![]() Broadcast to All Americans By Anna Von Reitz I am going to put this to you as bluntly as only a Great-Grandma can: Our actual government has been “missing” — “in interregnum” and “held in abeyance” for 160 years. Get that firmly in your head. It "disappeared" without a forwarding address, rode off into the sunset and left the Hired Help in charge. That happened in 1860.The mess you now see is the result of letting the Hired Help manage your business "for" you for 160 years. These foreign Territorial and Municipal Subcontractors have been "representing" us as Proxies and as Agents for 160 years. But they are not us. Except in the sense that they exercise certain 'powers" delegated to them under The Constitution of the United States of America (Territorial) and The Constitution of the United States (Municipal) respectively, they aren't our government, either. They are foreigners and part of a foreign citizenry on our shores to provide --- as Article IV puts it --- "essential government services". Except for the aforesaid delegation of some enumerated powers, ours is a completely separate, sovereign, and independent Government. Our Government is being summoned into Session for the first time since 1860 to deal with the long-overdue "Reconstruction" of our American Confederation and the American Federal Republic -- the portion of the Federal Government that is supposed to be run by Americans. And all our foreign Hirelings and their responsible Principals --- the Queen, the Pope, the Lord Mayor ---- are being put on Notice of our return. That is what is happening.Now, all you Americans out there, listen up. You have to declare your political status as Americans, because in your "absence" certainly "liberties" have been taken by your erstwhile Public Servants. They have deliberately misidentified you as one of them, so that they have you all marked down as both a Territorial Citizen and as a Municipal "citizen" ---- but not counted as an American all. This has been done to control you, to steal your assets by racketeering and pillaging, and to subject you to the foreign laws administered by their courts. This is how they have colluded to evade their obligations under the Constitutions. As foreigners, they have no constitutional "rights" or guarantees, and they have conspired to deprive you of yours by misidentifying you as one of them.Read the Constitutions. Article VI contains the Supremacy Clause. There is no higher law for them to obey than the Law of the Land. Read Amendment X. Anything that isn't specifically delegated to them remains our bailiwick. Read Amendment XI. No American is subject to foreign law.This is the only law you have in common with them, but it hasn't been enforced for 160 years. It's time to enforce it, lawfully, peacefully, and with authority.The American States Assembly is calling you to do your Public Duty. Declare your birthright political status as an American and join your State Assembly.It is up to you to do the work of self-governance and it is up to THEM to stand by their constitutional agreements. Any other response on their part is a crime against their long-suffering employers. ----------------------------See this article and over 2700 others on Anna's website here:www.annavonreitz.com To support this work look for the PayPal buttons on this website. 2725. Broadcast to All Americans Part 1 http://annavonreitz.com/broadcasttoamericans.pdf
2726. Broadcast to All Americans: Part 2 http://annavonreitz.com/broadcasttoamericans2.pdf 2727. Broadcast to All Americans: Part 3 http://annavonreitz.com/broadcasttoamericans3.pdf 2733. Broadcast to All Americans: Part 4 http://annavonreitz.com/broadcasttoamericans4.pdf
![]() By Anna Von Reitz I just filed a rebuttal to the Rip Off Report filed by some member of the Reign of the Heavens Society, one of the three principle teams of con artists assailing and trying to misrepresent the States and People. It never fails that the process of projecting one's own guilt on others leads these offenders to accuse innocent parties of doing exactly what they are doing themselves: attempting to rip off the American People and mislead them into supporting more fraud against their own interests. In case it has missed the notice of many readers, there are trillions of dollars up for grabs ---- your National Credit, now standing at more than $25 trillion dollars, 20,000 tons of gold confiscated by the Franklin Delano Roosevelt Administration, all the American gold transported to the Philippines for safekeeping prior to the 1906 bankruptcy, your stock portfolios and ownership interests in the Fortune 500 and thousands of other corporations around the world, and the value and ownership of your land assets --- are all on the line. That's why these shady organizations like the Reign of the Heavens Society and Russell J. Gould's PsyOp, and the "United States of North America" are popping up like mushrooms. The rest of the world wasn't left as ignorant by their Public School system as you were. And the United Nations Corporation which engineered all this, is sitting in the background, still hoping to claim that America is "abandoned" and that the Americans all disappeared circa 1860, and have left the entire country and everyone in it up for grabs, subject as chattel for the debts that the United Nations Corporation and its franchises. In other words, you and your children and your grandchildren have been targeted as the goats. The other countries were all supposed to get a piece of your "abandoned" pie ---- your land, your National Credit, your homes, your businesses. They've been standing on the doorstep, trying to sell this Bushwah and use it as an excuse to "divvy up America" like a giant wheel of cheese. You have to ask yourselves -- if any of these organizations were ever legitimate, why are they all incorporated? Who do they really belong to? Why didn't they come forward and bring these issues and these assets to your attention? Because they were intent on commandeering our assets, "latching" them, and using them as chattel to pay their own debts, just as the original Scottish Interloper did back in 1868. It isn't in their interests to explain anything to you or help you to bring forward your own claims to your own assets. Instead, they operate under the Roman Civil Law and its Maxim: "Let him who will be deceived, be deceived." If they can trick you again into accepting their stories and their British Territorial substitutes--- instead of owning your own assets and self-governing your own States of the Union--- they will be more than happy to do the job for you and act "in your names" to do so. But if you are wise, and I hope you all are, you will be even more determined to reclaim your birthrights and have control of your own lives and assets---- and put all the public employees in their proper places. If you want "your share' of what is owed to America and Americans, and if you care about your security and prosperity and that of your children and grandchildren for the next hundred years --- don't waste any more time or effort on any other thing. Just up-end your anchor and sail home. Go to: www.TheAmericanStatesAssembly.net and get started today. Your State Assembly needs you. Important decisions are being made. Only those who are willing to self-govern can prevail. ---------------------------- See this article and over 2700 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com To support this work look for the PayPal buttons on this website. Rip Off, Indeed ![]() By Anna Von Reitz I just filed a rebuttal to the Rip Off Report filed by some member of the Reign of the Heavens Society, one of the three principle teams of con artists assailing and trying to misrepresent the States and People. It never fails that the process of projecting one's own guilt on others leads these offenders to accuse innocent parties of doing exactly what they are doing themselves: attempting to rip off the American People and mislead them into supporting more fraud against their own interests. In case it has missed the notice of many readers, there are trillions of dollars up for grabs ---- your National Credit, now standing at more than $25 trillion dollars, 20,000 tons of gold confiscated by the Franklin Delano Roosevelt Administration, all the American gold transported to the Philippines for safekeeping prior to the 1906 bankruptcy, your stock portfolios and ownership interests in the Fortune 500 and thousands of other corporations around the world, and the value and ownership of your land assets --- are all on the line. That's why these shady organizations like the Reign of the Heavens Society and Russell J. Gould's PsyOp, and the "United States of North America" are popping up like mushrooms. The rest of the world wasn't left as ignorant by their Public School system as you were. And the United Nations Corporation which engineered all this, is sitting in the background, still hoping to claim that America is "abandoned" and that the Americans all disappeared circa 1860, and have left the entire country and everyone in it up for grabs, subject as chattel for the debts that the United Nations Corporation and its franchises. In other words, you and your children and your grandchildren have been targeted as the goats. The other countries were all supposed to get a piece of your "abandoned" pie ---- your land, your National Credit, your homes, your businesses. They've been standing on the doorstep, trying to sell this Bushwah and use it as an excuse to "divvy up America" like a giant wheel of cheese. You have to ask yourselves -- if any of these organizations were ever legitimate, why are they all incorporated? Who do they really belong to? Why didn't they come forward and bring these issues and these assets to your attention? Because they were intent on commandeering our assets, "latching" them, and using them as chattel to pay their own debts, just as the original Scottish Interloper did back in 1868. It isn't in their interests to explain anything to you or help you to bring forward your own claims to your own assets. Instead, they operate under the Roman Civil Law and its Maxim: "Let him who will be deceived, be deceived." If they can trick you again into accepting their stories and their British Territorial substitutes--- instead of owning your own assets and self-governing your own States of the Union--- they will be more than happy to do the job for you and act "in your names" to do so. But if you are wise, and I hope you all are, you will be even more determined to reclaim your birthrights and have control of your own lives and assets---- and put all the public employees in their proper places. If you want "your share' of what is owed to America and Americans, and if you care about your security and prosperity and that of your children and grandchildren for the next hundred years --- don't waste any more time or effort on any other thing. Just up-end your anchor and sail home. Go to: www.TheAmericanStatesAssembly.net and get started today. Your State Assembly needs you. Important decisions are being made. Only those who are willing to self-govern can prevail. ---------------------------- See this article and over 2700 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com To support this work look for the PayPal buttons on this website. How do we use your donations? Find out here Pirates, Pirates, Everywhere.... Make No Mistake By Anna Von Reitz
There are three known groups of pirates attempting to commandeer our Ship of State. They are: (1) Russell J. Gould and his acolytes, pretending that their untoward seizure of the Title IV Flag from some of our disabled subcontractors entitles them to our property; in fact, the actual applicable law is: "Possession by pirates does not change ownership." Our subcontractors never actually possessed our flag in any form or proportion; they were allowed to use the Title IV Flag when conducting business for us and exercising our delegated powers to do so. Their lapse is not our loss under any form of international law. (2) Reign of the Heavens Society -- a group of nutcases working largely offshore (as pirates usually do) claiming that because they bought some bric-a-brac and documents left over from the bankruptcy of the Scottish Interloper (1868-1906) that they own The United States of America. As the Scottish Interloper was a commercial corporation infringing upon our Good Name, trademarks, and copyrights without authority to do so, it was acting as a pirate and a fraudster, and all that results from piracy and fraud is more fraud. The international law remains: "Possession by pirates does not change ownership." --- whether in 1868 or today. These provocateurs have done the same thing as their Scottish antecedents and have sought foreign incorporation using and abusing our name and seeking to personate us and confuse themselves with us by operating a corporation merely calling itself "The United States of America ----- Incorporated". We have never authorized the existence of any such foreign corporation named after our Federation of States, and they have no authority, right, or reason --- apart from attempted impersonation and piracy --- to infringe upon the lawful unincorporated Federation of States in this manner. Recently, they issued a bunch of clap-trap claiming that I had been sentenced to 37 years in prison and was to be apprehended and sent to the nearest facility; since they are just a bunch of pirates trying to operate foreign storefronts as "States of States" they are the criminals under our Public Law, International Law of the Sea, and Commercial Law Merchant. All three. Avoid these numbnutz characters like the plague and take nothing they say, no threat they make, seriously. And never let them gain any ground to pull another round of the Scottish Interloper Fraud on us. (3) A group of Moors and disaffected Negroes styling themselves as the United States of North America (Is Canada involved? Mexico? Just another name-sake of the United Nations' "Regional Government" scheme?) claiming that they are the last surviving Parties to a Suzerain Treaty predating the founding of this country by several thousand years; the problem they face is that everyone here is also Party to the same Treaty and enabled to enforce the Will of God against them, as we are self-evidently here by the Will of God and Nature and are in control of the actual government of this country--- also by the Will of God and Nature, and in no case does this claim of theirs invalidate one iota of what we are owed by the Queen, the Pope, the Holy See, the Lord Mayor, the Moroccan Government, and the King of Spain. So, pirates, pirates, everywhere -- and not a valid claim among them, just as you would expect from people and enterprises intent upon making false claims in international and commercial jurisdictions for their own self-interested benefit. We, the American States and People, and our Federation of States remain the Lawful Government of this country in international jurisdiction. We control this land and soil by the Grace of God and there is no other standing between us and the Divine Presence. And we insist that our Treaties and Power-Sharing Agreements be honored in full and that our assets be returned to us, including our Good Names, our Trademarks, our Copyrights, all our Material and Substantial Interests, without further nonsense, obstruction, or obfuscation. Nature's God deemed that we should be here and by his grace, here we are. ---------------------------- See this article and over 2700 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com To support this work look for the PayPal buttons on this website. How do we use your donations? Find out here. ![]() By Anna von Rietz There are three known groups of pirates attempting to commandeer our Ship of State. They are: (1) Russell J. Gould and his acolytes, pretending that their untoward seizure of the Title IV Flag from some of our disabled subcontractors entitles them to our property; in fact, the actual applicable law is: "Possession by pirates does not change ownership." Our subcontractors never actually possessed our flag in any form or proportion; they were allowed to use the Title IV Flag when conducting business for us and exercising our delegated powers to do so. Their lapse is not our loss under any form of international law. (2) Reign of the Heavens Society -- a group of nutcases working largely offshore (as pirates usually do) claiming that because they bought some bric-a-brac and documents left over from the bankruptcy of the Scottish Interloper (1868-1906) that they own The United States of America. As the Scottish Interloper was a commercial corporation infringing upon our Good Name, trademarks, and copyrights without authority to do so, it was acting as a pirate and a fraudster, and all that results from piracy and fraud is more fraud. The international law remains: "Possession by pirates does not change ownership." --- whether in 1868 or today. These provocateurs have done the same thing as their Scottish antecedents and have sought foreign incorporation using and abusing our name and seeking to personate us and confuse themselves with us by operating a corporation merely calling itself "The United States of America ----- Incorporated". We have never authorized the existence of any such foreign corporation named after our Federation of States, and they have no authority, right, or reason --- apart from attempted impersonation and piracy --- to infringe upon the lawful unincorporated Federation of States in this manner. Recently, they issued a bunch of clap-trap claiming that I had been sentenced to 37 years in prison and was to be apprehended and sent to the nearest facility; since they are just a bunch of pirates trying to operate foreign storefronts as "States of States" they are the criminals under our Public Law, International Law of the Sea, and Commercial Law Merchant. All three. Avoid these numbnutz characters like the plague and take nothing they say, no threat they make, seriously. And never let them gain any ground to pull another round of the Scottish Interloper Fraud on us. (3) A group of Moors and disaffected Negroes styling themselves as the United States of North America (Is Canada involved? Mexico? Just another name-sake of the United Nations' "Regional Government" scheme?) claiming that they are the last surviving Parties to a Suzerain Treaty predating the founding of this country by several thousand years; the problem they face is that everyone here is also Party to the same Treaty and enabled to enforce the Will of God against them, as we are self-evidently here by the Will of God and Nature and are in control of the actual government of this country--- also by the Will of God and Nature, and in no case does this claim of theirs invalidate one iota of what we are owed by the Queen, the Pope, the Holy See, the Lord Mayor, the Moroccan Government, and the King of Spain. So, pirates, pirates, everywhere -- and not a valid claim among them, just as you would expect from people and enterprises intent upon making false claims in international and commercial jurisdictions for their own self-interested benefit. We, the American States and People, and our Federation of States remain the Lawful Government of this country in international jurisdiction. We control this land and soil by the Grace of God and there is no other standing between us and the Divine Presence. And we insist that our Treaties and Power-Sharing Agreements be honored in full and that our assets be returned to us, including our Good Names, our Trademarks, our Copyrights, all our Material and Substantial Interests, without further nonsense, obstruction, or obfuscation. Nature's God deemed that we should be here and by his grace, here we are. ---------------------------- See this article and over 2700 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com To support this work look for the PayPal buttons on this website. How do we use your donations? Find out here. ![]() By Anna Von Reitz Let’s begin with a quote from Benito Mussolini: “Fascism should rightly be called Corporatism because it is a merger of state and corporate power.” This is what “your” military is engaged in right now. They are acting as Agents of the British Territorial Government and infringing illegally on our Good Name and Trademark, operating as a Scottish Commercial Corporation doing business as THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA — and selectively seizing upon corporations that are chartered under “the” United States. So for example, they have seized upon Walmart and they have seized upon Costco and Amazon and Walgreens and all sorts of other “US Corporations” and the military is now directly running these iconic “brand” operations however they see fit. Notice that General Dunford is now sitting as the Top Vulture at Lockheed and overseeing the death and dismemberment of Boeing. All over this country the military junta that has been illegally and unlawfully and immorally ruling over us as a “protectorate” since 1863, has been gobbling up and commandeering corporations chartered under “the” United States and using your credit and borrowing your authority to do it. The problem is that as all these Municipal corporations were chartered under your Delegated Power, they belong to you. So the misbegotten military is using your credit to seize upon corporations that already belong to you. Say what? We, The United States of America, the unincorporated Federation of States, already own and have first dibs on all Municipal Corporations chartered under our Delegated Powers. They belong to us, not our Subcontractors. But here these Territorial Honchoes are, pretending to have an interest in these corporations that they don’t have, and buying up all this municipal property— that is actually our property—- at fire sale prices, and using our credit to do it. Got that? Your Employees are offering to buy your house out from under you by pretending to be you or to be your Agent and using your credit to do so. Now, of course, you never authorized these people to act in any such capacity. You haven’t even been told that this is going on and that your credit is being abused in this fashion and that you are in effect being forced to buy back your own property for the benefit of new owners. But now you have been told and you need to take action. Start by declaring your proper political status as an American, then join your State Assembly, and make it very, very clear to the US Trustees that you are the Primal Creditor of all the bankrupt municipal corporations and you will receive back their assets without paying for them again and without giving any title or ownership interest to the Scottish Commercial Corporation doing business “as” THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. ---------------------------- See this article and over 2400 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com To support this work look for the PayPal buttons on this website. How do we use your donations? Find out here. The American States Assembly
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You Choose the Amount Differences between being American and being a U.S. CitizenAnna von reitz