ICD (Insurance Diagnostic Codes) for Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity EHS Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity If there’s an insurance billing code for a condition…IT’S REAL and should be responded to as the environmental WARNING MESSAGE that it carries! Yes, from the World Health Organization ICD-10 medical code W90.0 and W90.8 ICD-10 Medical Codes for Cause & Effect: EMF / RF Poisoning – World Health Organization [but not limited to – often includes injuries below and one or more of the following: nausea vomiting, seizures, body parts have sensation of burning and/or tingling; tinitus]: https://www.electrosensitivesociety.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/ICD-10-Electromagnetic-Hypersensitivity-1.pdf 1Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity (EHS) and World Health Organization (WHO) 1PART 1: International Classification of Disease and Functioning A. International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10) B. International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) A. International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10): Classification of electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS) requires two or more codes. (The WHO does not use the term “Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity.” Rather they call it, “idiopathic environmental intolerance (IEI) attributed to electromagnetic fields (EMF).” EHS or IEI should be classified under: (1) Cause – Two codes are available for illness/injury resulting from exposure: • W90.0 for exposure to radiofrequency radiation (RFR). Note this includes intermediate frequencies (IF) that flow along wires, microwave radiation (MWR) as well as millimeter waves (mmW). • W90.8 for exposure to other non-ionizing radiation, for example extremely low frequency (ELF) electric and magnetic fields (EMF) and ground current. http://apps.who.int/classifications/icd10/browse/2010/en#/W90 (2) Effects – various classifications are available for the illnesses/injuries caused by the exposure to EMF radiation, for example …[but not limited to – often includes below and one or more of the following: nausea vomiting, seizures, body parts have sensation of burning and/or tingling; tinitus] • ICD-10 G43 for migraine: http://apps.who.int/classifications/icd10/browse/2010/en#/G43 • ICD-10 R42 for dizziness and giddiness: http://apps.who.int/classifications/icd10/browse/2010/en#/R42 • ICD-10 H93.1 for tinnitus: http://apps.who.int/classifications/icd10/browse/2010/en#/H93.1 B. International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF): ICF Checklist – Version 2.1a, Clinician Form for disability benefits, ill-health pensions etc. http://www.who.int/classifications/icf/icfchecklist.pdf?ua=1 You must state your disability in the presence of EMF radiation, e.g.: • “my vision is so badly affected that it would be unsafe for me to take charge of a group of 8 year olds while on a school trip in a busy city”, • “my thoughts become so jammed in the presence of EMF Wi-Fi in the hospital that it would be unsafe for me to administer drugs to my patients in hospital” 1 Based on information provided by ESUK Further details: PART 2: Activity Limitations & Participation Restrictions • Activity is the execution of a task or action by an individual. Participation is involvement in a life situation. • Activity limitations are difficulties an individual may have in executing activities. • Participation restrictions are problems an individual may have in involvement in life situations. • The Performance qualifier indicates the extent of Participation restriction by describing the person’s actual performance of a task or action in his or her current environment. Because the current environment brings in the societal context, performance can also be understood as “involvement in a life situation” or “the lived experience” of people in the actual context in which they live. This context includes the environmental factors – all aspects of the physical, social and attitudinal world that can be coded using the Environmental. • The Performance qualifier measures the difficulty the respondent experiences in doing things, assuming that they want to do them. • The Capacity qualifier indicates the extent of Activity limitation by describing the person’s ability to execute a task or an action. The Capacity qualifier focuses on limitations that are inherent or intrinsic features of the person themselves. These limitations should be direct manifestations of the respondent’s health state, without the assistance. By assistance we mean the help of another person, or assistance provided by an adapted or specially designed tool or vehicle, or any form of environmental modification to a room, home, workplace etc. The level of capacity should be judged relative to that normally expected of the person, or the person’s capacity before they acquired their health condition. PART 3: Environmental Factors • Environmental factors make up the physical, social and attitudinal environment in which people live and conduct their lives. • Qualifier in environment, Barriers or facilitator: 0 No barriers 0 No facilitator 1 Mild barriers +1 Mild facilitator 2 Moderate barriers +2 Moderate facilitator 3 Severe barriers +3 Substantial facilitator 4 Complete barriers +4 Complete facilitator ——END For more information: Free Print: https://free-printable-signs.com/no-cell-phone-sign/ Disability: ICD-10 Medical Codes for Cause & Effect: EMF / RF Poisoning – World Health Organization https://ehtrust.org/international-actions-to-halt-and-delay-5g/ https://ehtrust.org/usa-city-ordinances-to-limit-and-control-wireless-facilities-small-cells-in-rights-of-ways/ https://smombiegate.org/list-of-cities-towns-councils-and-countries-that-have-banned-5g/ https://micstagesuk.com/list-of-cities-towns-councils-and-countries-that-have-banned-5g/ https://ehtrust.org/usa-city-ordinances-to-limit-and-control-wireless-facilities-small-cells-in-rights-of-ways/ https://itchronicles.com/mobile/where-is-5g-available/ https://ndnr.com/neurology/emf-exposure-neuropsychiatric-effects/ *Dr. Magda Havas, PhD Professor Emerita https://magdahavas.com/5g-and-mm-waves/global-emf-monitoring-network-progress-report/ Havas – Discussing the 5G Experiment, November 2019 https://youtu.be/Vh8DNKmDGk0 *Collaborate With: Dr. Pamela Costello, M.D. https://drpamelacostello.com/ Book: Auditory Effects of Microwave Radiation Dr. James C. Lin Book: EMF*D: 5G, Wi-Fi & Cell Phones: Hidden Harms and How to Protect Yourself Dr. Joseph Mercola, M.D. Book: Electromagnetic Radiation Survival Guide Step-by-Step Solutions Dr. Jonathan Halpern, Ph.D. Book: EMF Practical Guide: The Simple Science of Protecting Yourself, Healing Chronic Inflammation, and Living a Naturally Healthy Life in our Toxic Electromagnetic World Lloyd Burrell Book: EMF Freedom: Solutions for the 21st CenturyPollution – 3rd Edition Dr. Elizabeth Plourde Ph.D., Dr. Marcus Plourde, Ph.D. Book: Radiation Nation: Fallout of Modern Technology – Your Complete Guide to EMF Protection & Safety: The Proven HealthRisks of Electromagnetic Radiation (EMF) & What to Do ProtectYourself & Family Daniel and Ryan Debaun Book: Quick & Easy EMF Guide: 99 Tips to Lower Exposure to Harmful Electromagnetic Radiation – Includes Dangers of 5G & Smart Devices Lois Cadwallader, MA with Bill Cadwallader, MBA, EMRS Book: Dirty Electricity: Electrification and the Diseases of Civilization Dr. Samuel Milham, M.D. Book: Riding the Waves: Diagnosing, Treating and Living with Emf Sensitivity Dr. Elizabeth Maxim, Ph.D. Book: The Non-Tinfoil Guide to EMFs: How to Fix Our Stupid Use of Technology Nicolas Pineault Book: All EMF*d Up Anne & Eric Mills Scientific Video: Dr. Gaétan Chevalier, Ph.D. – Biophysicist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q6HnWWTkVPg Earthing Institute – Research Dr. Gaétan Chevalier, Ph.D. – Biophysicist: https://earthinginstitute.net/research/ Video: The Ultimate Performance Enhancer: https://youtu.be/DaLURNiOFOk Edu Lecture: Dr. Devra Davis @ Univ of Melbourn School of Engineering https://ehtrust.org – Dr. Devra Davis, Scientist – ’07 Nobel Peace Prize https://mdsafetech.org/ https://scientists4wiredtech.com/ http://phiremedical.org/ https://newyorkers4wiredtech.com/5g/ https://newyorkers4wiredtech.com/smart-meter-basics/ https://www.emfscientist.org/ https://www.emfsa.co.za/ https://www.saferemr.com/ https://betweenrockandhardplace.wordpress.com/ https://microwavenews.com/ https://www.orsaa.org/ https://www.powerwatch.org.uk/ https://newyorkers4wiredtech.com/smart-electrical-meters/ 911 Firefighters Fight Against Cell Tower: https://mdsafetech.org/2019/09/28/firefighters-fighting-fires-and-now-cell-towers/ International EMF Scientist Appeal for Greater Protection On EMF Exposure: https://emfscientist.org/ ElectricSense Research & ElectricSense My Story of Pain: https://www.electricsense.com/about/ BioInitiative Report Info & 2012 BioInitiative Report on ELF & RF Dangers 2050+ Astronomers’ Appeal: https://astronomersappeal.wordpress.com/ Astronomers’ Appeal Safeguarding from 5G Satellites: https://www.iau.org/science/scientific_bodies/centres/CPS/ Protection from 5G Satellite Constellation Interference: https://ehtrust.org/switzerland-physicians-for-environmental-protection-call-for-public-participation-in-revision-of-the-ordinance-on-protection-against-non-ionizing-radiation/ Switzerland: Physicians for Environmental Protection Against Ionizing Radiation Original Source for Above Information: https://www.diseasemaps.org/electromagnetic-hypersensitivity/top-questions/icd10-icd9-code/ BE PRESENT - THERE IS ONLY ONE CHANCE TO SAVE AMERICA
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Before getting to the video description, this could be ANY county, ANY State in the USA...
Your county, your family's county, the county next to you... This video happens to be produced by District One in Arkansas The county doesn't matter, what matters is that every needs to know, needs to learn is a principle taught in the Civics classes that were removed by the Liberal education system. That principle is this - the collective action of local actions ALWAYS has a national impact. Given most counties are in the same boat, have had the same controlling, divisive, and freedom-limiting actions placed upon them at ALL levels of government, knowing others not only have experienced the same but are having success in their push backs is critical to making that national impact - then you can see that local actions can have a national impact. Many do not know where to start - this is 1 of 2 videos to give you a direction. Becoming involved in your school board meetings is another direction - one of which is have a MAJOR impact not only locally and State-wide but nationally as well. Doing something is better than doing nothing - everything will come to you as you push back, as you learn, as others arrive to back you. Stop looking for excuses why you can't and start seeking reasons why you should... Only one previous generation has been through this before and the Liberal education system is doing as much as they can to make sure you know as little about them as they can permit and what they do permit you to know is so full of lies you become confused - that generation is that of our Founding Fathers. They learned that one can put a 1000 to flight and 2 can put 10,000 to flight, they also learned that 3 or more can form an unbreakable cord... The video description for the second video follows... 2nd video can be seen here: https://www.bitchute.com/video/ZfSIBIqHjRTA/ From the video description We the People First Congressional District Republican Party of Arkansas DistrictOneAR.com It's clear our country is at a tipping point due to pervasive outside influences in our media and politics. This has a direct effect on our legislative, legal, education, financial, election and healthcare systems. If you, like millions of patriots across this country are ready to defend our constitution and moral principles for generations to come, then through our faith in God, it's time to pick a lane and take a stand. This site shows you how to get involved on a local and state level by joining your county committee and also by attending county and district meetings and events. We present simple, yet effective steps on how to run for office and how you can support your fellow constitutionalists in office to make the change we all want to see in the world. Courageous patriots from all four districts in Arkansas and across America have made this a national movement. We are the Party of We the People. In the coming days we will show you steps on how to get involved in your county. To stay connected and receive updates, please join us through this simple contact form. Thank you and God bless you, and God bless America. Mirrored from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JScOP8VFUFQ | District One AR All rights belong to District One AR #BePresent #BeInvolved #TakeAction Comments are open so you can provide - if you know - details as to such services being available in your county and/or State/// See our post How to Make A National Impact at Your Local and State Level for more information... https://decisiveliberty.news/how-to-make-a-national-impact-at-your-local-and-state-level/
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