![]() Suppressor Parasite Entity (SPE) Removal There is a battle between the forces of darkness and light for control of this planet and the human consciousness. As we are provided dispensations that allow us to embody divine energy in physical form and move the planetary awareness toward the light, the survival and force of darkness on this planet is threatened. During this time of shift into a higher consciousness and the resultant need to create new paradigms, there are new multi-dimensional challenges for those humans that are taking a conscious, pro-active and leading role in their own evolution and the evolution of the planet. These challenges come in many forms including psychic attack, negative implants, tags and entities that diminish the quality of your energetic resources, physical vitality and optimum functioning by harvesting and utilizing your precious resources. Hence suppressing your ability to perceive greater realities of truth and live your maximum soul’s potential of experiencing joy, bliss and freedom on the Earth Plane. During the evolutionary process of one’s awakening and remembrance of the soul’s blueprint and contracts, the more conscious and ascended beings take back their sovereignty and live in accordance with the laws of the Creator rather than man-made laws, thereby transcending darkness and living in light. As a result of living in the light, these humans, through their actions, influence and guide others to the light, thereby exponentially increasing the power of the light and diminishing the force of the darkness. Those awakening to remember themselves as light-beings and becoming a part of the collective light-worker or star seed grid network on this Planet tend to be the targets for dark forces The energy of a highly conscious human being creates a frequency signal that activates “the radar screen” of awareness at the center of dark consciousness. Once on the radar screen of darkness, darkness places a “tag” on the enlightened being to track them and determine if they are a threat to the survival of the “I am”, ego and self awareness of darkness. If the enlightened being is deemed a threat to darkness, a Suppressor Parasite Entities (“SPE’s”) is sent to be surreptitiously implanted in the physical mental and emotional bodies of such enlightened beings (“targets”). These targets tend to be lightworkers, healers, spiritual leaders and other highly powerful and/or influential people whose authentic purpose and mission is to bring about positive global transformation, raise consciousness, heal and bring back our divine inheritance. SPE’s are sent as a parasitic energy operating in a unified group consciousness to cleave onto a particular corded trauma, event or negative thought form held within the physical and/or energy bodies. The dark forces use SPE’s to suppress consciousness, the experience of higher emotion and the realization of enlightenment of their targets. SPE’s predominantly use implants, negative energies and entities that grossly emphasize and exacerbate the psycho-emotional-spiritual imbalances in the human body by a variety of multi-dimensional tactics. The goal is to create a parasitic energetic effect draining the host of its valuable resources such as physical vitality, emotional balance, mental clarity and ultimately self-sovereignty as a powerful God Being. SPE’s act as multi-rooted parasites (much like cancer or crabgrass) that rob the host’s power and energy thereby perpetuating lower emotional levels of the implants, thereby draining their host and creating obstacles that block the host from finding and/or achieving the host’s higher authentic purpose, raising consciousness or furthering spiritual ascension. SPE’s unify existing low level emotional implants that promote fear, pity, apathy, greed, guilt and shame. Examples of these implants include limiting emotions and belief patters resulting from societal programming through mass media and education, the expectations of family and friends and our need for their love and approval, giving up of our personal power, and other non-empowering limitations and perceived obligations. SPE’s also have been witnessed to block connection to the Creator, angels, guides and the light, as well as higher level emotions such as love, joy, serenity, passion and compassion. As a result of SPE’s, we have recently witnessed the rapid spread of a negative and/or painful physical effect on implanted hosts. This will be sensed or felt in the human body as a pain, stiffness, soreness, “brain foggy-ness”, headaches, throbbing, disconnection, dizziness, lack of focus, depression, irrational fear, distraction from authentic purpose, and blocked or low energy. This creates a distortion in the bodies energy, therefore creating a distortion from the perfect blueprint body and creating pain or blockage in the physical body. Ultimately this is a distraction technique – by placing the host in pain and/or lower emotional states , their awareness is least likely to be focused on their goals or the soul’s purpose. SPE’s appear to have a special immunity to love light and require a spiritual warrior approach. It is not love light that will effect these entities, but rather the power of light itself taking over the force of darkness. Since power overcomes force, it is this application of power that is critical. There was a differentiation between Love-Light and Light-Power, as there is a braid of both in Liquid light, it was the Light Power that worked best to vanquish the SPE’s. The removal of SPE’s can be accomplished by being in one’s own power consciously while holding higher emotional states (ecstasy, love, joy). Start by focusing on God’s Light-Power and One’s Will and Might while and bringing abundant light of the Creator through the crown chakra to the power/solar plexus chakra. This is accomplished by utilizing the chakra with visualization and breathing in great amounts of divinity to expand the Light –Power to neutralize the negativity of the SPE. The power of light is then directed from the power chakra at the SPE’s in a spiritual to-the-death battle. The battle entails the host, as a spiritual warrior, utilizing the Light Power and the host’s “Warrior Will” to infiltrate the SPE’s at their nucleus and at their roots. As the power of Light Power fills these entities they begin to weaken and die. So long as the host is totally within their power and will not partake in lower emotional states and feels only higher emotional states, the host will prevail over the SPE’s as power triumphs over force Toning using the notes E and B is also very effective to increase both power and light during the session. You can download a sonic piece composed for SPE Removal at http://www.guruvie.com. Getting rid of SPE’s is not easy. The SPE’s are intelligent and resourceful and will try to deceive, frighten, threaten, plead, cajole, use guilt and create pain in order to remain attached to their host. Communicating with the energy/entity may be informative, however will usually not be effective in expediting the process as they have been purposed with their selfish motives and are parasitic in nature, not symbiotic to the organism upon which it is feeding. They simply are not willing to release the host with rationale as they are programmed to provide this purpose from a greater authority of whom they serve. If the host is not strong enough in their power and will, there is assistance available in the form of guided power meditation and power healing that exorcises SPE’s from the hosts body, mind and emotions. Because SPE’s tend to “root-in” deeply, removal is sometimes a painful process. However, the pain is temporary versus the ongoing pain of playing host to SPE’s. The process of SPE removal involves locating the SPE through intuitive feel. These SPE’s are sensed as throbbing, pulsing low-level energy masses that manifest physically in the form of a very deep and many times hidden or buried muscle spasm. The SPE can be brought to the surface through deep trigger point work and percussion techniques. Once the SPE has brought to the surface and revealed itself, the hands and fingers are used to gather the SPE energy mass and pull the energy mass into one concentrated area and continue slowly gathering and pulling the SPE down an intuited natural line of release through the body’s own meridian line system through an extremity (hand, foot, top of the head, point of the chin). We have found that a dual protocol using male and female energy has proven effective in removal and reduction in the pain associate with the removal process. Generally, the male energy is focused on the exorcism and removal of the SPE, while the female energy focuses on supporting the host - giving power, love and light to the host while removing pain through the female nurturing and soothing energy. Certainly balanced integrated spiritualized beings claiming their own God Power and setting the appropriate shields and filters against negative energies not serving the highest good is the best defense mechanism available. Being aware of your individual energetic field, your aura and multi-dimensional bodies becomes a must when you have attained these levels as its necessary to perform regular spiritual house-cleaning for maintenance to feel balanced and healthy while integrating higher spiritual currents and balancing the demands of 3rd dimensional daily life. © 2004 Lisa Renee, www.EnergeticSynthesis.com
![]() I was enlightened recently that I have been neglecting some very important things that needed to be included in the Divine Reconnective Healing Process (aka Clearing-Healing Process). My first reaction was an exasperated, "How could I have missed that?" I then remembered that there had been a previous attempt to remind me that I neglected to follow up on. Oh, well! We'll begin our discussion with the topic of Physical Parasites because a good understanding of these will assist one in understanding the other types of Parasites. Is there any educated person who does not know what Physical Parasites are--in general? They are commonly known as Intestinal Parasites. Let's get a little more specific. I found a good description on the web site of the University of Maryland Medical Center ( http://www.edu/altmed/articles/intestinal-parasites-000097.htm ): "There are two main types of intestinal parasites: helminths and protozoa. Helminths are worms with many cells, and are generally visible to the naked eye in their adult stages. Tapeworms, pinworms, and roundworms are among the most common helminths in the United States. . . . Protozoa [another type of Intestinal Parasite] have only one cell, and can multiply inside the human body, which contributes to their survival and enables serious infections to develop. Transmission typically occurs . . . through contaminated food or water. In the U.S., the most common protozoa are giardia and cryptosporidium." The helminths/worms feed off and gain sustenance from their hosts (human body-mind units). The protozoa also feed off their hosts and, more significantly, carry disease. Next we come to the subject of Emotional Parasites. I found a good "official" description at http://www.guiding-grievers/7-emotional-parasites: "Emotional parasites are people who emotionally feed off another without regard to their host's emotional well being. Emotional parasites emotionally consume their host. . . . You know they are emotional parasites, if after any amount of time spent with them, you feel exhausted and drained afterwards. These people overly indulge in 'I' and 'me' sentences. They monopolize 90% of a conversation. They seldom have time for you or your issues. Emotional reciprocity doesn’t exist in the relationship. . . ." Emotional Parasites can be called Energy Parasites. However, Energy Parasites can also be called Psychic Parasites. The term Psychic Parasites has come to be used to cover all other types of parasites except Physical Parasites, although the word "Psychic" comes from the word "Psyche" and means "mind" or "consciousness." Psychic Parasites are Mind Parasites in the strictest definition of the world. Most, if not all spiritual healers use the terms Psychic Parasites and Energy Parasites interchangeably and the term Psychic Parasites is most often used to mean Energy Parasites. Are you following me or have I lost you already? (Helps to have a sense of humor!) We have used the label Psychic Parasites as an umbrella term in the Divine Reconnective Healing process since its inception. And now we come to what we've been missing! Actually, it's not that we've been missing Spiritual Parasites entirely because some of the elements of the Clearing-Healing Process deal with these loosely. Unfortunately, in order to effectively remove them, one must have a good understanding of what they are and, most importantly, address them specifically. They, too, are Emotional Parasites--albeit nonphysical beings such as what we wrote about a couple paragraphs ago. I have my own understanding of Spiritual Parasites, but I also did a wee bit of reading on the subject before beginning this blog. I like to provide different perspectives. As with all Parasites, Spiritual Parasites feed off their hosts--energy in this case. As they feed, they grow. Just as Physical Parasites can be transferred, so can Spiritual Parasites. After succeeding in entering and getting a hold on a person's energies, Spiritual Parasites grow and gain strength over time and influence and even, in extreme cases, almost take over the human body-mind unit. How do they enter in the first place? Damage to one's auric egg allows such things to happen. Also, if an individual has been attacked and/or abused physically (including, to keep from using the word, in the mating and reproduction areas), emotionally, or mentally, then it is quite possible that there is a Spiritual Parasite in residence in that human body-mind unit. However, Spiritual Parasites can extend into other human body-mind units and also can move on to a new host by influencing their current host to attack or abuse someone else. Unfortunately, it seems that hitting or yelling angrily at a child can cause an extension to occur--or for the Spiritual Parasite to "jump ship," so to speak. Once a Spiritual Parasite has been removed or has moved on to someone else, the left-behind host can experience a big change in thought processes, feelings, and health/wellbeing--directly related to how long the Spiritual Parasite has been in residence. So that's it folks! We've not been addressing the matter of Spiritual Parasites adequately/fully! Once the realization came to me, I checked out myself and others for the presence of Spiritual Parasites--only about fifteen people. A few didn't have any. No one had more than one, and it is my understanding that no one has more than one, although I may be wrong. We began the removal of the Spiritual Parasites we found, their disposal, and repairs of all damage caused by these to their hosts. All went well except for one senior citizen, and there was big time resistance--not on the part of this one's spiritual hierarchy, but on the part of the Spiritual Parasite and its network. Whew! We (and other healers) have been considering some physical disease this one has been experiencing in the solar plexus/tummy/abdomen for some time and gaining insights, but not totally eliminating the physical issue. Even a medical doctor hasn't found anything that could account for what are called "attacks." What we did (after my enlightenment on the subject) was to address the issue of the Spiritual Parasite in residence in this form and also any human body-mind units it had extended into. Seeking to serve (locally and long distance), we are one known as Angel-Light. Our healing/teaching mission at this level of existence is supported by donations. If you appreciate the blogs, the services, and the personal e-mail communications, please donate what you can, when you can, as often as you can. Angel-Light Love Healing/Wellbeing Facilitator (Spirit-Mind-Body-Environment) http://angel-light-love-healing.blogspot.com ![]() Suppressor Parasite Entity (SPE) Removal There is a battle between the forces of darkness and light for control of this planet and the human consciousness. As we are provided dispensations that allow us to embody divine energy in physical form and move the planetary awareness toward the light, the survival and force of darkness on this planet is threatened. During this time of shift into a higher consciousness and the resultant need to create new paradigms, there are new multi-dimensional challenges for those humans that are taking a conscious, pro-active and leading role in their own evolution and the evolution of the planet. These challenges come in many forms including psychic attack, negative implants, tags and entities that diminish the quality of your energetic resources, physical vitality and optimum functioning by harvesting and utilizing your precious resources. Hence suppressing your ability to perceive greater realities of truth and live your maximum soul’s potential of experiencing joy, bliss and freedom on the Earth Plane. During the evolutionary process of one’s awakening and remembrance of the soul’s blueprint and contracts, the more conscious and ascended beings take back their sovereignty and live in accordance with the laws of the Creator rather than man-made laws, thereby transcending darkness and living in light. As a result of living in the light, these humans, through their actions, influence and guide others to the light, thereby exponentially increasing the power of the light and diminishing the force of the darkness. Those awakening to remember themselves as light-beings and becoming a part of the collective light-worker or star seed grid network on this Planet tend to be the targets for dark forces The energy of a highly conscious human being creates a frequency signal that activates “the radar screen” of awareness at the center of dark consciousness. Once on the radar screen of darkness, darkness places a “tag” on the enlightened being to track them and determine if they are a threat to the survival of the “I am”, ego and self awareness of darkness. If the enlightened being is deemed a threat to darkness, a Suppressor Parasite Entities (“SPE’s”) is sent to be surreptitiously implanted in the physical mental and emotional bodies of such enlightened beings (“targets”). These targets tend to be lightworkers, healers, spiritual leaders and other highly powerful and/or influential people whose authentic purpose and mission is to bring about positive global transformation, raise consciousness, heal and bring back our divine inheritance. SPE’s are sent as a parasitic energy operating in a unified group consciousness to cleave onto a particular corded trauma, event or negative thought form held within the physical and/or energy bodies. The dark forces use SPE’s to suppress consciousness, the experience of higher emotion and the realization of enlightenment of their targets. SPE’s predominantly use implants, negative energies and entities that grossly emphasize and exacerbate the psycho-emotional-spiritual imbalances in the human body by a variety of multi-dimensional tactics. The goal is to create a parasitic energetic effect draining the host of its valuable resources such as physical vitality, emotional balance, mental clarity and ultimately self-sovereignty as a powerful God Being. SPE’s act as multi-rooted parasites (much like cancer or crabgrass) that rob the host’s power and energy thereby perpetuating lower emotional levels of the implants, thereby draining their host and creating obstacles that block the host from finding and/or achieving the host’s higher authentic purpose, raising consciousness or furthering spiritual ascension. SPE’s unify existing low level emotional implants that promote fear, pity, apathy, greed, guilt and shame. Examples of these implants include limiting emotions and belief patters resulting from societal programming through mass media and education, the expectations of family and friends and our need for their love and approval, giving up of our personal power, and other non-empowering limitations and perceived obligations. SPE’s also have been witnessed to block connection to the Creator, angels, guides and the light, as well as higher level emotions such as love, joy, serenity, passion and compassion. As a result of SPE’s, we have recently witnessed the rapid spread of a negative and/or painful physical effect on implanted hosts. This will be sensed or felt in the human body as a pain, stiffness, soreness, “brain foggy-ness”, headaches, throbbing, disconnection, dizziness, lack of focus, depression, irrational fear, distraction from authentic purpose, and blocked or low energy. This creates a distortion in the bodies energy, therefore creating a distortion from the perfect blueprint body and creating pain or blockage in the physical body. Ultimately this is a distraction technique – by placing the host in pain and/or lower emotional states , their awareness is least likely to be focused on their goals or the soul’s purpose. SPE’s appear to have a special immunity to love light and require a spiritual warrior approach. It is not love light that will effect these entities, but rather the power of light itself taking over the force of darkness. Since power overcomes force, it is this application of power that is critical. There was a differentiation between Love-Light and Light-Power, as there is a braid of both in Liquid light, it was the Light Power that worked best to vanquish the SPE’s. The removal of SPE’s can be accomplished by being in one’s own power consciously while holding higher emotional states (ecstasy, love, joy). Start by focusing on God’s Light-Power and One’s Will and Might while and bringing abundant light of the Creator through the crown chakra to the power/solar plexus chakra. This is accomplished by utilizing the chakra with visualization and breathing in great amounts of divinity to expand the Light –Power to neutralize the negativity of the SPE. The power of light is then directed from the power chakra at the SPE’s in a spiritual to-the-death battle. The battle entails the host, as a spiritual warrior, utilizing the Light Power and the host’s “Warrior Will” to infiltrate the SPE’s at their nucleus and at their roots. As the power of Light Power fills these entities they begin to weaken and die. So long as the host is totally within their power and will not partake in lower emotional states and feels only higher emotional states, the host will prevail over the SPE’s as power triumphs over force Toning using the notes E and B is also very effective to increase both power and light during the session. You can download a sonic piece composed for SPE Removal at http://www.guruvie.com. Getting rid of SPE’s is not easy. The SPE’s are intelligent and resourceful and will try to deceive, frighten, threaten, plead, cajole, use guilt and create pain in order to remain attached to their host. Communicating with the energy/entity may be informative, however will usually not be effective in expediting the process as they have been purposed with their selfish motives and are parasitic in nature, not symbiotic to the organism upon which it is feeding. They simply are not willing to release the host with rationale as they are programmed to provide this purpose from a greater authority of whom they serve. If the host is not strong enough in their power and will, there is assistance available in the form of guided power meditation and power healing that exorcises SPE’s from the hosts body, mind and emotions. Because SPE’s tend to “root-in” deeply, removal is sometimes a painful process. However, the pain is temporary versus the ongoing pain of playing host to SPE’s. The process of SPE removal involves locating the SPE through intuitive feel. These SPE’s are sensed as throbbing, pulsing low-level energy masses that manifest physically in the form of a very deep and many times hidden or buried muscle spasm. The SPE can be brought to the surface through deep trigger point work and percussion techniques. Once the SPE has brought to the surface and revealed itself, the hands and fingers are used to gather the SPE energy mass and pull the energy mass into one concentrated area and continue slowly gathering and pulling the SPE down an intuited natural line of release through the body’s own meridian line system through an extremity (hand, foot, top of the head, point of the chin). We have found that a dual protocol using male and female energy has proven effective in removal and reduction in the pain associate with the removal process. Generally, the male energy is focused on the exorcism and removal of the SPE, while the female energy focuses on supporting the host - giving power, love and light to the host while removing pain through the female nurturing and soothing energy. Certainly balanced integrated spiritualized beings claiming their own God Power and setting the appropriate shields and filters against negative energies not serving the highest good is the best defense mechanism available. Being aware of your individual energetic field, your aura and multi-dimensional bodies becomes a must when you have attained these levels as its necessary to perform regular spiritual house-cleaning for maintenance to feel balanced and healthy while integrating higher spiritual currents and balancing the demands of 3rd dimensional daily life. © 2004 Lisa Renee, www.EnergeticSynthesis.com ![]() By Eric Raines and Vera Ingeborg Nausea, extreme exhaustion, an intense longing to just sleep, endless thought spirals and recurring emotional breakouts – this is the current experience and reality not only for people just waking up, but also for people that have been on this path for a longer time and had already raised their frequency to a 5th dimensional level. They had already been enjoying the ease and flow of this plane – being completely in the Now, their true authentic self and completely free. All of a sudden it feels like being back to square one. How can that be after all the work done? How can I fall back so much? There is a reason for it and the experience can be turned around quickly again. We have to start by becoming aware of how the Matrix works and how we are manipulated energetically in case we do not have this discernment, yet. And please! This is nothing to be upset or scared of – the more you treat the situation and yourself with love, the easier you navigate through. Yes, there has been a lot of solar activity and solar flares – and that certainly is one explanation for it. But usually – people with a very high frequency are no longer reacting that strongly emotionally, mentally and even physically on these events, simply because they have done their inner work and do not resonate with these low frequencies anymore. So there must be more to this… and there is…. With this article, we would like to introduce you to the illusionary 3D/4D plane of duality also from a spiritual angle and how this whole programmed matrix is operated. And – of course – most importantly, how to re-establish your true energetic flow and well-being. The Matrix and the Illusion of Duality ![]() The Matrix’ only purpose is to keep people in fear. That is what the system we are currently living in and for, is getting its fuel and energy from. The entities that are so keen on keeping it running on the one hand are getting more and more desperate to find new ways to keep up the fear level amongst humans, which becomes more and more difficult with the average frequency on the planet constantly raising. On the other hand, they are also becoming more and more creative in tricking people into fear again. That is all they are interested in: To keep us in fear. That is what they feed off, that is the energetic air they need to breathe. One of the most insidious ways the creators of this Matrix were able to bring fear to the population, was to get us to believe that God is outside of us. By blocking the planet off from connecting into the conscious web that all information (God) flows through, and inciting generation after generation into programmed trauma and false karma (atrocity for the sake of nothing more than atrocity), the creators of this Matrix were able to trick us into shutting ourselves away from God. Thousands of years down the line, when mankind was firmly seated into the 3rd dimension, and shut off from seeing the effects of the energies we are connected into, these dark, negative beings cloaked themselves in a reflection of Source light, and physically made contact with many prophets and gurus of the time. Mankind has had and always will have energetic guardians in the etheric realms that in a natural system can be easily connected to for learning purposes. These false light negative entities masqueraded as what most label as the Archangels, or these guardians, and put many of the prophets and gurus through a crash course in labeling and giving a name to the infinite and directing that energy to themselves, and then sent them out to walk the world. (Sidenote: It is important to recognize that these people are actually believing that they are helping you. They are not aware of the fact that they are preaching false light ideology and belief systems that keep people in fear, attachment and dependency by blindly following their teachings.) What rose from these interactions were doctrines and religions that began to structure and trap into a box All That Is. Since mankind was connected in on the deepest levels into Creator energy, every single one of us felt the pull of something more than just the physical reality around us when we came across it. Since none of us had truly pure information other than what had been filtered down from traumatized generations throughout history, when we feel that innate spark of connection inside of us flare to life as instinctive understandings begin to blossom we instinctively KNOW that there is a Creator out there. What happens is that most often times people connect to these awakenings of Creator energy inside of themselves through the teachings in religion. All of the core religious teachings are basically the same: “Do unto others as you would have done to yourself. Forgive yourself and the people in your life. Love your neighbor as your love yourself.” Basically, be a good person. When these energies are focused upon, your soul springs to life. You are connecting into where you came from, and because these things are found within the religious texts and practices, suddenly the doctrine becomes the source of these feelings, and since these teachings are telling us over and over that God is outside of us, that connection to Source, that flaring of exuberance and joy as your vibration begins to lift becomes something that you have to reach outside yourself for. Continue... Source Request Energetic Parasite Intervention Support
![]() Those of us committed to the Law of One, to promote sovereignty and freedom for this planet and humanity, have more grid and energetic support than we ever have. If we have had possession, implant and entity harassment, the following techniques should offer relief with some level of commitment to the process. We must remember we have returned to this earth to master ourselves and master these entities and the negative energies here. This requires we learn exactly how these entities think, what their strategies are, and where they came from, why they may be attached to us and how they infiltrated this planet. We are in a war over consciousness that requires we master the psychological-spiritual warfare being directed to humanity. In many cases, this will require we directly experience implants, entities and psychic attack and forms of alien aggression. We cannot heal the consciousness of our planet until we understand exactly how our body and the planet became corrupted with the reptilian virus and synthetic alien machinery. Please have patience with the process of Spiritual Deliverance and command your space as a God-Sovereign-Free being. It is suggested to have a firm grasp of using the 12D shield before moving into these exercises. The 12D shield will provide a much easier extraction process. Spiritual Bondage Discussion: This class is a primer for the Clearing of Spiritual Bondage meditation treatment that is dedicated to the release of the bondage loops that binds us to personality behaviors or wounded-ness that further bind us to the essence of demonic or alien spirits. We cannot release our bondage until we can identify that which causes us deep pain or suffering or that which has been inherited. I ask you to bear with me with any language that may find "religious" triggers within that are mind control programs designed to reject the inner nature of God, this is exactly what we want to find. Identify, locate remove and repair, any personality or area in your energy field that has housed the essence of the pain of which you carry that had allowed a demonic sprit to use this part of our body. We cannot have a divided house within our body, the same principle of our body as a house dedicated for the Christ to live within, cannot exist if there is a part of the house used for demonic essence or negative hidden spirits. The level of pain one has surfaced will determine the need for this spiritual intervention of breaking bondage loops in the safety of God's unconditional love. Recommended to listen to this discussion before the treatment, Breaking Spiritual Bondage Loops. (46.28 minutes) Continue... |
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April 2022