![]() The Ongoing Fight to Restore the USA: Collecting Judge Anna von Reitz’s posts https://everydayconcerned.net/2016/01/17/the-ongoing-fight-to-restore-the-usa-collecting-judge-anna-von-reitzs-posts/ Posted on January 17, 2016 Posted Here March 14, 2016: Judge Anna von Reitz: Vital Information on the Current US Court System for Thomas Deegan, Ammon Bundy, and Everyone Else Facing Prosecution; Informing the Court with a Declaration of Political Status, and a Release and Discharge for the Judge Posted Here Feb 20, 2016: Judge Anna von Reitz: We Are Determined There Will NOT Be a Third World War, We Want the Criminals Recognized as Criminals Posted Here Feb 16, 2016: (Feb 15) Note About the National Liberty Alliance Posted Here Feb 16, 2016: (Feb 15) Letter of Support to Sheriff Glenn Palmer, Grant County, Oregon Posted Here Feb 15, 2016: Judge Anna von Reitz/Feb 10 Update: Where the Hammer Has to Hit First and Hardest…Local Counties That Have Incorporated & “Sheriffs” Who Have Failed to Enforce the Organic & Public Law Posted Here Feb 15, 2016: Judge Anna von Reitz/ (Feb 11) Address to Pope Francis: The Need to Dismantle the Machine Posted Here Feb 6, 2016: Judge Anna von Reitz: Clarification–What We Have Done/Answers for Tom–And the Rest of the World, Too Feb 3, 2016: Judge Anna von Reitz Vs Karen Hudes: The Banks Running the Govt. Services Corporations, including the Federal Reserve…IMF…World Bank and IBRD, Have Operated as Criminal Syndicates And Must Be Liquidated Jan 30, 2016: Judge Anna von Reitz/Anti-Corruption Society: Americans Free At Last (The Ties Have Been Permanently Broken) Jan 29, 2016: Judge Anna von Reitz: Information and Instruction Regarding FBI in Burns, Oregon Posted Here Jan 31, 2016: Judge Anna von Reitz: (Jan 21) Letter to General Dunford, American Armed Forces and Board of Governors & Directors, World Bank/IBRD/IMF Re. Final Notice of Commercial Obligation Lien Jan 28, 2016: Judge Anna von Reitz: Essential Knowledge for Every American to Know Jan 27, 2016: Judge Anna von Reitz: An American Amritsar Jan 26, 2016: Judge Anna von Reitz: Extra-Judicial Notice Issued to the Justices of THE SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES Jan 23, 2016: Judge Anna von Reitz: Notice to Pope Francis, the UN Security Council, Congress, and The World— Round Seven: Karen Hudes/World Bank/IBRD/IMF: There Is No “Interregnum” Jan 22, 2016: Open Letter to Pope Francis and All Members of the Christian Clergy from Judge Anna – 22 January 2016 Posted here Jan 18, 2016: Judge Anna Maria Riezinger: Crucial Information For All County Sheriffs, Police Departments, Officers, Federal Agents–Specifics On Law Enforcement Versus Peacekeeping Posted here Jan 17, 2016: Judge Anna von Reitz: Why Unrest of Any Kind Defeats Both Versions of America Posted here Jan 9, 2016: Judge Anna von Reitz: Great Britain, Fiduciary Trust Fraud, The Federal United States, The British Crown, All Countries Once Under the British Empire January 7, 2016: Doreen Agostino/Our Greater Destiny/Judge Anna von Reitz: The Hunters Are About To Become The Hunted Posted here Dec 23, 2015: Information of Interest Also to Targeted Individuals from Judge Anna re. Steps for Everyone to Take Today: Help Us Make Peace & Real Freedom in the World Posted here Dec 21, 2015: Judge Anna von Reitz: There Are Two Systems of Law in This Country Posted here Dec 2, 2015: Judge Anna von Reitz: The Jurisdiction of the Land Posted here Jan 17, 2016: Judge Anna Maria Riezinger Offers Some Clarity on Common Law, the Suppression of the lawful Common Law Court System, and the Current, Continued Use of Foreign Admiralty/Federal Martial Common Law Courts Posted here Dec 20, 2015: Judge Anna von Reitz: Solving the Problem of Individual Freedom and Sovereignty Posted here Dec 21, 2015: Dec 14, 2015 Letter to John Kerry and Ban Ki-Moon from Anna Von Reitz Dec 19, 2015: Second Letter to Sheriff Ward from Judge Anna Posted here Nov 24, 2015: Judge Anna von Reitz: An Open Letter to Sheriff Ward of Harney County Oregon- and to All County Sheriffs in America Original note with post: Just a note to say I hope to collect more of Judge Anna‘s posts here and will update this post regularly with links, collected above. As many know I have been trying to re-post some of her many valuable articles. Not merely is she currently re-posting in article format much of what is contained in her American Affidavit, in efforts to educate us all on what has transpired historically in the US, she is also keeping us updated on her ongoing efforts to directly address those in power, to restore Common Law or the law of the land to the land of the continental united States of America, and retrieve coffers of gold (:-) for the American people. (Odd as this may sound to those unfamiliar with this subject, gold from 1933 has become the center of some rather interesting debate. There is an ongoing conversation with Karen Hudes, ex-World Bank counsel, on the subject of the Global Debt Facility and the “world’s gold” and in reference to the recent commercial lien placed by Judge Anna and others on the American Bar Association, International Bar Association, and the Department of Justice, which has been recorded in various places, including Judge Anna’s site and PaulStramer.net. It’s hard to keep up! but I’ll aim to post on that shortly.) I’m especially keen to post Judge Anna’s work here because there is no doubt about it, she is offering insight into a different system of law (the jurisdiction of the land–common law, natural law, organic law) which could very well be the absolute cornerstone to completely turning things around in the USA and elsewhere–and breaking out of the surveillance/police state modality with its rampant injustice, covert programs, military deception, and excessive controls and surveillance we’re caught up in today. For those of us who are being unlawfully and illegitimately targeted, harassed, and assaulted MK-ULTRA-style in our homes with EMF radiation/scalar/sonic weapons hiding in our neighborhoods and communities under misnomers, euphemisms, and outright deceptions as “FISA-court-ordered electronic surveillance,” “concealed monitoring,” “consensual monitoring,” “threat assessment surveillance,” “radiation surveillance,” “non-lethal surveillance,” “non-invasive surveillance,” possibly also “Community-Based Participatory Research,” and many other Intel-concocted covers and lies, and enduring continuous radiation weapon assaults in continuous and unlawful invasions of privacy, intrusions into our homes, our bodies, and our brains, not to mention character assassination and employment sabotage in our communities–all under completely known and sanctioned yet undisclosed programs of collusion between agencies and the Department of “Justice”–and many many others suffering injustice today in the US, this is welcome news. Is it possible that, despite the state of lawlessness we are seeing around us today–things may actually begin to change? I follow the work of those working to restore Common Law with much hope. Please start following her brilliant work if you haven’t already, and please do share her work widely. We are so fortunate to have her voice, her brilliance, her activism, on behalf of all of us who are fighting without cease for a free and peaceful world.
![]() Act of Expatriation, Domicile Declaration and Allegiance Whereas Anna M. Riezinger-von Reitz and Anna M. Riezinger-Von Reitz and ANNA M. RIEZINGER-VON REITZ and all similarly named vessels in trade or commerce are all naturalized “citizens of the United States” under the Diversity Clause and are the age of majority and whereas such citizenship was never desired nor intended nor willingly nor voluntarily entered into under conditions of full disclosure They/THEY willingly and purposefully renounce all citizenship or other assumed political status or obligation related to the United States defined as “the territories and District of Columbia” (13 Stat. 223, 306, ch. 173, sec. 182, June 30, 1864) and its government, a corporation doing business variously as the UNITED STATES, THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, District of Columbia Municipal Corporation, etc., and permanently domicile upon and repatriate to the soil of Their/THEIR birth known as Wisconsin and freely affirm Their/THEIR allegiance to the same actual and organic state of the Union and do accept and reclaim Their/THEIR true nationality as American State Nationals and American State Vessels in all international and maritime commerce including all operations under Article X of The Constitution for the united State of America and Article X of The Constitution of the United States of America, owned and operated by Riezinger, Anna Maria at 2390 South Park Road, Big Lake, Alaska Postal Code Extension 99652, c/o Post Office Box 520994, Big Lake, Alaska, Postal Code Extension 99652 This action I validate and affirm this _____day of _______, 2016: ______________________ by Anna Maria Riezinger, all rights reserved. Notary Witness Alaska State Matanuska-Susitna County This _____day of ________ 2017 did visit one living woman known as Anna Maria Riezinger and she did establish this Act of Expatriation, Domicile and Allegiance freely and without coercion, in Witness whereof I set my sign and seal: ____________________________Notary; my commission expires on______________. Seal ![]() Judge Anna von Reitz Once you are “retired” you are retired and that is that. You are owed your pension and health insurance from “the government” corporation in the same way that you would be owed your pension and health insurance from IBM or Walmart or REI. You do not have any further obligation to the corporation. You can live wherever in whatever jurisdiction you wish. You simply have to make a choice — freedom or continued slavery? Having made that choice, you inform the State Secretary of State that you are retiring from any presumption of United States Citizenship or enfranchisement and are returning to your natural birthright status. You don’t lose anything, you simply change your political status. You “surrender” the Municipal PERSON created by the Birth Certificate back to the Secretary of the Treasury, you rescind your “Voter Registration” and you record the simple Improved Act of Expatriation that also covers your domicile and your allegiance to the land jurisdiction state. You inform your bank that your account is a private account and all funds transferred and deposited must be denominated as lawful money. You put a label “Retired Not for Hire” on the back of your drivers license. You buy “forever tags” for your license plates and “unregister” your car. As a former federal civil service employee you will have to continue to pay federal income taxes on that portion of your pension that actually comes from federal employment. If you worked for the federal government your whole life, you will have to pay income taxes on the whole amount. If you were in private employment for 30 years and the bulk of your pension is based on that, you only pay federal taxes on the portion derived from later federal employment. For most people whose only “federal employment” may have been a two-year stint as a young man in the military, the amount of their pensions derived from such slight attachment to the federal corporation is negligible and they don’t have to pay federal income taxes at all. They are otherwise naturally exempt. You have not been taught any of this because it was to the advantage of these foreign corporations that you never learn it and never exercise your exemptions and never be free. It is to their advantage if they can take and take and take, and never have to pay back anything. As a “citizen” you are at their mercy and have to accept whatever they give you, just as any slave must. As a state national, you are guaranteed their service and protection and are owed all the guarantees of the original Constitution. If you were born in this country, it’s your choice how you want to live and what kind of status you wish to adopt. It is not THEIR choice and once you exercise your exemption, THEY have no right to say one word to you about it. ![]() Re: https://mainerepublicemailalert.com/2017/06/10/re-anna-von-reitz-by-one-who-knows-6-9-17-intel/ Judge Anna von Reitz I have been contacted by over a hundred people who are being presented with huge out of the blue “tax” bills after they have already paid their property taxes for the year. These bills typically come with “Notices” — either “Notices of Power to Sell” or “Notices of Intent to Sell”. These Notices can be hand-delivered by process servers or they can come in the mail addressed to whatever name the victim has on their property deed. The gist of the message is always the same. Pay this humongous amount by such and such a date, or the county or the state is going to sell your home out from under you and evict you. Does this sound logical? No, it doesn’t. The only way it makes sense is if you know that the UNITED STATES is a corporation with all sorts of supposed “franchises” and that it is being liquidated along with its franchises, to pay off $20 trillion in debt. It still doesn’t make any sense until you also realize that you have been “enfranchised” in a way you never expected and that YOUR NAME is a franchise of the UNITED STATES, INC. just like a Dairy Queen franchise. Are you so clueless and behind the times that you don’t believe that the UNITED STATES is a corporation like any other corporation? Look this up for yourselves in Corpus Juris Secondum Volume 20, subsection 1785— “UNITED STATES is a foreign corporation (NY RE:Merrian, 36 NE 505, 1441 S. CT. 1973, 41 L.ED.287.” I have been told that the bankruptcy proceedings are in The United States District Court for the District of Columbia and that the lead judge is William Lambreth. I haven’t checked that out yet because frankly, I have been too busy taking practical action to provide American homeowners with a simple and practical defense against this outrageous fraud. I don’t know who these people are— this guy or “Katie Courier”— but I know that nothing they have said so far is true about me or much of anything else and none of it has happened so far as I know, so while they continue to make idiotic accusations against me with no proof for any of the spin-crap at all, I just plug along and get things done. Sooner or later it has to come home to people that actual hard work and knowledge walks and bull crap TALKS. Let’s see all those millions— or was it billions? — people were supposed to get from SWISSINDO? I wasn’t born yesterday, nor was I born in Missouri, but I know when I have been told a whopper and I remember who told it, too. When the revenuers come to your door and post a “Notice of Power to Sell” on it, I hope and pray to God for your sake that you have been listening to me and know what you need to know to defend yourselves instead of listening to all this senseless propaganda. NESARA? GESARA? Show me where? You can go on the Thomas.com website or onto Manta.com and search all you like and you will see that not a damn word has been spoken about either one of these things in Congress for YEARS. But you can go to the same search engines or even on the web generally and search for “US BANKRUPT” and “UNITED STATES Insolvent” and other similar topic searches and find out quickly enough that the UNITED STATES was declared insolvent in 2015. Hello? These gold-plated know-it-all pundits don’t want you to be scared or upset. They want you to believe that the nice kind bankers are planning a birthday party for you with cake and balloons. Tell that to the people who are getting these Notices and calling me in a panic, wondering what to do? And thank your God that my team saw it coming and took action in time to put the pieces in place to save your homes. https://mainerepublicemailalert.com/2017/06/11/a-reply-to-one-who-knows-and-apparently-knows-nothing/ ![]() Judge Anna von Reitz. Back in the days of overt slavery there was a peculiar practice called the “whipping boy”. When the Master of the Plantation did something bad, something worthy of whipping, he simply called his “whipping boy” and the unfortunate slave took the beating that the Master deserved. This caused righteous indignation on the part of the slave and did nothing to improve the behavior or moral character of the “Master”. It is the same with the Federal Reserve. They were de-fanged and mastered long ago and only exist as a repository bank and store front for the Exchange Stabilization Fund (ESF) not be be confused with the Economic Security Fund — also “ESF”. And what is the Exchange Stabilization Fund? It is essentially a mindlessly large hedge fund, designed for manipulation of the currency markets of the entire world. Money in all its forms is a commodity. So the Exchange Stabilization Fund is just a giant commodity market rigging scheme, dictating the value and availability of national currencies, through its ability to buy and hold these currencies. It’s illegal as hell. It should have been busted long, long ago. Every country in the world should be stomping on the “Congress” and all those responsible for this, without exception. And instead of whipping and beating the Federal Reserve, why not whip and beat the Exchange Stabilization Fund? Go to the source of the problem and by-pass the store front. It would be better for the morality of the whole world to — once and for all — identify the actual source of the problem. And there it is: the Exchange Stabilization Fund. Now you have a name and a diagnosis. The next part of the progression is treatment. Call your Presidents, your Congressmen, your various Poobahs and Pundits. Shake the walls and rattle the cages. Let the perpetrators in Whitehall know that their schemes and deliberations are known. Let the flunkies in the Philippines drafted as the Arbiters of this Grand Farce and Great Fraud take Fair Notice from the rest of the world. Let Donald Trump have lots of sunshine pumped up his skirt, and Pope Francis, too. Let the “UN” and “NEW YORK” and all the old Nazis get a thrill as they realize that everything— absolutely everything— isn’t “secret” after all. https://mainerepublicemailalert.com/2017/06/15/the-federal-reserve-is-only-the-whipping-boy/ ![]() by David Robinson Judge Anna von Reitz Go to my website, www.annavonreitz.com, #560, #607, #620 and those three articles lay out the entire process both for your personal redemption and your land protection. Please note that anyone can do the Corrected Deed process. Anyone can claim protection for their land under the Private Registered Indemnity Bond for their state of the union. The Corrected Deed process can be done right now, whether or not you have completed the process to free yourself from citizenship presumptions, because the indemnity is for your state of the union. Later, when you get your own political status cleaned up and you are officially “back on the land” you can use the Private Registered Indemnity Bond as I described for Lucretia. For people who are actually federal civilian employees, people of color, political asylum seekers, federal welfare benefit recipients— things are not so clear— but it appears to me that you can exercise the same protections via claim upon “Equal Civil Rights” provisions if you are challenged. This same process is now engaged in other countries and I am getting desperate calls and emails from people who are facing similar claims and demands worldwide. Obviously, the Private Registered Indemnity Bond established for the states does not apply worldwide, but the Payment Bond presented to the Holy See via the Vatican Chancery Court (Bank) does. Anyone who is willing to live under the Law of Heaven — keep the peace, treat others as you would be treated, and respect the free will of others so long as they don’t harm anyone or anything else—-can claim the protection of the Payment Bond, AMRI00003 RA393427653US on file with the Vatican Chancery Court. Please note that there is a “Declaration of Law” involved in making a claim under the Universal Payment Bond. In declaring yourself subject to these three Laws of Heaven you are committing yourself to obey them and setting yourself free from all other obligations. The Law of Heaven is universal, applicable globally, in all places, at all times. So, if you are a violent gangster pursuing a life of crime and are only repenting in order to get your tail out of a bind, think twice. If you are not pure in your intention, your action will be counted against you—- and as there are no secrets, your intentions will be known. There is help available to all on Earth, but only those who submit to the Law of Heaven can access it in good conscience and without a good conscience and good will to fulfill the Universal Law, the benefit received will still weigh against you. It is essential that everyone learn the importance of regaining your title, making your lien, and accessing your bond. The “title” to you, is YOUR Birth Certificate. This is where they split the title to the entity they created as an ESTATE trust and named after you, leaving the STATE OF_________ as the “presumed” equitable title holder, and you as the legal title holder. When you bring YOUR BC and turn it back to the Secretary of the Treasury, you are announcing your “return” to living status so far as the Municipal United States and its bankruptcy trustees are concerned, and making him your Fiduciary obligates him to settle the accounts. That title is then complete, both halves united and returned. The “lien” is accomplished using a UCC-1 Financing Statement to file a Non-UCC Claim (Box 6) against the NAMES and the organizations spun off the names. For example, the debtors “JOHN MICHAEL DOE, BANKRUPT CITIZENSHIP ORGANIZATION” and “JOHN M. DOE, BANKRUPT PUBLIC TRANSMITTING UTILITY ORGANIZATION” are subject to lien by Doe, John Michael. The bond has been set up for your individual state of the union where you were born and you can claim protection under the existing Private Registered Indemnity Bond for your state or you can set up a bond of your own. You now have actually completed title, lien, and bond to control your life estate. The final step is to record your actions in the land jurisdiction. You do this via a simple Deed of Reconveyance removing your Name and NAMES and all variations thereof to the land and soil of your birth — for example, North Carolina. Your Name can then no longer be “presumed” to be a Foreign Situs Trust and none of your NAMES (or property attached to those names) can be attached as property belonging to any municipal franchise. https://mainerepublicemailalert.com/2017/06/14/re-desperation/ |
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You Choose the Amount Differences between being American and being a U.S. CitizenAnna von reitz