist and scientific communities, as a recruiting mechanism for a far more nefarious agenda that serves the NAA. Satanic grooming methods manipulate those who do not understand the existence of consciousness existing without a physical body, or the consequences of giving energetic consent and authority to Satanic forces. There are many people working in our society who have the same ideological beliefs as those shared in common with Satanism, yet they are not thought of as criminals but are revered as powerful leaders in business, science and technology. Essentially, this is the socially engineered society in which we have been groomed into using the three layers of ego filter and psychologically manipulated to co-create in the materialistic death culture, which is an anti-soul agenda. The primary main philosophies that interconnect throughout the different branches of Satanism include the following:
Through the lens of atheistic science with the Satanic ideology overlay, the thought process is that humans are only animals in which ethics, morality, compassion and empathy are just human inventions, therefore only personal will, exercising might and power is the right. In this fractured mindset, there is no God or organizing creative force in our Universe, the declaration is that God source is a religious delusion and we live in a system of entropy. Thus, in this ideological mindset, a person who chooses his own selfish interests always, without care for the harm he/she does to others, they could be an addict, sadistic manipulator, murderer or a Power Elite, is in all intents and purposes an agent for spreading Satanism, an agent for serving the NAA. This can be a harsh reality check when we begin to awaken to this deeper clarity about the environment we find ourselves in, on 3D earth. Yet, it is empowering as this holds greater knowledge, once we can accept and understand how this force works through others. In that realization we can accept responsibility for our own actions and take steps to transform our mindset. Once we see how the Satanic worldviews have been subliminally programmed into our unconscious mind, we can observe our thoughts and beliefs consciously, rediscovering our true self. Mainstream Job is Disinformation The job of controlled mainstream media is not to inform, but to misinform the public, making it harder for people to make informed decisions about things that impact their own lives and that of their families. Mass media is used to divert public attention from important issues and changes that are decided upon by the political and economic elites, through the technique of derailing important facts or information through the continuous flood of distractions, mindless entertainment and insignificant information. The controlled media and press have mandates to provide all news and related media content to be written or presented at no greater level than what a 12-year-old child (or less) could understand. If all we have access to in the mainstream news and entertainment is being produced at a child’s level, what kind of impact does that have on significantly lowering literacy levels and human intelligence? All forms of media are being used in a variety of targeted propaganda strategies that are designed to manipulate the way information is being relayed to the public, therefore manipulating and gaining control over popular public perception. We must look to identify how the monikers, memes, ridicule, public shaming and labels that are coined by the media are used to throw people off from accessing the truth or facts in the matter, and further to incite anger, fear and division in the public. Each side is separated to appear as the opposition, as it divides and designs victimizer archetypes to polarize people into enemy patterning, while it refuses to allow an intelligent or productive dialogue or recognize support for diverse opinions. No one is listening for the larger perspective, only crucifying any position or person that they do not agree with, when they know little to none of the facts. The mainstream media is paid hefty sums to incite division, aggression, character assassination, attack free speech and generate obfuscation and chaos at every turn. Media Literacy To become more media literate, we have to be willing to drill the message down and seek its motivation, in order to comprehend what we are really looking at when we are reading or accessing different forms of media. We also have to be willing to see the incentives of who is benefiting from the media being presented, and not take media at face value and blindly accept what is being presented as factual information that is actually true. Discernment skills as well as comprehending how the negative ego functions in people and in ourselves, are critical skills required in developing media literacy. In all controlled press and media, the undisciplined negative ego and unhealed pain body are targeted by silent weapons used to control the public. This is why gaining neutrality and developing inner emotional clarity is also important when being saturated in different forms of media that is being used to influence or control the popular perception. When we access information reported or presented in the media, we should be considering the following questions to ask ourselves, to help gain a larger perspective. Media literacy skills can help us all:
To better understand the most common forms of media manipulation, let us revisit Noam Chomsky’s list, which describes this tactic so well. By understanding these manipulation tactics, it will serve to help develop and improve one’s discernment with media literacy and to perceive the blatant mind control propaganda that is perpetrated against the masses. The 10 Strategies of Media Manipulation
Be aware that the world of television and digital media has become a tool of de-evolution, propaganda and social control. Nearly unlimited resources have been applied to understand how to manipulate the human psyche through television and other forms of mass media. What we have today is an increasingly sophisticated full-spectrum assault on the free will and psychological well-being of all people, and we have come to a point where it is no longer even necessary for media institutions to attempt to hide their blatant work of manipulating public opinion, manufacturing consent, and creating winners and losers in the minds of the already mind controlled public. Whether for marketing or for manufacturing consent, the media industry is guilty of using subtle and not-so-subtle tactics to influence our conscious and subconscious minds to influence our opinions and behavior. There are countless examples of these practices and discerning, awake people would be well served to be vigilant of this when consuming modern media in any form. As informed people, we must acknowledge that we are being lied to and that the institutions we should be able to depend on for bringing us an objective view of the world, are anything but objective, they are paid sponsors of the Power Elite agendas. Thus, pay attention, develop strong discernment (develop your b.s. meter), and do your own research to stay awake and aware in these times of great turbulence and powerful change. We need the brave, courageous, empathic, trustworthy people dedicated to truth and love for life, to rise to fill the void of getting the humanitarian messages back into circulation. Pay close attention and do not feed into the insanity of the psychological operations made against the public. Stay calm, neutral and carry on with speaking your truth, living from your heart, and never give up your purpose and mission. Please only take what is useful for your spiritual growth and discard all the rest. Thank you for your courage and bravery to be a truth seeker. I am God, Sovereign, Free! Until next, stay in the luminosity of your Avatar Christos Sophia heart path. Please be kind to yourself and each other. GSF! With a Loving heart, Lisa References: (Source: Noam Chomsky, 10 Strategies of Media Manipulation, Examples of Media Manipulation, Media Literacy Now) (Source: Controlled Chaos as a tool for geopolitical struggle) (Source: Mark Passio – Anarchy and Occult) This ES Monthly News Article reflects the Guardian Perspective of the Ascension Timeline (2012 Timeline) as support, both energetically and educationally, for the Galactic Families of Starseeds and the Indigo Races. This Spiritual Family has accepted the Guardianship role to support the foundation of Cosmic Citizenship as an evolutionary model for this planet and humanity, and this is a level of earth based advocacy designed for this specific group. There is absolutely no value difference given on the role each being has chosen for its expression. The Guardian Groups mission directive is rehabilitation of the hologram, repairing its energetic architecture (dna), embodying the Ascended Human Protoform, supplying informational context on Ascension dynamics and Exopolitic (ET) Agendas and reeducating both human and non-human's to be congruently aligned to the Universal Law of One. Freedom, Fraternity, and the Sovereign Right of All Beings to be a Knower of God Source is protected by the Collective Unity Vow shared among our Universal Guardian Groups. The Group Unity Vow Decree Defender Warriors of Truth, Sovereignty, Liberation. All Guardian races Serving the One. From Across All the Multiverses We Call Upon You to Join US Now. Our Unification Principle deemed as demonstrated in the waves of Omni Love - We Sound our Group Note to You Now. Our Group Template Updated, Individually and Collectively, Renewed and Forever Perpetuated in the Eternally Sustained Light. Our Alchemical Container is consecrated and dedicated to the Purposes of One, and we endeavor to be the Knower of God to then be the Way Shower of God. Sustain Us in the Eternal Power of our Consecration. We have called for your Gatekeeping in order to hold our community, our missions, our mutual highest purposes in Service to the One Light, Our Source, The Living Light Code. Our Intention is Unification - The Christ Principle - as an Energetic Reality, Here and Now. We request the handshake of our community to fortify our spiritual links through the Universal Cosmic Triad, and into The Core of One, the Zero Point God Matrix, that which is the source of our Genesis. With deep reverence for all of Life, Dear God, Breathe your Life Codes into all created form. We set our intention now to be Remembered to That Which We Are, fully completely and totally. To State our Mutual Purpose as One, Resurrect All inorganic patterns to the Organic Living Light Now. And to that we Say, Thank God We Are The Cosmic Christ! And so It is. Lovingly Decreed. Lisa Renee ~*~*~*~*~ Lisa Renee experienced a spontaneous "kundalini" event several years ago that catalyzed a “Starseed Awakening" to perceive multidimensional realities and communication with the Evolutionary forces of Light. Lisa Renee has been personally contacted and then prepared, trained and downloaded by Interdimensional beings (Extra-terrestrial and Ultra-terrestrial, not from this Universe) known as the Krystal Star and Aurora Guardians. Guided by Guardians, Lisa was biologically upgraded to be downloaded to comprehend the Science of Ascension through the Law of One and its dynamics upon the layers of energy fields. This understanding of Consciousness Technologies was experienced by her own personal evolution and began her transition into an Multidimensional Guide and God-Sovereign-Free (GSF) Steward during this Planet’s Ascension Cycle. She is an Emissary for the Guardian Groups and a spokesperson for the shift of humanity to "Ascension". Along with the Guardian Groups, her mission is to support humanity through its evolution with education, awareness and by discussing the impacts of the energy shifts upon the planet, human beings and human consciousness. She is an Ascension Guide, Planet Gridworker, Starseed Advocate, Humanitarian, Writer, and Etheric surgeon. Energetic Synthesis Newsletters and Alerts are free and donation based. Your financial support makes it possible to continue offering information on the web site and through the latest newsletter. Please note in order to distribute this Newsletter in other forums please do so with the following guidelines: Include author's credit, copyright notice (creative commons 3.0 BY-SA) and include the ES website url. www.energeticsynthesis.com
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