I was asked a provocative question this morning— who saves humanity? People seem to think that this rests on one teacher or teaching or individual, such as Jesus or Brahma or King David or Buddha or the Mahdi—- but it does not. Instead, humanity has to save itself, by discerning and following all teachings which honor life and health and love. A choice is set before each one of us: what do you want? Life or death? Peace or war? Lies or truth? Under the Universal Law of Freewill, it is our right and duty to choose. This is why the True Creator, AOUA, exhorts us to choose life. Choose life for ourselves and our planet. Turn away from choosing death and destruction. He gives us all the tools and information and trusts us to see the reasons, but it is still our choice. Like a good parent teaches their son how to drive a car, goes over the rules of the road, practices with him until he has the skills, makes sure he knows the laws, makes sure he has a car that is mechanically sound, does everything that can be done to prepare his son to drive —– and yet, there comes that moment, when the son drives out onto the open road, and it is his decisions that determine all the outcomes. Will he go wildly over the speed limit? Stray out of his lane into oncoming traffic? Take a turn too fast? Not recognize the danger of black ice on the road? We are all like that student driver. Our Creator has sent us teacher after teacher, road map after road map, and has lovingly and carefully prepared us, yet, it’s still up to us. Will we save ourselves or not? Educate Yourself: http://www.annavonreitz.com/charts.html http://www.annavonreitz.com/index.html https://tasa.americanstatenationals.org/correct-your-status/ Are You New to this Information? Get Up To Speed Fast! READ:
By Anna Von Reitz You are advised that the Trusteeship of the Philippine Government will terminate and be removed from said "independent government for the Philippines" established in 1934, at midnight, March 3, 2020, unless certain conditions are met. The Government of the Philippines is under demand to make correction of the following circumstance within three days of publication, or forfeit all trust assets back to the Donors, including the actual Julius Divinagracia. Rent on the Philippine Islands and the cost of defending the Philippine Islands during World War II and since then, will become due and payable on March 4, 2020, unless this matter is successfully concluded in our favor. Julius Divinagracia entered the United States as a Permanent Resident and changed his name to protect his identity more than twenty years ago. He adopted the State where he lives as his permanent home and domicile and has followed all the protocols his adopted State and The United States of America require to take this action, which stands published upon the Public Record Julius Divinagracia is under the protection of our government and has adopted a State of the Union as his permanent home and domicile. He is not under any obligation of United States political asylum or citizenship. He is neither a Territorial nor a Municipal citizen of any kind. An Imposter from the Philippines has assumed his identity and has attempted to pass himself off as Julius Diviniagracia, resulting in this nonsense: https://www.slideshare.net/ICJ-ICC/2017-usna-divinagracia-treaty This is Public Notice worldwide, that this is a fraudulent and criminal action having no basis in reality, and it will not be honored by The United States of America as anything valid. Many hundreds of people worldwide have cause to know the truth. We have the records and the proof and we are not pleased with this dishonest attempt to (again) substitute a "ringer" just as the same Parties substituted their criminal commercial corporations and infringed upon our trademarks to promote confusion between "The United States of America, Incorporated" and our government --- The United States of America. Any attempt to pass this fraud artist off as Julius Divinagracia is destined for failure and any action taken to acquiesce to this substitution will come to ruin. We denounce this as a complete and utter fraud owing immediate correction: https://www.google.ca/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fi.ytimg.com%2Fvi%2FDOE-xfopGM0%2Fhqdefault.jpg&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DDOE-xfopGM0&tbnid=G8VZjPLCipI7GM&vet=1&docid=6SoIhYhrs0HbhM&w=480&h=360&q=julius+divinagracia&source=sh%2Fx%2Fim&fbclid=IwAR3e37387gN3_S9ceAi5qaj4up8jmPRwFOmEGsJS0hNAWr0fDJ228BTZ6eM We call upon you as Commander-in-Chief to bring forward the lawful, legal, and correct claims of Julius Divinagracia without allowing any further obfuscation, fraud, criminal interference, or obstruction. The funding for your government and many other governments depends upon this chicanery being addressed and corrected. No justice can result from further fraud and injustice. This pattern of behavior must be overcome. As of this afternoon, Julius Divinagracia has removed the Rothschilds and the United States from their trusteeships, with prejudice, together with rejecting any role for the US Trustees and repudiating any presumption of bankruptcy or abandonment of his assets. All treaties and papers and agreements signed by this Filipino Interloper are denounced as open fraud. The independent government of the Philippines has three days to get their man out of Shanghai and come to Jesus. You, Mr. Trump, and the Pacific Fleet are being requested and required to act in our behalf. Whoever has promoted this substitution of a Third Party claiming to be Julius Divinagracia in order to displace an American State National and to dispose of his assets under conditions of fraud and deceit is an international criminal---and any such persons are to be identified, bound over, and charged. No funds from the Alpha Omega or Spiritual White Boy Accounts or any other Legacy Accounts can be accessed or released without consultation with and approval from both our government and the actual man, Julius Divinagracia, who stands upon our shores and who is owed all right, title, and interest in his private property and heir-ship, and who is the only one on Earth empowered to make treaties and disbursements in his name. It is your sworn duty and the duty of every member of the American Armed Forces including all those under contract to the U.S. Military, to uphold and protect the persons of all Americans per Article IV of The Constitution of the United States of America. Julius Divinagracia is an American, and his Good Name and Identity has been stolen, subjected to International theft, abuse, and false contracting processes. We believe that your duty in this matter is clear and that the Government of the Philippines has been, at the very least, derelict in its responsibilities as Trustees of American assets. They have been given three days to get this Mess straightened out. The clock is ticking. ---------------------------- See this article and over 2300 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com To support this work look for the PayPal buttons on this website. How do we use your donations? Find out here. Stop the Presses! Public Notice! by Justice Anna von Reitz Modern cryptography is based on computer “keys” — complex binary identifiers that unlock programs and “subroutines” that endlessly modify and jumble other equally complex “blocks” that act like locks to access other programs. Sigh. Oh, what a tangled web we weave…. But, there are older systems of cryptography, which simply means “secret” or “hidden” writing, going back to Megalithic times. These were in use for thousands of years and all over the planet, and these are what intrigued us, because although their pictographic meanings are often obscure to modern minds, they are actually more advanced than our binary system and so-called quantum models. Instead of tracking numbers and digits and pieces of the paper, these Megalithic Ciphers track resources, magnetic nodes, ley lines, maps to other star systems, history, lineages of people, treaties, and all sorts of things that are otherwise hidden from us. Because they are so different from modern systems and because so few people study them, it is perhaps not surprising that these were the codes chosen to hide the most closely guarded secrets of the banking industry. In a way, Karen Hudes was right. We have been blown back to the stone age, but not by The United States of America. First, a little bank history. Everyone heard of UBS? This bank was founded in modern times in Switzerland in 1862 (note– just after the “American Civil War” started) as the Bank in Winterthur. It has since grown into the largest private bank in the world, but if you look at its familiar three crossed keys logo, which also appears on the Vatican Coat of Arms, what do you see? Is it United Bank of Switzerland or Urban Bank of Serbia? And what is the Urban Bank? The bank of the Urban Trust. And what is the Urban Trust? The Trust of the City of Rome, founded 753 BC. The three crossed keys stand for the three keys of enslavement — mind, body, and soul. And who subverted and converted the principal of the Urban Trust? Jamie Dimon, the CEO of JP Morgan. I’d have a heart attack, too, if I were him, because he and his buddies have been messing with things that are thousands of years old, things that he could not possibly understand. And JP Morgan acted as the receiver and distributer of purloined private assets to banks all over the world. We know, because we have the testimony of the heirs and the assigns of the trusts, and the bank transaction history showing the deposit with JP Morgan and the re-assignment of assets to all these other banks. So it is not in dispute how JP Morgan finagled — without full disclosure — to obtain the signature authority to secure the deposit of the Urban Trust Assets, nor is it any secret how JP Morgan distributed the assets to the other banks. So what does this theft of Urban Trust Assets by JP Morgan have to do with UBS — and you? It basically represents the re-capitalization of bankrupt central banks using private assets without the consent of the depositors. Think of it as the biggest illegal bail-in in human history. UBS is indeed the largest private bank on Earth and during the furor of the Second World War, it’s Receipt Book was stolen. It disappeared like the Nazi gold, right from under our noses. The records from 1862 onward showing which nations borrowed from which nations and which financial accords were signed that affected private bank deposits — all of it — vanished, along with depositor records— that is, the receipts showing who deposited what. This left UBS (and the Urban Trust) in possession of vast amounts of private assets, and not a clue who any of it belonged to. No record of the depositors, and only account-level records of the assets. Think of it as the ultimate “Swiss Banking Gone Wrong” scenario. This led, in 1963, to the famous Green Hilton Memorial Agreement, which was aimed at unlocking all the assets the Americans deposited in the Philippines, and all the “abandoned assets” from “unknown sources” that were in the Urban Trust and in limbo because of the missing Receipt record. The circumstance concerning the missing Receipt records is referenced at the very beginning of the Green Hilton Memorial Agreement, which admits it is being substituted for lack of the Receipt book. Enter Julius Divinagracia, gatekeeper of the asset accounts, complete with all the account-level information that did survive WWII, insisting that the accounts be assigned to him, which, in the absence of any other private authority or record, the Principals all agreed to. They all signed off and granted him Power of Attorney to settle the issues, and bypass the Green Hilton Memorial Agreement, because his information was the most complete and accurate description of the known private asset accounts. He was promptly picked up by the CIA and cashiered away as a permanent US Resident, unable to travel or speak or do much of anything to exercise his Powers of Attorney, thanks to the same False Registration processes that were used to defraud everyone else in this country. They gave him a new name and he “disappeared” leaving the funds once more in limbo. Enter Ernest Rauthschild, yet another one of them, making a claim to own the “abandoned” assets in the name of the “indigenous people” of the Earth. We are all “indigenous” to the Earth, but he means to restrict that meaning to brown and black-skinned people, attaching some special (and specious) importance to how much melanin one has in one’s skin. That is, a new basis for claiming to be “special and elite” and another new basis for oppressing people based on physical characteristics. More of the same old crap. Unable to locate the actual Julius Divinagracia and the records, Ernest has brought forward one of five CIA “plants” who have been groomed to play the part of Julius Divinagracia, and has been using this man to claim the ability to open the asset accounts. Right. Only he’s provably not the actual Julius Divinagracia….. and nothing he says or signs counts for anything, because the Powers of Attorney were not issued to him. Meantime, we are suspicious, because Receipt books of major private banks and such ancient and venerable Trust organizations don’t just go missing. Someone gave the Receipt book of the Urban Trust to someone for safekeeping. And who would that be? Princess Alice of Battenberg, Mother of Prince Philip, who received it from the Eastern Orthodox Church Patriarch who was entrusted to carry it out of Serbia following the blitzkrieg through Czechoslovakia, and who was intercepted by the Greek Government enroute to Istanbul. All this cloak and dagger is about a missing, albeit, very important bank receipt book. Following our principle that the Brits are reliably at the bottom of every dog pile, we started looking in Britain first —- and guess what? Yes, there it is, the long-lost missing UBS Receipt Book, chopped up, re-distributed, all the pieces whereabouts and content hidden. The people who received the pages were simply told to “keep this information in a safe place” and had no idea what they were holding onto or why. Obviously, accidentally-on-purpose the Brits carried their “safekeeping” a bit too far, and that turned into their subsequent denial of knowing anything about anything at all. One is reminded of Sergeant Schultz — “I know nothing! I see nothing!” Everyone knows Princess Alice wasn’t herself. What Receipt book? When, where, why, who? What are you talking about? Meanwhile, of course, the pages were all photographed by the British Government. Eventually these were transferred to microfiche. And later, they were made into digital files. The key to the dispersal was modernized. And then the whole pile was hidden under a Megalithic Cipher code system that nobody but Indian Jones could make head nor tail of and hidden away. We are pleased to announce that the missing Receipt has been found, completely recompiled with recent records since WWII, copied to flash drives, and distributed all over the world, so that there is no longer any doubt about the provenance and ownership of any of the actual assets held as “Special Deposits” in any bank in the Urban Trust network. The so-called “Private Bank Crisis” is over, and both the account information and the original Receipt book is recovered and under the protection of The United States of America. It’s not the corona virus causing all the upset and scrambling, except for the weak-minded among us. It’s the exposure of many, many, many dirty bank deals and international intrigues going back to the Civil War days, coupled with the need to shut Washington, DC, down for 90 days to complete the bankruptcy of the UNITED STATES, INC., under some pretense, that is mandating the chaos. Face the fact: the corona virus is a bust. It’s highly contagious, yes, but it is not nearly as deadly as some parties had supposed and hoped. The spectacle of all these “quarantines” and hysteria and hype is staged. It’s all BS. The virus itself is about as dangerous as a bad case of flu, which is to say that it is no reason for hysteria and also to note that quarantines are useless. The United States of America hereby serves Public Notice that upon the dissolution of the primary Municipal United States Corporation, all assets are claimed, re-conveyed, and re-venued to The United States of America, our unincorporated Federation of States, and to the States and People of this country acting in our sovereign capacity to conduct our own business affairs as a civilian government. Acknowledgement and acceptance of the return of our delegated Powers upon the incapacity of the Subcontractors already stands on the Public Record and has been published worldwide. The return of our assets to our control and our international domain, also follows upon default by Operation of Law. . Dear Mr. Trump-- Credit Collection and Why USN is Better, But Not The Answer Credit Collection Notice of Dispute
By Anna Von Reitz Right now, you have a "DEED" on your property record that is held by the STATE OF WHATEVER --- STATE OF VERMONT, STATE OF TEXAS, etc. That entity is bankrupt, because its parent corporation, the UNITED STATES, INC., went bankrupt via Chapter 7 Involuntary Bankruptcy in 2015. It's gone and it isn't coming back. So now what? Your property that was being held "in trust" by the UNITED STATES, INC. is being caught up in their bankruptcy and considered chattel backing their debts, simply because you have not stepped forward as the "Powerholder" over the ESTATE and claimed it and properly directed what is to be done with it. As a result, the British Territorial United States Government run by the military is stepping in and converting all those land recordings to registrations --- unlawfully seizing upon your land holdings and turning them into property owned and controlled by the Queen and the British Crown. They will then re-issue a new "title" to your property under the auspices of some organization calling itself something like "State of Wisconsin" or "WISCONSIN" or whatever the name of your actual state is, and most people will not be the wiser --- unless you tell them and you all take action to save your property and yourselves. We have to create a Major Stink over this one, and bring our complaints to the UN and every foreign government that will hear us. The UN is not in charge of us because of some legislation passed by the Municipal Congress, but it has plenty of hand-holds on Britain if American sovereignty is being threatened --- as it is, by this egregious land-grab. We already have liens reclaiming the States of States and State Trusts for the actual States and The United States and The United States of America, so you are already somewhat insured, but you need to re-record your land claims in terms of physical landmarks, not their airy-fairy "land descriptions". People are having trouble wrapping their heads around this concept, so here's a typical for-instance. You currently have a Deed of Trust or a Warranty Deed sitting on your property. You will want to record a "Notice of Vacated Deed Conveyance". In that Notice you will want to reference the various land descriptions that have been attached to your property, giving the details of each such description, for example: "The property formerly described as "Block 11, Lot 10, Herkimer Subdivision" in the town of Herkimer, Pennsylvania, recorded by the COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA, Document Number 12-90104, recorded on May 3, 1985, and as also described as 4536 Hillsboro Road and recorded by the State of Pennsylvania in the Township of Herkimer and shown on the Town Plat as Item 1290-1992, Page 15099, Plat 11-342, Volume III, is hereby conveyed to Pennsylvania and stands upon the land and soil of Pennsylvania as a two acre irregularly shaped plot of land in the general form of a triangle enclosed by green metal posts and piles of native granite around the posts, located as boundary markers at each corner of the triangle. The land and soil has been physically surveyed by Keith A. Pierce and Sons, Surveyors, of Herkimer, Pennsylvania, and that survey is accepted as an accurate physical description of the location of this privately owned plot within Pennsylvania's borders. All right, title, and interest in this property belongs to Pennsylvania, a State of the Union, and to me, the Powerholder enforcing the State Trust. All Deeds issued by the STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA, the COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA, PENNSYLVANIA, or other franchises of the UNITED STATES are vacated and re-conveyed to the original jurisdiction of Pennsylvania, free and clear of debt, as a Freehold upon the land and soil of Pennsylvania." Sign it as the Powerholder in your Upper and Lower Case Name, First and Last only, using a by-line like this: by: George Allenby, Powerholder, for Allenby, George-Frederick, of Herkimer, Pennsylvania. This last bit is necessary because in their records, we are not listed as "George Allenby" or as "George Frederick Allenby", but are instead listed as "Allenby, George-Frederick. They've gobbered everything up with their endless deceits to such an extent that I think Frank Zappa was right --- just call your children by nonsense names that do not conform to their system of nomenclature at all, and adopt whatever kind of name you want for yourselves, as well. They want to run the world in abuse of trusts and false nomenclature? Fine. Millions of people can play the same game. Change your name every month or two and give them (Vital Statistics) notice of the change. I, Frank Marvin Williams, have changed my name to Funkweiler P. Morgan as of November 11, 2017...... and then a month later..... I, Funkweiler P. Morgan have changed my name to Little Funk Morgan, otherwise known as LF Morgan, as of April 18, 2018......and then a month later.... I, Little Funk Morgan, otherwise known as LF Morgan, have changed my name to Pittance LF Marvin as of October 10, 2018..... Why not? They want to seize upon our names and play these stupid games to unjustly enrich themselves via fraud and False Claims in commerce? They want to define "JOHN ADAMS" as a Public Charitable Trust of the foreign Municipal United States Government? They want to pretend that registration of land assets is proper? Well, you are the Powerholder and you can define where your land and soil interests are "seated" ---- and how they are defined, too. We, The United States of America, will be opening our Land and Soil Recording Offices soon and you can record your interest in your private property with us for a small fee. Just be sure to do your paperwork and declare your birthright political status first. ---------------------------- See this article and over 1900 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com Start Your Paperwork Now!
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