Subconscious Programming
by Lisa Renee As many are probably experiencing, the shift into the next harmonic universe is bringing slow and steady changes to us all. This is a time to stay flexible and relaxed, without expectations or a need to know. With so much movement and change, the one thing we have control over is the direction and quality of our consciousness. Progressive planetary shifts are being mirrored in the human light body and catalyzing specific challenges for our collective human family. The controllers are rolling out new forms of AI to try and thwart shifts in consciousness. For some this will be a time of personal growth, of getting to pieces you could not get to before and breaking through old patterns, for others a time of incredible expansion into new templates and embodiment potentials. For all of us, this time of change requires taking special care to maintain calm and clarity, as we witness bubbles of chaos surface through the cracks of bifurcating realities. Recently, major shifts commenced another stage of the planetary bifurcation and this greatly impacted the collective unconscious content in the lower fields that form the individual layers of subconscious mind in the human energy field. The collective unconscious or planetary subconscious body separated into different parts and this caused a routing of group consciousness to move in different directions. As a result, what appears as sudden exits and accidents in the outer world have been common. This event has been a stripping of the wheat from the chaff, a dissolution of obsolete 3D Subconscious Programming, like an invisible hand making a hard push from behind that is moving us along towards the future destiny path. In some cases, people may have awakened one day to feel an unexpected distance or wedge placed between themselves and others, an emotional flatness which may feel abrupt, uncomfortable and mystifying. The mirror of the subconscious mind contents is being reflected back to us everywhere. Thoughts are an energetic substance that influence the perceptions we have about beliefs and identity, so that every behavior we have and action we take starts with a thought. The subconscious level of our mental body has more control over our thoughts, impulses and brain activity than at the conscious mind level. This is especially true if we are totally unaware of how our mind works, as the subconscious takes over and we remain unaware of the thoughts and inner dialogue we have with ourselves and others. On the path of becoming conscious and awake, observing how our mind works and registering what our heart feels while being present to what our body experiences, are critical skills in personal and spiritual development. Every human being has a subconscious mind that makes up an energetic field in the lightbody, that also connects into the entire collective unconscious layer that exists in the lowest dimensions of the earth plane. Until a human being awakens into higher states of observation with self-awareness and self-responsibility, he is a puppet of his Subconscious Programming, impulses and instinctual reactions, which maintain the most primitive and animalistic behaviors. The subconscious or unconscious mind is not only a repository of instinctual and primitive impulses, it’s a hard drive that organizes all of our experiences and memories into complex mental processes that are arranged on the hidden motivations, perceptions, beliefs and feelings we have. For people that stay focused only upon the external view of the conscious mind that makes up their ego-personality, their inner landscape has a hidden world of subconscious judgements, biases and beliefs that remain hidden from conscious view and unknown even to them. We cannot know the subconscious mind and Subconscious Programming without turning inward, without shifting into calm and relaxed states while observing our deepest selves. The NAA do not want the majority of humanity to ascend and achieve consciousness liberation, and thus use classical conditioning targeting the subconscious layers to influence people to think and behave in the lowest impulses and frequencies possible. If we look to the red wave spectrum of extremely low frequencies used in the 1D plane for Subconscious Programming, its main negative polarities are for generating victims and victimization, bullying and threats, survival and poverty consciousness, violence and destruction, sexual misery and gender confusion, all fear-based programming. The disturbing trend in the general population is that there is an increase in dehumanizing behavior through inflicting violence and destruction upon others. This is achieved through nasty words, negative intent or by physical means, which is becoming more common in the typical 3D social setting when disagreements arise. Why do people seem to treat each other so badly? This is by intentional design. Subconscious Programming is used to produce predators and unstable minds by targeting the unseen layers of the unconscious via extremely low frequency, which is an assault on the human senses towards fear and violence. This keeps some people mentally triggered and feeling personally offended by nearly anything that they may find threatening to their egoic sense of self. The Controllers realized that to exert control over the conscious mind of the masses, the easiest place to start is to exert control over the subconscious mind. By directing assorted psychological warfare methods designed for mass Subconscious Programming they shape the negative belief systems that fit into their narrative for the 3D timeline. Be aware that they do not want people to evolve past the 3D timeline, in which they exert control through artificial intelligence technologies and assorted mind control programs targeting the three layers of ego; the subconscious, instinctual and conscious mind levels. During the bifurcation cycle, there is an all-out assault of AI signaling and Subconscious Programming geared to spiritually oppress and obstruct the ascension of humanity, which is being aimed primarily at the subconscious layers and shadow selves. Attack Against the Human Mind Divide and Conquer works through inciting division and separation, by intentionally provoking conflicts between the collective interests of the people, fostering distrust, hostility and hatred to incite violence or war between any powerful people or groups that could pose a threat to the Controllers. In warfare many tactics are psychological where a process is set up to dehumanize, demoralize, confuse and terrorize the opponent, so that the battle is won with less physical resources. This spiritual war is designed to attack the human mind through the incredibly sophisticated use of Subconscious Programming methods, which are designed to dehumanize the masses so that they digress into something less than animals, a fallen shadow of a human being that has lost contact with the light of their soul. The anti-soul agenda produces people without their spiritual connection that are lost and confused, are easily exploited through subconscious programs to generate more dark shadows that carry out the enslavement agenda. Therefore, making the personal effort to direct attention in cultivating loving kindness towards others, focusing upon our heart-based connection with higher spiritual consciousness is extremely important now. The ante has been raised, and the consequences of unrestrained and undisciplined negative behavior that is also spiritually abusive to the human soul, can be dire. Many of the belief systems that form our ego-personality are subconsciously programmed during early childhood before our brains have had sufficient time to fully develop into the levels of intelligence that involve logic, language, critical thinking and problem solving. The human brain and nervous system undergo several bio-spiritual developmental phases from childhood throughout adulthood (ages 12-22-33-44) that are related to the level of consciousness expansion that occurs in that individual throughout their lifetime. Thus, humans have been subconsciously programmed to repel and reject this natural stage of consciousness growth, which would evolve the human being into integration stages with their soul consciousness at the early age of 12. Controlled mainstream media keeps entertainment and news at the mental level of a 10-12 year old, to exploit the Subconscious Programming that stops adults from furthering their soul integration. This leaves people that are effectively hypnotized and mesmerized by mainstream media emotionally stunted in their lightbody, frozen in time at this developmental stage of being a child. The NAA rely heavily upon the use of Subconscious Programming mind control tactics, through the use of assorted electromagnetic technologies, nanotechnology and chemicals that are designed to interfere with and disrupt the bio-spiritual evolution or planetary ascension of humanity. The strategy is by directly targeting the subconscious mind in the collective consciousness to vehemently reject all unapproved topics that do not fit the 3D narrative they seek to control. Thus, they desire to shut down any intelligent open dialogues in order to totally dominate and control mass perception in all unapproved topics involving ascension and disclosure related themes, which would transition the collective into states of higher consciousness by finally accessing the truth. Recently, measures to control the spreading of a free information society and open source through governmental restrictions on internet and privacy regulations reveal how concerned they are about sharing access to information that is on their unapproved topic or mind slide list. Effectively, Subconscious Programming produces closed, rigid and dogmatic minds that think in black or white, all or nothing terms. Central themes in unapproved topics such as; multidimensionality, alien abduction, human trafficking, NAA, Luciferianism, Satanic Ritual Abuse, Mind Control Implants, MILABS, advanced quantum technologies, and the knowledge that there are assorted non-human consciousness intelligences with psionic ability that exist without a material form body, all remain taboo for open discussion. The functioning of humanity’s neural network, brain wave activity, synaptic firing, hemispheric balance and overall brain symmetry are interdependent on the quality of the consciousness intelligence and frequency which has been created from the accumulated memories they have retained during their lifetime experiences. Thus, artificial intelligence signals that broadcast subconscious programs are designed to distort and block access of personal consciousness memories recorded in the spiritual layers, from the present identity and in other lifetimes. This is to hijack the bio-neurology in order to automatically run the lower frequencies, such as the reversal or anti-life frequencies connected to the red wave in the subconscious realm. This has been recently observed in the field as an artificial red wave spectrum being used to assault the bio-neurology in the human body. This AI version began being pulsed when the 1D layers in the earth body began to dissolve their membrane and roll up into the higher dimension. Moving out of the subconscious layers and the lowest fundamental frequency on the earth plane is entirely possible, but it depends on the effort made to gain control over one’s thoughts, and to choose non-violent thoughts and behaviors as a way of life. When a human being slows down their brain wave frequency through meditation in order to change their thought patterns, they can clear energy blockages in their subconscious and radically elevate their overall frequency. This frequency shift occurs in meditation and during relaxation techniques which directly impact the brain and nervous system functioning, as well as the mental map that had been formed from automatic thoughts that were generated from the Subconscious Programming. In order to change brain chemistry and brain wave activity to achieve a healthier balance that instills peaceful wellbeing, one must first learn how to change their negative thoughtforms and subconscious belief systems, to reflect a more positive personal self-image and calm inner landscape. Finding calm, inner peace and total relaxation during meditative states to effectively repel and clear subconscious programming transmissions is more important than it ever has been on planet earth. Grooming Children for Programming Children are exceptionally receptive to the energies in their environment as babies until about six years of age and as a result, children are highly susceptible to Subconscious Programming throughout their formative years from age six and up. In the early developmental phases of childhood, mirror neurons develop mirror properties through the child mimicking and imitating the repetitive behavior of their parents and the environment. A mirror neuron is a nerve cell that fires when the person observes an action being performed by another person. This means that a child watching the behavior of their parent or caretaker, is actually laying down tracks for the same neuronal pattern of action, via the information that is being carried in their neural impulses. Thus, during the child’s bio-spiritual development phase, a strong foundation is laid for the beliefs and behaviors that form in that individual in the future, when he or she reaches adulthood. Babies and children naturally have a much slower brain wave frequency than adults and thus the right brain functioning and sensory related abilities related to mirror neurons firing and feelings of empathy, develop first. There is an agenda to disrupt the mother-child bond at birth to six years, as when a baby or child is separated from their mother at this early age, it interferes with the healthy formation of the loving bonds that cultivate empathic connections and nurture feelings of protection and security. A loving and caring adult in the life of a child is the most important factor in helping that child build strong resilience towards facing adversity and becoming a well-adapted and healthy individual in society. Children are much more open with natural higher sensory ability, intuition, creativity and imagination before they begin to be socially conditioned into 3D left brain repetitive behaviors from school, family and media, as well as the impact made from a range of chemical and toxic environmental exposures. Many children shut down intuitive empath abilities when they are first put in school and realize these abilities are not accepted by the adults around them. This is a critical issue in comprehending the fact that learned beliefs are being subconsciously programmed before the brain has developed properly to think critically and question the mental programming that is taking place. Subconscious Programming starts in earliest childhood when our brains are not fully developed but are instead highly suggestible to the social engineering tactics of the death culture that further emphasize the negative conditions that cause toxic stress and unhappy people. The NAA are fully aware of the power of subconscious programming on young and undeveloped brains, and target children as early as possible to gain control over that individual throughout their lifetime. Thus, they condition the adults that have power in society and media to include the grooming of young children as a primary Archontic Deception Strategy. Children are highly suggestible to subliminal programming contained in cartoons, books, movies and other child-oriented media provided by adults or in educational material. Child grooming through the use of subconscious programming is used with the intent to lower the child’s inhibitions in regard to sexual behaviors, and these tactics are commonly used by predators to normalize sexual abuse and lure minors into prostitution and pornography. When children witness traumatic events like violence, shootings, abuse and death, whether on television or on the streets, it easily develops into levels of traumatic stress that derail future brain development and program negative subconscious beliefs that can be further exploited. When children or adults are exposed to repeated images of abuse, sex or violence, the neural connections are formed in the brain that generate automatic reactions for fear, anxiety, impulsiveness and a range of physiological and mental disorders that are rapidly increased with every exposure. These types of negative associations are attached to belief systems that run as Subconscious Programming that control our lives and are a primary reason why many adults constantly sabotage themselves, become addicts or play out destructive archetypes of victimization and learned helplessness. As long as the subconscious programming is running negative thoughts or false belief systems in the conscious mind, it effectively blocks awakening experiences and stunts consciousness expansion, which would express more coherent and positive behaviors. Children that are groomed into a negative self-image and low self-esteem, addictive personality, victims and victimizers, who believe they are helpless to change anything because they don’t matter, grow into the easiest adults to enslave and control. Thus, it is these groups of unaware people that are run by their subconscious mind impulses that continue to feed into the collective subconscious programming broadcasts that are intended for mass consciousness slavery. The Controller’s know that what we fear we will tend to project onto others around us through blaming behaviors and finger pointing. This is the unconscious behavior, hidden shadow and reactive impulses that we have not cleared from within our deepest selves, and so they seek to aggressively exploit these buried fears in the subconscious mind. Until we are willing to look at destructive behaviors caused by our hidden fears, we can easily project or transfer our fears onto other people, especially through our unconscious impulses or negative ego outbursts. This generates a vicious circle of mental and emotional stagnation, making it difficult to change, transform and evolve beyond personal limitations. Parents and teachers that are the caring adults and caregivers that help to guide children, may need to recognize that the emotional and social skills they demonstrate in relationships, will be the example given to young and developing minds. They will mimic their behavior. Emotional self-management skills need to be taught and discussed with children early on, to help them handle conflict and make more positive choices about their personal and social behavior, by recognizing their own feelings and emotions. Children gifted with parents that teach them about emotional intelligence and emotional regulation, will be far less manipulated and triggered by mass subconscious programs as adults. A child in the womb, newborns and toddlers are imprinted by all the people and the energetic consequences of events that they are exposed to. It is a myth to believe that babies do not remember traumatic events or have memories, all of the child’s experiences since the womb are recorded in their subconscious mind and this content will be with them throughout their lives. Consciousness Sweeps When certain demographic areas are ascending and the frequency is shifting higher, the NAA target these areas through an assortment of consciousness sweeps that are designed to incite subconscious fear programming and perpetuate the lowest frequency possible in the area. Pay attention to your triggers of bias or judgment when this is happening, as markers show up in a media frenzy or in polarizing topics. Do your best to remain neutral and not feed into the rhetoric by jumping on the band wagon which is stirring up dark forces or being incited in the collective consciousness that exist in the area or in that situation. Consciousness sweeps are on and off planet NAA psychotronic warfare technology transmitted through Extremely low frequency (ELF), GWEN, Chemtrails and Radio Waves that are directed into the planetary body and earth surface throughout a range of mediums like consumer devices, in order to influence the subconscious mind, bio- neurological system and brain waves of the collective race mind of humanity. Victimizer archetypes are the main mind control archetypes used to influence the extreme polarity of Victim-Victimizer subconscious programming to control and manipulate the entire subconscious mind of the collective consciousness of human beings on the planet. This is designed to pulse AI signal transmissions of fear-based survival consciousness throughout the planet to keep humans polarized in their lower three energy centers and in lowest base frequency, which matches the artificial red wave signals that are targeted towards the 1D spectrum. This is one of the Controller Programs to target the subconscious mind and insert programing that rejects any direct spiritual relationship to the God Source, that heatedly rejects ascension and disclosure topics, and moves that conversation towards acceptance of the False Alien Gods and their assorted agendas, like transhumanism and gender reversal propaganda. Specific ELF pulses target the subconscious mind of the people to insert 1D related survival and victim programming that is directed into the planetary body. This is especially high in academic, educational and medical institutions that teach children and young adults, who are to be the future leaders of tomorrow. Consciousness sweeps can also be used to trace or monitor levels of frequency waves and insert mind slides into general areas to divert the attention of the public from recognizing an important event or circumstance, such as paranormal sightings. It is a derailing tactic used to divert attention, and thus many times empaths can feel the black magic quality of the energetic overlay. Mind slides are subconscious programming where a person completely ignores unapproved words, concepts or issues that are labeled as unapproved topics in their subconscious mind, so they cannot see it even if they come face to face with it. This may be bewildering to many awakening people to recognize that just because you see it and there is factual evidence, another person with subconscious programming really cannot see what you are seeing. This is becoming more evident during the shift to the next harmonic producing another stage of bifurcation event. Mind slides can control perception and this can get surreal when observing this in action. Mind slides are a form of mind control and sometimes consciousness sweeps are used to erase memories or put in false memories to control that person’s behaviors. Behaviors are being controlled through controlling the perception and this can be different for every individual. These can be implemented through radio waves that form frequencies that transmit patterns into the persons subconscious layers of their bio-energetic field, to get them to reject or accept certain thoughtforms. These hidden technologies can be measured with EMF meters in which an artificial field is actually broadcast around the body part, usually the head and neck area of the targeted person, in these types of mind slide implants. Subconscious Layers Bifurcated The planetary body has shifted into the higher frequency band that is located in the next Harmonic Universe and this frequency shift has radically impacted the subconscious mind layers that are stationed in the individual human body, and at collective consciousness levels in the planet. This event generated another stage of bifurcation in the planetary field, which means the splitting apart of the main subconscious body into different parts that either went up into a higher frequency in ascending pattern or went down into a descending frequency pattern. This is also related to the split that is occurring between timelines for those in the consciousness groups and organizations that are moving into the future timeline in either an ascending spiral or descending spiral pattern. As more people undergo the bifurcation, this gathers and attracts similar people with similar resonating frequencies to form into group consciousness or consensus realities of matched frequency that are becoming increasingly synchronized. There is a synchronization of frequency hubs across the globe, either of descending or ascending vibrational quality. In the descending pattern moving towards entropy, the lower the quality of overall energy the more unstable and disconnected the personal and environmental experience is becoming. In the descending pattern, the digression happening to the 3D human lightbody has been made more apparent as the subconscious content, shadow form and artificial red wave frequency spectrum distorts the embodied core template. This is the path of the fallen tree or artificial tree. The destructive result of artificially targeted subconscious programming directed towards humanity to lose control over the thoughts produced in their own minds, reveals a new stage of lightbody damage. The possibility for bio-regenesis will be offered in the death passage, as described in the Cosmic Law Evolution Edict or Consciousness Corridors. In the ascending pattern moving towards negentropy or open source, the higher the quality of overall energy the more stable and connected the personal and environmental experience is becoming. In the ascending pattern, the lightbody has transitioned into a higher fundamental frequency for overall embodiment, and there is little to no artificial signals or red wave spectrum penetrated within the aura. The lightbody morphogenetic pattern follows the planetary diamond sun blueprint for ongoing consciousness development and gradual bio-regenesis in the present station of identity. These Diamond Sun body upgrades are connected to the Paliadorian Activations that began this year. Some people may feel a sudden distance between themselves and others in overall frequency and lifestyle choices, which may be abrupt and bewildering. For those on the ascending spiral of time it is impossible to commune with the heavily mind controlled 3D structures or participate with harmful artificial resonances that have shifted in ways that support the Archontic Deception narrative. At a certain threshold of schism between the ascending and descending pattern, a cross spiral collision occurs between the anti-life current and the living life current, which defines the battle between the anti-Christ and Christ consciousness forces that is transpiring on the material plane. At some point, we are required to leave the power structure that is used as the battlefield for dark force agendas, to better align with higher frequencies and more conscious and awake people, where peaceful and caring interactions are made possible to create more productive relationships. Dissolution of 1D Membrane in Subconscious The planetary body gradually underwent subatomic shifting in the lower fields of the particle structure, and this forced a collapse in the lower dimensions that effectively rolls them up into a higher dimensional space. Many people’s lower chakra membranes dissolved and the subconscious mind content and shadow selves are being reabsorbed into the auric body as this process continues. Because of the bifurcation and dissolving membranes in the lower dimensions, this opened up an access into the material plane by activating the negative form and shadow content from the subconscious layers, and that shadow content is noticeably surfacing in the masses now. Sudden personality changes or strange outbursts may be observed in those around you when they are under stress. The shadow selves are also referred to as the negative form, which are a series of artificial, dead light bodies that were used to replicate our holographic image to artificially recreate our timelines into a 3D loop, to siphon our energy and usurp our genetic material by the Controller forces. Some of these distorted shadow bodies are from our fallen history, our buried subconscious memories that produced fear and trauma, and much of the astral body damage that ensued. Over time the distortions manifested splitting between the elemental physical body layers, the subconscious mind and the lower and higher aspects of the astral identity. These schisms generated shadow selves and dark fragments in the astral layers of the Soul matrix that further proliferated personal and planetary miasma. These dark aspects of the negative form are surfacing in the masses, and the point is to integrate the extreme polarities of its simultaneous existence into neutrality and back to zero point. In some cases, we may need to completely destroy its instruction set and send it back as raw materials to merge back with the heart of God. Most of the time this will happen naturally, when artificial or reversal energies are met with zero point, they dissolve and cease to exist. As some of the lower frequency planetary vortices of the earth have dissolved, one of the major events happening is that this has damaged the lightbody's grounding mechanism in some of the human population. Essentially this refers to the reconfiguration of the 1D red wave chakra spectrum, dissolving the root chakra 1D interface that governs the subconscious layers and life force distribution throughout the human body. As a result, the planetary interface links that provided the grounding mechanism in the 1D and subatomic layers of the human lightbody, have imploded in many of the earth population. This has generated the problem of subconscious mind fragments lodged in the lower energy centers which distort the embodied core template. We are exposed to not only the shifting forces of an ascending planet, but the artificial technology counterforces that are blasted towards the planet and humanity to stop the consciousness evolution of ascension and the disclosure event from progressing. The primary source of spiritual obstruction is made through the subconscious programming of negative thoughts, behaviors and actions that stem from anti-Christ violence and destruction. How well we navigate this chaotic time will be relative to how deeply connected we are to our core self, how well we can physically adapt to align to our ascension and build a new grounding mechanism. This destruction of the 3D grounding mechanism is connected directly to the rebirth of a soul consciousness cycle. Our Avatar Christ spirit knows how to rebuild our base shield and connect our core template to be instructed from the planetary Diamond Sun template, the eternal template of Krystallah. For some groups, it may take some time to regenerate the base shield fully into a rebirthed identity. However, developing a spiritual practice to communicate directly with our Avatar Christ or God Self, using the 12D shield to build a base and spiritual foundation, are the most productive and supportive things every human being can do for themselves. The Fallen Tree, Digression of 3D 12 Tree Grid There are new patterns of electromagnetic disturbances, interruption or distortions in the collective field rippling these effects into the unmanifest layers of the core manifestation template, or that which makes up the 3D timeline that impacts the 12 Tree Grid. Therefore, it is time to start to explore the path of the fall on the descension spiral and the 3D digression that is happening to the embodiment process of the 12 Tree Grid within the human energy field. As we shifted into the second harmonic universe, the core manifestation template in the human body has potentially shifted into the higher Diamond Sun embodiment stages or digressed into the fallen aspects of the 12 Tree Grid that remains on the artificial 3D timeline. The digression that has occurred to the 12 Tree Grid embodied core template is considered the path of the fallen tree. Since about the end of 2015, I have been observing massive changes occurring in the planetary body which have deeply reconfigured the 1D and 2D stargate, and all of the energetic tributaries that run into them horizontally and vertically. My personal observation of changes happening in the architecture of the collective field brought portions of the fallen tree template into my awareness at that time. This stage of observing the digressed 12 Tree Grid in the human body has generated some problems in the outer world, which are obvious for many of us in the ascending community that have been experiencing the extreme schisms that are showing up in people and organizations as a result of the bifurcation. There are groups of people that are digressing into descension spiral patterns during the bifurcation, and this is showing up as collective lightbody damage referred to as the fallen tree. I’ve observed pieces of this over the last two and half years, however it is hard to describe in general terms, because there are many unique individual factors that depend on that person’s choices and consent to authority. Our choices and our personal behaviors have energetic consequences that directly impact the state and health of our lightbody, thus impacting our state of mind and level of consciousness. The path of the fallen tree in its positive polarity has full choice in making the partial ascension path a possibility at the time of the physical death passage. The areas of danger zone are the extremely damaged people exhibiting advanced stages of violence and criminality that are likely consubstantial with fallen angelics or suffering from Black Sun NAA possession. This lightbody damage to the 12 Tree Grid and implosion to the 1D base shield has impacted a lot of people on earth. Ascending groups should be aware of this development in order to better understand what questions we can ask to help repair the architecture in the earth body and help provide bio-regenesis for the fallen tree. And for energy practitioners to become more equipped to understand that this phenomenon of subconscious mind fragments and shadow aspects has moved up into a repository in the false navel area of the human energy field between the 2D and 3D energy centers. In order for this level of digression to occur, one must have suffered heavy trauma, be steadily resisting changes required on the ascending path, believing mind control programming and in constant violation of the laws of nature, living as a false identity in AI timelines with a high level of red wave base survival consciousness and automaton behavior. Bring to mind the general profile of a Service to Self type of personality. A person that can only see what they can get out of others, whether it is stealing what they want or taking what they want, they are usually unwilling to work patiently for anything. They live for instant gratification of their immediate needs and desires and resorts to criminality and violence if they don’t get what they want. What is described in demonstrated behavior is a fallen tree grid, it is representative of this kind of negative behavior at a very base level, a primitive level of ego-personality, devoid of conscience, rejecting higher learning and not caring about others in the world. Key themes noted for the digressed 3D template for the 12 Tree Grid, known as the fallen tree on the path of the fall.
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