![]() By Anna Von Reitz "No" is one of the first words we all learn, but ironically, many of us never really learn how to use it. We are co-opted in this by school indoctrination, by familial enforcement, and by social convention. We are literally taught not to say no. The underlying subconscious meaning of this rigorous training comes down to the message: "its bad to say no" and in too many cases where children are disrespected and abused it can also mean ---"you have no right to say no." So we get the message early and often that it is wrong for us to say no, even though our parents do it often and with emphasis, and as children, we also get the message that we have no right to do so in the face of parents and teacher and other "authority figures". No wonder that so many adults are conflicted and even somewhat confused by the simple word, "No." Consider this your remedial training course. No is a supremely good and necessary word. It is the counterbalance of "yes" and it is a useful, moral, and in its way, very positive word, too. What if you are saying no to being disrespected and abused by your own public employees? Well, then, "no" becomes a positive word. In such a situation, "no" stands in back of right action [Why should you be bossed around by your employees?] and right thinking [Since when do employees tell their employers what to do, or how to do it?] and right ordering of the world [If employees direct employers, the world is upside down and on its head---and we all know that and the effects of it every day.] One of the glorious things about Donald Trump is that he learned to say no. He learned to put his foot down hard. And as much admiration as I hear for Donald Trump and as much damnation I hear spread about him, hardly anyone realizes that it all stems from his ability and willingness to say --- no. He knows how to walk away, and that's something that hardly anyone is taught anymore. Perhaps he lucked out and had parents who were aware of the "yes-man" mentality and bucked against it. Maybe he arrived at a point in his life where he just got his back up, said no, meant it, and liked the results. We may never know, but anyone can observe the results. People all over this continent and around the globe admire Donald Trump for saying no to evil and bad deals so often and so decisively. The odd part, is that it never occurs to so many of them that they can and should be doing the same thing, and by all means available. These people who cheer on Donald Trump on, but don't emulate his action, can look outside their subtle prison bars and admire those who say no, but somewhere there is still a cowed child sitting there, being told, "You can't say no."---- "You are not old enough to say no." or "You're not good enough to say no." or "You don't have the right to say no." And on the other end of the spectrum we have people who hate Donald Trump and can't even rationally say why. These are most often Leftists. They almost subconsciously fear authority figures and people who say no, because to them, no is always negative, scandalous, politically incorrect. You can almost see them curling up into their fetal positions, thinking: he's going to say no, he's going to nix what we want, he's not going to give us what we need, he's bad because he says no, he isn't nice because he says no, doesn't he realize that its immoral and bad and "socially unacceptable" to say no? Boy, they say, collectively and silently with a hint of desperation -- we were all taught that as kids! That's what Leftist indoctrination does. It disrespects and cows children to the point where simply saying "no" is a radical act, and where the emotional detritus of early abuse remains, ready to explode against authority figures of all kinds. And now here we are, grown adults, called to examine where we stand on the issue of "no". Does the word "no" conjure up feelings of resistance and foreboding? Does it make us pause and hesitate to use it? Or are we comfortable with saying no, and secure in our authority to use it in a measured and sensible way? In recent days many people have contacted me about precisely this issue. They are worried about forced vaccinations, forced removals from their homes, force of all kinds being applied from all angles. How, they plead, can we say no? Well, you first get into position where you can say it. Our erstwhile Public Employees have gerrymandered things around to the point where you are being mistaken for one of them. They think that, as one of them, you are subject to the same codes, rules, regulations, statutes, and limitations that they have to embrace. If the President of their corporation says "March!" they have to march and not think too much about it, because they are: (1) employees -- paid; (2) employees-- volunteer; (3) dependents -- voluntary, aka. on welfare; (4) dependents -- involuntary, aka, wards of the "state", whichever "state" that may be. So if you want to say "no" to your employees, you first have to disabuse them of this "presumption" on their parts, that you are one of them, and subject to their corporate "laws" which are in fact rules, codes, regulations, statutes, limitations, and policies. And you'd better have evidence of the fact, too, because otherwise they just think you are some "wise acre" or bad sport or insubordinate trying to pull something damaging to their food source, their "governmental services corporation". They have a tendency to react rather badly to that idea, and generally misunderstand who is who and what is what in situations where their "authority" is challenged. Nonetheless, it is necessary for millions of us to become informed about our own authority, and to also steel ourselves to the challenges and requirements of assuming authority and saying --- no, as adults. No, I am not letting my employees force any kind of vaccination, ear-tagging, or other invasive medical technology on me or my family. No, I am not paying any taxes that I don't actually owe. No, I am not paying off any mortgages owed the State of Nevada organization. No, I am not registering my private automobile as a "motor vehicle" when I am not using it as a motor vehicle. No, I am not subjecting my children to any medical procedure or medication that has not been tested and proven to be safe. No, I am not going to stand here and be sprayed with industrial wastes anymore. No, I am not having more industrial wastes (Fluoride) added to my water and toothpaste anymore. No, I am not going to eat food that has been genetically engineered to produce its own internal insecticides, fungicides, and herbicides. No, I am not going to be drafted and conscripted to serve as a cheap mercenary in foreign wars for profit. No, I am not going to be abused in any way at all anymore by my public employees. Period. The first step in your Remedial "Just Say No" Plan, is to restore your birthright political status and record it over their False Registration, so it a matter of public record and Notice that you are not acting in the capacity of (1-4) above. You do this by contacting your State Assembly at: www.TheAmericanStatesAssembly.net. There you will encounter like-minded people who have already taken the steps to reclaim and restore their birthright political status as Americans and people of their State of the Union. They will happily help you do the same, and then, you, too, will have the unabrogated right to say no, no, no, and no. Having thus secured your right to say no and having made it public knowledge, your next task is to assist your State Assembly, that same group of determined and knowledgeable people who kept the door open and welcomed you "home". Support them and their work with might and main, because they are there supporting you and your government and your right to say "no" to your own employees. Your next assignment is to practice saying no. Stand in front of a mirror if necessary, smile, speak calmly and logically and say, "Officer, I am not a public employee or dependent of any kind. The only contract I have with you and the organizations you represent is the Federal Constitution. Please look at Article IV and explain to me where you have any authority to arrest me, attack my person, or trespass upon my private property?" Offer him a copy of Article IV. "And, also, look here --- Article VI." This is where it says that no other "law" or "thing" (thing means corporation, flag, idol, etc.) stands against the Constitution. It's best to have both Constitutions handy, both the Territorial version, The Constitution of the United States of America, and the Municipal version (for Municipal police and Federal Civil Service "Agents) which is simply The Constitution for the United States --- no "of America". Now, Officer, you can see for yourself that no corporate rule-making, statute, legislation, code or regulation applies to me, and that any obligation you have to these orders is secondary to the obligation you owe to me--- my constitutional guarantees. This is a learning process, not only about "How to say no." but about who you are and who your employees are, and what your proper relationships are. You have to know that yourself and you have to teach them. There is a very helpful little website called www.GovernPublicServants.com that provides not only excellent information and sources, but take you through the role-playing practice involved. If you are feeling a bit unsteady on your feet and want to see someone else actually do this, go there and watch. You can say no without being obnoxious, after all. You can afford to be patient and teach someone else things that you didn't know yourself before you "woke up". But most of all, stand there in front of that mirror, look yourself in the eye, think of all those things that the "government" threatens you with and burdens you with, and say, "No." Say it again, "No." And again, "No." You must learn to say no and say it with authority. A useful blurb has been circulating around about "How to Refuse Vaccination". This is a special case of saying no and presumes that a doctor or nurse with a needle or worse, needle gun, ready to plunge and FRID ear-tag and an unknown slurry of unproven "vaccine" into your arm. It uses the military medical term "iatrogenic" --- as in, "Doctor, has this vaccine been proven to have no iatrogenic effects?" Iatrogenic is a fancy way of saying -- diseases and maladies that result from medical procedures, like vaccination, like blood transfusions, like intubation, like most of what they like to do to you in hospitals. If the hovering medical professional can't say yes with a straight face, you then hold the doctor responsible to his Hippocratic Oath, and politely decline vaccination. His or her Hippocratic Oath binds doctors to "Do no harm." To avoid this and speed delivery of their highly suspect cocktail of crap into your bloodstream, they may attempt to use nurses or foreign medical personnel. But it is all the same routine. No matter how they yell and scream and require their own employees and dependents to do this and that, they have no such authority related to you and your body and your willingness to participate in their experiments--- as long as you have declared and recorded your birthright political status, and politely declined their "offer", they become hugely liable for any damage they do to you. Your government, that is, your actual government --- not the foreign subcontractors operating as "governmental services corporations" has valued you at a trillion dollars per head --- that is, we have set a prohibitively large liability fine against any foreign government or agent of a foreign government that kills or maims (permanently damages) any American. This makes it increasingly unlikely that those foreign governments will test their luck with their "vaccination" agenda against those who declare their birthright political status. Instead of making billions with their phony unproven vaccines, they will be losing trillions, instead. And since money and abuse of power, not health, is what this is all about, telling them "no" in as many ways as possible, is important. Discouraging their criminal profit-seeking in as many ways as possible, is important. Because if you don't say no to people like Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci, if you don't put your little flat feet down and make it count and explain it to your employees in terms they have to understand--- like that whack-job "Governor" in Michigan--- they will presume upon you and treat you worse than cattle. In their infantile lust for control and their greed, they will ruin your lives. People like this don't deserve to be among us, but they are. If you let them define you and tell you what to do, they will do so to suit themselves and for their profit and for their empowerment, not yours. They have no morals or sense of humility, no respect for life or for the sacredness or integrity of other souls. To them, you are lab rats. Expendables. In fact, as they have often said, your population needs to decrease. So it's fine with them if millions of you die as a result of their experiments: fewer Priority Creditors that they owe money to, more secret life insurance payments they can claim, and profit from selling the vaccines that kill, maim, sterilize, and ear-tag "the herd" of course. May we suggest that any "population decrease" needs to begin with them? ---------------------------- See this article and over 2400 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com To support this work look for the PayPal buttons on this website. How do we use your donations? Find out here. The American States Assembly
![]() By Anna Von Reitz As you can pick up from reading between the lines, there are a lot of desperate attempts being made to preserve the established world order, at least to the extent of hauling essential chestnuts out of the fire. Some of you are rightly concerned because you see all sorts of foreign and domestic corporations operating under different names, "offering" to step in and replace the bankrupt governmental services corporations and their banks and other "institutional artifices" with their own. However, that isn't possible. The States of America have to be rebuilt -- "reconstructed" and they can only be reconstructed by the States. States give rise to States of States. They can't arise like mushrooms overnight, all by themselves, despite what corporations operating "as" States of States might think. I understand Mr. Trump's dilemma, but the fact is that our unincorporated Federation of States doing business as The United States of America is the source of all Delegations of Power, and when the Federal Subcontractors-- however they are organized or named, fail due to incompetence, such as bankruptcy, all the Delegated Powers return to us by Operation of Law. Those Powers don't just hang around in the ethersphere waiting for some new Tom, Dick or Harry governmental services corporation to form. They have to form a viable corporation, if they wish to operate as corporations, and they have to come to us as the Source, and receive our agreement for them to act as Successors to the Constitutional Agreements. Otherwise, they have no "powers" delegated to them, no contract or authority in evidence. It all slides right back into our laps and we get to tell them what to do, if they want to continue their jobs. Which is what we have been doing for many months with mixed results. We've already seen Crown Colony of the United States and Unity States of America and THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, INC. and United States of North America come and go, and nobody seems to "get it" when we say that they "can't get there from here". Because they worked this sleight of hand and got away with it in the past, they think they can just continue on in the same vein, spin another round, and continue to skate on our ticket. However, we have raised our hands and the wheels are in motion that prevent them from just booting up another corporation somewhere, calling it by some deceptively similar name, and taking over operations here. We have our own government and that government has been successfully called into Session. It's the difference between dealing with a hibernating bear and a bear that is fully awake. No new governmental services corporation, foreign or domestic, may "assume" any service contract of any kind with us without our explicit consent. Mr. Trump, individually and personally, has a contract. Nobody else does, so they had better keep him alive and well and smiling. His contract is limited by the standing Constitutional agreements, but he doesn't object to that. That said, he and the Generals advising him don't appear to fully understand why they can't just boot up another commercial corporation, inherit the farm, and continue on. To put it simply, the Landlords have come home. The actual Inheritors are here. Our employees and foreign subcontractors can no longer assume control and propose to represent us or inherit any contract to do so absent our consent. Imagine it this way --- you hire a housekeeping service, and you empower them to do certain things for you. They can have a key to the house, for example. They are authorized to buy cleaning supplies "on ticket". But their bosses are dishonest and incompetent, and so, the company providing the housekeeping services eventually goes bankrupt despite being very well-paid and despite stealing as much as they can from their employer. The same bosses think, oh, well, we jettisoned that debt and discharged everything we owed our employers. Guess we will just boot up a new corporation, call it by some deceptively similar name, assume that our old contract is still ours and what ho, carry on. They actually got away with that in the past while we were asleep, so they don't understand why they can't just do it again now. The reason is--- we've objected, officially, and now, they have to deal directly with us and "re-up" under our terms and conditions, or stand down. That goes for all the various entities trying to claim contracts or rights related in any way to The United States and The United States of America. This has yet to be resolved, along with the hash they have made of the commercial credit and banking system. Stand by. ---------------------------- See this article and over 2400 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com To support this work look for the PayPal buttons on this website. How do we use your donations? Find out here. The American States Assembly
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