![]() By Anna Von Reitz There are DOZENS of strains of Common Cold Virus and always have been. This is all just a ridiculous smokescreen to hide the Municipal Bankruptcy and Territorial attempts to "buy" back the Municipal Corporations (which belong to us) using our credit and assets to do it. Imagine this --- a pickpocket steals all the cash out of your left pocket, and then, he uses this stolen cash to buy the jewel in your right pocket. Have you got the schtick now? It's a shell game. The Municipal Government is owned and operated by the Pope directly (theft of the cash in your left pocket). The Territorial Government is also owned by the Pope, but it's operated "for" him by the British Queen --- who is busy trying to use your own assets and credit to buy your Municipal holdings (offer to buy the jewel in your right pocket). You are funding the whole shooting match, and they are trying to foist this off on you by doing what? Offering you "relief" payments --- also known as "benefits" ---- which they are free to define and misconstrue however they like, if you accept without doing some re-defining of your own. Left to themselves, the rats who are "giving" you a whole $300 billion out of the $6.2 trillion they are attempting to charge against your assets and credit ---- would happily claim that you "voluntarily" agreed to settle your claims against the Municipal UNITED STATES, INC., and that you accepted a token "equitable consideration" and donated the rest to them. So, we have acted in our official capacity and issued a Second Decree Over Mandate which you should take time to read --- and officially "accepted" these "relief payments" as "gifts" from the Pope and Queen ----- and back-charged their accounts for it, not ours. The "Unknown Country" has nothing to do with Kim or Tank or this country or the price of beans in China. The "Unknown Country" is also known as the "Divine Province" --- the realm beyond death. They set that trust up and renamed it to benefit themselves. They acted as "self-interested donors". A trust can be set up so that the Donors are also the Beneficiaries, and that is what they did. "Store up your riches in Heaven where thieves do not break in and moths do not decay......" But Benedict XVI also ordered them to open the Storehouses of the Lord ---- other trusts and accounts that are supposed to provide food and support for people in the End Times. Part of that included the Romanus Pontifex --- the City of Rome Trust, also known as the Urban Trust and the UBS Trust that Jamie Dimon stole and railroaded. Kim doesn't know jack shit about any of this. Marduk hated mankind and never intended for her to know or be able to do diddly. And just look at the situation. Do you see any actual assets being deployed, or just more BS? Let me answer --- more BS. More "Money of Account" that is being charged to you and used to benefit the bankers and middlemen. Goddamn stupid, crooked military officers can't figure this out to save themselves or don't have the "honor" to do anything about it. ---------------------------- See this article and over 2300 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com To support this work look for the PayPal buttons on this website. How do we use your donations? Find out here. Are You New To This Information? Get Up to Speed Fast!
![]() Yesterday I issued a warning in the form of an Alert about Disinformation coming from National-Voice.org (via Legal Registry, LLC, an organization in Washington, DC, that makes its living by registering (and stealing an undisclosed interest in) everything in sight. While giving them credit for accurately describing the corruption of the banks, I drew your attention to the fact that they are incorrectly assuming (and teaching you to assume) that the debts of the Territorial United States are our debts. Instead, all that debt of the Territorial United States is owed to us, the American States and People. Instead of being the Debtors responsible for their debts (the Queen of the UK is actually responsible for them and their debts) we are their Priority Creditors. The banks pretending to be the Creditors are "Secondaries" standing in a Middleman position, pretending to "represent" us in one capacity, while trying to stiff us for debts we don't owe in another. Well, here's another one --- Karen Hudes' latest "offering" on the Alter of Deception. She claims to have found a "secret" Constitution written in 1871, revealing "trillions of dollars" of debt purportedly left over from The Revolutionary War. [Hahahahahahah! Good one, Karen. How did you keep a straight face?] I have news for her. The British Territorial United States usurped upon our lawful Federal Government in 1868. The only Federal "Government" operating in 1871 was the Territorial United States Government and all that debt left over from the Revolution? That was owed by the Territorial United States -----that is, The United Kingdom and their pals, the Templars. How can I be sure? Because Andrew Jackson paid off all our debts from the Revolution during his Administration before the Civil War, and because of the dates. Our actual Federal Government ceased functioning in 1860. I have some additional comments to make. Our contract with the vermin allows them to charge us for expenses related to our States' mutual "defense"---- not for illegal commercial mercenary conflicts perpetuated on our shores by undisclosed Territorial United States Agents. Abraham Lincoln was a Bar Association Member strictly prohibited from holding any Public Office related to our States or Government. Likewise, Ms. Hudes is prohibited (since 1819, no less) from claiming or occupying any office or agency or position of trust related to our States and Government. No matter what gratuitous and ignorant and corrupt claims the World Bank may make, she does NOT speak for us in any capacity and is denied any such position by our Public Law. The secretive actions in Breach of Trust by the British King and Parliament in 1860 seeking to pull a commodity rigging scheme and bolster their own investments in Egyptian Cotton do not amount to any defense of our States and the resulting expenses of the Civil War are not our problem. Likewise their losses in the Revolution are the problem of the Territorial United States, not ours, and that is what is being discussed in the "secret" 1871 "Constitution" discovered by Ms. Hudes: the rats discussing how they were going to pawn off more debt on us when we didn't have a thing to do with any of this gross malfeasance and criminal mis-administration and when they don't have a leg to stand on for any of their actions. I am sorry. If the Queen won't ante up and honor the debts of the UK and the Territorial United States, they can ask for our forgiveness of the debt, but we are not going to stand here and allow them to "assume" debts against us. It's time for the United States Army to wake up and get up off their dead fat *rumps* and deal with the fact that they hired our Enemies as their providers of justice and the end result has been the pillaging and plundering of millions of innocent Americans, endless racketeering, and gross criminality in Breach of Trust and commercial contract on our shores----and all on their Watch. The Officers of the United States Army are liable for this entire debacle and if they don't want to be held responsible for gross dereliction duty resulting in genocide, pillaging, plundering, unlawful conversion of assets, kidnapping, inland piracy, conspiracy against the Constitution, treason and press-ganging, it behooves them to correct all the deliberately falsified public records and bring these banks and the members of the Bar Associations to justice. Now the Queen has decided not to pay their debts and we are not going to forgive them absent being asked to do so, and they are all between a rock and a hard place trying to figure out what to do. They have tried to use their usual means of making money --- starting a war and using our young people and resources to win it --- but that hasn't worked. They have planned to do various kinds of False Flags to "get something started" here in the US, tried to touch off race riots, tried to get a foot in the door with geo-engineered weather disasters, any excuse to kill off their Priority Creditors or charge them more money for "services". But that hasn't worked either, primarily because the rest of the world is now aware of who and what they are--- and the fact that they are British Flunkies and Templar Flunkies that don't represent the American States and People at all. The Territorial United States and the Municipal United States are both cornered at last --- stuck between a "Rock" made of outraged Americans and a "Hard Place" represented by the Sino-Russian Alliance. Professional liars like Karen Hudes may be amusing, but ultimately we stop laughing when faced with the facts. Millions of people have died and millions more have suffered and been robbed because of these purveyors of deceit. What the world needs is a clearing of the air, truth, and practical measures, not more Shinola. ---------------------------- See this article and over 1200 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com To support this work look for the PayPal button on this website.Yesterday I issued a warning in the form of an Alert about Disinformation coming from National-Voice.org (via Legal Registry, LLC, an organization in Washington, DC, that makes its living by registering (and stealing an undisclosed interest in) everything in sight. While giving them credit for accurately describing the corruption of the banks, I drew your attention to the fact that they are incorrectly assuming (and teaching you to assume) that the debts of the Territorial United States are our debts. Instead, all that debt of the Territorial United States is owed to us, the American States and People. Instead of being the Debtors responsible for their debts (the Queen of the UK is actually responsible for them and their debts) we are their Priority Creditors. The banks pretending to be the Creditors are "Secondaries" standing in a Middleman position, pretending to "represent" us in one capacity, while trying to stiff us for debts we don't owe in another. Well, here's another one --- Karen Hudes' latest "offering" on the Alter of Deception. She claims to have found a "secret" Constitution written in 1871, revealing "trillions of dollars" of debt purportedly left over from The Revolutionary War. [Hahahahahahah! Good one, Karen. How did you keep a straight face?] I have news for her. The British Territorial United States usurped upon our lawful Federal Government in 1868. The only Federal "Government" operating in 1871 was the Territorial United States Government and all that debt left over from the Revolution? That was owed by the Territorial United States -----that is, The United Kingdom and their pals, the Templars. How can I be sure? Because Andrew Jackson paid off all our debts from the Revolution during his Administration before the Civil War, and because of the dates. Our actual Federal Government ceased functioning in 1860. I have some additional comments to make. Our contract with the vermin allows them to charge us for expenses related to our States' mutual "defense"---- not for illegal commercial mercenary conflicts perpetuated on our shores by undisclosed Territorial United States Agents. Abraham Lincoln was a Bar Association Member strictly prohibited from holding any Public Office related to our States or Government. Likewise, Ms. Hudes is prohibited (since 1819, no less) from claiming or occupying any office or agency or position of trust related to our States and Government. No matter what gratuitous and ignorant and corrupt claims the World Bank may make, she does NOT speak for us in any capacity and is denied any such position by our Public Law. The secretive actions in Breach of Trust by the British King and Parliament in 1860 seeking to pull a commodity rigging scheme and bolster their own investments in Egyptian Cotton do not amount to any defense of our States and the resulting expenses of the Civil War are not our problem. Likewise their losses in the Revolution are the problem of the Territorial United States, not ours, and that is what is being discussed in the "secret" 1871 "Constitution" discovered by Ms. Hudes: the rats discussing how they were going to pawn off more debt on us when we didn't have a thing to do with any of this gross malfeasance and criminal mis-administration and when they don't have a leg to stand on for any of their actions. I am sorry. If the Queen won't ante up and honor the debts of the UK and the Territorial United States, they can ask for our forgiveness of the debt, but we are not going to stand here and allow them to "assume" debts against us. It's time for the United States Army to wake up and get up off their dead fat *rumps* and deal with the fact that they hired our Enemies as their providers of justice and the end result has been the pillaging and plundering of millions of innocent Americans, endless racketeering, and gross criminality in Breach of Trust and commercial contract on our shores----and all on their Watch. The Officers of the United States Army are liable for this entire debacle and if they don't want to be held responsible for gross dereliction duty resulting in genocide, pillaging, plundering, unlawful conversion of assets, kidnapping, inland piracy, conspiracy against the Constitution, treason and press-ganging, it behooves them to correct all the deliberately falsified public records and bring these banks and the members of the Bar Associations to justice. Now the Queen has decided not to pay their debts and we are not going to forgive them absent being asked to do so, and they are all between a rock and a hard place trying to figure out what to do. They have tried to use their usual means of making money --- starting a war and using our young people and resources to win it --- but that hasn't worked. They have planned to do various kinds of False Flags to "get something started" here in the US, tried to touch off race riots, tried to get a foot in the door with geo-engineered weather disasters, any excuse to kill off their Priority Creditors or charge them more money for "services". But that hasn't worked either, primarily because the rest of the world is now aware of who and what they are--- and the fact that they are British Flunkies and Templar Flunkies that don't represent the American States and People at all. The Territorial United States and the Municipal United States are both cornered at last --- stuck between a "Rock" made of outraged Americans and a "Hard Place" represented by the Sion-Russian Alliance. Professional liars like Karen Hudes may be amusing, but ultimately we stop laughing when faced with the facts. Millions of people have died and millions more have suffered and been robbed because of these purveyors of deceit. What the world needs is a clearing of the air, truth, and practical measures, not more Shinola. ---------------------------- See this article and over 1200 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com To support this work look for the PayPal button on this website. |
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