Corporations Cannot be Sovereign Governments AS THEY ARE FICTIONS DEFINED BY WORDS ON A PIECE OF PAPER The following is a compilation of work by Judge Dale, retired, attorney/author Melvin Stamper, and AntiCorruption Society researchers. AntiCorruption Society additions have been inserted as bracketed text. CORPORATIONS A corporation is a fictional character or entity in law, created by the government, which makes that fictional character or entity the intellectual property of the government but you are never told that! Corporations can own any number of other corporations but can never own a flesh and blood human being! [As corporations only exist on paper, they are both defined and bound by the law of contracts – more words on paper. In other words, corporations do not exist in the ‘real world’ and cannot nod their heads, shake hands or utter any words of affirmation.] All laws created under this parent corporation will essentially become corporate laws and regulations to govern the parent corporation and all subordinate or sub-corporations owned by the parent. These corporate laws and regulations are called statutes and their affect and control over human beings is deceptively obtained by consent through civil contracts. Look up the word ‘person’ in any modern law dictionary and you will see that a person is regarded as a corporation and not a flesh and blood human being. [The government by becoming a corporator, (See 28 USC §3002(15(A)(B)(C), 22 USCA 286(e)) lays down its sovereignty and takes on that of a private citizen. It can exercise no power which is not derived from the corporate charter. (See: The Bank of the United States v. Planters Bank of Georgia, 5 L.Ed. (Wheat) 244; U.S. v. Butt, 309 U.S. 242).] [In addition, because all corporate-government entities use a private scrip (the FEDERAL RESERVE NOTE) to do business they have descended to the level of mere private corporations. For purposes of suit, such corporations are regarded as entities entirely separate from government. As such, government then becomes bound by the rules and laws that govern private corporations which means that if they intend to compel an individual to some specific performance based upon its corporate statutes or corporation rules, then the government, like any private corporation, must be the holder-in-due-course of a contract or other commercial agreement between it and the one upon who demands for specific performance are made. And further, the government must be willing to enter the contract or commercial agreement into evidence before trying to get the court to enforce its demands, called statutes. See: The Clearfield Doctrine] These civil contracts were secured by and through several federal and state voluntary registration programs designed to convert and enslave flesh and blood American citizens of the Republic into corporate property. These registration programs always involved government benefits as an inducement. However, nothing is for free and when the state and federal governments offer anything for free, you can bet that upon your acceptance there are ropes and chains about to be attached to your neck, hands and ankles! Legally, these civil contracts lacked “mutuality,” meaning that all registrants must understand the true nature and intent of the contract and subsequently must knowingly accept or consent to the terms of those contracts. The government’s subversive tactics perverts “mutuality” and lawfully eliminates any and all contractual relationships, as historically established by the International Law of Contracts a/k/a Uniform Commercial Code. [To understand “mutuality” and the Law of Contracts read the guide LAWFULLY YOURS; APPENDIX D – What is a Contract?] The federal government, the B.A.R, and the courts rely upon the Maxim that: “Ignorance of the Law is no excuse,” which is capable of being thrown back in their deceptive faces through literacy, which is what this exposé is attempting to provide to you! When a person is arrested or sued for a statutory regulation, also known as a criminal or civil law, he is actually being accused of violating a corporate regulation or corporate breach of contract! A civil contract that only exists over human beings by deception and fraud! There are no criminal laws in America. Rule 1 of the Federal Rules of Procedure (F.C.R.P.) use to specify this very fact. (e.g.) ‘All laws are civil,’ which was later modified by the Judiciary Act to conceal this fact by creating one set of Civil Rules (F.C.R.P.) and one set of Criminal Rules (F.Cr.R.P.) but this never changed the fact that there are no criminal laws in America. The Judiciary Act was necessary, once common people began to represent themselves in court and uncover this and other frauds. These Rules of Procedure and Rules of Court were originally designed and adopted to reduce confusion in the courts and were intended only for lawyers; however this is not to say that the courts will not try to enforce them against non-lawyers! And by the way, there is no legislation which prohibits a common man to practice law without a license! Neither Lincoln nor Clarence Darrow ever attended law school; neither was licensed and each became a famous lawyer. Today, each Judge representing a Court of Record is a lawyer and a member of the American B.A.R. Association Union, and all these Union Judges have conspired to write a Local Rule of Procedure, prohibiting non-lawyers from the practice of law without a license! This practice protected their treason, insured work for the Union membership [B.A.R. lawyers] and is openly in violation of Federal Anti-Trust Laws! Anti-Trust Laws were intended to prevent large monopolies from forming because such monopolies can control prices, eliminate competition and violates free enterprise, which is exactly what the B.A.R. and this Local Rule of Court intended to accomplish! Those Anti-Trust Laws have been modified so many times by B.A.R. Congressmen that they now almost assist in the creation of large monopolies. An old Maxim of law says it all: “FRAUD VITIATES EVERYTHING.” From attorney Melvin Stamper’s book Fruit from a Poisonous Tree [Available at Amazon and Barnes and Noble]: “The scheme also provided for the control of the courts via the 1913 creation of the American Bar Association, whose parent organization was the European International Bar Association, which was the creation of Rothschild. This allowed the International Bankers to control the practice of law, in that the only ones permitted to practice before the courts were those who were educated under their brand of law, which was only Admiralty and Contract law. Common law of the people was to be replaced as it gave the natural man many jurisdictional protections from the bankers’ legislation.” “Contract law is above the Constitution and under the jurisdiction of Equity/Admiralty courts, so the governments began to contract with everyone. The 1930s saw federal legislation providing for the registration of babies through applications for birth certificates. Government workers could get maternity leave with pay. The States pushed for registration of cars through applications for certificates of title and for registration of land through registration of deeds of trust. Constructive trusts [Cesta Que Vie (pg 4)] were created secretly by adhesion contracts, giving benefits either present or future and as a result, each of the people blindly walked into the trap of United States democracy and its jurisdiction by the signing of contracts, thereby agreeing to be sureties for the debts of the United States and collateral for the Federal Reserve Bank, Inc.” The federal and state governments are not real. They are privately owned corporations called governments. The Judges are privately employed administrators called Judges and the law is nothing more than their corporate regulations called Statutes. The courthouses are no longer public buildings but are privately owned structures called Judicial Centers or a Department of Justice and the prisons are privately owned facilities that do not mention the City or County anywhere in their names. The public defenders, prosecutors and police are not there to protect and serve the public but to the contrary, they are there to protect and serve the private corporation. The Vatican, Judges, Prosecutor and Clerk make money off of your conviction and the private owners of the prison make money off of your incarceration. Everything you sign with a wet ink signature becomes a negotiable instrument in their world and is converted into a guaranteed asset, like a security or bond because you are a real flesh and blood living person! Many Judges and law firms own the government buildings and the prisons. Your presence in a prison also fuels a Mutual Fund investment. In their world, everything is fictional and therefore your living status creates substance for their world both physically and in writing! Who pays for the bulk of these convictions? Remember those Land Trusts in the name of the Vatican [Cesta Que Vie]? The Prosecutor levels (files) a charge against you and the Trust, with the Clerk. The Clerk documents the case and appoints a judge as the Administrator for the Trust. You are brought before them and asked if you are the named person on the indictment and then they promptly advise you of your rights and the charge. It is your Birth Certificate that is actually on trial and being prosecuted, but you don’t know that and your court appointed lawyer or privately hired lawyer, never tell you! Upon your conviction, and you will be convicted, the Land Trust pays damages to all involved except you; because you are not real! The living you is the beneficiary of the Trust and the corporate you is on trial! They consider that those Trusts are for them, if they can access it! You never receive the benefits of the Trust and you are sentenced to prison, probation and or fined! Rebellious or free thinking individuals are usually ostracized, censored, punished or stone walled at every turn because they refuse to accept the propaganda and slave driving techniques being forced upon them by their private corporate owners called the high contracting powers! You probably identify with this corporate process as legal process but it really isn’t about what is legal or lawful because all process is about the enforcement of contracts or the imposition and enforcement of corporate regulations called statutes. THE COURTS The only Constitutional Court in America is the International Court of Trades, which was created because no foreign nation government would trade with the Corporate United States, until they provided a way for these foreign nations to enforce their Trade Agreements with America. NOTE: Historically, the World Court was created to provide nations with a venue to enforce their Trade Agreements but the Corporate United States refused the court’s invitation to participate because they were denied control over the court. All of the other American courts are pseudo courts or fictions and simply are corporate administrative offices designed to resemble courts and all of their Judges are simply executive administrators designed to resemble Judges. The purpose of these pseudo corporate courts are only to settle contract disputes and since George Washington’s government was military in structure, if either party refuses to participate, these Courts cannot become involved and the dispute is dead in the water! My use of the term “dead in the water” is not a canard because these pseudo courts are unconstitutional courts of Admiralty, the International Law of the Sea! The Washington Monument was completed in 1884 [13 years after the Act of 1871 which established the new UNITED STATES corporation], as a tribute to George Washington and his military government, which is actually a sea-level obelisk that infers that all of America is “under water” and thus subject to the Laws of Admiralty as opposed or contrary to the intended Constitutional civilian government under Common Law. The pseudo Judges of these pseudo Courts have no powers without the consent of both the Plaintiff and the Defendant. [AND] In every case the Judge must determine that he has consent; Personam and Subject Matter Jurisdiction before he can act or access the Cesta Que Trust. Repeat: In every case the Judge must determine that he has consent; Personam and Subject Matter Jurisdiciton before he can act or access the Cesta Que Trust. [Some folks have successfully denied the Judge Subject Matter Jurisdiction by the use of an “estoppel”. They have stated in court that the Judge is the Corporation and they are a flesh and blood woman (or man) and therefore they cannot see each other. Placing this statement on the court record resulted in the Judge dismissing the case.] The Cesta Que Trust All tradable securities must be assigned a CUSIP NUMBER before it can be offered to investors. Birth Certificates and Social Security Applications are converted into government securities; assigned a CUSIP NUMBER; grouped into lots and then are marketed as a Mutual Fund Investment. [Evidence of this can be located in a CRIS Report.] Upon maturity, the profits are moved into a government Cesta Que Trust and if you are still alive, the certified documents are reinvested. It is the funds contained in this Cesta Que Trust that the Judge, Clerk and County Prosecutor are really after or interested in! . . . The Federal Reserve system is responsible for the management of those Investments. The best advice you will ever receive is: to avoid their courts whenever possible. There is no justice to be found in those courts unless you are a member of the Vatican, the royal or elite, or have purchased diplomatic immunity! END NOTES from ACS Evidence of our corporate government can be found in the wording of STATE statutes. The Uniform Commercial code, as described by Judge Dale, retired, is the International Law of Contracts. Here is an example referring to the local boards of education from the Ohio Revised Code, which was adopted in October 1953: ![]() By: TLB Staff Writer | David-William CORPORATIONS A Corporation called THE UNITED STATES is a fictional entity, created by Jesuit Banksters. This Corporation, operating in Bankruptcy, coopted all States as “STATE OF…,” which incorporated or coopted all “TOWN OF…,” “CITY OF…,” “COUNTY OF…” and all other MUNICIPAL Corporations and Commerce using FEDERAL RESERVE Elastic Currency/DEBT Instruments. As of the unlawful “14th Amendment,” all people became coopted as U.S. citizens/PERSONS, and now, as of 1933, all people are enslaved as collateral for the DEBT. All living people have been ATTORNed to DECEDENTS, by Zionist Jesuit Rothschild, as subjects of the Crown, which is owned by the Vatican. Those who unlawfully pretended to be a Congress, after the unlawful War of Northern Federal Aggression-inappropriately known as the Civil War, acted unlawfully on their own to contract with the Zionist Jesuit Crown-Vatican-Swiss Banksters, to create a DEBT in exchange for control over the Commerce. These Crown operatives knowingly, willingly, with criminal intent, gave our future away. It would be well worthwhile to research who these groveling snakes were. As THE UNITED STATES INC. Corporation only exists on paper, and all STATES and bound by Contract Law, they cannot lawfully Coerce people into contract, by hook or crook, by the tentacles of presumption. Most people think it’s a Nation, but a Nation is of the people. This PIRATE VESSEL is not of, for, and by the people. It’s CITY OF LONDON. All “Laws” created by THE UNITED STATES INC. are corporate laws and regulations to govern or control its Subsidiaries and Municipalities and EMPLOYEES. These corporate by-laws and Regulations are called STATUTES and CODES and RULES, and REGULATIONS, and PROCEDURES, and POLICIES, but they are not law over men. These STATUTES and CODES in these STATE FICTIONS are conceived by STATE Representatives, but they’re really written and CODE-ified by those who unlawfully hold Offices of Trust, the Crown Temple B.A.R. Attorneys who work in and for all the STATE HOUSEs. They write the STATUTES for PERSONS as if they’re people, but really they’re not, unless they’re “STATE EMPLOYEES.” Look up the word “person” in any modern law dictionary and you will see that a person is regarded as a corporation and not a flesh and blood human being. “If you claim you were “born” “in” TOWN OF…, CITY OF…, STATE OF…, you are tricked into saying that you were Created BY a POLITICAL SUBDIVISION. You were born in to this world, which is a creation of Nature or something Super Natural. Modern terminology would be “i was born into God’s Kingdom.” If you’re an Athiest, you MUST agree that STATE OF NEW YORK didn’t create you. Mr. and Mrs. “Whoever” made you, and they were created by a chain of events, which if followed back far enough, is the creation of Man, back further the creation of World, yet further the Sun or Sol-ar system, galaxy, universe, time-space continuum, dimensions, the Word, sound, frequency, vibration, Thought, Consciousness.” “A Human Being is whatever a Human is, a Being, something like a defendant or taxpayer or parent or home owner. Do you agree to Be something if the Govt needs? Human Being is not in any ancient text or tablet. It is a term designed to confuse you into SUBJECTION.” [Human Being, Monster. Black’s Law.] A U.S. citizen/PERSON is a DEBTOR. People “volunteer” to be DEBT SLAVES. There’s the alleged contract. Is THE UNITED STATES really the Holder-in-due-course to any valid, verifiable, lawful contract with those who er tricked or coerced into the OFFICE OF THE PERSON? NO! _____________________ CLEARFIELD DOCTRINE Supreme Court Annotated Statute, Clearfield Trust Co. v. United States 318 U.S. 363- 371 1942 Whereas defined pursuant to Supreme Court Annotated Statute: Clearfield Trust Co. v. United States 318 U.S. 363-371 1942: “Governments descend to the level of a mere private corporation, and take on the characteristics of a mere private citizen . . . where private corporate commercial paper [Federal Reserve Notes] and securities [checks] is concerned . . . For purposes of suit, such corporations and individuals are regarded as entities entirely separate from government.” What the Clearfield Doctrine is saying is that when private commercial paper is used by corporate government, then government loses its sovereignty status and becomes no different than a mere private corporation. As such, government then becomes bound by the rules and laws that govern private corporations which means that if they intend to compel an individual to some specific performance based upon its corporate statutes or corporation rules, then the government, like any private corporation, must be the holder-in-due-course of a contract or other commercial agreement between it and the one upon who demands for specific performance are made. And further, the government must be willing to enter the contract or commercial agreement into evidence before trying to get the court to enforce its demands, called statutes. This case is very important because it is a 1942 case that was decided after the UNITED STATES CORPORATION COMPANY filed its “CERTIFICATE OF INCORPORATION” in the State of Florida (July 15, 1925). And it was decided AFTER the ‘corporate government’ agreed to use the currency of the private corporation, the FEDERAL RESERVE. The private currency, the Federal Reserve Note, is still in use today. [4] Corporations are not and can never be SOVEREIGN. They are not real, they are a fiction and only exist on paper. 5] Therefore, all laws created by these government corporations are private corporate regulations called public law, statutes, codes and ordinances to conceal their true nature. Do the Judge and your lawyer know about this? You bet they do! 6] Since these government bodies are not SOVEREIGN, they cannot promulgate or enforce CRIMINAL LAWS; they can only create and enforce CIVIL LAWS, which are duty bound to comply with the LAW of CONTRACTS. The Law of Contracts requires signed written agreements and complete transparency! Did you ever agree to be arrested and tried under any of their corporate statutes? For that matter, did you ever agree to contract with them by agreeing to be sued for violating their corporate regulations? [8] Enforcement of these corporate statutes by local, state and federal law enforcement officers are unlawful actions being committed against the SOVEREIGN public and these officers can be held personally liable for their actions. [Bond v. U.S., 529 US 334-2000] _____________________ THE COURTS ARE ENFORCING FRAUD WITHOUT EVEN A FRAUDULENT CONTRACT Let’s examine the fraud, or realistically, PIRACY. There is a FICTION called THE UNITED STATES, on the STATE OF NEW COLUMBIA/D.C., which is in an intentional, perpetual, artificial Bankruptcy and State of Banking Emergency, under Martial Law, under U.N./I.M.F. organization, owned by the Crown-Vatican-Swiss Banksters, controlled by the Zionist Jesuits, militarily micro-managed by the Israel/MOSSAD criminals, that enslaves it’s citizens for said artificial DEBT, enforced by the Crown Temple B.A.R. Jesuit Admiralty Maritime Military Tribunal Courts, that steals the land from the people, poisons the food, water, air, and medicine, that bombs and invades all nations without Central DEBT Banks, steals their resources, taxes the people to fund the piracy, and labels anyone who is onto their crimes as domestic terrorists. The real fact of the matter is that we are absolutely not the enemy, or the enemy of the state as all U.S. citizens are called in the Trading With the Enemy Act. The rest of that fact is that THE UNITED STATES is the worldwide TERRORIST organization from ROME. Israel, B.A.E., the MOSSAD, the House of Saud, the Crown, some of the Royal Inbreds, Bush, Cheney, Rothschild controlled MEDIA, the CIA/Vatican, and every other jackass on D.C. pulled off 9-11, the lame cover-up, the Patriot Act, the Department of Homeland Security, and the murder of millions in the Middle East. It’s as if they’re laughing at just how gullible the American population is. All it takes is Entertainment and fluoride. Are these Satanic sociopaths going to meet our resistance, or will all the sheeple be good slaves? The truth is emerging, but not fast enough.
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