CANCER can be healed completely after a few weeks of TREATMENTS. The RIFE machines were tested in 1934 on patients in CALIFORNIA. WE as humans have witnessed and watched helplessly as Family and Friends DIE using CHEMO and other ways that are NOT guaranteed to work but in the MEDICAL INDUSTRY many Doctors are paid to keep you sick and use band aid Solutions It was SET-UP that way as THE CABAL did NOT want us to heal/get better part of AGENDA 21/2030. That was part of the USELESS OLD 3D SYSTEM. Let us LOOK at WHAT WE HAVE available to USE to HEAL OURSELVES and OUR FAMILIES. BONES SPURS are very PAINFUL and I used to have them, they are caused by HARD WORK, HEAVY LIFTING and a tonne of WALKING. HOWEVER on a POSITIVE NOTE, FREQUENCY MACHINES WORK. And I will tell you a little STORY. I have worked many JOBS where I did a lot of HEAVY LIFTING [hard to find anything else] so and I was constantly on my feet, the IDEA was to stay in shape so I figured if I kept getting PHYSICAL LABOR JOBS that I would keep the pounds off. Well that IDEA took a toll on my BODY, we were NOT designed to be a worker bull for 2o years , however, after I bought my first home and moved in I ended up with very PAINFUL BONE SPURS in my HEELS. The only thing that took them away was after I started going to a FREQUENCY HEALING MACHINE – this one had red lights. Eventually after about a year and half later, [because I did NOT use it right away because YOU had to PAY EVERY VISIT]. I could walk without CRYING. HAD I used this MACHINE RIGHT AWAY and NOT waited for 8 months almost a year later not sporadic it probably would have healed a hell of a lot quicker, this was also like a test machine. Now they probably have more advanced FREQUENCY HEALING MACHINES. IN the old days we USED FREQUENCIES to HEAL OURSELVES and DOCTORS were RARE as they were NOT needed that often. WE as a HUMAN RACE are headed back to those SELF HEALING WAYS and the MORE FREQUENCIES pounding through our BODIES the faster WE WILL ALL HEAL, until then we have to PUSH our GOVERNMENTS to release the HEALING BED machines. THE GOVERNMENTS hide most TECH from us but will be forced to release them to HUMANITY as HUMANITY needs them. The GOVERNMENTS worldwide have agreed to release many healing machines that THE GALACTICS brought here, now, if not very soon. TODAY we will LOOK at some of those MACHINES AVAILABLE. CANCER can be healed completed after a few weeks of TREATMENTS. The RIFE machines were tested in 1934 on patients in CALIFORNIA. How do Frequencies Work for Cancer? Spooky2 Rife Published on Jun 24, 2019 Most Affordable Rife Machine: Global Rife Community: Rife Machine Reviews: Cancer is a group of diseases related to the uncontrolled growth and spread of abnormal cells. Globally, about 1 in 6 deaths is due to cancer. Research has found that viruses, bacteria, and parasites contribute to Cancer. Killing these bad organisms can help the natural healing of the body. So, how can we kill these organisms? The answer may surprise you. An opera singer can use his or her voice to shatter a crystal glass. The glass has a natural vibrating frequency. When the opera singer sings at that same frequency, the glass shatters. In fact, everything has a natural vibrating frequency. It is called the resonant frequency. Pathogens like bacteria and viruses also have resonant frequencies. If you transmit more of this same frequency to the microorganism, it causes structural stresses, and the pathogen is disabled or simply explodes like the crystal glass. Other organisms are not harmed, because they resonate at different frequencies. David Sereda Published on Jul 19, 2018Learn more about the Light Stream Wand ➜… Rife Frequency Meditation For Negative Energy Removal Negative Energies can develop in the home. Nobody presumes this is the explanation behind harming feelings and occurrences that happen. They are Negative Energies that development over some undefined time frame, some of the time for many years or more. The fundamental driver for antagonism is bothersome human feelings and activities. Here is Rife Frequency discovered by Royal Rife, he found that frequencies can use for Meditation and serious therapeutic conditions. Using Rife Frequencies he re-established well being to numerous individuals. A portion of the frequencies he found for Negative Energy Removal are inside these recordings. 1. More PEMF & Rife Machine Reviews and Success Stories ➜… 2. Watch our Light Stream Community webinars ➜… 3. Rife Frequency List for Light Stream Wand ➜… 4. Get The World’s Most Advanced PEMF & Rife Machine ➜ ★☆★ SUBSCRIBE TO DAVID SEREDA’S YOUTUBE CHANNEL NOW ★☆★… REVERSE AGING MACHINES DON’T WORRY about “IF I REVERSE MY AGE” how am I going to have an INCOME etc, etc. I put my time in and I don’t want to work for another 50 years or, I am retired, how does this work ? What if no one hires me etc. ALL BANKS – WORLDWIDE – are changing into TRUST FUNDS for HUMANITY and HUMANITY will have a LOT of MONEY coming our way to HEAL and to LIVE and to work on your ASCENSION PROCESSES etc. To do your passions, what you love. GOD LOVES YOU !
Don't miss The 5G (wireless) Crisis Summit!
The industry HAS NOT shown it to be safe for your health or privacy -- yet THOUSANDS of peer-reviewed, independent studies show the risks it presents -- and they’re building it anyway. Hundreds of scientists from 40 different countries have reached out to the United Nations and the FCC, asking them to consider health risks and environmental issues before rapidly deploying 5G -- because these researchers have studies that show adverse biological and health effects from EMF sources. It's time to better understand the dangers of 5G and learn how to implement better solutions in your community! --->>Learn more about the dangers of 5G wireless when you attend this free, online event! WHY ATTEND? You may have heard of 5G, it stands for fifth-generation cellular wireless. In a February 2019 US Senate hearing, the wireless industry was forced to admit they have no safety studies on 5G, and don't plan to do any. Meanwhile, there are thousands of independent studies concluding that wireless radiation causes biological harm. Despite this, the wireless industry is working with government to deploy 5G -- it's a global, for-profit, human experiment... without our consent. What does it mean? 5G is a higher frequency, therefore it travels shorter distances than our current wireless signals, therefore exponentially more transmission devices must be installed to provide connectivity -- millions more, in fact, on lamp posts, telephone poles and other "rights-of-way" for existing utilities. Each tower will emit radiation at levels known to cause cancer, sterility, DNA damage and other harm... especially to our children, who are most at risk. Join us at the 5G Crisis summit to discover: ● 5G defined: research, facts and awareness ● Science about the dangers of 5G and EMF radiation ● Sources of wireless radiation and "dirty electricity" in your home ● Link between 5G, Al and global surveillance ● How groups and individuals are successfully opposing 5G ● Simple, empowering actions you can take, here and now ● Individual solutions and safer, revolutionary technologies ● And more! Your guides for this event are Josh del Sol and Sayer Ji, two iconic health advocates who are known for changing the way we view and achieve improved health and happiness. If you're hungry for cutting-edge information with life-saving consequences, and want to be part of a movement dedicated to empowering ourselves and humanity, join us for this event! --->>I'll see you online at The 5G Crisis Summit when you register today! Join Us! P.S. When you register for The 5G Crisis Summit, you also gain access to this powerful report, 7 Essential Ways to Make Your Home Safe from 5G and EMF Radiation. Dear Ascending Family, Since May, there has been an ongoing sequence of accelerated plasma wave activations into the planetary body that generate strong alchemical shifts in the overall fundamental state of one's consciousness, self- awareness and perception. The energetic acceleration has been intense and has been impacting some people with unhealed trauma to tip over into dire states of mental confusion and emotional body imbalances. When a person does not recognize mental and emotional imbalances that are the result of their own unhealed pain, trauma and fear, they can become completely controlled by these dark forces, unaware they are being manipulated by their own inner shadows. Mental and emotional pain when not addressed with unconditional love, kindness and self-acceptance, can erupt into a variety of ego defense mechanisms, in which that person uses the outer reality to blame other people or make up situations for the pain they have felt or for what they are enduring. The blame game is used by the negative ego in order to shift responsibility onto others that are convenient targets for projection. This is commonly perpetuated by a person that makes up a reality that is completely imagined in order to justify the actions of their negative ego. Many spiritual catalysts and awakening people are commonly projected upon in this way by those who remain asleep or controlled in strict mental dogma. What I am observing is an acceleration of unstable people making up realities to suit their belief systems based on their unhealed pain. It is very disturbing to notice an acceleration of delusions and deceptions being paraded around as absolute truths from the most mentally and emotionally fractured people within the masses. Projections of made up events about other people are a way to use character assassination to spread malicious gossip about the targeted person in order to ruin their social reputation. Unstable people are easily manipulated to repeat the lies they have been told, acting as the carrier wave to spread malicious gossip. As the steward of this website, this psychological warfare tactic to discredit my body of work happens quite often, and recently these attempts are only increasing, due to the many controversial themes and unapproved topics I have been willing to discuss publicly. At this time, I am the target of a character assassination campaign, as well as an attempt to prevent my newsletters and blogs from reaching an larger audience through shadow banning. Most that do understand psychological warfare know that those people that threaten the Controllers or NAA the most, tend to be the targets of an assortment of divide and conquer tactics, as well as projected upon with an assortment of victimizer archetypes. The collective victimizer archetypes are being pushed very hard into the minds of the mentally and emotionally confused, to get unstable and ignorant people to attack others through a delusional narrative that has been made up by the negative ego and pain body in order to relieve their inner anxiety. The negative ego likes to play hero-savior and imagine that they can be the hero that saves the people of earth from uncertain doom, that they alone have absolute truth and no one else knows this truth but them. This is the result of individuals who are not only mentally confused, but subconsciously requiring an external person to act like a whipping post or hold an enemy patterning, in order to justify their choices and the negative direction they are moving towards. People that are stuck in mentally rigid or polarized thinking, tend to not be able to perceive the larger global picture of events. Instead they take a myopic perspective of insignificant details, and with this sliver of information, place judgments upon it without the use of common sense or critical thinking. This Archontic strategy is to keep the masses ruminating and obsessing on insignificant and trivial matters, where the individual cannot see the forest through the trees. This myopic view influences people to make life decisions based on a miniscule amount of twisted information and poor discernment. Sadly, the negative ego tends to feel better about itself and believe it is gaining more power, when it engages in the act of putting other people down. By accusing targeted people of things they did not do in so to justify their own actions. The dark forces have a rule written in their doctrine, “accuse others of what you have done and always deny what you are accused of”. This is the primary motto of many cabal members and many traumatized people act out this same adage, unconsciously. When you notice a person with an pushy agenda to inform others about unsavory details they claim to have about another person, use critical thinking and common sense. What is the true motivation behind spreading negative information about someone else? Until a person has reached a stable and coherent level of maintaining observer consciousness, many will have a hard time trying to figure out the energetic signature of outright lies and those people doing the best they can to tell the truth. Always, it is important to tell the truth as you know it, and to not use other people as excuses for spreading lies. The war over consciousness is continuing to accelerate, and many people are tipping over into the abyss of deception and lies that they tell themselves. As truth seekers, we must be able to navigate the maze of lies and act with the highest personal integrity by always telling the truth in the most harmless and kind way possible. People that are mentally confused and feeling pain or desperation, tend to look for something or someone to pin on their personal issues, because it is easier in the short term to get relief from inner anxiety if you tell yourself the pain you are in is because of something else outside of you. It takes a lot of bravery and courage to look at the pain created inside your mind and body, and be willing to take responsibility for it in so to be able to take productive steps to heal that pain. In the death culture, the negative ego is constantly reinforced by the mind control programming to give away personal power to something that exists outside of ourselves. The Controllers have carefully cultivated a fear based reality in which many people are not willing to be fully responsible for the direction of their own personal energies and thoughts. Where we place our focus and attention is what generates energy in our personal reality and that content ripples out into the environment. If we live and act in fear based thinking, we will only create much more fear in our minds, emotions and body, this grows the inner shadows. We stand at a difficult precipice in finding a way to bring energetic balance between making an accurate assessment of what we are actually being exposed to in the outer world by desperate dark forces that seek to gain control over our every move, versus the requirement to reclaim our personal power by assigning our authority not to the negative ego fears, but to the highest expression of our spiritual being, our direct relationship with God. God and Soul is loving and kind, allowing others to be who they are authentically without recrimination. Psychological warfare tool It is helpful to understand that dark forces in humans and nonhumans, commonly use blame shifting as a psychological warfare tool to weaken and exploit spiritually awakening people. Blame shifting is a potent way to use trauma based mind control to weaken people, and so controller and manipulator types use this tactic skillfully to exploit those around them. Blame shifting can also be accompanied with Gaslighting. We must remember the goal of dark forces is to exploit and weaken those spiritually activated. Thus they will target the mental body, emotional body and spiritual body, in so to exploit personal weaknesses. The plan of action is to make that person doubt themselves or second guess what actually happened to them, even if they remember what has happened very clearly. When a person is in perpetual self-doubt, this greatly weakens his or her mind and spiritual communication. Gaslighting is a form of psychological-emotional abuse that Controlling types of personalities and dark forces use to which a victim is manipulated into doubting and discrediting their own memories, perceptions, experiences and sanity. When people do not have the whole picture of events, and they are being deceived and manipulated with only limited access to the truth contained in circumstances, it obfuscates their ability to make informed, clear and well thought out decisions. Thus human and non-human Gaslighters like to tell other people what they are feeling, what they are perceiving, what they should be doing, and criticize and condemn anything else they do not agree with in that persons experience, because it is not favorable to serve their own selfish agendas. By attempting to gain total control over another person, this directly leads to control over the mind of another person, and this is what dark forces are striving for. As long as they have some influence or control over the mind, they continue to have control in the mind, body and spirit of that individual. As we learn how to refocus our thoughts, we can prevent overwhelming states of emotion from triggering impulsive behaviors and angry reactions, expressed as Splitting Behaviors. As we develop strong impulse control, we are learning a form of ego discipline through applied patience and diligence. If we check in and find that we do not like what we are feeling, we can better understand the reasons for that, by further shifting into the observer mode. We call the process of shifting from identifying with a thought or feeling, into neutrally observing it, the observer mode. This requires moving ourselves into the compassionate witness. As a Compassionate Witness we have no judgment of thoughts or feelings, we hold no judgment of what we are observing in the external, we only observe those thoughts and feelings in our self and others. When we can fully observe through our own Compassionate Witness, we then have the possibility of becoming neutral and centered. Then, we can find relief from our inner anxiety, fears and a host of other thought distortions. This process is key to shifting ego defense mechanisms, thought addiction tendencies, and releasing the anxiety or fear of feeling the emotional depth or pain that contributes to Splitting Behaviors. By continually using an Ego Defense Mechanism to avoid facing the source causation of the anxiety or deeply rooted fear, (which is unresolved pain or trauma) we are only perpetuating the mental looping, which uses denial of the truth in order to avoid feeling pain or discomfort. Denial of accurate accounts of the truth is the seed of all ego defense mechanisms that stunt our continuing path of emotional and spiritual development. This planet is ascending into the higher frequencies of plasma, which greatly impact the principles of energetic coherence around us. Coherence is a necessary energetic principle to understand on the Ascension path as we progress towards personal consciousness expansion. Coherence is the main principle used to describe the synchronistic harmonizing of energetic properties that occur naturally within any living system, to support the integration of that grouping of energy. When an individual lives in unhealed emotional pain and mental confusion, this greatly decreases their state of energetic coherence, and as a result, when large energy activations enter the planetary body, they tend to tip over easily into extreme imbalances. When we dismantle the old enslavement profiles from this reptilian based Controller society, each of us must make the effort to explore new models of spiritually beneficial behavior, focusing on those humanitarian traits that support individual and collective growth to help evolve spiritual advancement. As we undergo successive levels of bifurcation, this is the point where the decision framework comes in for each person. People make decisions based upon the kind of motivations, thoughts, and actions they have as general thoughtforms influencing their lifestyle. Many of us are observing these patterns of bifurcation, or splitting apart, and the synchronization of the energy fields based on personal resonances that either create increased coherence, or lack of coherence. This occurs during the Ascension Cycle, and impacts everyone and everything. The state of being coherent is formed by unifying the sum of the parts to be united, so they form a synthesized whole. Coherence directly corresponds to the process of leaving behind individualistic expressions of ego, while moving towards expressing group consciousness or unity consciousness, which is the opposite of the negative ego in action. Please be kind to yourself and others, may peace reign true inside your heart, mind and body. With Love and GSF, Lisa |
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