By Anna Von Reitz Today, I went to my own website and have extracted a Top Ten List for people frantic for practical information they need to know to protect themselves and their assets and to grasp what is going on in the world at large. I do this with some trepidation because people need to study the issues and keep up with the conversation, not just "grab and go". However, I do understand the almost-panic response of many who wake up and realize that they are under attack, so I went through and identified the exact articles from my website that you need to read and also a couple of articles that are crucial to understanding how things actually stand in the world. Article 560 -- "How to Correct Your Political Status and Why" -- This one gives you the Big Picture overview and the three fundamental actions you need to take to overcome the legal presumptions attached to both Municipal and Territorial citizenship. Article 573 -- "Re-Flagging Your Vessels" (and, if you still have questions about this one, Article 584). This explains that your Name/NAME have been misconstrued as the names of "US Vessels" engaged in international commerce and held subject to Maritime and Admiralty law, when in fact, you are operating as peaceful American state vessels engaged in private international trade. Just as ships at sea have to carry the proper flag to be properly recognized, so do you--- and that flag is the Peacetime or "Civil" flag of the United States. Read all about it. Article 607 --"Dear Lucretia -- Mortgage Relief -- and the Rest of the Story" -- This is the heavy-hitter where the details of the correction outlined in Article 560 are fully fleshed-out. Article 620 -- "Pay Attention! If You Want to Save Your Butts!" This covers how to correct your land titles and deeds and indemnify them under specially constructed Private Registered Indemnity Bonds for each one of the actual states. This process takes your land assets out of the "collateral pile" and puts them back under the protection of the sovereign states. Article 626 - "Improved Act of Expatriation" --- This example shows how you can expatriate from the presumption of Territorial "citizenship" and declare your permanent domicile and domicile for all the "Vessels" operated under your name to the land and soil of your natural state. One slight correction -- it should say "Amendment X" or "Article Amendment X" not just "Article X"---- no big deal if you have already done the recording as it is not crucial, but nice to do if you haven't yet recorded the document. Article 630 -- "Title, Lien and Bond" -- This again gives the Big Picture from a slightly different viewpoint, showing you how to secure and indemnify your identity and property with a powerful claim that cannot be overcome by the thieves. Article 631 -- "Step One Complete. Now What? Dear Ernie..." This is an overview to help people who have gotten part of the way through the process and need extra "oomph!" to get through the rest of it. These articles cover just about everything that anyone could ever need to know concerning the basics of extracting your Name/NAMES and recouping your birthright identity and reclaiming your assets and presenting yourselves properly. They also give you the addresses you need and the bond numbers you need to protect yourselves. Article 627 --- "Retired Means Retired!" is recommended for all the retirees out there who are worried about the loss of Social Security pay and medical care. It explains the actual obligation of the federal corporations. In addition to these practical action articles that provide step-by-step explanations and directions, there are a couple other articles I wish everyone would read as a background so that people have a broader understanding of what is going on in the world and in our usurped courts. Article 581 -- "What Every American Needs to Know About Sir Lancelot" -- This article explains in some detail what happened in Dark Ages Britain and France and how that precipitated the Norman Conquest, and how that in turn led to my husband's forefathers becoming sovereigns in their own right in England. This is a prelude to understanding how they later became sovereigns in the their own right in America --- an international status you share with them today, which is unique in all the world -- and how James Belcher serves today as the lawful Head of State for the United States of America. Article 588 --- "Common Law, COMMON LAW, English Common Law, American Common Law" This very important article explains the many different kinds of "common law" that exist and lays bare the deliberate confusion that some organizations like the "National Liberty Alliance" are promoting. Always remember that Americans are owed American Common Law and no other kind of "common law" will suffice. Now, I've written it all once and Paul Stramer has faithfully published it all and made it available as a data base, and now, beyond that, we have gone the extra mile and organized and annotated the essentials for you. Unless you have read all the articles listed and still not found the answers to your question---- please do not contact me for further individual help. There are 350 million people in America, most of whom need to do this process. I can't possibly help each one and I have many, many other tasks to do: directing and supporting The Living Law Firm, organizing The American States and Nations Bank, raising hell in international jurisdiction to get this mess straightened out, bringing necessary complaints and court actions, and on and on and on..... It's important that I not be deluged with correspondence and not be inundated with calls, even though my email and postal address and telephone number are published and freely available. Why? Because I don't have a battery of receptionists ready to take calls, and I don't have an army of public relations specialists, paralegals, and "agency representatives" to answer questions for me; because it depresses me when I can't answer every single one of your calls and your letters; because I have to keep my nose to the grindstone working on huge projects that will benefit everyone, not just one; because I am only one getting-on old lady. I can't even take the time to write "thank you" notes for donations and that really bugs me. So, please, everyone, do your homework first and try your best to sort through things with all the information I have given you BEFORE you call or email questions. It will help me and help all the others working with me and for me, too. See this article and over 1200 others on Anna's website here: To support this work look for the PayPal button on this website. Also See: |
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