![]() By Anna Von Reitz As a result of three recent Articles, "The Unknown Past" and "The Unknown Past - Part 2" and "Quick Primer", I have received some good questions that deserve good answers. 1. Is the Civil War ongoing? Do you mean it never ended? The hot war ended in June of 1865 in the Arctic. The last shot was fired by the legendary C.S.S. Shenandoah, one of the finest American fighting vessels of all time. Even this was lied about in our history books and we were left to believe that the Civil War ended with the surrender of Lee's Army at Appomattox, Virginia in April of 1865. Oh, well. Those of you who care to know the truth are invited to read Lynn Schooler's "The Last Shot". Naval history buffs won't be disappointed. The cold war has continued, because it has allowed the associated European Powers, the British Monarch and the Pope, to plug a siphon into our wallets and keep pumping. That this is the fact can be easily observed by the existence of such Offices as the United States Attorney General, the Lieutenant Governors, and other undefined quasi-military offices that have no legitimate provenance in our government. Yes, People, those of you who are just waking up. Our disloyal employees have been staging a mercenary cold war conflict on our shores for a hundred and fifty years, and they have been conscripting you into this illegal perpetual mercenary "war" without your knowledge or consent. They have falsified the public records concerning your political status, nationality, and other facts, so as to continue and promote this circumstance, while leaving you no means to object. You can't object or defend yourself, because you have been left ignorant and uninformed ---deliberately. Most Americans don't have a clue. The fundamental Breach of Trust takes place when we are only a few days or weeks old, long before we are truly conscious and able to defend ourselves. This results in Unconscionable Contracts being set in motion. Keeping us ignorant about the actual circumstance has been their means of enforcing Unconscionable Contracts benefiting them. They keep the fake war going so that they can continue to claim costs related to the "war" and so that they can assert oppressive military common law. Instead of supporting and obeying the actual civilian government as their contract demands, they have been running rough shod over their employers. The only Courts left that are competent to convene a Three-Man Officer Court and make a determination in our favor as a Military Tribunal are the Circuit Courts. All the other courts are being operated as private bill collection agencies under a series of deliberate false legal presumptions. They've been treating us like cattle in a stockyard, and picking us off one by one via illegal confiscations and foreclosures, illegally conscripting and press-ganging our children, distorting our textbooks, infiltrating our universities, converting our rights into privileges, asserting legislative statutes over the Public Law, converting our private property into public trusts which their attorneys are allowed to pillage at will. This secretive and highly illegal and immoral plundering has been taking place for decades. 2. How would a Declaration of Peace change anything? Every time we visited the Civil War in any history class I ever attended, the teacher took at shot at Andrew Johnson, the Vice-President who became President after Abraham Lincoln's death. We were given no details but left with the impression that Andrew Johnson was a bad President, incompetent, etc. Nothing could be further from the truth. Andrew Johnson is quite possibly the bravest man who ever sat in the President's chair. He issued no less than three (3) Public Declarations firmly establishing the Public Peace. He did everything he could to prevent and put an end to exactly the situation described above. The Plotters eventually got around his actions by creating corporations to do the dirty work and by getting later Presidents to go along with their criminality. Trump, like Johnson, is in a position to put an end to the worst of it by issuing a similar Public Declaration of Peace. He could also open up the Electoral Process simply by recognizing the over 150 million Disenfranchised Electors who have been coerced to either (1) register to vote and give up their property rights to the federal corporations or (2) stop casting ballots in the General Elections and be counted as criminals if they do. This racketeering scheme and manipulation of our Electoral Process has somewhat backfired on them in that it keeps them from ever achieving a mandate for their "democracy"--- a form of government that is patently alien to our country and our people. 3. What are we going to do about it? At the end of the day, we have to wake up and get organized and stand on the jurisdictions that we are heir to. Now that we know what has gone on here and how we have been misidentified and who and what is being manipulated to secure these deplorable results, we are enabled to take action in our own behalf. First, we have to stop drifting along letting our employees define us and our political status to suit themselves. Because the two sides of this phony "war" are both groups of our employees, one British Group, one Papist Group, they have sought to misidentify us as federal employees, too. They do this to involve us in their "war" and provide themselves with excuses to confiscate our property and harass us. This requires them to mis-characterize us as either a "United States Citizen" --- one of the Brits, or, as a "citizen of the United States", one of the Papists. We are in fact State Citizens of a different "United States"---- The United States, with a capital "T". Most of us are not federal military employees or dependents, nor are we federal civil service employees or dependents. As a result, the correct way to describe our political status is: "State Citizen of The United States", but the similarity of the names and general ignorance has allowed them to confuse people about which "United States" is being referenced. They deliberately and forcefully falsify our records at hospitals using the Dead Baby Scam. We are in fact American State Nationals at birth and need to reclaim that status. Our team has pioneered a paperwork process to do this. It is explained and templates are made available on my website, www.annavonreitz.com, Article 928, and at www.theamericanstatesassembly.net website. A man has no name for himself. God did not give us names and we were not given any authority to name ourselves. All this goes back to Biblical constructs in the Western World. So, all living people are nameless. What happens is that we are "Given" a name as a "Gift" and as an "Inheritance" in the same way that we might be given a bicycle. This is your Person, also known as your Trade Name, because you use it to identify yourself and others use it to identify you when conducting business affairs. This Given Name in the West is Bicameral --- represented by the House of Lords and the House of Commons in England. Your Bicameral Name is split in two parts, your Christian Name, for example, "Peter" and your Family or Sur Name, for example, "Olson". "Peter" is supposed to be represented in the House of Lords, while "Olson" --- which is a name that can equally belong to many people --- is supposed to be represented in the House of Commons. This same principal applies to the representation in The United States Senate vs. The United States House of Representatives. The idea is that we are individually sovereign and "lords" as living people in our private lives, while maintaining an association with our families and communities "in common" ---- thus, there is a natural separation between private interest and public interest which is reflected in the legislative bodies and in our Bicameral Names. The introduction of a so-called "Middle Name" was adopted as a means of creating an additional "immaterial" Person --- a business entity separated from this system of "recognizable" and "lawful" government. As you will discover if you read Law Dictionaries, the use of a Middle Name invalidates this system of lawful national government and puts you in a different international status. Your Lawful Person is "Peter Olson". Your Legal Person is "Peter John Olson". Unfortunately, the Legal Person has been substituted for the Lawful Person and as a result, only those who happen to know this information can access the protections of their Nationality, or, alternatively, redefine the Legal Person by a process of "Lawful Conversion" --- which is what we do. Most of us have suffered from the "Unlawful Conversion" of our Lawful Persons like "Peter Olson" into these foreign, international Legal Persons, like "Peter John Olson" and must undertake an answering "Lawful Conversion" to reverse the process. Because we have many records and property held in these foreign, international Names, we have to keep control of the Legal Person we've been unwittingly operating under. To rectify this and still keep control of our property interests requires us to "convert" the Legal Person by declaring its permanent home and domicile on the land of a Sovereign State. This process effectively "dry docks" the Legal Person and makes it subject to the Law of the Land, bringing it under the protections and conventions of the Constitutions and the international land laws, such as the Geneva Conventions. A Judge seeing the name "Peter John Olson" assumes that he is dealing with a Legal Person in the international jurisdiction of the sea; after you lawfully convert this Legal Person by seizing upon it and declaring its domicile on the land jurisdiction, a whole new set of legal presumptions and laws apply. It will be your responsibility to inform the Judges in your cases that your Legal Person, for example, "Peter John Olson" has been lawfully converted and returned to the land jurisdiction. The paperwork that you record is evidence of the lawful conversion you have executed and the fact that "Peter John Olson" is now subject to the Law of the Land You must do a similar correction with all the Municipal PERSONS that have been "gifted" to you, for similar reasons. When you are addressed by any Municipal or Territorial District or State of State Court, you must immediately challenge its jurisdiction and appeal the issue to the Circuit Court---- "I challenge this court's jurisdiction and appeal to the Circuit Court." The Circuit Court is the only court left that can bring a panel of three military officers and make a determination of your political status, consider the facts of your case, and grant you relief. 4. Okay, I have lawfully converted all these "persons" and returned them to the land jurisdiction. I returned and surrendered the Municipal PERSON Birth Certificate to competent international law enforcement officers and returned the trademark NAMES to the land jurisdiction, too. I recorded the Certificates for those along with the rest of the paperwork. I understand that I am a State National of The United States with a capital "T", not a "United States Citizen" and not a "citizen of the United States". Now what? You are now clear to claim your actual State Citizenship and assemble your State of the Union. Go to: www.theamericanstatesassembly.net to get started. 5. How can we enforce this? The moment you "arrive" back on the land jurisdiction and assume your role as one of the People of this country, you are enabled to enforce the Constitutional Agreements and have a duty to do so. We enforce the Constitutions by assembling our States, populating our public offices, filling our vacated courts, commissioning our Continental Marshals, electing our land jurisdiction Sheriffs, and joining our State Militia. Many people assume that only uniformed police officers have the power to make arrests and only "state of state" courts have any ability to prosecute crimes. They also think that militias are dangerous and inhabited by right-wing nutcases. None of this is true. In this country, every American who accepts the responsibility of State Citizenship has the right to make citizen arrests. Even Americans who happen to be working as foreign Law Enforcement Officers on a For-Hire basis, have the ability to enforce the Public Laws including the provisions of the Constitutions. See Mack and Prinz vs. USA, Inc. Moreover, every State Citizen between the ages of 21 and 45, who is mentally and physically fit, is by definition a member of the State Militia. We are not at war with anyone and we are not part of the commercial mercenary squabbles of our run amok employees, but we do owe a duty to the Public Peace and we also have a duty to ourselves and to our country to enforce the actual Public Law. In addition to a Public Declaration of Peace by President Trump, we can lawfully and peacefully impose our control over our jurisdictions which include the land and soil of this country. Bringing a permanent end to the bogus Civil War and all the false legal presumptions and frauds and unauthorized offices associated with it is as easy and as difficult as issuing a credible Order as an organized civilian government. This requires having active jural assemblies in at least a majority of the States. We are close to that goal now, and could have the job done tomorrow, if certain parties would wake up and face the necessity of doing the paperwork to "return" the Legal Persons and convert them into Lawful Persons. 6. Why can't we just use our plain names, the original Lawful Names, like "Peter Olson", form our Assemblies, and go forward? Because there is now no record of anyone called "Peter Olson" being born at the time and place where you were born. This is what I meant about having to maintain control of the foreign Legal Person and lawfully convert it. Your name has been unlawfully removed for the land and soil of your country, and illegally administered. A foreign improper Legal Name has been substituted for your Lawful Name. You have to convert the Legal Name and re-convey it back to the land and soil jurisdiction of the State where you were born and operate it "as" your Lawful Name in order to retain and control your assets and still be able to operate the land jurisdiction of your State. New records will have to be established. This is only a sufficient fix to protect everyone's material interests, and bring our civilian populace back under the protections of land law. The ultimate resolution of this Mess involves the Queen or her Successor returning all the purloined copyrights to the American Legal Person names which have been operated for profit by the British Crown, and the Pope calling an end to the issuance of Municipal PERSONS in our names. Until then, we have to slog it out one by one by one, and we have to use the authorities that we definitely do have to correct the records and deal with the circumstance. They are our Employees and they have no right to conduct any "war" on our land and soil, no right to presume anything about our identities or political status as babies, no excuse for what they have done. We have every right to fire them and hire new subcontractors to provide whatever services we want. Once we return to our proper status and accept the responsibility of self-governance we have the power to direct both the Territorial and Municipal United States to stand down and put a permanent end to their squabbling and self-interested double-dealing----and especially their attempts to genocide Americans on paper and retain institutions of slavery. 7. If, as you say, the document we are familiar with as "The Constitution of the United States of America" is just a Doppelganger of the real Territorial Constitution --- very similar, but not the same --- and its Fourteenth Amendment is just a By-Law of a defunct Scottish Commercial Corporation, not an Amendment to any Constitution ratified by our States ---what in the name of Jesus is going on? Fraud. Just plain old garden variety fraud. There is no excuse or valid basis for the enforcement of the "Fourteenth Amendment" or, for that matter, any such "Amendment". Mr. Trump has made references to the purported Fourteenth Amendment and like most Americans has taken it seriously. But like Black's Law Dictionary, it began as a spoof --- a knowing fraud, that was taken seriously. That allowed the con artists to assume our identity, access our credit, and operate our government "as if" they were us, when in fact they were just con artists---- an early version of identity thieves and credit card hackers. Until we wake up and inform Mr. Trump of the facts and he realizes that he is standing on sand, both lawfully and legally, the Territorial Government he represents will continue to enforce a known fraud as if it had validity and will continue to enforce de facto slavery long after all such provisions have been outlawed on a worldwide basis. If we are sick and tired of this preposterous circumstance, it's time to lift our ugly heads and roar something to the effect, "The Articles of Incorporation of a defunct Scottish Commercial Corporation that ceased operations in 1907 have no authority, meaning, or enforce-ability on anyone today. Get your heads screwed on or go away!" The greatest danger to this country is our own gullibility, general ignorance, and failure to take action. Those of us who are awake must make every effort to act as modern day Paul Reveres and put as many sticks in the wagon wheels of these run amok corporations as possible. 8. What is being done to stop these criminals from doing us and other people harm? First and foremost, the information is getting out and into the hands of foreign governments including the foreign governments responsible for this horse hooey. This has two immediate effects: (1) friendly governments now have an understanding of what has gone on here and are inclined to intercede in our favor; (2) governments and corporations that were scheming against us and against our property interests on many levels are now exposed and their criminality is apparent, thus, they are "encouraged" to cease and desist and are being obliged to slink back into the shadows. Second, once the Legal Persons are seized upon and converted and returned to the land jurisdiction, land law clamps down and people are again protected by the Constitutional guarantees and Geneva Conventions and other provisions that the Perpetrators have to honor or be further exposed as crime syndicates. Third, your Federation of Sovereign States, The United States of America, which is your official "Ship of State" is still sea-worthy and competent to act in your favor while you attend to the task of assembling your States and getting on your feet. We have lost no time in rebutting False Claims of Abandonment and False Claims that our currency is insufficient. We have also put numerous protections in place to stop the looting at an international level, including Notices and Liens and Fixture Attachments on all assets belonging to the States and People of this country. This has been a long process that has run in tandem and in multiple jurisdictions, and poses an effective rebuttal to Globalist claims that we "no longer exist" and their attempts to seize our property. I know this is all a huge amount of unhappy information to take in, and I fully sympathize with the dismay and sense of being overwhelmed that many people feel. However, the actual States and People of this country have many friends and supporters,The United States of America is widely revered, our founding Principles are strong and valid and second to none, our government structure has resisted all attempts to circumvent it, and we have cleared the pathway home. What remains is for each one of us who are free to do so, to correct the records and convey and convert the Legal Persons associated with us, and then assemble our actual States, which are physically defined and occupy the international land jurisdiction of this country. Go to: www.theamericanstatesassembly.net website to get help with the paperwork involved and to get started on the whole reclamation process. A Restatement for the Confused![]() By Anna Von Reitz It's apparent that at least in some corners, my message is getting distorted, not being clearly understood---- or being deliberately sabotaged. We, the American States and People, are not at war. Technically, we have haven't been at war since 1814. Get those facts very clearly established in your minds. 1814 not 1914. And here is the actual structure of the government that is supposed to be functioning and running this country: The Union of republican states known as The United States, fifty in number, in control of the national soil jurisdiction, populated by people who are all American State Nationals who owe no duty to the government beyond keeping the peace. These are living men and women. The Federation known as The United States of America, composed of fifty States in control of the international land jurisdiction of this country, populated by People who are American State Citizens who owe their singular allegiance and duty to their State and who run its government. These are people functioning as Lawful Persons. The Confederation known as the States of America, composed of fifty Federal-level States of States, populated by American Persons. These are people functioning as Legal Persons. This level of our government hasn't been functioning since the 1860's. Add to the above American institutions, two foreign subcontractors: The British Territorial Government operating under our name as "the" United States of America, populated by British Territorial "Inhabitants" who are supposed to be here providing us with "essential government services" per Article IV of the separate Constitution governing their activities. These are all foreigners dubbed "United States Citizens". Americans can choose to act as "United States Citizens" and do so when they work for the military. These are all Legal Persons. The Roman Municipal United States Government operating under our name as "the" United States, comprised of Federal Civil Service Employees and Dependents. These are largely former American State Citizens of The United States who operate the "civil" --- not the "civilian" government functions we associate with the Federal Civil Service. Again, these are all Legal Persons dubbed "citizens of the United States" and while they continue in Federal Civil Service employment, they remain in this capacity. Okay? Got that much firmly fixed in your brains? The American part of the Federal Government hasn't functioned since the 1860's. All the "federal" functions were taken over by the British Territorial Government operating "as" --- "the" United States of America -- on an "emergency" basis as of 1868. [Our country has been run as a British Territorial Military Protectorate from 1868 to 1976, when the Perpetrators of this situation handed the Protectorate over to the United Nations.] At the conclusion of the "American Civil War" which was in fact not a war, but a mercenary conflict like Vietnam, this Interloper published a new "constitution" for itself modeled on and very similar to the actual Territorial Constitution. This Scottish-chartered Commercial Corporation rapidly adopted a number of "Amendments" to this fake Constitution (their "Amendments" were in fact corporate By-Laws) including the infamous Fourteenth Amendment. The Fourteenth Amendment declared all "citizens of the United States" to be criminals, and subjected them to slavery, because the Pope sided with the South in the so-called Civil War, and the Brits wanted to collect war reparations from the Federal Civil Service workers. This cold commercial mercenary "war" between these two groups of foreign governmental services contractors has been ongoing ever since, even though the Scottish Interloper went bankrupt in 1907 and whatever slim legitimacy its "Constitution" --- including any "Amendments" --- had, vanished with it. Our actual States, the members of the Federation of States doing business as The United States of America, were never involved in any Civil War. We can be sure of this because: 1. Our States are not "Civil" entities. 2. No war was ever declared by our Congress. 3. Lincoln bankrupted the Northern [Confederation] States [of States] in 1863; but, our Sovereign States are not eligible for bankruptcy, therefore, we can be sure that none of these actions involved our States. 4. No official Peace Treaty ever ended anything called the "American Civil War". The "American Civil War" was a vicious mercenary conflict between Federal Service Providers --- the American Federal Service Providers were destroyed or disabled, and their duties were usurped by the foreign-backed government employees. These two remaining groups of foreign-backed Federal Employees, have been conducting a cold mercenary war on our shores ever since, with the British (now United Nations) controlled entity being used to promote wars for profit, and the Municipal "Civil" entity being used to collect "war reparations" for their activities. To make this work for the benefit of the Perpetrators, a complex and now-mechanized constructive fraud scheme has been used to kidnap Americans and mis-characterize them as Federal Citizens--- both "United States Citizens" and "citizens of the United States". Basically, we have been illegally and immorally press-ganged as babies in our cradles. The point is that these are our Employees doing this to us, and their Managers, the Pope and the Queen owe us Due Diligence under both Treaty and Commercial Contract to make sure that nothing like this ever happens. Period. At all. They are both in Gross Breach of Trust. The collapse of the Confederation of the Federal States of States had nothing to do with us, beyond the fact that we should have been alerted immediately and assisted to reorganize new business entities to perform the duties assigned. Instead, the Brits secretively substituted their own franchises --- substituting their Territorial States of States for our Federal States of States. They usurped upon our authority and "expanded" their commercial service contracts via an undisclosed process of assumption without our knowledge or consent. To the average person on the street, the only change that was observable was a change from receiving services from "The State of Wisconsin" to receiving services from "the" State of Wisconsin. And so the American People have been cullied and gulled by their British-controlled (and now United Nations controlled) Employees, used for gun fodder in foreign wars for profit, and then made to pay the cost of those wars when they got back home. Do you see the scam now? Finally? The Brits get us into the wars, we fight them, then we pay for them, and the Brits and the Pope reap the profits. The Brits reap it directly as money and credit extorted from us under the false legal presumption that we are Municipal Civil Service Employees owing perennial war reparations under the bogus corporate Fourteenth Amendment. The Pope reaps it indirectly via backdoor payments from the Brits. And both of these governments are supposed to be our Allies, our Friends, our Protectors and Trustees under contract, committed to providing us with good faith service, "perpetual amity", to be Defenders of our National Trust ---- and if we hadn't pulled their chestnuts out of the fire in two World Wars, they wouldn't even exist anymore. This is the "thanks" we got. This is exactly what went on in the 1750's with the "French and Indian War" and exactly what the Colonists, including George Washington, objected to and which led (among other factors) to The War of Independence. We fought that war for the Brits and they rewarded us with punishing taxes, as if we were the Enemy. It's the same exact circumstance and only a slightly more sophisticated scam was used in constructive fraud to gain the desired result: Americans forced to fight their wars for them, then pay for the cost of the wars, and they keep the profit. Wake up. And its all criminal. It's all both unlawful and illegal as hell. It's all based on fraud and Unconscionable contracts. Better (or worse) still, its all based on "Amendments" made to a corporate charter by a defunct Scottish Commercial Corporation that went bankrupt in 1907. Uh-duh. Let's get this straight --- corporations can provide government services, but corporations are not governments. Corporations are chartered --- that is, created --- by governments. Not the other way around. So all these corporations that you see here have been chartered by the British Government and by the Papal Municipal Government. And both those foreign governments are utterly responsible for the behavior and actions of these corporations on our shores. The Creator is responsible for the Creation. We have no more intractable enemies on Earth than the members of the UK Parliament and the Lords of the Admiralty sitting in Westminster, and once again, we are being asked to pull their chestnuts out of the fire, fight their wars for them, and pay for their wars afterward. If we had the sense of Guinea Hens, we should have turned all our fire power on London and Rome and let both burn a long time ago. Add Brussels, Bern, and Hong Kong. And as for the Traitors who have infested our Capitol and acted as Inland Pirates and fostered this entire charade, we should have recognized them for what they are, too, also a long time ago. Since when do political lobbyists hold the strings to the Public Purse in this country? Wake up. If you don't get it, if what I am telling you is too hard to understand, go back and re-read it as many times as necessary. Satan's Kingdom is forfeit. We won the game without a hot war. Now all that has to happen is for Mr. Trump and our military to wake up, support the actual civilian government of this country, and assist us in collecting our assets. ---------------------------- See this article and over 1900 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com
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You Choose the Amount Differences between being American and being a U.S. CitizenAnna von reitz