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![]() There is an all-out information war occurring in order to control the mainstream narrative and thus the general perception of the public, as we can see many areas of free speech and information access through an assortment of online mediums are becoming more and more restricted worldwide. Why are the Controller's so desperate to maintain control over public perception through the mainstream media narrative? Whoever controls an individual’s mind through gaining control over the narrative of reality, controlling perception and using methods to implant thoughts, gains control over that person's identity, and this shapes the direction of the soul and the Consciousness energy of that person. Thus, whoever controls the collective mind of the masses through the premeditated use of covert mind control tactics, such as aiming concealed electromagnetic frequency technologies to transmit implants or assorted methods of mind control into the mind of the unaware public, will also gain influence over those individual groups unconscious and conscious thoughts, as well as their motivations, perceptions, and beliefs about the reality. Essentially, this means that if we are exposed to concealed Mind Control tactics or allow something external to gain control over the thought impulses in our mind, then our beliefs, attitudes, instinctual drives and brain activity are not really our own. In people with weaker character development or unhealed traumatic injury, sometimes this also means that a person’s outward actions are not fully their own, because they are being physically controlled by Implanted Thoughts that are being externally projected into their Unconscious Mind. When people cannot control destructive impulses that generate outward destructive actions, they become an unconscious agent for spreading dark forces and dangerous chaos. Pushing people to the razors edge of insanity so they act out destructively is exactly what the NAA desires, as this is a potent divide and conquer tactic and it generates a lot of emotional pain and suffering, that can be harvested and used to further manipulate perception. If our thoughts are not being carefully generated from our own Self-Determination and Informed Consent to make wiser personal choices, and we instead allow others to think for us, or we act from unconscious impulses stimulated by Implants, we lose control over our personal intent, consent and authority. If we cannot gain control and discipline over the content of our own mind, then we are forever consciousness slaves. Slavery and subjugation is the core purpose behind any agenda of implementing secret strategies for Implanted Thoughts and Implants within any population. If people are left unaware that they are secretly being exposed to such mind control tactics, they become a slave to the most dominating force, which is exerting a non-visible control mechanism in their Bio-Neurology. This bio-neurological Implant mechanism is designed to manipulate their thoughts, motivations and desires, which further act to take over that person’s perception of reality. Once the perception of reality is controlled, formatted into the majority consensus or the approved version of history that was devised by the NAA, then the common people self-enforce the same fabricated narrative, without knowing they are being used as pawns in the controller game that covers up the Archon-alien deception. Through the control and manipulation of the perception of reality, many earth humans self-enforce their own enslavement through the perpetual warring and exploitation of their own planetary resources. It is our responsibility to monitor our thoughts and decide if we want to own them as being authentic to us. Where are your thoughts coming from, and are you self-aware to the point you can feel your body reacting to impulses from external stimulation that do not feel natural? Start to consider to source the thought, source the impulse, feeling or stimulation that you may be experiencing in that moment and pay attention to impulses that are pushing you to do something. When you pay attention and make a choice to shift perception, you are directing your consciousness to become aware of what is really happening inside your body. Humanity has been conditioned through trauma based Mind Control and assorted implants, to have default settings for building a pathological mind that is used to think, problem solve, and develop distorted belief systems that direct people to make self-destructive decisions about life. As a result of the early onset of mind control programming that has produced the pathological mind, we further co-created a pathologically disturbed life along with a pathologically disturbed family dynamic. Additionally, if we remain stuck looping within the bondage of the pathological mind, we are connected to the collective unconsciousness and thus, we help to co-create and feed into the pathologically sick society that impacts everyone. If we allow ourselves to honestly and deeply reflect on the current pathological conditions we find throughout human civilization, do you think it’s been created naturally or manufactured intentionally? Why would any species repeatedly choose pathological thoughts, behaviors and actions that are designed to deliberately destroy themselves and destroy the world they live in? Who actually benefits from the intended destruction of the earth, the divisions between the nations and the senseless killing of the human race? When we consider who is responsible for creating the events that contribute to the hell realm that has become common place upon the earth in the dark cycle, then we must consider what responsibility each person has within their connection to the whole of humanity. When a person awakens and finally can see more of the inhumanity that is rapidly rising up in the world, what can they do immediately to be a productive cause for healing the world? All belief systems that separate human beings from each other are Divide and Conquer Tactics that are ultimately destructive to everyone. Every horrific event in history that brought our world closer to manifesting the realms of hell and perpetual suffering in the Death Culture, could be prevented and shifted through the reinvention of ourselves, to be in our heart and committed to live and speak out truthfully. To live truthfully and authentically, requires the reconstruction of each person to be willing to look at and accept personal responsibility for the darkness that exists within themselves. How would life on earth change, if every person was willing to take responsibility for the darkest fears they have and they were willing to address their darkest fears about existence? Are you willing? In order to refuse to participate with the harmful agendas committed by the pathological minds that are manufacturing the pathological society that is engineered by the Negative Alien Agenda, we will need to explore more deeply the more common pathologies of the 3D mind. Pathological minds have been manufactured in the lower dimensions through a variety of trauma based mind control strategies, as well as Electronic harassment that delivers frequency based implants into the subconscious mind, and the entire Human Energy Field. The mind control agenda is very complex, but it is important to realize that the use of artificial intelligence technologies designed to implant thoughts in the collective are what keep the AI timeline loops operating in the lower dimensional fields. When we clear Implanted Thoughts and Implants from out of our consciousness body, when we refuse to automatically play out Mind Control patterns of fear, violence and division, we are helping to collapse the collective AI grid. When we refuse to feed into the holographic insert or implant by holding neutrality and witnessing our pain body, making the effort to emotionally heal, the implant dissolves in the light you created in its place. When we choose love over fear, when we shift perception into higher Virtues, when we 12D Shield with our Avatar Christ, we can dissolve frequency implants and clear the painful triggers enmeshed within them. As you consider this information, hold awareness of these technologies so that if you need to locate them for dismantling, you are empowered to consciously participate with the process in partnership with your God self. (Source: ES Newsletter - Implanted Thoughts)
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