![]() Emotional Healing It is only possible to engage with Emotional Healing once we have achieved greater levels of Self Awareness, which is the fruit of dedicated self-inquiry. The process of becoming aware of our Emotional Triggers and sourcing the real cause of emotional pain is made through self-observation and increased self-awareness. Through dedicated observation of the self and gradually discerning between these functioning aspects of the mind, one can attain the direct experience of the Consciousness they are. The still point of which this consciousness connects into the parts of our mind is that which forms all of our thoughts, emotions, and experiences that direct us through life. Through observation and self-inquiry, we become aware of the contents of our psychological and emotional patterns of behavior. Contents
When we develop and improve our psycho-emotional awareness through observation, we are capable of making changes to our mental state and unconscious mind at the same time we are observing it. Changes to our mental state and inner thoughts impact our outward behavior and our physical actions. This shifts how we respond to our environment and how we interact within every relationship and social setting. Perceiving Emotional SensationsNow imagine that you are feeling a range of emotions with no sense of their origin, and that you are not sure what thoughts these emotional sensations are actually sourcing from. Spontaneously, there are feeling-emotions arising in your body and they may overcome your awareness, so that you pay close attention to them. Sometimes, this can feel like a wave of emotion that came out of nowhere and filled your body with a certain sensation. These are days when we may wake up from bed feeling sad or heavy or feeling light and happy with no direct reason. When we are more developed with emotional sensing, we can easily identify our feelings in the moment, we can sense the energy behind words and we can sense the feeling emotions of others. Such as sensing negative emotions in ourselves and other people with a feeling of sharpness, heavy-density, drudgery, broken glass, slime, or weaponry. Or sensing positive emotions in ourselves and others may feel buoyant, easy, relaxed, flowing, expansive and harmonious. These emotional animations can be sensed in the body from the instinctual mind also known as the Pain Body, or we can experience higher emotions that may be sensed from within the heart center. Many times, we are sensing the collective consciousness emotional body of the human race or we may be sensing the larger movements and transitions that are occurring to the planetary body during the ascension cycle. Further still, sometimes we may be receiving mind control transmissions that are broadcast into the ELF airwaves, from many different technological devices and the mainstream media. The body will automatically react to these electromagnetic currents of neurological mind control or sense the changes occurring to the magnetic movement of the earth body, even when there is no conscious thought-form present. Many people on the earth at this time have trouble expressing what they are actually feeling inside their body. Try to give words to what you are feeling and sensing even if it does not make sense to your logical mind, bring the feeling into a symbol you can work with to identify what it is. Once we are able to develop deeper awareness of what kind of sensation we are feeling inside our body, and ask to track where these thoughts and feelings are actually sourcing from, they become much easier to identify. Once they are identified, we can choose to remove and repair them, clear them from impacting our body and consciousness negatively. We are unable to clear Collective Consciousness negativity or planetary mind control transmissions, until we can discern what it is and can assign a quality of feeling or identify the energy vibration that our body is picking up. Currently, there is a lot of emotional trauma surfacing in the collective consciousness body of humanity and the earth, and many people are picking up that trauma and feeling it personally. Psycho-Emotional TraumaPsycho-emotional trauma can result from many common occurrences that are sudden and shocking to a person, who as a result of this occurrence, undergo a life alteration that dismantles the relationships and social structures that person relied upon to reinforce their sense of identity. When we lose reinforcements to our sense of identity, or we lose reinforcement to our sense of belonging to a group or belief system, our ego-personality feels threatened and even depressed. When we lose reinforcement to our ego-personality, we undergo stages of dismantling the personality, thus, we may feel a range of potential layers of emotional trauma surfacing. Traumatizing events can take a serious toll on people even if there was not any kind of physical injury, there can be a psychological and emotional injury that impacts the pain body. It is very common for people to have psychological or emotional injury stemming from early childhood that was never addressed. When the ego begins to unravel, this previous pain that was covered up by the ego starts to be more deeply felt and experienced. Events in the environment may trigger this deeply emotional pain from in the past, or that was buried in the subconscious mind, and people feel that pain heightened by external events that can trigger these old wounds. Psycho-emotional trauma has common elements that impact people.
Potential Effects of Emotional TraumaWhat are the possible effects of emotional trauma? Even when unrecognized, emotional trauma can create lasting difficulties in an individual's life. One way to determine whether an emotional or psychological trauma has occurred, perhaps even early in life before language or conscious awareness were in place, is to look at the kinds of recurring problems one might be experiencing. These can serve as clues to an earlier situation that caused a dysregulation in the structure or function of the Brain. We can observe many of these symptoms occurring to people around us, that are unaware that the planet is undergoing a shift in consciousness which requires the dismantling of the Ego/Personality programs that are running reptilian hive mind or fear and trauma programming. Common personal and behavioral effects of emotional trauma: • substance abuse • compulsive behavior patterns • self-destructive and impulsive behavior • uncontrollable reactive thoughts • inability to make healthy professional or lifestyle choices • dissociative symptoms ("splitting off" parts of the self) • feelings of ineffectiveness, shame, despair, hopelessness • feeling permanently damaged • a loss of previously sustained beliefs Common effects of emotional trauma on interpersonal relationships: • inability to maintain close relationships or choose appropriate friends and mates • sexual problems • hostility • arguments with family members, employers or co-workers • social withdrawal • feeling constantly threatened How is Emotional Trauma treated?To overcome emotional triggering and the replaying of trauma patterns, it is necessary to discharge, disable, and eliminate negative internal thoughtforms and prevent new ones from forming. There are ways of healing emotional wounds and getting rid of self-defeating subconscious mind programming that generate negative internal thoughtforms. While methods vary in complexity and efficiency, the basic idea comes down to finding an internal thought form, and discharging the emotional content by consciously replaying the associated false perceptions and emotions, and realizing that the perceptions were false, and replacing them with a new realization that is closer to the truth. Find the false perception or fear, discharge the narrative and emotion associated, and replace with a positive and loving thought form and emotion. Preventing negative internal thoughtforms from accumulating is a matter of changing and transforming any negative emotional energy that is being accumulated, as you observe the process as it happens through self-awareness. Prayer and MeditationPrayer and Meditation connect us to higher intelligence and have positive impacts on calming our mind and clearing negative emotions. Prayer focuses on positive emotions like love, gratitude and Compassion, which allow goodness in our lives and the lives of those we pray for. Meditation reduces anxiety, stress, and depression, which helps us to find and connect to peaceful states. Being mindful improves our mental flexibility, brain elasticity and keeps neurons active, while helping to keep the brain activity more balanced. Spiritually centering ourselves on peace, prayer and contemplation of God and the Universe, helps us maintain our trust in life, faith, and relaxes every part of the body, mind and spirit. What is most important now is to relax the body and mind through daily meditation, and to clear negative ego, emotional pain, and stay calm and neutral. Pure alchemy exists within the energetic balance of the core spiritual essence within the natural state of the divine being. Ask God or your highest expression in God to help heal emotional trauma in your pain body and to show you the best way to heal emotional trauma. To connect with inner spiritual alchemy, one must extract the artificial machinery influences and intentionally remove the Houses of Ego (reptilian or predator mind) that may have been programmed within the self. As we are opening into states of accessing higher consciousness, consider to conceive of Unity consciousness through meditation by expansion of space and intending to connect within infinity in time. In meditation we may focus upon: • Perpetual presence in all Time and Space. Timeless. • Perpetual Presence in dreaming and waking states combining into Oneness. • In accessing memory of perpetual presence, or timelessness, all dread vanishes. • Attempt to reach neutrality in mind towards all existing things. (Neutrality is neither love, hate nor indifference). • Hold mentally the capacity of sameness, equilibrium and constant calm and peace. • This discipline attracts and increases the virtues of The Spirits of Christ. This acquires the virtue of Benevolence towards all things. • Seek improvement in one’s humanity and spiritual expression without praise or blame, or needing emotional dramas of the Victim-Victimizer archetypes. TherapiesAdditionally, there are many traditional approaches to treating psychological-emotional trauma that include Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) . CBT is intentionally changing one's thoughts and actions and the systematic desensitization to reduce reactivity to a traumatic stressor. People learn to respond to stressors, rather than react impulsively to previous patterns of emotional triggers. Recent developments in the treatment of emotional trauma include effective forms of psychotherapy and somatic (body) therapies that were developed with new brain science information in mind. Although often intensely interpersonal, these therapies are also psychological and neurological in their focus and application and may be helpful for certain groups of people. This group of therapies relies on innate instinctual resources, rather than medications, to bring about healing. They differ in some ways, but the one thing they have in common is combining talk therapy while simultaneously having a focus on the body. As with any therapy, but especially due to the intensity of the emotions involved, it is important to find a therapist with whom one feels trust, rapport and a strong bond. They include:
References See AlsoEmotional Competence Healing our Heart
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April 2022