New Earth
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Lisa Renee ![]() Dear Ascending Family, This month we discuss the fundamental understanding that the Grounding Mechanism for the human and planetary body is reconfiguring into different and higher functions. Currently there are sweeping changes occurring to the planetary architecture, which are impacting the human body and collective consciousness in a variety of ways, putting stress upon the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual layers in order to adapt to the laws of structure in the next harmonic universe. The world of forces as we have known them on the earth, are fundamentally changing their patterns of movement. Transiting into the next harmonic universe requires that the cellular record, the birth imprint in our lightbody, be altered so that our consciousness is able to synchronize with the higher frequency timeline, or ascending spaces that exist without alien machinery. For some groups the arc of this ascending pathway to evolve beyond 3D earth mind control is longer, for others it is shorter or even happening now. We must transform our consciousness into more loving, kind and unifying thoughtforms, or suffer the consequences of our unconscious actions that pull us down into density like a lead weight. The density of these unconscious forces carry us into the magnetic pull of black force interaction that works like a vacuum, sucking down everything in its path to be dragged into the black void of space. The NAA is banking on maintaining the status quo of unconscious slavery in humanity by transmitting extremely negative base thoughts in order to capitalize on the black forces that are highly magnified in the collective consciousness. All of our efforts should be towards deflecting and neutralizing the mainstream psychological operations targeting our minds with blasts of negativity, by deeply connecting with our inner spirit and grounding into our own core self. When we have developed a strong inner directed Grounding Mechanism it is much easier to stay centered and keep our heart open while we sail through the choppy seas that are generated from the convergence of many forces at once, along with their energetic interference patterns. Only when a person is fully grounded in their core self, will they feel safe enough to open up their heart to feel deep emotions that are capable of catalyzing profound spiritual healing and consciousness shifts. As some of the lower frequency planetary vortices that were functioning as the base chakra system of the earth have dissolved, one of the major events happening during this phase is the reconfiguration of the human lightbody's Grounding Mechanism. Essentially this refers to the reconfiguration of the red wave chakra spectrum, changing the root chakra 1D interface that governs the activation of prana seeds and life force distribution throughout the human body, as well as within the planetary body. The human electromagnetic energy field is designed to directly interface with the planetary electromagnetic energy field via electrical circuits that generate a Grounding Mechanism. Electrical circuits are produced during electromagnetic field interaction, which occurs when having direct contact with the natural living consciousness of the earth through the planetary grid system. The planetary grid system is the global brain, it is the intelligent energy running through the world of forces and assorted frequency currents throughout the earth body. These assorted frequency currents run sequences of harmonic resonances throughout horizontal lines, vertical lines and diagonal lines. These cross dimensions through Stargate systems into white hole and black hole vortices, which project the fundamental frequency version of the holographic reality we experience in the collective consciousness on the earth. Because the earth Stargates have been infiltrated by Negative Alien machinery for the purpose of broadcasting AI mind control and genetic modification of the human species, the version of time and space we experience in earth’s holographic reality has been artificially controlled by the unseen forces of the NAA. We are exposed to not only the shifting forces of an ascending planet, but the artificial technology counterforces that are blasted towards the planet and humanity to stop the consciousness evolution from progressing. Humanity is enduring the challenging state of planetary Ascension, the collective consciousness evolution, as we leave the artificial systems of alien technological control and begin to discover our true multidimensional spiritual identity and origins, way beyond the 3D mind control matrix. How well we navigate this chaotic time will be relative to how deeply connected we are to our core self, how well we can physically adapt to build a new Grounding Mechanism for ourselves. The implication of shifting away from the lower 3D harmonic Grounding Mechanism in the planetary architecture is immense, and lends to the surreal quality of excess amplified polarities with no place to ground or equalize, generating electrical explosions and chaos in the surrounding field. Additionally, the NAA retaliate through their desperate attempts to maintain total control over the bio-neurology of the human body through the many soft kill methods they employ to perpetrate the alien deception and continue to digress the consciousness development of the human race. Being caught in the crossfire of explosive energetic chaos can be very stressful and unhealthy for the human body. These are challenging times for all of us on the earth as we navigate the war over consciousness that includes the fight over controlling earth territories and the agenda to continue to harvest earth humans as energy slaves. Our security and stability lies within our direct relationship with our inner Christ spirit, understanding our own responsibility and accountability to protect the light and highest consciousness within us. This month we discuss the fundamental understanding that the Grounding Mechanism for the human and planetary body is reconfiguring into different and higher functions. The impact this has upon the root interface for lightbody functioning and the human body’s physical requirements for adaptation, are related to the spiritual embodiment process. When we are grounded in our core self, even if we are being uprooted in the physical realm, we can weather the storm. During the bifurcation shifts, the grounding mechanism in the root of the human lightbody is undergoing reconfiguration, which will be varied by the spiritual light frequency embodiment of the individual. This is changing the electrical circuits in how the human energy field interacts with the earth body. It is also contributing to some metabolic changes and physical adaptations, as there are changes being made to the consciousness record at birth. Birth Transduction Sequence The birth transduction sequence is the exact moment that the cellular record of the consciousness identity imprinted during incarnational birth into this physical body on the earth. When we come through the birth canal we are actually imprinted with ancestral-genetic, astrological, celestial and magnetic imprints that influence the pathway of our soul-spirit, our consciousness identity and the arcing spiral of that light through time. The transduction sequence is that exact moment when our consciousness light comes into a filter for physical expression, and therefore acts as the fundamental construct of our lightbody grounding mechanism that exists in the first dimension. It is this interface that connects us to the earth body transduction sequence record for connecting to the system of collective earth consciousness. This record reflects in our lightbody that we are earthlings, consciousness identities from the earth plane, located in this lower creation realm section of the Universe. This also could be referred to as our soul-spirit blueprint for achieving our highest expression in divine purpose and alignment with Universal Laws. The transduction sequence is the definition of when the “God Spark” connects to the core manifestation body (12 Tree Grid), which is our Lightbody and that is the blueprint record that projects our consciousness identity out into the elemental physical manifest body. There are nine dimensions of the spectrum of frequency or the triad of three sets of Kundalini energies that are coiled up within eight fetal cells located on the tailbone or coccyx. These eight fetal cells are created at the time of conception, and are usually impacted by the reptilian tail implant that stops kundalini activation in the general population. The incarnating consciousness identities are connected in these intelligent layers of frequency that are linked into the silver cord of the soul-spirit and hold the birth transduction sequence that is the instruction set for the entire consciousness. During spiritual initiation, once freed of the false umbilicus structure in the astral plane as a result of proper soul body integration, the power management in the monadic-spiritual layer of the atomic body that connects at the 1D level changes the birth transduction sequence record and grounding mechanism. The spiritual initiate or energetically sensitive will feel their grounding to the earth body wired differently. The larger importance of this current reconfiguration is that this same process is transpiring in the planetary body during the shift to the next harmonic universe, as the natural result of the planetary ascension. This shifts everyone’s grounding, whether they are aware of that fact or not. As the collective consciousness of planet earth shifts out of the 3D transduction sequence record, it fundamentally changes everything that we were as an earthling. The core of our identity is being challenged and tested to match with the higher version of our spiritual selves, making this a very confusing time for many people on the earth who are grappling with their personality identity as well as the dismantling of their 3D version of reality. All of us on earth are shifting transduction sequence and that means we are no longer the same identity we were originally when we were born onto the earth, our incarnational record will reflect entirely different coordinates in time. This massive consciousness shift in the transduction record is one of the major reasons many Starseeds clamored to come to the earth during the Ascension Cycle, to take part as a forerunner in this quantum leap made through the timelines. The birth transduction shift can be very hard on the physical body when a human being has not been given a bio-spiritual context, or reasons why the body must physically adapt to these changes occurring with the electromagnetic fields. It is crucial to remain as relaxed, fluid, transparent and loving as possible to these shifting electromagnetic fields, to help the body remain open to align to its new lightbody grounding mechanism and transduction record. We must recognize when to retreat in order to protect ourselves from the chaotic onslaught and artificial technologies, and know that we must surrender everything to our higher power in order to remain as relaxed as possible. Electromagnetic Fields and Time Vectors An electromagnetic field (also EM field) is a physical field that is produced by electrically charged objects, and this applies to understanding the existence of the human bio-energy field. All human bodies are electrically charged entities. Electromagnetic fields affect the behavior of other charged bodies or objects in the vicinity of the field and this also describes the electromagnetic interaction that occurs between all living things. There are unending sources of electromagnetic fields on the earth, some naturally occurring, some artificial like those being applied for subduing humanity via psychotronic warfare. In order to gain control over our own personal energies we must understand the nature of our human electromagnetic field and how it is impacted by externally charged objects and the world of forces. We gain clarity by paying attention to what we are feeling when in contact with other people or other types of forces, especially those that are externally sourced. When we develop awareness of this electromagnetic interaction and commit to gain control over the direction of our own energies, we gain incredible strength in repelling undesirable forces and external negative energies away from our personal energy field. An electromagnetic field is composed of two related vector fields, the electrical field (male) and the magnetic field (female). Vector fields represent fluid flow and can be thought of as representing the speed of a vibrating or moving energy flow throughout space, dimension or interaction with a physical force or object. The vector field is usually represented as an arrow moving in the route of its force, such as quantifying its direction or the change made in the position of time coordinates as the electromagnetic field is moving along its pathway. Think of gusts of wind being perceived as energy flows moving in pathways in assorted patterns and different rates of speed all over the globe, these paths are vectors. An example of that is here. Generally we are not taught to think of the human body radiating an electromagnetic field that interacts with other electromagnetic fields, or how that consciousness interaction defines its position in a time vector pathway. In this context time is the interval pathway that the consciousness is travelling in between different points in space-time. What decides the course of our consciousness pathway through time? When we are unconscious, the power of the external force interaction made upon our energy body will push us into alignment with the predominate forces inherent in the collective consciousness body. When we are unconscious, the human body will tend to act impulsively and instinctually to express the content, thought forms and energies present in the forces of the collective unconsciousness stream. This unconscious content is vibrated through the human electromagnetic field and carries that person into the principal consciousness stream that travels within that time vector. This is similar to being pulled down a river in a strong current. The physical body does not have the power to swim against the current, but is instead being pulled by forces into the path of the rivers current. The path of the river is what defines the location in space and time that consciousness is traveling. This illustrates the point that inner core strength must be developed in order to ascend out from the time pathway of the principle force in the collective unconsciousness stream, represented by the rivers current that is presently on the earth. To remain awake and conscious takes deep spiritual commitment and strength. To realize the inner direction of your authentic core self is to consciously choose the pathway of your spiritual self, and surrendering to our spirit is what supersedes the power of exertion that is applied by any external force. Continue...
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