New Earth
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As a natural part of spiritual Ascension, we will connect into other timelines where the true historical record was erased from our conscious mind memories, but our higher consciousness body is surfacing the memory because it needs to be witnessed. Clearly, when the cellular memories in our body are ignited from the changing magnetic fields and stellar activations and we have no context for biological-spiritual Ascension that shifts our consciousness into other Timelines, this can be disorienting. When this does occur many people feel deeply confused and isolated. This is why the knowledge that this is occurring on the planet is not given to the people, to invalidate them and then hijack and control their Awakening process. In order to spiritually heal, we have to understand what is happening to us and awaken to see the truth of what is behind the consciousness slavery of planet earth. Many people, especially Starseeds, have undergone repeated Consciousness Wiping attacks during sleep state or on interdimensional planes, in the attempt to scramble memories or remove them completely. Therefore it may be confusing for some that are experiencing the return of sections of consciousness memory or data streams from other timelines, when they are being told by others enmeshed in 3D that they are delusional. There are real dangers of psychotic break and mental fracture, in a person that is undergoing spiritual integration and awakening to perceive timelines without the proper context and tools. We may sense other stations of identity and remember them as intense emotional experiences, such as connections with those we loved, trauma or death passages, group project scenarios or many other types of multidimensional reality sensations. As an example, more people that have been used in Secret Space Programs to operate higher technology will begin to remember what is happening to them in other timelines, despite having been aggressively mind wiped and chemically treated. When we process these experiences as memories that we are having from other timelines or lifetimes, as that memory content surfaces in our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual layers it connects to the Trauma based energy blockages recorded there. That energy in the body has a memory record and specific signature that relays all kinds of information. Thus, our body will start to remember that which was previously hidden in order to surface these memories for emotional processing and rebalancing, in order to clear out the trauma memories and pain blockages from these assorted timelines. If we comprehend this fact, then we can take control over our consciousness energies and choose to work with them, not allowing ourselves to be manipulated by our blind spots because we have no context. Many Starseeds are engaged in some form of clearing reversal patterns and Negative Forms from within parallel timelines, extracting out the artificial machinery or Alien Implants in order to prepare for the approaching consciousness freedom that is happening in their soul groups. Yet, working in the flow of the myriad of these forces can be very intense and difficult, while in a materially based world designed for imprisonment that does not support multidimensional awareness, spiritual awakening and planetary mission assignments. For that reason, many Starseeds feel in order to survive on Earth they must live a double life, and this can be isolating. Alien Machinery and mind control implants designate reptilian ownership over the human race. The NAA slavery insignia that exists in the AI version of 3D reality timelines is collapsing, making it harder to maintain the prison planet architecture. These implants are extremely heavy in the astral plane and the NAA controlled timelines, where some humans are used in worker colonies. Removing and clearing these artifacts and implants can be imperative to moving beyond the 3D control matrix and the NAA. This will require some spiritual maturity in the comprehension of the real nature of reality and being willing to take Self-Ownership and develop the Self-Responsibility that is required to live as God-Sovereign-Free. Memory Manipulation Manipulation is another way recognizing that the NAs try to activate or use memories we have of past personal traumas to keep us in this fight/flight reaction so they can harvest our negative emotional energy. They may also try to imbed false memories in our hard drive. Those are implants and Holographic Inserts so that we have a traumatic response to things that really shouldn't be triggering us at all. They also play on collective trauma that is in the planetary field memory. They try to trigger a mass reaction by activating a memory packet of Lemurian Holocaust or Atlantian Cataclysm and recently we can see the 911 Timelines and them trying to manipulate that fear and pain. Many times when we don't remember this event such as the Lemurian Holocaust or Atlantian Cataclysm this can manipulate us because we're not having conscious memory of those events so we don't identify the source of the fear we're feeling. The cellular memory of an exploding planet can be elicited at the end of the Ascension Cycle without the masses knowing where their anxiety of cataclysm is really coming from. In the ego personality this game is being played in the nervous system broadcasting fear by promoting Service to Self and keeping that Survival Brain running the show in our lives. Until we're able to clear the fear out which often means we need to address and clear out Trauma or abuse we are susceptible to these triggers from these memory packets in the timeline trigger events. Service to Self Consciousness Abbreviation - STS At certain stages of newly developing consciousness, in order to promote the forward growth of the individual soul-spirit throughout many dimensionalized identities, the Service to Self and/or negative polarization is necessary and a natural part of the mechanics of creation when seeding a new race consciousness that is developing the species genetic record. (see Root Races) At the development stage of the first three layers of the mind, the Three Layers of Ego, a third dimensional human being is purely Service to Self. The 3rd Chakra or Solar Plexus is the Conscious Mind matrix to which the spiritual being may learn how to manifest via the projection of lower thought substance in order to navigate in the material realms. This results in developing consciousness to learn how to individualize through the Ego/Personality to manifest individual experiences and experience a spectrum of emotional-sensory states. Many lower vibrations or Spectrum of Frequency that may include mental thoughts of anger or fear, may be helpful states in spiritual progression and consciousness development throughout the many life stream experiences. However, what has happened on planet earth during this last dark cycle is not merely a Service to Self negative polarization of free will and chosen states of consciousness of the soul. Through Negative Aliens invasion of the planet earth through the genetic alteration of human and planetary DNA, installation of Alien Machinery to install frequency fences and NET, the NAA to implant humanity with Mind Control Alien Implants is a bio-warfare strategy to control the planet, humanity and the soul through directing Holographic Inserts which alter, modify and damage DNA. The negative agenda is to keep earth humans spiritually oppressed, unable to evolve beyond Service to Self, in so the masses can be easily controlled. What has occurred to humanity is not a simple result of choices made to Service to Self. The NAA objective is an intended annihilation of the human species original DNA template, an obliteration from existence by erasing the historical records not only from the planet, but from this Universe. (Source: ES Newsletter - Historical Timeline Trigger Events)
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