![]() by Taansen Fairmont Our hearts go out to the millions of Americans who are unnecessarily burdened with debt payments to institutions that issue Visas, MasterCard's, Discover cards, student loans, and other signature lines of credit. The Liberty credit card and student loan debt elimination program legally cancels United States-based unsecured debts. These include Visa, MasterCard, Discover, institutional credit card debt, student loans, and signature loans. You can stop making payments on the debts immediately, and nullify them totally 100%, without bankruptcy, just by sending a series of letters. I knew one very nice senior citizen living on a fixed income who had about $43,000 in credit card debts. She had maxed her cards out after her husband died, and she was being hounded by the so-called “creditors”. Then from friends and family she learned that they are not creditors at all. She used the Liberty Debt Elimination System to send a polite and professional dispute letter and affidavit, and she has not heard from the money lenders or their collection agents since. In one case, they did persist with two more letters, and the Liberty system provided her with simple response letters to send, which only took a few minutes to prepare and mail. This was in early 2010, and since then she has had no further contact from any of them. She knows now, for a fact, that this is because they have been caught in their scam . . . and they would rather let it quietly go away than to litigate it and publicize it. Before all this happened, her lifestyle was declining. She was less and less able to afford the right medicines, medical help, good clothing, car repairs, maintenance on her home, and especially vacations and spiritual retreats. The debts were mounting up too much. When she began the Liberty program, she stopped making all those payments immediately. Then overnight she was able to begin affording better health, a better car, a better house, and greater peace of mind. We have seen this story repeated in a thousand different ways thousands of times. It is a really wonderful reversal of destinies for people. Many Liberty customers say this is the answer to their prayers. Why negotiate, settle, modify, reduce, or consolidate, when you can outright CANCEL? Go with what WORKS -- not mere theory. This is one of the best things you can do to help the economy, because it withdraws support from the cartel. Liberty customers are protected by numerous laws, and a network of allies and professionals. "Anyone who says it is impossible should not interrupt one who is actually doing it." The Liberty system has enjoyed a nearly 100% success rate since 2002, meaning no one who has followed the simple instructions completely and didn’t give up, has failed to have the debts vanish. Using the Liberty system, I personally successfully cancelled over $50,000 of credit card debt involving seven cards -- Visas, MasterCards, and Discover, back in 2002. I never had to go to court and I have not had a problem with them since. The system has continued to work for my friends and family to this day. So it has a proven track record now. This allows customers to legally and totally cancel Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express, student loan debts, and other unsecured lines of credit, without bankruptcy. It’s easy. Anyone with access to a computer and Microsoft Word (or compatible) software can do it. Just follow simple ABC instructions to put your name and personal information into three (3) powerful pages – and send them Registered Mail. That’s it! No attorneys needed. It’s quick – can be done in one hour. It’s inexpensive – just $450. Most people spend that much or more in one or two months of debt payments. When you realize you can, and should, stop making the payments on the debts you are cancelling with the Liberty system, right at the beginning of the process – the moment you purchase it, it is clear that the program pays for itself you are starting to pay yourself instead of the bankers. And, your purchase could effectively be free. If you have $450 in credit on your card, you can take the purchase price from that, and then include that in the debt to be cancelled with the Liberty system. (There is nothing unethical about this, as you can see in the FAQ on our website). Compare this $450 to programs costing $3000 and up. There are no other fees, and this covers an unlimited number of debts for one person for a lifetime. It has enjoyed a nearly 100% success rate. This means basically everyone who has used this exact same system precisely as instructed, has had collection attempts by banks, lending institutions, law firms, collection agencies, and even courts, come to a halt. The only people who failed were those who didn’t follow the instructions or who quit and gave up. And the instructions are easy. Basically, it just involves sending a letter Registered Mail approximately once a month for a few months until the collection efforts stop. We provide the text of the letter. You just fill in your name, account number, etc. The Liberty system is the best in America, as far as we know. It has incorporated all the most effective techniques for debt cancellation discovered out there. Since it has been practicing this every year since 2002, it has been continuing to augment, improve, upgrade, and become stronger. New research is always pouring into it. The market changes, but certain basic principles remain the same and are invincible. The “pretender lenders” have no defense to certain allegations made in the Liberty letters, and so they remain undefeated to this day. Question: Ethically, I believe in paying my legitimate debts. If I have received real goods and services for the bills I ran up on my credit cards, then why is it ethical for me to not repay those debts? Answer: Because the money lenders were not the sources of those goods and services. The merchants who provided the goods and services were paid, but the money lenders produced nothing. Furthermore, the money lenders never loaned anything. No money ever came out of their accounts to issue your lines of credit. They pretended to make loans, when actually nothing was ever loaned. That is called fraud. That is why this Liberty debt cancelation system legally works. “La Vérité” means “the truth”. We are simply confronting them with the truth, and they cannot deny it. We strongly recommend that everyone read the book The Creature from Jekyll Island, by G. Edward Griffin. It is available at Amazon.com. That book reveals the fascinating story of the creation of the Federal Reserve banking system, and how what the banks of today are “loaning” has never been true money, but rather just fictions created out of thin air, in a sophisticated strategy for the bankers to take over and enslave the world. Question (related): I would like to hear your response to the ethical question of your system being based on the fact that the credit card issuer is being fraudulent, yet to buy your system you accept credit card payment online. If they are fraudulent then why are you accepting their form of payment for your system? Answer: The reason is because out of the three parties to the transaction, only one of them is fraudulent. That is the so-called lender. You, the customer, are producing value with the hard earned money you are paying; and we, the merchant, are providing value with our hard earned product. It is ethical and sound thus far. We should be paid and you should receive good value, rightfully so. It is when the international crime syndicate called the money lenders insert themselves into the middle of the transaction and attempt to extort their cut, that we draw the line. No money came out of their accounts to issue the loan -- it was created out of thin air using the Mandrake Mechanism -- and no value came out of them either, in the way of goods or services. One could argue, well, they provide the medium of exchange -- i.e. the money, and administer that system. If so, then the honest way to do it would be for them to charge a small nominal fee, such as 0.01% of every transaction worldwide, for maintaining the money system. That might be fair. It would be open, honest, transparently visible, and mutually agreed upon by everyone. But paying "back" 100% of the value of the transaction PLUS usurious interest, is nothing less than outright theft and extortion. It is a parasitic influence on the global economy and has destroyed countless lives. That is wrong and must be stopped. We are not harming anyone or taking anything that isn't offered, by accepting credit cards to pay for our products. On the contrary, as sovereigns, we are exercising our God-given right to transact in commerce and provide our goods and services using whatever medium of exchange society has most agreed upon. The fact that a corrupt cabal has tried to insert itself as a fraudulent party to the transaction is the reason for our withdrawing our support from that behavior. For every American who implements this debt cancellation system, the economy is improved by that much. This is because when you were making your payments to the money lenders, the people benefitting most from those payments at the top of the banking hierarchy know full well that they created the loans out of thin air, and never loaned anything. So they’re getting trillions of dollars in free extortion money, tribute to their private offshore islands, underground cities, secret space programs, private armies, weapons and drug trafficking, war making, and other nefarious activities. If you don’t believe this, read authoritative books like “Secrets of the Federal Reserve” by Eustace Mullin, or “The Creature from Jekyll Island” by G. Edward Griffin. It’s well documented and there are hundreds of books, websites, and seminars revealing these facts. There is really no controversy about it and it’s not really a secret . . . it’s just that the information hasn’t yet spread to everyone. But the word is spreading more quickly now. When Liberty customers stop paying on these phony bogus debts, the economy is improved because money that was otherwise going to the international crime syndicate -- which they then use to hire armies of mercenaries to organize the banking and court systems against innocent people -- is money that is now going instead to one's own (presumably) harmless and life-supporting home living and household expenses, and perhaps education, spiritual practices, or health treatments creative and constructive projects. It is withdrawing money from what is harmful in the world and redirecting it to what is helpful. That is a most beautiful fulfillment of the purpose of ethics. Although it is a do-it-yourself system and has complete instructions, we also remain available for answering questions by email and phone. People have been very happy with our customer service. Liberty is backed by a strong legal team who remain on standby for all customers in case assistance is needed. In about 2% of cases, it is necessary to go to court. Once again, 100% of the Liberty customers who have gone to court and who have faithfully used the assistance of our legal team and didn’t give up have won. But around 98% of Liberty customers win without ever having to go to court. The Liberty system has even worked for people who have been sued by their credit card institutions. They adapted the documents to the court case, and often the cases were dismissed without having to go to court. In the very few cases where litigation followed, we have no failures. At no further charge, we provide a zip file of powerful support documents; and, we refer these rare customers to rare lawyers who guide them to success. They only charge a few hundred dollars – like $250 per court filing -- peanuts compared to the attorneys who charge thousands and then end up selling you down the river. None of these customers has lost, if they followed our instructions and the lawyer’s guidelines completely and did not give up. The system continues to work today. It is time tested. It takes a few months for you to see that the pretender-lender collection attempts have definitely stopped, but they have always stopped. This system works far better and more consistently than commercial discharge or set off methods under the UCC, because the elite have tried to monopolize those methods for themselves, while stopping them from being honored for most people. We've been saying for years that the Liberty unsecured debt cancellation set has been enjoying a 100% success rate, for all those who applied it according to its instructions. We have a list of evidences of this success on our Liberty page, from institutions like Chase, Transunion, Capital One, Citibank, and others. For example, Transunion, the credit reporting agency, shows that the debt has been "deleted". You can view these documents at our website under where it says “Proof That Debt Elimination Works”. In that section we even have one from the IRS, showing a bill for income tax owed due to the debt cancellation. This kind of bill has been received by very few of our customers, and none of them have had to pay the income tax, because we have CPAs we refer our customers to, who can provide a legal filing category that changes the cancelled debt from “income” to a tax exempt status. In addition to this good news, our Liberty customers now have the most absolute proof-in-writing possible -- from the Fed itself -- that the Liberty system works. Usually when we beat the pretender lenders, they just quietly slither away and never issue anything in writing confirming our victory, because they probably figure it would get duplicated and the word would spread far faster than it already is. So the best we have been able to enjoy so far in this matter is their going silent and ceasing their collection efforts. That alone has freed countless people from the tyranny of debt enslavement, so we can't complain. But occasionally, it's nice to receive an actual written confirmation of the elimination of the debt. This doesn't mean that the same will happen for you, if you use the system. More likely, your debt would just quietly go away and you would never receive anything in writing confirming it. It's the old proverb, "no news is good news" -- meaning no more billing statements, no more collection letters, no more collection calls, and the debt has been written off. The effectiveness of the Liberty system does not depend upon presenting mere philosophy to the banks. While what they are doing may be unethical, we don't argue ethics. The reason the Liberty system is effective is because it targets actual specific laws that they are breaking. They cannot get around it and they cannot defeat this fact. That's why people who have been sued have often had their cases dismissed when the Liberty documents were presented. In this respect, many are learning to stay away from debt reduction, negotiation, or consolidation. They have found that it is far more expensive and stressful than cancelling the debt altogether, and in addition, it will continue harming the economy. Why negotiate or consolidate when you can legally CANCEL, and HELP the economy at the same time? And if you are truly honest and accurate - - how can you “reduce” or “negotiate” something that is nonexistent? If a debt is a fraud, if it is bogus, then it is nonexistent. Something that doesn’t exist cannot be reduced or negotiated or compromised or consolidated. It can only be canceled - - meaning it can be acknowledged for what it always was - - a hoax. You may have questions that haven’t been answered here. Please read our Frequently Asked Questions. Yes, we are here for you - - we respond daily to email tickets submitted at our Help Desk via the Contact Us - - and we also respond to phone calls to the number at the top of our home page. But first, we kindly ask you to please read the FAQs, to see if your question is already answered there. Many thanks. May you be fortunate and take the first step towards becoming debt-free! Click here: http://brillianceincommerce.com Liberty Debt Elimination |
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