By Anna Von Reitz The People own the Republics, the Republics own the States, and the States own all the various "States of States" ----National, Territorial, and Municipal. The United States of America (Unincorporated) acts as the Holding Company of all the international powers of the States --- all international powers delegated and un-delegated, in all jurisdictions, air, land, and sea. The United States of America (Unincorporated) delegated certain enumerated powers in the international jurisdiction of the sea to three subordinate organizations --- National, Territorial, and Municipal -- via three constitutional agreements. In the event that the delegated powers cannot be exercised properly by those entrusted to exercise them, they revert back to the Donor/Grantor of those enumerated powers --- The United States of America (Unincorporated). The National-level States of States were moth-balled "pending reconstruction" and usurped upon by the Territorial United States which secretively substituted its own Territorial States of States for those owed to the people of this country. Now both the Territorial United States and its States of States and the Municipal United States and its STATES OF STATES are bankrupt and in receivership. All three levels of government exercising the delegated powers are incompetent, so all powers they held revert back to The United States of America (Unincorporated), which retained all un-delegated powers from the start. So, once again, all powers in international jurisdiction --- air, land, and sea, delegated and un-delegated, are held by The United States of America (Unincorporated) and its member States. The United States of America (Unincorporated) has taken the necessary steps to reclaim the National, Territorial, and Municipal Assets and acknowledged, accepted, and re-conveyed the delegated powers. It has renewed and re-issued its Sovereign Letters Patent and preserved the constitutional system pending action by a Continental United States Congress of State Fiduciary Deputies. The United States of America (Unincorporated) has summoned the actual land jurisdiction States of the Union Federation to assemble and they are doing so. In the meantime, The United States of America (Unincorporated) remains as the only internationally competent government representing this country and its people. This in no way weakens the lawful or legal standing of this country or its government. Our Hired Help can go bankrupt until the cows come home without it impacting the standing of The United States of America (Unincorporated) as their Priority Creditor and Lawful Holder in Due Course of all powers, prerogatives, and assets owed to the States and the People. There is no excuse for any pretense that our assets are "abandoned" or our actual government in "abeyance". Those false claims have already been thoroughly rebutted and Due Notice and Due Process has been afforded the organizations and principals responsible for this deplorable performance for a number of years. Fraud vitiates everything, even the most solemn contracts, even dispositions of property made in past. In the course of our investigations, we discovered that our delegated powers have been abused by the Territorial and Municipal United States and that our copyrights have been infringed, and that our Patent and Trademark Office has been abused without our knowledge or consent. The Territorial United States and Municipal United States have formed franchises worldwide and operated those franchises as subordinate assets; they in turn have issued charters to vast numbers of incorporated entities ---- all of which now come under the ownership and administration of The United States of America (Unincorporated) and the respective member States. We are not members of or bound by the Geneva or Hague Conventions, however, with respect to our assets and our government, we own the Territorial and Municipal Governments that are signatories; not only do we own our own Territorial and Municipal Government corporations, we own their franchises -- the States of States -- and all the commercial corporations that have been formed under their auspices. This results in a situation in which we are the de facto owners and record title holders of most of the governments and commercial corporations on Earth. It was the intent of the perpetrators to run up insurmountable debts against us and our assets, seek bankruptcy protection for themselves, and leave us holding the bag. They also counted on us to remain asleep and acquiesce to their false claims of abandonment of our assets. This country and many other countries around the world have suffered the equivalent of identity theft and credit fraud --- and still the central banks and international trustees responsible are trying to avoid the necessity of correction. This shall serve as a Notice of Prohibition objecting to any bankruptcy settlement made "in our behalf" by the perpetrators or their secondaries and bankruptcy trustees that does not provide for the return of our assets free and clear and the return of all profits, leases, escrows, insurances, bond income, intellectual properties, copyrights, patents, trademarks, accounts, logos, and other beneficial interests which are ours and which we have enumerated at length. We are not being unreasonable or unkind or seeking any unjust enrichment; by the same token, we are resolved not to bear any Odious Debts, false title claims, or further Breach of Trust. We require what is ours returned to this country, together with all remedy and restitution rightfully and naturally owed to our States and People. ---------------------------- See this article and over 900 others on Anna's website here: To support this work look for the PayPal button on this website.
By Anna Von Reitz We've been lied to. It's really as simple as that. So, now that we know, we are responsible for making correction. We were told in school that "The Articles of Confederation" which created a "perpetual union" of the National-level States of America as of March 1, 1781, was somehow replaced by the constitutional agreements that came along a decade later. But that's a lie. If it were true, there would be action either by The United States of America (Unincorporated) or by the States of America in Congress Assembled, repealing and dissolving The Articles of Confederation. No such documentation exists. Therefore, The Articles of Confederation remain in full force and effect. Just like the non-existent Declaration of War commencing what has been misnamed "The American Civil War" and the non-existent Peace Treaty ending it ---it's what isn't there, but should be, that tells the tale. So let's look a bit deeper. The United States of America (Unincorporated) came into existence September 9, 1776. It's member states are international land jurisdiction states simply named like this: Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont..... et alia. This is a positive "federation" of states and is therefore described as "federal"--- as in "federal government" and "Federal Marshals". It has also been deceitfully misapplied as an adjective: Federal Reserve, Federal Express, Federal Credit Unions. People need to remember that just because something says "federal" doesn't mean that it is part of our lawful government. There are many kinds of "federations" and many federations on Earth that can and do refer to themselves as "federal"--- yet have nothing to do with The United States of America (Unincorporated). The States of America came into existence March 1, 1781. Please note that both Unions came into existence during the actual Revolutionary War. It's member states are National-level States of States functioning in the international jurisdiction of the sea named like this: The State of New Hampshire, The State of Vermont, The State of Georgia...... This is a negative "confederation" of states naturally resulting from, yes, you guessed it --- The Articles of Confederation. As you can see from the title of the original National-level constitution called "The Constitution for the united States of America" --- the word "united" is used as a descriptive adjective and is not part of the Proper Name, which is clearly "States of America"--- the name of the Confederation of States formed under The Articles of Confederation. When the so-called Civil War broke out, members of this pre-existing Confederation of States doing business as States of America, broke away from it. The State of Georgia, The State of North Carolina, The State of South Carolina, et alia, then formed a new union of National-level States of States called---- yes, appropriately enough, The Confederate States of America. Why? Because they were forming a new "confederation" of states. Like the word "federal", the word "confederate" is simply a descriptive adjective telling us what kind of organization and membership is involved. So: The United States of America (Unincorporated) is a federation of international land jurisdiction States doing business as: Iowa, Maine, Wisconsin.... The States of America (Unincorporated) is a confederation of international sea jurisdiction States of States doing business as: The State of Maine, The State of Wisconsin..... and so on. In your lifetime you have probably never seen a reference to, for example, The State of Georgia---- and if you did, you would probably assume that it was talking about the State of Georgia you are familiar with, but you would be wrong. The only State of Georgia that we are now familiar with is the Territorial "State of Georgia, Incorporated" --- an incorporated franchise of a foreign, for-profit, privately owned and operated commercial corporation in the business of providing "essential government services" under an international treaty and secondary commercial services contract called, The Constitution of the United States of America". National Constitution = The Constitution for the united States of America. (1787) Territorial Constitution = The Constitution of the United States of America. (1789) Municipal Constitution = The Constitution of the United States. (1790) Generations of American school children have been taught nothing about the actual founding Constitution upon which the other two Constitutions depend for their existence. This is because the Territorial and Municipal Governments exercise "powers" that are only delegated to them. First, The United States of America (Unincorporated) whose international land jurisdiction States originally also held all the "powers" in the international jurisdiction of the sea, delegated their powers in the international jurisdiction of the sea to their own National-level States of America (Unincorporated). From 1776 to 1781, the States, like Vermont, did it all. In 1781, they separated their land jurisdiction functions from their sea jurisdiction functions and delegated the international sea jurisdiction to The States of America. For example, Vermont delegated its international sea jurisdiction to The State of Vermont. From 1781 to 1787, The States of America held and exercised all "powers" in the international jurisdiction of the sea. In 1787, following the adoption of The Constitution for the united States of America, these National-level States of States split their powers and delegated a portion of their powers in the international jurisdiction of the sea to the British-backed Territorial United States. The nineteen enumerated powers were said to be delegated under the Treaty of Peace, Paris, 1783 --- the deal cut with George III to end the Revolutionary War. After the so-called Civil War, which was actually just a nasty illegal commercial mercenary conflict on our shores, the British Territorial United States exercising its constitutionally granted responsibility to provide our States with a "mutual defense" acted in gross Breach of Trust. They set up a foreign commercial corporation and named it "The United States of America, Incorporated" --infringing on our copyrights and abusing our delegated powers. It opened up franchises in every state under deceptively similar and incomplete names --- the State of Georgia (Incorporated), the State of New Hampshire (Incorporated), and so on, so as to deceive and defraud the American People into thinking that these new foreign Territorial United States businesses were "the same as" The State of Georgia and The State of New Hampshire, et alia. What happened to our National-level States of States? To put a nice face on their illegal and immoral usurpations and Breach of Trust, the British and their bought-and-paid-for American sycophants operating the Territorial Congress "as if" it were the actual National-level Congress, rolled the assets of the original National-level States of States into land trusts, and have operated them for their own benefit under names like: Texas State, Florida State, and Iowa State. While deliberately defrauding and deceiving Americans into thinking that their Territorial "State of Georgia" was the same as and fulfilling the same role as "The State of Georgia", they told the rest of the world that our National-level States of State were under "reconstruction" and that our National Government was in "abeyance". They lied out of both sides of their mouths -- working a constructive fraud against us and another constructive fraud aimed at the rest of the world--- all to cover up their own illicit, immoral, illegal, and unlawful usurpations against their loyal employers. They are criminals and fraud artists, and when these facts began to be explored, they claimed that all this was excused under the exigencies of "war"--- the so-called Civil War, a "war" that never was. Our States have been at peace since 1814. Our People remain exactly where they have always been, despite the deliberate falsification of millions of public records by agents of the British Crown Corporation. We have seen the evidence in full and we declare that this is not and never was anything but unbridled international crime and legal chicanery carried out by the British Crown and the British Government and the British Monarch operating under conditions of open and deliberate fraud, Breach of Trust, and violation of Commercial Contracts (the Constitutions) owed to us. Whereupon we have, promptly upon discovery of these facts and these actions purportedly taken "for" us and in "our behalf" --- objected in the strongest terms possible, have given extensive international Notice, have established international liens and published our Private Registered Indemnity Bonds in favor of the America States and People. We have "returned home" and corrected the falsified public records and reorganized The United States of America (Unincorporated) to bring forward the claims of this nation and our sovereign member States. We delegated none of our powers on the soil and land, and upon the inability of our National-level States of States to perform their delegated powers in the international jurisdiction of the sea, all such delegated powers naturally and by right return to us. Not the British "Help". We testify before the entire world that our sovereign States, Maine, Wisconsin, Iowa, California, Texas, et alia, have never ceased to function and are not now or ever in any kind of "abeyance" and neither, for that matter, has our federation of States ever ceased to function. Our Law is the American Common Law. Our money is the American Silver Dollar. We are alive and well, though we have been the victims of international criminals, and despite their falsification of our public records and their abuse of our Patent, Trademark, and Copyright Offices, we have "returned home" to our natural permanent domicile on the land and soil of our native states. We call upon every nation to bear Witness to these facts and to the Great Fraud that Britain and the international banking cartels have wrought upon the rest of the world. We call upon every peacekeeping and law enforcement unit in every state and nation to bear Witness that we, The United States of America (Unincorporated) and our member States, are the lawful government of this country, the Source of Record for all delegations of power without exception, and we have seized back control of our rightful dominion and have acknowledged, accepted, and re-conveyed our delegated powers and our assets back to our own control. All land jurisdiction and international sea jurisdiction powers are rightfully ours and we claim them, together with all assets held in trust, all leases, all rents, all escrows, all insurances, all pensions and everything else that is due and payable. The criminally mis-directed Municipal and Territorial "Governments" need to stand down and do their actual work in good faith or get out. There will be no further pretension of our government being in "abeyance" in any respect or at any level. We are at peace and it is our desire to remain so, but we are not going to tolerate any more British Bunko or excuses from international banks refusing to allow us access to our own accounts or any more pillaging and plundering of bogus "public trusts" by Territorial and Municipal Courts dry-docked on our shores. It's over. All Territorial and Municipal Employees both military and civilian have only two options: (1) go back to work and do your work in Good Faith and in behalf of the American States and People, or (2) be recognized as undeclared Foreign Agents and face international confiscation of your assets worldwide and deportation from our shores as criminals. We will not honor the claims of birthright political status or protection that would otherwise be owed to any individuals who have knowingly undermined our government, preyed upon our people, pillaged our resources, or accepted titles of nobility from foreign governments in defiance of our constitutional prohibitions. Our shores will not be used as safe havens for criminals any more. All members of the Bar Associations are suspect and any that fail to immediately cease and desist pillaging and plundering non-existent public trusts upon receipt of Mandatory Notice from any American claiming their birthright political status are subject to immediate arrest as war criminals and international confiscation of their assets. All Americans not in the direct employment of the Territorial or Municipal Governments must be presumed to be lawful non-citizen and non-decedent people of the state republics without exception. All Territorial military tribunals operating as "US District Courts" and all associated federated "State of" and "County of" Court Systems are hereby warned that all Americans who are not explicitly and actually federal civilian or military employees are naturally exempt from their jurisdiction and may not be presumed to be volunteers based on any public or private records or purported labor contracts, owing to the vast and widespread falsification of these records. Even off-duty federal civilian and military employees must be accorded the protections of their birthright political status and afforded their Constitutional guarantees. All prison wardens who are keeping American State Nationals under false arrest are hereby subjected to arrest and asset confiscation if they fail to release American prisoners accused of victim-less crimes and/or statutory code infractions that these people are naturally exempt from. All Americans claiming their birthright political status are owed The Law of Peace, Department of the Army Pamphlet 27-161-1. All Municipal courts operating illegally outside the District of Columbia must be shut down without further ado and returned to local control of the States and actual Counties. So Ordered under the authority of The United States of America (Unincorporated) 1776, by Postal District 3 Court, Judge Anna Maria Riezinger. Please forward copies of this Order to President Donald J. Trump and British Prime Minister May and the Office of the Prosecutor at the Hague at your earliest possible convenience. ---------------------------- See this article and over 900 others on Anna's website here: By Anna Von Reitz I work with confused people every day. Most often they are confused about the very foundations of their lives and their existences. Many believe that they are free, when in fact, they are enslaved. Many believe that they are "US Citizens", when in fact, they are Americans. Many think they are "Christian", but in fact, they are practicing a foreign religion. The Essence of Evil is deceit and confusion. We fail to recognize Evil, and do what is wrong, because we believe that the Evil we are doing is right. We are confused. "Forgive them, for they know not what they do," says it all. We go to war, thinking that we are protecting our country, when in fact we are murdering innocent people to profit evil men. We store up symbols of wealth and power, and we worship these idols, believing that they have value. We enter into marriage as a commercial contract, because we have been taught no better. Truly, wherever you look, you see that the world is upside down. Doctors promote disease. Lawyers peddle injustice. Servants rule. The Good suffer and the Evil prosper. Yet, we take all this for granted and stumble on? We already have "one world religion" ---- the Religion of Lies. It has served Satan since the early days and was so at the time of Jesus and still is now. There is some information I need to give to everyone, regardless of what religion you may follow --- practical information you will need to make sense of things. Is there one united group of all those who love Jesus at the end-- a universal church, though it may not be called a church at all? Yes, there are those who belong to him who come from all nations and churches and even other faiths. John 10:16. This is the first key. Expect this. Know this. How will you recognize Him despite all the confusion and false prophets? The most simple and natural means of all: his voice. You will know him the same way you know the voice of a family member. John 10:3-5. This is the second key. There is one voice, and you will know it. What is the truth about these times and the nature of Mankind? "They know not, neither will they understand; they walk on in darkness; all the foundations of the earth are out of course" ---- yet, "I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High." Psalm 82:5-6. These are our times and this is our nature. This is the third key. Those who correct their understanding and yield to the Truth within them, will live as children of the most High God. They will rise up and be like the Good Shepherd they follow, certain of their steps, humble in their gladness. No earthly power can cheat them of what they are. All their treasure is in Heaven; who will take it from them? Surely, their portion is set aside, and what part of it was not earned? These are things for us to think upon and know in these days when we are tested and the Devil tries his final Grand Slams, his Biggest Lies, his most devious Plans. We shall come from the far corners of the Earth, from all races and nations, from all faiths and systems of belief, for we are called as a sheep is called by its name and by its Shepherd. We are called despite all differences. We shall hear his voice and we shall answer. We will not be deceived. We will not be confused. At no moment will we be left unguarded. We are safe with our Shepherd and our Shepherd is with us. We shall see the Darkness, but not be dismayed; we are the children of the most High God, made for this day and in His image. So now you know who you truly are and what to expect in the days to come. Let nothing make you afraid, for the days of Satan are done and his outcome is assured. ---------------------------- See this article and over 1700 others on Anna's website here: By Anna Von Reitz Many of you are here, because you are in trouble. Or you are afraid that you will be in trouble in the future. You see the coercive power of what we call "the government" and you feel the chill when someone says, "FBI" or "IRS". You can't even drive home from the grocery store without feeling oppressed and afraid of your own employees. You are here because you know something is wrong, just like the title of my book: "You Know Something Is Wrong When..... An American Affidavit of Probable Cause". You know or have cause to know that whatever you build, whatever you create, can be stolen from you by soul-less corporations and mindless bureaucrats. Even your children can be taken away by these same thugs in nice suits. And that is why you are here---- to learn how things got this bad and what you can do to protect yourself. But if you stop there, if you are content with just that much, then you are okay, but "the" problem remains, and it gets worse year by year. Nothing has really changed. How about your children? None of us last forever. So you have to teach them. They have to learn what you learn, so they can protect themselves, too. Lord knows, the government isn't going to protect them. The government thinks its job is to protect itself at our expense. The government has to learn otherwise. We are just a tiny part of the world's population. It's nice that we are making progress and claiming back our lawful estate, but billions of people are still clueless, still enslaved---- and as long as they are, is anyone safe? Really? For how long? You see now why you are being empowered and called to lead? To make the world safe and sane again, to turn what is upside down right side up. That's why you are here. That's why you are all leaders. Now, it might not have occurred to you when you started that you were called to do anything more than save yourself from a traffic ticket, and maybe you might not have come, if someone told you --- hey, you! You are going to save this country, and right after that, you are going to save the world! But as amazing as that is, that's why you are here. That's what you are being called to do: save this beautiful country. Save your countrymen. And then, reach out and save the world. You can do this. How do I know you can do this? Because you are here. What you learn, you are going to share. What we do together, you are going to do alone and with other people, until everyone knows what you know. If you never thought of yourself as a leader, start thinking of yourself as a leader now. Because you are one, a leader, and the change we all need starts here and now, with you. It starts at your dinner table, your church, and your health club. It starts with your spouse, your children, your best friend, and the guys at work. They may not want to hear the bad news, but they will want to hear the good news. And the good news is that the Americans are back, standing on the land and soil, and not accepting any suppositions otherwise. That's good news. It means that the surreptitious theft of our own identities and the theft of our country and our resources is at an end. How do I know that this vicious con game is at an end? Because you are here, and once you know the truth, you can't "un-know" it. You are now in possession of your heritage and you are beginning to learn who you are and how powerful you are. You've been told that you are stupid. You've been told that you are a "US Citizen". You've been told that you are in hopeless debt. You've been told that you have to obey your own employees. You've been told that you are a tenant on your own land. You've been told that you have to take I.O.U.s in exchange for your labor. You've been told that you have to take I.O.U.s in exchange for your goods. You've been told that your allegiance is pledged to a borrowed flag. You've been told that you have to give up over half your earnings to taxes. You've been told that the perpetrators of all this are bankrupt. You've been told that that THING in DC is "your" government. And none of these things are true. Day by day from now on, you are going to rise up and restore the American Government you are owed. And so will I do the same. And so will those we teach and inspire to know what freedom is and how our government and the rest of the world is supposed to operate. Being misinformed, being purposefully misrepresented and defrauded, is not a matter of stupidity or politics. It's a matter of premeditated crime. The reason you will push yourself outside your Comfort Zone and begin talking to people about these things ---- even those people who don't want to hear --- is because you want this to be a good, safe, and decent country again, for your own sake, for the sake of our children, and for the good of the whole world. That's why you, even the least of you, are going to be leaders. That's why you are here, reading this. ---------------------------- See this article and over 1700 others on Anna's website here: |
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You Choose the Amount Differences between being American and being a U.S. CitizenAnna von reitz