Qui tam pro domino rege quam pro se ipso in hac parte sequitur From: Scanned Retina – A Resource for the People! mailto:[email protected] Sent: Tuesday, May 29, 2018 4:54 AM Subject: Qui tam – arnie rosner On behalf of our fellow sovereigns – The American people To Donald J. Trump, President of The United States of America, Michael E. Horowitz, Inspector General, DOJ, John F. Kelly, White House Chief of Staff. From Doreen This ‘Writ of Qui Tam’ is on behalf of every single American, and their Original Contract with the One True Creator, at birth, with which no other can intervene. On May 29, 2018 the following NOTICE was served on The United States of America government by ARNIE ROSNER, Under, and out of, the authority of absolute necessity Qui tam pro domino rege quam pro se ipso in hac parte sequitur Under, and out of, the authority of absolute necessity: Notice and Declarations of Deprivation of Creator-granted Rights, Privileges, Freedoms, Immunities and Properties under Colorable (FAKE) Law in opposition to the Supreme Law of the Land and Oaths of Office via Ultra Vires acts and in-actions in foreign venue under foreign jurisdiction and law form. Statements of Fact The ”GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS” and any and all sub-contractors have agreed to, accepted and acknowledged the Original Contracts as passed and enacted by the People, by, under and pursuant to the intent of the People, by, under and pursuant to the Oaths and/or Affirmations taken and subscribed by the same and/or the taking of any form and format of compensation and consideration. Item 1 At the time of Conquest and thereafter, any laws in force, affect and effect stay in place with full force, affect and effect until such time as the new authority lawfully repeals or alters the same; Therefore this Writ of Qui Tam is proper by, and on behalf of, the Sovereigns for America. Item 2 The ”GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS”, any and all sub-contractors and THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, and any and all local, national and/or international equivalents have forfeited, via Ultra Vires acts by an operation of law, the rights and privileges of any and all purported sovereignty, authorities, jurisdictions, venues, procedures and law forms to exist and be utilized, in force, effecting and affecting the American Sovereigns at any place and/or any time, without limitation. Item 3 This purported government, THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, and any and all local, national and/or international equivalents, exist and operate as mere fictions of law, by, under and pursuant to the Constitution for the United States of America c1819, then the same must absolutely comply to the explicit and limited written directives and authorities contained therein; Any action or in-action outside the explicitly written limits of the aforementioned Original Contracts would be Ultra Vires, thereby voiding and forfeiting, by an operation of law, the very same Contracts aka Constitutions, and the ability to maintain, enforce and/or claim certain standings, status, characters, conditions, capacities, authorities, jurisdictions, venues, law forms and/or existence in Law, at Law and otherwise; Item 4 There exists in the aforementioned Original Contracts no provision(s) and/or clause(s) for any real-man or fiction of law, allegedly formed by and/or operating under the same, to deviate from or violate the same. Item 5 In fact, Article VI of the Constitution for the United States of America c1819 outlines the and authorizes the explicit and specific terms for any and all public servants and/or public trustees, quite clearly and succinctly, in order to maintain and enforce their very limited scope of authorities and/or procedures. Item 5a Article VI of the Constitution for the United States of America c1819 specifically and explicitly states and commands the following to wit: Item 5b “This Constitution and the laws of the United States which shall be made Pursuance thereof…Shall be the Supreme law of the land, and the Judges in every state shall be bound thereby…and all executive and judicial officers, both of the United States and the Several States, shall be bound by Oath or Affirmation to support this Constitution.” Item 5c Further, Article I section 3 of the Constitution of West Virginia specifically and explicitly states and commands the following to wit: Item 5e “Continuity of Constitutional operation-The provisions of the Constitution of the United States, and of this state, are operative alike in a period of war as in time of peace, and any departure therefrom, or violation thereof, under the plea of necessity, or any other plea, is subversive of good government, and tends to anarchy and despotism.” Item 5f There is absolutely no authority contained within and/or authorized by, the Original Contracts for the effectuating, implementation, exercise, enforcement and/or utilization of inherent or implied powers, authorities, jurisdictions, venues and/or law forms, regardless of whether they infringe or violate the Original Contracts or not; Item 5g There exists no absolute and explicit Original Contracts authority for the implementation, exercise, and/or enforcement of malum prohibitum authority, jurisdiction and/or venue against the American Sovereigns; Item 5h. The alleged THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA and any and all local, national and/or international equivalents have failed to prove and/or acquire Original Contracts compliant jurisdiction and venue applicability to in any way interfere with a private contract between the Creator and an American Sovereign individually. Item 5i. Irreparable harm and injury is being caused by the ”GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS” and any and all sub-contractors every single day that an American Sovereign is unlawfully and illegally warehoused and/or confined. Item 6. The violations aka Ultra Vires acts Read more at https://scannedretina.files.wordpress.com/2018/05/qui-tam-arnie-rosner-on-behalf-of-our-fellow-sovereigns-the-american-people1.pdf Foundational and Superior Authorities and Principles, guaranteed, preserved and protected by Article 3 section 2Pages 18 to 30 in the PDF list Maxims of Law that are ecclesiastical in nature and upheld by the highest courts. Suggested reading as they are educational. From Doreen Blessing and gratitude to Arnie Rosner et al for taking corrective action. This Qui Tam can be used in other countries. First, identify the supreme law of the land where you live i.e. Constitution. Everyone in government who receives a paycheque and or took an oath is bound by the supreme law of their land otherwise the Ultra Vires Act [beyond their authority] applies. In other words, if compliance with their Constitution was violated whatever that government claimed against the people is voided. What each of us can do – direct the energy Practice Ho’oponopono. In your own words and with genuine feeling, follow the steps: 1] I am sorry for any part of me that contributed to government fraud, deception, harm. 2] Please forgive me. 3] Thank you. 4] I love. you. Imagine, sense, feel a shift toward peaceful remedy, justice, freedom, harmony, unity. Please share so people know corrective action is underway, and give them an opportunity to direct energy toward our freedom with most ease and grace. Thank you. Sincerely, Doreen Ann Agostino [c] Without Prejudice and Without Recourse http://freetobewealthy.net Comments are closed.
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