![]() SERCO, SES, Comments By Anna Von Reitz Many of you are aware of the fact that SERCO, a giant British conglomerate, has been----among other things---- acting as Paymaster for our military and the IMF has been paying Social Security pensioners. All our most crucial administrative functions have been out-sourced overseas. Serco has also been providing communications and transportation systems (which they then control) worldwide, and otherwise placing itself in positions of key importance impacting the security of our country and many others as well. It is the physical, actual instrumentality of what has been call "the global control network"---- a vast interlocking trust directorate working through incorporated government and agency networks overseen in this country by a highly paid, largely faceless, and totally un-elected entity known as the "Senior Executive Service" --- the SES. Those who have followed the work of Field McConnell realize how our entire country has been compromised and endangered by reliance on SERCO and SES--and how this is now being corrected and monitored. I am re-posting this recent article for everyone (below) and have just one wry, cautionary comment. The writer makes the following statement-- "I've come to understand that the kooky conspiracy theory about how the United States did not win the Revolutionary War for freedom from British control is true." -- he's not the only one to be waking up to the deal-making that went down in the 1783 peace talks, but I want to point out that the proof of that "kooky conspiracy theory" has been on the books for over two hundred years.... and yes, the Territorial United States ---not the actual United States --- has always been under British control. __________ Shocking Global Control System Exposed These are indeed very interesting times in which to be alive. The first post that I ever made to this site about Serco was back in 2011 and I've been writing about the Global Information Grid and the Internet of Things for several years – more lately, due to the ongoing roll-out of the 5G network. I've also been writing about the Anglosphere and the 5 Eyes alliance for joint cooperation in signals intelligence between Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the UK and the US. I'd never clearly connected all of these processes until now because I didn't understand how Serco is the corporate glue that's used to merge all of the above into one Big Data behemoth that is the backbone of the Global Information Grid and Internet of Things. Through the work of the American Intelligence Media, I've come to understand that the kooky conspiracy theory about how the United States did not win the Revolutionary War for freedom from British control is true. The way the UK controls the US is through Serco, which is self-described as a "provider of public services". It's headquartered in the village of Hook, Hampshire in England and reports nearly $4 trillion in yearly gross revenue but only $1.35 million in annual profit (that sounds totally above-board!) The way Serco is able to get endless amounts of massive US government contracts, such as the one to manage the disastrous Obamacare website. They do this through its operatives within the US technocracy who hire them; members of the shadowy Senior Executive Service (SES) union who occupy key positions in every department of the US Government. The Sun did not set on the British Empire, it just went into hiding, into corporations like Serco, a company with clear intentions of controlling the whole world.
Aside from its enormous presence in the UK, with the maintenance contract for the Ballistic Missile Early Warning System and as one of the three companies in charge of the UK's nuclear arsenal, it manages numerous RAF bases and prisons, hospitals, departments of education and the UK's version of DARPA. Serco also has a major presence operating airports and all forms of mass transit systems in British Commonwealth countries, Germany, Denmark, Sweden and the UAE. Serco is "the biggest company that you've never heard of". Prepare to have your mind blown with this interview by Douglas Gabriel of Michael McKibben on the latter's fresh discoveries about this major arm of Anglosphere's Deep State. McKibben says, "We started looking at this 5G issue and the Walker patents, Serco and the Internet of Things and when we got all of those things on the board...it [was] like the Transformers movie. Everything started locking into place. You started hearing all these clicking sounds, click, click, click and we realized what Serco is there to do: Serco is there to manage this Walker patent implementation all over the planet and then to be able to dial up the 5G [frequencies] and its effects, which will include killing people – and then, also deal with the aftermath... [They] deal with immigration, with healthcare, with prisons with pathology, FEMA Region 9...[an area] impacted by drought where they actually predicted there was going to be a mass migration out of California. We said to ourselves, "Oh my gosh". Serco was organized to manage not just the [population] reduction, the eugenics of various countries [but] then to [clean up] the aftermath." Running Time: 51 mins https://forbiddenknowledgetv.net/shocking-global-control-system-exposed/ ---------------------------- See this article and over 1000 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com To support this work look for the PayPal button on this website.
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