TDAs --- Not for Americans By Anna Von Reitz All those TDA offers? Well, the verdict is in. I was right. TDA's are only for federal employees and dependents and federal corporations. American state nationals who have been misidentified as federal citizens are not eligible for this remedy, but they are eligible for another better remedy. In 2012 the Bureau of Public Debt was merged into what is called the Bureau of the Fiscal Services, located primarily in Parkersburg, West Virginia. It's jurisdiction is strictly limited to the federal government. The Treasury Direct program is being administered under their Retail Securities Services subdivision, and all of this is being run under the auspices of the Under Secretary of the Treasury for Domestic Finance. Whenever you see the word "domestic" in federal publications, they are talking about "domestic with respect to the federal enclaves" --- not domestic with respect to the states and people. This is their foreign program for their foreign citizens--- for JOHN MICHAEL DOE. If you sign up like a good little sheep, you admit to being a federal franchisee -- and that means you can't possibly own any copyrights or land or children or any of the other assets owed to a natural man or woman. In claiming one-- that is, by authorizing a "Treasury Direct Account" -- you deny the other far greater claim. Here is the rest of the story--- as I have also been saying all along, you are owed discharge of all debts and payment of your assets--- simply by a different process. What you, Joe Average American, need to claim back is your whole estate which the Federales have seized upon and held and invested to benefit themselves for several generations. That "legacy trust" is listed at 31 USC 1321, and the allowance for the beneficiary to reclaim it is listed at 31 USC 1322. When you investigate this whole TDA thing, you go to 31 CFR 363 and start reading about different kinds of savings bonds and how to convert them from investment use to payable status and all the various ramifications of doing so. Remember how I told you that whenever the government corporation pulls one of its shady deals, it has to provide remedy for its actions? ---Like the "income tax" contains the provision allowing you to "revoke your election to pay"? When you look for the remedy in this whole pile of worms, you find this in 31 CFR 363.126: § 363.126 Under what circumstances will payment be made? We will make payment: (a) Upon your request for redemption prior to maturity; (This is what people are doing with the TDA accounts) (b) When the bond reaches final maturity; (This is what the government does when you die and never claim the bonds.) and (c) If a person who becomes entitled to the bond is unable, unwilling or ineligible to open a TreasuryDirect ® account. This last part--- 31 CFR 363.126 (c) ---is your remedy. Not being a federal employee or dependent in fact, and being owed the entirety of your actual estate, you are ineligible to take part in the foreign TDA process, but you can instead invoke pay out to a bank account of your own choosing. So why are they offering TDA accounts? (1) To keep control; (2) to reduce their interest payment obligations (note that when you pull the plug and make the bond payable, it stops accruing interest); (3) to get you to "admit" and give them evidence that you are in fact a voluntary federal employee or dependent -- a franchisee --- having no further claim to all the rest of the assets you are owed as an American state national. This last part is the crucial one. They desperately need to stem the tide of American claims coming at them. They need your land to pay their debts. They need your house as an asset yielding them property taxes. They need you to "voluntarily" agree to be their whipping boy--- and they are willing to release you from debts you never actually owed "in exchange" for your "admission" to being a slave. That allows them to claim your whole ESTATE forever. And gives you a bowl of porridge. Or less. remedy - Correct Your Political Status Also See: How To Use Your Paperwork- PDF How to use your paperwork - video Basic Package of Editable Forms Basic Package of Editable Forms By Anna Von Reitz Here is the basic package of editable forms I have been working on. Please tweak or forever hold your peace. These or very similar progenitors of these forms have been used to set free many thousands of Americans and put them and their assets beyond the reach of the fraudsters. We want to make the number zoom into the many millions who need and will want to come home. ( Webmaster's note: These are word documents. They will not display in your browser. You need to download them to your computer, then use Microsoft Word or Open Office to edit, then print them. When you click the link for each document it will download to your downloads folder. From there you can save them to any folder you want.) 1. Diagram of the Fraud of Fraud.docx 2. Example Recording Cover Sheet Recording Cover Sheet.docx 3. Example of Acknowledgment, Acceptance and Deed of Re-Conveyance Deed of Reconveyance.docx 4. Example of Certificate of Assumed Name Certificate of Assumed Name.docx 5. Example of Act of Expatriation for JOHN MARK DOE Act of Expatriation JOHN MARK DOE.doc 6. Example of Act of Expatriation for JOHN M. DOE ACT OF EXPATRIATION JOHN M. DOE.docx 7. Example of Act of Expatriation for JOHN DOE ACT OF EXPATRIATION JOHN DOE.docx 8. Example Baby Land Deed Deed of Land Recording.docx This is the basic package everyone needs to fill out and record with the local land recording office to reclaim their birthright political status and reclaim their Good Names and Estates. Important: Never register anything. *** Only record *** . If your local land recording district or county land recording office won't record your paperwork, look for a county that will. Often it is only a matter of traveling a few miles or sending it through the mail. Worst comes to worst, do the paperwork, make a black and white copy for your files, and send the originals to yourself via a Registered Mail Letter. When the letter comes back, DON'T OPEN IT. Put it in your folder with your file copy. The Post Office and the Registered Mail Number serve the recording function. Let's begins with the Diagram of the Fraud -- people need to see how it starts with the "missing" Trade Name. This process brings forward the Trade Name and "finds" it again, and then allows us to reclaim our "reversionary trust interest" in all the derivative NAMES free and clear. Virtually all land recording offices now require a Recording Cover Sheet. This gives an example of the first Recording Cover Sheet needed to file the Acknowledgement, Acceptance and Deed of Re- Conveyance. All subsequent filings need to be done with a Recording Cover Sheet as "Extensions" of the original Deed Document Number that will be issued once the Deed of Re-Conveyance is recorded. For example, the next Recording Cover Sheet would be identical, except the document title would be: Certificate of Assumed Name - Extension 891039-1 (this number will be whatever number was assigned to your Deed of Re-Conveyance and will associate the Certificate of Assumed Name with the Deed in the recording system.) The Deed seizes upon the Trade Name and brings it back to the land and soil jurisdiction. The Certificate of Assumed Name seizes upon the derivative NAMES and returns them to control of the living man. The Act of Expatriation explicitly renounces Territorial and Municipal "citizenship" and returns the derivative NAMES and ACCOUNTS to the land and soil. The Baby Deed of Land Recording is to help new parents and put an end to the "salvaging" of American babies by these corporate vermin. Simply have a Third Party -- grandparent, uncle, family friend--- do the notarization and record the Baby Deed as another Extension of the Father's Deed of Re-Conveyance. If the Father refuses to claim his Trade Name and Estate, or is dead or disabled, the Baby Deed can be attached to the Mother's Deed of Re-Conveyance. On August 7 th 2018 we added the following as an example of the Lineage-Treaty Referenced in article #1176 that could also be filed. Please read that article. ---------------------------- See this article and over 900 others on Anna's website here: To support this work look for the PayPal button on this website. The |
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Study Course Correct Your Political Status American Debit Relief - You are Eligible for Credit Owed to You TDA Accounts Not for Americans