David Wilcock on The Great Pandemic III: New Briefings, Restitution and the Big Picture! Divine Cosmos If you are seeking something to listen to, this piece is over three hours… but well worth it. Also See: Are Deep State Satanists being Arrested under Cover of Defender Europe 20 Exercises?
EXCLUSIVE: Top Doctor EXPOSES EVERYTHING The Deep State Is Trying To Hide About CV | Dr. Shiva3/29/2020 Found Here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1BiM1YYIPCo
Is COVID 19 a manufactured bio weapon? Please comment about this video. Keep your comments on topic please. If the first video wasn't enough proof to suit you try this article. https://www.thenewamerican.com/world-news/item/35200-dr-shiva-phd-covid-19 How did State Department view this fraud at the Global Fund? By Lee Cary —-- Bio and Archives--March 29, 2020 Note: Pictured above is Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director-General of the World Health Organization (WHO.) He is the first WHO director-general who is not a medical doctor. He holds a Doctorate of Philosophy (PhD) in Community Health from the University of Nottingham, and a Master of Science (MSc) in Immunology of Infectious Diseases from the University of London. From 2005-2012, he was Ethiopia’s Minister of Health.
Batman and Robin wade into the Swamp to out the Clinton FoundationOn March 23, 2019, this site posted an article entitled “Batman and Robin wade into the Swamp to out the Clinton Foundation”. The picture below is of two men swearing to tell the truth before a hearing of the House of Representatives, Subcommittee on Government Operations, on the afternoon of December 13, 2018. These two are the “Clinton Foundation Whistleblowers”. Only one Democrat House member showed up to ask questions—the appointed Democrat “delegate” from the District of Columbia. There weren’t enough people in the audience to field a baseball team. It was the last Republican-led meeting of the subcommittee before the Democrats took control of the House. The chair, Rep. Mark Meadows, would later become President Trump’s Chief of Staff. The witnesses were (right) John F. Moynihan, Principal, JFM & Associates, Compliance Advisory Group and (left) Lawrence Doyle, DM Income Advisors, Managing Partner. Think of them as bounty-hunter forensic accountants wading through the financials of the Clinton Foundation. If they can document tax fraud, they’re entitled to a percentage of the money owed to the government. And they believe they have sufficient documentation assembled. Continue... Now is not the time for passive acceptance. Our health, wealth, liberty, and way of life are at stake, and so is our country By Eitan Adut —-- Bio and Archives--March 29, 2020 It is the gross overreaction of certain government and business leaders to the Wuhan coronavirus of 2020, otherwise known as COVID-19, that is the danger to the United States, not the virus itself. The abundance of data show that the virus is far less dangerous than the seasonal flu, and if the overreaction is not stopped and reversed immediately, it will severely damage the economy and the lives that depend on it.
Number of people who will die of COVID-19 illness will be a small fraction of those who die of the flu every seasonThe Center for Disease Control (CDC) estimates that during the 2019-2020 flu season since September 29, 2019 approximately 23,000-59,000 have died of the flu out of 231,654 confirmed cases. That’s a confirmed case fatality rate (CCFR) of roughly 10% to 25%. As of March 26, there have been 1,305 fatalities among 86,043 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the United States. That is a CCFR of about 1.5%—which is only 6% to 15% of the CCFR of the flu. However, because most people with non-life threatening symptoms don’t present themselves to health facilities to be tested or counted for statistics, the CCFR for both illnesses vastly overestimate the actual chance of dying if infected: the infection fatality rate (IFR). To calculate the IFR, the number of fatalities is divided by the estimated number of people infected. So how can we know what the IFR is for contracting COVID-19? If people who manifest similar symptoms are both hospitalized and tested for COVID-19 as they would be for the flu, then we can make a rough comparison between them. It is estimated by the CDC that about 38 to 54 million people have contracted the flu during the 2019-2020 season. If we divide the flu fatalities stated previously, by the estimated number of infections, it would mean a flu IFR that ranges from about 0.04% to 0.16%. Left are already calling for using this opportunity to nationalize industries, socialize medicine, explode the debt, universalize the welfare state, and to violate constitutional rights and libertiesIf we know that the CCFR of COVID-19 is about 6% to 15% of the CCFR of the flu, then the IFR of COVID-19 is most likely a similar fraction of the IFR of the flu: 6% to 15% of 0.04% to 0.16% results in an IFR for COVID-19 of approximately 0.002% to 0.02%. By that fatality rate, if a similar number of Americans contract COVID-19 as contract the flu, the total number of fatalities in the U.S. from COVID-19 would be between 760 and 10,800—almost all of whom would be very elderly and infirm or immune compromised. That is only between one in 30,000 and one in 400,000 of all Americans. Even after the virus has run its entire course, under the worst case scenario, you would be much more likely to be struck by lightning in your lifetime than die from COVID-19. Given those numbers, it becomes clear that the number of people who will die of COVID-19 illness will be a small fraction of those who die of the flu every season. So we should be asking questions that the hysteria promoting media are apparently avoiding:
Health will not be the only casualty of the overreaction, so will the American way of life and what we are conditioned to tolerate. Freedom to do what we do best as individuals and to trade freely with others with reliable currency, under a reliable system of laws that protect our rights, is the reason that Americans enjoy such a high standard of living in general. So far, various leaders in both major parties have undermined all of those things. Americans are being threatened with arrest for going to going to work, going to church, operating and patronizing businesses, and being told that their currency will be inflated to pay companies and individuals for doing nothing—none of which have any basis in the federal or state constitutions. Those on the left are already calling for using this opportunity to nationalize industries, socialize medicine, explode the debt, universalize the welfare state, and to violate constitutional rights and liberties. If we allow these un-American precedents to be set over the pretext of dealing with an illness that could be less dangerous than the flu, is there any reason to believe that the American way of life and our current standard of living is likely to continue? Many individuals and small businesses cannot survive weeks of no incomeWhatever your talent, skill, job, or business, do you believe that government interference helps you produce more and better goods or services at a lower cost? If not, then how would the emergence of a new virus change that? If the mandates, closures, and restrictions were not imposed, there would be no panic. Individuals and businesses would always move to fill any need, whether it be treatments and supplies for a fighting a disease, or new demand for certain household goods. Any shortages of ventilators, hospital beds, treatments, tests, and cures are the result of the heavy regulation over the field of medicine—many of which have come to the public’s attention due to the announcements of the temporary easing of some of them. The shortages in masks, toilet paper, and shelf-stable food items are caused by anti-gouging laws. Without them, prices could be temporarily raised to meet demand and discourage hoarding. What is worse, finding what you need at a temporarily elevated price, or not finding what you need at any price? Virtually everywhere you see shortages, government interference is responsible. Make no mistake: it is not the virus that is causing economic destruction: it is the government. Many individuals and small businesses cannot survive weeks of no income. Not only will the proposed handouts not make up for their staggering losses, incurring debt to distribute printed “stimulus” or bailout money will cause even further economic destruction from inflation. If the state and federal governments ruin the economy with their overreaction, people will lose their jobs and businesses, goods and services will become more expensive, and quality of life will diminish. Time wasted in mandated idleness can never be recovered. Many people will be misled to believe that the same government policies that caused the problems should be increased to solve them. That will make the adoption of a total welfare state, socialism, and a centrally planned economy more likely: all of which will permanently decrease quality of life and increase mortality far beyond what COVID-19 would ever have caused. Our enemies are watching closelyAlso, our enemies are watching closely. If we paralyze ourselves and destroy our economy because of something that is not even as bad as the flu, they must be imagining what would we do to ourselves if the virus had been more deadly. What reason would they have to not use that form of attack? This kind of weakness must not be shown to our enemies. The precedent should never be set that this is the way to deal with a new contagious disease: putting people in a panic with grim tones and dour faces, getting people accustomed to dictatorial edicts, violating people’s constitutional rights with shutdowns and travel restrictions, increasing debt for “stimulus” and bailouts, and getting people used to receiving checks for doing nothing. It would be much better instead for the government to do nothing. That way, they won’t further interfere with the ability of the free market to meet people’s needs, including solving the problems caused by this illness or any other illness. If politicians feel the urge to deflect media criticism by taking action, they should take the opportunity to make it clear to the American people that they have determined that COVID-19 is less dangerous than the flu, immediately approve the existing vaccine and cure (hydroxychloroquine/azithromycin) for immediate use, repeal anti-gouging laws, and cut or eliminate the payroll tax. They should also immediately end all restrictions, and call off the bailouts, handouts, and “stimulus” bills. In fact, every American should contact their governors, congressional representatives, and the White House and insist on those things. Now is not the time for passive acceptance. Our health, wealth, liberty, and way of life are at stake, and so is our country. via Stop the COVID-19 Insanity Now by Justice Anna von Reitz .See How They Run We’ve identified the Patent Holders for the two strains of “novel” coronavirus (Common Cold Virus) responsible for the recent outbreak known as the COVID 19 Pandemic. The Pirbright Institute owns one of the two patents and the “U.S. Government”, another British Corporation, owns the other, so it is apparent that the commercial liability for all the fun and games (and losses) we’ve all recently endured, including loss of life, business shutdowns, extra equipment purchases, lost employment, medical emergency response costs—- the fault for all of it, lies with the Queen and her corporations. So, not only are both coronavirus Patent Holders British/British Territorial entities, but, the plan to receive all the Municipal corporations and debts “for” [that is, “in behalf of” the Americans] — without actually paying back the Americans, has been busted. The Americans see through it. They are demanding a full re-venue. They have organized their actual government. Can you believe that? After a hundred and sixty years. Oh, bollux, bollux, bollux!— who would believe this? After a hundred and sixty years?” “And so has the plan to offer Americans “bankruptcy settlement offers” disguised as relief to get through the phony pandemic. All that has been exposed. It’s all backfiring. And it smells worse than brimstone…. no, Tommy, take it to the bank. They are all over the air waves. It’s like a swarm of angry bees. They’ve figured it out. They’re not going to settle for tiny dollops of their own credit dished back to them as relief checks, would you? They are demanding the whole wad, and in no uncertain terms. They’ve got several speakers out front and they are all shouting the same story. And they’ve got the whole story, sewn up tighter than a drumhead….. yes, it is a right tidy bloody pile-up. All the way back to the founding of the Commonwealth….the Catholic Connection. The All of it. I don’t know what to tell my Mum….no new house in Vermont, that’s for certain.” [Or to quote the Wicked Witch of the West, “How could a sweet little girl like you destroy my beautiful wickedness! Oh, oh, I’m melting….melting!”] Yes, folks, we are on to them, and calling them out in front of the entire world. So what do they do? They run. Oh, these germs belong to us? And the victims know? We’d better stop it right now, before the whole thing blows up. We’ll have Bubonic Plague in Piccadilly next…. Suddenly, the Big Story Pandemic is reduced to: “well, not so much a pandemic…..” and the British Government admits that Covid-19 hasn’t proven to be a “High Consequence Infectious Disease” (HCID). And all of a sudden, things are at Full Stop and Reverse. Red Light, Green Light, all about the town….all hands on deck, damage control measures in effect…. [Oh, rats! The Americans and the Chinese caught on! They know it was us, and we own the germs! Oh, bollux! They are going to blame us! They are going to hold us accountable for their losses! They are going to charge us for their business losses and civilian deaths! Oh, stop the presses! Spin the story backwards! Quick! Move it! New line is that Covid 19 is harmless… not really any cause for concern…. blah, blah, blah, blahty-blah….must return things to normal ASAP….yes, cracky! ASAP!” So now Mr. Trump needs to know for sure, that we are the actual, living, breathing — and sovereign — government of the people, for the people, and by the people, not “U.S. Citizens” and not “citizens of the United States”. He needs to know that when we act as State Citizens, as we do now, we become recognizable as “We, the People….” the very same ones who are owed every bit, every jot, of the Constitutions and their Guarantees. We are owed possession and unencumbered enjoyment of all the land and soil, all the gold, silver, and all the other physical, mental, spiritual, and intellectual properties that are ours, all our rights in common, and all the private and public property assets of this country are ours— and more than past due to be re-venued to us, free and clear. Hear that? Your “custodian-ship” goes just so far. No amount of tedious backsliding, excuses, or sneaky legal charlatanism will help. No “emergencies”. No fake “wars”. It’s a straight-up situation. All the actual assets belong to us, not to any dependent sovereignties like the Indian Nations, not to any “tribes” owing tribute to Rome, not to any Territorials at all. And now, to more fully appreciate all the implications, see this: YOUTUBE.COM
KA-BOOM!! UK Gov’t Just Admitted C-19 is “NOT a High Consequence Infectious Disease!” I misspoke at the :18 mark. I meant to say a gain of almost 3k points in 48 hours. FREE Newsletter: http://bit.ly/HighImpactFlixOfficial (don’t forget to C… The disease process caused by COVID-19 is best described by the following new disease name:
COVID-5G-Hypertoxicity Syndrome State of the Nation Editor’s Note: Wherever the term Coronavirus Syndrome appears in the Executive Summary below, it is being used as a shortened version of COVID-5G-Hypertoxicity Syndrome. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Coronavirus Syndrome is not just a simple coronavirus named COVID-19 by the World Health Organization. It’s actually a far more complex pathogenic micro-organism and disease process than the medical authorities are aware of. More significantly, it is the biological etiology and environmental causation that must be correctly understood if Coronavirus Syndrome is to be successfully treated. There are 3 primary elements of COVID-5G-Hypertoxicity Syndrome as stated in the new disease name. First, there is the pathogenic micro-organism that was specifically bioengineered in a U.S military laboratory as a bioweapon called COVID-19. Secondly, there is the overwhelming impact of 5G, 4G, 3G and other electromagnetic frequency signal ranges and microwave transmissions. Thirdly, there is the state of Hypertoxicity of each individual that contracts the disease as determined by their toxic load or total body burden. There are several other risk factors such as medical history, overall health status, medical ailments, health conditions, age, diet, etc. involved in the development of Coronavirus Syndrome. However, each of those risk factors is patient-specific and will not be addressed in this summary. By far, the most significant risk factor concerns the prevailing medical ailments and health conditions of a patient. All of the evidence has born out that those coronavirus patients with certain illnesses and underlying conditions, prior to contracting COVID-19, had a much higher infection rate and mortality rate. 5G & IoTThe three greatest clusters of Coronavirus Syndrome on each continent were located in 3 major cities which had already experienced the intensive deployment of a 5G power grid. “This is also why three of the most serious coronavirus outbreaks on 3 continents — Asia, Europe and North America — took place in major metro areas that had undergone advanced 5G roll-outs—Wuhan, China; Milan, Italy; and Seattle Washington, respectively. Each of these three “5G demonstration zones” have produced the highest COVID-19 infection rates and mortality rates in the world today.” (Source: The Most Fatal Coronavirus Outbreaks and Intensive 5G Roll-outs Conclusively Correlate) There is undoubtedly a direct correlation between advanced 5G roll-outs and the incidence of Coronavirus Syndrome. All the science has proven that the exceedingly powerful and harmful energies associated with a fully operational 5G significantly weaken the human immune system. Therefore, people living in “5G Demonstration Zones” will be much more vulnerable to all the seasonal influenzas, and especially to the highly opportunistic and virulent COVID-19. Some medical researchers have identified the great likelihood that 5G actually triggers COVID-19, which then sets into motion a unique disease process which manifests differently in each patient. Because there appears to be a bioengineered capacity for COVID-19 to mutate in vivo, the symptom set can change quickly or slowly thereby eluding proper diagnosis and treatment. The longer any patient is exposed to a 5G environment, the more severe the symptoms will be. Similarly, additional symptoms, some of which are quite unusual also emerge as the disease process evolves. Not only does 5G seem to trigger the onset of the Coronavirus Syndrome, it also appears to cause an extraordinary mutation and morphing of COVID-19 into an altogether different pathogen, which lies in a latent form in the body well after the patient has been cured. This is quite similar to Epstein-Barr virus which eventually evolves into EBV-Stage 4. The extent to which a patient is exposed to the Internet of Things (IoT) poses an even greater challenge to their immune system. This is why so many cruise ships became floating hospitals so soon after the Wuhan outbreak. Not only was 5G fully operational on those quarantined ships, the cruise lines promote their seaborne IoTs for all the old folks whose health is highly compromised or suffer from immunosuppression. Then the protracted period of quarantine served to spread the COVID-19 even more in the close quarters. However, it’s the high re-infection rates of COVID-19 that illustrate the dramatic effects that a 5G environment has on either a carrier or patient. Those who leave the hospital and re-enter their same wireless IT space invariably suffer a higher rate of re-infection. Some will eventually suffer double or triple re-infections in the same flu season. Incidentally, the Coronavirus Syndrome is emphatically not caused by a typical flu bug. COVID-19 is a highly sophisticated bioweapon that was deliberately bioengineered to be extremely opportunistic, predatory and pernicious . Hence, the best defense is to avoid infection. Despite the apparent contagion, the right lifestyle will keep it at bay. This type of coronavirus preys on a weak and/or sick individual whose internal environment is conducive to making a home. Preventative measures ought to be taken immediately by those at the greatest risk. KEY POINT: Every resident on the planet should be taking all the precautionary measures they can reasonable take, but its the focused preventive actions that will serve each individual the best. See: Here’s How Everyone Can Avoid Getting The Coronavirus HypertoxicityClearly, those who suffer from hypertoxicity will be much more susceptible to coming down with the Coronavirus Syndrome than those with a clean health profile. There are many and diverse contributing factors to the state of hypertoxicity that are not yet well known. For obvious reasons, the elderly will always suffer from this condition much more than children, which is exactly why older patients are dying so quickly from COVID-19 and in much greater numbers. Young people are simply far less toxic. The high toxic load of the elderly has had several decades for the bio-accumulation of countless chemicals, heavy metals, insecticides, toxicants, poisons, contaminants, pollutants, etc. Hence, there is a direct relationship between the total body burden and the susceptibility to COVID-19 just as there is to any illness or disease. Except that a hypertoxic internal disorder will permit Coronavirus Syndrome to run rampant. There are other major pieces to this hypertoxicity puzzle that remain outside of any individual’s ability to control. For example, there are toxic chemtrail aerosols that are being sprayed incessantly in our skies. The immense volume of chemically-mobile aluminum alone is slowly poisoning all of humanity. So is the barium, strontium, lithium and other chemical contaminants that are released into the troposphere via the chemical geoengineering programs being conducted worldwide. Industrial pollution provides many other vectors of toxin dissemination that will eventually contribute to the ongoing epidemic of hypertoxicity. Just like Beijing, Wuhan was also infamous for its oppressive pollution. Likewise, Milan is the economic powerhouse of Italy and hub of various industries to include “textile and garment manufacturing, automobile, chemicals, industrial, machinery, and publishing”. [1] COVID-19While COVID-19 is the primary pathogenic micro-organism of Coronavirus Syndrome, it’s imperative to understand that it is only one component of COVID-5G-Hypertoxicity Syndrome. It’s also quite important to comprehend that COVID-19 is just one of many coronaviruses that is the cause of the common cold (See addendum below). But the real secret can be found in its name as follows: CORONAVIRUS BIOWEAPON MYSTERY SOLVED: It’s all in the name! As the CORONA virus name implies, once that crucial link is made between the coronavirus and 5G, it becomes clear that humankind has been suffering from various and sundry types of EMF illness and EMR disease and Microwave poisoning and Non-ionizing Radiation sickness and Electrohypersensitivity syndrome for many decades. Therefore, it could even be stated that, were there no electrical paradigm on planet Earth, there would be no Coronavirus Syndrome. Nevertheless, to properly understand the “who, what, where, why and how” narrative regarding the now notorious coronavirus, every reader is encouraged to consider the links in this extensive compilation of detailed exposés: BIOENGINEERED and 5Ged CORONAVIRUS PANDEMIC: What Everyone Needs to Know CAVEAT: What we are all watching (and experiencing) here is the perfect planetary superstorm. That superstorm is not only blowing around the globe like a Cat 10 hurricane-tornado, it’s also blowing through everyone’s home and life. In other words, whose ever life is not in order, it will be profoundly disrupted even though we are witnessing an obviously staged coronavirus pandemic. For instance, anyone who is in the state of hypertoxicity will feel it more than ever. Those who are addicted to their smartphones will especially suffer the consequences. Families that do not eat right will get their own wakeup call. Folks who are dependent on an array of pharmaceutical drugs will be prompted to consider a holistic approach. Just because this “Plandemic” is being meticulously orchestrated by The Powers That Be does not mean it won’t have awesome effect and consequences on those who [DESPERATELY] need to change the direction of their lives ConclusionCOVID-5G-Hypertoxicity Syndrome is precisely what the name says it is. Not only that, the intensity of its manifestation is also a function of several other risk factors, each of which can be nailed down in any particular case by an experienced clinician who is also a skilled diagnostician. And, YES, Coronavirus Syndrome is most definitely an ever-changing syndrome that defies diagnosis and treatment alike. This is why so many are dropping like flies before they drop dead. The symptoms either intensify so fast or unusual symptoms emerge so quickly that the attending physicians are caught flat-footed. The patients, themselves, are overwhelmed by the severity of symptoms. In many cases, the combination of debilitating and often unfamiliar symptoms demoralizes them. In light of these stark realities, the more aware that each person is about the key takeaways in this critical coronavirus analysis, the more effective their response can be. The health and well-being of our families and friends, co-workers and other acquaintances greatly depends on this vital knowledge during this truly defining moment of human history. Please, loyal readers, help us disseminate this urgent discussion before they shut down social media to any and all coronavirus posts. State of the Nation March 19, 2020 Editor’s Note This article was written as a collaborative effort by the SOTN team. One of the primary contributors was the Coronavirus Coach whose recent experience with COVID-19 began with a client who was one of the very first to contract the disease in December of 2019 at America’s CORONAVIRUS GROUND ZERO—Kirkland, Washington. That compelling story is so instructive the most important and telling excerpt has been posted below. One of SOTN’s contributors is a Coronavirus Coach (also 30 years as a Holistic Health Coach) and his first coronavirus client lives in Kirkland, Washington just down the road from America’s coronavirus ground zero—The Life Care Center in Kirkland, WA. For weeks back in December of 2019 they worked together trying to figure out what her diagnosis was not only because the unknown coronavirus was so elusive and mysterious, the symptom set seemed to change as it morphed into more serious manifestations of the disease process. It soon became clear that what the patient had been dealing was unlike anything they both had ever seen before, and the client was a health coach as well. The coronavirus sufferer’s condition inexplicably went from bad to worse so quickly and to the point where they both wondered if she would live through the night on various occasions. Had the client not been able to doctor herself so competently and efficiently they would not have made it. However, at the end of the day, it was the advanced 5G power grid in the town of Kirkland, as well as the client’s smartphone addiction, that were at the core of the coronavirus problem. What has happened next is that the client now appears to be experiencing a re-infection with the coronavirus, which is a unique and distinguishing feature of COVID-19. Not only are single re-infections being clinically observed, but double re-infections are also being observed in some cases. With a sufficient elapse of time, there will certainly be triple and quadruple re-infections occurring, especially in those cities and communities that have undergone the most intensive 5G roll-outs. (Source: Of the 100+ US coronavirus fatalities, why were 50 Deaths confirmed in Washington State alone? Because Kirkland, Washington is one of the most 5G-intensive locales in the nation—that’s why!) CONTINUE Found here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wD1NxYuUJ6c&feature=youtu.be Del Bigtree joins us again on the TTAC Live stage with an update on what he has been up to since the last time he spoke on our stage. Since then, he has been working very closely with Bobby Kennedy on the Vaccine Safety Project. He has been working tirelessly to unify the anti-vaxx and pro-vaxx communities by educating them about health/medical freedom and body autonomy. While mainstream media portrays Del to be someone who spreads misinformation, we'd like to use our platform to highlight how Del actually presents quality, legitimate information in an unedited, uncensored environment. He pulls his information from peer-reviewed published journals and distinguished experts like Dr. Peter Aaby, contrary to what the MSM claims. Is vaccine science really settled? Del walks us through how deceptive the "science" behind vaccines really is. If you would prefer to read along, visit our website for the transcript: http://bit.ly/be-brave-part1. Do YOU know what your #1 Health Killer is? Take the quiz to find out now AND receive a helpful eBook according to your responses: http://bit.ly/quiz-health-killer. Please comment. We know this is very controversial, but we have living proof that he is right. Paul Stramer Read this about what is really happening in Italy. https://needtoknow.news/2020/03/corona-bologna-the-truth-begins-to-leak-out-in-italy-the-overwhelming-majority-of-deaths-are-linked-to-other-illnesses/ |
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