Story at-a-glance
His educational background1 includes an undergraduate degree from the University of Chicago, a juris doctor (lawyer) degree from Harvard and a Ph.D. in political science. For decades, he’s advocated against the development and use of bioweapons, which he suspects COVID-19 is. In fact, Boyle was the one who called for biowarfare legislation at the Biological Weapons Convention of 1972, and the one who drafted the Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989, which was passed unanimously by both houses of Congress and signed into law by George Bush Sr. In our first, March 8, 2020, interview, Boyle shared his views on the origins of the novel coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2. Here, we continue our discussion, as more details have emerged about this virus. One of the criticisms raised since our last interview is that Boyle has no formal training in virology. When asked what makes him qualified to speak about this particular virus, he says: “I went to the University of Chicago, which is one of the top five universities in the country, if not the world. There I took their bio pre-med sequence, which was biochemistry, population biology and genetics, and got straight A's. I was in there competing with all the University of Chicago bio pre-med students for grades and my biochem lab partner went to Harvard Medical School. I won the University of Chicago's Sigma Zi award and prize in biology for my graduating year. They gave out one per year and it usually went to seniors, but in my case, they had to make a special exception because I was a graduating junior. So, yes, I'm not a scientist, but one of the reasons the Council for Responsible Genetics asked me to get involved was that my knowledge in this field was well-known to my life science friends there on the Harvard faculty, and that's how I got involved here. I had basic rudimentary training, actually very good training, at the University of Chicago, and my professors there, professor friends at Harvard in the life sciences, I guess they vouched for me. So, when I was asked to join shortly after CRG was founded in 1983, I agreed to do so and they asked me to handle their biological warfare work.” SARS-CoV-2 — A Biological Warfare Weapon“Novel coronavirus” means it is a new virus not previously known to previously infect humans. The currently held conventional view is that SARS-CoV-2 was transmitted through animals (zoonotic transmission), specifically bats. Boyle dismissed this notion in our initial interview, and still refutes the idea. While a widely-cited paper,2 published in the Nature journal on February 3, 2020, claims to establish that SARS-CoV-2 is a coronavirus of bat origin that then jumped species, the work of one of the authors of that paper, Shi Zhengli, actually involved the weaponization of the SARS virus. (Another Nature paper3 published that same day reiterates the idea that the COVID-19 pandemic is zoonotically transmitted.) However, according to Boyle, other scientific literature establishes that this is indeed an engineered synthetic virus that was not transmitted from animals to humans without human intervention. For starters, a Lancet paper4 published February 15, 2020, by physicians who treated some of the first COVID-19 patients in China showed that patient zero, the one believed to have started the transmission, was nowhere near the Wuhan seafood market. What’s more, there were no bats sold in or even close to the market. At least one-third of the patients reviewed also had no exposure or links to that market. This data supports the counter-hypothesis that SARS-CoV-2 was not zoonotically transmitted but is in fact an engineered virus. Even U.S. politicians and intelligence agencies are starting to say they believe the virus leaked from the Wuhan BSL4 lab.5,6 In our first interview, Boyle discussed published research establishing that the novel coronavirus is SARS, which is a weaponized version of the coronavirus to begin with Wuhan BSL 4 lab, with added gain-of-function capabilities that increases its virulence (makes it spread easier and faster). “I also went through the scientific article where the Australian health board working with Wuhan … genetically engineered HIV into SARS,” Boyle says. “So, that is all verified in scientific papers. In addition, it seems to me that they took that back to the [Wuhan] BSL4 and applied nanotechnology to it. The size of the molecules are maybe 120 microns, which indicates to me we are dealing with nanotechnology. That's [something] you need to do in a BSL4. Biological weapons nanotechnology is so dangerous, people working with it have to wear a moon suit with portable air … We also know that one of the cooperating institutions [to Wuhan BSL4] was Harvard, and that the chairman of the Harvard chemistry department, [Dr. Charles Lieber], a specialist in nanotechnology, set up an entire laboratory in Wuhan where [according to reports] he specialized in applying nanotechnology to chemistry and biology. My guess is, based on what I've read in the literature, that they tried to weaponize all that together. And that is SARS-CoV-2 that we are dealing with now. So, it's SARS, which is genetically engineered biowarfare agent to begin with. Second, it has gain-of-function properties, which makes it more lethal, more infectious. It has HIV in there. That was confirmed by an Indian scientist … and it looks like nanotechnology [has been used] … An MIT scientist who did a study found that it traveled 27 feet through the air. And that, I guess, was in lab conditions. That, I think, is why it's so infectious, and that is what I believe we are dealing with here … [This is] why the 6-foot [social distancing recommendation] by the CDC … is preposterous. Even doubling that will do you no good. If there is nanotechnology, it floats in the air … I am not saying that China deliberately released this, shooting itself in the foot. But it was clear they were developing an extremely dangerous unknown biological weapon that had never been seen before, and it leaked out of the lab. And as you see in the Washington Post,7 U.S. State Department officials … [reported] back to Washington that there were inadequate safety precautions and procedures in that lab to begin with. We also know that SARS has leaked out of other Chinese biological warfare labs. So right now, I believe that is what happened here … I personally believe that until our political leaders come clean with the American people, both at the White House and in Congress and our state government, and publicly admit that this is an extremely dangerous offensive biological warfare weapon that we are dealing with, I do not see that we will be able to confront it and to stop it, let alone defeat it.” Advertisement The Origin of SARS-CoV-2While Boyle made the origin of SARS-CoV-2 clear in our initial conversation, as I started reading some of the literature it really was shocking because one of the primary investigators on the 2015 paper8 from the University of North Carolina — “A SARS-like Cluster of Circulating Bat Coronaviruses Shows Potential for Human Emergence” — was Dr. Shi Zhengli, a virologist who in 2010 had published a paper9 discussing the weaponization of the SARS virus. Normally, while the coronavirus found in bats may be SARS,10 it typically does not infect humans as it does not target the ACE-2 receptor. The infectious agent causing the current pandemic is called SARS-CoV-2 — SARS standing for “serious acute respiratory infection” and CoV-2 indicating that it’s a second type of SARS coronavirus known to infect humans. SARS-CoV-2, of course, contains the genetic modification to attach to ACE2 receptors in human cells, which allows it to infect them. Zhengli’s publications show that she engineered this bat coronavirus into one that crosses species and infects humans. She has in fact been working on this for more than 10 years. “That is why I said SARS was a bioengineered warfare weapon to begin with,” Boyle says. “And that is what … [the University of] North Carolina and … the Australian lab were trying to make even more dangerous with the gain-of-function and the HIV. So … SARS was a biological warfare [agent] to begin with, it leaked, and that is the origin of the [COVID-19] epidemic.” In addition, an Indian paper11,12 that ended up being withdrawn due to intense political pressure, shows a specific envelope protein from the HIV virus called GP41 was integrated in the RNA sequences of SARS-CoV-2. In other words, the implication is that the HIV virus was genetically engineered into SARS. So, in summary, SARS-CoV-2 appears to be a bioengineered bat coronavirus13 — which was initially benign and nontransmittable to humans. Zhengli then genetically modified the virus to integrate spike proteins that allows the virus to enter human cells by attaching to ACE-2 receptors. That was the first modification. The second modification was to integrate an envelope protein from HIV called GP141, which tends to impair the immune system. A third modification appears to involve nanotechnology to make the virus light enough to remain airborne for a long time, apparently giving it a range of up to 27 feet.14 Nanotech Expert With Wuhan Connection ArrestedWhile the BSL4 lab in Wuhan may have leaked the virus, its creation does not appear to be limited to the Chinese. As noted by Boyle in his comment above, the chairman of the Harvard department of chemistry, nanoscience expert Dr. Charles Lieber, was arrested earlier this year by federal agencies, suspected of illegal dealings with China.15 Lieber has denied the allegations. The Wuhan University of Technology (WUT) allegedly paid him $50,000 a month from 2012 to 2017 to help establish and oversee the WUT-Harvard Joint Nano Key Laboratory. He also received another $150,000 a month in living expenses from China’s Thousand Talents program. The problem was, Harvard officials claim they had not approved the lab and didn’t know about it until 2015. Boyle comments: “The cover story here — that Harvard didn't know what was going on — is preposterous. I spent seven years at Harvard. I have three degrees from Harvard. I spent two years teaching at Harvard. Of course Harvard knew that its chair of the chemistry department had this lab in Wuhan, China, where he was working on nanotechnology with respect to chemical and biological materials. That's been reported. They didn't say what the materials were. In addition, it has now been reported that Harvard was a cooperating institution with the Wuhan BSL4.” Researchers Working on Gain-of-Function to Spanish FluIf you think SARS-CoV-2 is bad, be glad it’s not the weaponized version of Spanish flu, which has also been in the works, according to Boyle. He says: “[The University of North Carolina’s] work was existentially dangerous and they knew it at the time. If you read the UNC scientific article16 [cowritten by] the Wuhan BSL4 scientist [Shi Zhengli] … it says, ‘Experiments with the full-length and chimeric SHC014 recombinant viruses were initiated and performed before the GOF research funding pause and have since been reviewed and approved for continued study by the NIH.’ It says recombinant … So, they admit it was gain-of-function [research]. [The research] was paused by NIH17 [National Institutes of Health]. Why was it paused by NIH? Because there was a letter put out by large numbers of life scientists at the time saying this type of gain-of-function work … could be existentially dangerous if it got out in the public. Therefore, it had to be terminated … [But] the NIH was funding this in the beginning … A footnote here: I read the NIH’s pause letter to the University of North Carolina, and UNC was doing two gain-of-function research projects. The other one was with Dr. [Yoshihiro] Kawaoka from the University of Wisconsin, who had resurrected the Spanish flu virus18 for the Pentagon. He, according to the pause letter, was also there doing gain-of-function work on the flu virus — one could only conclude it was the Spanish flu virus. It did not say the Spanish flu, but they also put a gain-of-function pause on that type of deadly research … I mean, the Spanish flu, we all know what that is, so imagine giving the Spanish flu gain-of-function properties, making it even more lethal and more infectious. That's exactly what was going on there at that UNC lab …” Disturbingly, while the NIH halted funding of this kind of gain-of-function research on lethal pathogens in 2014, it reauthorized it in December 2017,19 and Boyle suspects Kawaoka’s work may have been restarted as well, although he’s not found proof of it yet. “So, this was existentially dangerous work that was going on at that UNC lab. Everyone knew it, NIH funded it, NIAID under Dr. Fauci funded it as well. They knew exactly how dangerous this was. They paused it and then they resumed it,” Boyle says. Can Violations of Biowarfare Treaty Be Enforced? As mentioned, Boyle is a professor of international law and drafted an international treaty on biowarfare agents and weapons. That law is still in force, and would provide life imprisonment for everyone involved in the creation and release of SARS-CoV-2, were it officially concluded to be a biowarfare agent. “If you read that UNC article,20 it says exactly it was dealing with synthetic molecules … And in my biological weapons anti-terrorism act of 1989, I specifically criminalized — by that name — synthetic molecules. That is why, at first, the whole synthetic biology movement … was set up by the Pentagons DARPA. They funded the whole thing. And it's DARPA money that is behind synthetic biology, gene drive and all the rest of it. And that is why at the first convention of synthetic biologists, in their final report, one of their key recommendations was the repeal of my biological weapons anti-terrorism act, because they fully intended to use synthetic biology to manufacture biological weapons … The law still applies. It provides for life imprisonment for everyone who has done this … all the scientists involved at the University of North Carolina and everyone who funded this project, knowing that it was existentially dangerous — and that includes Fauci and [people at] the NIH … UNC, Food and Drug Administration … the Dana Harvard Cancer Institute at Harvard … the World Health Organization …” So, just how would we get that process of justice going? Boyle explains: “There are two ways. First, you're going to have to pressure the Department of Justice to prosecute these people. That might be very difficult to do. Federal statutes require indictments to be brought by U.S. attorneys. However, just with respect to North Carolina, state law applies there too. I haven't researched North Carolina law; however, I was originally hired here to teach criminal law and I taught it for seven or eight years … To have criminal intent, one of the variants of criminal intent is the demonstration of grave indifference to human life. And that is the criminal intent necessary for homicide. So in my opinion, and my advice would be, if we can't get [attorney general William Pelham] Barr to sign off on prosecuting these people, that the district attorney, state’s attorney, attorney general out there in North Carolina, institute and indict everyone involved in this North Carolina work for homicide. And that could include up to and including murder, malice of forethought. Again, one of the elements can be manifestation of grave indifference to human life. And it's clear from this article [the 2015 UNC paper21], they knew it was gain-of-function, they paused it because it was existentially dangerous, it was then reapproved and they continued it. So, I think a good case could be made, certainly, for indicting these people under North Carolina law by North Carolina legal authorities, if the federal government is not going to do it for us, under my law [the Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989]. But again, I want to make it clear, I haven't research North Carolina law.” Time to Shutter All BSL4 Laboratories?Boyle is adamant that all BSL3 and BSL4 laboratories must be closed down and all biowarfare work with lethal pathogens ceased. “They are all existentially dangerous,” he says. “This is a catastrophe waiting to happen. And it is now happened. Here we are. It's staring us in the face.” Certainly, COVID-19 is nowhere near as devastating as the Black Death or the Spanish flu of 1918, both of which exacted a shocking death toll, all without the aid of synthetic molecules and nanotechnology. The very idea that any of these horrific illnesses might be brought back in turbo-charged form should be terrifying enough for the world to unite in saying “No thanks; we don’t want or need that kind of research going on.” What value have these dangerous laboratories provided to date compared to the risk they are exposing all of us to? In closing, while Boyle believes COVID-19 has the ability to become a serious pandemic killer, I strongly disagree. Based on all the data I’ve seen so far, I believe he’s wrong on this point, and I suspect the death toll due to economic hardship and emotional stress will be far worse than the disease itself. SOURCE
See Video at Source - The The tragedy of the COVID-19 pandemic appears to be entering the containment phase. Tens of thousands of Americans have died, and Americans are now desperate for sensible policymakers who have the courage to ignore the panic and rely on facts. Leaders must examine accumulated data to see what has actually happened, rather than keep emphasizing hypothetical projections; combine that empirical evidence with fundamental principles of biology established for decades; and then thoughtfully restore the country to function. Five key facts are being ignored by those calling for continuing the near-total lockdown. Fact 1: The overwhelming majority of people do not have any significant risk of dying from COVID-19. The recent Stanford University antibody study now estimates that the fatality rate if infected is likely 0.1 to 0.2 percent, a risk far lower than previous World Health Organization estimates that were 20 to 30 times higher and that motivated isolation policies. In New York City, an epicenter of the pandemic with more than one-third of all U.S. deaths, the rate of death for people 18 to 45 years old is 0.01 percent, or 11 per 100,000 in the population. On the other hand, people aged 75 and over have a death rate 80 times that. For people under 18 years old, the rate of death is zero per 100,000. Of all fatal cases in New York state, two-thirds were in patients over 70 years of age; more than 95 percent were over 50 years of age; and about 90 percent of all fatal cases had an underlying illness. Of 6,570 confirmed COVID-19 deaths fully investigated for underlying conditions to date, 6,520, or 99.2 percent, had an underlying illness. If you do not already have an underlying chronic condition, your chances of dying are small, regardless of age. And young adults and children in normal health have almost no risk of any serious illness from COVID-19. Fact 2: Protecting older, at-risk people eliminates hospital overcrowding. We can learn about hospital utilization from data from New York City, the hotbed of COVID-19 with more than 34,600 hospitalizations to date. For those under 18 years of age, hospitalization from the virus is 0.01 percent per 100,000 people; for those 18 to 44 years old, hospitalization is 0.1 percent per 100,000. Even for people ages 65 to 74, only 1.7 percent were hospitalized. Of 4,103 confirmed COVID-19 patients with symptoms bad enough to seek medical care, Dr. Leora Horwitz of NYU Medical Center concluded "age is far and away the strongest risk factor for hospitalization." Even early WHO reports noted that 80 percent of all cases were mild, and more recent studies show a far more widespread rate of infection and lower rate of serious illness. Half of all people testing positive for infection have no symptoms at all. The vast majority of younger, otherwise healthy people do not need significant medical care if they catch this infection. Fact 3: Vital population immunity is prevented by total isolation policies, prolonging the problem. We know from decades of medical science that infection itself allows people to generate an immune response — antibodies — so that the infection is controlled throughout the population by “herd immunity.” Indeed, that is the main purpose of widespread immunization in other viral diseases — to assist with population immunity. In this virus, we know that medical care is not even necessary for the vast majority of people who are infected. It is so mild that half of infected people are asymptomatic, shown in early data from the Diamond Princess ship, and then in Iceland and Italy. That has been falsely portrayed as a problem requiring mass isolation. In fact, infected people without severe illness are the immediately available vehicle for establishing widespread immunity. By transmitting the virus to others in the low-risk group who then generate antibodies, they block the network of pathways toward the most vulnerable people, ultimately ending the threat. Extending whole-population isolation would directly prevent that widespread immunity from developing. Fact 4: People are dying because other medical care is not getting done due to hypothetical projections. Critical health care for millions of Americans is being ignored and people are dying to accommodate “potential” COVID-19 patients and for fear of spreading the disease. Most states and many hospitals abruptly stopped “nonessential” procedures and surgery. That prevented diagnoses of life-threatening diseases, like cancer screening, biopsies of tumors now undiscovered and potentially deadly brain aneurysms. Treatments, including emergency care, for the most serious illnesses were also missed. Cancer patients deferred chemotherapy. An estimated 80 percent of brain surgery cases were skipped. Acute stroke and heart attack patients missed their only chances for treatment, some dying and many now facing permanent disability. Fact 5: We have a clearly defined population at risk who can be protected with targeted measures. The overwhelming evidence all over the world consistently shows that a clearly defined group — older people and others with underlying conditions — is more likely to have a serious illness requiring hospitalization and more likely to die from COVID-19. Knowing that, it is a commonsense, achievable goal to target isolation policy to that group, including strictly monitoring those who interact with them. Nursing home residents, the highest risk, should be the most straightforward to systematically protect from infected people, given that they already live in confined places with highly restricted entry. The appropriate policy, based on fundamental biology and the evidence already in hand, is to institute a more focused strategy like some outlined in the first place: Strictly protect the known vulnerable, self-isolate the mildly sick and open most workplaces and small businesses with some prudent large-group precautions. This would allow the essential socializing to generate immunity among those with minimal risk of serious consequence, while saving lives, preventing overcrowding of hospitals and limiting the enormous harms compounded by continued total isolation. Let’s stop underemphasizing empirical evidence while instead doubling down on hypothetical models. Facts matter. Scott W. Atlas, MD, is the David and Joan Traitel Senior Fellow at Stanford University’s Hoover Institution and the former chief of neuroradiology at Stanford University Medical Center. Source Tags New York City coronavirus WHO New York Epidemiology Vaccination Global health Influenza pandemic herd immunity Pandemic #coronavirus #2019nCoV #contagion Dr. RASHID A. BUTTAR ~ "Covid World Order, War On Consciousness & World Change" [Age Of Truth TV]4/24/2020 By Anna Von Reitz My cats have often astounded me with their forthright reactions to things. If they really, really don’t like a visitor to my house, they will pee on him or her and help assure a prompt removal of the Offender. If they encounter something truly objectionable in the shared environment, they will reliably vomit on it, thus drawing my (unavoidable) attention to the pertinent issues. I’ve had to apologize–vaguely— for “losing” contract proposals as a result of their un-politically correct demise at the paws and jaws of certain felines. Invariably, when the cat vomit has been scraped off, I have discovered that the immediately underlying contract language of the offer was deceitful. Though crude, the Cat Method of communicating when something or someone is dreadfully wrong, is effective and attention-provoking — a regular silent fire alarm. I wish to provoke a somewhat similar attention-getting response with my headline today, with similar urgency. On March 26, 2020, Microsoft applied for an International Patent with WIPO — a patent for a body-interfaced cryptocurrency, using an implanted microchip connected to a cloud computer system, which also just happens to collect “biometric data” — your DNA sequence, blood, electrical synapse activity, etc., etc., etc. The WIPO Patent Application Number just happens to be: 060606. So. Bill Gates has aimed at nothing less than total invasion of your biological privacy and control of your ability to buy, sell, or trade anything. Smoking gun, anyone? Bill Gates is an international criminal who has purposefully misused and abused and misdirected the resources of Microsoft, Incorporated, to promote criminal control and surveillance objectives. He needs to be arrested without further delay and brought to trial for crimes against humanity already committed. Bill Gate’s evil and invasive control system agenda which is apparently still being pursued by Microsoft, needs to be permanently derailed—if necessary, via liquidation of Microsoft and WIPO as crimes syndicates engaged in promoting illegal surveillance and control systems, and the protection of profit from these repugnant activities via the issuance of criminal patents. It’s not just the “National Security” of every national government on Earth that is at stake here, it’s your right to your own life, to your bodily privacy, to your “common right” to buy, sell, and trade without any corporate eye in the sky being involved. It’s time to smash Microsoft into the dirt for this, along with all the executives, engineers, “future planners” and attorneys that had a hand in this. Let’s also give a big Hairball Award to The Council on Foreign Relations— the leadership of which also needs to be arrested for promotion of illegal and repugnant population control and eugenics agendas– for their latest propaganda in their publication “Foreign Affairs” attempting to gin up a jihad against China for criminal activities that they have themselves been promoting. The Pot does too often call the Kettle black. They chose China as the point source to start their corona virus crappola, thinking that that would be sufficient to blackmail China and grease the wheels to blame China for the whole 5G “pandemic” debacle — but it is backfiring on them. More and more pieces of the puzzle come in and get put in place: George Soros funding the lab in Wuhan. Anthony Fauci funding it and providing the biological feedstocks for it. Bill Gates investing in the virus strains and vaccine manufacturing and microchip technology. All of it. All of them. The whole “picture”. One does not have to be a cat to experience rising gorge when confronted with such obvious malicious, self-interested, inhumane, profit-motivated behavior. And one does not need a ten hour tutorial to understand what these men intended for humanity, or need to ponder a great deal over which institutions and organizations have assisted and promoted their anti-human and anti-human rights agenda. May what they wished for all of us, be returned to all of them. —————————- See this article and over 2400 others on Anna’s website here: To support this work look for the PayPal buttons on this website. How do we use your donations? Find out here. Corona Endgame: Forced Vaccinations And Total Control And Surveillance Over Our Lives | By Chuck Baldwin Anyone who has bought into the hype that all of these government lockdowns, a ruined economy, suppression of our liberties, and a total disruption of our way of life, are for the purpose of saving lives, has drunk some serious kool-aid. We are supposed to believe that the same people who are enthusiastically promoting the killing of over 60 million unborn babies without so much as a modicum of conscience are somehow crying crocodile tears of compassion because people (including babies) MIGHT die from a flu-like virus? What poppycock! As I pointed out in my column last week, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo admitted that the corona scare was a government exercise (read: a practice run-through for something bigger). It was an exercise for total government control over our lives. This has been the agenda of Big Government statists in both political parties for decades. With constant fearmongering and hysteria from Big Government hacks in the mainstream media over the coronavirus, the power elite has taken the American people further down the road to serfdom and slavery than any previous attempt. And I will say it again: This plan would not have worked had Donald Trump not been in the White House. This plan totally depended on evangelical pastors and churches sheepishly going along with it. This they would not have done had a liberal Democrat been in the White House. Are you kidding? Commanding churches to cancel their services—no communions, no baptisms, no Easter services—a total shutdown of houses of worship nationwide? Are you kidding me? You and I both know that if Hillary Clinton were president and she had said that no more than ten people could assemble in church—or anywhere else, for that matter—pastors and Christians would have protested in the streets and would have defiantly continued their public services en masse. But, because Donald Trump issued the declaration, almost the entire evangelical world bowed the knee to the state without a whimper. The rest was easy. Restaurant closures, business closures, school closures, travel restrictions, rationed medical care, and empty hospitals: Once evangelicals had been neutralized, there was no resistance. Even so-called patriot leaders such as Oath Keepers Founder and President Stewart Rhodes joined the chorus of Big Government shills calling for government lockdown of our lives. Rhodes’ open letter to governors could have been easily written by Big Pharma Fascist Anthony Fauci. By the way, on April 3—after reading Stewart’s Naziesque letter--I resigned my position as National Chaplain of Oath Keepers. And speaking of Fauci, this little tyrant along with Mr. Global Government himself, Bill Gates, have positioned themselves to make billions of dollars in profits from government-mandated forced vaccinations, which they are both screaming for. And make no mistake about it: Anthony Fauci knows exactly what he’s doing. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (the son of former U.S. Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy and nephew of former President John F. Kennedy and Chairman of Children’s Health Defense) wrote: “Vaccines, for Bill Gates, are a strategic philanthropy that feed [sic] his many vaccine-related businesses (including Microsoft’s ambition to control a global vaccination ID enterprise) and give him dictatorial control of global health policy.”++++ Gates’ obsession with vaccines seems to be fueled by a conviction to save the world with technology. Promising his share of $450 million of $1.2 billion to eradicate polio, Gates took control of India’s National Technical Advisory Group on Immunization (NTAGI), which mandated up to 50 doses (Table 1) of polio vaccines through overlapping immunization programs to children before the age of five. Indian doctors blame the Gates campaign for a devastating non-polio acute flaccid paralysis (NPAFP) epidemic that paralyzed 490,000 children beyond expected rates between 2000 and 2017. In 2017, the Indian government dialed back Gates’ vaccine regimen and asked Gates and his vaccine policies to leave India. NPAFP rates dropped precipitously. In 2017, the World Health Organization (WHO) reluctantly admitted that the global explosion in polio is predominantly vaccine strain. The most frightening epidemics in Congo, Afghanistan, and the Philippines, are all linked to vaccines. In fact, by 2018, 70% of global polio cases were vaccine strain. In 2009, the Gates Foundation funded tests of experimental HPV vaccines, developed by Glaxo Smith Kline (GSK) and Merck, on 23,000 young girls in remote Indian provinces. Approximately 1,200 suffered severe side effects, including autoimmune and fertility disorders. Seven died. Indian government investigations charged that Gates-funded researchers committed pervasive ethical violations: pressuring vulnerable village girls into the trial, bullying parents, forging consent forms, and refusing medical care to the injured girls. The case is now in the country’s Supreme Court. In 2010, the Gates Foundation funded a phase 3 trial of GSK’s experimental malaria vaccine, killing 151 African infants and causing serious adverse effects, including paralysis, seizure, and febrile convulsions, to 1,048 of the 5,949 children. During Gates’ 2002 MenAfriVac campaign in Sub-Saharan Africa, Gates’ operatives forcibly vaccinated thousands of African children against meningitis. Approximately 50 of the 500 children vaccinated developed paralysis. South African newspapers complained, “We are guinea pigs for the drug makers.” Nelson Mandela’s former senior economist, Professor Patrick Bond, describes Gates’ philanthropic practices as “ruthless and immoral.” In addition to using his philanthropy to control WHO, UNICEF, GAVI, and PATH, Gates funds a private pharmaceutical company that manufactures vaccines and is donating $50 million to 12 pharmaceutical companies to speed up development of a coronavirus vaccine. In his recent media appearances, Gates appears confident that the Covid-19 crisis will now give him the opportunity to force his dictatorial vaccine programs on all American children – and adults. There you have it, folks. THAT’S the end game: forced vaccinations and total surveillance over our lives. The exercise in universal digital tracking (via cell phones) under the guise of protecting people from corona is already being practiced in Israel. All of these media hacks fomenting panic and fear; all of these government lockdowns; all of these school closures, business closures and stay-at-home orders are NOT about protecting us from a flu virus. They are all about preparing us for mandated vaccines and total government surveillance and control over our lives—including our jobs, our families, our education, our religious practices, our medical care and our travel. As it turns out, it looks like the tyrants don’t need to confiscate our firearms after all in order to enslave us. Pastors and churches are leading the way for America’s voluntary enslavement—all in the name of safety. What was it that Benjamin Franklin said? P.S. If you missed it, here is an excellent video from a 30-year veteran physician on how the CDC has instructed doctors to fudge corona death numbers upward on death certificates. This video has been viewed over 2 million times on various platforms. How good is it? It’s so good that Facebook is calling it “false news.” As you can imagine, Dr. Bukacek is now the target of an orchestrated campaign by the liberal media to have her removed from her position on the local board of health. We have created an online petition in support of Dr. Bukacek. I am asking all of my readers to please go vote in support of one of the finest medical doctors in the entire Flathead Valley (Montana). In fact, Dr. Bukacek is the reigning “Best Family Physician of the Flathead” as voted by residents. And, no, you don’t have to be a resident of the Flathead Valley to sign the online petition. Please take a minute to add your name to this online petition and support this courageous truth-telling doctor. Here is the online petition in support of Dr. Annie Bukacek. © Chuck Baldwin Also See: Get Ready for the Next Globalist Pandemic – MELIOIDOSIS The Seven-Step Path from Pandemic to Totalitarianism Story at-a-glance
By Anna Von Reitz "No" is one of the first words we all learn, but ironically, many of us never really learn how to use it. We are co-opted in this by school indoctrination, by familial enforcement, and by social convention. We are literally taught not to say no. The underlying subconscious meaning of this rigorous training comes down to the message: "its bad to say no" and in too many cases where children are disrespected and abused it can also mean ---"you have no right to say no." So we get the message early and often that it is wrong for us to say no, even though our parents do it often and with emphasis, and as children, we also get the message that we have no right to do so in the face of parents and teacher and other "authority figures". No wonder that so many adults are conflicted and even somewhat confused by the simple word, "No." Consider this your remedial training course. No is a supremely good and necessary word. It is the counterbalance of "yes" and it is a useful, moral, and in its way, very positive word, too. What if you are saying no to being disrespected and abused by your own public employees? Well, then, "no" becomes a positive word. In such a situation, "no" stands in back of right action [Why should you be bossed around by your employees?] and right thinking [Since when do employees tell their employers what to do, or how to do it?] and right ordering of the world [If employees direct employers, the world is upside down and on its head---and we all know that and the effects of it every day.] One of the glorious things about Donald Trump is that he learned to say no. He learned to put his foot down hard. And as much admiration as I hear for Donald Trump and as much damnation I hear spread about him, hardly anyone realizes that it all stems from his ability and willingness to say --- no. He knows how to walk away, and that's something that hardly anyone is taught anymore. Perhaps he lucked out and had parents who were aware of the "yes-man" mentality and bucked against it. Maybe he arrived at a point in his life where he just got his back up, said no, meant it, and liked the results. We may never know, but anyone can observe the results. People all over this continent and around the globe admire Donald Trump for saying no to evil and bad deals so often and so decisively. The odd part, is that it never occurs to so many of them that they can and should be doing the same thing, and by all means available. These people who cheer on Donald Trump on, but don't emulate his action, can look outside their subtle prison bars and admire those who say no, but somewhere there is still a cowed child sitting there, being told, "You can't say no."---- "You are not old enough to say no." or "You're not good enough to say no." or "You don't have the right to say no." And on the other end of the spectrum we have people who hate Donald Trump and can't even rationally say why. These are most often Leftists. They almost subconsciously fear authority figures and people who say no, because to them, no is always negative, scandalous, politically incorrect. You can almost see them curling up into their fetal positions, thinking: he's going to say no, he's going to nix what we want, he's not going to give us what we need, he's bad because he says no, he isn't nice because he says no, doesn't he realize that its immoral and bad and "socially unacceptable" to say no? Boy, they say, collectively and silently with a hint of desperation -- we were all taught that as kids! That's what Leftist indoctrination does. It disrespects and cows children to the point where simply saying "no" is a radical act, and where the emotional detritus of early abuse remains, ready to explode against authority figures of all kinds. And now here we are, grown adults, called to examine where we stand on the issue of "no". Does the word "no" conjure up feelings of resistance and foreboding? Does it make us pause and hesitate to use it? Or are we comfortable with saying no, and secure in our authority to use it in a measured and sensible way? In recent days many people have contacted me about precisely this issue. They are worried about forced vaccinations, forced removals from their homes, force of all kinds being applied from all angles. How, they plead, can we say no? Well, you first get into position where you can say it. Our erstwhile Public Employees have gerrymandered things around to the point where you are being mistaken for one of them. They think that, as one of them, you are subject to the same codes, rules, regulations, statutes, and limitations that they have to embrace. If the President of their corporation says "March!" they have to march and not think too much about it, because they are: (1) employees -- paid; (2) employees-- volunteer; (3) dependents -- voluntary, aka. on welfare; (4) dependents -- involuntary, aka, wards of the "state", whichever "state" that may be. So if you want to say "no" to your employees, you first have to disabuse them of this "presumption" on their parts, that you are one of them, and subject to their corporate "laws" which are in fact rules, codes, regulations, statutes, limitations, and policies. And you'd better have evidence of the fact, too, because otherwise they just think you are some "wise acre" or bad sport or insubordinate trying to pull something damaging to their food source, their "governmental services corporation". They have a tendency to react rather badly to that idea, and generally misunderstand who is who and what is what in situations where their "authority" is challenged. Nonetheless, it is necessary for millions of us to become informed about our own authority, and to also steel ourselves to the challenges and requirements of assuming authority and saying --- no, as adults. No, I am not letting my employees force any kind of vaccination, ear-tagging, or other invasive medical technology on me or my family. No, I am not paying any taxes that I don't actually owe. No, I am not paying off any mortgages owed the State of Nevada organization. No, I am not registering my private automobile as a "motor vehicle" when I am not using it as a motor vehicle. No, I am not subjecting my children to any medical procedure or medication that has not been tested and proven to be safe. No, I am not going to stand here and be sprayed with industrial wastes anymore. No, I am not having more industrial wastes (Fluoride) added to my water and toothpaste anymore. No, I am not going to eat food that has been genetically engineered to produce its own internal insecticides, fungicides, and herbicides. No, I am not going to be drafted and conscripted to serve as a cheap mercenary in foreign wars for profit. No, I am not going to be abused in any way at all anymore by my public employees. Period. The first step in your Remedial "Just Say No" Plan, is to restore your birthright political status and record it over their False Registration, so it a matter of public record and Notice that you are not acting in the capacity of (1-4) above. You do this by contacting your State Assembly at: There you will encounter like-minded people who have already taken the steps to reclaim and restore their birthright political status as Americans and people of their State of the Union. They will happily help you do the same, and then, you, too, will have the unabrogated right to say no, no, no, and no. Having thus secured your right to say no and having made it public knowledge, your next task is to assist your State Assembly, that same group of determined and knowledgeable people who kept the door open and welcomed you "home". Support them and their work with might and main, because they are there supporting you and your government and your right to say "no" to your own employees. Your next assignment is to practice saying no. Stand in front of a mirror if necessary, smile, speak calmly and logically and say, "Officer, I am not a public employee or dependent of any kind. The only contract I have with you and the organizations you represent is the Federal Constitution. Please look at Article IV and explain to me where you have any authority to arrest me, attack my person, or trespass upon my private property?" Offer him a copy of Article IV. "And, also, look here --- Article VI." This is where it says that no other "law" or "thing" (thing means corporation, flag, idol, etc.) stands against the Constitution. It's best to have both Constitutions handy, both the Territorial version, The Constitution of the United States of America, and the Municipal version (for Municipal police and Federal Civil Service "Agents) which is simply The Constitution for the United States --- no "of America". Now, Officer, you can see for yourself that no corporate rule-making, statute, legislation, code or regulation applies to me, and that any obligation you have to these orders is secondary to the obligation you owe to me--- my constitutional guarantees. This is a learning process, not only about "How to say no." but about who you are and who your employees are, and what your proper relationships are. You have to know that yourself and you have to teach them. There is a very helpful little website called that provides not only excellent information and sources, but take you through the role-playing practice involved. If you are feeling a bit unsteady on your feet and want to see someone else actually do this, go there and watch. You can say no without being obnoxious, after all. You can afford to be patient and teach someone else things that you didn't know yourself before you "woke up". But most of all, stand there in front of that mirror, look yourself in the eye, think of all those things that the "government" threatens you with and burdens you with, and say, "No." Say it again, "No." And again, "No." You must learn to say no and say it with authority. A useful blurb has been circulating around about "How to Refuse Vaccination". This is a special case of saying no and presumes that a doctor or nurse with a needle or worse, needle gun, ready to plunge and FRID ear-tag and an unknown slurry of unproven "vaccine" into your arm. It uses the military medical term "iatrogenic" --- as in, "Doctor, has this vaccine been proven to have no iatrogenic effects?" Iatrogenic is a fancy way of saying -- diseases and maladies that result from medical procedures, like vaccination, like blood transfusions, like intubation, like most of what they like to do to you in hospitals. If the hovering medical professional can't say yes with a straight face, you then hold the doctor responsible to his Hippocratic Oath, and politely decline vaccination. His or her Hippocratic Oath binds doctors to "Do no harm." To avoid this and speed delivery of their highly suspect cocktail of crap into your bloodstream, they may attempt to use nurses or foreign medical personnel. But it is all the same routine. No matter how they yell and scream and require their own employees and dependents to do this and that, they have no such authority related to you and your body and your willingness to participate in their experiments--- as long as you have declared and recorded your birthright political status, and politely declined their "offer", they become hugely liable for any damage they do to you. Your government, that is, your actual government --- not the foreign subcontractors operating as "governmental services corporations" has valued you at a trillion dollars per head --- that is, we have set a prohibitively large liability fine against any foreign government or agent of a foreign government that kills or maims (permanently damages) any American. This makes it increasingly unlikely that those foreign governments will test their luck with their "vaccination" agenda against those who declare their birthright political status. Instead of making billions with their phony unproven vaccines, they will be losing trillions, instead. And since money and abuse of power, not health, is what this is all about, telling them "no" in as many ways as possible, is important. Discouraging their criminal profit-seeking in as many ways as possible, is important. Because if you don't say no to people like Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci, if you don't put your little flat feet down and make it count and explain it to your employees in terms they have to understand--- like that whack-job "Governor" in Michigan--- they will presume upon you and treat you worse than cattle. In their infantile lust for control and their greed, they will ruin your lives. People like this don't deserve to be among us, but they are. If you let them define you and tell you what to do, they will do so to suit themselves and for their profit and for their empowerment, not yours. They have no morals or sense of humility, no respect for life or for the sacredness or integrity of other souls. To them, you are lab rats. Expendables. In fact, as they have often said, your population needs to decrease. So it's fine with them if millions of you die as a result of their experiments: fewer Priority Creditors that they owe money to, more secret life insurance payments they can claim, and profit from selling the vaccines that kill, maim, sterilize, and ear-tag "the herd" of course. May we suggest that any "population decrease" needs to begin with them? ---------------------------- See this article and over 2400 others on Anna's website here: To support this work look for the PayPal buttons on this website. How do we use your donations? Find out here. The American States Assembly
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