“InPower Episode 1: A Mass Action of Liability” is the follow-up to that film, released August 26. In this film, del Sol Beaulieu reveals how people are using commerce to leverage their power against politicians and corporations to ensure the right and ability to refuse smart meters. As revealed in “Take Back Your Power,” many feel powerless in the face of government and large corporations that seem to dictate the rules without regard for an individual’s safety. But there are a wide variety of actions you can take to protect yourself and your family. This strategy, used in three communities in the United States and Canada, has already produced results indicative of a huge potential. Smart Meters Linked to Chronic Health Problems I’ve warned about the hazards of microwave radiation from cellphones, routers, portable phones, smart meters and other wireless technology for decades. Now, armed with the mechanism of harm presented by Martin Pall, Ph.D., in a series of papers1,2,3,4 I’m more convinced than ever that excessive exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMFs) are a significant health hazard that needs to be addressed — especially if you struggle with heart, brain or reproductive issues. In a nutshell, nonionizing microwave exposures are a major source of mitochondrial dysfunction, and we’ve now come to appreciate that this is at the heart of virtually all chronic disease. It’s no wonder, really, that so many are reporting serious health problems after having a smart meter installed in their home. What Pall discovered is that microwaves emitted from devices such as cellphones, Wi-Fi routers, computers and tablets — when not in airplane mode — increase intracellular calcium through voltage gated calcium channels (VGCCs), and the tissues with the highest density of VGCCs are your brain, the pacemaker in your heart and male testes. Once these VGCCs are stimulated they trigger the release of neurotransmitters, neuroendocrine hormones and highly damaging reactive oxygen species (ROS) that significantly raise your risk for health problems such as anxiety, depression, Alzheimer’s, brain cancer, arrhythmias and infertility, just to name a few. Anyone struggling with any of these conditions would be wise to take EMF exposure very seriously, and take steps to limit exposure to wireless technology. Simple measures include eliminating Wi-Fi in your home or at least turning it off at night. It is also helpful to keep your phone in airplane mode most of the time. This will radically increase your battery life and keep you safe. My phone is in airplane mode nearly the entire day as I discovered that it provided high levels of radiation up to 30 feet away, even though it was not on a call — especially when the signal strength is only one or two “bars.” Obviously keep your phone in airplane mode when you are carrying it on your body. I actually take another step and put my phone in a Faraday bag. When it comes to smart meters, many find they’re not given a choice in the matter. As shown in “Take Back Your Power,” utility company employees have literally broken into homes to forcibly install the meters. So, what can you do? That’s the focus of the InPower Movement, a new Indiegogo-funded project from Beaulieu and his team. The Power of Liability According to Beaulieu, social justice can be obtained by exercising the power within the body of rules and principles codified in modern commerce, which is a descendant of what’s known as “Law Merchant.” This can offer a highly effective lawful strategy to prevent and reverse the installation of a smart meter in your home and community. It involves holding corporate executives and government agents financially accountable for their decisions. Cal Washington, co-founder of the InPower Movement, is an “empowerment advocate” who has spent several years fighting for justice for people who have been abused by corruption within the justice system. Is it possible to hold corporate individuals accountable for their actions? Yes, it is, “and this has the potential to change everything,” del Sol Beaulieu notes, within his Episode 1. “The next 40 minutes is an overview of how this works.” Washington summarizes the Notice of Liability action he’s developed, which del Sol Beaulieu is sharing with the world through their film and website, as follows: “It’s basically a counter-offer [to the] contract that is being implemented to put a device on everybody’s house. They’ve got us into a tacit agreement. This [Notice of Liability document] clarifies and expresses the counter-offer in such a way that those who don’t want the meter can say ‘I don’t want a meter,’ and if [the power company] does put a meter on the house it’s going to cost [them] X amount of dollars per day … in order for you to carry out this contract.” In other words, you are currently in a contract with your power company. By changing your analog meter to a smart meter, they are changing the contract and you have to agree to this change in terms. However, codified in commerce there’s something known as tacit agreement — an agreement that is implied or understood without being directly expressed. Unless you object, you have tacitly agreed to this change in terms. As noted by Washington, “If you don’t say no, you’ve said yes.” By understanding that the installation of smart meters is a commercial contract issued to you by your utility company, you level the playing field. All you’re doing is entering into a contract negotiation. “All the tricks they use against you, we use against them,” Washington says. Notice of Liability According to Washington, anyone can issue a Notice of Liability at any time, whether you still have an analog meter or have already received a smart meter and/or have tacitly agreed to the new meter. The “Notice of Liability” generally applies worldwide, as it is based on the system of commerce that governs corporate commerce everywhere. This is a system that virtually none of the general public is aware of, “and now you can actually use it,” Washington says. “You’re now playing the proper game in the proper court.” Importantly, the Notice of Liability lays accountability at the feet of an individual. Corporate employees and agents can no longer hide behind their corporate post where they have no personal accountability. This includes government employees as well, because the U.S. government is actually run as and functions as a corporation. As noted in the film, the U.S. code defines the United States as a federal corporation, and Canada is listed as a company located in Washington D.C. on the U.S. securities and exchange. Understanding Corporate Jurisdiction In the film, Washington explains a key misunderstanding relating to jurisdiction. To explain the crux of the problem, he offers the following analogy: You’re hired as an employee in the auto department at Walmart. When hired, you agree to a basic contract that stipulates that you will work a certain number of hours for a certain pay. One day, your manager asks you to come in to work at 2 a.m. — a time when the store is closed. While the auto department manager has jurisdiction over you, he’s under the jurisdiction of the store manager. Hence, you can file a complaint with the store manager, notifying her that what you’re being asked to do goes against company policy. Walmart, in turn, has to obey the rules of the city in which it is located. In this example, the store is in Detroit, and must therefore follow employment rules and regulations of the city. Detroit, in turn, is under the jurisdiction of Michigan, and all businesses in Detroit must obey state laws. Next you have the United States, and this is what most people don’t know — the United States is functioning as a corporation UNDER the jurisdiction of The United States of America, the country. While they sound the same, they are not identical. Courts operate under the corporation of the United States. In other words, according to Washington, the court system can be likened to a corporation within a corporation. Importantly, Americans believe they’re under the jurisdiction of the country called the United States of America, but in reality, you’re operating your day-to-day life under the jurisdiction of a corporation called the United States (or U.S.), and you’ve tacitly agreed to this, whether you realize it or not. Lastly, the corporate United States is under the jurisdiction of Law Merchant, which governs commercial law, which in turn is under the jurisdiction of Common Law — which is where you find the Constitution of the United States of America (the republic). Both the United States of America and Canada were founded on the Common Law — the highest laws of the land — and still operate under their jurisdiction, “but you have to know how to invoke them,” Washington says. There will no doubt be some who are resistant to what Washington and InPower are revealing. But I find it highly interesting that even before addressing the smart meter problem, he produces evidence of an extraordinary long list of people in high-level positions resigning from office, shortly after he sent them certain documentation. Invocation of Personal Liability Is a Powerful Tool The above example illustrates corporate jurisdiction. Even if a company allows their employees to work around the clock, they cannot force you to do so if it violates the laws of the city, state or the corporation of the U.S. In this case, the notice of liability action takes advantage of the fact that the corporation of the U.S. is under the jurisdiction of merchant and common law. Hence, by invoking these laws you supersede all others. How does this make government officials personally liable, though? Government officials swear an oath to uphold the Constitution of the United States of America. Their oath is a contract. So, if they do not honor your constitutional rights, then they are not protected by their position within the corporation of the United States — they are personally liable because they’ve overstepped their role, just like the Walmart auto department manager did in the hypothetical illustration. He did not have jurisdiction to tell you to clock in for work at 2 a.m., and a government official does not have the authority or jurisdiction to negate or violate the Constitution, merchant or common law. The only way they can practically get away with it is by your tacit agreement — you must actually waive your rights. The notice of liability that Washington created explicitly invokes your rights. Phase 1 Results Phase 1 of the InPower project involved three “seed” groups with a total of 200 participants who sent out liability notices. Similar to Washington’s previous experiences, a number of officials who received liability notices resigned from their posts. del Sol Beaulieu clarifies that, “while there’s no saying for certain what factors are involved in each resignation,” respondents are indeed resigning. For example, on January 30, 2015, Brett Hodson, CEO of Corix Group, which installs smart meters, received more than 100 notices from residents in Kelowna, BC, Canada. On February 4, he received a separate Notice of Default from Washington. Hodson announced his resignation that same day. Kelowna was one of the three seed groups. Groups in Seattle and Detroit also launched Notice of Liability actions. In Seattle, after receiving 21 Notices of Liability, three of the nine City Council members announced they would not seek reelection, including one who resigned before the end of her term. “In Detroit, it is all-out war,” del Sol Beaulieu says. “The utility DTE has cut electricity to several homeowners who have refused smart meters.” However, after receiving 21 default notices (a later stage of the liability action), the Michigan attorney general suddenly began calling for free opt-out. Four of the eight officers in the Michigan Public Service Commission who are being held liable appear to have resigned — though it is yet unconfirmed by the utility. Phase 2 Plan of Action and Summary While del Sol Beaulieu states the focus of Phase 1 was to prove that the concept works, Phase 2 is a call to mass action across North America and Canada, with the goal of stopping the smart meter agenda completely and reversing back to safe, noninvasive technology. In summary, the Notice of Liability is part of a contractual negotiation process between you and your utility company. A contract has four basic components: 1. An offer. In this case, your utility may mail you a notice or post a notice on its website, telling you they are upgrading your meter. Unless you say no, you’re saying yes (tacit acceptance) 2. Negotiation/meeting of the minds. Whenever you present a contract to someone, they have the right and ability to negotiate the terms. (On a side note, to be valid, a contract must include full disclosure of relevant facts and terms, or else the contract is null and void. One could argue that since utility companies are not providing full disclosures about the potential health effects of the meters, they’ve voided the contract) 3. Unconditional acceptance. In this case, by sending out a notice of liability, you are issuing a counter-offer to their initial offer. You’re giving conditional acceptance, and to be valid, a contract must be unconditional. This means your conditions must either be met or removed. As above, consent to conditions can be gained tacitly. This means if they do not reply to your notice of liability, and ratify the contract by installing the meter, they’ve accepted your terms — including the financial liability spelled out in your counter-offer. For example, your notice may state that “If you put a meter on my house, I shall charge you $10,000 per week.” If they install a smart meter, or fail to remove the smart meter, your terms are deemed accepted, and the individual to whom you sent the notice is personally liable for this financial obligation. Within your legal rights are the use of liens, collection agencies and more. They cannot fight you in court, because your notice restricts the jurisdiction — it’s part of the negotiation process of a personal agreement or contract between you and the individual. It’s no different than purchasing their house. Since they put the offer out, they cannot back out of the deal — your notice is part of the negotiation and these are your terms to their contract 4. Money exchange or performance ratifies the contract. “Performance” is the action of doing something based on the contract, which in this case is the installation or non-removal of the smart meter. By performing the act, the contract — entered into with your conditional acceptance — goes into effect and the individual is financially liable per your counter-offer Join the InPower Movement I am extremely excited about this project as it can serve as a template for not only removing smart meters, but wireless technology in schools. It is important to understand that children are at much higher risk of EMF damage. As noted in the InPower trailer,5 this strategy may also be used to stop deployment of 5G, forced vaccinations and other problems of “profits before people.” On a call with del Sol Beaulieu and Washington last week, they explained to me how this process differs from others because it comprehensively lays the groundwork for the actual enforcement of the liability. “This isn’t the only possible solution,” del Sol Beaulieu said. “But we feel strongly about addressing the problem at its root, which is how money has corrupted social governance.” “Those who get it, get it — and they will be enough,” Washington said. “There’s a certain percentage of people who have been waiting for this, and who can see through propaganda — for example from the utilities and lawyers, who will try to convince you that using commerce is bunk, even though it’s THEIR system.” “This is about correcting the system which has become extremely out of balance. It’s to the point where the imbalance will threaten life as we know it, if allowed to continue. We can actually help to restore balance, and make big changes, when enough people catch onto this.” To learn more and participate, go to InPowerMovement.com and sign up free. Once you’re signed up, you’ll receive Episode 2, which has step-by-step instructions on how to proceed, and additional support. Shocking Admission Reveals How Smart Meters Are Used for Clandestine Surveillance Last but not least, even if you do not believe smart meters have any ill health effects, I urge you to join the movement to eliminate them, if for no other reason than to block the global rollout of these clandestine surveillance devices. There can be little doubt that they are infringing on personal privacy, and indeed were designed with that in mind. Rights advocate Jerry Day came across the following video, which del Sol Beaulieu calls “the most startling admission I have seen regarding in-home surveillance as the real focus of smart meters.” The video is a marketing video for Onzo, a large data aggregator that works with over 100 utilities globally. In this video, they explain what your power usage data is really used for: “We then use this characterized profile to give the utility… the ability to monetize their customer data by providing a direct link to appropriate third-party organizations based on the customer’s identified character.” In 2015, the director of grants and research at the National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners also stated that, “I think the data [harvested by 'smart' meters] is going to be worth a lot more than the commodity that’s being consumed to generate the data.”6
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