By Anna Von Reitz For all those who need to know, this is what the IRS is and what it does and who it does it for--- I quote Pao L. Chang for convenience sake: "The Internal Revenue Service is considered to be a Bureau of the Department of the Treasury; however, like the Federal Reserve, it is not part of the Federal Government. (Diversified Metal Products v. IRS, et al., CV-93-405E- EJE - U.S.D.C.D.I; Public Law 94-564, Senate Report 94-1148, page 5967; Reorganization Plan No. 26; Public Law 102-391---and is in fact incorporated in Delaware ...." ("Internal Revenue Service" was incorporated in 1925, the Municipal "IRS" was incorporated in 1933.) "It is pointed out that all official Federal Government mail is sent postage-free because of the franking privilege; however, the IRS has to pay their own postage, which [again] indicates that they are not a government entity." "They [the Internal Revenue Service/IRS] are in fact a collection agency for the Federal Reserve, because they do not collect any taxes for the U.S. Treasury. All funds collected [by the IRS working under color of law "as" a Treasury "Bureau" and collecting funds under false pretense as the funds are collected under what appears to be a Treasury presentment] are turned over to the Federal Reserve. If you have ever sent a check to the IRS, you will find that it was endorsed over to the Federal Reserve." "The Federal Reserve, in turn, deposits the money with the International Monetary Fund, an Agency of the United Nations (Black's Law Dictionary, 6th Edition, page 816.) where it is filtered down to the International Development Association (see Treasury Delegation Order No. 91) which is part of the "International Bank for Reconstruction and Development" --- commonly known now as the World Bank." Bottom line --- the so-called "Internal Revenue Service" is not now and never has been a part of our government and has been deceitfully misrepresented as such by our British Territorial and Municipal United States subcontractors. At the bottom of the dog pile which progresses from the U.S. Treasury to the Federal Reserve to the IMF to the IBRD ---- we find what? Ah, the World Bank. Karen Hudes' erstwhile Dropbox Fixer and sometimes employer. Please note that the Federal Reserve, IBRD, and World Bank are the Secondary Creditors that forced the "United States of America, Incorporated" into bankruptcy in 1933. And also note that the IBRD and the World Bank are the ones who, in 2000, following the settlement of the bankruptcy, showed up and lied through their teeth and without anyone giving any Notice to the actual Priority Creditors (The United States of America, the American States and People) claimed that all our assets were "abandoned" --- including approximately $387 billion dollars in gold that FDR confiscated from the American People under color of law as "surety" backing the bankrupt "United States of America, Incorporated" bankruptcy. Also please note that the bankrupt governmental services corporation doing business as the "United States of America, Inc." was fronted by the Roman Catholic Church as a religious non-profit. Ms. Hudes is still holding onto our gold and pretending to be our Trustee, even after we entered our objections (according to our Constitution no Bar Attorney can hold any position of trust) and collapsed any such "Trust" by directly presenting the Bill of Lading issued by the actual Priority Creditors. Let me interpret this situation --- these banks caused the problem, then profited from it under false pretenses for sixty-three years, and afterward lodged false claims of abandonment against the bankruptcy surety assets as Secondary Creditors. And they are still holding onto gold and other assets that rightfully belonged to your great-grandparents and grandparents and parents and now, also, to you. And now, to bring it all back "Full Circle" ---- the IRS got its start back in the 1100's in France and England, when the Pope (acting as Pontiff, of course) started collecting an income tax called "Peter's Pence" which was a special collection to support the cost of the Crusades, collected every April 15th. It was collected by members of the Dominican Order, the same nice people that brought us the Inquisition. They continued to pop up as Privateer organizations on the sidelines of every war thereafter, as this was the Holy See's way of supporting the cost of all the Pontiff's war-mongering. The Civil War was no different. The "Internal Revenue Service" back then was issued Privateer licenses and Letters of Marque and Reprisal, and they operated out of Puerto Rico and other Island bases, preying upon both Northern and Southern commercial vessels. Nice, huh? Just special. Things got reorganized after the Civil War and they moved onshore for a brief time, only to be repelled and sent packing by our more sentient ancestors, back to their base in Puerto Rico. After 1904, they were allowed back to operate on our shores via the Insular Tariff Cases, and particularly Downes v. Bidwell and Hooven and Allison v. Evatt--- for the express purpose of collecting from Municipal United States employees only. By 1916, the Pontiff was busy financing another war--- World War I, so sympathetic war-mongers in Congress acting without a quorum majority on Christmas Eve, passed the "Sixteenth Amendment" to their corporate "Constitution"---- and set the wolves loose on the innocent American Public. And then came World War II. Things got "tight" for the Pontiff again. He couldn't collect enough from all those corporations and employees and dependents that were legitimately "U.S. Citizens" so the war-monger in Congress came up with another plan: The Victory Tax. The Victory Tax wasn't a tax at all, really. It was a charitable donation toward "the war effort". American workers signed up by the millions and agreed to donate an amount equal to that paid each month by federal civilian and military employees and to have it deducted from their paychecks. The wording of the "Victory Tax" was vague and the sunset clause on this arrangement was the "end of the hostilities". Most of us understand that the "end of hostilities" came in September 1945, but the Internal Revenue Service kept right on collecting from all those millions of American workers who had so patriotically "volunteered" to donate to the war effort. If anyone objected, they were told that there was "still a war on"----- the Cold War. Since then we've had every kind of "war" you can think of --- wars on poverty, wars on drugs, wars on wars, as well as innumerable other conflicts ---- like Vietnam, like Iraq I and II, like Afghanistan..... and to hear the "Internal Revenue Service" talk, we are still volunteering and still obligated to be docked larger and larger percentages of our earnings in support of a Victory Tax. How about this? A "War on Con Artists" and especially a "War on European Con Artists"? How about a nice big boot on Dominican Order rump? And all the members of Congress that have mindlessly, ruthlessly, undeniably furthered their power and paychecks by glutting on the extortion and racketeering profits rolling in from all this? For the life of me, I don't understand why General Kelly and General Mattis and General Dunford don't have Karen Hudes hanging upside down by her thumbs, why they aren't helping us recoup our assets---which would far more than pay for their services---? Why aren't they arresting at least all the Bar Members usurping upon our lawful government and occupying seats in Congress? They have cause to know that no Bar Attorney can hold any Public Office or hold any position of trust in our government. It has been this way since 1819. Think they'd get the news? And what is this nonsense of "Political Parties"----groups of lobbyists occupying Congress as "Representatives"? We are owed Fiduciary Deputies elected by the People (House) and State Legislatures (Senate). Not two colors of Tobacco Lobby on speed. Why aren't our military geniuses arresting and deporting all these undeclared Foreign Agents---- especially "IRS" employees--- and shutting down the phony Treasury Bureau? Instead of just stupidly standing here and letting these robbers steal and coerce and harm the people of this country---the same people they are hired to protect? I have a Big Question for the members of the "U.S." Congress---whichever "U.S." that is, and for all the employees sucking off this gigantic crime and for the Pope and his minions, too ----- Just how long do you all think that you can abuse your employers and bite the hands that feed you, and get away with all this crap, before it all comes home to you? Hell, no, I'm not "volunteering". ---------------------------- See this article and over 1300 others on Anna's website here: To support this work look for the PayPal button on this website. Also See: |
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