“Contract makes the law.” ancient legal Maxim A4V does NOT mean that you do not have to pay your legitimate debts resulting from CONTRACTS you voluntarily sign — and any articles claiming that you can pay off all your debts simply by signing an A4V statement on a bill are TOTAL NONSENSE. PREFACE: “Acceptance for Value” is a remedy available only in commercial law (the Uniform Commercial Code or UCC). One can “accept for value” ONLY a commercial instrument that has been “issued for value”, that is when 1.) the instrument has been issued to generate value where there is NO prior value; AND when 2.) the instrument (such as a bill or a charge) has NO signed contract to back it up. In short, an instrument “issued for value” is an OFFER TO CONTRACT from someone (the ISSUER), unbacked by a pre-existing, written contract, in which that person is attempting to get YOU to give value to that instrument by having you falsely believe that you owe money when you, in fact, owe nothing. HOW you respond, determines whether YOU or the ISSUER becomes liable for the amount claimed. If you ignore the offer (and therefore “dishonor” the person making the offer) or give it a “blank endorsement” (with your signature only), you have assumed liability for the amount specified. However, if you give the instrument a “qualified endorsement” or “conditional acceptance” (by “accepting it for value“), you have, in fact, made a counteroffer, and kept yourself in “honor” by responding to the original offer, and thereby kept the liability on the ISSUER. In the case of a bill sent to you, your “qualified endorsement” via “accepted for value” keeps the ISSUER liable for the money claimed – NOT you! You retain your status as the creditor in the situation, and it is up to YOU whether that instrument (the bill or charge you received) becomes a negotiable instrument (money) with which you can settle the account. You can either “accept for value”, placing all liability for payment on the original issuer; OR you can “accept for value” and then specify that the money will be paid using the money created by your government bond created by your Birth Certificate under the emergency laws enacted following the bankruptcy of the U.S. in 1933. (Note: In the bankruptcy of 1933 the U.S. government took ownership of all land and possessions of the American people, including the people themselves as “surety” for further loans from the Federal Reserve and the international bankers. Under the legal TRUST created by the U.S. Constitution, such a taking action would have been outright theft and fraud, so the government was required to offer a “remedy” to the people, as the beneficiaries of that TRUST, in order to exercise their rights, if they so choose.) Since the issuer had NO signed, written contract to back his claim, he was forced to “issue for value” (i.e., issue it in an attempt to create value) his instrument (whether a bill, legal “indictment”, traffic ticket or other violation of a statute, any demand for payment, or whatever). In essence, the issuer is throwing you a “hot potato” and is hoping you will be ignorant enough to simply accept the instrument – as a contract offer – as it is; and give it value by ignoring it or by your “blank endorsement”; and to thereby accept the liability for paying it. If you “accept it for value” and “return it for value”, you have tossed him back the hot potato in the form of a counteroffer, so that he (the issuer) becomes liable for the amount of money specified in his original instrument’s claim, unbacked by any pre-existing contract. Consequently, the instrument issued pays the instrument! The original issuer pays the original issue – he pays himself. Therefore, the transaction is balanced to zero and closed. Of note: In ALL penal actions for violations of STATUTES, the national debt is the PRESUMED preexisting contract, for purchase, that influences the conscience of the judge in making his decisions. Since under the Laws of God and the Natural Law (derived from God’s Law), ALL men are equal in authority. Therefore, no man or body of men can legitimately coerce or force another man to do something against his wishes and will! Consequently, under the Common Law, and international commercial law, NO man can be forced into a contract against his wishes, AND there must be equal “consideration” (things of equal VALUE) exchanged between the parties, with full disclosure of information, in order for a contract to be valid. It appears that today, few Americans realize that under long-standing international law, ALL legislated STATUTES or ACTS – by any legislative body – are mere OFFERS TO CONTRACT, which any individual man has the right to accept or refuse, as he wishes. One must remember that since 1933, ALL statutes (legislated laws) in the U.S. exist to pay back the national debt of the U.S. to the Federal Reserve banks and other U.S. creditors – and they want you to agree and consent to be liable for this debt! Therefore, if a district attorney issues an “information” (similar to an indictment, but not requiring a grand jury) to you charging you with a crime, you have three choices regarding his “offer to contract”. First, you can IGNORE it, in which case you are in “dishonor” and assume liability for payment in either money or service in prison to repay the national debt. Second, you can SIGN it without conditions (called an “unqualified endorsement” or “blank endorsement”), then you have created a negotiable instrument by giving it value and have assumed liability for paying it, which can then be enforced by the issuer (the district attorney as the government) to help pay off the national debt. OR third, you can sign the “information” with a “qualified endorsement” using “accept for value” (a “counteroffer”), by which you give that instrument a monetary value, but keep the liability for paying it on the ISSUER. So, in the case of legal charges against you by a district attorney or a court clerk (usually by a traffic ticket issued by a police officer), through an “accept for value” endorsement you have avoided all liability; and kept the liability for payment (as money and/or a prison sentence) on the district attorney and/or court clerk – it is then, THEY who need to pay the fine or fulfill the imposed prison sentence for that statute violation; NOT you, since you did not accept liability. They tossed a hot potato to you and expected you to pay. But since they had NO signed, written contract in which you agreed to obey that particular statute, they were required under U.C.C. commercial law to issue that document for value – that is, to issue it in the hope that YOU would give it value AND take liability for paying it by accepting it without any qualifications. However, by your “accept for value” qualified endorsement, you agreed to it and gave it its value, but declined to accept liability for payment. Then by returning the instrument (the charges against you), you tossed the hot potato back to them – and kept THEM liable for any payments! This system may sound INSANE, but this is how the financial and legal system was set up following the 1933 bankruptcy of the U.S., along with the amended extensions of national “emergency” of 1917 and 1933. When you go to court, you go to a “legislative-statutory court” – in essence, a Maritime-Admiralty court – operating under the UCC bankruptcy code whose sole purpose is to fund the national debt – NOT into a true “judicial court”. You are PRESUMED “guilty” and are subject to a “summary judgment” without any trial by jury, unless you simultaneously convene your OWN “court-of-record” under the Common Law within that courtroom. And that system is still in effect today within the U.S. SAMPLE A4V “qualified endorsement”: The qualified endorsement is – Accepted for Value – without recourse Exempt from Levy signature__________________ Date ______ Exemption Identification Number 123456789 (your Social Security trust number) Deposit to the U.S. Treasury and charge the same to JOHN H DOE 123-45-6789 (if it is the birth certificate or social security bond number). One should be aware that the charge need NOT be made to the U.S. Treasury. In fact, you can charge it to whoever issued it to you. The value can be charged to a clerk of court for case # ____________ or to the police officer who issued the ticket. It can be charged to the Commissioner of Internal Revenue Service for account # 123-45-6789 if it is a tax bill. Electric bills (payment vouchers) have the bank routing numbers and amount of the voucher printed in magnetic ink right on the bottom of the bills. The utility companies are actually sending you the voucher to pay the bill, with the statement every month. Even so, they might decide to turn off your service if you do not send them a “thank you” check, in addition to returning the voucher with your proper endorsement. IRS also sends the voucher on the final demand before lien or levy. A voucher can be “a written record of expenditure, disbursement, or completed transaction, or it can be a written authorization or certificate, especially one exchangeable for cash or representing a credit against future expenditures”. It would need to be endorsed before submitting it as a credit. A “blank endorsement” (your signature only) puts the liability on the endorser, you. A qualified endorsement, a counter-offer with new conditions along with your signature, puts the liability back onto the original issuer. Free Reference Material You Should Read “What Does Accepted for Value Mean?” http://tinyurl.com/mmceq87 Re-post from https://mainerepublicemailalert.com/2017/04/12/accepted-for-value-a4v-u-c-c-commercial-remedy/ Freedom, Rights and the Common Law Also See: “Accepted for Value” ( A4V ) — BEST Explanation of this U.C.C. Commercial REMEDY The Superior Method to (A4V)
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