Posted By: VaxxterAdmin3
10/06/2020 By Grace Van Berkum, first published June 9, 2020. This article was republished in full with permission, with minor modifications. Read additional articles in this series at her website, What I am about to share will be affirming for some, and shocking for others. As many of you know, I have been extremely dedicated to investigating what has been happening in the world, on so many levels since March. I need to fully understand why so many things have not made sense to so many of us. I research EVERYTHING daily to look for answers and to educate myself. I have uncovered many things. What I am sharing with you today is the biggest thing I have uncovered that proves COVID was planned and executed. This is not a conspiracy theory. THIS IS AN ACTUAL PLANNED CONSPIRACY. These are straight-up facts right from the website of the people who planned this. It is right on the web in plain sight! But most people don’t know it is there, and most people probably won’t understand the depth of it unless someone breaks it down for you. Which I will try and do today. I feel my duty is to share what I have learned. I am going to try and keep this simple, take out any of my opinions, take out my emotions, and just stick to the facts, which is what is happening in our world HAS BEEN PLANNED FOR DECADES. As we know, many major inconsistencies have been coming out about COVID, especially in the last week alone. Tainted tests, falsified numbers, manipulated stats, doctors & scientists speaking out, lockdowns that don’t make sense, predicted numbers TOTALLY WRONG…..we are all aware. It is also questionable how the virus originated. It is however evident 100% that there is a virus of some sort and it is still a mystery who gets affected, who dies, and who doesn’t (although many of us in the health profession have theories about why this happens). This is not being disputed.Now the riots.There seem to be many incongruences with the black man who was murdered. Was he really who he said he was? Did he actually die? Was that man who choked him really a cop? Did they really work together? Why was his casket closed? Why was there a big funeral, with politicians and celebrities, when people all around the world are being denied funerals right now? Why were protests with massive vandalism, suddenly allowed to happen when a week earlier we were told NOT to go outside? Why were there riots? hWy were there two groups of people, peaceful protestors vs. destructive rioters? Where did the rioters come from? Why were bricks planted in stacks all over rioting cities? And on and on… many things have been said about the situation no one knows the real truth. Imagine if everything we THOUGHT WE SAW WAS NOT TRUE. Imagine if we have been deceived, and the media and government, convince you to think and feel in a certain way……something to ponder for sure, but I would like to stick to the facts today. Everything I have found here took me about 24 hours to research……I have been reading NON-STOP to figure this all out.Key points found by my research:Agenda 21, created in 1992, has been carried out by NGOs funded by foreign countries, and groups like the “Open Society Foundation” (George Soros) + Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. One major objective of the Agenda 21 initiative is that every local government should draw its own local Agenda 21. Since 2015, Sustainable Development Goals are included in the newer Agenda 2030. Research this, too. The official name is the UN AGENDA 2030 FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT. Also, you can check the Agenda 21 programs implemented in your city or town by searching Agenda 21 and the name of your city in Google. I have provided a link here so you can read it all. The United Nations Agenda 2030, adopted in 2015 and fiercely promoted and funded by the Gates Foundation, consists of 17 Sustainable Development Goals [aka Green New Deal] to be achieved by the year 2030. Soros & Rockefeller are also funders here. Surprise, surprise. (Gates is also the largest private donor to the World Health Organization, a U.N. agency.) Here is a list of governments/entities/organizations where Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is listed as a partner. Setting the Stage...
Video describes how they are planning to kill populations in mass (2021) after their plan for the H1N1 flu failed 10 years ago.
This time, the coming deadly vaccine will become Mandatory in 2021. The video explains how they have planned this Genocide … COVID 19 DOES NOT EXIST – IT HAS NEVER BEEN ISOLATED Covid19 Virus Has Never Been Isolated And Purified,Therefore, It Has Not Been Proven To Exist! You Cannot Test For A Virus That Does Not Exist. And You Also Cannot Manufacture A Vaccine For A Virus That Does Not Exist!! That Is The Extent Of This Blatant Scam! FOI (Freedom Of Information Act Requests To Health Authorities Have Proven That Covid19 DOES NOT EXIST! There Is No Scientific Evidence Anywhere That A Virus Causes Disease! Wake Up World You’re Being Scammed! See ( Covid 19 – The Fake Pandemic – Scientific Proof That It Is A Hoax – David Icke Millions Have Lost Their Jobs, Homes, Families. Thousands Have Suicided Believing That All Hope In A Future For Themselves And Their loved Ones is Gone. If humanity Does Not Take A Stand Against This Tyranny Then That Could Well Be The Case. It Is My Belief That Our Governments Have Been Coopted By The Multinational Corporate Criminals, The Globalist Luciferian Cabal That Currently Run This World. They Are Aided And Abetted By The Mainstream Media Who Are Also Owned And Controlled By This Cabal. The Media Are Spreading Fear Propaganda And Lies In Order To Manipulate The People Into Complying With Their Insane Rules And Edicts That Have No Basis In Science. Mass Civil Disobedience Must Be Deployed Against This Insane Plan NOW! Authors Note: This is the most diabolical evil assault on humanity that I have ever witnessed in all my years in the intelligence service. Why, because there is no Covid19, a global FOI search has revealed this fact. The hospitals are empty around the globe. Oh people are dying, but not from Covid, it doesn’t exist. People are dying from natural causes. Millions of people die naturally every year. Our Globalist Cabal coopted governments and their paid deep state owned and controlled Mainstream Media have been lying and propagandising humanity for decades. The Cabals plan is to crash the Global economy in order to usher in a New World Order, One World Orwellian Tyranny. They are well on their way to achieving this. This Cabal has an additional reason for this hoax, these fascist psychopaths believe that the world is overpopulated, and plan to lower it to 500 million by the use of eugenics and depopulation. The favourite weapon of the Cabal are neurotoxic vaccines. The Gates untested Covid19 vaccine should fit their plan nicely. If You Believe My Statement On The Neurotoxicity Of the Gates Vaccines To Be An Exaggeration, Then Consider This……. These Psychopaths are of a stripe of evil that is almost unimaginable. Humanities only hope is massive civil disobedience. Refuse to comply with their insane lockdowns, their toxic mask wearing and social distancing that have no basis in science. And are being used as tools to isolate and control us. Do your own research and you will see that what I say is truth. God bless you all.
By Anna Von Reitz If you do nothing else today, listen to the first link provided below. And share it. If you are like me, you have probably had one or more heated exchanges with elderly relatives who are scared out of their minds because they are in a "high risk group" and lining up already to get the new vaccine that is touted as the cure to Covid 19. You've probably also been told that you are no expert, because you aren't a virologist. Well, here's one of the top virologists in the country laying it out for the dumbfounded. Take two minutes out of your life to listen to this very short, very informative video. It can save your life or the life of someone you love. Then, there is Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s Supreme Court Case, proving that vaccines have no quality control and haven't been tested for safety for 32 years: If they still can't believe the facts, ask them to read this brief summary from Swiss Policy Research, founded in 2016, as a non-partisan, non-profit, independent fact-checking organization. You can find the long version with all the citations at their website--- but by all means, read this Overview first:
The American Disabilities Act and HIPAA both protect people's health privacy. Don't "volunteer" to give away your health privacy, because that can lead to the legal presumption that you have Covid-19 and that you are a Municipal US citizen ---- a PERSON that can be arrested and indefinitely detained. I pasted this into my photo program and printed them nine to a page, cut these wallet-sized cards out and began distributing them to local businesses that had gone beyond the pale. In almost no time at all, those same businesses dropped the Mask Mantra and got back in line. If you want my opinion, Covid-19 is a "Stupid Test" ---- to see just how far the corporations can go in creating BS and also how far the Public will obey them. ---------------------------- See this article and over 2500 others on Anna's website here: To support this work look for the PayPal buttons on this website. How do we use your donations? Find out here. Exactly one year ago, this blog was posted. It is valuable to see the macrocosm patterns, and how the Controllers constantly influence the outer world by repeating and replaying the same archetypal forces of drama to incite fear and terrorism, over and over again. This is done in order to keep the collective consciousness stuck in playing out the same destructive patterns in a never ending timeline loop, in which the Controllers attempt to hijack the future direction of timelines. Whatever levels of destruction and havoc they cause on the earth, the end result is that disclosure cannot be stopped, it is just a matter of time and time is on our side. Thus, this blog 'Virus in Genetic Engineering" is more appropriate today than ever.
In this phase, our physical body seems to require even more stillness and quiet, the need to conserve in order to gather the vital forces it requires to integrate the new instruction set into the cells. The intensity and pressure that many of us are feeling is deeply physical as there are energetic re-alignments and adjustments into a new Krystal architecture, in the larger timelines, in the larger fields. Thus, a reminder that if things are feeling like your life is coming apart at the seams, or your cells feel like they are more fluid, the reality around you is dissolving or morphing in front of your eyes, many of us are experiencing these ranges of unusual to surreal to bizarre experiences and strange symptoms. We are undergoing deep cellular shifts and changes, which are shifting the nature of the reality. It seems that this event does signify another push towards more disclosure related information, and many of us are hoping that the full disclosure event evolves and moves forward into the masses more quickly now. Since the first week of March, there have been ongoing intergalactic liquid rainbow plasmas entering the higher to mid-level creation fields, in which Starseeds and awakened people are acting as the energy conduits of the rainbow synthesis embodiment. In this activation phase leading into the March Equinox, it can be extremely uncomfortable in the physical experience, as the body must work hard to integrate these plasma frequencies into the body layers, and these are new rainbow intergalactic plasmas that have never been previously available. Many awakening people are experiencing intense lightbody integration symptoms, the primary focus has been the purging of viral loads used for alien hybrid genetic engineering, and the electromagnetic weaponry known as the Pestilence Horseman pulsing. The pestilence horseman was utilized by the dark resistance to prevent the integration of the current intergalactic rainbow plasma transmissions, and that has directed viral payload sequences out into the ley lines of the planet, in which some Starseed people are processing and transmuting these viral loads from their own body. As these electromagnetic weapons are directed to our will center, solar plexus, in order to maintain the three lower layers of the personality-ego mind control program, this has strong effects on our digestive system, especially the small and large intestine. This has resulted in a bevy of viral related symptoms, inflammation, skin rashes, liver-gallbladder stress, the most prevalent disease programs are assorted retro-virus mixtures used to cultivate auto-immune responses in the masses. Small amounts of retrovirus are utilized in vaccines and drugs, and these microbes ultimately takeover and damage the natural functions of the healthy human immune system through constant entrainment of the RNA-DNA instruction set, when it is being administered sequentially over time in certain vaccines or drugs. The Controllers and the intelligence community have established an assortment of secret military programs that act in explicit cooperation to carry out the NAA objectives for bio-spiritual consciousness enslavement, through mind control and genetic engineering. These many covert operations are carried out against the public to gain access and control over human brain waves. Which intentionally shape brain cognition, thoughts and behavior, and to limit perception and intelligence quotient (IQ) in the masses, in order to harvest earth-based genetics and continue to modify gene expression in humanity. In simpler terms, these hidden technologies, some of them based in administering viral payloads, are targeted to the public for the purpose of Mind Controlled Gene Expression. This is a type of bio-warfare genetic engineering that has been conducted through a variety of technological, medical and pharmacological experiments, hidden behind covert military backed operations that have been exploited by the Controllers since World War II. Many of these hidden military and bio-technology experiments such as Chemtrailing, Vaccinations and the production of GMO foods, are visibly seen in the outer world and are marketed as sustainable practices. Yet, many people are still not aware of the global enslavement agenda that includes controlling the genetic expression of the human population, in which viruses are introduced and experimented on within the masses in a variety of ways. Many of these viral mixtures are patented under the classification of biological warfare agents for military application, and some research to see who actually owns the bio-warfare patents is quite informative. Some mind control programming is also administered through transmission of viral mixtures, so the viral payload may come with an assortment of mental body symptoms, more mental anxiety, agitation, an overall increase in mental stress, fatigue and/or depression. Herpes related mixtures, such as herpes zoster (shingles), cytomegalovirus, epstein-barr and HPV virus, seem to have this psycho-emotional effect in the general population. Additionally, there is a clear push in the mainstream media in regard to inciting terror with measles in children. Most of humanity is dealing with chronic long term infections that were not completely cleared from the body in the past, and the remnants of infection continue to mutate in the bio-terrain. Unmanaged stress agitates these infections. Thus, it is important to maintain body awareness, and the moment you feel stress, tension or clenched in some area of your body, to refocus and relax that body part, relax your mind through breath and breathe through the tension using any relaxation technique that works for you. Let's break down more on the nature of virus, in so that you can become aware of it in the planetary field and work to clear its effects, as well as make an effort to open detoxification channels. Virus and Electromagnetic Signals for Genetic engineering. Viruses depend on the host cells that they infect to reproduce. When found outside of host cells, viruses exist as a protein coat, sometimes enclosed within a membrane. The protein encloses either DNA or RNA which codes for the virus elements. While in this form outside the cell, the virus is metabolically inert. When it comes into contact with a host cell, a virus can insert its genetic material into its host, literally taking over the host's functions, say like taking over the immune system and programming auto-immune functions. An infected cell produces more viral protein and genetic material instead of its usual products. Some viruses may remain dormant inside host cells for long periods, and then are activated by extremely low frequencies, ELF’s. But when a dormant virus is stimulated, new viruses are formed, they can self-assemble, and burst out of the host cell, by killing the healthy cell and going on to infect other cells. Viruses can transfer genetic material between different species of host. They are extensively used in genetic engineering. Viruses also carry out natural genetic engineering in such ways that a virus may incorporate some genetic material from its host as it is replicating, and transfer this genetic information to a new host, even transferring information to a host that is unrelated to the previous host. This process is known as genetic transduction. Virus structure and classification Viruses can be classified according to the host cell they infect: animal viruses, plant viruses, fungal viruses, and viruses infecting bacterium. The classification system distinguishes viruses according to the type of nucleic acid they use as genetic material and the viral replication method they employ to coax host cells into producing more viruses:
Faulty Protein The incorrect amino acid sequence leads to harmful consequences because it can lead to the formation of faulty proteins which can cause disruption in metabolic and regulatory pathways which cause genetic disorders. Genetic mutation is a change in genomic sequence which encodes DNA. The sequence of amino acid residues in a protein is defined by the sequence of a gene, which is encoded in the genetic code. It is accurate to say that all humans on the earth at this time have been genetically modified through artificial intelligence and genetic engineering, used on the planet for horizontal gene transfer. Horizontal gene transfer is the transfer of genes between organisms that does not include the biological process of procreation. One common way this happens on earth today, is the genetic alteration made from the exposure to, or injection of, foreign genetic material. This is achieved when the DNA/RNA of another species or animal is introduced into the bloodstream through many kinds of vaccinations or drugs. This is also achieved through programmable virus elements that act as a gene transfer agent to encode a new DNA pattern in its host. Thus, we suggest the physical health upgrade dedicated to healing viral patterns as a clearing support for the recent viral loads, with the intention of higher alignment to the inner divinity and perfect spiritual healing through GSF Blessings offered in divine right order and timing. Clearing Introduction Prepare your 12D shield and command your personal space as a God-Sovereign-Free being that serves the Law of One. Beloveds, I ask to apply Core Soul Protection to the family of origin of DNA, source field DNA and all of my bloodline. Please go to origin to the off-planet DNA and blood record, please go to the causation in the timelines of the original human DNA that is free of all alien genetic modification or hybridization through viral genetic mutations. Beloved Guardians of Krystal Star, please scan to locate, identify and remove any remote neural monitoring by negatives, or negative remote viewers, tagger/tracker devices. I intend to clear all artificial viral loads, retrovirus and related viral overlays that have been put in my genetic record, and in the history of recessive genes in the bodies that I am inhabiting at this time. Bring to mind your cells, and intend to focus on the smallest unit, the cells in your body. Intend to connect your Avatar Christ with every cell of your being, knowing you are a cell in the body of God, every cell is filled with the potential of eternal living light, connect your cells to the Body of God, and fill them with the eternal living light of God, Christ and the Holy Spirit, of our True Mother. I am the Eternal Self, I am one with the Eternal Body of God, I AM the Diamond Sun. Inside your cells is the nucleus, or center, that houses the cell's DNA. Intend to connect with the DNA inside your cells. See a plasma membrane with a cell wall protecting your cells from invaders. The DNA is organized in molecules, called chromosomes, which are associated with proteins. The chromosomal DNA is stored in the cell nucleus, and the mitochondria also contain some DNA. Intend to see the bright rainbow Krystal light moving through your cells, connecting into your DNA, RNA mitochondria and chromosomes, intend to connect all of these cellular structures to God, to Christ and into the Krystal architecture, the eternal tree of life. Let’s focus on cellular activity a moment, to really connect our cell as living breathing Consciousness, gently flow with the comprehension of every cell in your body as alive and conscious, that can hear and respond to this message. Go to the transcript for the Physical Health Upgrade here. We hope this is informative and helpful, may your mind, body and spirit be in peace and health. With Love and GSF, Lisa By Anna Von Reitz Sixty years ago, we had "Measles Parties". Each year as the Measles virus raised its ugly head, the Mothers' Grapevine got activated and the "Rooster" was identified. Then, a party was arranged and all the "Flock" gathered together to share the joy of measles. We all caught it and we all caught it together, and we all had fevers and bumps for a week, and that was that. We didn't have to ever do it again, just once. So now take in some of the math and language facts. Corona virus is the scientific description of the class of viruses that cause the Common Cold. There are dozens of known strains of corona virus. The specific new strain of corona virus known as Covid 19 is more infectious because it more effectively binds to receptor sites on lung tissue cells. It was engineered, deliberately, to make it more infectious. The U.S. is pointing at the Chinese, the Chinese are pointing at the U.S. A responsible Third Party who was involved in discussions concerning this virus and its deployment, says it was developed at NATO and PENTAGON affiliated labs in North Carolina. I believe him. Anyway, this means that depending on your own genetics, you are two to ten times more likely to be infected if you are exposed to this strain of the flu. Asian men are especially vulnerable, because they have more lung receptor sites for the virus to enter. There are two different strains of Covid 19, an "S" strain, and a far more deadly "L" strain. If you catch the "S" strain, which is highly survivable (only 3 deaths per million) you acquire immunity against both strains, "S" and "L". So if the geniuses in Washington had half the common sense of our Mothers, they would facilitate and promote everyone being exposed to the "S" strain, and concentrate on isolating the "L" strain until we had all acquired immunity to both strains via suffering through a mild Common Cold. End of Pandemic. End of forced vaccination agenda. End of economic coup. End of all the crazy crappola-- lock downs, pompous power-crazed bureaucrats and media Talking Heads seeking spotlights, and good-bye to business losses, too. Covid 19 Strain S Parties --- an idea whose time has come. Mother Nature will eventually put a stop to it anyway, because both strains of Covid 19 "melt" at 77 degrees F. Turn up your furnace and pant like a dog for an hour and you can kill every corona virus in sight. How's that for a can-do solution for all the elderly and the sick who are at risk, while we wait for outdoor temperatures to rise and do the same? Beats coating your house in ten coats of bleach, doesn't it? This also means that this virus, like all corona viruses, can only live for a prolonged period of time in your sinus cavities, which are cooler than the rest of your body. Think of your sinuses as a "forward base" for the virus, which can then deploy from your sinuses and hit your lungs. Take away the staging platform and the virus can't continue to assault the lungs. So---- elevate the temperature of the air entering your sinuses by, for example, breathing in hot air from a blow dryer or an old fashioned vaporizer. If the air or steam you are breathing is hotter than 77 degrees Fahrenheit, it will kill any flu virus it touches in your nasal passages. A good hot bath will have a similar effect. The virus will "melt" and your body will be stuck cleaning out the toxins and bits and pieces, but the cause of the problem will be dismantled. And that's a good thing. Your ears should also be considered part of your sinus system, and get a good blast of hot, not burning, air. Some people advocate cleaning your ears with a few drops of 3% food grade Hydrogen Peroxide followed with a few drops of isopropyl alcohol. This is a protocol used by divers to clean their ears and it can't hurt to do it, if you are one of those people whose health is compromised or if you are suffering symptoms of any kind of flu. All that said, the Common Cold is not a National Emergency and the Common Cold --- caused by the good old standard strains of corona virus --- infected 44 million Americans and killed 61,000 in 2017. It's probably doing the same or worse this year, too. The common corona virus has been killing Americans at similar rates of between 30,000 and 90,000 each year since we started tracking numbers of influenza deaths in the 1890's, more than a hundred years ago. One is tempted to say---- so what? If we haven't been concerned about the Common Cold and the deaths it causes every year for over a century, why freak out now? Why not have a Covid-19 "S" Party nationwide, self-immunize against the Covid-19 "L" instead of self-quarantining, and be done with it? Our old friend, the Common Cold, is still out there, doing the same thing it always does. People are getting sick from it and sneezing and coughing as usual. Some of them are progressing into pneumonia. And thousands are dying of influenza ---- just as they always do. Since most of the hospitals have no practical way of identifying the Covid-19 strain from any other viral influenza coming through the door, they are just lumping all these influenza cases together and calling them all "Covid-19" to be on the safe side. And politically correct, too. As a result, peeps, you are going to be seeing thousands of "Covid-19" cases that aren't really Covid-19 cases. They are the tally of the normal flu season and the usual influenza virus being included as part of the "Covid-19" death toll. With such deceptive policies in place, you are guaranteed to see thousands of deaths attributed to "Covid-19" and you will be shocked and scared, because, of course, you never knew how many people die of the common flu in the first place. Remember: 44 million Americans were infected and 61,000 died in 2017 from the Common Cold, all caused by the good old standard corona virus. Put the bite on the Trump Administration to be honest about the numbers.They need to admit that common flu deaths are being included in the "Covid-19" statistics. Admit what the common flu statistics normally are so that people aren't shocked by "thousands of deaths" that occur every year. Tell people the truth instead of lying by omission. Now-- bear with this slight digression-- remember how THEY use similar names and acronyms to confuse people and hide what they are talking about? For example, using "ESF" to stand for both "Economic Stabilization Fund" and "Economic Security Fund"? We have another example in play -- SARS. It is being used to mean "Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome". But it is also means "Specific Absorption Range Spectrum". There is a reason for this double-meaning, and the meaning is that the "SARS" viruses are sensitive to radio frequency activation. Our DNA and RNA functions as an antenna, and so does the DNA and RNA of a virus. Broadcast the right frequencies and you can turn a SARS virus on and off like a radio. That's what was just demonstrated in Wuhan, China. That's how they are all suddenly back at work and doing fine. Someone turned the knob to the "off" position. A SARS virus can be turned off and on and off and on, just like a tiny nano appliance. Once inside the cells of a victim, replication of the virus can be stopped or sped up. It can be left embedded like a radio on the shelf, ready to cause additional "waves" of illness, as the virus is activated or shut down at will by the perpetrators behind this crime. In fact, our research suggests that the only difference between "S" and "L" is replication rate, and that is determined by the broadcast frequency. This is another example of each country being restricted to testing this new technology only on its own "domestic" population--- and the rest of us being harmed and included in the Test Group even though we are not domestic with respect to these corporations and their activities. Hear that, Anthony Gutteres? They are all out of compliance. In a few days the Pied Piper will play to the SARS viruses worldwide, as promised. And they will all self-destruct. Permanently. The Vatican's decades-long Chem-Trail efforts to pollute the entire Earth with industrial by-product pollution, incendiary metals pollution, nuclear pollution, and distribution of harmful nano particles including the SARS viruses, will come to naught. The only Armageddon coming is an "Armageddon" for the criminals, just as you would expect from the hand of our Father in Heaven, who is just and kind. ---------------------------- See this article and over 2400 others on Anna's website here: To support this work look for the PayPal buttons on this website. How do we use your donations? Find out here. How to fight back?
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