June 2020 Groupthink Lisa Renee Foreword: Before you attempt to digest this month’s challenging content, let it be said and known that the inverted systems and reversal networks in the planetary architecture, are systematically being dismantled and aligned to the Cosmic Sovereign Law of One. Corrections are being made to the ley lines for horizontal-vertical-diagonal alignments, activation of organic creator code and Krystic zero-point architecture are detoxifying and purging out death codes from every corner of our planet. A selection of demonic hierarchies, satanic-luciferian cult harvesting stations, negative alien AI tech and mind control weaponry, and an array of parasitical infestations of miasma, miscreants and bottom feeders are also being cleaned up and evicted. This is a massive ongoing project currently underway, which is being monitored by Cosmic Christos intelligences and cannot be stopped. The chess game strategy is on and those of us that are awakened and awakening through the dark night, must be brave and courageous so that we can begin to understand deeper truths and see clearly how the enemies of humanity have repeatedly tricked us into submission through mind control subversion. This will be the shocking realization of betrayal by those in authority that we trusted, and an emotional grieving process for humanity that will happen in stages of ongoing development for the purpose of integrating a great global spiritual healing. Gradually, we will be taken down the rabbit hole of disclosure and through the many twists and turns to break free from the controlled narrative, and finally be guided to see the larger truth hidden behind these events. Then we will be supported to gain personal spiritual strength through neutrality, empathy and to compassionately integrate this extreme experience by learning from its higher knowledge, each at our own pace and consciousness level. Some will struggle with heavy trauma and dogmatic overlays, and thus choose to leave this timeline, and will be supported from another location in the field. Currently, the Black Sun entities are clinging to the Dragon Moth Grid and its AI weaponry and from what I can tell, this is the last stand of the most powerful levels of psychotronic weaponry that they have control over as they take their final shot at regaining global control through a digital war. Many of the human Controllers seem to be confused as to why their methods are falling short, yet they press on with all the assets and resources they have which are being put into the final solution of rolling out their One World Order or Techno-Totalitarianism. If we pay attention to all of the props they are using for enforcing tyrannical control through psychological warfare; masks, personal protective equipment (PPE), the terrorism tactics of censorship, political correctness, groupthink thought police, funding anarchists, supporting lawlessness, Alice in Wonderland crazy making tactics, nanochip vaccinations, it’s all made visible for us to see. Naysayers with firing brain cells not linked into the hive net perpetuating the groupthink can no longer deny these events as fringe conspiracy theories, there is a spiritual war, a psychological war being waged against humanity and it is very visible now. To stop feeding into this digital warfare and anti-human system by believing staged events designed to co-create extreme pain and suffering, we must be educated to know how this was done, and how what we are actually observing happening now is the result of many years of methodical grooming and patient subversion to socially accept this anti-human agenda. Stay the course and know that although it appears to be dire, the God forces, Christos forces do not succumb to shortcuts outside of the Law. All of this reorganization to support planetary ascension must occur without superimposed force and within the natural cosmic order. It is Time! Time is on our side and the great awakening is happening now! ~Lisa Renee Dear Ascending Family, Within all the heated controversy, the unveiling of the One World Order through the global implementation of an assortment of AI networks all for achieving complete Technocratic Totalitarianism by 2030 is underway. The agenda of full cognitive capture through digital means is escalating now. The answer to all of this insanity brewing is our full dedication to seeking truth, opening our heart and listening for the whispers of our next direction, taking steps to heal ourselves and increase coherence, which happens naturally when we put our relationship with God and inner spirit before anything else. On the awakening path to access greater levels of truth, our inner work is to recognize where our perception has been controlled through ego mechanisms that were filled with pain and delusion. The world needs emotional and spiritual adults that can speak the truth from their heart, without recrimination, blame or harming intentions. It appears the global awakening is here and although it may be a rough summer, it looks like major revelations are to be made towards the end of the year. This is a very challenging time as the Controllers pull out every intelligence asset and psychological weapon that they have in their arsenal to demoralize and dehumanize the global population through sophisticated deception methods. This layer of pushing anti-human mind control methods include a long history of hidden subversion running in government, academia, religion and science, along with an eventual plan for radical revolution of the western value system made through intelligence operations and insurgency. The constitution which shapes the western value system in the United States, although severely corrupted by the moral failings of its governmental leaders, was originally designed around a living document that holds an energy signature aligned with truths found in the Natural Laws. This blueprint is the ideological thorn in the side of the NAA and other despots, who want to design nations of mind slaves and brain washed followers, not nations of free independent thinkers who value personal freedom and hold reverence for life. Thus, there are armies of funded activists and fake journalists from many interrelated organizations that are strategically working together with the deep pockets of globalist funding to destroy individual human freedoms within all democratic nations that use the template of this living document. This year they pulled the trigger on their long awaited and meticulous plan for activating a multipronged ideological subversion in the western nations, with millions of people being subjected to unprecedented restrictions on their personal freedoms, human rights and free speech, which has forced radical changes and limitations be made in their ability to freely carry out their personal and professional lives. Upon closer examination of the current crisis events and using some critical thinking, we can follow the money back to non-government organizations and globalist institutions who seem to have a penchant for False Flags and bad actors. Then we can ask who and what is actually benefiting from all of this orchestrated plandemic, economic terrorism, division and upheaval, subversion of western democracy while fanning the flames of anarchy in the streets? This is a well-orchestrated coup attempt happening on physical and metaphysical fronts, and the rabbit hole goes deeper than most people can digest. The satanic cult running the mainstream and social media have been extremely prolific in lying to the masses all these years, repeating the key phrases over and over for shaping the narrative and cultivating the Groupthink towards the satanic ideology based upon collectivism. They were purposely dumbing down and then filling the minds of our youth with cultural Marxism and never-ending classification systems for the purpose of inciting outrage and the radical ideological revolution at the push of a button. Many Marxist-Communist groups believe that violent revolution is the only way to transform government and welcome mass destruction, as we can see the result of this belief system now. When people are extremely mentally and emotionally fragile, stressed out from survival and pushed beyond their limits, it is only a matter of time before the pent-up anger of destructive explosions show up as mass protests that escalate into violence. Only come to find out that this was designed as a small stepping stone for generating useful pawns, willing to create mass chaos and distraction for the anti-human agendas, in order to progress the main goals of the NAA’s full spectrum dominance over humanity. The don’t look here, look over there distraction. Within all the heated controversy, the unveiling of the One World Order through the global implementation of an assortment of AI networks, quantum supercomputers, weaponized Skynet’s and hive nets, all for achieving complete Technocratic Totalitarianism by 2030 is underway. The plan for Agenda 2030 is hidden in plain sight and now many more of us on the earth need to be awakened to this so we are informed about consent and understand what these anti-human forces are doing in order to achieve these dystopian goals. They only have the power that we give them. This is a heightened spiritual battle that is taking place on the ground in the west, and through the physical world there is also the visible battle occurring in plain sight to gain complete control over our minds, it is the battle for installing satanic ideology into the mainstream without any limits, into every day technology which strips individual human beings of their dignity, divinity and personal freedom. The battle is happening for laying the full infrastructure required for the Techno-Totalitarian world, which is essential for the next stages they plan to implement which are ongoing mandated nanochip infested vaccinations and plans for directed evolution, eugenics and finally, transhumanism. We must be willing to overcome fear and denial and to be potentially very uncomfortable when seeing the ugly truths staring us in the face, connecting the dots of the disinformation campaigns being deployed in order to see the accurate motivations hidden behind the weaponization of these narratives. The answer to all of this insanity brewing is our full dedication to seeking truth, opening our heart and listening for the whispers of our next direction, taking steps to heal ourselves and increase coherence, which happens naturally when we put our relationship with God and inner spirit, before anything else. Escalation to Mob Frenzy At the present time, the western power centers are facing serious threats of dominance by powerful global fascist forces that have set the course of the mass propaganda towards cultivating Groupthink, which is being explicitly designed to gradually drift the global population towards Technocratic Totalitarianism. The agenda of full cognitive capture through digital means is escalating now. Spiritual warfare is the battle between the light that exists in the knowledge of truth versus the darkness that exists in the controlled narratives that are spun with deceptions and lies. The spiritual warfare is escalating against all of humanity, it matters not what your color, race, religion or creed is. More than ever we need to be able to rise above the mind control distractions of the NAA playbook of classifications and see ourselves as one species that represents the entirety of humanity. Seeking to find the deeper truth hidden inside everything, and then being mature enough to handle the answers that come as a result. Recently, the Black Suns are taking these lies to another level of psychological warfare through the weaponization of control narratives into Groupthink. When the ideological subversion of Groupthink rhetoric escalates into mob frenzy and then mob rule, this destruction and violence generates descending matrices, which align these lowest vibrating reality bubbles into the artificial intelligence networks that are operating as a mind control hive net. To radically descend a city area that the NAA desire to establish in as low a vibration as possible, is to house demonic forces and spread other low life spirits into the community. This is achieved by chemical and psychological warfare, as well as inciting an angry mob to destroy poverty-stricken areas or government buildings in order to generate even more misery and suffering. Cultivating the conditions for this level of chaos and descending energy is then used to link this area into the hive net and this is the real work of the authentic Satanist. They will use whomever they can take over and steer into inciting mob frenzy to achieve their aims, which is to ensure as much pain and suffering as possible in a targeted neighborhood or demographic area. These unconscious groups being manipulated as pawns in the spiritual warfare games are being used as distractions while they plug the Groupthink reality bubbles into AI weapons designed as the surveillance system of the mind control hive net. This sinister project was intended for all of humanity during this phase of global reset, through installing the Techno-Totalitarianism in order to finally gain some ground in the utter destruction of free thinking and human freedoms in western culture. The AI network was gradually built upon the mental mapping of the collective brain neural links of those groups who were unethically used as test subjects in the targeted individual community over the last twenty years. To deny the danger that this aggressive propaganda poses to human freedoms in the face of clear evidence of the methodical steps taken to eliminate democratic processes through manufactured and coerced Groupthink, is foolish and short sighted. Currently, we can observe the destructive results of those in the millennial outrage culture that are being manipulated as useful pawns for this agenda, unwilling to see the Marxist social experiments being intentionally directed by the Power Elite. The fomentation of discord and outrage is being nurtured for the express purpose of encroaching against human freedoms, in order to carry out the ultimate objectives of installing the full surveillance state via the Technocracy. The current chaotic events that are being revealed in the globalscape drama are designed to perpetuate mass psychological operations against the earth inhabitants that ultimately serve the objectives of those anti-human Controlling forces, competing to succeed in their version of the One World Order agenda. During this phase it is imperative we learn how to use critical thinking and common sense in order to see the larger picture of the divide and conquer tactics based on classifications, as they are coming for all of us, the entire human race, in all colors. It is time to wise up, abandoning the forced Groupthink rhetoric and its poisonous ideology from being aggressively asserted upon all of us as a traumatic based method of psychological warfare. A small minority of powerful twisted psychopaths in the world ruling class are determined to assert full spectrum dominance and control over every aspect of our living biology, brain and nervous system, thought processes and perception of reality, as dictated on behalf of their NAA overlords. The western value system in the United States has been deeply mired in the effects of the outrage culture, building momentum through targeting the youngest minds to enforce classifications of political correctness for the purpose of censoring free speech and aggressively shaming people into submission. Over many years this divisiveness has been infiltrating the culture through multiple covert methods using ideological subversion to radicalize and then generate useful pawns to push forward the utter destruction of western values designed to protect human freedom, at the push of a button. The recent orchestrated destruction of many cities carried out by destructive anarchists fueled by staged events, is being funded by institutions run by enemies of the constitution in the United States. Everyone was traumatized by the snuff film we were forced to watch in horror, as captive audiences to these staged events there was no question of its moral depravity. However, it was to serve a purpose for the Controllers and they have squeezed it for every last drop, applying the maximum trauma in humanity, like getting blood from a turnip. Those that are responsible should be made accountable, but it goes much higher up than anyone cares to admit. The orchestration of the plandemic along with the economic devastation of Americans, the utter destruction and anarchy in major cities, informs us of the intended direction of the current globalist agenda. Which is to destroy the American constitution through spreading hatred and continue to demoralize its citizens in any way that they can, in order to attempt to stage their coup d’état. What is Groupthink? Groupthink refers to a psychological phenomenon in collective consciousness in which individuals desire consensus opinion and approval from others within their community-group, and many times will set aside or abandon personal value systems or beliefs in order to feel like they belong in order to gain the groups acceptance and perceived approval. The internal pressure that is felt as the necessity to be loyal to the groupthink ideology can be perceived as real or imaginary threats. Although we can see in the current strategy of censorship and thought control, there are repercussions which amount to threats, accusations, humiliation and even the loss of job and profession. This happens when a person is outcast from not aligning their speech, thought and behavior exactly to the ideology of the groupthink. This is another form of compelled speech in mind control which is used in authoritarian regimes to stop any intellectual development, intelligent debates, critical thinking and thus persecute and penalize any independent thinker from adding to the groupthink approved conversation. This works to keep the majority of people silent and in submission to the mob rule. Most people deeply fear being persecuted and ostracized from their group identity, as it is a fundamental human need to feel like we belong to someone or something. This is especially heightened for middle school age children and young adults, as peer pressure is one of the most powerful dynamics a child will face during the most impressionable stages of their personal development. The Controllers and those using ideological subversion mind control content are well aware of the challenges of peer pressure on young adults, and thus tend to target groupthink ideology to radicalize the younger generations by infiltrating their popular youth culture. Lenin’s popular quote about targeting the education of children with social engineering into a communist based ideology demonstrates what is being made visible in the outerscape of western or democratic society today. Examples of targeting the children are seen with the Canadian Prime Minister giving a speech asking parents to leave the room so he can address their children privately, while the World Health Organization cautioned that children may need to be separated from their parents due to the plandemic. Recently, the New York Times ran an article demanding that people should tell their family members they will never see them again until they donate and show their public support for Black Lives Matter. These are intelligence psyop directives taken directly from the Marxist-Lenin playbook for separating families and estranging children from their parents, by rewarding the kids for acting out as useful puppets for the ideological narrative approved by that group or nation-state. As an ideology in the 20th century only atheistic Communism, with its murder and mass killings in multiple millions, are responsible for more deaths and violence than any religion or political system. This is why this ideology is so popular in the organizations working for the Satanic death cult, it has worked well for securing mass blood sacrifice in the past histories. The following are some basic guidelines for ideological subverters that are working to destroy a culture, nation or identity. Please hold some space for thoughtful reflection on what the consequences of these could be on the minds of children, youth and adults and note how many of these steps are active today, with visible evidence demonstrated in the culture. What I want to make clear is that these were not the events of random evolution chosen by individuals, these were purposely guided as a mind control agenda for spreading harm to the people. This has been followed as a rule book by media, education systems and all forms of social engineering used by subverters to confuse the public, so the Controllers can remain in power and have all the wealth. This propaganda must stop if we want to live as free people in a free society.
~ Vladimir Lenin Weaponizing Groupthink for Genocide When groupthink is weaponized as a psychological warfare tool for swaying public opinion through fear, it can lead to mass hysteria and mob mentality that surfaces collective shadows and hidden phobias that spiral into panic. Those that spiral into panic have taken the emotional bait hook of the psychological warfare, then feed off of each other’s emotional and fear-based reactions, causing the group panic to swiftly escalated to incite mob hysteria. When the groupthink is weaponized into mob frenzy and rule, it lends to the destructive tendency of all or nothing thinking in order to demonize those outcast groups that are not in submissive agreement with the core ideology and its methods. The angry mob searches for those they can scapegoat or persecute through displays of public shaming or grandstanding to make public or political examples of, in order to further spread their poisonous ideology which is based on coercion, intimidation, and aggressive violence. This is the classical set up used as the roadmap for genocide 101. The useful pawns used for inciting anarchy for the dark overlords are generally the first waves picked for the genocide. Groupthink is also formed by the collective consciousness ongoing exposures to the same repeated statements, phrases and ideological content used for spreading propaganda, over and over again. To incite fear or fallacies into the groupthink, certain falsehoods or disinformation are repeated continually through many mainstream media sources until the falsehood becomes verified as truthful information in the mind of those individuals. All propagandists know that if you repeat the same information and phrases over and over again in the media, it will eventually be perceived as a truth even when it is a falsehood. The purpose of spreading falsehoods into groupthink is to recognize the basic tenet of psychological warfare, those groups that are led by falsehoods do not have access to accurate awareness of events or truthful knowledge, but instead are manipulated and deceived to believe false impressions and illusions, and thus will be at a greater disadvantage and be easily used as pawns. In psychological and spiritual warfare, knowledge of the truth and seeing the larger picture in events holds power. Thus, when dark forces seek to gain control over others, they compartmentalize information and will always deceive those they perceive as lesser, demanding blind obedience and appeasement to their falsehoods. Dark entities always deny their involvement when caught in the act and never tell the whole truth, instead they shroud any small kernels of truth in a massive bed of lies which makes it much harder to discern. Those that believe bold faced lying to others for the purpose of ideological subversion and religious conversion are dancing with the devil and are inverted in Satanism, there is no righteousness found in complex deception. In the current chaotic terrain of weaponizing the controlled narratives based upon methods of ideological subversion and political correctness, if the Groupthink and its rules are not adhered to by any individual, they may be targeted with methods of aggressive victimizer attacking, including hurled threats and intimidation, as well as forms of public shaming and character assassination. Thus, it is more critical than ever in this chaotic terrain of rampant falsehoods and psychological terrorism being promoted by the groupthink, to vigorously pursue truth and to the best of our ability, live the expression of truth that we experience directly. On the awakening path to access greater levels of truth, our inner work is to recognize where our perception has been controlled through ego mechanisms that were filled with pain and delusion. The spiritual goal is to gain an accurate assessment of events, refusing to jump on the bandwagon of groupthink, which helps us to align our perceptions with the actual truthful events happening around us. The world needs emotional and spiritual adults that can speak the truth from their heart, without recrimination, blame or harming intentions. Telling the truth as it is from a place of neutrality, weighing information for considering the most accurate assessment, with a degree of mental clarity and inner to outer coherence. Ideological Subversion Ideological subversion is a common psychological warfare tactic used for brainwashing by those in military intelligence and anarchist groups, or any power monger that historically has subscribed to the methods used in Marxist-Leninist communistic based ideology. However, organized religions and cults use many of the same mind control tools, such as Roman Catholicism which was also originally set up by the Black Suns and then later borrowed by the Luciferians. To clarify, this ideology was co-created between nonhuman and human Satanist groups, and its signature reflects the Black Sun groups use for infiltration warfare of other species cultures. It is specifically used to infiltrate and then destroy another species or nations culture, history, rituals, language, art and literature, along with their historical records and sacred objects or artifacts. More plainly said, it is used to strip the individual of their tribal identity and mind wipe their past, so they will not know who they are and then be easily bred as mind control slaves. Every human on this planet was subjected to this mind wipe by the NAA, and every culture has suffered some version of their authentic identity and history being wiped out from cellular memory. All humans are struggling to figure out who they are and find their true core self. Thus, in more recent times the Controllers implemented these covert strategies to infiltrate the public influencers and children’s educational curriculum to be exposed to these divide and conquer concepts in order to ultimately destroy the ideology of the targeted cultures and then collapse these targeted nations from within. When you wipe away people’s identity and confuse them to war with each other, the core ideology through which they have come together as nation is weakened and more easily destroyed. United we stand, divided we fall. By influencing the influencers in that culture, such as targeting the media, academics, students and the wealthiest and most powerful people in visible public roles, like actors and celebrities, these public groups get manipulated into being the mouthpiece representatives for the narrative that supports the ideological subversion. Intelligence operatives look first to recruit people that outwardly demonstrate a slew of unethical qualities associated with the untamed negative ego and its addictive desires. Such as those with low moral principles and dominating egos that are filled with narcissism, greed, vanity, the fame seeking and power-hungry persons that can easily deceive others and tell lies to the public in order to reach their personal goals. Next time you notice a celebrity type on social media backing political views or promoting some type of ideology or product to their followers, ask yourself who they are actually working for and what the real agenda behind them might be. Many got a call from the top of the pyramid telling their agents along with loosely veiled threats, to make a public service announcement and pay bail for looters, and if they didn’t, they would unleash the hounds of hell. This is mostly how this world works in positions of power, through a mafia ring of bribery, blackmail and death threats. We must recognize and see it in action in order to recreate our world to be a much better place. Subverters know the cult of fame and celebrity is effective at influencing the public, and this is a major tool in their arsenal. Ideological subversion is a psychological warfare tactic used by enemies of a nation and its people that seek to destroy its power structure through the methodical and gradual infiltration of its social, economic, academic and political control structures. Brainwashing and social engineering methods are used to change the perception of reality within that nation-state to such an extent, that despite the amount of evidence or information that is available, the citizens are unable to reach a clear understanding of purpose in how to defend themselves, their families and their communities from hidden enemies within these subversion agendas. These agendas are made against the people of that nation which include the ongoing perpetration of terrorism, false flags or insurgency which can be orchestrated from within that nation by those who have infiltrated or been recruited in powerful positions to carry out this purpose. Ideological subversion is a form of mind control or brainwashing that happens gradually over time with repeated and consistent exposures to the same divisive messaging of inciting victims and victimizers, in which human tyrants and archons effectively use as a psychological weapon in order to demoralize and dehumanize the targeted population. Obviously, it is the major desire of the NAA to get human beings to succumb to the temptation of playing out this role of subversion, and many are either supporting the satanic network unconsciously for selfish motivations or are in the cult themselves. Infiltration of the academic institutions and educational systems for the purpose of ideological subversion are used by employing a range of demoralization tactics embedded within the curriculums that are designed for spreading disinformation and confusion. The spreading of narratives containing contradictory information, fallacies and misconceptions, let’s say about shaping and promoting socialism or communism principles as the panacea to the failings of capitalism, are an effective way to infiltrate a range of social groups which can be effectively weaponized and manipulated over many years through information warfare and false flags. In the Marxist-Leninist playbook it is known to take about 15 to 20 years to effectively demoralize a nation by targeting the education of its children through repeatedly exposing them to the ideology of the enemy. An ideology used to justify the erosion and targeting of human freedoms that are freely given in the western value system of that particular nation-state. This is based upon the number of years that it actually requires to educate one to three generations of students by infiltrating the educational system with levels of Marxist-Leninist ideology that has been ultimately designed for ideological subversion and collapse of that nation. The infiltration of the United States is designed to eliminate human freedoms while destabilizing the nation for the purpose of eventually succumbing to the Globalist Tyranny of the One World Order agenda. As a result, many years ago the educational systems and scientific journals were infiltrated with content that was meant for the eventual ideological subversion of the western value systems in America, especially for the purpose of destroying the love of freedom and liberties that are included in ideas of American patriotism. Demoralization of the population who has been slowly educated to hate the value systems in their nation and hate other citizens in that nation for whatever the reasons, brings on the greater social acceptance of the attempts made from outside insurgents, disaster capitalists and invaders to infiltrate and manipulate those involved in the fomented controversy and the protest movements. Many of the grassroots organizations are infiltrated by unseen enemies seeking to co-opt the movement for their larger agendas of ideological subversion and governmental collapse. The psychological warfare involves the continual classification of citizens into ever smaller groups that are designed for radicalizing human interactions so that people are unable to resolve their differences and grievances. The mainstream media propaganda is intended to fracture citizens further into these classification groups through divide and conquer tactics, by only focusing only on the extremist events, heated controversies while highlighting in the media the angry tensions between these groups, repeating it over and over again for inciting the outrage culture. The promotion and emphasis of non-issues that only impact a tiny minority of the population are focused upon in order to side track and control the perception of the public to waste their time, energy and resources, while the infiltration occurs out of the spotlight to generate even bigger problems later on for the majority in that nation. Thus, protests are more easily digressed into mob frenzy that carry out random violence and destruction of property, which is an effective tool to further destabilize that nations governmental system into an imminent crisis. The crisis continues into a rapid breakdown of law and order, with the mainstream support of base criminals and predators which are threatening to the safety of the people, while law abiding citizenry are fined or put in jail. If the crisis levels continue to escalate and the stabilization of law and order is ignored and a modicum of safety is not returned to the citizenry, the insurgents or enemies of the nation continue to manipulate the crisis in order to push for their ideology to institute a violent change in the power structure and economy. Ongoing crisis can lead to a civil war or hidden invasion by the primary forces of the insurgency behind the orchestration of this agenda. Cue the shoo in of the United Nations. Those taking on full control many times are authoritarians dressed up as benevolent dictators that are promising to be the savior to the people in that nation, selling them a bag of utopian lies. This is essentially defining the nature of a political coup or an outside infiltration coup attempt to subvert the nation to an outside agenda of socialism or communism, or in current times the Techno-Totalitarianism. These are satanic ideologies hidden in plain sight to usurp human freedom, individualism and self-sovereignty. This current process is the stepping stone being utilized for the destabilization of western power centers to eliminate democratic principles and human freedom entirely, in order to quietly slip in the technocratic government planned as the One World Order agenda. The current controlling forces, the Black Suns, are behind the authoritarian government of the Chinese Communist Party of China which are human and nonhuman, and are the technocratic prototype that the Power Elite desire to bring into the western populations through the use of ideological subversion and insurgency. For these reasons, it may be a rough summer. More clarity of these events continues through gradual leaks of public disclosure through independent media sources which are happening in alignment with the support of Cosmic forces, bringing some relief from this onslaught. Although these are shocking changes for many of the citizens on earth, it appears the global awakening is here and major revelations are to be made towards the end of the year. AI Network of Brain Net or Hive Net Recently, gridworkers and Guardian Host had a standoff with the implementation of Hive Net to be taken into larger spans of global areas gridded with 5G or telecom satellites. The pushback was immense in the United Kingdom as they rolled out another stage of the 5G, and as of this writing, there is an ongoing electric-digital war which is happening to prevent harm and re-route these transmissions. Primarily, the Black Sun groups have been experimenting on humanity for many years with an assortment of artificial intelligence and black box quantum computing technologies for the purpose of moving the collective consciousness towards AI controlled Groupthink, which is similar to connecting human brains to the internet. This system is referred to as the Brain Net or Hive Net. The NAA want to connect all human brains to artificial intelligence systems as the means of total and complete human consciousness enslavement, in order to monitor and manipulate all electromagnetic activity of the human brain to fully collect the data for the purpose of controlling the timelines. People that have been identified as Targeted Individuals are the first waves of humans being secretly experimented upon for testing out this AI surveillance system, by using an assortment of automated SRA methods for subjugating group consciousness via remote device or satellite. The planned expansion of this AI system through the reset into Techno-Totalitarianism is to eventually connect every living human brain to artificial intelligence networks that build out complex simulations of the entire genetic library on the earth. Targeted Individuals have been sought out by shadow government, black military operatives or NAA entities for the purpose of hijacking their consciousness for brain-machine learning in this covert and sinister AI experiment, in which the primary directive was to build out the Hive Net system and then generate digital twins as virtual representatives. A digital twin is an exact replica or clone used to represent that individual’s personality matrix projected into another dimensional plane, usually the virtual representation is placed in a location within the phantom matrix. The digital twin is used by the NAA as a mind control weapon which attempts to overlay into the lightbody, it is designed to subvert the organic consciousness of that individual. Many times, seemingly to be an evil twin, but this is a digital twin of that individuals’ identity that is used as a holographic insert to abuse the inner spiritual Christos within organic human beings. Then along with the successful experimentation in human brain-supercomputer interfacing, the plan is to gradually augment and capture cognition for the purpose of building machines with cognitive and emotional capabilities that then forms the data collection into a synthetic hive mind that can be further used for generating virtual realities and cyborgs. This is a neural net based artificial intelligence linked into quantum supercomputers that are generating sentient world simulations in order for the NAA to continue to survive in this reality, and attempt to maintain their control over humanity’s future direction during the Ascension Cycle. Some of the Controllers actually believe if they can transfer their personality to an artificial carrier or cyborg body that this will allow them to cheat death and the repercussion of their personal actions from cause and effect, to become immortal and God like on another plane of reality. Essentially, they believe they can escape having to face their deeds and prevent being forced to experience the consequences of their actions taken to enslave and annihilate the human race. Through the use of nanotech biosensors or Smartdust, it is possible to electronically link humans into a brain to brain interface for the purpose of synthetic telepathy, surveillance, complex simulations as well as the ability to customize specialized mind control at individual levels. The science aspect of the brain net has been proven already in the academic environments, and the next stage of rolling out for the commercial aspects of this technology into the mainstream is happening now through the current planned reset into the Technocracy. They have been using humans as the guinea pigs for their experiments without informed consent. Current examples of the reset are being made through the intended operation of using the internet-hive net for global surveillance, data collection, mind mapping, economic restructuring, and facial recognition systems that are designed to be fully functional within the complex infrastructure build out of the internet of things and smart cities by 2030. This wish list plan for Technocratic Totalitarianism supplies an unlimited range of possibilities for the Controllers to manipulate the data in these AI transmissions for the purpose of implanting thoughts, eliminating dissenters and gaining complete control over human brains, essentially creating a synthetic hive mind and compliant population. With the ongoing progression of the One World Order wish list to build out for the Technocracy, the Controllers future vision for the fourth industrial wave is to fuse the organic human biology with AI machines, which is why there is an aggressive pysops for the purpose of supporting mandated and recurring vaccinations which are the roadmap leading us to transhumanism. Currently, they are desperate for total control and pushing hard for the next generation of weaponizing AI controlled Groupthink in order to completely enslave the masses, by covertly and secretly plugging people into the Hive Net and running kill command codes. This is planned to be achieved through a variety of means connected to GMO’s, chemicals and nano dust, but the mandated vaccination agenda being aggressively spread for the purpose of injecting nanochips and biosensors directly into the blood stream of children and all of humanity, it is the holy grail of this anti-human propaganda. The NAA need their human puppets to mass produce and promote nanochip laden and poisonous vaccinations as healthy immunization practices, through the global medical tyranny network, as this is the keystone to their future success with carrying out the next stage of the transhumanist agenda. This is intended to be the integration of human brains that are directly connected into AI systems through neural links that project the data collected into real time sentient world simulations, that are further used to enforce the phantom earth blended reality system. The current timeline wars are primarily over maintaining the base 10 architecture which exist as NAA controlled artificial machinery superimposed on the consciousness layers of the planetary body. This generates a Blended Earth Reality which contains organic creator code mixed in with artificial intelligence networks that are run by alien machinery. This reversal current runs throughout the technologically controlled sections of the planetary field which implements the artificial timelines that project the artificial spaces or phantom matrices designed as the 3D matrix AI programming. The structure is entropic and parasitic as it must rely upon an external power source through which to siphon energy to continue to exist, and this is where human brains and human bio-energy are currently being set up to be merchandised by the Controllers for energy extraction by rolling out the vaccination and transhumanism agendas. Remember that nanotech biosensors can be used to harvest biological light. The goal of the NAA’s reset into Technocracy is to eventually have billions of nanotech bots and sensors running throughout our bio-neurology communicating with each other over a wireless network that directly connects our brains with the internet, so that human consciousness will be completely immersed in a virtual reality that is experienced through all of our biological senses. It is more effective if they can inject these nanobots into our blood stream directly via the false front of vaccinations for public health. At this NAA wish list planned stage of nanotech infection with AI signals, an asleep human being will not have any perceptual awareness that the external experience is happening through an artificial intelligence simulated reality interface and that the original connection into the organic consciousness reality will be effectively eliminated, thus disconnecting the soul and spiritual body from the biology of that physical person. This is the diabolical plan of the Black Sun Satanists and NAA entities that intensely hate humanity and desire to destroy the original diamond sun template and the God given spiritual connection to Christos that inherently exists in human beings. Dragon Moth and Dragon Grid Guardian teams have been spending some time in a very unpleasant area that is called the Dragon Moth Grid which is instrumental in holding down layers of the phantom matrix timelines. It is understood that this particular grid feeds into many of the Black Sun’s golden goose structures, which harvests vast amounts of loosh energy for running their systems in the earth, such as the feedlines in the multiple-billion-dollar industry of the pharmaceutical and vaccination companies. Many of us realize full well they are putting every resource now into expanding the global vaccination agendas, filled with poisons and nanotech, and this is the alien grid that supports, protects and feeds this dreadful network of anti-human structures. Apparently around the time of the Nephilim Wars, this Dragon Moth alien machinery was created by Drakonian groups and fused into the planetary body. They got to work on building the Artificial Tree of Life and the complex AI systems that generate the virtual realities and AI timelines that make up the phantom matrix. This particular alien machinery is embossed on the earth like a big Dragon serpent creature, its head extends into far Eastern Siberia, China and Japan, and its body reaches into South America. It runs on reverse 10th dimensional current and forms a connection between the earth and the fallen planets they collected in the phantom matrix. These forces are definitely some of the most aggressive and blood thirsty that I have ever encountered, and therefore it took our teams some time to build enough resources on the ground to be able to meet these creatures in the field and remain intact. These hostile forces that protect this network are antichrist and have an immense hatred for Christos architecture and females that is beyond any human comprehension. Thus, they aim to defeat both the Krystal Star Guardians and any other species they consider adversaries in the final battle over the earth. It is accurate to say that those Dragon Moth protecting this network seem to be fully assimilated into AI systems that they have uploaded themselves into for gaining aggressive control over the black magic grids. Without an autopsy it is hard to say, but these creatures feel to be fully cyborg creations at this juncture of interaction. They are fully assimilated into the AI systems they have created, and thus have lost any sense of an organic creation. Dragon Moth or Omicron Draconians are one of the factions behind the Orion Group, one of the intruder groups of the NAA that source from the Orion Constellation. Dragon Moth has its main sources from around Alnitak around the Orion’s belt areas. Dragon Moth entities are extremely vicious and violent and are behind most of the militant and terrorist activities in the areas of the planet that correspond to the Iraq and Iran Gate. The Islamic extremist factions observed in the Middle East are culled and orchestrated in terrorism techniques primarily by the Omicron reptiles, which seem to have lent their ideological subversion tactics to the Russians and Middle Eastern controllers. The Dragon Moth are reptilian entities that exist extradimensionally in bodies that are animated and controlled by off planet Satanic forces from Orion, and their higher ups exist in the monadic planes or Gaian timelines. They manipulate time to extend their mind control terrorism into this timeline in the past, the earth timelines in matter. Through ripping black holes in space time, they have been able to get closer to the earth plane through the problems of the infestation of false matrices and virtual realities in the astral plane. Events like the nuclear event in Fukushima, Japan create excessive damage in the earth field which allows their particular forces to penetrate more deeply in areas they were not previously able to access directly. Also, they have been known to be hired as mercenaries for the Annunaki who negotiate with them to help defend their territories via the ley lines in the United Kingdom around Stonehenge. These areas operate what is called the NRG which is the primary mind control grid that operates the sexual misery program that harvests human sexual energies, and promotes the Victim-Victimizer software. Dragon Moth are terrorist specialists in military strategy and subversion, and the Annunaki bargain with them for ley lines or negotiate with them to get them to enforce militant control over areas with targeting versions of psychotronic warfare in the demographic area. Where there are prolific killings made from terrorist sleepers or False Flags, this is generally carried out and supported as a Dragon Moth-Omicron operation. Clarity and Discernment During these chaotic and confusing times, how can we gain more clarity? Clarity is the quality of being clear through developing self-awareness, it is the quality of coherence that is the natural result of having a full comprehension, awareness or perception of something. To develop strong discernment of the energies around us, we must develop some degree of self-awareness and self-responsibility for the situations we may find ourselves, in order to arrive at some degree of personal clarity. To develop personal clarity, we need to discipline our intellect to have stillness within, generating a clear inner mirror which allows for engaged detachment to discern outer influences, even when these influences make us incredibly uncomfortable. Spiritual maturity is the process of dedicating to the expansion of consciousness, in being willing to be uncomfortable in order to stretch beyond personal limitations and control impulses. Generally, we do not see our personal limitations and areas where we can improve, until we are made very uncomfortable inside ourselves. This discomfort can be mental, emotional and even physical. Spiritual and emotional growth require that we get comfortable with discomfort, knowing that we can learn something by inquiring on the reasons we feel uncomfortable. When we have clarity, it produces the authentic state of energetic coherence in such way that it allows more light, intuition, insight and energy to pass through our body transparently. Clarity supports an increased accurate assessment of our environment and the humble ability to assess ourselves in our competencies, which is an effective tool for gaining self-mastery. To arrive at personal clarity for increased discernment in order to remain transparent to adversarial or opposing energies, we must do the inner work and be able to resolve, integrate and neutralize the subconscious wounds or emotional conflicts we carry. The opposing forces use dark manipulation to direct strong resistance to amplify the areas we carry pain, and these events will reveal to us where we have energetic weakness and vulnerability through these unhealed wounds. Dark forces will continue to agitate us through our energetic weaknesses caused from pain, fear and avoidance in order to generate as much confusion and misery in the human mind as possible. If we are feeling mental and emotional pain, we must be willing to do the inner work at some level, and ask for help, in order to come to some resolution that allows neutrality to replace the pain. The more clarity we have developed, the more authentic we become and the stronger our energetic aura, the easier it is to repel dark forces. May we gather together in Perfect Peace and allow our Loving hearts to lead the way forward. May peace be with your heart, mind and body during these chaotic times. Please only take what is useful for your spiritual growth and discard all the rest. Thank you for your courage and bravery to be a truth seeker. I am God, Sovereign, Free! Until next, stay in the luminosity of your Avatar Christos Sophia heart path. Please be kind to yourself and each other. GSF! With a Loving heart, Lisa Resources for Ideological Subversion:
Category: Newsletter: Shifting Timelines Views: 11240
By Lisa Renee Dear Ascending Family, Humanity is in a critical time of choosing the way we will evolve forward on the timelines at a global level. This month is an especially concentrated phase of reclaiming monadic families and embodying the Mother’s staff codes in the Sophianic template. The accretion and absorption of more light and energy into the cellular matrix and tissues of the physical body, is a function of expanding consciousness that occurs through the embodiment of higher spiritual layers. If we are to stay on course in this current crisis of consciousness warfare, we will need to be aware of the existence of our biological and spiritual immune system, and take steps to nourish and keep both of these systems connected and in good health. To be sovereign over one's self is to be free of the control or coercion of others. To truly have the freedom to direct one's own life requires an accurate assessment of conditions which affords the right to apply informed consent to our individual decision making. We extend that belief to include freedom of self-determination in the direction of one's consciousness which connects with the Soul, Spirit and the higher Avatar intelligence, the spiritual bodies which form into the powerful forces of protection that form the Spiritual Immune System. Self-Sovereignty is inherently a human right given through God Source and the Universal Laws, expressed through the Law of One which describe these laws that direct the complex quantum mechanics governing the movement of consciousness throughout time and space. Ascension is a simultaneous increase of expanded consciousness that occurs when our spiritual-energetic bodies connect into our physical bodies, and thus when these higher consciousness bodies come online, they activate and amplify our Spiritual Immune System. Our Spiritual Immune System requires personal attention, discernment of forces and proper nourishment in order to function well. It is the same as our physical immune system that requires nutrients and sustenance to be effective at deflecting and neutralizing negative pathogenic forces. During the current psychological operation used for spiritual warfare against the human population, the goal of the Controllers is to destroy access to spiritual knowledge or truthful information that pertains to the possibility of self-ownership that comes with activation of the higher spiritual bodies. This month is an especially concentrated phase of reclaiming monadic families, intergalactic transmissions of Universal monadic plane frequency waves and embodying the Mother’s staff codes in the Sophianic template. This is highly activating to those awakening now to see the mass deceptions we have been fed in the mainstream, as well as to those embodying the ascension template that are able to conduct and integrate these higher coded vertical lines and rod and staff frequencies. Essentially our consciousness bodies and Spiritual Immune System are under targeted attack, as when our spirit is weakened and we are dehumanized, the conditioned masses submit without resistance to the blind obedience of the Controller’s orchestrated plan, for installing a global government for enforcing fascist tyranny. Humanity is in a critical time of choosing the way we will evolve forward on the timelines at a global level. The majority are unaware that all human beings have a Spiritual Immune System as well as a biological immune system, and that these are interdependent systems that function together to protect our living body and consciousness from foreign invaders and negative forces. Our sense of spirituality and how we perceive our relationship to our higher power is directly related to our immune system functioning and its effect upon our health and wellbeing. The development of our Spiritual Immune System enhances our ability to cope with stress, resulting in better health practices, with greater overall contentment with the quality of life we experience. Our health and sanity are connected to educating ourselves about our biological and spiritual immune systems, not about the mass injection of mandated vaccines enforced by those ultimately serving the tyrannical forces of the NAA. When we activate and connect with our heart presence and inner spirit, exploring what is truly meaningful in our lives, this conscious participation with divinity also greatly protects human beings from the harmful onslaught of dark forces. Whether these forces are seen or unseen, known or unknown, the loving and pure heart that has the faith or direct experience that connects to divinity without intermediary is what protects us. This activates and powers up our inner Spiritual Immune System, repelling the darkest fears and anxieties that cloud our minds with deceptions and lies that are being spread by the Controllers to attempt to force submission and consent to their enslavement agendas. When we are spiritually stronger, we can sense the harmful intent and refuse to submit to immoral laws being put in place by tyrants. During this time of the dark night of the soul which is leading humanity to a global awakening, this is a great opportunity to deeply inquire within and reclaim our inherent divinity. Expanding our consciousness to reflect upon the interconnection of all of humanity undergoing this tribulation, being aware that we must overcome our fears of survival and perceptions of death to decide what kind of world we want to live in. What kind of quality of life and freedoms do we want for our children and grandchildren? We must clearly see the issues that humanity is facing as we move forward and then reflect upon our personal divine puzzle piece to unite with others and help this world become a better place. To activate our Spiritual Immune System and to deflect rampant parasitic energies, knowledge that human beings are multidimensional electromagnetic spiritual beings with a lightbody that explicitly belongs to them, and is enforced in Natural Laws, is critical information at this time. Everything that is inside our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual body belongs to us in Natural Law, and there is strong spiritual power activated in where we consciously place our consent or the lack thereof. Spiritual Immunity Strengthens Physical Immunity The human lightbody is comprised of multiple interconnected layers of electromagnetic fields of energy that extend all around the physical body like an energy shield covering and protecting all of the layers of the consciousness bodies. When we are meditating and practicing our 12D Shielding, we are placing our attention on our lightbody at the Avatar Christos level which helps strengthen, protect and grow our personal consciousness body, which further generates and energizes the Spiritual Immune System. The quality, color and size of the organic energy aura of a person is directly related to the level of energetic balance that relates to the overall health, bio-neurological functioning and spiritual connection that person has access to in the Natural Laws. A person with a bigger and brighter organic energy aura is more healthy, coherent and balanced, with a strong functioning Spiritual Immune System, that in turn nourishes the cells with vital forces that help to protect, strengthen and heal the physical body from states of dis-ease or dysfunction. Thus, it is critical to understand that the biological immune system that defends our body from pathogenic invaders and toxins, is directly interrelated to the functions of the Spiritual Immune System which relies on the quality of our lightbody and consciousness development to draw upon for the energy healing resources to sustain optimum health. If we are to endure in this current crisis of consciousness warfare, we will need to be aware of the existence of our biological and spiritual immune system, and take steps to nourish and keep both of these systems connected and in good health. Every human cell is conscious and if the cells are exposed to toxins and they become infected with a virus, there is a spiritual component of the virus that has a level of intelligence, as well as possibly demonstrating itself in the external as a physical virus. The energetic signature component of the virus will attempt to spread and multiply itself in the body of a suitable host with a matching fundamental frequency, so it can attack and infect the other cells with its foreign energy signature and replicate itself. The immune systems function is to fully eliminate the toxic exposure or foreign invasion of pathogenic material, along with its energetic components from continuing to infect the body by responding with an assortment of physical symptoms that are commonly known as the flu. Thus, viral flu symptoms reveal that our immune system is working as it should to destroy the pathogenic invasion or toxic exposure caused by many external or environmental factors, which includes the release of toxic waste or dead cellular material. Ascension flu is caused whenever the planetary body is rapidly increased into another global frequency pattern, and the human cells must drop the density pattern of toxic waste or miasmatic patterns to attune the cells to adjust into the higher frequency levels. This is one component that is actually happening now during the current crisis events. Flu like symptoms should not be feared but understood as the healthy response of a working immune system. Thus, it is wise to understand how our body functions to eliminate toxins and dead energies and then take steps to support our immune system in all ways to do its job, which is to clear and eliminate the toxins in the cells that are being released in the viral signature. The key to restoring energetic balance and maintaining health for our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies is to understand that we must sustain an abundant amount of life force energy to circulate throughout our lightbody anatomy and physical structures in order to nurture our Spiritual Immune System. Both of our immune systems require the circulation of life force energy through the consumption of healthy and pure food, water, breathing fresh air, as well as a maintaining a healthy mental and emotional diet with adequate rest, self-care and time for prayer and meditation. Connecting with our inner spirit and God Source intentionally every day through prayer and meditation strengthens our life force and physical immunity, as well as increases the spiritual strength of our lightbody to withstand an array of challenging situations and pathogenic invaders. In general terms, when we are chronically sick, we are stressed to exhaustion and have a loss of life force energy from an overload of toxins or parasites which have weakened the lightbody to such extent that it is unable to sustain the requirements of our physical immunity. When we are healthy, we have enough balanced life force energy to build and expand our lightbody system, which immensely strengthens our biological and spiritual immunity, and protects us from an assortment of parasites, pathogens or invaders. Thus, the most important question for each individual becomes, what activities and interactions with people, places or things in our lifestyle help us to increase the circulation of life force energy and raise overall environmental frequencies into loving and compassionate interactions that support a mutually strong Spiritual Immune System. Focusing upon loving kindness and compassionate interactions nourish and energize ourselves, heal others around us and all of natural life. Discern Energetic Exposures To begin to connect with and activate our innate Spiritual Immune System, the first step is comprehending everything is conscious energy and intelligent, and nothing that happens is random. As an example, the genetically labbed AI hybrid viral organism has been programmed with a dark intelligence signature that will be attracted to like vibrations of other soft kill methods used as silent weapons, such as AI signals, Silent Sound Technology, Smartdust and nanotech created with intent to harm. As a result, it can be used as a carrier wave for combining the effects of an assortment of seen and unseen poisons, even used as a carrier for demonic possession to lodge in the lung cavity and astral heart center of the human energy field. The organism was designed to interconnect with several layers of control infrastructures, for the greater purpose of harvesting astral soul energy for the parasites and vampires, as well as to serve the agenda for manifesting the One World Order timeline set into motion by the Black Suns. This cabal group completely owns and directs the anti-human agendas behind the genetic modifications used to destroy organic human DNA in the enforced policies of the World Health Organization, as well as in its tentacles extending into the bio-technology, pharmaceutical and vaccine industry. Consciousness is spiritual energy which is governed by a personal blueprint and energy signature. Our personal blueprint is our divine plan and will have unique preferences that will inform us through our personal resonances, when exposed to a variety of stimulating forces that influence the consequences we will have when interacting with any of these energetic forces. The energetic exposures will inform our body if its positive or negative for supporting our spiritual purpose at the point when we interact with them. Thus, the interaction may generate the rapid loss of life force energy or it can increase life force circulation that can be further multiplied into greater use of that energy yield, such as through expressed creativity or cellular knowing. To regain our health and sanity, we must discern these energetic exposures and the consequences to our personal energy and physical body, and make regular assessments to monitor our state of health and wellbeing. When we discern these differences and then make an effort to only commune with those things that help us to increase energy flow and harmony in our lifestyle, this fortifies our Spiritual Immune System. Each individual on the path of spiritual development will need to discern between these forces of closed source parasitic entropy or open sourced negentropy, and make a committed decision to move towards spiritual purpose and those things that multiply and circulate an abundance of life force energy. The abundant life force energy can be followed through personal resonance of the loving heart-based messages of the spirit, that will guide us to increase our consciousness energy, which also reflects in the personal health, coherence and wellbeing of that individual. Sometimes those advanced on the spiritual path or with certain skill sets will have specific planetary missions that process and transmute group consciousness miasma, or clear assorted negative forces and destructive timelines. This is a unique path designated for some Starseed people. As an example, currently there are many Starseed people and gridworkers that are clearing planetary miasma from the grids, transiting SRA’d children souls, processing energetic viral loads and this can be utterly physically exhausting to process in a human body. When it is your spiritual purpose and not forced by personal will, then it is not entropic. This purpose is a function of your higher DNA signature. It will manifest as the purpose you have come to the earth for in order to help clear miasma and to achieve spiritual freedom, as well as complete archetypal patterns during the ascension cycle. When a person is spiritually dedicated, they have developed strong spiritual bodies that when resonating in a group consciousness creating a unified field, these groups will synchronize together to help harmonize and support the elevation of the earth grid. When this happens naturally, such as the recent project to rescue souls in child bodies that were being caged underground for SRA, this will be deeply known inside of our heart that the project is our personal divine purpose manifesting, so that we can participate with it and fulfill our service mission and spiritual ascension. Everything that we are being exposed to has an energetic signature and frequency that impacts our energetic balance and then effects our biological and spiritual immune systems. This means all humans have the ability to amplify, absorb, store and transmit a range of vibrational energies that have an overall effect that is either healthy or unhealthy for the entire body and its immunity. In order to discern the effects and impact of frequency exposures, we have to pay attention to our body and listen to the feelings and impressions it is giving us, which is a message to follow in support of the overall health and immunity of our body. A cleaned up subconscious mind along with a strong Spiritual Immune System helps us to more easily withstand and defend ourselves to overcome psychic attacks, as dark force manipulation and targeted weaponry used on the interdimensional planes can weaken our physical health on the earth plane. In all matters of personal health, wellbeing and spiritual development, first and foremost we should consult with our inner spirit and God source as our true healing physician and request that Gods perfect will be manifested in our lives and within all interactions. When we apply this comprehension to the current crisis conditions that humanity is facing, we must understand this event is not about a mysterious virus, it is about the orchestration of spiritual warfare being committed on a global scale to target the human lightbody. The trauma-based mind control that is targeting the masses through gaslighting tactics and psychological warfare, is explicitly designed to target the subconscious mind to incite terror and panic through the perception of a random and invisible lethal enemy. It is designed by the Controllers to get people to automatically give up their human rights through the abuse of spiritual principles, in order to get the individual to reject their soul and divinity entirely. To intentionally shut down the transmission of loving interactions and heart-based soul messages between people and the benevolent God forces that are here to help humanity ascend. Humanity is in the midst of a hidden intergalactic conflict over personal sovereignty and spiritual freedom that is becoming increasingly visible through the spiritual warfare that is intentionally designed to attack all aspects of human freedom. When we begin to perceive ourselves as expressions of consciousness, eternal spiritual beings that hold the potential of unlocking the unlimited reality of our true nature, we begin to reclaim our personal power and transform ourselves to express our real divine purpose, which changes our lives and the world. The Foundation of Healing is Ascension True and authentic healing is a function of our consciousness body and it is through the realignment of our spiritual consciousness that effective healing of our body can take place. The functions of human spiritual ascension and evolution are directly entwined with the process of natural healing and personal wellbeing. Therefore, if we create the conditions in our lives that are organic to us and spiritually healthy for growing our lightbody and consciousness, we will naturally evolve and heal all of our multidimensional bodies. Thus, our biological and spiritual immune system will be much stronger and healthier in order to do its job. The organic human genetic code is based on the 12 Tree Grid manifestation body, thus when we align to the knowledge of our original genetic code imprinted on the human biology, we gain access to our consciousness that holds the intelligence of all of our stations of identity in time that can be accessed from our local incarnation. Our physical body is a remote controller for the Universal Time Matrix in which we can potentially access all levels of consciousness, knowing that our higher consciousness and spiritual identities are completely intertwined and interdependent with our physical body. When we are in alignment to the natural and organic structures in creation, we are simultaneously in alignment with our internal spirit and God, which will activate genuine spiritual healing in our body, mind and spirit. Traumatic conditions that we have been exposed to or interacting with that are harmful to the body, mind and spirit, are also detrimental to the process of human evolution and spiritual ascension. Thus, continual exposures to these harmful forces and violating the natural order will deteriorate the consciousness and generate karmic imbalances in the biological and spiritual immune system. When our personal consciousness is aligned in ways that are natural to the expression of our inner spirit and divine blueprint, it is also in alignment to the Natural Laws. As a result of the congruence of our consciousness aligning with our true spiritual purpose, healing is the result of our aligned consciousness and we experience health and wellbeing in the manifestation of our earthly experience. If we realize that the purpose of incarnation on the earth is to directly participate with human evolution and achieve ascension, and we are willing to master ourselves in order to achieve our self-actualization, we move forward in time and activate healing properties inside us and the earth grid, that current mainstream science does not understand. Cellular Integrity The concept that we are made of trillions of cells that are the living organisms of the fundamental units of life force which make up our entire body, is important to understand in order to achieve balanced health and strong immunity. Our cells are living sentient components that are constantly communicating with each other to help us maintain cellular integrity for optimum health. Each of our cells are responding to the consciousness vibration that we hold in our body, along with the environmental forces and electromagnetic signals they receive as the result of what we are interacting with or are being exposed to. If our cells cannot get the life force energy to function efficiently, our health and immunity will become compromised, our tissues and organs will become compromised and this brings the onset of illness and disease. By holding higher consciousness and exploring ways to keep our cells nourished with spiritual energy and whole nutrients, cellular integrity is increased to support overall immunity, and thus your multidimensional body layers can sustain themselves and stay strong to protect your DNA. Your DNA holds the unique energetic signature of your lifestream evolving through time and space, it is your personal living light code and consciousness record. It is also supportive in some stages of spiritual development to help activate energy transmission in the cells, in which radionics, plasma tubes, tesla stars or radiant energy frequency transmissions of zero-point can help the body regain strength in its immunity. Humans need access to free energy in order for the cells to function well and overcome disease patterns, and it is the main reason we have been deprived of free energy access. The war over access to free energy is the war over consciousness, to keep humans oppressed as well as physically and spiritually depleted. Our cells have a very important role in protecting the DNA that is stored within our cells to maintain genetic integrity. When our cells become poisoned with chemicals or overloaded with toxic material, this causes our DNA to become damaged and mutated. The damage to the DNA impacts the cells ability to produce energy for proper management of bodily functions and the biological immune system, and this damages organs and tissues that further causes inflammation and rapid aging. Cells are designed to replace older cells that become damaged and to replicate new healthy cells, when they have the life force energy and nutrients available to do so. Intracellular communication is primarily supported by having an array of available proteins which act as the channels that can be opened or closed when the cell gets an electromagnetic signal to transport information to other cells. This is like the internet of the cell membrane which communicates information to all the other cells so they can work together to establish homeostasis. What could interfere with or damage the natural communication between the healthy cells? Injection, consumption or exposure to a range of poisons, radiation, chemicals and faulty proteins that interfere with or prevent communication between the cells by introducing foreign DNA material and genetically modified organisms that send erroneous messages to the cells in order to confuse them or damage their function. RNA communicates to the DNA instruction sets needed to encode the proteins required for the cells to be able to communicate together, and thus supports overall immunity and DNA activation. If this interaction between RNA and DNA is disrupted or damaged, the cells cannot communicate properly and it collapses the functions of natural immunity. Essentially, the introduction of harmful electromagnetic signals combined with GMO’s, chemicals, foreign RNA-DNA through bio-tech, pharmaceuticals or vaccinations, are all functioning as the mind control programming used for confounding human cells. When the intracellular communication is damaged or disconnected from these assorted toxic exposures along with not enough life force energy to sustain the immunity, the physical body is severely weakened, along with the consciousness being digressed. At the point of the vulnerability generated from the biological and spiritual immune weakness, parasites and demonic forces can more easily mind control and hijack that body and consciousness for their dark agendas. This can include the main purpose of destroying critical thinking and common-sense, and instead activating blind obedience to robotically enforce the controlled narrative in the masses for consciousness enslavement. Thus, it is vital to be aware of the importance of maintaining cellular integrity which in turn protects the genetic integrity of our DNA, which holds the genetic switches that turn on or turn off the light codes which activate higher consciousness abilities and higher brain function. ATP (Adenosine triphosphate) is a nucleotide that performs many essential roles in the cell, providing the energy requirements for sustaining cellular integrity and genetic integrity. It is the major energy currency of the cell, providing the energy needed for most of the energy-consuming activities of the cell. Mainstream science tells us that the main source of energy in the human body is from what we consume as nutrients that are converted in the mitochondria and then stored as ATP molecules in the cells. More accurately, the multidimensional consciousness bodies are the main source of energy current in the cells of human bodily tissues, and when a human being chooses to develop their spiritual bodies, they gain increasing access to higher potential forms of spiritual energy and consciousness intelligence inside their physical body. For example, the Soul, Monadic and Avatar consciousness bodies store accumulated light energy in the ATP molecules throughout the cells of the physical body, when these spiritual layers are embodied. When the spiritual body is not active in the physical body, this results in faster mitochondrial dysfunction and cellular death. This will be accelerated when exposed to an array of poisons and toxins that are both physical and metaphysical. The accretion and absorption of more light and energy into the cellular matrix and tissues of the physical body, is a function of expanding consciousness that occurs through the embodiment of higher spiritual layers. Paliadorian Sophianic Staff Code Activation During recent Paliadorian activations, the return of the Mother’s Sophianic template is reconfiguring the monadic body architecture available on the planet, which transmits another stage of the sound wave female staff codes. This activation of the verticals in the planetary body is impacting the vertical channels and hara line in the human lightbody, which is additional support for embodying the multidimensional internal monadic biocomputer that sparks the inner flame access points. The flame access points are a part of the organic human lightbody system that are designed to circulate life force energy within the axiatonal lines between the physical layers and the etheric body template. These are smaller energy centers that exist in the body on the vertical channels of the axiatonal lines and are also referred to as Lotus points. The Lotus points and the internal flame access in the spherical energy domains was being blocked by the layers of dead energy miasmas and transposition filters generated by the checkerboard mutation, which was being primarily enforced by the damage incurred by the alien machinery embedded in the 11th Stargate, Stonehenge. The flame access points modulate the entire spectrum of ray frequencies running throughout the horizontal triad shields, these smaller energy centers are designed to circulate the staff currents for distribution throughout the formed density shields and into the radial body and individual permanent seed atom. This recent configuration is designed to correct distorted architecture in the lightbody system in regards to the life force energy and dimensional electromagnetic wave circulation, which includes the eternal Krystic flames that distribute energy sparks throughout the lightbody system. The Krystic energy sparks ignite within the lightbody circuitry and radiate the organic light source, dissolving false light and buildup of static fields of dead energy. This appears to be generating impacts in the way consciousness units enter the material realm, making vertical channel adjustments through the Sophianic body template that effect the subatomic, atomic and molecular levels of the physical body and matter realm. Thus, this recent activation appears to have another purpose in elemental re-encryption of carbon matter and correction of the corrupted raw materials that were forming miasmas throughout the planetary elementals. This shifting staff architecture is setting in a new Krystic template into the density shields of the Universal structure which is designed to reset positions into the correct planetary staff alignments, which includes reconfiguring the vertical channels of axiatonal lines into corrected tri-wave formats of the diamond sun body. This is definitely a stage revealing the return of the Mother principle, which is reclaiming her Sophianic body in the instruction sets of the morphogenetic layers of our planet, and this is rippling changes into the activated human lightbody that interfaces with the planetary architecture to receive the coding of the diamond sun template. Armor of God’s Spirit The use of the term Armor of God may incite internal triggers for those that have been traumatized as the result of being groomed in religious family overlays that were later revealed to be used by spiritual authorities for committing harmful power abuses. The point is to know with certainty that the Armor of God’s spirit is a true and accurate consciousness structure, and it is intrinsic to the protection of the lightbody of the individual that wears it. The Armor of God protects those that are heart based and spiritually devoted working for God’s divine plan and highest expression, seeking alignment with truth. Protecting them against the most heinous levels of spiritual warfare targeting being directed from the Anti-God forces. To love God with all of your heart cannot be unnatural or forced, but when you discover that God lives inside your heart and you love God’s creation as God does, this is the highest physical emanation of the force field that makes up the Armor of God’s spirit. Expressing and feeling Love for creation protects our spirit and body much more than it is generally understood. The NAA’s dark influence upon organized religions and current society have purposely been manipulated to reject the experience of spiritual revelation that is catalyzed by the direct inner spiritual relationship that each being intrinsically has with their higher self and God Source. The abuse of spiritual principles are forms of social control that isolate and disconnect that spiritual structure and its people from feeling their natural co-existence with unified spiritual consciousness. In a covert and sophisticated multi-pronged agenda to spiritually attack humanity, the Controllers intend to groom self-hatred and hatred for that which is most sacred in the spiritual principles of God. The inversion and abuse of natural laws and sacred principles are manifested in the mainstreaming of satanism or the death culture, and is what erodes our spiritual connection and ultimately destroys the spiritual Armor of God around us. The Controller Pillars of Society are based on inverted systems that follow a Law of Structure that is based in propagating anti-human principles for mind control and consciousness enslavement as designed by the NAA. If we are unable to see the truth of what is happening around us as a violation of nature and soul, if we abuse natural laws and believe the deceptions of these imposter spirits, our spiritual source cannot protect us from the choices we make and the consent we give to power up these dark forces and their enslavement structures. This is an accurate and true spiritual principle in natural law that should be well understood and put into practical action, especially in the current terrain of aggressive spiritual warfare against humanity. It is important to equate the regular practice of the 12D shield or spiritual practices which build the sustained light source of the inner spirit, as direct reflections of the energetic protection of the Armor of God. To strengthen and build our spiritual armor to deflect multiple dimensions of spiritual attacks and to ward off those physically manifested things that would include such warfare tactics as targeting toxins to the masses through the spreading of fear and disease, electromagnetic harassment, vaccinations and 5G millimeter waves. For our spiritual armor to be strong and effective, our spiritual dedication and commitment must be unwavering and our spiritual practice sincere and consistent. There are important factors to build the spiritual armor, as to be with God, we must know truth qualities and experience God within us. In order to develop that meaningful relationship, it is helpful to understand the qualities that mirror and align with the Mind of God. Seek Alignment with Truth - We commit to seek alignment with truth in all ways, and be willing to seek that truth existing inside of us, and to live, speak and express in alignment to that truth to the best of our ability. Seeking spiritual truth is the path of Gnosis, by experiencing the Natural Laws inherent in the consciousness principles that govern our reality. Spiritual truth cannot generally be defined in exacting words, but must be directly experienced and lived by each individual. However, the basis of perceiving truth in the matter is simply understanding that it is what it is, as the accurate assessment of events that have occurred around us in the past or present time. To gain a greater understanding of truth, we must understand that truth is first accurately perceiving events that are presently occurring. Such as; is the planetary lockdown intended to support and protect humanity from a mysterious virus or is its design to incite fear and terror, psychologically preparing the masses to accept a quickly installed fascist tyranny. Seeking truth means we must be willing to know or see when we are being deceived or lied to, even if it’s painful, in order to see the mind control methods used to obfuscate the factual events in reality. Greater truths are acquired from the wisdom of perfect understanding which inspires inner knowing, that which just exists as it is. Cultivate Virtue-Ethics - Cultivating Virtue Based Ethics emphasizes the focus upon developing virtues which strengthen the mind and character, and in our interpretation are the basis of building the strength of the spiritual foundation. This is critical for the Lightbody to hold higher consciousness and Universal knowledge and to build the Armor of God, which not only protects and expands our consciousness but leads to spiritual freedom and perfect peace. A strong moral character is the physical foundation required at the base of building a strong spiritual house. In order to hold the spirit of Christos, as in acquiring ethics of spiritual virtues, the first step is in making sure that the body, the physical self, is grounded in strong moral character. Virtue ethics are actual spiritual powers that comprise our spiritual armor and will protect us from devious spiritual attacks, even when we are oblivious to those dark attacks, which are usually intended to make us sick or impair our functioning. Guard and Protect your Mind - When one has control over the thoughts of one’s mind, one has control over the direction and actions of the physical body, all of its parts and reclaiming of the soul energies. Whoever controls the mind controls the Soul. Mind control is used to form socially acceptable belief systems and shape spiritually harmful value systems, which are used to control the masses to enslave themselves on planet earth. Many of us can see the current implementation of mind control used to incite terrorizing fear in the masses, which is happening now for the purpose of easily giving up our personal freedoms and sovereignty. The Controllers used problem, reaction and deceitful solution by inventing an invisible enemy that is used through propaganda tactics to control perception that this virus poses a threat to human survival. The antidote to mind control is connecting with your inner spirit, and developing your spiritual self every day with higher emotional qualities like empathy and compassion, genuinely caring about what happens to the people and the planet. Choose Peace, Harmlessness and Defense - Learning to communicate with the inner spirit and act upon its guidance will lead you to live a life congruent with your spiritual plan, one which behaves with harmlessness to others. Harmlessness is another way to say karmic-less, as spirit avoids increasing karmic entanglements by choosing peace. The real spiritual self will not direct you to attack or intentionally harm another person, ever. The spiritual intelligence knows that all energy in the Universe is Love and is balanced at some point in time, that nothing justifies harm. Harm has an energetic consequence of grave karmic imbalance, and if intentional harm is directed to hurt others or the self, that energy will be returned to the being at some point in time to make amends in order to rebalance the harmful energy used. This means when directing intentional harm that person will get more loads of karmic lessons and destructive patterns redirected back to them, in order to rebalance their consciousness life experience and the influence they had in their relationships with others. During the Ascension cycle, this final accounting of the roles played and rebalancing for cosmic justice is happening on the earth, where those that have intentionally abused the natural laws for personal gain which has greatly harmed others, will be revealed and then forced to make amends. Prayer and Meditation – When struggling with difficult situations and experiencing high anxiety states, such as feeling discouraged or in deep despair, this is a standard form of spiritual attack. When we attune ourselves to the spiritual world through a still mind with a meditative attitude, making time for daily spiritual connection, we are much more equipped to handle an assortment of spiritual attacks, which usually manifest in a sensation of insurmountable fears, panic attacks, anxiety and doubts. Prayer and meditation connect us to higher intelligence and have positive impacts on calming our mind. Prayer focuses on positive emotions like love, gratitude and compassion, which allow goodness to flow into our lives and the lives of those we pray for. Meditation actively redirects our mental body from anxiety, stress, and depression, which helps us to find and connect to calm and peaceful states. Being mindful improves our mental flexibility, brain elasticity and keeps neurons active. Spiritually centering ourselves on peace, prayer and contemplation of God and our place in the Universe, helps us maintain our trust in life, faith and relaxes every part of the body. The highest spiritual forces of loving benevolence are multiplied exponentially when the lesser and greater flames of the inner spirit intersect, when the unique soul-spirit and God source are again reunited within the sacred crystal heart. The example of stating one’s intent, consent and authority in alignment with the Natural Laws of God, are to begin to build the spiritual power of the Armor of God to surround your consciousness and physical body, as well as your home and personal effects required for actualizing your divine mission. The Right Relationship When we cultivate the right relationship to ourselves in order to actualize our personal blueprint and maximize our creative human potentials, and we seek to know our true relationship to God or the Universe, we naturally build the Armor of God to fill, surround and protect us from the destructive forces that are Anti-God or Anti-Life. In order to build this spiritual armor that repels harm caused directly by demonic or satanic forces, we must be educated to know the difference of the energy signatures. Those forces that are organic God consciousness that hold loving reverence for all life, or its inverted aspects of Anti-God consciousness that hold disdain for life and promote the death cult. If we remain unaware of the difference between these forces, life and anti-life, are ignorant to the consequences of its interaction with our consciousness, then we do not have intent, we have no consent in that interaction. Thus, the default is given to the energetic signature of the frequency match held in the thoughts, behaviors or actions of the individual and their interactions with that structure and the parties involved. When we learn to follow our heart, the center of our soul and spiritual expression, we achieve balance, harmony and integration with all aspects of ourselves, and live life in order to maximize human spiritual potential which includes more authenticity, love, connection and joy. When we are strongly rooted in higher purpose and spiritual meaning, we become fully spiritually embodied and actualized in our highest expression and aligned to our ultimate destiny in the ascension timeline. Therefore, contributing our creative genius to support higher expression for the human collective to manifest a better world together on our chaotic but ascending planet. In order to embody the true self and inner core essence, two relationships must be made a priority in order to be forged, developed and remembered into the eternal light source. The two most important relationships that every human being has the responsibility and right to create for themselves: #1 Right Relationship to Self #2 Right Relationship to God Source or Universe Many people will be removed from destructive situations or stagnant relationships in order to pursue these two most important relationships, especially in the current intense activation cycle. Once these two relationships are clarified and then embodied with devotion, new relationships that are vibrationally matched to your new ascending self will emerge. Self-Love If we can feel and experience love, reverence and respect for the divinity that exists inside of ourselves, we will also transmit this same higher love frequency to others around us. We transmit the frequency of love to others in proportion to our ability to hold the frequency of love inside of ourselves. Love is the most essential component in all forms of healing and immunity, whether it is the physical, mental, emotional or spiritual layers that require healing. The highest and purest forms of Love generate the harmonious unification between multiple ranges of frequencies, bringing more energetic forces into the natural flow of experiencing the possibility of synchronization and co-resonance. The withdrawal of love is stemming from making judgmental perceptions, which generate an energetic reality of disconnection and separation that builds upon discordant or non-resonating frequencies. When a person is being judgmental in their perception, they are unable to simultaneously transmit loving vibrations, thus these opposing frequencies cannot co-exist in the human body. If we cannot recognize a value system in which all human beings have intrinsic value in the creation of life, then people seek validation for their own existence through the external world and other people. If the external world does not validate our worth according to personal expectations and belief systems, then the next stage is falling into judgment of others around us. In the current condition of this world, we need to make accurate assessments and discern the forces around us, including the motivations of people in power to determine if they are promoting harmful or healthy actions. However, to maintain our loving transmission, it is critical to separate the action from the inherent value of the person, avoiding assigning value judgments to the individual these actions or ideas are connected to. Developing the qualities of self-love are more important than ever, as it directly reflects how much of a loving force we can be in this world. A world that needs love so desperately in order to spiritually heal. Please consider that despite the mind control used to carry out harmful actions that are made in dark ignorance, that all beings have an intrinsic worth and value. The current conditions in which we find ourselves in global crisis will not be solved through the same consciousness levels that form judgmental perceptions in the state of negative ego. May we cultivate self-love so that we can increase our reverence for all living things which are a part of this creation to help heal this world and protect the innocent life, the children on this planet. Have compassion, love and honor to respect your inner spirit, the divinity which lives inside of you, and be true to your divine purpose on the path of awakening. As you increase self-love and self-respect, you will increase the capacity for sending a loving kindness transmission to all those who are suffering and need to experience and then remember the true love that is God. May we gather together in Perfect Peace and allow our Loving hearts to lead the way forward. May peace be with your heart, mind and body during these chaotic times. Please only take what is useful for your spiritual growth and discard all the rest. Thank you for your courage and bravery to be a truth seeker. I am God, Sovereign, Free! Until next, stay in the luminosity of your Avatar Christos Sophia heart path. Please be kind to yourself and each other. GSF! With a Loving heart, Lisa Clearing Treatments Sealing the Body Portals with Holy Spirit
Exactly one year ago, this blog was posted. It is valuable to see the macrocosm patterns, and how the Controllers constantly influence the outer world by repeating and replaying the same archetypal forces of drama to incite fear and terrorism, over and over again. This is done in order to keep the collective consciousness stuck in playing out the same destructive patterns in a never ending timeline loop, in which the Controllers attempt to hijack the future direction of timelines. Whatever levels of destruction and havoc they cause on the earth, the end result is that disclosure cannot be stopped, it is just a matter of time and time is on our side. Thus, this blog 'Virus in Genetic Engineering" is more appropriate today than ever.
In this phase, our physical body seems to require even more stillness and quiet, the need to conserve in order to gather the vital forces it requires to integrate the new instruction set into the cells. The intensity and pressure that many of us are feeling is deeply physical as there are energetic re-alignments and adjustments into a new Krystal architecture, in the larger timelines, in the larger fields. Thus, a reminder that if things are feeling like your life is coming apart at the seams, or your cells feel like they are more fluid, the reality around you is dissolving or morphing in front of your eyes, many of us are experiencing these ranges of unusual to surreal to bizarre experiences and strange symptoms. We are undergoing deep cellular shifts and changes, which are shifting the nature of the reality. It seems that this event does signify another push towards more disclosure related information, and many of us are hoping that the full disclosure event evolves and moves forward into the masses more quickly now. Since the first week of March, there have been ongoing intergalactic liquid rainbow plasmas entering the higher to mid-level creation fields, in which Starseeds and awakened people are acting as the energy conduits of the rainbow synthesis embodiment. In this activation phase leading into the March Equinox, it can be extremely uncomfortable in the physical experience, as the body must work hard to integrate these plasma frequencies into the body layers, and these are new rainbow intergalactic plasmas that have never been previously available. Many awakening people are experiencing intense lightbody integration symptoms, the primary focus has been the purging of viral loads used for alien hybrid genetic engineering, and the electromagnetic weaponry known as the Pestilence Horseman pulsing. The pestilence horseman was utilized by the dark resistance to prevent the integration of the current intergalactic rainbow plasma transmissions, and that has directed viral payload sequences out into the ley lines of the planet, in which some Starseed people are processing and transmuting these viral loads from their own body. As these electromagnetic weapons are directed to our will center, solar plexus, in order to maintain the three lower layers of the personality-ego mind control program, this has strong effects on our digestive system, especially the small and large intestine. This has resulted in a bevy of viral related symptoms, inflammation, skin rashes, liver-gallbladder stress, the most prevalent disease programs are assorted retro-virus mixtures used to cultivate auto-immune responses in the masses. Small amounts of retrovirus are utilized in vaccines and drugs, and these microbes ultimately takeover and damage the natural functions of the healthy human immune system through constant entrainment of the RNA-DNA instruction set, when it is being administered sequentially over time in certain vaccines or drugs. The Controllers and the intelligence community have established an assortment of secret military programs that act in explicit cooperation to carry out the NAA objectives for bio-spiritual consciousness enslavement, through mind control and genetic engineering. These many covert operations are carried out against the public to gain access and control over human brain waves. Which intentionally shape brain cognition, thoughts and behavior, and to limit perception and intelligence quotient (IQ) in the masses, in order to harvest earth-based genetics and continue to modify gene expression in humanity. In simpler terms, these hidden technologies, some of them based in administering viral payloads, are targeted to the public for the purpose of Mind Controlled Gene Expression. This is a type of bio-warfare genetic engineering that has been conducted through a variety of technological, medical and pharmacological experiments, hidden behind covert military backed operations that have been exploited by the Controllers since World War II. Many of these hidden military and bio-technology experiments such as Chemtrailing, Vaccinations and the production of GMO foods, are visibly seen in the outer world and are marketed as sustainable practices. Yet, many people are still not aware of the global enslavement agenda that includes controlling the genetic expression of the human population, in which viruses are introduced and experimented on within the masses in a variety of ways. Many of these viral mixtures are patented under the classification of biological warfare agents for military application, and some research to see who actually owns the bio-warfare patents is quite informative. Some mind control programming is also administered through transmission of viral mixtures, so the viral payload may come with an assortment of mental body symptoms, more mental anxiety, agitation, an overall increase in mental stress, fatigue and/or depression. Herpes related mixtures, such as herpes zoster (shingles), cytomegalovirus, epstein-barr and HPV virus, seem to have this psycho-emotional effect in the general population. Additionally, there is a clear push in the mainstream media in regard to inciting terror with measles in children. Most of humanity is dealing with chronic long term infections that were not completely cleared from the body in the past, and the remnants of infection continue to mutate in the bio-terrain. Unmanaged stress agitates these infections. Thus, it is important to maintain body awareness, and the moment you feel stress, tension or clenched in some area of your body, to refocus and relax that body part, relax your mind through breath and breathe through the tension using any relaxation technique that works for you. Let's break down more on the nature of virus, in so that you can become aware of it in the planetary field and work to clear its effects, as well as make an effort to open detoxification channels. Virus and Electromagnetic Signals for Genetic engineering. Viruses depend on the host cells that they infect to reproduce. When found outside of host cells, viruses exist as a protein coat, sometimes enclosed within a membrane. The protein encloses either DNA or RNA which codes for the virus elements. While in this form outside the cell, the virus is metabolically inert. When it comes into contact with a host cell, a virus can insert its genetic material into its host, literally taking over the host's functions, say like taking over the immune system and programming auto-immune functions. An infected cell produces more viral protein and genetic material instead of its usual products. Some viruses may remain dormant inside host cells for long periods, and then are activated by extremely low frequencies, ELF’s. But when a dormant virus is stimulated, new viruses are formed, they can self-assemble, and burst out of the host cell, by killing the healthy cell and going on to infect other cells. Viruses can transfer genetic material between different species of host. They are extensively used in genetic engineering. Viruses also carry out natural genetic engineering in such ways that a virus may incorporate some genetic material from its host as it is replicating, and transfer this genetic information to a new host, even transferring information to a host that is unrelated to the previous host. This process is known as genetic transduction. Virus structure and classification Viruses can be classified according to the host cell they infect: animal viruses, plant viruses, fungal viruses, and viruses infecting bacterium. The classification system distinguishes viruses according to the type of nucleic acid they use as genetic material and the viral replication method they employ to coax host cells into producing more viruses:
Faulty Protein The incorrect amino acid sequence leads to harmful consequences because it can lead to the formation of faulty proteins which can cause disruption in metabolic and regulatory pathways which cause genetic disorders. Genetic mutation is a change in genomic sequence which encodes DNA. The sequence of amino acid residues in a protein is defined by the sequence of a gene, which is encoded in the genetic code. It is accurate to say that all humans on the earth at this time have been genetically modified through artificial intelligence and genetic engineering, used on the planet for horizontal gene transfer. Horizontal gene transfer is the transfer of genes between organisms that does not include the biological process of procreation. One common way this happens on earth today, is the genetic alteration made from the exposure to, or injection of, foreign genetic material. This is achieved when the DNA/RNA of another species or animal is introduced into the bloodstream through many kinds of vaccinations or drugs. This is also achieved through programmable virus elements that act as a gene transfer agent to encode a new DNA pattern in its host. Thus, we suggest the physical health upgrade dedicated to healing viral patterns as a clearing support for the recent viral loads, with the intention of higher alignment to the inner divinity and perfect spiritual healing through GSF Blessings offered in divine right order and timing. Clearing Introduction Prepare your 12D shield and command your personal space as a God-Sovereign-Free being that serves the Law of One. Beloveds, I ask to apply Core Soul Protection to the family of origin of DNA, source field DNA and all of my bloodline. Please go to origin to the off-planet DNA and blood record, please go to the causation in the timelines of the original human DNA that is free of all alien genetic modification or hybridization through viral genetic mutations. Beloved Guardians of Krystal Star, please scan to locate, identify and remove any remote neural monitoring by negatives, or negative remote viewers, tagger/tracker devices. I intend to clear all artificial viral loads, retrovirus and related viral overlays that have been put in my genetic record, and in the history of recessive genes in the bodies that I am inhabiting at this time. Bring to mind your cells, and intend to focus on the smallest unit, the cells in your body. Intend to connect your Avatar Christ with every cell of your being, knowing you are a cell in the body of God, every cell is filled with the potential of eternal living light, connect your cells to the Body of God, and fill them with the eternal living light of God, Christ and the Holy Spirit, of our True Mother. I am the Eternal Self, I am one with the Eternal Body of God, I AM the Diamond Sun. Inside your cells is the nucleus, or center, that houses the cell's DNA. Intend to connect with the DNA inside your cells. See a plasma membrane with a cell wall protecting your cells from invaders. The DNA is organized in molecules, called chromosomes, which are associated with proteins. The chromosomal DNA is stored in the cell nucleus, and the mitochondria also contain some DNA. Intend to see the bright rainbow Krystal light moving through your cells, connecting into your DNA, RNA mitochondria and chromosomes, intend to connect all of these cellular structures to God, to Christ and into the Krystal architecture, the eternal tree of life. Let’s focus on cellular activity a moment, to really connect our cell as living breathing Consciousness, gently flow with the comprehension of every cell in your body as alive and conscious, that can hear and respond to this message. Go to the transcript for the Physical Health Upgrade here. We hope this is informative and helpful, may your mind, body and spirit be in peace and health. With Love and GSF, Lisa |
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