By Lisa Renee - Energetic Synthesis Body Changes From The House of David Teaching Center This file is a montage speaking on the changes that will occur within our bodies during the upcoming tribulation Earth Changes. These are organized into 22 different areas within the body. The sources of prophetic information for this montage are listed at the end of the file. This montage is broken down into the following: END TIMES During the Earth Changes in these End Times or Tribulation as it is called, the earth and the physical bodies on the earth are supposed to undergo a change as we move from the third dimension to the fourth and fifth dimensions. On the planetary scale, a massive shift is taking place. Huge infusions of Light are coming to the Earth plane as the veil of separation and denial are lifting. Earth Changes are creating physical changes in your bodies right now. The planet is mutating, and so are the beings on it. There is a transmutation taking place in the very cells of your body. A transmutation is the act of being transmuted or changed or altered in form, appearance, nature to a higher form. transmutation is the internal change going on inside the body that puts together the combination of parts or chemical elements, groups or simpler compounds or by the degradation of a complex compound so as to form a whole new combination. During mutation, this new combination may be constructed by the body from diverse conceptions into a coherent whole body that may be different from previous bodies. The physical transmutation change within your bodies is a significant and basic alteration in the body. It may be a relatively permanent change in hereditary material involving either a physical change in chromosome relations or a biochemical change in the codons that made up genes. A codon is a triplet of nucleotides that is part of the genetic code for the body. The genetic code specifies a particular amino acid in a protein or starts or stops protein synthesis which means putting things together. This is the way the body grows or is destroyed by disease during it's particular lifetime. There are many teachings coming down today that speak of mutation and also speak of cellular transformation. Some have asked what is the difference and is there a difference? Some entities feel that the word mutation is a word that sometimes alienates a lot of people, it sounds scary to some people. So they use the word transformation or cellular transformation because it seems like a little more gentle word to use. They feel that more people are open to the word transformation. It's more like a gradual shifting whereas mutation feels to some people like there are going to be some changes that are so radical that this creates more of a fear. And these entities try and stay away from wording and language that is going to create more of a fear because this then creates a restriction of energy when people are met with words that create that type of experience or reaction? Whatever you call the changes that are taking place now in our bodies, the information that was coded into the DNA of your structure is now being activated. The most concise repository of information in your personal blueprint of your species is found in the cellular DNA of your bodies. Your DNA will evolve from two helixes to twelve helixes or even fourteen strands which correspond to energy centers, or chakras, inside and outside your body. The new type twelve strand DNA was originally in bodies 300,000+ years ago. Within human body cells are light-encoded filaments, fine gossamer threads of energy that carry information. When these gossamer threads are working together like a fiber optic type of cable, they form the helix of your DNA. Imagine that your frequencies are starting to detach from each other and that where they are still connected, they are just threaded together. They are not so congealed that they create that much matter anymore. What is going to happen then is that the energy that is coming into you is going to start to come in more easily. It is as if the cells have to break apart a bit. This is why so many people are now waking up and remembering. It was predetermined that you would do so at this time! Beings whom have been living in dense physical bodies, now have the option of living in wondrous bodies of Light. The effects are very jarring in some ways. On the one hand, you'll get physical vibrations that are strange and sometime feel uncomfortable. Your endocrine system may speed up or slow down, causing various effects on your hormones. You may have a sudden strong feeling and then it'll be gone. You may have an overwhelming memory and you will not be certain whether it is a dream or a reality. You are high-energy transformers, like sponges in the energy sea around you. As more and more Light becomes available to you, the intensity of electromagnetic energy around you also increases. Any changes in the surrounding energetic field are picked up by your subtle (etheric) body. This body acts as a receiver and as a transmitter of these energies. These changes directly affect your physical body, which is the outward manifestation of the etheric level. These changes be gradual and will go on over the seven year tribulation period. They have definitely started. The changes depend on, for many, the level of openness, the level of flow in an individual's life. The orientation for many has been from a linear or mental perspective. This is shifting for many and a lot of people are experiencing confusion as they begin to reorient themselves into a physical and more holistic perspective. For many people this has been going on for quite some time. As far as a time period of when it begins and when it ends, it really depends on the individual, their level of openness and willingness and the clarification that has already taken place in their energy field. By this we mean, are they coming into alignment in their physical energy system? Are they coming into alignment with their emotions and the emotional body? And are they creating more of an openness and a flow in the mental body so that they can consciously receive the energies and the frequencies that create the shifts, the transformation. Bear in mind also that all who are on the planet at this time, all forms of life, not just human life but all forms of life, are and will continue to be effected by what we call an increase in intensity of Light that comes directly into and around the field of this planet. So even, though those who we may look upon or you may look upon as less conscious or perhaps even totally unconscious of the changes are definitely effected and will continue to be effected. They don't have the understanding that many have who are searching on the path of what is going on for them. Why they are experiencing greater agitation, why they are experiencing that parts of their life are no longer working? Why are they experiencing less control in the mental body than they are used to? There is a great deal of confusion among the masses because until now there has not been a large enough body of clear information to explain in a way that can be understood by the masses what exactly is exactly taking place in this time in history. For there is nothing in your past that can compare to what is currently going on and what will continue to accelerate. What is happening to many of you right now is that due to the increased energies present, the etheric body is vibrating at a higher frequency. The physical body is then trying to catch up but it hasn't quite yet done so. This results in a speeding up of your molecular structure. Many people are now experiencing this as a quickening taking place within your own bodies. This stepping up of energies is affecting every system in your body-nerves, muscles, vessels, skin, organs and glans as they try to adapt to the new frequencies. The nervous system, which carries those energies throughout the body in the form of nerve impulses, and the endocrine system, which regulates much of your physiological functioning through the secretion of various chemical substances (hormones), may be experiencing tremendous energy overloads as they constantly attempt to maintain a state of homeostasis and balance in the body. This kind of expansion in consciousness during cellular transformation is literally pulling you into worlds that are beyond potential and are becoming real. Things about your world are changing in front of your very eyes. Perhaps the most profound noticeable change is the need that many people have noticed lately for more rest. Is anybody feeling tired lately? If so, you need to continue reading this material. Your body systems are overloaded and Mother Earth's systems are also overloaded. Her body, the mass of herself, functions very much like your own body. Most people do not realize that your Mother Earth actually breathes in and out? People that have been in caves or have been near openings inside the Earth can actually hear air whistling in and out of the Mother Earth. In surrendering to the change process going on in the Earth and in your bodies, you are releasing your own limited existence, your own limited desires, all that you have held close to you for security and a feeling of nurturing and safety. So much is happening on very deep levels of yourselves and it is usually occurring in the subconscious. You may feel overcome with sorrow, feeling you have lost something, or that you are leaving something without even having an idea of what it is you are sorry or crying about. As you approach closer and closer to the final experience (called Ascension), you will feel yourselves more and more of letting go of more things. During the process of cellular transformation, you may see or feel specific physical changes and sensations in your body and in the bodies of those around you, such as the following: I. ACHES, PAINS and HEADACHES Continue... |
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