By Anna Von Reitz
Lazy Man's Guide to the Last 150 Years in America 1861 -- a bogus mercenary "conflict" begins on our shores, and the perps pass it off on us as a "Civil War" even though no war was ever declared by our Congress and no Peace Treaties ever signed. It's a con and a set up for more fraud games. 1863 -- Lincoln declares the Northern Federal States of States bankrupt, but neglects to fully disclose and inform people about the actual identity and nature of these business entities. A false presumption gets started that our States are bankrupt, and that our assets are up for grabs, when in fact our States were never involved and not eligible for bankruptcy protection. 1865 - The Territorial "Rump" Congress sets up bogus quasi-civilian, quasi-military courts and ten new Southern military "districts" run by "District Court Judges" appointed by military commanders. This is the beginning of the Slow Creep of the Talmudic Court System insinuating itself where it should never be. The overall is similar to what would happen if your Lawn Maintenance Service Company ran up unimaginable debts, went bankrupt, forged your Name as Co-Signer of all their loans, gave your address to their Creditors, then stepped back and let you bear the burden of paying their bills. 1868 - The British Territorial United States re-writes its own constitution and issues it as a Scottish-sponsored incorporation charter---all without disclosing this to the people of this country. This Scottish commercial corporation merely doing business "as" The United States of America (Incorporated) takes over and usurps upon the lawful government using semantic deceits and fraud to accomplish its aims. 1907 - The first Scottish corporate "ringer" pretending to be the actual United States of America, goes bankrupt and the perps in the British Territorial version of the [Territorial] United States Congress (get the joke now?) arrange for their creditors to accept title to our land as surety for their debts. This is the First Fraudulent Bankruptcy since Lincolns' bankruptcy in 1863---- and it causes the First World War. Again, the situation is similar to what would happen if your Lawn Maintenance Service Company went out and charged your credit to the utter limit, sought bankruptcy protection for itself, forged your Name as Co-Signer of all its loans---and left you to pay the bill. 1913 - their creditors, not ours, come to our shores and they start the Federal Reserve nightmare and begin devaluing our currency --- though we weren't involved in any of this stinking scheme. They start printing paper "notes" --- I.O.U's for future payment -- and exchanging these for American Silver Dollars without disclosure or consent. They also charge interest for this "service" to us, the targets of this fraud and Breach of Trust. 1925 - a Roman Catholic Church Delaware Corporation doing business as "the" United States of America (Inc.) is formed to take over where the Scottish fraudsters left off. This one oversees the run up of the "Roaring Twenties" and the 1933 Stock Market Crash and the entire debacle of the Great Depression. This is the Second Fraudulent Bankruptcy since Lincoln's Big Fix in 1863. Again, the situation is similar to what would happen if your Lawn Maintenance Service Company, racked up astronomical bills, went bankrupt, forged your Name as Co-Signer of all their loans, then stepped back and let you take it in the shorts. 1933- 1946: Franklin Delano Roosevelt and his cronies offer the labor and private assets of their "States of States" and the "citizenry thereof" --- and via a blatant process of unlawful conversion, they conveniently presume that everyone in this country is a "United States Citizen"--- though then as now, the vast bulk of us never were. The perps deliberately lie and act under color of law to ensnare as many Americans as possible to act as franchises of their venal, bankrupt corporations and the "US Trustees" assist them in the pillaging and plundering of innocent Americans. 1953 - The bankruptcy of the First Scottish Shill Corp settles. The vermin in the Territorial Congress pretend that they can't locate all the people whose land should be returned to them free and clear. Instead, they roll everything over into giant land trusts and "manage" the assets "for" the "absent owners". And they also charge the actual landlords for all this "service" the vermin are giving us without our knowledge or consent. 1999 - The bankruptcy of the Second Roman Catholic Church Shill Corp settles. 2008 - the MERS fraud comes home to roost and we all suffer The Big Short. And once again, the perpetrators trot out the American People as the ones responsible for their debts. Now, I won't bore you with the maddening proliferation of Shill Corporations and "derivatives" that took place following this, and all the "assets" that these crooks dreamed up and put on the books that simply don't exist, but the same people who think they can print money out of thin air also think that they can create new land and real estate assets simply by giving the same assets a new name and taxing all the various names ("titles") that they bestowed on the same property. All sorts of crazy stuff goes on. Karen Hudes, a Bar Attorney working for the World Bank---a foreigner absolutely forbidden and prohibited from holding any Office related to our Government --- claims that she represents us. We say, basically, "Like Hell she does." Deutsch Bank gets stuck handling all the "derivatives"--- that is, bogus assets made of paper and lies. Bank of New York Mellon and Bank of Canada get caught money-laundering slave labor and human trafficking for the Queen of the Damned and the Pope.... Prince Philip gets caught benefitting himself from insurance and bankruptcy fraud via "Life Force Value Annuities" to the tune of $950 trillion, give or take a few "T".... its all crime and craziness beyond imagining. I don't know how Donald Trump is keeping an even keel. Lesser men would have run screaming into the bushes a long time before this. 2009: The Federal Reserve Board of Governors declares the Federal Reserve System TM bankrupt --- remember all those I.O.U.'s they printed? All those prior to 2009 Federal Reserve Notes? Oh, oops. The vermin skipped town. Welched on all those "Promises to Pay" us back for all the American Silver they received in supposedly "equitable" exchange for their BS. Now tell me again, why is the "Federal Reserve" still in existence? Why are the banks still in existence? Why hasn't the "corporate veil" been stripped away like wet tissue paper in a high wind? 2013-16: The Municipal UNITED STATES, INC. and cohort Municipal "governmental services corporations" enter involuntary bankruptcy liquidation. Again, the situation is similar to what would happen if your Lawn Maintenance Service Company ran up unimaginably huge bills, went bankrupt, and forged your Name as Co-Signer of all their loans--- stepped back and left you to pay their debts. 2017 - The Territorial version known as the USA, Inc. enters bankruptcy reorganization. [I hate to be monotonous, but this part of the story is monotonous, because the same thing has happened and been allowed to happen over and over and over again. This is nothing but an unimaginably huge national scale credit and identity theft swindle and it has been allowed to go on and on and on and on --- so hear it AGAIN in hopes that everyone reading this will know what went on here and have it memorized....] The situation is similar to what would happen if your Lawn Maintenance Service Company deliberately ran up huge bills, went bankrupt, and forged your Name as Co-Signer of all their loans....yada, yada, yada. It's not bad enough that you've got one of these crime syndicates bilking you senseless, you've got two of these organized crime syndicates on your weary backs, doing the same thing, competing with each other and taking turns---and to add to the irony, you are their employers. They are your employees. You are paying them to do this to you. Hello? Good morning, America. Wake up. If coffee won't do it, I recommend a string of fire crackers. Remember the Scottish Shill Corp calling itself "The United States of America" (Incorporated) back in 1868? Well, the same parties responsible then just tried to set up a Municipal version called "THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA" and the Bank of France set up its version "THE REPUBLIC OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA" and pretty soon every joker in the western world will think they have some excuse to infringe on the Good Name of our lawful Government, and to practice more identity theft against us, and to try to rook us into assuming their debts. Again. Can you all hear and see the words "Non-Assumpsit" plainly written here and elsewhere and recorded all over the world? Can you hear the words, "Odious Debt Returned for Cause"? The score stands 0:0:0. And you are surely beginning to see the pattern in very bright colors and high relief? They go to the banks and claim you are their "Surety" --- their "Co-Signer"---and the guilty as sin colluding banks let them do this. As long as you don't wake up and say, "Not me, Pilgrim." -- they get away with this Gross Breach of Trust and this Gross Abuse of the Commercial Service Contract known as The Constitution for the united States of America ---- which all of the same vermin are supposed to be "defending" with their lives from enemies both foreign and domestic. In the words of my cat, "Pffft-thut!" Original Federal United States Government? Moth-balled since the so-called "Civil War". Municipal United States Government? Incompetent as a result of bankruptcy. Territorial United States Government? Incompetent as a result of bankruptcy. All three layers of "federal government" have sequentially failed and by Operation of Law, we are finally rid of them. Our Federation of States is the only lawful and sovereign Government left standing since September 9, 1776. The Delegation of Power returns to those who delegated it in the first place --- to The United States of America [Unincorporated] and to our States of the Union which were never involved in any of this venal, criminal, shameless nastiness, and to the People of this country, who never deserved to be made part of it, at all. We have Acknowledged and Accepted the return of our Delegated Powers. We also discovered absolute proof that the Queen abdicated her Christian Throne three days after her Coronation, pulled a giant fraud on the people of the United Kingdom, and occupied The Chair of the Estates instead. She has been ruling in deceit and Color of Law since 1953 --- which renders everything that she and her Government have done ever since then legally and lawfully invalid, null and void, ab initio. Including what they did to us. Including all the years that our land was held under corporate franchise "titles" and "managed" by "federal" agency subcontractors and buried in foreign land trusts. That's all profit and leases and fees and taxes and mortgages and insurances and stocks and bonds owed back to us, the actual owners of the assets. We are claiming our land back and our labor back and all of our other assets. We are going after the black-robed devils who have served their Courts of Baal on our shores and attacked our innocent people under Color of Law. Guess who was really at the bottom of the Big Short? Lehman Brothers were just the surface scum. Who was playing "JAWS" underneath surface? Wells Fargo Securities -- pretending to be just a nice, little ole "National Banking Association" or "NA"---- that just happened to be owned by the Office of U.S. Attorney General, writing unauthorized credit agreements for itself and using our land assets as the collateral. Make no mistake --- there is going to be a settlement of these issues. The vermin in "Congress" should all be locked in their rooms and down on their knees praying that Donald Trump succeeds and stays the course. They should be doing everything they can to help him. When he tells them to do something, they should say, "Yes, Sir! Right away, Sir!" --- because if they don't, they are going to find out what democracy is really all about--- and its not a National Debate about High School drunkenness and groping three decades ago. Get your own affairs in Order, claim back your Good Name and estate, boot up your lawful land jurisdiction County and State Governments via organizing your local Jural Assemblies, and support the rest of us in our work, so that we can continue to do the necessary research and continue to make the necessary international claims. It costs me thousands every month to keep this operation running. I know many of you are suffering and facing a long winter ahead. But as you can observe, the Banksters and their political pawns are still stalling and caterwauling, trying to hang on to money and power even after their crimes are exposed for the whole world to see, still choking and sputtering and scheming---- and their new favorite buzzword: "resisting". I'll take care of their continued "resistance". With enough thrust, believe me, pigs really can fly. This is going to be the permanent end of the banker's constipation problems. No more "Doctrine of Scarcity" applied to everyone but them and their cronies. Help us knock this whole situation over the Goal Poles and past the Tipping Point. Send us whatever help you can. Send us prayers. Send us information. Send us donations-- we still need them. Send to my PayPal account: [email protected] or via Snail Mail to: Anna Maria Riezinger, c/o Box 520994, Big Lake, Alaska 99652. ---------------------------- See this article and over 1200 others on Anna's website here: To support this work look for the PayPal button on this website. Posted by Paul Stramer at 6:49 AM Labels: Anna von Reitz, Lazy Man's Guide to the Last 150 Years in America
The American States AssembLIES