James Clinton Belcher If anything bad happens in Richmond, Virginia, tomorrow, we are holding you and your respective governments entirely, 100%, commercially and personally responsible for it. "Governor" Northam is administering a "Commonwealth" entity and unnecessarily and recklessly imposing upon law-abiding Americans in violation of their Constitutional guarantees. This affront to our substantive law and to us is duly noted, on top of the many other offenses that your respective governments have promulgated in Breach of Trust. It is also duly noted that the in respect to the British Commonwealth United States the Queen acts as the Overseer for the Pope, so that in effect, Pope Francis is the Principal responsible for any bloodshed or acrimony or public damage in Virginia tomorrow. In the event that Governor Northam does not show appropriate and due diligence to ensure that he is not presuming upon Americans who are lawfully guaranteed their absolute right to keep and bear arms, we shall hold both the Queen and the Pope accountable for condoning through their employees and agents the promotion of violent insurrection and conflict on our shores. You have both been given due and appropriate Notice that illegal and immoral contracting practices have been employed by the British Crown and CAPSTONE to create fraudulent and unconscionable citizenship contracts with Americans. These contracts are invalid, null and void. This conspiracy to evade your responsibilities under the Constitutions has been discovered and fully vetted and both your administrations have been found wanting. You need to correct, not exacerbate this problem. Any harm, any public disturbance, any destruction of people or property will be held against you and charged at a rate of ten trillion dollars per life lost, and one billion dollars per house or building damaged. We are posting this commercial fee schedule in advance to make it clear that there will be unpleasant consequences for you as well as for the people of this country should you continue on this reckless path. James Clinton Belcher, Head of State The United States of America ---------------------------- See this article and over 2200 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com
Anna Von Reitz Updates Judge Anna Riezinger – 02-20-2016 RBN (in Defence of Humanity) https://youtu.be/lhFmhqG-ARw American State Assembly Correct Your Political Status Self-government is not possible unless the citizens are educated sufficiently to enable them to exercise oversight. https://www.newhumannewearthcommunities.com/correct-your-political-status.html order
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