Pay Attention! -- If You Want to Save Your Butts! By Anna Von Reitz Apparently a lot of people didn't notice or didn't pay attention or didn't know what it meant when I told everyone that I had established a Private Indemnity Bond at the U.S. Treasury covering every state of the Union---- but that is critical information to have branded on your foreheads in the days to come. The UNITED STATES, INC. is in liquidation. The Bankruptcy Trustees are going to try to liquidate, sell, tax, or otherwise raise funds off of all the franchises of the UNITED STATES, INC. This includes the STATE OF MINNESOTA and CRAWFORD COUNTY, MINNESOTA, and JOHN MICHAEL DOE, too. When your land deeds and car titles and mortgages are all in the NAME OF a UNITED STATES franchise, what do you think is going to happen? You are going to be "assumed to be a surety" and "collateral" for the debts of all these fictitious entities, and the secondary creditors---- banks and foreign investors--- are going to be howling for your blood and for the auctioning off of your assets to pay the bills of the UNITED STATES. Get it? This is a repeat of what FDR did back in the 1930's only worse. This time the rotten bastards want it all. They want the copyright to your name, they want your DNA, they want your body, your house, your business, your land---- anything that is "assumed" to belong to the JOHN MICHAEL DOE version of your NAME. See "Power to Sell -- The Latest Land Grab".If you are like most people, you had no idea that any such secretive claim against you or your assets existed and unless you have been reading the news posted here, this is going to catch you blind-sided. You are not going to know what to do and you are not going to have anything in place to defend yourself--- UNLESS--- you remember that you and your property are indemnified against loss. How, why, by whom? By me and by my team because we were awake and got things in place for you. Just as neighbors, we did all the work so that at this crucial moment in history, you could remember in which state you were born and write the following: "Held under Private Indemnity Bond AMRI00001 RA393427640US Montana" ----or the same numbers and whatever your birth state is, on your land deeds, vehicle titles, or any other property assets they come after and try to seize. AMRI00001 RA393427640US Alaska AMRI00001 RA393427640US Alabama AMRI00001 RA393427640US Arkansas.....and so on. This is your "Home Free" Card, your indemnity policy, your means to rebut all and any claims that come addressed against actual assets held in the ALL CAPITAL LETTERS NAMES. THE INTERNATIONAL LAND RECORDING AND PUBLISHING SYSTEM - PROVIDED BY THE GLOBAL FAMILY BANKInternational Public Notice: Use the ILRPS By Anna Von Reitz Since the beginning of our work describing and documenting the outrageous fraud schemes which have been employed to deceive and defraud nearly everyone on Earth, there has been a need for people to step forward and identify themselves and assert their political status. What we found was that most land recording offices were either already shut down or in the process of being shut down, so that in many countries there was no longer any official public means of recording such information. And those recording offices that stayed open were largely guarded by British Bar Attorneys acting as attack dogs, telling clueless bureaucrats that they couldn't record claims for other kinds of land assets outside the Queen's Land Title System. This isn't true; in fact, the living people native to a country are all land assets under international law and they all have property interests in land assets. In truth, only living people can own anything physical. Corporations and Queens can only act as custodians of physical assets, which requires that the physical assets in question be placed in trusts. Continue: Confusion About the Indemnity Bond |
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