By Anna Von Reitz Let me explain something to you. David Straight is adopting the political status of a British Territorial United States Citizen, otherwise known as a U.S. Citizen, and he is assuming that that's the status that you want, too. Do you want to be a Subject of the Queen? Well, if so, hop to it. If not, listen up. After The War of Independence, the Tories --- Americans who sided with the British -- didn't go away. They were allowed to stay and to provide our fledgling government with "essential government services" as detailed in Article IV. If you are an American, Donald Trump isn't your President. Isn't now and never was. He's just like Abraham Lincoln, the "President" of a foreign British Corporation operating on our shores. His corporation belongs to the Queen. He, as an employee of that corporation, works for the Queen. He owes allegiance to the Queen. He is subject to the Queen's law. And so are all other U.S. Citizens. [God give me strength, I am so tired of explaining this!] If you are an American, you are the Employer of Trump and Trump's corporation which is doing business as "the" United States of America. It's perfectly allowable for Trump and David Straight to be here in this country and for them to claim the political status of American State Nationals because they were both born in this country on our land and soil. But, because of their employment, they are not currently acting as Americans. They are acting as British Territorial Officers, that is, as U.S. Citizens, not as Americans. Americans stand on the land and soil and accrue all the sovereignty owed this country. Lately, people have been claiming -- falsely -- that I didn't claim back the sea and the air and the soil --- only the "land" owed to this country, but they are completely mistaken in that idea. I claimed it all, in order, on the Public Record, step by step. Once I returned officially to the land and soil, I methodically claimed every iota of America --- and I had and have the "standing" to do it. All sovereignty derives from the land and soil. All other jurisdictions derive from the land and soil. The sea jurisdiction is apportioned to the land and soil, as is the air jurisdiction. You can't have a sea jurisdiction or an air jurisdiction without "standing" on the land and soil, but once you have the land and soil, all the rest accrues to you. So, guess what? The Public Records will show that I claimed back the Municipal STATES and STATES OF STATES, the Territorial State Trusts and States of States, and rolled them all over to the ownership of the unincorporated soil jurisdiction owed to our country doing business as The United States since 1776. And then, having dumped all the assets, including gold, owed to America and Americans back into the lap of The United States, I very properly assigned the traditional delegated duties in international jurisdiction to The United States of America, our unincorporated Federation of States. There have also been rumors that I "signed" it away, but a close examination will show that I have never signed anything in my life, and neither has any other American. Trump and David and all the other U.S. Citizen Employees have seized upon gold that is owed to us, Americans --- not to them while they are employed by the Queen --- to us, the people who are standing on the land and soil of this country. And why is that? They are "Americans" too aren't they? It's the same reason that all sovereignty and standing accrues to the land and soil, not to the sea or the air. Standing. Substance. Physicality. All physical assets including gold and silver belong to the land and soil. Gold and silver are physical assets, therefore, they belong to the living people and Lawful persons populating the land and soil of this country ---- and furthermore, Mr. Trump and Mr. Straight and all the other U.S. Citizens are not our representatives or agents or appointees with respect to our gold and silver assets. We retain the obligation and the right to deal in silver and gold, while our Employees are limited to dealing in credit. It's written right there in the Constitutions. The actual physically defined States pay in gold and silver. Federal Congresses pay in credit. Americans are reminded that there are two levels or stages of the Great Fraud. In the first level, they pretend that you are a baby of unknown origin, abandoned on a fictional battlefield. They get your unwitting Mother to sign paperwork "for" you, misidentifying you are a British Territorial U.S. Citizen and "waiving" your birthright estate as an American "for" you. There's just one or two little problems with that. It's against international law and is a hanging offense for starters. And secondly, our rights as Americans accrue to us at birth and cannot be traded or given away-- not by us, and certainly not by our Mothers. The resulting U.S. Citizens are presumed to be British Merchant Seaman, specifically, Warrant Officers known as "Taxpayers"" who collect taxes for the Queen and the Pope, or, alternatively, they are presumed to be Americans voluntarily adopting U.S. Citizen status and "waiving" their birthright estate as Free Men -----and subjecting themselves to the Queen as dependents and wards of the state, which are Foreign Situs Trust properties called "Infant Decedent Estates". That's a whole lot of unjustifiable and self-interested presumption that the Brits need to have shoved up their noses --- but I digress. The point is that David Straight and all his Pals including Donald Trump are trying to have it both ways, and that's not possible. You are either an American standing on the land and soil, owed both, plus all other physical assets of this country, or, you are acting in a foreign capacity in a different jurisdiction which is not physical and not substantive, and therefore lacking standing to claim one iota of the gold, silver, land or soil owed to this country. All of you "officers" and "gentlemen" who have latched onto our gold and silver "for" us, need to turn over control of our assets and stop all the False Claims. You don't represent us in any matter not specifically delegated to you by the actual Constitutions. See Article 1, Section 10 for proof that the actual physically-defined States are the ones that deal in gold and silver, not the States-of-States controlled by any Federal Congress. Fool me once, shame on you.... fool me twice, shame on me. We had enough of this usurpation at the hands of Abraham Lincoln. So, much as I admire Donald Trump's business acumen and while I do believe that he loves this country, the gold and the silver and everything else has to be collected in international jurisdiction by our unincorporated Federation of States, and returned to the States and the people of this country. It isn't something left up to chance or not covered in the Constitutions. The U.S. Citizens who have pretended to act "for" us in this matter are clearly obligated both legally and lawfully to cough up all American material assets held in their custody (other than assets allowed to them in the performance of their delegated duties) and return them to our lawful American Government. I have acted in complete honor with respect to all that I have done. I returned all the physical assets and property that I claimed and collected as a Fiduciary back to The United States and the living people of this country. I then re-assigned the international powers and duties to our unincorporated Federation of States doing business as The United States of America. This stands clear on the Public and International Records of this country so nobody can accuse me of not having standing or not doing the right thing or not doing a complete job of it. Read the "I Am Your Anchor Baby" Article posted at to get a clear vision of exactly how and why I took the action and the implications this has for you and every other American. Those who are loyal to the Queen are welcome to be loyal to the Queen --- and take their lumps according to their contracts and obligations. Return the gold and silver and land patents and cadastral surveys and grants all the way home. ---------------------------- See this article and over 3600 others on Anna's website here: To support this work look for the Donate button on this website. Reply to David Straight and Notice to the Generals 6.0How To Correct Your Political Status And Why
By Anna Von Reitz This message is especially important for the Vatican Chancery Court and the United Nations as a whole, but it is directed to all the billionaire business elite tycoons gathered in Davos, Switzerland. The UN CORP chartered in Vichy France in 1943, during World War II, founded by French and Belgian Nazis --- is a real problem for you, the United Nations Organization. First, the WHO side of the World Health Organization is caught bilking the World Bank on Pandemic Bonds and contributing to the false pandemic narrative in exchange for kickbacks from the vaccine manufacturers. Second, NATO is caught with its member's hands in the Ukraine putsch and later, the development of all sorts of illegal bioweapon research and production facilities in Ukraine. Third, we have discovered all sorts of adrenochrome "factories" operating on mothballed DOD properties scattered throughout The United States --- complete with manifests for the "missing" children. WHO, NATO, DOD --- three Bad Actors and all connected to the UN CORP. It is now clear exactly who and what the "enemy" of all mankind is. And, to everyone's surprise, it's the very people who should be happiest, the ones who sit at the top of the pyramid, who have nothing in the world to worry about or wish for, who are causing all this turmoil, criminality, and grief. The US, INC. is not only being deliberately mismanaged, but so are all the commercial BANKS. We have evidence that all the other UN CORP franchises and affiliates are similarly being "weaponized" and mismanaged in a desperate bid to both garner last minute profits and "pull the plug". Many of the UN CORP's most corrupt franchises, the SEC, the FEDERAL RESERVE, and GOLDMAN-SACHS are already on the run to China, where they hope to parasitize the Chinese people just as they have done to us, exactly like Tapeworms moving on to a new host. You, the Corporatists gathered in Davos, have profited yourselves from this filthy and criminal "System" you built, and so now you are adding to your sins by destroying the communication and medical and financial systems and everything else you can pervert, maim, or destroy. But the UN CORP and its franchises didn't actually rebuild the world after World War II. We did. It was our private trust fund money that was commandeered by the military and the banks with barely a nod or a thank you to us --- that rebuilt everything after WWII. We rebuilt in another way, too, as individual people weighing in, doing the work, contributing the skills. Right now, you are in Davos trying to figure out how to keep on bilking the Public that you are ultimately dependent upon, while maintaining your claims of Odious Debt, and continuing to shuffle off your own corporate tax burdens onto future generations of living people. I have never heard such a lot of tripe in my life. Sooner or later, the snake has to eat its own tail. Let's observe, Geniuses, that you are dependent on the Public, and your corporations only exist by virtue of Public tolerance. Let's also observe that without the Public you have no customers, no products, no basis for your industries, no sources of income, no purpose, no profits, and it becomes clear that you and your Pals in Government are the Useless Eaters around here. Your brand of medicine does not promote health, your brand of law does not promote justice, and your use of communications is purely to manipulate. Your banks are crooked as a dog's hind legs. Your Armed Forces are all illegal mercenary forces that you pay peanuts and disparage and blame for your own war profiteering. Your drugs are dangerous, addictive, and over-priced. Your "fertilizers" ruin the soil. Your vaccines cause diseases instead of preventing them. Your food provides little or no nutrition. Your water supplies are all tainted with heavy metals and poisonous metallic salts. The police services we pay for serve only to protect you and your cronies and your investments. Your so-called money is paper promises to pay someday. Exactly what is your "system" good for? Inefficient tax accounting? It's a given that government produces nothing and is dependent in nature, but what excuse do you have for producing bad products, and then expecting everyone else to pay for them? I count that as being worse than useless. All members of the United Nations Organization better wake up and realize that they are being used, individually and collectively, as a storefront for the UN CORPORATION, and the UN CORPORATION is functioning in a completely reckless and lawless manner, as well as being completely worthless in terms of producing any products or services that we need. If this situation offends you and if you are -- quite rightly, afraid that you will be blamed for the UN CORPORATION's actions, it's time to liquidate it as a criminal entity. And never let those involved in this vicious boondoggle have the privilege of incorporating another business anywhere ever again. Anna Maria Riezinger, By Anna Von Reitz This message is especially important for the Vatican Chancery Court and the United Nations as a whole, but it is directed to all the billionaire business elite tycoons gathered in Davos, Switzerland. The UN CORP chartered in Vichy France in 1943, during World War II, founded by French and Belgian Nazis --- is a real problem for you, the United Nations Organization. First, the WHO side of the World Health Organization is caught bilking the World Bank on Pandemic Bonds and contributing to the false pandemic narrative in exchange for kickbacks from the vaccine manufacturers. Second, NATO is caught with its member's hands in the Ukraine putsch and later, the development of all sorts of illegal bioweapon research and production facilities in Ukraine. Third, we have discovered all sorts of adrenochrome "factories" operating on mothballed DOD properties scattered throughout The United States --- complete with manifests for the "missing" children. WHO, NATO, DOD --- three Bad Actors and all connected to the UN CORP. It is now clear exactly who and what the "enemy" of all mankind is. And, to everyone's surprise, it's the very people who should be happiest, the ones who sit at the top of the pyramid, who have nothing in the world to worry about or wish for, who are causing all this turmoil, criminality, and grief. The US, INC. is not only being deliberately mismanaged, but so are all the commercial BANKS. We have evidence that all the other UN CORP franchises and affiliates are similarly being "weaponized" and mismanaged in a desperate bid to both garner last minute profits and "pull the plug". Many of the UN CORP's most corrupt franchises, the SEC, the FEDERAL RESERVE, and GOLDMAN-SACHS are already on the run to China, where they hope to parasitize the Chinese people just as they have done to us, exactly like Tapeworms moving on to a new host. You, the Corporatists gathered in Davos, have profited yourselves from this filthy and criminal "System" you built, and so now you are adding to your sins by destroying the communication and medical and financial systems and everything else you can pervert, maim, or destroy. But the UN CORP and its franchises didn't actually rebuild the world after World War II. We did. It was our private trust fund money that was commandeered by the military and the banks with barely a nod or a thank you to us --- that rebuilt everything after WWII. We rebuilt in another way, too, as individual people weighing in, doing the work, contributing the skills. Right now, you are in Davos trying to figure out how to keep on bilking the Public that you are ultimately dependent upon, while maintaining your claims of Odious Debt, and continuing to shuffle off your own corporate tax burdens onto future generations of living people. I have never heard such a lot of tripe in my life. Sooner or later, the snake has to eat its own tail. Let's observe, Geniuses, that you are dependent on the Public, and your corporations only exist by virtue of Public tolerance. Let's also observe that without the Public you have no customers, no products, no basis for your industries, no sources of income, no purpose, no profits, and it becomes clear that you and your Pals in Government are the Useless Eaters around here. Your brand of medicine does not promote health, your brand of law does not promote justice, and your use of communications is purely to manipulate. Your banks are crooked as a dog's hind legs. Your Armed Forces are all illegal mercenary forces that you pay peanuts and disparage and blame for your own war profiteering. Your drugs are dangerous, addictive, and over-priced. Your "fertilizers" ruin the soil. Your vaccines cause diseases instead of preventing them. Your food provides little or no nutrition. Your water supplies are all tainted with heavy metals and poisonous metallic salts. The police services we pay for serve only to protect you and your cronies and your investments. Your so-called money is paper promises to pay someday. Exactly what is your "system" good for? Inefficient tax accounting? It's a given that government produces nothing and is dependent in nature, but what excuse do you have for producing bad products, and then expecting everyone else to pay for them? I count that as being worse than useless. All members of the United Nations Organization better wake up and realize that they are being used, individually and collectively, as a storefront for the UN CORPORATION, and the UN CORPORATION is functioning in a completely reckless and lawless manner, as well as being completely worthless in terms of producing any products or services that we need. If this situation offends you and if you are -- quite rightly, afraid that you will be blamed for the UN CORPORATION's actions, it's time to liquidate it as a criminal entity. And never let those involved in this vicious boondoggle have the privilege of incorporating another business anywhere ever again. Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary The United States of America ---------------------------- See this article and over 3600 others on Anna's website here: To support this work look for the Donate button on this website. How do we use your donations? Find out here. ---------------------------- See this article and over 3600 others on Anna's website here: To support this work look for the Donate button on this website. How do we use your donations? Find out here. |
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