Exhibit List
The proposed Constitution for the Newstates of America is HERE The Chart which illustrates our Declaration, Constitution, federal structure, and enumerated powers is HERE. The text of the “parental rights” amendment is HERE. To see how six of Mark Levin’s “liberty amendments” do the opposite of what he claims, go HERE. Federalist No. 16 is HERE. See next to last paragraph. To see – on one page – proof of the original intents of the “interstate commerce”, “general welfare”, and “necessary and proper” clauses, go HERE. HERE is a synopsis of what happened at the Federal Convention of 1787 re the development of Article V with links to the pages in Madison’s Journal of the Federal Convention. Our Framers NEVER said the purpose of amendments is to restrain the feds if they usurp powers. What they actually said is: The “novelty & difficulty of the experiment requires periodical revision” (Gerry at the federal convention on June 5, 1787); “The plan now to be formed will certainly be defective, as the Confederation [Articles of Confederation] has been found on trial to be. Amendments therefore will be necessary, and it will be better to provide for them, in an easy, regular and Constitutional way than to trust to chance and violence. It would be improper to require the consent of the Natl. Legislature, because they may abuse their power, and refuse their consent on that very account….”(Geo. Mason at the federal convention on June 11, 1787); amendments remedy defects in the Constitution (Hamilton at the federal convention on Sep. 10, 1787); useful amendments would address the “organization of the government, not … the mass of its powers” (Federalist No. 85, 13th para); “amendment of errors” & “useful alterations” would be suggested by experience (Federalist No. 43 at 8.) The Congressional Research Service Report dated April 11, 2014, is HERE. The Report exposes as false the assurances that the States would be in control of a convention. The Report says: “First, Article V delegates important and exclusive authority over the amendment process to Congress…” (page 4) “Second . . . Congress has traditionally laid claim to broad responsibilities in connection with a convention, including . . . (4) determining the number and selection process for its delegates; (5) setting internal convention procedures, including formulae for allocation of votes among the states; . . .” (page 4) “. . . [In previous bills filed in Congress] [a]pportionment of convention delegates among the states was generally set at the formula provided for the electoral college, with each state assigned a number equal to its combined Senate and House delegations. Some bills included the District of Columbia, assigning it three delegates, but others did not include the federal district. . .” (page 37) “… A related question concerns vote allocation in an Article V Convention. Would delegates vote per capita, or would each state cast a single vote, during the convention’s deliberations, and on the final question of proposing amendments?…” [then follows a discussion of different views on this undecided issue] (page 41) “Article V itself is silent on membership in an Article V Convention, so it is arguable that Congress, in summoning a convention to consider amendments, might choose to include the District of Columbia and U.S. territories as either full members at a convention, or possibly as observers. As noted previously, some versions of the Article V Convention procedures bills introduced in the late 20th century did provide for delegates representing the District of Columbia, although not for U.S. territories . . .” (page 42) Page 40 of the Report shows there doesn’t seem to be any: “. . . constitutional prohibition against [U.S.] Senators and Representatives serving as delegates to an Article V Convention. . . “ So! As the Report states on page 27: “In the final analysis, the question what sort of convention?” is not likely to be resolved unless or until the 34-state threshold has been crossed and a convention assembles.” In other words, we’ll have to get a convention before we know how it is going to operate. But by then, it will be too late to stop it. And if the proceedings are secret, we won’t find out anything until they are finished. The Chart which shows who (States, Congress, & Delegates) has the power to do what respecting an Art. V convention is HERE. HERE is Rob Natelson’s speech of Sep. 16, 2010 announcing that he would no longer call it a “constitutional convention”, but would henceforth call it among other things, “a convention of states”. (page 2) Update Sep 27, 2017: Natelson’s speech has been removed from the above site. But you can read Natelson’s speech HERE. HERE are the Articles of Confederation, our first Constitution. Article XIII required approval of amendments by the Continental Congress and by every State. HERE is Federalist No. 40 (James Madison) See especially the 15th para. HERE is the Resolution of the Continental Congress dated Feb. 21, 1787, to call a convention to be held at Philadelphia, “…for the sole and express purpose of revising the Articles of Confederation…” HERE are the Credentials of the Delegates to the Federal Convention of 1787 and instructions from their States. These Instructions encompassed: “alterations to the Federal Constitution which, when agreed to by Congress and the several States, would become effective”: Virginia, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Georgia, S. Carolina, Maryland, & New Hampshire. “for the purpose of revising the Federal Constitution”: Virginia, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Delaware, and Georgia; “for the sole and express purpose of revising the Articles of Confederation”: New York, Massachusetts, and Connecticut. “provisions to make the Constitution of the federal Government adequate”: New Jersey Rhode Island boycotted the convention. HERE is the proposed Constitution for the Newstates of America. Article XII, Sec. 1 (page 27) addresses ratification by a national referendum. Read HERE about the proposed Constitution for the New Socialist Republic in North America. It was prepared by the Revolutionary Communist Party, USA. HERE is the text of their proposed Constitution. Read HERE about The Constitution 2020 movement funded by George Soros and supported by Marxist law professors throughout the Country as well as Cass Sunstein and Eric Holder. They want a Progressive Constitution in place by the year 2020. Read HERE about the Council on Foreign Relations’ (CFR) Task Force Report on the North American Union. Canada, the US, and Mexico are to merge and a Parliament will be set up over the 3 countries. The CFR site has a link to the Task Force Report. Read it! News Flash: The CFR has removed the Task Force Report from their website. Now, one must purchase a copy. It’s on Amazon. It is not the “grass roots” which is pushing for an Article V convention. The big money is behind it. See THIS and THIS. James Madison’s Journal of the Federal Convention of 1787 shows that on May 29, 1787, the delegates to that convention voted to make their proceedings secret. Here is Federalist No. 49 where James Madison warned against having a convention to address breaches of the federal Constitution. HERE is James Madison’s letter of Nov. 2, 1788 to Turberville warning of the terrible dangers of an Article V convention. Madison NEVER supported the convention method of amending our Constitution. Here is Federalist No. 85 (last para) where Alexander Hamilton said he “dreads” the prospect of another convention because the enemies of the Constitution want to get rid of it.
HERE is Chief Justice Warren Burger’s June 22, 1988 letter to Phyllis Schlafly: “…there is no effective way to limit or muzzle the actions of a Constitutional Convention * * * After a Convention is convened, it will be too late to stop the Convention if we don’t like its agenda * * * A new Convention could plunge our Nation into constitutional confusion and confrontation at every turn…” Justice Scalia said on April 17, 2014 at the 1:06 mark of this video “I certainly would not want a Constitutional Convention. I mean whoa. Who knows what would come out of that?”
HERE is where James Madison said our Constitution depends on the people having the “virtue and intelligence to select men of virtue and wisdom” to office. [see text at 223] Since the States created the federal government, they are the final authority on whether their creature has violated the constitutional compact the States made with each other. Those are our Framers’ words – you can find them HERE and HERE. HERE is the Pew Report: At the “select a state” box, you can find out what percentage of your State’s revenue was from federal funds. For a model Rescission Resolution, go HERE and then scroll down to “Take Action”.
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